An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

An Overview of the HOME Investment
Partnerships Program

Updated January 4, 2021
Congressional Research Service

An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program was authorized by the Cranston-Gonzalez National
Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-625). HOME is a federal block grant program that
provides funding to states and localities to be used exclusively for affordable housing activities to
benefit low-income households.
Funds for HOME are appropriated annual y to the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), which in turn distributes funding to states and certain localities by formula.
Forty percent of HOME funds are al ocated to states and 60% are al ocated to localities. The
formula takes into account six factors, including the number of units in a jurisdiction that are
substandard or unaffordable, the age of a jurisdiction’s housing, and the number of families living
below the poverty line in the jurisdiction.
States and localities that receive HOME funds are known as participating jurisdictions.
Participating jurisdictions must match the HOME funds they spend with their own 25%
permanent contribution to affordable housing activities. They also must submit a Consolidated
Plan to HUD that identifies the community’s housing needs and describes in detail how HOME
and other HUD block grant funds wil be used to meet those needs. Participating jurisdictions can
administer HOME funds themselves, or they can designate public agencies or nonprofit
organizations to administer al or part of the HOME program on their behalf.
HOME funds can be used to finance a wide variety of affordable housing activities that general y
fal into four categories: rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing; assistance to homebuyers;
acquisition, rehabilitation, or construction of rental housing; and tenant-based rental assistance.
Projects that use HOME funding must meet certain income targeting and affordability
requirements. Specifical y, al HOME-assisted housing units must benefit households with
incomes at or below 80% of area median income. Additional y, 90% of occupants of HOME-
assisted rental units and households that receive tenant-based rental assistance must have incomes
at or below 60% of area median income. HOME-assisted housing must also meet certain
definitions of affordability and must continue to remain affordable to low -income households for
a specified period of time. The specific affordability requirements vary according to the type of
activity for which funds are used and the amount of HOME funding contributed to the project.
The amount of appropriations that Congress has provided to the HOME program has varied
somewhat from year to year. From the late 1990s until FY2011, funding for HOME was general y
between $1.5 bil ion and $2 bil ion per year. Between FY2012 and FY2017, appropriations did
not exceed $1 bil ion per year. More recently, annual appropriations have been in the range of
$1.3 bil ion. In FY2021, Congress appropriated $1.35 bil ion for the program.
In FY2020 (the most recent HOME funding distributed as of the date of this report), al 50 states
and 592 localities received HOME formula grants along with the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, and four insular areas. The median state grant amount (including the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico) was about $8 mil ion, and the median locality grant amount was about
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Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Background and Context .................................................................................................. 1
The HOME Program ....................................................................................................... 3
Participating Jurisdictions ........................................................................................... 3
The Consolidated Plan................................................................................................ 4
Eligible HOME Activities ........................................................................................... 5
Selected HOME Program Requirements........................................................................ 6
Income Targeting ................................................................................................. 6
Affordability and Other Requirements ..................................................................... 6
HOME Subsidy Limits .......................................................................................... 9
Subsidy Layering ................................................................................................. 9

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) ............................................ 9
HOME Program Funding ............................................................................................... 10
Annual Appropriations ............................................................................................. 10
The HOME Formula ................................................................................................ 12
Grants to States in FY2020 .................................................................................. 13
Grants to Localities and Consortia in FY2020 ......................................................... 14
Matching Requirement ............................................................................................. 14
Leveraging ............................................................................................................. 15
Uses of HOME Funds.................................................................................................... 16
Types of Units (Homeowner, Homebuyer, or Rental) .................................................... 16
Types of Activities (Rehabilitation, Acquisition, New Construction, or Tenant-Based
Rental Assistance) ................................................................................................. 18
Selected Characteristics of HOME Beneficiaries .......................................................... 21
Household Income.............................................................................................. 21
Household Type ................................................................................................. 22
Program Oversight ........................................................................................................ 23
HUD’s Oversight of PJs ........................................................................................... 24
PJs’ Oversight of Entities Receiving HOME Funds....................................................... 25

Figure 1. HOME Grants to States in FY2020..................................................................... 14
Figure 2. Cumulative HOME-Assisted Units, by Unit Type ................................................. 17
Figure 3. HOME Funds Spent by Unit Type ...................................................................... 18
Figure 4. Number of Cumulative HOME-Assisted Units and Households Receiving
TBRA by Activity Type............................................................................................... 19
Figure 5. Cumulative HOME Funds Spent by Activity Type ................................................ 20
Figure 6. Type of Investments in HOME Units by Unit Type ............................................... 21
Figure 7. Income of Households Occupying HOME Units ................................................... 22
Figure 8. Household Types Served with HOME Funds........................................................ 23

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Table 1. Appropriations for the HOME Account, FY1992-FY2021 ....................................... 11

Table B-1. Distribution of Participating Jurisdictions and Formula Funding by State for
FY2020 .................................................................................................................... 29
Table B-2. Formula Funding for Insular Areas for FY2020 .................................................. 30

Appendix A. Select Programs Formerly Funded Within the HOME Account .......................... 27
Appendix B. Distribution of Participating Jurisdictions and Total HOME Funding by
State ......................................................................................................................... 29

Author Information ....................................................................................................... 31

Congressional Research Service

An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program was created by the Cranston-Gonzalez National
Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-625). HOME is a federal block grant program
administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that provides
funding for affordable housing activities to states and certain localities through formula grants.
States and localities that receive HOME grants can choose to fund a wide range of rental and
homeownership housing activities that benefit low-income households to best meet local
affordable housing needs. This report provides an introduction to the HOME program, including a
brief history, an overview of al owable uses of HOME funds, and a description of certain program
requirements. It also provides information on funding for the program and how that funding has
been used.
Background and Context
In the late 1980s, some Members of Congress expressed concern about the state of the nation’s
housing. This concern stemmed from an increasing awareness of a variety of problems related to
housing, including homelessness, families living in sub-standard housing, and decreasing
opportunities for homeownership.1 The concern over these issues led to a number of efforts to
focus attention on housing policy, including the creation of a National Housing Task Force that
included housing policy experts and industry leaders. In March 1988, the task force produced a
report on its findings.2 Among the housing issues that the task force report identified was a
diminishing supply of rental and homeownership housing that was affordable to low -income
In a 1988 hearing on the task force report, some Members of the Senate Committee on Banking,
Housing, and Urban Affairs suggested that federal funding for housing programs was inadequate
to meet the affordable housing needs identified in the report.4 Most federal housing assistance
distributed to states and localities at the time was restricted to specific uses, such as Section 8
vouchers or Public Housing properties. Furthermore, programs that did give communities
flexibility to choose how to use their funds, such as the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) program,5 were primarily meant to fund economic development and community
revitalization activities and restricted the ways in which funding could be used for affordable
housing. For example, CDBG funds could be used for some housing rehabilitation but could not

1 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and House Committee on Banking,
Finance, and Urban Affairs, A New National Housing Policy: Recom m endations of Organizations and Individuals
Concerned about Affordable Housing in Am erica
, joint committee print, 100th Cong., 1st sess., October 1987, S. Prt.
100-58 (Washington: GPO, 1987), p. V.
2 T he National Housing T ask Force, A Decent Place to Live, March 1988.
3 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Subcommittee on Housing and Urban
Affairs, hearings on The National Housing Task Force Results of Their Review of the National Housing Policy and the
Housing Leaders Analysis of the Task Force’s Findings and Recommendations, 100th Cong., 2nd sess., April 12 and 14,
1988, S. Hrg. 100-689 (Washington: GPO, 1988).“Affordable housing” can be defined differently in different contexts,
but is generally understood to mean housing that costs 30% or less of a household’s income. Households that pay more
than 30% of their income for housing are considered cost -burdened, and households that pay more than 50% of their
income for housing are considered severely cost -burdened.
4 Ibid., p. 8.
5 CDBG was established by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 ( P.L. 93-383).
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

general y be used to construct new housing units.6 Concerned that existing programs were not
meeting the nation’s affordable housing needs, members of the Housing Task Force argued to the
committee that the level of federal funding specifically dedicated to affordable housing should be
increased in order to fully address affordable housing issues. At the same time, task force
members argued that local jurisdictions should be al owed more control over the ways in which
they used any such federal affordable housing funding.7
In 1990, Congress passed a major housing bil that responded to some of the issues raised by the
Housing Task Force and other experts.8 The Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act
(P.L. 101-625), or NAHA, stated that the nation’s housing policy was not meeting the goal of
providing “decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable living environments for al Americans” that was
first set out in the Housing Act of 1949.9 The law revised, amended, or repealed several existing
housing programs and authorized some new programs, including the HOME Investment
Partnerships Program (often just referred to as HOME).10
HOME is the largest federal block grant program that provides funding dedicated exclusively to
increasing the availability of adequate, affordable housing for low-and very low-income
households.11 The program places a particular emphasis on giving states and localities flexibility
in how they achieve their affordable housing goals, and funds can be used for a variety of
activities related to both rental and owner-occupied housing. HOME is also designed to expand
the capacity of states and localities to meet their long-term affordable housing needs by
leveraging federal funding to attract state, local, and private investment in affordable housing and
by strengthening the ability of government and nonprofit organizations to meet local housing
HOME is authorized by Title II of NAHA.13 HUD promulgated a final rule governing the
program in September 1996.14 In July 2013, HUD issued a final rule that made significant
revisions to certain program requirements, representing the first substantive changes to the
regulations since they were first finalized in 1996.15

6 Eligible activities that can be undertaken with CDBG funds are specified in statute at 42 U.S.C. §5305. For more
information on CDBG, see CRS Report R43520, Com m unity Developm ent Block Grants and Related Program s: A
Prim er
7 S. Hrg. 100-689, p. 21.
8 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, National Affordable Housing Act, report
to accompany S.566, 101st Cong., 2nd sess., S.Rept. 101-316 (Washington: GPO, 1990), pp.1-5.
9 42 U.S.C. §12721.
10 Other programs authorized by NAHA include the Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere (HOPE)
program, which is no longer funded, and the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. For
more information on HOPWA, see CRS Report RL34318, Housing for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS .
11 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, HOME Overview,
home/home-overview/. Low-income households are generally defined as households with incomes at or below 80% of
area median income (AMI), and very low-income households are defined as households with incomes at or below 50%
of AMI.
12 42 U.S.C. §12722.
13 T he HOME statute is at 42 U.S.C. §12722 et. seq.
14 Regulations governing the HOME program are at 24 C.F.R. Part 92. T he final rule followed an interim rule that
HUD had promulgated in 1991.
15 Department of Housing and Urban Development, “HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Improving
Performance and Accountability; Updating Property Standards,” 78 Federal Register 44628-44683, July 24, 2013, More information on the changes made by the
2013 final rule can be found on HUD’s website at
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The HOME Program
This section of the report describes the structure of the HOME program, including the
requirements that states and localities must meet in order to receive their own al ocations of
HOME funds, eligible uses of program funds, and certain requirements that HOME-assisted
housing must meet. The following section on “HOME Program Funding” describes the funding
for the program, including appropriations for HOME and the funding formula that is used to
al ocate the funds to states and eligible localities.
Participating Jurisdictions
Each fiscal year, Congress typical y appropriates funding to HUD for the HOME program during
the annual appropriations process. HUD then uses a formula to al ocate 40% of the funds to states
and the remaining 60% to eligible localities. (This is discussed in more detail in the “HOME
Program Funding”
section of this report.) States and localities that meet certain requirements to
receive their own al ocations of HOME funds are referred to as participating jurisdictions (PJs).
States are automatical y eligible to become PJs and receive the greater of their formula grant
amount or $3 mil ion annual y.16 Localities can only become PJs if they are metropolitan cities or
urban counties,17 and if they meet two funding thresholds. First, localities must be eligible for a
minimum amount of funding under the formula, usual y $500,000.18 Once localities meet this
threshold, they must also meet a second threshold: localities must dedicate a total of at least
$750,000 to affordable housing activities, either by having a HOME formula grant of at least
$750,000 or by making up the difference between their grant amount and the $750,000 threshold
with their own funds or HOME funds provided by the state from the state’s formula al ocation.19
Localities that do not meet the requirements to become participating jurisdictions may join with
other contiguous localities to form consortia in order to reach the minimum funding thresholds.
Localities that are not PJs can also participate in the HOME program by applying to their home

16 42 U.S.C. §12747(b)(2)(A).
17 A metropolitan city is defined to be the central city of a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), as defined by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB), or any other city within a metropolitan area with a population of at least 50,000
people. An urban county is defined to be a county in a metropolitan area that is authorized by state law to undertake
essential community development and housing assistance activities in its unincorporated areas and either (1) has a
population of at least 200,000 people, excluding metropolitan cities within the county, with at least 100,000 of that
population residing in unincorporated areas or included units of general local government in which the county has the
authority or has entered into agreements to undertake community development or housing assistance activities, or (2)
has a population of at least 100,000 people, a population density of at least 5,000 people per square mile, and includes
no incorporated places (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau) within its borders. T hese definitions can be found at 42
U.S.C. §5302(a)(4) and 42 U.S.C. §5302(a)(6).
18 T he minimum direct allocation threshold is reduced to $335,000 in years when appropriations for HOME are less
than $1.5 billion. However, Congress has often included provisions in annual appropriations acts to disregard this lower
threshold for the fiscal year. In years that such a provision is included in appropriations acts, localities still must meet
the higher $500,000 threshold to become participating jurisdictions during that fiscal year even though less than $1.5
billion is appropriated.
19 T he minimum contribution to affordable housing activities is reduced to $500,000 in years when appropriations for
HOME are less than $1.5 billion. However, Congress has often included provisions in annual appropriations acts to
disregard this lower threshold for the fiscal year. In years that such a provision is included in appropriations acts,
localities still must meet the higher $750,000 minimum contribution for affordable housing activities to become a
participating jurisdiction even though less than $1.5 billion is appropriated.
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state to receive a portion of the state’s al ocation of HOME funds. States in which no locality
receives its own al ocation of HOME funding have their grant amounts increased by $500,000.20
A state or locality that is otherwise eligible to receive HOME funds must submit a document
describing how it plans to use HOME funds to meet its affordable housing needs for HUD’s
approval before it can become a PJ. (This document, cal ed a Consolidated Plan, is described in
more detail in the following subsection.) Once a state or locality has been designated a PJ, it
remains one—and therefore continues to be eligible to receive its own al ocation of HOME
funds—unless its designation is revoked. HUD has the authority to revoke a jurisdiction’s
designation if it finds that the jurisdiction is not complying with program requirements, or if a
locality’s formula grant amount fal s below certain thresholds over a specified period of time,
although it is not required to do so.21
A participating jurisdiction can administer HOME funds itself, or it can designate a public agency
or nonprofit organization to administer al or part of the HOME program on its behalf. Such an
organization is referred to as a subrecipient. States can also choose to provide funds to local
governments to carry out HOME programs—in which case the local government is referred to as
a state recipient—but are not required to do so.22 Participating jurisdictions or their subrecipients
can distribute funds to a variety of organizations to undertake specific projects. These
organizations can include developers, owners, and sponsors of affordable housing, Community
Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs),23 private lenders, faith-based organizations, and
third-party contractors.
The Consolidated Plan
To receive HOME funding, a state or locality must submit a Consolidated Plan to HUD for
approval.24 The Consolidated Plan covers a three- to five-year period and includes a detailed
description of the jurisdiction’s housing needs and an explanation of how it wil use HOME
funding and funding from certain other HUD block grant programs to meet its specific housing
needs.25 The Consolidated Plan also describes how the jurisdiction wil leverage HOME funds to
attract local, private, nonprofit, or other non-federal sources of funds for affordable housing, and
it prioritizes projects by type and geographic location. While many activities are eligible uses of

20 42 U.S.C. §12747(b)(2)(B).
21 T he provisions related to revoking a locality’s designation as a PJ are at 42 U.S.C. §12746(9) and 24 C.F.R. §92.107.
22 24 C.F.R. §92.201(b)(2)
23 Community Housing Development Organizations are private, nonprofit organizations that meet certain legal and
organizational requirements, as well as requirements concerning their capacity and experience related to affordable
housing activities. PJs are required to provide at least 15% of their HOME funding to projects that are owned,
sponsored, or developed by CHDOs. T hat requirement is described in the “ Community Housing Development
Organizations (CHDOs)”
section of this report.
24 Regulations governing the consolidated planning process are at 24 C.F.R. Part 91. Information on the process is also
available on HUD’s website at -
25 T he other programs included in the Consolidated Plan are Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs),
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESGs), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and the Housing T rust
Fund. For more information on CDBG, see CRS Report R43520, Com m unity Development Block Grants and Related
Program s: A Prim er
. For more information on ESG, see CRS Report RL33764, The HUD Hom eless Assistance
Grants: Program s Authorized by the HEARTH Act
, and for more information on HOPWA, see CRS Report RL34318,
Housing for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS . For more information on the Housing T rust Fund, see CRS Report
R40781, The Housing Trust Fund: Background and Issues.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

HOME dollars, participating jurisdictions must specify in their Consolidated Plan which activities
they intend to fund.26
As part of the consolidated planning process, PJs submit annual Action Plans that describe the
specific activities that a PJ plans to undertake during the year to address its housing needs and
make progress towards the goals that are included in its Consolidated Plan. PJs also submit
annual performance reports on their use of funds and their progress towards their goals.27
The Consolidated Plan is meant to be the product of “a participatory process among citizens,
organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders” in a community.28 The HOME regulations
stress community participation, especial y by low- and moderate-income individuals, in
developing the Consolidated Plan, and jurisdictions must submit a “citizen participation plan”
that describes how citizens have been included and consulted in the process.
Eligible HOME Activities
In the years leading up to NAHA’s passage, some experts argued that local affordable housing
needs varied, and that localities should be free to develop solutions that fit local conditions.29
HUD describes the HOME program’s design as reinforcing the principle of giving communities
control over how to best meet their affordable housing needs.30 Accordingly, a wide range of
activities related to increasing the supply of affordable housing for low -income households
qualifies for HOME funding. These include both homeownership and rental housing activities.
The eligible uses of HOME funds fal into four broad categories:
Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing. Funds may be used to help existing
homeowners repair, rehabilitate, or reconstruct their homes.
Assistance to Homebuyers. Funds may be used to help homebuyers acquire,
acquire and rehabilitate, or construct homes. For example, down payment
assistance is an eligible use of funds under this category.
Rental Housing Activities. Funds may be used to help developers or other
housing organizations acquire, rehabilitate, or construct affordable rental
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA). Funds may be used to help renters with
costs related to renting, such as security deposits, rent, and, under certain
circumstances, utility payments. “Tenant-based” means that the rental assistance
moves with the tenant rather than being tied to a specific housing unit.
A participating jurisdiction may use up to 10% of the funds it is al ocated in a fiscal year for
administrative purposes.31

26 Consolidated Plans can be found on HUD’s website at
27 T he annual report is referred to as the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
28 24 C.F.R. Part 91.1(b)(1).
29 S. Hrg. 100-689, p. 21.
30 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development webpage, HOME Overview,
31 42 U.S.C. §12742(c). See 24 C.F.R. §92.207 for a description of eligible administrative expenses.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The law requires participating jurisdictions to give preference to rehabilitation of existing rental
and owner-occupied units. However, a PJ can undertake other activities if it determines that
rehabilitation is not the most cost-effective way for it to increase its supply of affordable housing
or that rehabilitation of the existing housing stock would not adequately meet its affordable
housing needs.32
Participating jurisdictions can disburse HOME funds in a variety of ways. Forms of assistance
that may be provided with HOME funds include grants, various types of loans, loan guarantees to
lending organizations, interest rate subsidies, and equity investments.
Certain activities are not eligible for funding under the HOME program. Ineligible uses of HOME
funds include modernizing public housing, providing tenant-based rental assistance under the
Section 8 program, supporting ongoing operational costs of rental housing, paying back taxes or
fees on properties that are or wil be assisted with HOME funds, and providing non-federal
matching funds for any other federal program. Other uses not authorized in statute or regulation
are also prohibited.33
Selected HOME Program Requirements
While PJs have much flexibility in choosing which eligible activities they wil fund with HOME
dollars, any projects funded through HOME must meet certain requirements in keeping with the
program’s stated objectives. This section describes some of the key requirements with which PJs
must comply.
Income Targeting
A stated purpose of the HOME program, according to the authorizing statute, is to increase the
supply of decent, affordable housing for people with low incomes and very low incomes.34
Accordingly, al HOME funds must be used to assist low-income households, which are defined
as households with annual incomes at or below 80% of area median income (AMI). Deeper
income targeting requirements apply to rental housing and tenant-based rental assistance.
Owner-Occupied Housing. Al HOME funds that are used for existing owner-occupied housing or
to assist homebuyers must benefit units that are occupied by households with incomes at or below
80% of area median income.35
Rental Housing and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance. At least 90% of the occupants of HOME-
assisted rental units or recipients of tenant-based rental assistance must be households whose
incomes are at or below 60% of area median income. The remaining rental units or TBRA must
benefit households with incomes at or below 80% of area median income.36
Affordability and Other Requirements
The income targeting requirements described above ensure that HOME-assisted units benefit
low-income households. Additional y, HOME-assisted units must be affordable to low-income

32 42 U.S.C. §12742(a)(2).
33 Activities that are prohibited uses of HOME funds are described at 42 U.S.C. §12742(d) and 24 C.F.R. §92.214.
34 42 U.S.C. §12722.
35 42 U.S.C. §12744 and 24 C.F.R. §92.217.
36 42 U.S.C. §12744 and 24 C.F.R. §92.216.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

households, and must continue to be occupied by low-income households and remain affordable
to such households over the long term.
In order to achieve this goal, HOME-assisted units must meet a number of requirements. Some of
these requirements govern the value of HOME-assisted units or the amounts that a household can
pay to rent or purchase a unit. HOME-assisted units must also meet additional requirements,
separate from the value of the home, to ensure affordability. As with income targeting, the prec ise
requirements that must be met depend on whether HOME funding is used for assistance to
homebuyers, rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing, or rental housing activities.
Assistance to Homebuyers. Housing bought by homebuyers with the assistance of HOME funds
must meet the following requirements:37
 The homebuyer must belong to a low-income family, and the family must use the
home as a principal residence.
 The initial purchase price or value after rehabilitation must be no more than 95%
of the median purchase price of homes in the area, as determined by the
Secretary of HUD and adjusted as the Secretary deems necessary for different
types of structures and the age of the housing.38
 Homebuyer units must continue to meet the definition of affordability described
above for between five and fifteen years, depending on the per-unit amount of
HOME funds expended on a project.
 The housing must be single-family housing.39
 If the housing is newly constructed, it must meet energy-efficiency standards.
 Participating jurisdictions must impose resale or recapture restrictions on units in
which they have assisted the homebuyer using HOME funds. These restrictions
specify that if a homeowner sel s his or her home during the affordability period,
he or she is required to sel it to another qualified low-income buyer (resale) or to
return some of the proceeds of the sale to the PJ in order to cover the HOME
funds that were invested in the home (recapture).
 HOME-assisted homebuyers must receive housing counseling.
Homebuyer units that are not sold to eligible homebuyers within nine months of the project’s
completion are to be rented to eligible tenants.
Resale and recapture restrictions are set by the jurisdiction and approved by the Secretary. Resale
restrictions must ensure that, upon resale, (1) the housing remains affordable to low -income
homebuyers, and (2) the owner receives a fair return on investment. Recapture restrictions must
ensure that the investment in the housing is recaptured in order to assist others who qualify for
HOME-assisted housing. PJs can structure these requirements in different ways.40

37 T hese requirements are established at 42 U.S.C. §12745(b) and 24 C.F.R. §92.254(a).
38 HUD regulations at 24 C.F.R. §92.254(a)(2) provide more detail on how the limits are calculated. Current and
historical limits are available on HUD’s website at
39 HUD defines single-family housing to be “a one- to four-family residence, condominium unit, cooperative unit,
combination of manufactured housing and lot, or manufactured housing lot.” 24 C.F.R. §92.2.
40 For more information on how resale and recapture requirements can be structured, see HUD CPD Notice 2012 -003,
Guidance on Resale and Recapture Provision Requirem ents under the HOME Program , January 2012,
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Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation. Owner-occupied housing that is rehabilitated using
HOME funds must meet the following requirements:41
 The owner must belong to a low-income family at the time HOME funds are
committed to the project, and the family must use the housing as a principal
 The value of the housing after rehabilitation must be no more than 95% of the
median purchase price of homes in the area, as determined by the Secretary of
HUD and adjusted as the Secretary deems necessary for different types of
structures and the age of the housing.42
 There are no statutory long-term affordability requirements for owner-occupied
units that are rehabilitated using HOME funds. However, the PJ can choose to
impose an affordability period.
Rental Housing. Rental housing that benefits from the use of HOME funds must meet the
following requirements:43
 HOME-assisted units must be occupied only by low-income households.
 Rents must not exceed HUD’s published maximum rents for the HOME
program.44 The maximum rent for a HOME-assisted rental unit is the lesser of (1)
the fair market rent45 for comparable units in the jurisdiction, or (2) 30% of the
adjusted income of a household whose income is 65% percent of area median
 If a project includes five or more HOME-assisted units, at least 20% of the
HOME-assisted units must be occupied by families with incomes at or below
50% of area median income. Additional y, those families must have rents that
meet one of the following requirements:
—Rents are no higher than (1) the fair market rent for a comparable unit in the jurisdiction,
or (2) 30% of 50% of area median income, whichever is lower.
—Rents are no higher than 30% of the household’s adjusted income.
If rental projects temporarily fail to meet the requirements governing the incomes
of occupants of HOME-assisted units because of an increase in the current
tenants’ income, the project is stil considered to be in compliance as long as
vacancies are fil ed according to these requirements.
 Rental units must continue to meet these requirements for between five and
twenty years, depending on the per-unit amount of HOME funds expended on a
project and the type of activity for which HOME funds are used.

41 T hese requirements are established at 24 C.F.R. §92.254(b).
42 See footnote 38 for more information on these limits.
43 T hese requirements are established at 42 U.S.C. §12745(a) and 24 C.F.R. §92.252.
44 Published limits are available at
45 Fair market rents (FMRs) are calculated annually by HUD and are meant to ref lect the cost of modest housing in a
community. FMRs can be found on HUD’s webpage at
46 Participating jurisdictions must determine tenants’ annual income according to the guidelines at 24 C.F.R. §92.203.
HUD’s maximum HOME rents will also take into account the number of bedrooms in a unit and average occupancy
per unit.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

 If the housing is newly constructed, it must meet energy-efficiency standards.
 The housing must be available to Section 8 voucher holders.
PJs must repay any HOME funds used for rental units that are not rented to eligible tenants within
18 months of the project being completed.
HOME Subsidy Limits
When using HOME funds for owner-occupied housing rehabilitation, homebuyer assistance, or
rental housing activities, participating jurisdictions must follow restrictions on the minimum and
maximum amounts of HOME funds that they can contribute to a given project. When
participating jurisdictions use HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance, they must establish
both a maximum subsidy amount and a minimum tenant contribution to the tenant’s rent.
Owner-Occupied and Rental Housing. The minimum amount of HOME funds that can be used
for new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of owner-occupied or rental housing is $1,000
multiplied by the number of HOME-assisted units in a project. The maximum per-unit subsidy for
a project varies by participating jurisdiction and is based on certain Federal Housing
Administration mortgage limits for multifamily housing.47
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance. The maximum HOME subsidy amount for tenant-based rental
assistance is the difference between 30% of the household’s adjusted monthly income and a
jurisdiction-wide rent limit established by the participating jurisdiction. The rent limit must
conform to certain parameters established by HUD.48 Each participating jurisdiction is also
required to set a minimum tenant contribution for tenant-based rental assistance. The minimum
tenant contribution can either be a flat dollar amount or a percentage of tenant income.
Subsidy Layering
HOME funds may be combined with other federal resources to support affordable housing
projects. For example, a project that uses HOME funds might also use funds from other HUD
programs, funds raised through the Department of the Treasury’s Low-Income Housing Tax
Credit (LIHTC) program, or funds from rural housing programs administered by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Using a combination of federal funds from different sources for a
single project is known as subsidy layering.
The HOME statute and regulations require a participating jurisdiction to certify to HUD that the
aggregate amount of federal funds, including HOME funds, that is invested in a housing project is
no more than is necessary to provide affordable housing.49
Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)
As noted earlier, one of the stated purposes of the HOME authorizing legislation is to expand the
capacity of nonprofit agencies to provide affordable housing for low and very-low income
households. As a means of furthering this goal, the HOME statute requires each participating
jurisdiction to reserve at least 15% of its HOME funding for Community Housing Development

47 T hese limits are published annually and are available from HUD Field Offices. For more information, see
48 For requirements governing rent limits, see 24 C.F.R. §92.209.
49 See 42 U.S.C. §12742(f) and 24 C.F.R. §92.250(b).
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Organizations (CHDOs).50 CHDOs are private nonprofit organizations that meet certain legal and
organizational requirements and have the capacity and experience to carry out affordable housing
CHDO reservation funds must be used for projects where the CHDO develops, owns, or sponsors
affordable housing. CHDOs can engage in other eligible HOME activities using HOME funds,
but any funding spent on projects in which the CHDO is not the developer, owner, or sponsor wil
not count toward the 15% set-aside requirement for CHDOs.51 For example, a CHDO could
administer a TBRA program, but since the CHDO would not be developing, owning, or
sponsoring affordable housing in this case the funds would not count towards the 15% of funds
that must be reserved for CHDOs.
HOME Program Funding
This section describes funding for the HOME program, including its appropriations history, the
formula that HUD uses to distribute funds to PJs, and the distribution of HOME funds in FY2020
(the most recent HOME funding distributed as of the date of this report). It also discusses the
concept of leveraging HOME funds to attract other sources of funding for affordable housing
Annual Appropriations
Each year, during the annual appropriations process, Congress has appropriated funding to the
HOME account within HUD’s overal appropriation. In FY1992, the first year in which HOME
was funded, Congress appropriated $1.5 bil ion to the HOME account. From FY1993 to FY1998,
annual appropriations to the HOME account fluctuated between $1 bil ion and $1.5 bil ion, and
from FY1999 through FY2011 appropriations fluctuated between $1.6 bil ion and $2 bil ion,
reaching a high of just over $2 bil ion in FY2004. From FY2012 to FY2017, annual
appropriations to the HOME account were $1 bil ion or below, reflecting, in part, the overal
fiscal environment.52 Since FY2018, annual appropriations to the HOME account have again
exceeded $1 bil ion.
While most of the funding appropriated to the HOME account is used for formula grants to states
and localities, over the years the HOME account has sometimes also included funding that was
set aside for related affordable housing programs or activities. For several years prior to FY2008,
two major set-asides funded through the HOME account were housing counseling (which is now
funded in its own account) and down payment assistance through the American Dream
Downpayment Initiative, or ADDI (which is no longer specifical y funded, although down
payment assistance is an eligible use of HOME funds). The former HOME account set-asides for
housing counseling and ADDI are discussed in more detail in Appendix A. Since FY2012, the
only set-asides funded within the HOME account have been HOME formula grants for the insular
areas (Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa).

50 42 U.S.C. §12771
51 24 C.F.R. §92.300 defines what it means for a CHDO to own, develop, or sponsor affordable housing.
52 Furthermore, as described further in footnote 72, certain concerns about the oversight of HOME program funds were
raised around 2011; these concerns may have also impacted appropriations decisions. In FY2012 and FY2013, annual
appropriations acts included certain additional requirements for HOME funds; in 2013, HUD published a final rule that
made more permanent changes to program regulations that included provisions that were similar, but not identical, to
these appropriations act requirements.
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Table 1 shows annual appropriations levels for the HOME program from FY1992 to FY2021,
including the amounts appropriated for formula grants and for set-asides. The figures are not
adjusted for inflation.
Table 1. Appropriations for the HOME Account,
(dol ars in mil ions)
Fiscal Year
Formula Grants
Account Totala
Source: Figures are from HUD’s FY1994-FY2021 Budget Justifications and annual appropriations acts.
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a. Totals may not add due to rounding. Al appropriations figures are post-rescission and do not include any
supplemental emergency or disaster funding.
b. The original HOME appropriation for FY2002 was $1,846 mil ion, with $103 mil ion of that amount
accounting for HOME set-asides. This included $50 mil ion for a “Downpayment Assistance Initiative,” a
precursor to the American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI). However, the appropriation for the
down payment assistance program was subject to the program’s being authorized by June 30, 2002. This
authorization did not occur in time, and a supplemental FY2002 appropriations bil ( P.L. 107-206) rescinded
the $50 mil ion appropriation for down payment assistance.
c. Beginning in FY2009, the appropriation to the HOME account no longer includes set-asides for either the
American Dream Downpayment Initiative or housing counseling (housing counseling was funded under its
own account). Both programs are discussed in further detail in Appendix A.
d. Total does not include additional funding for the HOME account appropriated in the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA, P.L. 111-5), which was enacted in February 2009. ARRA provided
supplemental appropriations to a number of programs with the intention of stimulating the economy. The
HOME account received $2.25 bil ion under ARRA, which was in addition to its regular FY2009
appropriation. However, rather than being used for traditional HOME program activities, Congress
specified that the HOME funding appropriated under ARRA was to be used solely for states to provide gap
financing to stal ed Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects. This funding is referred to as the
Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP). For more information on TCAP, see HUD’s archived webpage on
the program at
e. The FY2013 figures include reductions due to sequestration.
The HOME Formula
HUD distributes the funds appropriated to the HOME program to participating jurisdictions using
a formula. By law, 40% of the funds are al ocated to states and the remaining 60% are al ocated to
localities.53 For the purposes of the HOME program, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are
considered to be states.54
Before distributing funds to states and localities, HUD sets aside the greater of $750,000 or 0.2%
of the total HOME appropriation for the insular areas, defined in statute as Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.55 In FY2020, the amount
set aside for the insular areas was $2.7 mil ion.
The HOME formula takes into account six factors.56 Four of these factors are weighted 20%:
 The number of occupied rental units in a jurisdiction that have at least one of four
problems: (1) overcrowding, defined as more than one occupant per room; (2)
incomplete kitchen facilities, defined as the lack of a sink with running water, a
range, or a refrigerator; (3) incomplete plumbing, defined as the lack of hot and
cold piped water, a flush toilet, or a bathtub or shower that is inside the unit and
used solely by the unit’s occupants; or (4) high rent costs, defined as rent that
costs more than 30% of the household’s income.
 The number of rental units in a jurisdiction that were built before 1950 and are
occupied by poor households.
 The number of occupied rental units in a jurisdiction that have at least one of the
four problems discussed above (overcrowding, incomplete kitchen facilities,
incomplete plumbing, or high rent costs) multiplied by the ratio of the cost of

53 42 U.S.C. §12747.
54 42 U.S.C. §12704.
55 T he set-aside amount is allocated among the four insular areas by a formula established at 24 C.F.R. §92.60, which
differs from the broader HOME program formula.
56 24 C.F.R. §92.50.
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producing housing within the jurisdiction to the cost of producing housing
national y.
 The number of families at or below the poverty level in a jurisdiction.
The remaining two factors are weighted 10%:
 The number of rental units in a jurisdiction, adjusted for vacancies, where the
head of household’s income is at or below the poverty line. This number is
multiplied by the ratio of the national rental unit vacancy rate over the
jurisdiction’s rental unit vacancy rate.
 The jurisdiction’s population multiplied by its net per capita income.57
Grants to States in FY2020
In FY2020, every state received a HOME formula grant.58 (This includes Washington, D.C. and
Puerto Rico, which are considered states for the purposes of the HOME program.) The median
state grant amount was about $8 mil ion, and the mean grant was over $10 mil ion.59 California
received the largest state al ocation at over $42 mil ion, followed by Texas at over $35 mil ion.
Seven states received the minimum al ocation of $3 million (Alaska, Delaware, Hawai , Nevada,
North Dakota, South Dakota, and Vermont). As shown in Figure 1, about 30 states received less
than $10 mil ion in funding (including the 7 states that received the $3 mil ion minimum), and al
but 6 states received less than $20 mil ion.

57 A jurisdiction’s net per capita income is computed by subtracting the per capita income of a family of three at the
poverty threshold from the jurisdiction’s per capita income. An index is constructed by dividing the national net per
capita income (which is computed in the same way) by a jurisdiction’s net per capita income (24 C.F.R. §92.50).
58 Information on HOME and other HUD formula grant allocations is available on HUD’s website at In addition, the HUD Exchange website provides a
searchable database of allocations for HOME and certain other programs at
59 T he median state grant amount was $8,136,631 and the mean state grant amount was $10,383,077. Average and
median state grant amounts include the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, but exclude grants to
insular areas.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Figure 1. HOME Grants to States in FY2020

Source: Figure created by CRS based on HUD data.
Note: Figure only includes formula grants to states, not grants to PJs within states, and includes Washington,
DC, and Puerto Rico.
Grants to Localities and Consortia in FY2020
In FY2020, over 590 localities or consortia also received their own HOME formula grant
al ocations.60 The median grant to localities was almost $780,000 and the mean grant was nearly
$1.4 mil ion.61 New York City received the largest grant at nearly $75 mil ion, followed by Los
Angeles at over $28 mil ion. Almost 400 localities received formula grants of less than $1
mil ion. The smal est formula grant amount to a locality was about $192,000 to Bay City, MI.62
Appendix B at the end of this report shows the number of participating jurisdictions (localities
and consortia) in each state in FY2020. It also shows the total amount of formula grant funding
that each state and its participating jurisdictions received that year.
Matching Requirement
Two stated goals of the HOME program are to leverage federal affordable housing funds by
encouraging state, local, and private investment in affordable housing activities, and to increase
the capacity of states and localities to meet their affordable housing needs.63 Accordingly, the
HOME statute requires participating jurisdictions to match the HOME funds that they spend in a
fiscal year with their own 25% permanent contribution to affordable housing activities.

60 Forty-nine states and Puerto Rico had at least one locality that was a participating jurisdiction and received its own
HOME funding in FY2020. Wyoming had no localit ies that received their own allocations of HOME funds.
61 Specifically, the median grant amount for localities was $779,238 and the mean grant amount for localities was
62 About 140 localities received formula grants under the $500,000 minimum in FY2020. T hese localities met the
minimum funding threshold in the first year in which they became participating jurisdictions.
63 42 U.S.C. §12722.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

A PJ’s matching funds can come from a wide variety of non-federal sources, including state or
local governments, charitable organizations, and the private sector. The matching funds must be
devoted to affordable housing activities that are eligible under the HOME guidelines, but they do
not necessarily have to support projects that use HOME funds. The match can also take many
forms, including in-kind contributions such as labor, construction materials, and land for HOME-
eligible projects. Other contributions, such as foregone taxes, other foregone fees, and
infrastructure improvements, may also count toward the matching requirement if they are used
specifical y for projects funded by HOME dollars. The matching requirement may not be met
using federal funds.64
The matching requirement must be met in the same fiscal year that HOME funds are used, but if a
jurisdiction provides more matching funds than are required in a given year, it can carry those
funds forward to meet the matching requirement in subsequent years.65 The statute directs the
Secretary to reduce or eliminate a participating jurisdiction’s match requirement if the PJ certifies
that it is under a condition of fiscal distress. The Secretary can choose to reduce or eliminate the
match requirement if the President declares the jurisdiction to be a major disaster area.66
Although nearly al HOME funds are subject to the matching requirement, certain uses of funds
are not required to be matched by the PJ. Funds that do not have to be matched include forgiven
loans to Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), funds used for
administrative purposes (up to an al owable limit), and funds used to fil the threshold gap
between a locality’s formula al ocation and its required $750,000 contribution to affordable
housing activities, unless state HOME funds are used to fil this gap.
Leveraging refers to a program’s ability to use its own program dollars to attract additional
funding from other sources, including non-federal sources of funds. Leveraging can be an
important concept for affordable housing because attracting multiple funding sources makes
projects more feasible, and because the ability to attract other sources of funds could reduce the
amount of federal funding that needs to be invested in a project. Attracting other types of funding
for affordable housing can also help to build the capacity of organizations that might not be able
to undertake projects without the assistance of HOME funds. HOME does not have a specific
leveraging requirement, although PJs do have to meet the matching requirement described
HUD reports leveraging statistics for HOME. According to HUD, for HOME-assisted units
completed between FY1992 (the first year in which the program was funded) and September 30,
2020, $4.49 in non-HOME funds were used for every dollar of HOME funds.67 This amount

64 Requirements governing the matching contribution are at 42 U.S.C. §12750 and 24 C.F.R. §§92.218 -92.222.
65 24 C.F.R. §92.221(b).
66 T he Secretary is required to reduce a jurisdiction’s match requirement by 50% if the jurisdiction certifies that it is in
a condition of fiscal distress and by 100% if the jurisdiction certifies that it is in a condition of severe f iscal distress. A
jurisdiction other than a state is considered to be fiscally distressed if it (1) has an average poverty rate in the precedin g
calendar year that is equal to or greater than 125% of the average national poverty rate, or (2) has an average per capita
income in the preceding calendar year that is less than 75% of the average national per capita income. A jurisdiction is
considered severely fiscally distressed if it meets both of these conditions. T he Secretary may choose to reduce a
jurisdiction’s match requirement by up to 100% if the jurisdiction is in an area in which a declaration of a disaster
under the Stafford Act is in effect for any part of the fiscal year.
67 HUD, Office of Community Planning and Development, HOME National Production Report, September 30, 2020.
T he National Production Reports are available at
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includes other federal funding sources as wel as funding from other sources (such as states, local
governments, and private entities).68
Uses of HOME Funds
HUD reports a number of HOME program performance statistics.69 These include statistics on the
types of completed units that have been assisted with HOME funding (rental units, homebuyer
units, and homeowner units,), the eligible activities funded with HOME dollars (rehabilitation,
new construction, acquisition, and households that have received TBRA), and characteristics of
households that benefit from HOME funds.
Types of Units (Homeowner, Homebuyer, or Rental)
Between the beginning of the HOME program in FY1992 and September 30, 2020, over 1.3
mil ion units of affordable housing were constructed, rehabilitated, or acquired using HOME
funding, and about 379,000 families were assisted through tenant-based rental assistance.70
Together, this amounts to 1.7 mil ion homes and TBRA-assisted households that have benefitted
from HOME funds since the program’s inception.
Units assisted with HOME funds can be homeowner units (that is, existing owner-occupied
housing that is rehabilitated with HOME funds), homebuyer units (owner-occupied housing
where HOME funds are used to help prospective homebuyers acquire, rehabilitate, or construct
the home), or rental units. Of the physical units that have used HOME funds since the program’s
inception (that is, excluding households that received TBRA), homebuyer units represent the
largest share, followed by rental units. As shown in Figure 2, 41% of al HOME-assisted units to
date are homebuyer units (about 544,000 units), 40% are rental units (about 528,000 units), and
19% are homeowner units (about 255,000 units).

68 In the past, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has noted that alternative leverage measures can provide
additional information about a program’s effectiveness at leveraging different types of funds, and that leverage ratios
will differ depending on the type of spending (e.g., other federal spending, state and local spending, or private
spending) included. See U.S. Government Accountability Office, GAO-08-136, More Inform ation on Leverage
Measures’ Accuracy and Linkage to Program Goals is Needed in Assessing Performance
, January 2008,
69 HUD reports on the HOME program are available at
70 Data in this section come from HUD’s HOME National Production Report from September 30, 2020. T he National
Production Reports are available at
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Figure 2. Cumulative HOME-Assisted Units, by Unit Type
(through September 2020)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data in HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Note: Rental units only include physical units, and do not include households receiving TBRA.
In addition to statistics on completed units, HUD also reports how much HOME funding was
used for each unit type. Since the program began, nearly $36 bil ion of HOME funding has been
spent on units that were completed as of September 30, 2020. As shown in Figure 3, nearly $21
bil ion (58%) of HOME funding that has been spent on completed units was used for rental units
or TBRA, while $9 bil ion (26%) was used for homebuyer units and $6 bil ion (16%) for
homeowner units. Of the $21 bil ion of HOME funds spent on rental housing since the program
began, about $1 bil ion has been used for TBRA.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Figure 3. HOME Funds Spent by Unit Type
(through September 2020; $ in bil ions)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data in HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Note: Rental units include households receiving TBRA.
Types of Activities (Rehabilitation, Acquisition, New Construction,
or Tenant-Based Rental Assistance)
Eligible uses of HOME funds general y fal into four categories: owner-occupied housing
rehabilitation activities, assistance to homebuyers, rental housing development activities, and
tenant-based rental assistance. The HOME statute specifies that rehabilitation of both rental and
homeowner units should be given preference over other types of eligible uses of HOME funds,
such as acquiring or constructing affordable housing.
As shown in Figure 4, of the 1.7 mil ion housing units and TBRA households that have been
assisted using HOME funding from the program’s beginning through September 2020, nearly
558,000 (33%) were rehabilitated units, about 427,000 (25%) were acquired units, and about
342,000 (20%) were newly constructed units. An additional 379,000 (22%) of “units” were
households that received TBRA rather than physical housing units.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Figure 4. Number of Cumulative HOME-Assisted Units and Households Receiving
TBRA by Activity Type
(through September 2020)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data in HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Some activities are more expensive than others and require a larger investment of HOME funds.
Therefore, the breakdown of total HOME funding used for each eligible activity looks somewhat
different than the number of units completed for each eligible activity. For example, rehabilitated
units account for about one-third of the completed units (including TBRA) that used HOME
funds, but the funds used for rehabilitation account for 41% of total HOME funds expended on
completed units (a total of nearly $15 bil ion since the program’s inception). Acquired units
account for about a quarter of completed units that use HOME funds, but account for only about
14% of the funding (about $5 bil ion). New construction and TBRA each account for about 20%
of completed units, but new construction accounts for 42% of the funds spent (nearly $15 bil ion)
while TBRA accounts for only about 3% of funds spent (about $1 bil ion). Figure 5 il ustrates the
amount of funding that has been spent on each activity since the program began.
The difference between the percentage of funding going toward each activity and the percentage
of completed units of each activity type reflects the difference in the average investment of
HOME funds required for each activity. A newly constructed unit costs the most, on average: a
newly constructed unit involves an average of nearly $44,000 in HOME funds, while the average
HOME investment in rehabilitating a unit is $26,000 and the average HOME investment in
acquiring a unit is about $12,000 in HOME funds.
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Figure 5. Cumulative HOME Funds Spent by Activity Type
(through September 2020; $ in bil ions)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data in HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Whether a PJ uses HOME funds for rehabilitation, acquisition, or new construction depends in
part on the types of programs it is administering and the housing needs it is trying to meet. As
shown in Figure 6, about three quarters of homebuyer units that receive HOME funds use those
funds for acquisition costs (such as down payment assistance). A relatively smal number of
homebuyer units use HOME funds for rehabilitation or new construction. In contrast, virtual y al
owner-occupied units with HOME investments use those funds for rehabilitation activities. For
rental units that use HOME funds, about half of the units are rehabilitated. Most of the remaining
HOME rental units are newly constructed, with just a smal number of rental units receiving
HOME funds for acquisition costs.
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Figure 6. Type of Investments in HOME Units by Unit Type
(through September 2020)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data in HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Selected Characteristics of HOME Beneficiaries
HUD reports on certain characteristics of the households that benefit from HOME funds,
including household income and household type (e.g., two-parent households, single-parent
households, elderly households, etc.).
Household Income
As required by statute, al HOME funds benefit families with incomes at or below 80% of area
median income. Not surprisingly, HOME funds used for rental activities (including tenant-based
rental assistance and the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of rental housing) benefit a
lower-income population than funds used for homeowner and homebuyer units. As explained
earlier in this report, HOME funds used for rental activities must target a lower-income
population than funds used for homeowner or homebuyer activities.71 Households at the lowest
end of the income spectrum are also more likely to rent than to own their homes.
Figure 7 shows the share of units for each unit type (homeowner, homebuyer, rental, or TBRA)
that has benefitted households at different income levels. As of September 2020, HUD reported
that nearly 80% of HOME-assisted TBRA households were families with incomes at or below
30% of area median income (AMI), as were nearly 44% of occupants of HOME-assisted rental
units. In contrast, less than one-third of HOME-assisted homeowner units benefitted households
with incomes at or below 30% of area median income, and only 6% of HOME-assisted
homebuyer units benefitted households with incomes in this range.

71 Ninety percent of households receiving tenant -based rental assistance or occupying HOME-assisted rental units are
required to be households with incomes at or below 60% of area median income, while the rest must be households
with incomes at or below 80% of area median income. HOME funds used for homeowner and homebuyer housing are
only required to benefit households with incomes at or below 80% of area median income.
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Figure 7. Income of Households Occupying HOME Units
(through September 2020)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production Report.
Note: AMI is area median income.
Household Type
Overal , about 30% of HOME-assisted units (including households that receive TBRA) are
occupied by single-parent households. Nearly another 30% are occupied by single, non-elderly
households. About 18% apiece are occupied by elderly households and two-parent households,
and about 5% of households are categorized as “other.”
As shown in Figure 8, different types of units are more or less likely to serve specific types of
households. Specifical y,
 rental units assisted with HOME funds are most likely to be occupied by single,
non-elderly households or elderly households, followed closely by single-parent
households; two-parent households are less likely to live in HOME-assisted
rental units;
 HOME-assisted homebuyer units are most likely to be occupied by single parents
or two-parent households, followed by single, non-elderly households; not
surprisingly, few homebuyer units are occupied by elderly households;
 by contrast, HOME-assisted owner-occupied units are most likely to be occupied
by elderly households, as elderly households might be the most likely to seek
HOME funds for repairs to their existing housing; and
 HOME-funded TBRA is most commonly received by single-parent households,
followed by single, non-elderly households.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Figure 8. Household Types Served with HOME Funds
(through September 2020)

Source: Figure created by CRS based on data from HUD’s September 30, 2020, HOME National Production
Program Oversight
Oversight of the HOME program involves monitoring both processes and outcomes. Monitoring
processes includes ensuring that HOME funds are committed and expended according to the
timelines specified in statute and regulation and that program requirements are followed.72
Monitoring outcomes includes ensuring that investments of program funds ultimately help to
achieve the program’s goal, namely, providing housing that is affordable to low-income
Given HOME’s structure as a block grant program, participating jurisdictions (PJs) bear much of
the responsibility for ensuring that subrecipients adhere to HOME program requirements and that
specific projects result in their intended outcomes. Nonetheless, HUD is ultimately responsible
for overseeing PJs’ use of HOME funds to ensure that HOME funds are spent properly.

72 T he discussion in this report reflects certain changes to the HOME program regulations that HUD finalized in 2013,
many of which were related to oversight of program funds. T hese changes followed some concerns about program
oversight, including issues raised in a series of investigative articles in the Washington Post and discussed in
subsequent congressional hearings. For more information on the changes made by the 2013 final rule, see HUD’s
website at
rule. For more information on the concerns that were raised about program oversight, see U.S. Congress, House
Committee on Financial Services, Oversight of HUD’s HOME Program , 112th Cong., 1st sess., June 3, 2011,; and U.S. Congress, House Committee on Financial
Services, Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity and Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations, Fraud in the HUD HOME Program , 112th Cong., 1st sess., November 2, 2011,
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HUD’s Oversight of PJs
HUD’s oversight of PJs includes activities that occur both before and after funds are granted to
PJs. Before granting funds to PJs, HUD must approve PJs’ Consolidated Plans. As described
earlier in the “The Consolidated Plan” section of this report, PJs submit Consolidated Plans to
HUD describing their affordable housing needs and specifying how HOME funds wil be used to
meet those needs.73 HUD may disapprove a PJ’s Consolidated Plan under certain conditions.74
After funds are granted to PJs, HUD’s oversight includes ensuring that PJs’ activities match their
Consolidated Plans and monitoring how and when PJs spend their funds. PJs report their
commitments and expenditures of HOME funds to HUD through a computer system known as
the Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS), along with the activities to which
funds are committed or expended. HUD uses this system to track PJs’ commitments and
expenditures of HOME funds and the progress of projects that are using HOME funds. HUD also
publishes a number of reports related to PJs’ activities and the status of HOME funds on its
The HOME statute and regulations include provisions requiring PJs to lose or repay HOME funds
to HUD if they are not spent in a timely manner or are not used for housing that meets the HOME
requirements. Relevant deadlines for using funds include the following:
 By statute, PJs have 24 months to commit HOME funds before they expire.76
Expired funds are real ocated by formula to eligible PJs.77 (In recent years,
annual appropriations acts have suspended this provision for funds that were set
to expire in specified years.78)
 The statute separately specifies that PJs have 24 months to commit funds that are
required to be reserved for CHDOs.79 (In recent years, annual appropriations acts
have sometimes suspended this provision for funds that would otherwise have
expired in specified years.80)
 Funds that are committed to a state recipient (that is, a local government that
receives state HOME funds to carry out HOME programs) or subrecipient (a

73 Regulations governing the Consolidated Plan requirements are at 24 C.F.R. Part 91. Additional information on
consolidated planning is available on HUD’s website at
74 See 24 C.F.R. §91.500.
75 T hese reports are available at
76 42 U.S.C. §12748(g). Regulations implementing this provision are at 92 C.F.R. §92.500(d). HUD changed the way in
which it assesses compliance with this 24-month deadline beginning with HOME funds appropriated in FY2015. For
an explanation of those changes, see Department of Housing and Urban Development, “ Changes to HOME Investment
Partnerships (HOME) Program Commitment Requirement,” 81 Federal Register 86947-86953, December 2, 2016, -partnerships-home-
program-commitment-requirement .
77 T he HOME statute specifies that reallocations that come from state HOME funds will only be reallocated among
participating states, and reallocations from localities will only be reallocated among participating localities. See 42
U.S.C. §12747(d)(3).
78 For example, see HUD CPD Notice 18-10, Suspension of 24-Month HOME Commitment Requirement for Deadlines
Occurring in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020
, August 27, 2018,
79 42 U.S.C. §12771.
80 For example, see HUD, “Suspension of the HOME Commitment and CHDO Reservation Deadline,” March 7, 2019,
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

nonprofit or public agency that administers al or some of a PJ’s HOME
programs) must be committed to a specific project within 36 months of the funds
first being made available to a PJ.81
 PJs are to repay any funds spent on projects that are not completed as of four
years of the date the funds were committed.82
 PJs are to repay funds spent on rental units that have not been rented to eligible
tenants within 18 months of the project’s completion.83
 HOME funds that are not expended within five years of the end of the period of
availability specified in appropriations acts revert to Treasury.84
PJs are required to repay HOME funds used for any activities that do not meet the affordability
period requirements or for activities that are terminated before project completion.85 In addition,
the Secretary of HUD also has the authority to impose penalties on PJs that misuse HOME funds,
such as preventing PJs from drawing down HOME funds, restricting PJs’ activities, or removing
PJs from formula al ocations.86
PJs’ Oversight of Entities Receiving HOME Funds
While HUD is responsible for overseeing PJs, PJs are responsible for ensuring that their HOME-
funded activities meet program requirements. PJs oversee subrecipients and any other entities that
receive HOME funds from the PJ, and are supposed to monitor performance and address any
problems. Participating jurisdictions must also comply with record-keeping and monitoring
requirements to ensure that they are using funds appropriately, making progress toward their
housing goals, and general y funding activities in line with their Consolidated Plans.87
Before disbursing any HOME funds to an entity (including a subrecipient, a contractor, or a
household), a PJ must enter into a written agreement with that entity. These written agreements
may vary based on the project type and the entity’s role, but al must ensure compliance with
HOME program requirements. Certain minimum provisions that must be included in different
types of agreements are described in the HOME program regulations at 24 C.F.R. §92.504.
PJs are to review the performance of subrecipients and contractors on an annual basis. PJs must
also perform on-site inspections of HOME-assisted projects when a project is completed and, for
HOME-assisted rental housing, throughout the affordability period. HOME-assisted rental units

81 24 C.F.R. §92.500(d)(1)(ii).
82 24 C.F.R. §92.205(e)(2). T he Secretary of HUD may extend the deadline by one year under certain circumstances.
83 94 C.F.R. §92.252
84 HOME funds are subject to the requirements of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1991 ( P.L. 101-510),
which required that funds appropriated for a definite period of time be spent by the end of the fifth fiscal year after the
availability period ends or be returned to T reasury. Beginning in FY2002, HOME funds have been appropriated for a
definite, rather than an indefinite, period of time, and have therefore become subject to these requirements. For
example, the FY2020 appropriations law specifies that HOME funds appropriated in FY2020 remain available until the
end of FY2023. T herefore, any funds not spent by the end of FY2028 (five years after the last date the funds were
available) are to be returned to T reasury. HUD regulations had previously included a five -year expenditure deadline for
HOME funds, but that deadline was removed by the 2016 interim rule in ligh t of HOME funds now being subject to
this and other deadlines for using funds. See 81 Federal Register 86949.
85 24 C.F.R. §92.503
86 42 U.S.C. §12753
87 Record-keeping requirements are described at 24 C.F.R. §92.508. Reporting requirements include the submission of
an annual performance report as part of the Consolidated Planning process described in 24 C.F.R. Part 91.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

must be inspected at least every three years during the affordability period (or more frequently if
problems related to health and safety are discovered) and the property owner must certify
annual y that the project and the HOME-assisted units are “suitable for occupancy.” Units
occupied by households receiving HOME-funded TBRA should be inspected by the PJ annual y.
PJs must also examine the financial viability of HOME-assisted rental projects with ten or more
units at least annual y during the affordability period.88

88 24 C.F.R. §92.504.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Appendix A. Select Programs Formerly Funded
Within the HOME Account
For several years prior to FY2008, two major HOME account set-asides provided funding for the
American Dream Downpayment Initiative and HUD’s housing counseling program. However,
neither of these programs is currently funded through the HOME account. Housing counseling is
now funded through its own account, and Congress has not appropriated funding for the
American Dream Downpayment Initiative since FY2008. Each of these programs is described
briefly below.
American Dream Downpayment Initiative
The American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) was funded in the HOME account from
FY2003 through FY2008.89 ADDI was created by the American Dream Downpayment Act (P.L.
108-186), signed into law on December 16, 2003. The act included a sunset provision whereby
HUD’s authority to make grants through the program expired after December 31, 2007 (later
extended to December 31, 2011, by the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, P.L. 111-8).90
The program aimed to increase homeownership, especial y among low-income and minority
populations, by providing formula funding to al 50 states91 and qualified local jurisdictions for
down payment and closing cost assistance for first-time homebuyers. States and localities could
use ADDI funds to provide closing cost and down payment assistance up to $10,000 or 6% of a
home’s purchase price, whichever was greater. Additional y, up to 20% of ADDI funds could be
used to assist homeowners with rehabilitation costs, as long as the rehabilitation was completed
within a year of the home’s purchase.
The formula used to award ADDI funds to states was based on the number of low -income
households residing in rental housing in the state relative to the nation as a whole. For localities,
the grant amount was based on the number of low-income households residing in rental housing
in the jurisdiction relative to the entire state. In order for a local jurisdiction to receive its own
al ocation of ADDI funds, it had to have a population of at least 150,000 or be eligible for a
minimum grant of $50,000 under the ADDI formula.
While supporters of ADDI held that the program played an important role in increasing
homeownership, critics argued that it was duplicative because states and localities could already
choose to use their HOME funds for down payment assistance. ADDI was original y authorized
to receive $200 mil ion annual y through FY2007, but the program never received more than $86
mil ion in appropriations. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-161) appropriated
$10 mil ion to ADDI and extended the program through the end of FY2008. President George W.
Bush’s budget requested $50 mil ion for ADDI in FY2009; however, the Omnibus Appropriations

89 Although funding was appropriated for down payment assistance in FY2003, ADDI was not signed into law until
December 2003. T he FY2003 down payment assistance funding was distributed according to a different formula and a
different set of requirements than the ADDI funding in subsequent years.
90 ADDI was codified at 42 U.S.C. §12821, though that section has subsequently been omitted from the U.S. Code due
to the expiration of the program. Program regulations can be found beginning at 24 C.F.R. §92.600.
91 T he definition of “state” was different under ADDI than under HOME. Specifically, ADDI did not include Puerto
Rico as a state after FY2003. Insular areas were not eligible to receive ADDI funds. See HUD, Am erican Dream
Downpaym ent Initiative (ADDI) – Side-by-Side Com parison of Downpaym ent Assistance Requirem ents—by Source of
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Act, 2009 (P.L. 111-8) did not include funding for ADDI, and the program was not funded
Housing Counseling
From FY1997 through FY2008, funding for HUD’s housing counseling program was
appropriated as a set-aside in the HOME account. Through the housing counseling program,
authorized under section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-448),92
as amended, HUD competitively awards funding to HUD-approved agencies that provide
counseling on a range of housing issues.93
For several years in the 2000s, President Bush requested that housing counseling be funded
through its own account, but until FY2009 Congress continued to fund housing counseling as a
set-aside in the HOME account. In FY2009, Congress appropriated funding for housing
counseling in its own account rather than as a set-aside within HOME, and has continued to do so
in subsequent fiscal years.

92 T he housing counseling program is codified at 12 U.S.C. §1701x, and the regulations governing the program are
found at 24 C.F.R. Part 214.
93 For more information on HUD’s housing counseling program, see
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Appendix B. Distribution of Participating
Jurisdictions and Total HOME Funding by State

Table B-1. Distribution of Participating Jurisdictions and Formula Funding by State
for FY2020
(dol ars in mil ions)
State Allocation
Number of Local PJs in
Total Amount Allocated
the State
to Local PJs in the State
Dist. of Columbia

Il inois
New Hampshire
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State Allocation
Number of Local PJs in
Total Amount Allocated
the State
to Local PJs in the State
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development Program
Formula Al ocations for FY2020, available at
Table B-2. Formula Funding for Insular Areas for FY2020
(dol ars in mil ions)
Number of
Formula Grant
Insular Areaa
American Samoa


Northern Mariana Islands

Virgin Islands

Insular Areas Total

Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development Program
Formula Al ocations for FY2020, available at
a. Insular areas are funded by a set-aside of HOME funds equal to the greater of $750,000 or 0.2% of the
HOME appropriation for the fiscal year, which is then al ocated among the four insular areas.
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An Overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Author Information

Katie Jones

Analyst in Housing Policy

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