Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Climate Change Adaptation:
July 17, 2020
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Genevieve K. Croft,
Congress has debated the significance of global climate change and what federal policies, if any,
should be adopted to address it. Federal policies may focus on climate change adaptation
Analyst in Agricultural
actions taken to avoid the consequences or capture the benefits of climate change—or climate
change mitigation—interventions to reduce the sources or increase the sinks of greenhouse gases

(GHGs). Policies focused on adaptation can reduce risks associated with climate change at
Katie Hoover
federal agencies (including risks to infrastructure, operations, and mission delivery), including at
Specialist in Natural
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Given that agriculture and forestry are already
Resources Policy
experiencing the impacts of climate change, adaptation policies are particularly important for

these sectors.
Megan Stubbs
Agriculture and forestry are sensitive to climate change, due to relationships between
Specialist in Agricultural
environmental conditions and the health and growth of plants and animals. Policy choices about
Conservation and Natural
Resources Policy
practices, technologies, and programs can help determine how effectively the agriculture and

forestry sectors adapt to climate change. While farmers, ranchers, and land managers
continuously adapt to changing conditions, responses to climate change may require new
Randy Schnepf
management practices and technologies.
Specialist in Agricultural
Many policies, programs, and activities at USDA address climate adaptation issues specific to

agriculture and forestry. USDA provides federal programs and services related to forestry,
farming, ranching, rural development, food, and other areas through its agencies and staff offices.

Many USDA agencies and offices conduct programs and activities that address climate change
adaptation with respect to their unique missions.
At the department level, the Climate Change Program Office (CCPO) coordinates USDA’s response to climate change, and
the USDA Climate Hubs work to connect climate adaptation research and practice. CCPO, a component of the Office of the
Chief Economist, coordinates within USDA and with other federal agencies and international organizations. As such, it
oversees USDA climate change adaptation planning, chairs the USDA -wide Global Change Task Force, oversees
departmental GHG accounting, represents USDA to the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), and directs
international climate change initiatives. The USDA Climate Hubs are a departmental initiative involving several USDA
agencies. The 10 regional hubs provide technical support to agricultural producers and landowners, assess and monitor
production risks, conduct research, and engage with stakeholders regarding the effects of climate change on agriculture and
USDA agencies that engage on climate change adaptation include those focused on natural resources and conservation (the
U.S. Forest Service [FS] and the Natural Resources Conservation Agency [NRCS]); research (the Agricultural Research
Service [ARS], the National Institute of Food and Agriculture [NIFA], the Economic Research Service [ERS], and the
National Agricultural Statistics Service [NASS]); and production, marketing, and regulatory activities (the Farm Service
Agency [FSA], the Risk Management Agency [RMA], and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS]). Other
USDA agencies may address climate change adaptation in more limited ways.
FS and NRCS play an outsized role in climate change adaptation activities at USDA. Together, their mandates cover
approximately 1.5 billion acres of land, including national forests, national grasslands, and privately owned agricultural land.
FS manages the National Forest System, conducts forestry research, and provides technical and financial assistance to state,
private, and international forestry agencies. These responsibilities increase its presence in climate change activities beyond
those of most other agencies at USDA. NRCS develops and delivers voluntary conservation technical assistance and financial
support programs. USDA strategies for climate change adaptation rely heavily on these NRCS activities .
Considerations for Congress may include the funding of USDA agencies and programs , the voluntary nature of programs that
address climate change adaptation, opportunities to incentivize adaptive decisions, USDA staffing levels and leadership
positions, concerns about the independence of climate science at USDA, and the design of USDA risk management
programs. Congress may choose to address these issues through exercising its appropriations and oversight responsibilities or
through new authorizations or directives.
Congressional Research Service

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Introduction and Background ............................................................................................ 2
Federal Climate Change Adaptation Policy .................................................................... 3
Primer on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Forestry...................................................... 4
USDA Climate Policy and Departmental Activities .............................................................. 6
Overview ................................................................................................................. 7
Climate Change Program Office .................................................................................. 9
Climate Hubs .......................................................................................................... 10
Activities of Selected USDA Agencies ............................................................................. 11
Natural Resources and Conservation Agencies ............................................................. 11
U.S. Forest Service ............................................................................................. 12
Natural Resources Conservation Service ................................................................ 14
Research Agencies ................................................................................................... 16
Agricultural Research Service .............................................................................. 16
National Institute of Food and Agriculture.............................................................. 18
Economic Research Service ................................................................................. 19
National Agricultural Statistics Service .................................................................. 20
Production and Regulatory Agencies .......................................................................... 20
Farm Service Agency .......................................................................................... 20
Risk Management Agency ................................................................................... 21
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ........................................................... 23
Issues for Congress ....................................................................................................... 24
USDA Department-Level Planning and Coordination.................................................... 24
Federal Funding of USDA Agencies and Activities ....................................................... 24

Voluntary Nature of Existing USDA Programs ............................................................. 25
USDA Leadership and Staffing .................................................................................. 25
Climate Science at USDA ......................................................................................... 26
Integration of Climate Change Adaptation into Existing Programs .................................. 27
Risk Management Programs at USDA ........................................................................ 27

Figure 1. Map of the USDA Climate Hubs ........................................................................ 11
Figure 2. Map of the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network ........................... 18

Table 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture Global Climate Change Spending .............................. 7

Author Information ....................................................................................................... 28

Congressional Research Service

Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Table of Acronyms
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
Agricultural Marketing Service of USDA
Actual Production History
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of USDA
Agricultural Risk Coverage
Agricultural Research Service of USDA
Climate Change Program Office of USDA
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Conservation Innovation Grants
Council on Environmental Quality of the White House
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Conservation Reserve Program
Conservation Stewardship Program
Departmental Regulation
Executive Order
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Economic Research Service of USDA
Federal Crop Insurance Program
Farm Production and Conservation mission area of USDA
Forest and Rangeland Research mission area of FS
U.S. Forest Service of USDA
Farm Service Agency of USDA
Greenhouse Gas
Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment of NIFA
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations
Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network
National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA
National Forest System
National Institute of Food and Agriculture of USDA
Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA
Office of the Chief Economist of USDA
Office of the Chief Scientist of USDA
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
Research, Education, and Economics mission area of USDA
Risk Management Agency of USDA
State and Private Forestry mission area of FS
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Global Change Research Program
Congressional Research Service

Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Introduction and Background
Congress has debated the significance of global climate change and what federal policies, if any,
should be adopted to address risks and effects associated with climate change. Federal policies
may focus on climate change mitigation—to prevent or slow the progress of climate change—or
adaptation—to avoid the consequences or capture the benefits of climate change (see text box).
Policies focused on adaptation can reduce risks associated with climate change at federal agencies
(including risks to infrastructure, operations, and mission delivery), including at the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA). Such policies may affect costs to the department or the
sectors it serves. Given that agriculture and forestry are already experiencing the impacts of
climate change, adaptation policies are particularly important for these sectors.
Climate Change Adaptation vs. Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry Policy
Federal policies to address climate change may relate to adaptation or mitigation. The United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has defined climate change adaptation as “the process of
adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects.”1 The IPCC has defined climate change mitigation as
“intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs).”2
Mitigation can have a different meaning in the federal government in contexts outside of climate change. For
example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines hazard mitigation as “any sustained action
taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risks to human life and property from hazards” (44 C.F.R. §201.2).
In agriculture and forestry, climate change adaptation policies may involve developing, deploying, or incentivizing
the use of tools and practices for agriculture and forestry to succeed in new environmental conditions associated
with projected future climate change. Policies focused on climate change mitigation may seek to encourage
management practices and other approaches that can increase carbon sequestration (storage) in forests and
agricultural soils.
For additional discussion of climate change mitigation versus adaptation, see also National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, “Responding to Climate Change,” at
While Congress has provided some direction to some departments as part of broader legislation—
for example, requiring the Department of Defense to report on climate change impacts to its
instal ations as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-91, §335)—it
has not enacted legislation to require or coordinate climate change adaptation at federal agencies.
The executive branch has also provided some direction, and such policies can change with a
change in administration. A 2019 U.S. Government Accountability Office report states that
“beginning in 2017, the administration revoked policies that had identified addressing climate
change as a priority and demonstrated top leadership support for executive branch action.”3
USDA provides federal programs and services related to forestry, farming, ranching, rural
development, food, and other areas through its agencies and staff offices. Climate change has the
potential to affect its mission delivery. As such, many USDA agencies and offices conduct

1 Katharine J. Mach, Serge Planton, and Christoph von Stechow (eds.), “Annex II: Glossary,” in Climate Change 2014:
Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessm ent Report
, Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), p. 118.
2 Mach, Planton, and von Stechow, “Annex II: Glossary,” p. 118.
3 See U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Limiting the Federal Government’s Fiscal Exposure by Better
Managing Climate Change Risks,” High-Risk Series: Substantial Efforts Needed to Achieve Greater Progress on High -
Risk Areas
, GAO-19-157SP, 2019. For example, as discussed later in this report section, the T rump Administration
revoked Executive Order (E.O.) 13653, “ Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change,” 78 Federal
66819, November 6, 2013.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

programs and activities that directly or indirectly address climate change adaptation with respect
to their unique missions.
This report provides information on USDA efforts to identify and address potential vulnerabilities
of U.S. agriculture, forestry, and food systems to projected climate change.4 It reviews certain
adaptation activities conducted by the department and by individual USDA agencies. This report
is not comprehensive of al relevant programs, and does not review USDA efforts related to
climate change mitigation, or “intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of
greenhouse gases (GHGs).”5 This report concludes with considerations for Congress, including
how action or inaction may impact future federal operations as wel as measures that Congress
could take to mitigate potential impacts on federal operations.
Federal Climate Change Adaptation Policy
Congress has played a role in federal climate change adaptation policy by creating new programs,
setting funding levels for existing programs, and conducting oversight. Different stakeholders
have petitioned Congress to take, delay, or avoid taking specific actions aimed at reducing climate
change risks through adaptation or mitigation. While some have argued that adapting to climate
change is an immediate imperative,6 others have argued that proposed mitigation policies “have
no measurable effect on global climate but hurt the American economy.”7
Congress has authorized a variety of climate-change-related activities at federal agencies through
standalone legislation and as provisions within other bil s. For example, the Global Change
Research Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-606) established the interagency U.S. Global Change Research
Program (USGCRP) to develop and coordinate “a comprehensive and integrated United States
research program” to improve understanding of global climate change. In another example, as
part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-91, §335), Congress required
the Department of Defense to report on climate change impacts to its instal ations.
The executive branch has played a leading role in shaping climate change policy at federal
agencies using its broad and discretionary authorities. The direction and level of emphasis on
climate change policy has changed among successive administrations for decades. For example,
President Clinton signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1998, and President G. W. Bush rejected it in
2001. Had Congress ratified the Kyoto Protocol, it would have committed the United States to
legal y binding reductions in GHG emissions.8 In another example, the Obama Administration
established specific climate change policies through executive order (E.O.) 13693, “Planning for
Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.” This E.O. superseded policies established by the G.

4 For a broader overview of federal climate change funding, see CRS Report R43227, Federal Climate Change
Funding from FY2008 to FY2014
5 Mach, Planton, and von Stechow, “Annex II: Glossary,” p. 125. As discussed in the text box, “What Is Climate
Change?,” increasing concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere contribute to global climate change.
6 For example, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, “ Farmer Letter on Climate Change Solutions in
and Regeneration International, “ Farmers and Ranchers for a Green New Deal,”
7 Club for Growth, “Club for Growth PAC Opposes McCarthy and Romney Liberal Climate Regulations,” February
12, 2020,
8 For more information on the Kyoto Protocol, see CRS Report R46204, The United Nations Framework Convention
on Clim ate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreem ent: A Sum m ary
Congressional Research Service

Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

W. Bush Administration and revoked E.O. 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy,
and Transportation Management.”9
Specific actions taken in different administrations have created, increased, reduced, or eliminated
federal planning for climate change adaptation. Among these actions, President Trump revoked
the Obama E.O. that had required federal departments to prepare climate action plans.10 In
addition, President Trump revoked the Obama E.O. that had directed federal agencies to
incorporate resilient (adaptive) design elements into their facilities.11
The Trump Administration has also issued new policies, including E.O. 13834, Efficient Federal
, issued May 17, 2018. This E.O. states that “each agency shal prioritize actions that
reduce waste, cut costs, enhance the resilience of Federal infrastructure and operations, and
enable more effective accomplishment of its mission.”12 Implementing instructions for this E.O.
state, “Resilience general y can be defined as the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to
changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions,” and do not
explicitly reference climate change.13 The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
offers limited technical guidance to agencies in Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal
Buildings and Associated Instructions to “assess and consider climate change risks.”14
Notwithstanding these shifts in policy, federal agencies continue to implement policies and
programs relevant to climate change adaptation.
Primer on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Forestry
Agriculture and forestry are sensitive to weather, and consequently to the impacts of climate
change, due to direct and indirect relationships between environmental conditions and the health
and growth of plants and animals. Directly, plants and animals may thrive only within a certain
range of temperatures and with access to sufficient, and not overabundant, water (as wel as other
conditions). Unseasonable heat waves, freezes, droughts, and floods can disrupt or destroy crop
production, stress livestock, and increase forest vulnerability to fires and pests. Increases in
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) can alter plant photosynthesis and water management when
plant cel s respond to increased CO2 availability (known as carbon fertilization). Indirectly,
changes in climate may al ow plant and animal pests to thrive in regions where they did not exist
previously, and where they may be considered invasive and detrimental.
Scientists have found it chal enging to predict climate change impacts on agriculture with great
certainty. This is due to the large number of interacting variables that influence agricultural
production, and the uncertainties of projected changes in those variables and subsequent
responses by agricultural producers and consumers. For example, warming conditions may cause
plants to initiate flowering earlier in the year. This may lengthen the growing season if conditions
remain favorable, or it may result in crop decline or failure if later conditions are unfavorable

9 E.O. 13693, “Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade,” 80 Federal Register 15871, March 19, 2015;
and E.O. 13423, “ Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and T ransportation Management,” 72 Federal
3919, January 26, 2007.
10 E.O. 13783, “Promoting Energy Independence and Promoting Economic Growth,” 82 Federal Register 16093,
March 31, 2017, revoked E.O. 13653.
11 E.O. 13834, “Efficient Federal Operations,” 83 Federal Register 23771, May 17, 2018, revoked E.O. 13693 (2015).
12 E.O. 13834 (2018).
13 Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Office of Federal Sustainability, “ Implementing Instructions for
Executive Order 13834 Efficient Federal Operations,” Executive Office of the President, May 17, 2018.
14 CEQ, “Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions,” Executive Office of the
President, February 2016,
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

(e.g., freezing or flooding conditions follow flowering, or required pollinators are not available
when plants need them to set fruit). Adding to these uncertainties, if the crops that farmers
traditional y grow in their fields are no longer economical y viable under altered climatic
conditions, those farmers may choose to plant different crops or make new land management
What Is Climate Change?
Climate change refers to long-term changes in average weather patterns over time. These include patterns of daily
temperature highs and lows, the timing and amounts of precipitation, humidity, and other factors. Scientists have
attributed most climate change since the early 20th century to the impacts of human activities, such as burning
fossil fuels as wel as deforestation and land degradation, which typical y release (emit) greenhouse gases (GHGs)
into the earth’s atmosphere. GHGs contribute to global climate change by trapping radiation from the sun within
the atmosphere. Primary GHGs include carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous
oxide (N2O). For additional details, see CRS In Focus IF11446, Weather and Climate Change: What’s the Difference?.
Despite the uncertainties, most researchers expect yields of most major crops in the United States
to decline through the end of this century.15 Yields are lower under the climate change scenarios
considered more likely by many scientists, when al primary factors are included in the
analyses.16 Adapting to climate change and reducing global GHG emissions can limit risks and
vulnerabilities associated with climate change.17
Forests have adapted and responded to changing climatic conditions for mil ennia.18 The
anticipated future climate changes, however, are expected to be more rapid than past changes, and
scientific assessments regarding the range of potential forest responses vary. Scientists anticipate
that warming temperatures associated with future climate change could cause geographic shifts in
the distribution of many tree populations and species as compared to current conditions. For
example, some tree species may die back in some locations and grow in new locations. Some
species may face extinction.19 Temperature and precipitation changes associated with climate
change have been observed in some cases to increase forest vulnerability to drought, fire, and
pests. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere may enable trees and other plants to increase their growth
and productivity (e.g., due to carbon fertilization), but only if sufficient nutrients are available in
the soil to support them and other factors permit such growth. This may lead to additional shifts
in the geographic and species distributions of forests: regions with high nutrient availability may
support increased productivity, while regions with low nutrient availability may not. In addition,
“invasive” species may alter the character of surviving vegetation.
Agriculture and forestry practices and technologies can address both climate change adaptation
and climate change mitigation. Adaptation refers to actions taken to avoid the consequences or
capture the benefits of climate change. Farmers, ranchers, and land managers continuously adapt

15 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Agriculture,” in Multi-Model Framework for Quantitative Sectoral
Im pacts Analysis: A Technical Report for the Fourth National Clim ate Assessm ent
, EPA 430-R-17-001, 2017, pp. 156-
16 EPA, “Agriculture,” 2017. T his report bases these findings on projections using two climate scenarios (RCP8.5 and
RCP4.5) through 2100. For information on climate change science, see CRS Report R43229, Clim ate Change Science:
Key Points
17 EPA, “Agriculture,” 2017, p. 211.
18 For example, Forest Service (FS), “Changing Climate, Changing Forests: T he Impacts of Climate Change on Forests
of the Nort heastern United States and Eastern Canada,” General T echnical Report NRS-9, July 2012.
19 See EPA, “ Climate Impacts on Forests,” January 19, 2017, archived at
climate-impacts/climate-impacts-forests_.html; and FS, “ Climate Change, Forests, and Water,”
Congressional Research Service

Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

to changing conditions, though responses to climate change may require new management
practices and technologies.20 Although forest ecosystems have inherent characteristics that
enhance their capacity to survive disturbance events (resistance) or facilitate recovery after
disturbance (resilience), most current thinking suggests that the rapid pace and magnitude of
climate change may overwhelm the resistance and resilience capacity of many forests.21 Forest
management practices may influence forest resistance, resilience, and recovery, though the future
effects of changing climate conditions on forests broadly remain uncertain.
Mitigation in a climate change context refers to actions taken to prevent or slow the progress of
climate change, by reducing GHG emissions or increasing GHG sequestration. Forest ecosystems
and agricultural land can play a role in mitigating against rising atmospheric CO2 levels: growing
vegetation removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores, or sequesters, it in wood and soil.22
Some disturbance events (e.g., forest fires) release carbon back into the atmosphere. Thus,
appropriate management of disturbances may be critical for avoiding potential future releases of
large amounts of carbon. Other mitigation activities may include using practices and technologies
that reduce the quantity of GHGs—such as CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)—that
are released during agricultural production and land management.23
USDA Climate Policy and Departmental Activities
Federal policies and programs managed by USDA can influence decisions that agricultural
producers and land managers make in response to climate change.
Congress established USDA in 1862 to develop and disseminate information and tools related to
agriculture, and it later added rural development, aquaculture, and human nutrition to the USDA
mandate.24 In the present day, USDA consists of nearly 30 agencies and offices, with close to
100,000 employees at 4,500 locations across the United States and overseas.25 USDA’s FY2020
budget of $152.6 bil ion includes $125.5 bil ion (82%) in mandatory budget authority and $27.2
bil ion (18%) in discretionary budget authority.26 USDA is responsible for the management of
approximately 193 mil ion acres of national forests and grasslands in the National Forest System,
and provides assistance to the owners and managers of the nation’s 1.4 bil ion acres of privately
owned farm, ranch, and forestlands.27
Many USDA agencies manage programs and activities related to climate change adaptation.
Some of these activities began decades ago.28 It is chal enging to identify a comprehensive listing
of al relevant activities. Activities related to climate change adaptation can serve multiple
objectives: climate change adaptation may be an unstated co-benefit (i.e., an additional benefit
beyond an identified primary objective) of activities or programs that do not focus primarily on

20 Prassana Gowda et al., “ Agriculture and Rural Communities,” in David Reidmiller et al. (eds.), Impacts, Risks,
and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Clim ate Assessm ent, Volum e II
, U.S. Global Change Research
Program, 2018, pp. 391-437.
21 Gowda et al., “Agriculture in Rural Communities,” 2018.
22 For more information, see CRS Report R46312, Forest Carbon Primer.
23 For additional information, see CRS In Focus IF11404, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks in U.S. Agriculture.
24 7 U.S.C. §2201 et seq.
25 USDA, “Our Agency,”
26 USDA, FY2021 Budget Summary, 2020, Appendix, T able APP -1.
27 USDA, “Summary Report,” 2015 National Resources Inventory, September 2018,
Internet/FSE_DOCUMENT S/nrcseprd1422028.pdf.
28 See for example, FS, “ Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment ,”
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adaptation. Further, information about individual activities conducted through agency field offices
may be broadly dispersed and is not always collected or publicly reported central y.
In 2019, USDA estimated its FY2019 climate change spending to be $600.3 mil ion (Table 1).
This total includes funding obligations made by nine agencies and one staff office (in order of
spending amount based on FY2019 estimates): the Forest Service (FS), the Agricultural Research
Service (ARS), the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), the Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS), the Office of the Chief Economist (OCE), the Economic Research
Service (ERS), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the Farm Service Agency
(FSA), the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), and the Risk Management
Agency (RMA). These estimates do not include some programs with primary objectives other
than climate change.
Table 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture Global Climate Change Spending
(dol ars in thousands)
Obligations Obligations Obligations Estimates
Forest Service
Agricultural Research Service
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Office of the Chief Economist
Economic Research Service
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Farm Service Agency
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
Risk Management Agency
Source: USDA global climate change budget cross cut tables provided by USDA to CRS on August 8, 2019.
Notes: This table presents obligations (not budget authorities) for FY2016-FY2018, and estimated obligations
for FY2019, as reported by USDA. These obligations include discretionary funding provided through
appropriation acts and mandatory funding authorized through legislation (i.e., farm bil s). They include funding for
programs that may be relevant to both climate change adaptation and mitigation, and may not include some
programs for which climate change is a secondary objective or co-benefit. The Forest Service receives some
multiyear appropriations, and thus some changes in obligations may reflect prior changes in appropriations. Data
provided by USDA indicates that most of the large decrease in Forest Service obligations from FY2016 to
FY2017 results from a decrease in “Forest Resilience” spending. CRS was unable to determine what is included
in “Forest Resilience.” USDA did not respond to CRS requests for additional information.
a. Spending data from prior USDA global climate change crosscut budget tables provided by USDA (for
FY2015, actual; FY2016, enacted; and FY2017, budget) indicate that FY2015 global change obligations for the
Forest Service were $1,163,216,000.
USDA has considered climate change adaptation in department-level strategic planning for at
least the past decade. Overarching USDA strategic plans released in 2010 and 2014 identified
climate change as a concern in descriptions of several strategic goals and explicitly addressed
climate change resilience through their Goal 2: Ensure Our National Forests and Private
Congressional Research Service

Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Working Lands Are Conserved, Restored, and Made More Resilient to Climate Change ... 29 The
current USDA strategic plan, released in 2018, does not directly address climate change, although
it cal s for building “resilience to extreme weather and events.”30
USDA has also developed department-wide strategic plans specific to climate change science. In
2010, USDA released the USDA Climate Change Science Plan to “incorporate the management
of climate change chal enges and opportunities into the scientific missions of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.”31 This document aligned with the 2010 USDA strategic plan. In
2019, a media report indicated that USDA had updated the 2010 Climate Change Science Plan
but had not finalized it: Politico released a USDA Climate Science Resilience Plan marked as
“draft” and dated 2017.32 In a July 18, 2019, Senate hearing, the USDA Deputy Under Secretary
for Research, Education, and Economics stated that the 2017 update was prepared for internal use
and was not intended to be released publicly.33 Responding to a Question for the Record, USDA
stated that “the primary audience for this update was internal to the department to aid in planning
and priority setting…. The December 2017 version of the report was provided to the research
agencies as a staff report for their use in research agency planning.”34
As required by the now-revoked E.O. 13653, USDA developed a USDA Climate Change
Adaptation Plan in 2014, an update of its 2012 plan.35 This plan remains posted to the USDA
website, however it is unclear to what extent it continues to influence USDA activities. In
developing the 2014 plan, USDA drew from 11 USDA agencies and offices to assess
vulnerabilities and review climate change risks to the USDA mission. The 2014 plan stated that it
aims to identify existing and future actions to build climate change resilience.36 The adaptation
plan included individual plans for the 11 agencies.37 USDA Departmental Regulation (DR) 1070-
001, first issued in 2011 and updated in 2015, stated that the USDA adaptation plan would be
updated in accordance with guidance from CEQ.38 The only identifiable guidance from CEQ
pertaining to managing climate change risks appears in Guiding Principles for Sustainable
Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions
, related to E.O. 13834, Efficient Federal

29 USDA, USDA Strategic Plan FY2010-2015; and USDA, USDA Strategic Plan FY2014-2018.
30 USDA, USDA Strategic Plan FY2018-2022, p. 41.
31 USDA, USDA Climate Change Science Plan, 2010, p. 5.
32 USDA, USDA Climate Science Resilience Plan, Draft, September 17, 2017, posted by Politico, July 18, 2019, at Also, Helena Bottemiller Evich,
“USDA Official: Climate Science Plan Wasn’t Supposed to Be Public,” Politico, July 18, 2019.
33 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Agricultural Research and 2018 Farm Bill
Im plem entation
, hearing on implementation of P.L. 115-334, 116th Cong., 1st sess., July 18, 2019, S. HRG. 116-192
(Washington, DC: GPO, 2020).
34 Ibid.
35 USDA, USDA Climate Change Adaptation Plan, June 2014,
USDA_Climate_Change_Adaptation_Plan_Only.pdf . For additional information on and analysis of this plan, see the
USDA section of CRS Report R43915, Clim ate Change Adaptation by Federal Agencies: An Analysis of Plans and
Issues for Congress
36 T he U.S. Climate Resilience T oolkit defines resilience as “the capacity of a community, business, or natural
environment to prevent, withstand, respond to , and recover from a disruption.” See U.S. Climate Resilience T oolkit,
37 Eleven agencies and offices contributed individual adaptation plans, including ARS; APHIS; CCPO; the Foreign
Agriculture Service; the Grain Inspectors, Packers and Stockyards Administration; NASS; NIFA; NRCS; RMA; and
Rural Development.
38 USDA, “ U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policy Statement on Climate Change Adaptation ,” DR 1070-001,
June 11, 2011, superseded by DR 1070-001, issued June 15, 2015.
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Operations, as described earlier.39 Despite changes in federal policy, the 2015 DR 1070-001 has
not been revoked or replaced. USDA agencies continue to operate many of the programs and
activities detailed in the 2014 plan.
In February 2020, USDA released an Agriculture Innovation Agenda, highlighting a department-
wide effort to position USDA to meet future agricultural needs.40 Through this agenda, USDA
committed to increasing landscape resiliency, reducing net GHG emissions, and increasing
carbon sequestration, among other goals.
In addition to planning for cross-cutting activities and approaches within the department, USDA
also engages in federal government interagency and international activities. As discussed below,
the USDA Climate Change Program Office (CCPO) leads USDA climate policy and coordinates
USDA participation in and contributions to many federal interagency and international activities .
Also discussed below, the USDA Climate Hubs are a USDA interagency collaboration that
involves several USDA agencies.
Climate Change Program Office
CCPO, a component of OCE, is responsible for coordinating USDA’s response to climate change
within USDA and with other federal agencies and international organizations.41 As such, CCPO:
 oversees USDA climate change adaptation planning (and led the development of
the 2014 USDA Climate Change Adaptation Plan),42
 chairs the USDA-interagency Global Change Task Force,
 oversees departmental GHG accounting capabilities and responsibilities,
 represents USDA to the federal interagency USGCRP, and
 directs international climate change initiatives.43
The CCPO website provides many resources detailing USDA adaptation, mitigation, and GHG
accounting activities.44
In terms of federal interagency coordination, CCPO oversees USDA contributions to the U.S.
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
, an annual report issued by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency with contributions from multiple federal agencies. CCPO also
coordinates USDA contributions to reports prepared by USGCRP, including the quadrennial
National Climate Assessment mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-
606) and the decadal North American State of the Carbon Cycle Report.45

39 CEQ, Office of Federal Sustainability, “ Implementing Instructions for Executive Order 13834 Efficient Federal
Operations,” Executive Office of the President, May 17, 2018.
40 USDA, USDA Agriculture Innovation Agenda, February 20, 2020,
41 CCPO resides within the Office of Energy and Environmental Policy (OEEP), which is itself a component of OCE.
42 USDA assigned CCPO this responsibility through DR 1070-001, June 3, 2011, and as superseded by DR 1070-001,
June 15, 2015.
43 CCPO, The Climate Change Program Office,
USGCRP is a federal interagency program mandated by Congress to coordinate f ederal research and investments
focused on understanding the forces shaping the global environment and their societal impacts (15 U.S.C. §2921 et
44 USDA, “Climate Change Program Office,”
45 Recent reports are: David Reidmiller et al. (eds.), Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth
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Internationally, CCPO coordinates USDA engagement with international organizations that
include the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).46
Climate Hubs
In 2014, USDA established, and continues to operate, a network of “Regional Hubs for Risk
Adaption and Mitigation to Climate Change” to facilitate climate-informed decisionmaking.47
Now known as the USDA Climate Hubs, their mission combines scientific research that is
regional y specific with outreach to farmers, ranchers, and land managers. Through the Climate
Hubs, USDA:
 provides technical support for agricultural producers and landowners responding
to climate change,
 assesses and monitors the risk to agricultural production, and
 conducts research and education about the effects of climate change on
agriculture and forests.48
USDA created the Climate Hubs as a departmental initiative based on existing statutory
authorities, including USDA’s broad authorities to conduct research and extension and its
authorities under the Global Climate Change Prevention Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-624, §2401, et
seq.). ARS and FS senior directors lead the Climate Hubs. NRCS, APHIS, FSA, RMA, NIFA, and
CCPO contribute to them via research, participation in the executive committee, and other
activities. USDA selected the 10 Climate Hub locations through a competitive application process
among USDA facilities (see Figure 1).
The Climate Hubs continue to operate as a USDA initiative without specific statutory
authorization. Available data suggests they operate with approximately $9 mil ion (FY2016) to
$13 mil ion (FY2019) per year, contributed by several USDA agencies.49 OCE explanatory notes
for the annual President’s budget request routinely include progress updates for Climate Hub
activities, and funding requests for the Climate Hubs coordinator.50

National Clim ate Assessm ent, Volum e II, U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2018; and Nancy Cavallaro et al.
(eds.), Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessm ent Report , U.S. Global Change
Research Program, 2018.
46 See “United Nations Climate Change” at See also CRS Report R46204, The United Nations
Fram ework Convention on Clim ate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreem ent: A Sum m ary
47 USDA, “ Secretary Vilsack Announces Regional Hubs to Help Agriculture, Forestry Mitigate the Impacts of a
Changing Climate,” press release, February 5, 2014. See also USDA, Climate Hubs, “ About Us,”
48 USDA, Charter of the Executive Committee of the Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate
, January 31, 2014,
49 Climate change budget information provided to CRS by OCE on August 8, 2019, shows agency Climate Hub
contributions totaling approximately $9.0 million for FY2019, from ARS ($5.6 million), NRCS ($2.7 million), FS
($400,000), APHIS ($250,000), and OCE ($100,000).
50 See, for example, explanatory notes for the President’s FY2021 budget request at
06oce2021notes.pdf (especially pp. 6-4 and 6-15). T his document notes that FY2020 enacted appropriations provided
$120,000 for the Climate Hubs coordinator.
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Figure 1. Map of the USDA Climate Hubs

Source: USDA, “USDA Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change,”
Activities of Selected USDA Agencies
Individual USDA agencies address climate change adaptation in accordance with their statutory
mandates. This section discusses major programs and activities of many of USDA’s 16 agencies,
grouped thematical y for purposes of this report by: natural resources and conservation agencies;
research agencies; and production, marketing, and regulatory agencies.51 Some USDA agencies
have fewer adaptation-relevant activities and programs and so are not discussed in this report.
These include the Agricultural Marketing Service; the Food and Nutrition Service; the Food
Safety and Inspection Service; the Foreign Agriculture Service; the Grain Inspection, Packers and
Stockyards Administration; and Rural Development, which includes the Rural Business-
Cooperative Service, the Rural Housing Service, and the Rural Utility Service.52
Natural Resources and Conservation Agencies
USDA agencies focused on natural resources and conservation include FS and NRCS. These
agencies have local and regional offices located throughout the country. FS programs and
activities include the management of federal lands as wel as conducting research and providing

51 Agency summaries draw from multiple sources, including individual agency plans within the 2014 USDA Climate
Change Adaptation Plan
, agency climate change fact sheets that were released in 2011 and 2012 and are available on
the CCPO website, and other publicly available materials. Links to adaptation plans for agencies not included in this
report, where available, may be access through the CCPO website at
52 Links to adaptation plans for agencies not included in this report, where available, may be access through the CCPO
website at
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assistance to nonfederal forest owners. NRCS programs and activities are directed toward
privately owned land, including cropland, grassland, rangeland, and forest land. Together, the
mandates of these two agencies cover approximately 1.6 bil ion acres of U.S. land.
U.S. Forest Service53
The FS mission is to “sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and
grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.”54 To accomplish this mission, FS
is responsible for:
 managing the National Forest System (NFS);
 conducting forestry research; and
 providing assistance to state, private, and international forestry agencies.
These are accomplished through three mission areas: NFS, Forest and Rangeland Research
(FRR), and State and Private Forestry (SPF). FS is headquartered in Washington, DC, with over
27,100 permanent employees located throughout the country in nine regional offices, over 600
ranger district offices, and seven research stations.55
While CCPO has primary responsibility for organizing and leading USDA climate change
activities, FS’s mission increases its presence in climate change activities above those of most
other agencies at USDA. For example, FS has identified several intertwined roles regarding
climate change adaptation within its mission areas. As described below, these include research,
engagement and outreach with other forestry managers, and federal land management. Many of
these activities are coordinated through the FS Office of Sustainability and Climate.56
Climate change research is identified as one of five priority areas on the FRR website,57 though
the agency’s FY2021 budget justification does not include climate change as a priority research
area.58 In 2009, FS established a Global Change Research Strategy 2009-2019, with research on
adaptation, mitigation, and decision-support strategies related to climate as the primary
objectives.59 The strategy does not appear to have been updated. FS has continued to publish
research studies and other resources related to climate adaptation.
Through SPF, FS provides technical and financial assistance to states and private forest
landowners.60 Several of the USDA Climate Hubs (see Figure 1) are operated in partnership with
both FRR and SPF activities. In addition, the Climate Change Resource Center is a compilation
of FS’s related research, outreach, and management activities.61 This resource provides land

53 T his section was written by Katie Hoover, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy. For more information, see Katie
Hoover and Anne Riddle, Analyst in Natural Resources Policy.
54 For more information, see FS, “About the Agency,”
55 T he FS workforce also includes over 10,000 seasonal employees. FS, FY2021 Budget Justification, pp. 4, 97,
56 For more information, see FS, “ Sustainability and Climate,”
57 FS, “Research and Development Priority Areas,”
58 FS, FY2021 Budget Justification, p. 27,
59 FS, Forest Service Global Change Research Strategy, 2009-2019, FS-917a, June 2009,
60 For more information on SPF, see CRS Report R45219, Forest Service Assistance Programs.
61 For more information, see FS, “ Climate Change Resource Center,”
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managers and other decisionmakers—private and public—with information, research, decision-
support models, maps, and simulations. These tools may be used to incorporate climate change
management activities into forest planning and project management. In addition, FS addresses
climate change in international forestry issues through policy engagement and technical
cooperation to develop capacity and strengthen existing institutions related to forest governance
and management worldwide.
As a land manager, FS addresses climate change first through strategic planning and policy
initiatives regarding the management of the NFS.62 The foundation of the FS land management
strategy is to focus on forest restoration and improving the resilience of NFS lands to withstand
stressors and to facilitate adaptation to climatic changes over the long term, so that the national
forests and grasslands may continue to provide multiple services and uses.63 To implement that
strategy, FS adopted an adaptive framework for incorporating resilience and restoration goals into
land management planning and decisionmaking in the FS 2012 Planning Rule.64 The adaptive
framework includes an expanded inventory and monitoring system as part of the planning process
to assess progress toward the restoration goals and refocus efforts as necessary. In addition to
strategic planning and policy initiatives, FS developed several tools and resources to better inform
and evaluate the potential climate impacts of different forest management decisions across the
NFS.65 For example, FS developed baseline carbon assessment reports and various climate
change vulnerability assessments for each NFS region.66
FS previously developed several climate policy initiatives.67 In 2008, for example, the agency
published the Forest Service Strategic Framework for Responding to Climate Change, which set
forth seven goals as the overarching structure for agency strategies, priorities, policy decisions,
and resource al ocations for responding to climate change.68 To implement the strategic
framework, FS published the National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change in 2011,
which established short- and long-term actions to respond to climate change on the NFS.69 In
2014, FS released its USDA Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014, which
included activities to address adaptation across the agency’s three mission areas.70
The extent that FS has implemented, retained, updated, or replaced these plans and policy
initiatives is unclear. However, FS has continued to conduct climate research, provide resources,

62 For more information, see CRS Report R43872, National Forest System Management: Overview, Appropriations,
and Issues for Congress
63 FS, “Ecosystem Restoration Policy,” 81 Federal Register 24785, April 27, 2016,
pkg/FR-2016-04-27/pdf/2016-09750.pdf. See also FS, Forest Service Manual (FSM) Chapter 2020 —Ecosystem
, May 2016, p. 5.
64 FS, “National Forest System Land Management Planning,” 77 Federal Register 21161, April 9, 2012. T he
regulations are promulgated at T itle 36, Part 219, of the Code of Federal Regulations.
65 FS, “Carbon,”
66 T he baseline assessment are available from FS, “Carbon,” at T he
vulnerability assessments are available from FS, “Vulnerability Assessments,”
67 See USDA, Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014: Forest Service,
68 FS, Forest Service Strategic Framework for Responding to Climate Change, October 2008,
69 FS, National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change,
70 FS, USDA Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014 ,
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and assess climate risks across the NFS to some degree. Nevertheless, a 2017 report from the
USDA Office of the Inspector General found that FS’s policies and practices for measuring and
documenting progress toward achieving the USDA’s strategic goals for climate change were
insufficient.71 More specifical y, the report found that FS’s performance measures did not
adequately demonstrate accomplishments, and that FS did not provide enough guidance or
training for incorporating climate change considerations into project planning.
Natural Resources Conservation Service72
NRCS has primary responsibility at USDA for leading “the conservation, development and
productive use of the Nation’s soil, water, and related resources.”73 Over 9,400 NRCS employees
are local y based in USDA service centers, state-level offices, and county-level offices across the
country.74 The agency provides farmers and ranchers with science-based technical assistance and
financial resources to address natural resource concerns. Al assistance is voluntary and focused
on private lands.
NRCS prescribes conservation practices through the conservation planning process and funds
them through financial assistance programs. NRCS bases these practices on scientifical y
researched, publicly reviewed conservation practice standards. These standards describe why and
where a practice is applied, and the minimum quality criteria required to achieve its intended
purpose. The agency develops standards national y and tailors them to local resource conditions.75
Additional y, practice standards are dynamic. They are reviewed at a minimum of every five
years and amended as new information and data becomes available.76 This established review
process could be advantageous when evaluating future changes in climate.77
Existing conservation practices such as conservation til age, residue management, cover crops,
forest stand improvement, and management of livestock grazing intensities have the potential to
reduce negative impacts of climate change that would arise due to increased soil erosion or
changes in water availability.78 Adaptability, however, is not the only environmental benefit these
practices provide. They can also reduce nutrient and sediment runoff, improve water quality,

71 USDA, Office of the Inspector General, Forest Service’s Plan for Addressing Climate Change, 08601-0005-41,
August 2017.
72 T his section was written by Megan Stubbs, Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy .
73 7 C.F.R. §2.43. For more information on the role and mission of NRCS, see NRCS, “Mission and Vision,”
74 CRS In Focus IF11452, Staffing Trends in the USDA Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Mission Area .
75 National conservation practice standards are not used to plan, design, or install practices, as they do not account for
state and local conditions and laws which may be more restrictive than national criteria. State -level conservation
practices standards are available through the Field Office T echnical Guide (FOT G), at
All national conservation practices and related material are available on the NRCS website at
76 NRCS, “Review of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service National Conservation Practice Standards,” 84
Federal Register
8663, March 11, 2019; and NRCS, “ Notice of Proposed Revisions to the National Handbo ok of
Conservation Practices for the Natural Resources Conservation Service,” 85 Federal Register 16607, March 24, 2020.
77 As part of the USDA Climate Change Adaptation Plan in 2014, NRCS found that integrating adaptation to changes
in climate could be developed within the current NRCS conservation structure. T he agency’s plan remains posted to the
USDA website, however it is unclear to what extent it continues to influence NRCS activities. NRCS, Clim ate Change
Vulnerability Assessm ent and Adaptation Plan 2014
78 OCE, Agricultural Conservation on Working Lands: Trends from 2004 to Present, T echnical Bulletin 1950,
November 2018, rends.pdf.
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enhance soil quality through increasing soil organic matter content and improving soil structure,
and improve yields, among other benefits.79 In this sense, adaptation may be a co-benefit of other
USDA strategies for climate change adaptation rely heavily on the delivery of NRCS’s voluntary
conservation technical assistance and financial support programs.80 Most of these conservation
programs are designed to address multiple concerns through local y adaptable practices. As such,
no NRCS conservation program is specific to climate change adaptation, but most programs can
integrate adaptation to changes in climate within their current structure.81
Most NRCS financial assistance programs are authorized to receive mandatory funding in
omnibus farm bil s. NRCS funding for technical assistance is general y provided through annual
appropriations under the Conservation Operation’s Conservation Technical Assistance account.82
Farm bil -authorized conservation programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives
Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement
Program (ACEP), and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) represent the largest
(in terms of acres and funding levels) NRCS conservation programs currently available to provide
adaptation-related practices on private agricultural land.83 The 2018 farm bil (Agriculture
Improvement Act of 2018, P.L. 115-334) amended EQIP and CSP to include specific reference
within each program’s purpose and activities to assisting producers with “adapting to, or
mitigating against, weather volatility.”84
In additional to providing technical and financial assistance, NRCS also conducts inventories and
assessments related to the effectiveness of conservation practices and systems in managing the
agricultural landscape for environmental quality, including its adaptability to climate change.
Some NRCS programs such as the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG, a subprogram of EQIP)
and On-Farm Demonstration Trials (a subprogram of CIG) provide grants to nonfederal partners
and individuals to implement innovative conservation practices and techniques.85 Other
initiatives, such as the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP), seek to quantify the
environmental effects of NRCS conservation practices and programs.86 Some NRCS initiatives
related to soil health—such as the Rapid Carbon Assessment project, Science of Soil Health
Initiative, and Soil Health Demonstration Trials—provide measurable assessments of dynamic
soil properties that may inform and improve adaption policies.87

79 For additional information on the physical effects of NRCS conservation practices, see NRCS, “Conservation
Practice Physical Effects on Soil, Water, Air, Plants, Animals, Energy, and People: National Summary T ool 2017,”
80 For example, see USDA, USDA Agriculture Innovation Agenda, February 20, 2020,
81 NRCS, Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan 2014.
82 For more information on NRCS annual appropriations, see CRS Report R46011, FY2020 Appropriations for
Agricultural Conservation
83 For a list of additional agricultural conservation programs and authorized funding levels, see CRS Report R40763,
Agricultural Conservation: A Guide to Program s.
84 EQIP, 16 U.S.C. §3839aa(4), and CSP, 16 U.S.C. §3839aa-21(2)(B)(v).
85 For additional information on both programs, see NRCS, “Conservation Innovation Grants,”
86 For additional information on CEAP and other assessment initiatives, see NRCS, “Natural Resources Assessment,”
87 For additional information on the Rapid Carbon Assessment, see NRCS, “Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA),” For information on the Soil
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Research Agencies88
Four agencies and one staff office comprise USDA research. The Research, Education, and
Economics (REE) mission area consists of four agencies: ARS, NIFA, ERS, and NASS. These
agencies conduct and/or support scientific research on agriculture and related topics. The Under
Secretary for REE, who oversees these agencies, holds the title of USDA Chief Scientist and is
responsible for coordinating research, education, and extension activities across the entire
department. The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS)—a staff office within the Office of the
Secretary of Agriculture—supports the USDA Chief Scientist in this coordination role.89
REE has considered climate change adaptation in its strategic planning. The USDA Science
, released in February 2020, provides strategic guidance to REE agencies, as wel as
other USDA agencies, by identifying overarching themes for USDA science initiatives.90 “Ag
Climate Adaptation” is one of the blueprint’s five program themes. Within this theme, USDA
states that “based on the best available science, new strategies and management practices must be
developed to al ow unmanaged and managed systems to be fully leveraged to mitigate and
address climate change.”91
Each REE agency conducts activities related to climate change adaptation. In addition to their
individual agency activities discussed below, the REE agencies also collaborate with each other
and with domestic and international partners. For example, both ARS and NIFA represent the
United States to the Global Research Al iance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, a voluntary
organization that brings together more than 60 countries to focus on “research, development and
extension of technologies and practices that help deliver ways to grow more food (and more
climate-resilient food systems) without growing greenhouse gas emissions.”92
Agricultural Research Service
ARS is USDA’s chief intramural (employing federal scientists) scientific research agency. ARS
employs approximately 2,000 scientists and manages a network of more than 90 federal research
laboratories located across the country and abroad.93 Many of these laboratories are co-located
with land-grant universities. ARS research is organized into 15 National Programs to coordinate
the nearly 700 research projects carried out by ARS scientists.
Climate change adaptation issues at ARS include risks to federal infrastructure as wel as research
on agricultural adaptation. ARS’s geographical y distributed research locations provide
workplaces for employees and house sensitive research collections. In its 2014 climate change
adaptation plan, ARS cited several concerns regarding its ability to conduct its mission in the face

Health Demonstration Trial, see NRCS, “ CIG On-Farm Conservation Innovation T rials,”
88 T his section was written by Genevieve K. Croft, Analyst in Agricultural Policy.
89 7 U.S.C. §6971.
90 USDA, USDA Science Blueprint: A Roadmap for USDA Science from 2020 to 2025 , December 2019, ience-blueprint.pdf. T his blueprint succeeds the REE Action
created in 2012 and updated in 2014. USDA publicly released the blueprint document, which is marked December
2019, in February 2020.
91USDA, USDA Science Blueprint, 2020, p. 5.
92 For more information, see the Global Research Alliance website at
93 ARS, “About ARS,”
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of climate change.94 These included limitations on conducting research at current locations if
environmental changes exceed agricultural resilience, real ocation of funds away from current
high-priority research due to unexpected climate change impacts, threats to field personnel from
extreme weather events, increased overhead costs to mitigate extreme environmental conditions
for staff and research collections, and increased buildings and facilities costs to provide resilience
to climate change.
Most climate change research at ARS is conducted under the National Soil and Air Program (NP
#212, formerly the National Climate Change, Soils, and Emissions Program). In FY2018, 89 full-
time scientists worked on 23 ARS-appropriated research projects and 111 cooperative research
projects within NP #212.95 This research addresses both climate change adaptation and
In addition to individual research projects, ARS also manages and funds a national network of
research sites: the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. LTAR has the vision of
“developing national strategies for the sustainable intensification of agriculture production.”96
ARS designed LTAR to compare the results of different standardized agricultural practices across
different U.S. regions over many years. It compares current practices (“business as usual”) to
practices that incorporate new research findings (“aspirational”).97 This type of consistent, long-
term research can provide insights into how climate change impacts agricultural productivity, if at
al , as wel as practices that mitigate impacts of climate change. ARS established LTAR in 2011
based on existing authorities, and it continues to manage it as an ARS priority. ARS al ocates
funds to LTAR from the congressional y appropriated ARS Salaries and Expenses account. The
18 LTAR sites include ARS and non-ARS research locations in various types of agroecosystems
(Figure 2).
In addition to ARS research programs, ARS also engages in international collaborations related to
agricultural adaptation to climate change. ARS co-leads the Agricultural Model Intercomparison
and Improvement Project (AgMIP). AgMIP’s goal is to better assess the risks of climate change
on global food production and food security, and to enhance adaptation capacity in developing
and developed countries. It involves research in the United States as wel as other countries, and
is intended to help improve the comparability of analyses across studies to enhance learning.
Approximately 40 countries participate in the project, with researchers working together to
improve crop yield simulation models under projected future conditions.98

94 USDA, “Agricultural Research Service Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan,” in US Department of Agriculture
Clim ate Change Adaption Plan
, June 2014, pp. 23-37.
95 Examples of related activities may be found in ARS, FY2018 Annual Report, “National Program 212—Soil and Air,” s/np212/NP212%20Annual%20Report%20FY18.pdf.
96 ARS, “ T he Long-T erm Agroecosystem Research (LT AR) Network,”
research-ltar-network. USDA frequently uses the term sustainable intensification, which some scientists define as “ a
process or system where agricultural yields are increased without adverse environmental impact and without the
conversion of additional non-agricultural land.” See Jules Pretty and Zareen Pervez Bharucha, “ Sustainable
Intensification in Agricultural Syst ems,” Annals of Botany, Vol. 114, No. 8 (October 2014). Sustainable intensification
can include best management practices and technologies for climate adaptation.
97 Charles L. Walthall, “ Forum: T ransforming Agriculture with LT AR,” AgResearch Magazine, October 2017.
98 ARS, “AgMIP: T he Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project,”
ARSUserFiles/OIRP/Brief%20-%20AgMIP%20Overview%20-%20ARS%2018-Sept -2012cw.pdf.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 2. Map of the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network

Source: ARS, “About the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network,”
Notes: USDA’s LTAR network is comprised of 18 long-term research sites across the United States that use
coordinated observations and experiments to develop and share research findings that can advance sustainable
intensification of U.S. agriculture. No LTAR facilities are located in Alaska and Hawai .
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
NIFA supports research, education, and extension programs in the land-grant university system
and other organizations.99 NIFA’s headquarters is located in Washington, DC, while most of its
staff positions were relocated to Kansas City, MO, in October 2019. The agency does not perform
research, education, or extension activities, but rather provides funds and national leadership in
these areas.100 NIFA programs are organized under four institutes, including the Institute of
Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment (IBCE), which manages programs to help agricultural,

99 For more information on the land-grant university system and NIFA’s role in its funding, see CRS Report R45897,
The U.S. Land-Grant University System : An Overview.
100 For additional information, see CRS Report R40819, Agricultural Research: Background and Issues.
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forest, and range production systems adapt to climate variables.101 “Agroclimate science” is a
NIFA priority science area, with projects administered through IBCE.102
Most NIFA-funded grants that focus on climate change are multimil ion-dollar, integrated,
transdisciplinary projects that address the adaptation of food, feed, and fiber production systems
to changing climates. Most of these projects have the goal of reducing GHG emissions and
increasing carbon sequestration in agriculture and forestry. In NIFA’s 2014 climate change
adaptation plan, NIFA anticipated the need to balance an increasing demand for scientific
research, modeling, educational programs, and extension activities to address climate change
issues with other research, education, and extension needs for agriculture.103 For example, if
investigations of climate stressors and tipping points become more important to climate
adaptation science research, NIFA may need to balance funding this work with funding it
provides for other crop and livestock production research and formal and informal educational
programs.104 NIFA has not issued an agency-wide strategic plan to follow its 2014-2018 strategic
Economic Research Service
ERS supports economic and social science analysis with a focus on agriculture, rural
development, food, commodity markets, and the environment. It also collects and disseminates
data concerning USDA programs and policies. ERS is one of the 13 principal statistical agencies
of the Federal Statistical System of the United States.106 Its headquarters is located in Washington,
DC, while much of its staff was relocated to Kansas City, MO, in October 2019.
As part of its work, ERS conducts research on issues related to climate change, including climate
change impacts on crop production, livestock production, and agricultural markets; the cost of
federal policies and programs; international land use; agricultural adaptation prospects;
agricultural GHG mitigation; the role of USDA programs; and risk management.107 This research
can inform consideration of potential policy responses to the impacts of climate change on
agriculture and the effects of agriculture on climate change. Two examples of relevant ERS
products are Climate Change and Agricultural Risk Management Into the 21st Century and
Development, Adoption, and Management of Drought-Tolerant Corn in the United States, both
published in 2019.108

101 NIFA, Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment, Institute Fact Sheet IBCE R7, December 11, 2012,
102 NIFA, “NIFA Fact Sheet,” September 23, 2019,
103 USDA, “National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan,” in US Department of
Agriculture Clim ate Change Adaption Plan
, June 2014, pp. 100-110.
104 USDA, “National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan,” 2014.
105 NIFA, “Strategic Plan,” at, and NIFA, NIFA Strategic Plan 2014-2018.
106 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical
Agency, Sixth Edition
, National Academies Press, 2017,, p. 20.
107 ERS, “Climate Change,”
108 Andrew Crane-Droesch et al., Climate Change and Agricultural Risk Management Into the 21st Century, ERR-266,
ERS, July 2019; and Jonathan McFadden et al., Developm ent, Adoption, and Management of Drought-Tolerant Corn in
the United States
, ERS, EIB 204, January 2019.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service
NASS provides official statistics on agricultural production and indicators of the status of the
farm sector. NASS is one of 13 principal statistical agencies of the Federal Statistical System of
the United States.109 NASS has its headquarters in Washington, DC, a National Operations Center
in St. Louis, MO, and 12 regional field offices.110
NASS’s mission is to “provide timely, accurate and useful statistics in service to United States
agriculture.”111 The Geospatial Information Branch, within the Research and Development
Division, employs satel ite imagery to assess crop conditions, and this information is used to
develop production forecasts. This detailed documentation of current conditions can inform
agricultural adaptation planning, by documenting current conditions over time for departmental
and public use.
Production and Regulatory Agencies
Among USDA agencies that focus on production, marketing, and regulatory activities are FSA,
RMA, and APHIS. These agencies have local and regional offices across the United States. FSA
and RMA focus on providing farm production support to U.S. farmers and ranchers. FSA
administers many of the agricultural support programs (e.g., farm loans, commodity support, and
disaster assistance) directly to producers through local field offices. RMA administers the Federal
Crop Insurance Program (FCIP) through approved insurance providers and responds to producer
interests and concerns. APHIS serves a diverse constituency when pursuing its mission of
protecting the health of U.S. agriculture through its many programs. Each agency plays a role in
agricultural climate change adaptation, as described below.
Farm Service Agency112
FSA administers a number of financial incentives for farmers and ranchers through farm
ownership and production loans, farm income and commodity support programs, disaster
assistance, and conservation programs. Similar to NRCS, FSA is local y based with over 99% of
its 9,300 staff located in state- and county-level offices across the country.113
As part of the 2014 USDA Climate Change Adaptation Plan, FSA identified three climate change
adaptation actions, including amending policy to facilitate adaptation, providing outreach to
producers through the existing FSA service center structure and USDA’s climate change hubs,
and conducting a “continuity of operations” exercise to prepare for an increase in large-scale crop
failures resulting from climate change.114 While recent farm bil s have reauthorized a number of
the existing programs FSA cited as necessary for its response to climate change—for example,
the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

109 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical
, 2017,, p. 20.
110 NASS, FY2021 Budget Justification, p. 19-4,
111 NASS, National Agricultural Statistics Service Strategic Plan FY2020 -FY2025.
112 T his section was written by Megan Stubbs, Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy .
113 For more information, see CRS In Focus IF11452, Staffing Trends in the USDA Farm Production and Conservation
(FPAC) Mission Area
114 FSA, USDA Farm Service Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014 ,
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(CREP), loan programs, and disaster programs—the programs were not amended to specifical y
address adaptation. In most cases, these programs have continued with few changes related to
adaption since the 2014 adaptation plan was issued.
According to the agency’s most recent strategic plan, FSA’s adaptation and mitigation response
focuses primarily on CRP—a farm bil authorized program that pays private agricultural land
owners to replace commercial crop production on highly erodible and environmental y sensitive
land with long-term resource-conserving plantings.115 The 2018 farm bil expanded CRP
enrollment, including CREP, and emphasized water quality improving measures such as reducing
sediment and nutrient loading.116
Other FSA programs such as disaster assistance payments are discussed less in the context of
adaptation.117 These and other ad hoc disaster assistance payments could provide needed
assistance in response to climate-change-induced disasters affecting agriculture in the short term,
potential y al owing producers more time to adapt.118 However, if these programs are used to
compensate a producer’s vulnerability to weather variability, then these types of programs may
actual y serve to impede adaptation.119
Risk Management Agency120
RMA administers, regulates, and sets the premium rates (prices) for the Federal Crop Insurance
Program (FCIP). RMA has about 350 permanent employees located at 10 regional offices, six
regional compliance offices, a national office in Kansas City, MO, and its headquarters in
Washington, DC.121
The FCIP is one of the principal federal programs available to help farmers manage weather risk.
In recent years, the FCIP has emerged as the largest direct subsidy program to domestic
commercial agriculture among USDA’s farm safety net programs, with annual taxpayer costs
averaging $9.4 bil ion in outlays during the past 10 years.122 As a result, the FCIP has the
potential to misrepresent the underlying costs of risk protection to producers for their agricultural
resource and land use if not designed and priced properly.123

115 FSA, Farm Service Agency Strategic Plan: Fiscal Year 2016-2018 Update (the most recent strategic plan available).
116 For additional information on changes to CRP in the 2018 farm bill, see CRS Report R45698, Agricultural
Conservation in the 2018 Farm Bill
117 For a summary of USDA disaster assistance programs for production loss and land rehabilitation, see CRS Report
RS21212, Agricultural Disaster Assistance; CRS In Focus IF10565, Federal Disaster Assistance for Agriculture; and
CRS Report R42854, Em ergency Assistance for Agricultural Land Rehabilitation .
118 FSA, USDA Farm Service Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014 .
119 For example, see “Vulnerability Assessment,” in Charles L. Walthall et al., Climate Change and Agriculture in the
United States: Effects and Adaption
, USDA T echnical Bulletin 1935, February 2013, p. 130.
120 T his section was written by Randy Schnepf, Specialist in Agricultural Policy.
121 USDA, “Explanatory Notes—Risk Management Agency,” President’s Budget Request—FY2021, 2020, p. 27-2.
122 T his average includes $6.4 in premium subsidies, $1.4 billion in administrative and expense support, and $1.6
billion in shared underwriting risk for the 10-year period 2010-2019, compiled by CRS using RMA’s “ Summary of
Business” data as of February 24, 2020, and the RMA “Crop Year Government Cost of Federal Crop Insurance
Program” data file as of March 11, 2019. For a comparison with other farm safety net programs, see CRS In Focus
IF11163, 2018 Farm Bill Prim er: The Farm Safety Net.
123 Joshua D. Woodard and Leslie J. Verteramo-Chiu, “Soil Data Not Considered in Cornerstone U.S. Agricultural
Policy,” Working Draft,, February 2016.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

RMA’s principal vulnerability to climate change is through the insurance coverage offered under
the FCIP. Since 2010, RMA’s annual insured liability has averaged over $107 bil ion.124
Producers of insurable crops may purchase subsidized insurance coverage to help manage
financial risks associated with crop yield or revenue losses, primarily from natural causes—such
as drought, flooding, diseases, and pests—as wel as adverse movements in market prices. Yield
and revenue losses, in particular, may be adversely influenced by climate change.125 Policies can
be purchased for a wide variety of field crops, vegetables, fruits, aquaculture, and forage crops,
with endorsements available for some crops to account for special circumstances associated with
those crops.126 The producer pays a premium that increases in price with the coverage level—
USDA pays a share of the premium that declines with higher coverage levels.
RMA monitors climate change research and, to the extent that climate changes emerge over time,
updates FCIP parameters such as “earliest planting dates,” “final planting dates,” and “sales
closing dates” to better help producers manage their production risks.127 RMA wil also extend
policy coverage for selected crops into new regions as changes in agronomic conditions al ow
crop production to expand outside of traditional growing zones, or for extreme weather events.
An example is hurricane insurance protection via an endorsement (available since February 2020)
for counties in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic, as wel as Hawai .128 But the
principal mechanism by which RMA addresses climate change and its potential effects on
commercial agriculture is through the pricing of crop insurance policies.
By statute, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) is tasked with establishing crop
insurance premiums that are actuarial y sound and that reflect the risk of loss.129 Currently, the
FCIP bases crop insurance premium rates exclusively on a crop’s yield history at the insured unit
level—referred to as the Actual Production History (APH).130 Further, FCIP premium rates and
indemnity payments hinge on how expected yields are estimated. In particular, several options are
available for producers to offset the effect of low yields on the APH used to determine their
insurance guarantees—including yield substitutions, yield floors, yield cups, yield exclusions, and
trend-adjustments to yields.131 Other concessions are also available that mitigate the costs of
producing on marginal soils or land with higher yield variability—for example, for new or
beginning producers, or in situations where new land is added to a policy or insured acres are
prevented from being planted.

124 Data are for the 10-year period 2010-2019, compiled by CRS using “Summary of Business” data as of February 24,
2020, RMA, USDA.
125 Reidmiller et al., Fourth National Climate Assessment, 2018.
126 An endorsement is a set of contract terms that modifies the standard crop insurance policy for different
circumstances. RMA offers many types of endorsements to the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions for
production practices, specific commodities, or other unique circumstances. For more details, see the RMA website.
127 For example, on February 25, 2020, RMA announced that the earliest planting date for soybeans for central parts of
Illinois was moved from April 20 to April 15 to reflect changing agronomic conditions. Similarly, the final planting
date for soybeans was moved to July 5 from June 20 for first crop so ybeans. RMA, “ Crop Insurance Changes for
Soybeans and Grain Sorghum,” news release, February 25, 2020.
128 See RMA, “ Hurricane Insurance Protection—Wind Index (HIP-WI) Endorsement,” February 2020, -Sheets/National-Fact-Sheets/Hurricane-Insurance-Protection.
129 7 U.S.C. §1506(n)(2).
130 Each parcel of land that is insured independently of other parcels is called a unit. T he APH yield is usually a simple
average of the production history for each insurance unit. Alejandro Plastina, “ Proven Yields and Insurance Units for
Crop Insurance,” Ag Decision Maker, A1-55, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, revised June 2017.
131 Barry J. Barnett and Ryan Stockwell, “ Potential Conservation Implications of Federal Crop Insurance Actual
Production History (APH) Procedures,” AGree research paper, March 2017,
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Research reported by ERS suggests that the expected effects of climate change on the FCIP—
increased yield and price variability, higher premium rates, and higher insured liability—wil be
to raise future costs to the federal government.132
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service133
The APHIS mission is “to safeguard the health, welfare, and value of American agriculture and
natural resources.”134 APHIS has approximately 5,500 permanent employees, with 22% located at
its headquarters in Washington, DC, and the remainder located at its two regional offices and 431
field offices.135
As the climate changes, pests and diseases can pose increased threats to agriculture.136 APHIS’s
primary role with respect to climate change adaptation is to anticipate, analyze, and respond to
changes in these threats. Many APHIS programs and activities support this role: emergency
preparedness for pest and disease emergencies, natural disasters, and biosecurity hazards; early
warning systems for vector-borne diseases (i.e., those spread by insects) in livestock and wild
animal populations; management of such vector-borne diseases; plant health response programs;
and management and regulation of trade with regard to international disease outbreaks.137
Through these and other activities, APHIS collaborates with diverse stakeholders and federal,
state, local, academic, and business community partners.
In recent years, APHIS strategic planning has deemphasized the role of climate change in
influencing pest and disease risks to agriculture. Whereas the agency’s 2015-2019 strategic plan,
includes explicit consideration of climate change under multiple objectives, its current strategic
plan (2019-2023) does not refer to climate change, climate variability, or extreme weather.138
From the 2015-2019 strategic plan, tactics to achieve Objective 6.2: Ensure effective
preparedness and response systems
included “integrate climate change modeling into emergency
preparedness and biosecurity hazard planning to respond to adverse conditions such as
hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires caused by climate change, thus mitigating damage to
plants, animals, and humans.”139 Tactics to achieve Objective 6.3: Ensure effective control,
eradication, management, and enforcement programs
included “work with USDA and university
researchers to study the impact of climate change on the emergence or spread of pests and
diseases in the United States, and redesign regulatory approaches to better prevent or mitigate the
impact of pests and diseases on U.S. plant and animal resources.”140 These tactics are not in the
current strategic plan.
The examples from the 2015-2019 strategic plan represented potential approaches that APHIS
could be taking to facilitate climate change adaptation with respect to its mission. It is unclear

132 Crane-Droesch et al., Climate Change and Agricultural Risk Management Into the 21 st Century, 2019.
133 T his section was written by Genevieve K. Croft, Analyst in Agricultural Policy.
134 USDA, “Explanatory Notes—Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,” President’s Budget RequestFY2021,
2020, p. 22-2.
135 USDA, “Explanatory Notes—Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,” p. 22-5.
136 See, for example, Curtis A. Deutsch et al., “Increase in Crop Losses to Insect Pests in a Warming Climate,” Science,
vol. 361, no. 6405 (August 31, 2018), pp. 916 -919.
137 APHIS, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Climate Change,
138 APHIS, Safeguarding the Health and Value of American Agriculture Since 1972: Strategic Plan 2015-2019, and
APHIS, Strategic Plan FY2019-2023.
139 APHIS, Strategic Plan 2015-2019, p. 18.
140 APHIS, Strategic Plan 2015-2019, p. 19.
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whether APHIS is incorporating adaptation strategies into its work now. As of June 2020, the
APHIS website includes little information about climate change. Direct spending on climate
change accounted for a smal share of APHIS budget during the 2015-2019 period. The USDA
climate change budget in Table 1 indicates spending by APHIS ($242,000 estimated for FY2019)
at about 0.02% of its annual budget ($1.0 bil ion in FY2019 [P.L. 116-6]). For FY2016, USDA
reported $206,000 in climate change spending when the annual APHIS budget was $898 mil ion
(P.L. 114-113).
Issues for Congress
Agriculture and forestry face chal enges (e.g., weather, disease, pests) from a changing climate.
As the federal entity tasked with providing “leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources,
rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science,
and effective management,”141 USDA could play an integral role in assisting U.S. producers and
land managers with adapting to a climate that scientists project is virtual y certain to continue
changing over coming decades.142 While Congress continues to debate and discuss USDA’s role
in assisting the agriculture and forestry sectors to adapt to climate change, it has not passed
legislation specifical y directing the department’s actions on climate change adaptation. USDA
has largely undertaken adaptation measures through existing authorities to meet its core mission
in support of U.S. agriculture and forestry. As Congress continues to debate and discuss USDA’s
role in addressing climate change adaptation in agriculture and forestry, the following potential
issues may be of interest.
USDA Department-Level Planning and Coordination
USDA previously identified climate change as a risk to the USDA mission. USDA’s efforts to
address this risk appear to have declined in recent years. Congress may choose to review the
extent to which climate change affects the ability of USDA and its individual agencies to
successfully carry out their missions, whether existing departmental coordination is sufficient to
address substantial risks, and/or whether additional coordination, planning, or policy development
should occur at the department level.
At the USDA agency level, the climate change adaptation plans that a number of USDA agencies
developed in 2014 remain publicly available. CRS could not determine to what extent the
agencies continue to implement these plans. Although the executive order that prompted these
plans was revoked by President Trump, USDA has not rescinded its 2015 Departmental
Regulation (DR 1070-001) that guided their development. More recently, E.O. 13834 (2018)
directs agencies to address resilience for efficient federal operation with no mention of climate
change. How USDA may consider climate change as it addresses resilience in the production of
food, feed, and fiber may be of interest to Congress.
Federal Funding of USDA Agencies and Activities
Congress may choose to review federal funding of climate change adaptation activities at USDA
through annual appropriations, other legislation, or oversight hearings. Congress may assess
whether the amount of funding requested by USDA for these programs is sufficient or consistent
to meet its aims. Similarly, the amount of and manner by which USDA al ocates spending on

141 USDA, “About the U.S. Department of Agriculture,”
142 Reidmiller et al., Fourth National Climate Assessment, 2018.
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research, conservation, outreach, and other activities related to climate change adaptation may be
an issue of interest. For example, Congress may be interested in how agency priorities relate to
funding levels for the USDA Climate Hubs and NIFA climate-change-related research activities.
The tracking of and accounting for funding directed at adaptation-related activities may also
present a chal enge for Congress. USDA identifies most funding on an agency-specific basis (see
Table 1). Few details regarding programs and activities are typical y provided, thus raising
questions about which activities are included in funding compilations and to what degree their
focus is on adaptation compared to other co-benefits. Should Congress determine to review
USDA’s recent adaptation activities and provide greater direction, the agency’s budget
justifications would be of limited assistance in clarifying objectives, priorities, and program
Voluntary Nature of Existing USDA Programs
Congress may consider how effective the voluntary nature of existing USDA programs is in
meeting climate adaptation objectives. Many of USDA’s programs rely on voluntary participation
by producers and landowners (e.g., EQIP, CSP, CRP, and NRCS and FS technical assistance). The
voluntary nature of these programs could result in slower adoption of adaptation-related activities
relative to required adaptation measures. Producers are not required to adopt practices
recommended by USDA, or, if they are paid to do so, they are not required to maintain practices
beyond the period for which payment is received. Similarly, FS technical and financial assistance
programs also rely on voluntary participation by nonfederal forest landowners.
USDA Leadership and Staffing
Congress may consider exercising additional oversight of USDA leadership and staffing.
Leadership and organizational management can influence successful planning and delivery of
climate change adaptation policies and programs. As of July 2020, acting and deputy officials
were leading several USDA mission areas and agency offices. Several USDA agencies—
including those in the Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) mission area (including FSA,
NRCS, and RMA) and in Research, Education, and Economics (REE, including ARS, ERS, and
NIFA)—were operating with reduced staffing levels.143
Congress may consider exercising its oversight authority in view of leadership and staffing issues
within the REE mission area. Such issues may impact mission delivery in terms of providing
producers, policymakers, and other stakeholders with the research and analyses needed to adapt
efficiently to climate change and abate risks to U.S. food supplies and exports. USDA has not had
a Senate-confirmed Under Secretary for REE (a position with the dual role of USDA Chief
Scientist) since December 2016.144 Nominations for this position in 2017, 2018, and 2019 were
returned to the President without Senate confirmation. A 2020 nomination was pending Senate
consideration as of July.
Congress may be interested in monitoring how NIFA and ERS are meeting their responsibilities
now, with reduced workforces, and in the future, as new staff are hired. In October 2019, USDA
relocated the majority of staff positions at NIFA and ERS from Washington, DC, to Kansas City,

143 For more information on staffing at FSA, NRCS, and RMA, see CRS In Focus IF11452, Staffing Trends in the
USDA Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Mission Area
144 By statute (7 U.S.C. §6971), the Under Secretary for REE is also the USDA Chief Scientist.
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MO.145 Many affected staff, including staff and leadership of NIFA’s IBCE, declined to relocate
and left the agencies.146 Some Members of Congress have questioned whether staffing shortages,
loss of expertise, and lack of permanent leadership for key agency positions following the
relocation have the potential to impact delivery of al programs at NIFA and ERS, including those
focused on climate change adaptation.147
Climate Science at USDA
Congress may be interested to assess the status of the research that USDA is carrying out to
address the needs of agricultural producers in the context of changing climatic conditions. Some
farmers and agricultural groups have cal ed on USDA to increase its engagement in helping
farmers to anticipate and adapt to changing climate conditions, which may include increased
instances of drought and extreme rainfal , historical y unseasonable temperatures, and changes in
the dates of first and last frost.148
Some Members of Congress have expressed concern that USDA did not publicized its climate
change research or publicly release its draft 2017 Climate Resilience Science Plan, which
identifies the science that USDA needs to pursue to meet national agricultural needs.149 Some
Members of Congress have cal ed on USDA to address its role in publicizing and supporting
climate change research or have introduced legislation aimed at safeguarding scientific integrity
at USDA.150
The 2020 USDA Science Blueprint includes “Ag Climate Adaptation” as one of five program
themes.151 Congress could exercise its oversight authority to assess how USDA plans to
implement this theme.

145 For additional details on the relocation of NIFA and ERS, see CRS In Focus IF11527, Relocation of the USDA
Research Agencies: NIFA and ERS
146 See CRS In Focus IF11527, Relocation of the USDA Research Agencies: NIFA and ERS. As of February 1, 2020,
ERS and NIFA were operating with approximately 67% of full staffing levels. As of July 1, 2020, NIFA’s IBCE has an
acting deputy director and two of its three divisions are led by acting division directors, according to an organiz ational
chart available at T he ERS organizational chart
as of June 2020, is available at
147 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Agricultural Research and 2018 Farm
Bill Im plem entation
, hearing on implementation of P.L. 115-334, 116th Cong., 1st sess., July 18, 2019, S. HRG. 116-
192, (Washington, DC, GPO, 2020). See pp. 5 and 155 for relocation concerns specific to climate change research and
throughout for general concerns regarding mission delivery . For additional potential impacts of the ERS and NIFA
relocation on mission delivery, see Ben Guarino, “USDA Relocation Has Delayed Key Studies and Millions in
Funding, Employees Say,” Washington Post, October 2, 2019; and Rebecca Beitsch, “USDA Nixes Release of Multiple
Reports Over Researcher Exodus,” The Hill, September 27, 2019. For leadership status following the relocation, see the
NIFA and ERS organizational charts identified in footnote 146.
148 For example, “ Letter from U.S. Farmers & Ranchers to Congress: We Need a Green New Deal,” May 20, 2019.
149 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Agricultural Research and 2018 Farm
Bill Im plem entation
, hearing on implementation of P.L. 115-334, 116th Cong., 1st sess., July 18, 2019, S. HRG. 116-
192, (Washington, DC, GPO, 2020).
150 For example, Senator Debbie Stabenow, “ Letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue,” August 8, 2017; Representative
Lauren Underwood, “ Letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue,” June 25, 2019; Senator Amy Klobuchar, “ Letter to
USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue,” June 24, 2019; and the Scientific Integrity Act (S. 775, 116th Congress).
151 USDA, USDA Science Blueprint, 2020, p. 16.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Integration of Climate Change Adaptation into Existing Programs
Ongoing research through existing programs at USDA continues to evaluate the effect of climate
change on agriculture and its capacity to adapt. How traditional production methods and
conservation practices may affect agriculture and forestry’s resiliency continues to be studied.
CRS could not determine how this research is being used to inform decisions within existing
USDA programs or the guidance that USDA provides to farmers and ranchers. For example,
USDA provides bil ions of dollars annual y through disaster assistance programs administered by
FSA. These programs may provide financial compensation for a production loss due to a natural
disaster.152 These programs have few, if any, requirements on how the assistance is to be utilized,
and at present, most programs have no requirement that actions be taken to reduce risk as a
condition to receive future assistance. With an observed increase in the frequency and severity of
climate-change-induced disasters, Congress could consider whether these programs should
include incentives and resources to encourage producers to take steps to adapt to climate change,
rather than potential y prolonging producers’ vulnerability to intense weather events.153
Risk Management Programs at USDA
Congress could also choose to review how, or whether, USDA’s risk management programs
address current and future climate change and manage the associated risks, including potential
incorporation of climate change adaptation measures. Congress may also wish to consider the
potential for program costs to escalate under existing program options and in the absence of
adaptation measures.
Currently, the FCIP bases crop insurance premium rates exclusively on a crop’s APH. If APH
yields do not accurately reflect the effects of climate change, or because other factors such as soil
quality are not taken into account, then FCIP policies may not be priced efficiently.
Currently, producers may choose among options to offset the effect of low yields on the APH
used to determine their insurance guarantees. While these exceptions to the pricing of insurance
policies may mitigate the effect of extreme loss events, they can also have unintended
consequences, such as encouraging production on marginal lands that otherwise might not be
cultivated. If, as repeated research indicates, projected climate changes are likely to adversely
affect yields of many crops in the United States, the APH policy may raise federal expenditures
over time.
Research suggests that the expected effects of climate change on the FCIP—that is, increased
yield and price variability, higher premium rates, and higher insured liability—wil be to raise
future costs to the federal government.154 Research also suggests that premium rates that
incorporate soil quality variations and climate-driven weather interactions, and better reflect the
risk of loss to a producer, could improve the actuarial soundness of crop insurance, remove or
minimize the incentive to plant on marginal lands, and possibly encourage greater producer
adoption of environmental y beneficial behavior, such as shifts in crop choices or increased use of

152 CRS Report RS21212, Agricultural Disaster Assistance.
153 Similar challenges have been raise in the context of other federal programs—for example the National Flood
Insurance Program and flood resilience. For additional discussion on this program, see CRS Report R45017, Flood
Resilience and Risk Reduction: Federal Assistance and Program s
154 Crane-Droesch et al., Climate Change and Agricultural Risk Management Into the 21 st Century, 2019.
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Climate Change Adaptation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

soil-quality-improving conservation practices.155 These research results suggest that stronger
insurance incentives could encourage producers to better adapt to their risk environment. CRS
could not determine whether USDA is considering any changes along these lines.
As new research and evidence improves society’s understanding of how climate interacts with
agriculture in different regions, Congress may consider evaluating the nature of incentives being
provided to producers from subsidized federal crop insurance (i.e., FCIP). Inherent in FCIP is the
question: Are producers being encouraged to make crop and land choices that reflect both short-
term market conditions and long-term resource productivity related to changing local agro-
climatic conditions? Underestimating or overestimating the impacts of climate change, and the
policy choices that are made in response, could have widespread effects on agriculture.

Author Information

Genevieve K. Croft, Coordinator
Megan Stubbs
Analyst in Agricultural Policy
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural

Resources Policy

Katie Hoover
Randy Schnepf
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy
Specialist in Agricultural Policy

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan
shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and
under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should n ot be relied upon for purposes other
than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in
connection with CRS’s institutional role. CRS Reports, as a work of the United States Government, are not
subject to copyright protection in the United States. Any CRS Report may be reproduced and distributed in
its entirety without permission from CRS. However, as a CRS Report may include copyrighted images or
material from a third party, you may need to obtain the permission of the copyright holder if you wish to
copy or otherwise use copyrighted material.

155 Joshua D. Woodard, “Integrating High Resolution Soil Data into Federal Crop Insurance Rates: Actuarial, Policy,
and Sustainability Implications,” Working Draft, Cornell University, January 2016 ; Joshua D. Woodward and Leslie J.
Verteramo-Chiu, “ Efficiency Impacts of Utilizing Soil Data in the Pricing of the Federal Crop Insur ance Program,”
Am erican Journal of Agricultural Econom ics, vol. 99, no. 3 (April 2017), pp. 757-772; and Woodard and Verteramo-
Chiu, “Soil Data Not Considered in Cornerstone U.S. Agricultural Policy,” 2016.
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R46454 · VERSION 1 · NEW