Rwanda: Current Issues

Updated July 27, 2015
Rwanda: Current Issues
Figure 1. Rwanda at a Glance
Under the leadership of President Paul Kagame, Rwanda
has become known for its rapid development and security
gains since the devastating 1994 genocide, in which over
800,000 people were killed. The minority ethnic Tutsi
community was targeted in the genocide, along with
politically moderate members of the Hutu majority, in a
state-backed extermination campaign. (Hutus reportedly
make up some 84% of the population and Tutsis 15%.)
The Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), an insurgent
group at the time, ended the genocide and took power in
mid-1994. RPF efforts to improve health systems, the
economy, and gender equality have received substantial
support from foreign donors, including the United States.
Development indicators have improved markedly in the
past two decades, but poverty remains widespread. While
praising Rwanda’s progress, U.S. officials have criticized
its domestic constraints on political and civil freedoms, as
well as the government’s recent history of backing rebel

groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Source: CRS graphic. Basemap by Hannah Fischer, data from Esri
(2013). Fact information from CIA World Factbook, IMF.
President Kagame has been in office since 2000 and
The State Department’s 2014 human rights report cites
previously served as Vice President and Defense Minister
“disappearances,” government harassment and abuse of
in post-genocide transitional regimes. He last won
political opponents and human rights advocates, “disregard
reelection in 2010 with 93% of votes. The election was
for the rule of law among security forces and the judiciary,”
peaceful and well organized, but observers—including U.S.
and restrictions on civil liberties, among other concerns.
officials—expressed concerns about media restrictions, the
Rwandan officials reject allegations of abusing human
expulsion of an international human rights researcher, and
rights, while often arguing that some restrictions are needed
prohibitions on most opposition party participation.
to prevent the return of ethnic violence and asserting that
the country is gradually liberalizing. Some observers
Currently, Kagame appears likely to seek to remain in
question whether limits on political and civil rights may
office past 2017, when his current term ends and he faces
threaten stability by depriving opponents of peaceful
constitutional term limits. In July 2015, parliamentarians
avenues for activism.
voted overwhelmingly in favor of changing the term limit,
initiating plans for a constitutional referendum. The vote in
Human rights groups accuse the government of targeting
parliament took place after a petition backing the removal
exiled dissidents for assassination, which the government
of the term limit garnered some 3.7 million signatures—
denies. In early 2014, a top RPF defector—a former head of
well over half the electorate. News reports indicated that
external intelligence who had become active in a diaspora
some Rwandans may have been intimidated into signing.
opposition movement known as the Rwanda National
Politics and Human Rights Issues
Congress (RNC)—was murdered in South Africa. President
Kagame said in a press interview that “Rwanda did not kill
The RPF dominates state institutions, and Kagame appears
this person... but I add that, I actually wish Rwanda did it.”
to face no serious internal challenger. Independent
He also reportedly stated in public remarks that “whoever
opposition parties, media outlets, and civil society groups
betrays the country will pay the price.” Another leading
are few in number and reportedly operate with difficulty.
RNC figure, former army chief of staff General Kayumba
Public criticism of the RPF’s overarching policies or
Nyamwasa, was the victim of an armed attack in 2010
legitimacy is not tolerated; nor is public discussion of
while living in South Africa. In 2014, a South African court
ethnic identity. Critics assert that the government has used
convicted two Rwandans and two Tanzanians in the attack,
laws criminalizing “genocide ideology” and “divisionism,”
and the judge stated that he believed the incident was
along with national security provisions, to suppress dissent,
politically motivated.
to justify prosecutions of journalists and opposition figures,
and to limit reporting by human rights groups.
Rwanda’s military is among Africa’s most effective.
Rwandan troops have participated in multiple U.N. and
African-led peacekeeping operations, and are generally

Rwanda: Current Issues
reported to be disciplined and committed. In early 2015,
country by 2020. Regional economic integration backed by
however, news reports implicated Rwandan soldiers in Mali
the East African Community (EAC) could also boost
in the shooting of protesters during a violent anti-U.N.
foreign investment and trade, but political differences
protest. Rwanda reportedly withdrew the units involved.
among EAC members have hindered progress.
Rwanda asserts that it faces a national security threat from
Donor aid is substantial, and Rwanda qualified for
the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
international debt relief in 2005. However, in 2012, some
(FDLR), a DRC-based militia founded by Hutu extremists
donors reduced or redirected funding due to Rwanda’s role
involved in the Rwandan genocide. The FDLR and its
in the M23 crisis. In response, Rwanda sought new
leaders are under U.N. and U.S. sanctions. The FDLR is
domestic and private-sector sources of finance, creating a
also nominally the target of DRC military operations, and
national “solidarity” fund, which solicits donations, and
the U.N. peacekeeping operation in DRC is authorized to
issuing international bonds.
forcibly disarm it. However, previous military operations
have failed to defeat the group. In 2014, Human Rights
U.S. Policy and Aid
Watch reported that Rwanda had held some alleged
The United States and Rwanda have cultivated close ties
domestic FDLR collaborators in unacknowledged detention
since the late 1990s, although in recent years the Obama
centers prior to charging them in court.
Administration and some Members of Congress have
Role in Democratic Republic of Congo
expressed concerns about Rwanda’s domestic and regional
policies. As noted above, the Administration openly
Rwanda has security, political, and economic interests in its
criticized Rwanda’s role in the M23 insurgency in DRC.
larger and chronically unstable neighbor. It has deployed its
Congress has also enacted restrictions on certain types of
military into DRC on several occasions since the 1990s, and
U.S. military aid to Rwanda through foreign aid
has reportedly backed several armed rebellions there. At
appropriations measures since FY2010 due to concerns
times, Rwandan and DRC troops have also cooperated in
about its involvement in DRC. Previously, U.S. officials
operations to counter militia groups in DRC. While denying
had largely avoided public censure of Rwanda.
specific allegations of backing DRC rebel groups, Rwandan
officials often voice potential justifications for such actions.
U.S. bilateral aid to Rwanda grew significantly from $39
They contend that DRC security forces have failed to rein
million appropriated in FY2003 to $188 million in FY2014
in groups, such as the FDLR, that threaten Rwanda—and
(latest available). In part, this rise reflects overall trends in
have at times collaborated with them. Officials also
U.S. aid to Africa, which increased substantially during the
sometimes point to discrimination and violence targeting
same period, particularly for health programs. It also
ethnic communities of Rwandan origin in DRC, implying
reflects a widely-held view that Rwanda is a leader in
that they may require protection. Some analysts contend
achieving donor-assisted development outcomes. U.S. aid
that economic incentives are another factor in Rwanda’s
to Rwanda is largely focused on health, food security, and
involvement in DRC, and that powerful Rwandans have
other socioeconomic goals. The Administration requested
profited from resource smuggling there.
$171 million in bilateral aid for Rwanda in FY2015, a slight
decrease compared to FY2014, of which 72% would be for
U.S. officials publicly criticized Rwanda in 2012 and 2013
health assistance. The Administration has requested $161
for providing support to a DRC-based insurgent group
million for FY2016. Most U.S. support for Rwanda’s
known as the M23. Rwandan officials denied the
peacekeeping deployments is provided separately from
allegations, blaming instability on DRC’s own institutional
these bilateral aid allocations, and includes training,
dysfunctions and a lack of political will to confront security
equipment, and logistical assistance.
challenges. In late 2013, the DRC military, backed by U.N.
troops, defeated the M23. Earlier that year, Rwanda signed
In 2012 and 2013, legislation enacted by Congress resulted
onto a U.N.-backed regional peace “framework accord” that
in restrictions on some types of U.S. military aid to
prohibited neighboring states from interference in conflicts
Rwanda. The FY2012 Consolidated Appropriations Act
in DRC. Insecurity persists in eastern DRC, but there have
(P.L. 112-74) prohibited Foreign Military Financing (FMF)
been fewer reports of direct Rwandan involvement.
if Rwanda was found to be providing support to DRC-based
armed groups. The Administration also applied a security
The Economy
assistance prohibition contained in the Child Soldiers
Prevention Act (P.L. 110-457, as amended), citing
Donor aid, political stability, and pro-investor policies have
Rwanda’s support for the M23, which reportedly used child
contributed to economic growth averaging nearly 8% per
soldiers. These provisions exempted most aid related to
year over the past decade. Key foreign exchange earners
peacekeeping support. The Administration lifted both
include a small but growing mining sector, tourism, and
restrictions in 2014, citing the end of the M23 rebellion.
exports of coffee and tea. Still, about 90% of Rwandans
remain engaged in agriculture, many for subsistence, and
The FY2015 Consolidated and Further Appropriations Act
about 45% reportedly live below the poverty line. Rwanda
(P.L. 113-235) prohibits FMF for Rwanda, except for
has the highest population density in continental Africa,
certain purposes (including peacekeeping), unless the
which threatens the sustainability of subsistence farming.
Secretary of State certifies that Rwanda is “implementing a
The government is undertaking ambitious efforts to
policy to cease political, military and/or financial support”
transform the economy into one that is services-oriented, to
for armed groups in DRC.
lower birth rates, and to develop domestic sources of
energy, with the goal of making Rwanda a middle-income

Rwanda: Current Issues

Alexis Arieff, Specialist in African Affairs


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