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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

Changes from October 10, 2023 to November 16, 2023

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House Committee Funding: Process and
October 10November 16, 2023 , 2023
Historical Appropriations and Authorizations
Ida A. Brudnick
This report provides an overview of funding for committees in the House of Representatives. In This report provides an overview of funding for committees in the House of Representatives. In
Specialist on the Congress Specialist on the Congress
particular, it includes particular, it includes

• information on House consideration of the biennial committee funding resolution for the • information on House consideration of the biennial committee funding resolution for the

118th Congress (H.Res. 197); 118th Congress (H.Res. 197);
• enactment of appropriations for FY2023 (Division I of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, P.L. 117-328) • enactment of appropriations for FY2023 (Division I of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, P.L. 117-328)
and consideration of appropriations for FY2024 (H.R. 4364, H.Rept. 118-120); and consideration of appropriations for FY2024 (H.R. 4364, H.Rept. 118-120);
• an overview of the committee funding process; • an overview of the committee funding process;
• a discussion of the relationship of the authorization and appropriations processes and timeline; • a discussion of the relationship of the authorization and appropriations processes and timeline;
• a figure showing overall authorization levels since the 104th Congress (see• a figure showing overall authorization levels since the 104th Congress (see Figure 2);
• a figure showing overall appropriations levels since the 104th Congress (see• a figure showing overall appropriations levels since the 104th Congress (see Figure 3);
• information on the division of funding between the majority and minority parties; • information on the division of funding between the majority and minority parties;
• sources of committee spending guidelines and regulations; and • sources of committee spending guidelines and regulations; and
• tables with committee funding requests and authorizations as adopted pursuant to primary expense • tables with committee funding requests and authorizations as adopted pursuant to primary expense
authorizations for House committees in the 104th through 118th Congresses. authorizations for House committees in the 104th through 118th Congresses.
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Most Recent Actions: 118th Congress House Committee Funding Resolution ............................... 1
Actions in Prior Congress: 117th Congress Initial House Committee Funding Resolution

and Subsequent Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 1
Committee Resolutions ............................................................................................................. 2
Consideration of a Second Resolution (H.Res. 1035) ............................................................... 2

House Committee Funding: Background and Process .................................................................... 2
Authorization............................................................................................................................. 3
Overall Authorization Levels Since the 104th Congress ..................................................... 4
Appropriations........................................................................................................................... 4
Division of Funding Between the Majority and Minority ......................................................... 6
Guidelines, Sources of Regulations, and Spending Disclosure ................................................. 6
House Committee Requests and Authorizations Since the 104th Congress ............................... 6

Figure 1. House Committee Funding Timeline, 118th Congress ...................................................... 3
Figure 2. Overall Authorization Levels Since the 104th Congress ................................................... 4
Figure 3. Appropriations for House Committees Since FY1996 ..................................................... 5
Figure 4. Authorization Levels by Committee: 104th-118th Congresses ......................................... 7
Table 1. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
118th Congress .............................................................................................................................. 78
Table 2. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
117th Congress .............................................................................................................................. 89
Table 3. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
116th Congress ............................................................................................................................. 11 10
Table 4. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
115th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1213
Table 5. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
114th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1314
Table 6. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
113th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1516
Table 7. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
112th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1617
Table 8. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
111th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1718
Table 9. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
110th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 1819
Table 10. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
109th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 2021 Congressional Research Service link to page 26 link to page 26 link to page 27 link to page 27 link to page 28 link to page 28 link to page 29 link to page 29 link to page 31 link to page 31 link to page 33 House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations
Table 11. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
108th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 21
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Table 12. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
107th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 2223
Table 13. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
106th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 2324
Table 14. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
105th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 2425
Table 15. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House,
104th Congress ............................................................................................................................ 2627

Author Information ........................................................................................................................ 2829

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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

Most Recent Actions: 118th Congress House
Committee Funding Resolution
As in previous Congresses, early in the 118th Congress, numerous resolutions were introduced As in previous Congresses, early in the 118th Congress, numerous resolutions were introduced
“Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on ____ in the One Hundred Eighteenth “Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on ____ in the One Hundred Eighteenth
Congress.”1 These individual committee funding resolutions typically contained a section with Congress.”1 These individual committee funding resolutions typically contained a section with
the requested overall funding level for the entire Congress, followed by a section with requested the requested overall funding level for the entire Congress, followed by a section with requested
session limitations, as well as sections on vouchers and regulations. These resolutions were session limitations, as well as sections on vouchers and regulations. These resolutions were
referred to the Committee on House Administration (CHA). referred to the Committee on House Administration (CHA).
The CHA held hearings on funding requests from the House committees on February 28 and The CHA held hearings on funding requests from the House committees on February 28 and
March 1, 2023. March 1, 2023.
On March 7, 2023, the chairman of CHA introduced H.Res. 197, an omnibus committee funding On March 7, 2023, the chairman of CHA introduced H.Res. 197, an omnibus committee funding
resolution, which was referred to that committee. CHA held a markup of the resolution on March resolution, which was referred to that committee. CHA held a markup of the resolution on March
8, and ordered it to be reported, as amended, by voice vote (H.Rept. 118-8). The House agreed to 8, and ordered it to be reported, as amended, by voice vote (H.Rept. 118-8). The House agreed to
the resolution, as amended (H.Amdt. 110, offered by Chairman Steil), without objection on the resolution, as amended (H.Amdt. 110, offered by Chairman Steil), without objection on
March 10 (H.Res. 197). March 10 (H.Res. 197).
The resolution authorized a total of $383.2 million for the 118th Congress, including $179.7 The resolution authorized a total of $383.2 million for the 118th Congress, including $179.7
million for the first session, $185.5 million for the second session, and $9.0 million for the million for the first session, $185.5 million for the second session, and $9.0 million for the
reserve fund each session for unanticipated expenses. reserve fund each session for unanticipated expenses.
Actions in Prior Congress: 117th Congress Initial
House Committee Funding Resolution and
Subsequent Adjustment
In keeping with historical practice, during the early months of the 117th Congress, numerous In keeping with historical practice, during the early months of the 117th Congress, numerous
resolutions were introduced “Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on ____ in resolutions were introduced “Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on ____ in
the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress.”2 These individual committee funding resolutions the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress.”2 These individual committee funding resolutions
typically contained a section with the requested overall funding level for the entire Congress, typically contained a section with the requested overall funding level for the entire Congress,
followed by a section with requested session limitations, as well as sections on vouchers and followed by a section with requested session limitations, as well as sections on vouchers and
regulations. These resolutions were referred to the Committee on House Administration. regulations. These resolutions were referred to the Committee on House Administration.
CHA held a hearing on committee funding requests on March 12, 2021. All committees were CHA held a hearing on committee funding requests on March 12, 2021. All committees were
invited to testify, but committees submitting a bipartisan request were not required to appear. The invited to testify, but committees submitting a bipartisan request were not required to appear. The
vice chair and ranking member of the Committee on the Judiciary appeared to testify regarding vice chair and ranking member of the Committee on the Judiciary appeared to testify regarding
their committee’s request. their committee’s request.

1 The 118th Congress resolutions include H.Res. 121, H.Res. 123, H.Res. 125, H.Res. 129, H.Res. 130, H.Res. 135, 1 The 118th Congress resolutions include H.Res. 121, H.Res. 123, H.Res. 125, H.Res. 129, H.Res. 130, H.Res. 135,
H.Res. 137, H.Res. 138, H.Res. 141, H.Res. 142, H.Res. 151, H.Res. 153, H.Res. 155, H.Res. 159, H.Res. 161, H.Res. H.Res. 137, H.Res. 138, H.Res. 141, H.Res. 142, H.Res. 151, H.Res. 153, H.Res. 155, H.Res. 159, H.Res. 161, H.Res.
162, H.Res. 163, H.Res. 167, H.Res. 168, H.Res. 169, and H.Res. 174. 162, H.Res. 163, H.Res. 167, H.Res. 168, H.Res. 169, and H.Res. 174.
2 The 117th Congress resolutions include H.Res. 194, H.Res. 199, H.Res. 200, H.Res. 201, H.Res. 206, H.Res. 207, 2 The 117th Congress resolutions include H.Res. 194, H.Res. 199, H.Res. 200, H.Res. 201, H.Res. 206, H.Res. 207,
H.Res. 208, H.Res. 210, H.Res. 211, H.Res. 212, H.Res. 213, H.Res. 217, H.Res. 223, H.Res. 227, H.Res. 229, H.Res. H.Res. 208, H.Res. 210, H.Res. 211, H.Res. 212, H.Res. 213, H.Res. 217, H.Res. 223, H.Res. 227, H.Res. 229, H.Res.
238, H.Res. 258, H.Res. 262, H.Res. 264, H.Res. 265, H.Res. 287, and H.Res. 308. The Select Committee on 238, H.Res. 258, H.Res. 262, H.Res. 264, H.Res. 265, H.Res. 287, and H.Res. 308. The Select Committee on
Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth was established pursuant to House Rules (H.Res. 8) and provided interim Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth was established pursuant to House Rules (H.Res. 8) and provided interim
funding through March 31, 2021 (§4(g)(4)). H.Res. 316 did not provide funding for this select committee, but H.Res. funding through March 31, 2021 (§4(g)(4)). H.Res. 316 did not provide funding for this select committee, but H.Res.
485, agreed to on June 23, 2021 (pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 486), provided $3.5 million for the 117th Congress 485, agreed to on June 23, 2021 (pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 486), provided $3.5 million for the 117th Congress
($1.5 million for the first session, $2.0 million for the second session). ($1.5 million for the first session, $2.0 million for the second session).
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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

The chair of the CHA introduced H.Res. 316 on April 14, 2021, and it was referred to that The chair of the CHA introduced H.Res. 316 on April 14, 2021, and it was referred to that
committee. The CHA met on April 15 to consider the resolution and reported it out by voice vote committee. The CHA met on April 15 to consider the resolution and reported it out by voice vote
(H.Rept. 117-18). It was adopted by the House on April 20 (as Section 4 of H.Res. 330). The (H.Rept. 117-18). It was adopted by the House on April 20 (as Section 4 of H.Res. 330). The
resolution authorized a total of $301.2 million for House committees for the 117th Congress, resolution authorized a total of $301.2 million for House committees for the 117th Congress,
including $150.2 million for the first session and $150.9 million for the second session (this total including $150.2 million for the first session and $150.9 million for the second session (this total
does not include $4.0 million for the reserve fund, including $1.5 million in the first session and does not include $4.0 million for the reserve fund, including $1.5 million in the first session and
$2.5 million in the second session). $2.5 million in the second session).
Prior to the provision of funding pursuant to H.Res. 316, committees operated pursuant to interim Prior to the provision of funding pursuant to H.Res. 316, committees operated pursuant to interim
funding. Interim funding has automatically been provided from January 3 through March 31 in funding. Interim funding has automatically been provided from January 3 through March 31 in
each odd-numbered year in House rules for many years.3 The interim funding period was each odd-numbered year in House rules for many years.3 The interim funding period was
extended through April 22, 2021, pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 233.4 extended through April 22, 2021, pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 233.4
Committee Resolutions
The Committee on House Administration allocated funding from the reserve fund when it agreed, The Committee on House Administration allocated funding from the reserve fund when it agreed,
by committee poll, to Committee Resolution 117-16 in June-July 2021, Committee Resolution by committee poll, to Committee Resolution 117-16 in June-July 2021, Committee Resolution
117-18 in October 2021, and Committee Resolution 117-21 in June 2022.5 117-18 in October 2021, and Committee Resolution 117-21 in June 2022.5
Consideration of a Second Resolution (H.Res. 1035)
The FY2022 legislative branch appropriations act (P.L. 117-103; enacted March 15, 2022) The FY2022 legislative branch appropriations act (P.L. 117-103; enacted March 15, 2022)
provided $167.1 million (+21.0%) for House committees (other than the Committee on provided $167.1 million (+21.0%) for House committees (other than the Committee on
Appropriations). Appropriations).
Subsequent adjustments for individual committee authorization levels were made pursuant to Subsequent adjustments for individual committee authorization levels were made pursuant to
H.Res. 1035 (117th Congress), which was considered as Section 2 of H.Res. 1065 (agreed to on H.Res. 1035 (117th Congress), which was considered as Section 2 of H.Res. 1065 (agreed to on
April 28, 2022). April 28, 2022).
In the report accompanying H.Res. 1035 (H.Rept. 117-291), the Committee on House In the report accompanying H.Res. 1035 (H.Rept. 117-291), the Committee on House
Administration included a table with revised funding levels for the 117th Congress and stated that Administration included a table with revised funding levels for the 117th Congress and stated that
they “were neither anticipated nor available at the time the Committee reported House Resolution they “were neither anticipated nor available at the time the Committee reported House Resolution
316, the primary expense resolution.” 316, the primary expense resolution.”
House Committee Funding: Background and
Contemporary funding for House committees (except for the Committee on Appropriations) Contemporary funding for House committees (except for the Committee on Appropriations)
follows a two-step process of authorization and appropriation. Operating budgets for all standing follows a two-step process of authorization and appropriation. Operating budgets for all standing
and select committees of the House continued or created at the beginning of a new Congress and select committees of the House continued or created at the beginning of a new Congress
(except for the Committee on Appropriations) are authorized biennially pursuant to an omnibus (except for the Committee on Appropriations) are authorized biennially pursuant to an omnibus
committee funding resolution, and appropriations are included in the legislative branch committee funding resolution, and appropriations are included in the legislative branch

3 House rules have automatically provided for interim funding since the 99th Congress (1985-1986). House Rule X, 3 House rules have automatically provided for interim funding since the 99th Congress (1985-1986). House Rule X,
clause 7(a) (117th Congress) states that each committee clause 7(a) (117th Congress) states that each committee
shall be entitled for each month ... to 9 percent (or such lesser percentage as may be determined by shall be entitled for each month ... to 9 percent (or such lesser percentage as may be determined by
the Committee on House Administration) of the total annualized amount made available under the Committee on House Administration) of the total annualized amount made available under
expense resolutions for such committee in the preceding session of Congress. expense resolutions for such committee in the preceding session of Congress.
4 For examples of prior interim funding period extensions, see H.Res. 133 (109th Cong.), H.Res. 163 (108th Cong.), and 4 For examples of prior interim funding period extensions, see H.Res. 133 (109th Cong.), H.Res. 163 (108th Cong.), and
H.Res. 102 (105th Cong.). H.Res. 102 (105th Cong.).
5 Available at https://cha.house.gov/committee-resolutions. 5 Available at https://cha.house.gov/committee-resolutions.
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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

appropriations bill. A comparison of the timing of authorizations and appropriations is shown in appropriations bill. A comparison of the timing of authorizations and appropriations is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. House Committee Funding Timeline, 118th Congress

Sources: House rules for the 118th Congress and H.Res. 197 (118th Congress). House rules for the 118th Congress and H.Res. 197 (118th Congress).
Pursuant to House Rule X, clause 6, the Committee on House Administration (CHA) reports an Pursuant to House Rule X, clause 6, the Committee on House Administration (CHA) reports an
omnibus, biennial “primary expense resolution” to cover the expenses of each standing and select omnibus, biennial “primary expense resolution” to cover the expenses of each standing and select
committee, except the Appropriations Committee.6 committee, except the Appropriations Committee.6
The resolution is based in part on committee requests for funds to cover their expenses for the The resolution is based in part on committee requests for funds to cover their expenses for the
two years of a Congress.7 The budgetary requests include estimated salary needs for staff; costs of two years of a Congress.7 The budgetary requests include estimated salary needs for staff; costs of
consulting services; communications expenses including certain printing, postage, or website consulting services; communications expenses including certain printing, postage, or website
costs; office equipment and supply costs; and some travel costs, particularly for domestic travel, costs; office equipment and supply costs; and some travel costs, particularly for domestic travel,
for committee members and staff. Some costs, such as government contributions for pension and for committee members and staff. Some costs, such as government contributions for pension and
insurance contributions for committee employees, student loan repayment, and transit subsidies, insurance contributions for committee employees, student loan repayment, and transit subsidies,
are not included in committee budgets but are provided for in other funds appropriated for the are not included in committee budgets but are provided for in other funds appropriated for the
House.8 House.8
Some House committees discuss and approve their proposed budgets at committee organization Some House committees discuss and approve their proposed budgets at committee organization
or business meetings. Individual committee chairs typically introduce a House resolution to or business meetings. Individual committee chairs typically introduce a House resolution to
provide a committee with the requisite funds for the two years of the Congress. These individual provide a committee with the requisite funds for the two years of the Congress. These individual
resolutions are then referred to the CHA, which may hold a public hearing on the committee’s resolutions are then referred to the CHA, which may hold a public hearing on the committee’s
request. The chair and the ranking minority member from each committee may testify at these request. The chair and the ranking minority member from each committee may testify at these
hearings, although in some years, committees that submitted a bipartisan budget request have not hearings, although in some years, committees that submitted a bipartisan budget request have not
been required to appear before the committee.9 been required to appear before the committee.9
The chair of CHA then typically introduces an omnibus funding resolution, which, after its The chair of CHA then typically introduces an omnibus funding resolution, which, after its
referral to the CHA, typically serves as the legislative vehicle for a full committee markup. The referral to the CHA, typically serves as the legislative vehicle for a full committee markup. The
measure is then considered by the House. measure is then considered by the House.

6 The Committee on Appropriations has been funded separately through the annual appropriations acts since the 6 The Committee on Appropriations has been funded separately through the annual appropriations acts since the
enactment of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-601, §202(b), 60 Stat. 834). enactment of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-601, §202(b), 60 Stat. 834).
7 The provision of biennial funding dates to the 104th Congress (H.Res. 6). 7 The provision of biennial funding dates to the 104th Congress (H.Res. 6).
8 In particular, see “Government Contributions” in Table 6 in CRS Report R47624, 8 In particular, see “Government Contributions” in Table 6 in CRS Report R47624, Legislative Branch: FY2024
. .
9 H.Rept. 117-18 states “Following the practice from last Congress, committees who submitted a bipartisan budget 9 H.Rept. 117-18 states “Following the practice from last Congress, committees who submitted a bipartisan budget
request would not be required to appear before the Committee, although all committees were invited to appear if they request would not be required to appear before the Committee, although all committees were invited to appear if they
chose to do so.” See also the House report accompanying the expense resolution for the 116th Congress (H.Rept. 116-chose to do so.” See also the House report accompanying the expense resolution for the 116th Congress (H.Rept. 116-
20). 20).
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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

Overall Authorization Levels Since the 104th Congress
Figure 2 shows the aggregate committee funding authorization level since 1995, in both nominal shows the aggregate committee funding authorization level since 1995, in both nominal
and constant dollars. and constant dollars.
Figure 2. Overall Authorization Levels Since the 104th Congress
In current (nominal) and constant dollars, and not including the House Appropriations Committee In current (nominal) and constant dollars, and not including the House Appropriations Committee

Source: Congressional Research Service, based on resolutions authorizing funds for House committees.Congressional Research Service, based on resolutions authorizing funds for House committees.
Constant (2023) dol ars based on Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U, Bureau of Labor Constant (2023) dol ars based on Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor), January-June average. Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor), January-June average.
Notes: The aggregate 2022 authorization includes the revised levels adopted in H.Res. 1035, 117th Congress. The aggregate 2022 authorization includes the revised levels adopted in H.Res. 1035, 117th Congress.
According to the Committee on House Administration’s According to the Committee on House Administration’s Committees’ Congressional Handbook, “Committee funds , “Committee funds
are available for services provided and expenses incurred from January 3 of one year through January 2 of the are available for services provided and expenses incurred from January 3 of one year through January 2 of the
fol owing year.” The authorizing resolutions do not include the House Appropriations Committee, and that fol owing year.” The authorizing resolutions do not include the House Appropriations Committee, and that
committee is not represented in this figure. Resolutions for the 105th and 106th Congresses did not specify committee is not represented in this figure. Resolutions for the 105th and 106th Congresses did not specify
allocations for the reserve fund by session, and those authorizations are not included in the total for those years allocations for the reserve fund by session, and those authorizations are not included in the total for those years
($7.9 mil ion for the 105th Congress and $3.0 mil ion for the 106th Congress). The table also does not reflect any ($7.9 mil ion for the 105th Congress and $3.0 mil ion for the 106th Congress). The table also does not reflect any
broader changes to the account (e.g., centralization of certain employee benefits). broader changes to the account (e.g., centralization of certain employee benefits).
Appropriations for House committees are provided in the annual legislative branch appropriations Appropriations for House committees are provided in the annual legislative branch appropriations
bill. Funding provided in the annual appropriations act generally remains available until the end bill. Funding provided in the annual appropriations act generally remains available until the end
of a Congress.10 of a Congress.10

10 For example, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) contained language stating that funding 10 For example, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) contained language stating that funding
(continued...) (continued...)
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House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

Funding is contained in the appropriation heading “committee employees,” which typically Funding is contained in the appropriation heading “committee employees,” which typically
comprises two subheadings: comprises two subheadings:
• The first subheading contains funds for personnel and nonpersonnel expenses of • The first subheading contains funds for personnel and nonpersonnel expenses of
House committees, except the Appropriations Committee, as authorized by the House committees, except the Appropriations Committee, as authorized by the
House in a committee expense resolution. The FY2023 act provided $180.6 House in a committee expense resolution. The FY2023 act provided $180.6
million, the same level provided in the House-reported FY2024 bill (H.R. 4364, million, the same level provided in the House-reported FY2024 bill (H.R. 4364,
H.Rept. 118-120). The House had requested $184.2 million (+2.0%). H.Rept. 118-120). The House had requested $184.2 million (+2.0%).
• The second subheading contains funds for the personnel and nonpersonnel • The second subheading contains funds for the personnel and nonpersonnel
expenses of the Committee on Appropriations. The FY2023 act, the FY2024 expenses of the Committee on Appropriations. The FY2023 act, the FY2024
request, and the FY2024 House-reported bill each contain $31.3 million. request, and the FY2024 House-reported bill each contain $31.3 million.
Figure 3 shows funding for “Standing Committees, Special and Select” since FY1996, in both shows funding for “Standing Committees, Special and Select” since FY1996, in both
nominal and constant dollars. nominal and constant dollars.
Figure 3. Appropriations for House Committees Since FY1996
In current (nominal) and constant dollars, and not including the House Appropriations Committee In current (nominal) and constant dollars, and not including the House Appropriations Committee

Source: Congressional Research Service, based on annual legislative branch appropriations acts.Congressional Research Service, based on annual legislative branch appropriations acts. Constant Constant
(2023) dol ars based on Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. (2023) dol ars based on Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Department of Labor), January-June average. Department of Labor), January-June average.
Notes: Total includes any supplementals, rescissions, and the FY2013 sequestration. Total includes any supplementals, rescissions, and the FY2013 sequestration.

provided for “Standing Committees, Special and Select” shall remain available until December 31, 2022. Some years, provided for “Standing Committees, Special and Select” shall remain available until December 31, 2022. Some years,
the acts have provided for some amount to remain available until expended for a particular purpose (e.g., committee the acts have provided for some amount to remain available until expended for a particular purpose (e.g., committee
room upgrading). Depending on the level, purpose, and use of these no-year funds, any comparison or relationship room upgrading). Depending on the level, purpose, and use of these no-year funds, any comparison or relationship
between the authorization and appropriation may be complicated. between the authorization and appropriation may be complicated.
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Division of Funding Between the Majority and Minority
Clause 6(d) of House Rule X requires that “the minority party (be) treated fairly in the Clause 6(d) of House Rule X requires that “the minority party (be) treated fairly in the
appointment” of committee staff employed pursuant to such expense resolutions. In addition, appointment” of committee staff employed pursuant to such expense resolutions. In addition,
House Rule X, clause 9, addresses the appointment of minority staff. In recent years, the House House Rule X, clause 9, addresses the appointment of minority staff. In recent years, the House
majority leadership has encouraged its committee leaders to provide the minority with one-third majority leadership has encouraged its committee leaders to provide the minority with one-third
of the committee staff and resources authorized in the biennial funding resolutions. Statements of the committee staff and resources authorized in the biennial funding resolutions. Statements
made by the chair and ranking member of the Committee on House Administration at the made by the chair and ranking member of the Committee on House Administration at the
beginning of its committee funding review in recent Congresses indicate a general consensus that beginning of its committee funding review in recent Congresses indicate a general consensus that
all House committees should provide at least one-third minority staffing. all House committees should provide at least one-third minority staffing.
Guidelines, Sources of Regulations, and Spending Disclosure
The use of committee funds is subject to chamber rules, law, and regulations promulgated by the The use of committee funds is subject to chamber rules, law, and regulations promulgated by the
Committee on House Administration, the House Communications Standards Commission, and Committee on House Administration, the House Communications Standards Commission, and
the Ethics Committee, among other House entities. These regulations may be found in a wide the Ethics Committee, among other House entities. These regulations may be found in a wide
variety of sources, including statute, House rules, committee resolutions, the variety of sources, including statute, House rules, committee resolutions, the Committees’
Congressional Handbook
,11 the ,11 the Communications Standards Manual,12 the ,12 the House Ethics
,13 “Dear Colleague” letters, and formal and informal guidance. Committee funds may ,13 “Dear Colleague” letters, and formal and informal guidance. Committee funds may
only be used to support the conduct of official committee business, and they may not be used for only be used to support the conduct of official committee business, and they may not be used for
personal or campaign purposes, or comingled with funds appropriated to any other source of personal or campaign purposes, or comingled with funds appropriated to any other source of
official funds, such as the Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA). official funds, such as the Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA).
Information on individual committee spending is published quarterly in the Information on individual committee spending is published quarterly in the Statements of
Disbursement of the House
.14 .14
House Committee Requests and Authorizations Since the 104th
Table 1
provides the requested and authorized levels of funding for committees for the 118th
This is followed by tables providing committee funding requests and authorized amounts in
nominal dollars for House committees in the 104th-117th Congresses.
Additionally, all tables show differences between the total requested and the total authorized
funding levels (for committees other than the Committee on Appropriations, which as stated
above, historically has been funded separately through the annual appropriations acts).15

11 Available at https://cha.house.gov/.
12 Available at https://cha.house.gov/.
13 Available at https://ethics.house.gov/house-ethics-manual.
14 Available at https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/open-government/statement-of-disbursements.
Figure 4 is an interactive graphic (HTML version; place cursor over one committee to highlight it; select among the committees to remove or add them back to the figure) that allows for comparison of the funding authorization for each committee across Congresses (not adjusted for inflation). Please note that the label in the key uses the names of committees as they apply in the 118th Congress. Please see notes for Table 1 through Table 15 for information on names and name changes in prior Congresses. Table 1 provides the requested and authorized levels of funding for committees for the 118th Congress. This is followed by tables providing committee funding requests and authorized amounts in nominal dollars for House committees in the 104th-117th Congresses. 11 Available at https://cha.house.gov/. 12 Available at https://cha.house.gov/. 13 Available at https://ethics.house.gov/house-ethics-manual. 14 Available at https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/open-government/statement-of-disbursements. Congressional Research Service 6 House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations Additionally, all tables show differences between the total requested and the total authorized funding levels (for committees other than the Committee on Appropriations, which as stated above, historically has been funded separately through the annual appropriations acts).15 Figure 4. Authorization Levels by Committee: 104th-118th Congresses (by name in the 118th Congress; not adjusted for inflation) Figure is interactive in the HTML version of this report Select among the committees to remove or add them back to the figure Source: Created by CRS based on committee funding resolutions in the 104th-118th Congresses. Notes: Please note that the label in the key uses the names of committees as they apply in the 118th Congress. Please see notes for Table 1 through Table 15 for information on names and name changes in prior Congresses. 15 The tables reflect levels included in the omnibus committee funding resolution, other House resolutions allocating 15 The tables reflect levels included in the omnibus committee funding resolution, other House resolutions allocating
specified dollar amounts, and Committee on House Administration committee resolutions allocating funds from the specified dollar amounts, and Committee on House Administration committee resolutions allocating funds from the
Reserve Fund. For additional information, a congressional distribution memorandum, Reserve Fund. For additional information, a congressional distribution memorandum, Funding and Staffing for House
Temporary Select Committees with an Investigative Mandate since the 105th Congress
, is available to congressional , is available to congressional
clients upon request. clients upon request.
Congressional Research Service Congressional Research Service


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Table 1. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 118th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$7,096,894 $7,096,894
$7,096,894 $7,096,894
$14,193,788 $14,193,788
$7,097,000 $7,097,000
$7,097,000 $7,097,000
$14,194,000 $14,194,000
$212 $212
Armed Services Armed Services
$12,294,760 $12,294,760
$13,667,110 $13,667,110
$25,961,870 $25,961,870
$11,716,000 $11,716,000
$13,024,000 $13,024,000
$24,740,000 $24,740,000
-$1,221,870 -$1,221,870
Budget Budget
$5,994,695 $5,994,695
$5,994,695 $5,994,695
$11,989,390 $11,989,390
$5,995,000 $5,995,000
$5,995,000 $5,995,000
$11,990,000 $11,990,000
$610 $610
Education and Education and
$9,255,723 $9,255,723
$9,811,066 $9,811,066
$19,066,789 $19,066,789
$9,065,000 $9,065,000
$9,609,000 $9,609,000
$18,674,000 $18,674,000
-$392,789 -$392,789
Workforce Workforce
Energy and Energy and
$13,752,741 $13,752,741
$13,949,908 $13,949,908
$27,696,649 $27,696,649
$13,611,000 $13,611,000
$13,800,000 $13,800,000
$27,411,000 $27,411,000
-$285,649 -$285,649
Commerce Commerce
Ethics Ethics
$4,517,066 $4,517,066
$4,759,224 $4,759,224
$9,276,290 $9,276,290
$4,517,000 $4,517,000
$4,759,000 $4,759,000
$9,276,000 $9,276,000
-$290 -$290
Financial Services Financial Services
$10,185,000 $10,185,000
$10,185,000 $10,185,000
$20,370,000 $20,370,000
$10,185,000 $10,185,000
$10,185,000 $10,185,000
$20,370,000 $20,370,000
$0 $0
Foreign Affair Foreign Affairsb
$10,826,758 $10,826,758
$10,826,758 $10,826,758
$21,653,516 $21,653,516
$10,827,000 $10,827,000
$10,827,000 $10,827,000
$21,654,000 $21,654,000
$484 $484
Homeland Homeland
$9,461,988 $9,461,988
$9,461,988 $9,461,988
$18,923,976 $18,923,976
$9,389,000 $9,389,000
$9,389,000 $9,389,000
$18,778,000 $18,778,000
-$145,976 -$145,976
Security Security
House House
$7,405,638 $7,405,638
$7,901,652 $7,901,652
$15,307,290 $15,307,290
$7,405,000 $7,405,000
$7,902,000 $7,902,000
$15,307,000 $15,307,000
-$290 -$290
Administration Administration
Judiciary Judiciary
$11,356,727 $11,356,727
$11,356,727 $11,356,727
$22,713,454 $22,713,454
$11,357,000 $11,357,000
$11,357,000 $11,357,000
$22,714,000 $22,714,000
$546 $546
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$8,801,142 $8,801,142
$8,801,142 $8,801,142
$17,602,284 $17,602,284
$8,773,000 $8,773,000
$8,773,000 $8,773,000
$17,546,000 $17,546,000
-$56,284 -$56,284
Oversight and Oversight and
$14,772,228 $14,772,228
$15,151,408 $15,151,408
$29,923,637 $29,923,637
$14,772,000 $14,772,000
$15,151,000 $15,151,000
$29,923,000 $29,923,000
-$637 -$637
Accountability Accountability
Rules Rules
$4,167,807 $4,167,807
$4,167,807 $4,167,807
$8,335,614 $8,335,614
$4,168,000 $4,168,000
$4,168,000 $4,168,000
$8,336,000 $8,336,000
$386 $386
Science, Space & Science, Space &
$7,902,914 $7,902,914
$8,388,105 $8,388,105
$16,291,019 $16,291,019
$6,845,000 $6,845,000
$7,266,000 $7,266,000
$14,111,000 $14,111,000
-$2,180,019 -$2,180,019
Technology Technology
Small Business Small Business
$3,750,000 $3,750,000
$3,750,000 $3,750,000
$7,500,000 $7,500,000
$3,621,000 $3,621,000
$3,749,000 $3,749,000
$7,370,000 $7,370,000
-$130,000 -$130,000
Transportation & Transportation &
$10,883,194 $10,883,194
$10,883,194 $10,883,194
$21,766,388 $21,766,388
$10,883,000 $10,883,000
$10,883,000 $10,883,000
$21,766,000 $21,766,000
-$388 -$388
Infrastructure Infrastructure

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$5,271,175 $5,271,175
$5,482,022 $5,482,022
$10,753,197 $10,753,197
$5,271,000 $5,271,000
$5,482,000 $5,482,000
$10,753,000 $10,753,000
-$197 -$197
Ways & Means Ways & Means
$13,000,000 $13,000,000
$14,300,000 $14,300,000
$27,300,000 $27,300,000
$11,540,000 $11,540,000
$12,692,000 $12,692,000
$24,232,000 $24,232,000
-$3,068,000 -$3,068,000
Permanent Select Permanent Select
$8,200,000 $8,200,000
$9,000,000 $9,000,000
$17,200,000 $17,200,000
$8,197,000 $8,197,000
$8,998,000 $8,998,000
$17,195,000 $17,195,000
-$5,000 -$5,000
Intelligence Intelligence
Select Strategic Select Strategic
$4,470,816 $4,470,816
$4,421,809 $4,421,809
$8,892,625 $8,892,625
$4,471,000 $4,471,000
$4,421,000 $4,421,000
$8,892,000 $8,892,000
-$625 -$625
Competition Competition
Between the Between the
United States and United States and
the Chinese the Chinese
Communist Party Communist Party
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund

$9,000,000 $9,000,000
$9,000,000 $9,000,000
$18,000,000 $18,000,000

Source: House committee funding resolutions in the 118th Congress; H.Res. 197. House committee funding resolutions in the 118th Congress; H.Res. 197.
Notes: H.Res. 5 (118th Congress) changed the names of two committees: H.Res. 5 (118th Congress) changed the names of two committees:
• •
Committee on Education and the Workforce (formerly Committee on Education and Labor); and Committee on Education and the Workforce (formerly Committee on Education and Labor); and
• •
Committee on Oversight and Accountability (formerly Committee on Oversight and Reform). Committee on Oversight and Accountability (formerly Committee on Oversight and Reform).
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
b. The report to accompany H.Res. 197 (H.Rept. 118-8) states: “The amount provided to the Committee on Foreign Affairs includes $696,080 ($348,040 for each b. The report to accompany H.Res. 197 (H.Rept. 118-8) states: “The amount provided to the Committee on Foreign Affairs includes $696,080 ($348,040 for each
session) to provide funding for the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, and $476,700 ($238,350 for each session) for the House Democracy Partnership.” session) to provide funding for the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, and $476,700 ($238,350 for each session) for the House Democracy Partnership.”
Table 2. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 117th Congress
(initial in H.Res. 316 and committee
(revised by


H.Res. 1035)
1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$6,332,330 $6,332,330
$6,332,330 $6,332,330
$12,664,660 $12,664,660
$6,144,497 $6,144,497
$6,144,497 $6,144,497
$12,288,994 $12,288,994
-$375,666 -$375,666
$6,758,947 $12,903,444 $6,758,947 $12,903,444
Armed Services Armed Services
$10,075,885 $10,871,362 $10,075,885 $10,871,362
$20,947,247 $20,947,247
$9,117,992 $9,117,992
$9,437,992 $9,437,992
$18,555,984 $18,555,984
-$2,391,263 $10,381,791 $19,499,783 -$2,391,263 $10,381,791 $19,499,783

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(initial in H.Res. 316 and committee
(revised by


H.Res. 1035)
1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
2nd Session
Budget Budget
$5,565,212 $5,565,212
$5,565,212 $5,565,212
$11,130,424 $11,130,424
$5,449,723 $5,449,723
$5,449,723 $5,449,723
$10,899,446 $10,899,446
-$230,978 -$230,978
$5,994,695 $11,444,418 $5,994,695 $11,444,418
Education and Labor Education and Labor
$8,271,434 $8,271,434
$8,271,434 $8,271,434
$16,542,868 $16,542,868
$7,863,825 $7,863,825
$7,863,825 $7,863,825
$15,727,650 $15,727,650
-$815,218 -$815,218
$8,650,208 $16,514,033 $8,650,208 $16,514,033
Energy and Energy and
$12,073,692 $12,073,692 $12,073,692 $12,073,692
$24,147,384 $11,717,377 $24,147,384 $11,717,377
$11,417,377 $11,417,377
$23,134,754 $23,134,754
-$1,012,630 $12,559,115 $24,276,492 -$1,012,630 $12,559,115 $24,276,492
Commerce Commerce
Ethics Ethics
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$7,015,392 $7,015,392
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$7,015,392 $7,015,392
$0 $0
$3,858,466 $3,858,466
$7,366,162 $7,366,162
Financial Services Financial Services
$9,179,351 $9,179,351
$9,179,351 $9,179,351
$18,358,702 $18,358,702
$8,965,878 $8,965,878
$8,965,878 $8,965,878
$17,931,756 $17,931,756
-$426,946 -$426,946
$9,862,466 $18,828,344 $9,862,466 $18,828,344
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$8,726,141 $8,726,141
$8,726,141 $8,726,141
$17,452,282 $17,452,282
$8,653,430 $8,653,430
$8,653,430 $8,653,430
$17,306,860 $17,306,860
-$145,422 -$145,422
$9,518,773 $18,172,203 $9,518,773 $18,172,203
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$8,189,181 $8,189,181
$8,189,181 $8,189,181
$16,378,362 $16,378,362
$8,036,701 $8,036,701
$8,036,701 $8,036,701
$16,073,402 $16,073,402
-$304,960 -$304,960
$8,840,371 $16,877,072 $8,840,371 $16,877,072
House House
$5,590,190 $5,590,190
$5,892,211 $5,892,211
$11,482,401 $11,482,401
$5,590,190 $5,590,190
$5,892,211 $5,892,211
$11,482,401 $11,482,401
$0 $0
$6,481,432 $12,071,622 $6,481,432 $12,071,622
Administration Administration
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,728,827 $8,728,827
$9,165,268 $9,165,268
$17,894,095 $17,894,095
$8,506,115 $8,506,115
$8,506,115 $8,506,115
$17,012,230 $17,012,230
-$881,865 -$881,865
$9,356,727 $17,862,842 $9,356,727 $17,862,842
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$7,652,963 $7,652,963
$7,652,963 $7,652,963
$15,305,926 $15,305,926
$7,295,361 $7,295,361
$7,295,361 $7,295,361
$14,590,722 $14,590,722
-$715,204 -$715,204
$8,024,897 $15,320,258 $8,024,897 $15,320,258
Oversight and Oversight and
$13,738,871 $13,738,871 $13,738,871 $13,738,871
$27,477,742 $13,896,964 $27,477,742 $13,896,964
$13,896,964 $13,896,964
$27,793,928 $27,793,928
$316,186 $15,286,660 $29,183,624 $316,186 $15,286,660 $29,183,624
Reform Reform
Rules Rules
$3,410,369 $3,410,369
$3,444,469 $3,444,469
$6,854,838 $6,854,838
$3,410,369 $3,410,369
$3,444,469 $3,444,469
$6,854,838 $6,854,838
$0 $0
$4,167,807 $4,167,807
$7,578,176 $7,578,176
Science, Space, and Science, Space, and
$5,790,750 $5,790,750
$6,311,500 $6,311,500
$12,102,250 $12,102,250
$5,816,818 $5,816,818
$5,816,818 $5,816,818
$11,633,636 $11,633,636
-$468,614 -$468,614
$6,398,500 $12,215,318 $6,398,500 $12,215,318
Technology Technology
Small Business Small Business
$3,500,000 $3,500,000
$3,500,000 $3,500,000
$7,000,000 $7,000,000
$3,253,055 $3,253,055
$3,253,055 $3,253,055
$6,506,110 $6,506,110
-$493,890 -$493,890
$3,578,361 $3,578,361
$6,831,416 $6,831,416
Transportation and Transportation and
$9,815,165 $9,815,165
$9,815,165 $9,815,165
$19,630,330 $19,630,330
$9,597,173 $9,597,173
$9,597,173 $9,597,173
$19,194,346 $19,194,346
-$435,984 $10,556,890 $20,154,063 -$435,984 $10,556,890 $20,154,063
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$5,542,031 $5,542,031
$5,542,031 $5,542,031
$11,084,062 $11,084,062
$4,791,977 $4,791,977
$4,791,977 $4,791,977
$9,583,954 $9,583,954
-$1,500,108 -$1,500,108
$5,271,175 $10,063,152 $5,271,175 $10,063,152
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$10,119,889 $10,514,565 $10,119,889 $10,514,565
$20,634,454 $10,100,104 $20,634,454 $10,100,104
$9,800,104 $9,800,104
$19,900,208 $19,900,208
-$734,246 $10,780,114 $20,880,218 -$734,246 $10,780,114 $20,880,218
Permanent Select Permanent Select
$7,166,225 $7,166,225
$7,166,225 $7,166,225
$14,332,450 $14,332,450
$6,543,075 $6,543,075
$6,543,075 $6,543,075
$13,086,150 $13,086,150
-$1,246,300 -$1,246,300
$7,197,383 $13,740,458 $7,197,383 $13,740,458
Intelligence Intelligence
CRS- CRS-910

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(initial in H.Res. 316 and committee
(revised by


H.Res. 1035)
1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
2nd Session
Select Climate Crisis Select Climate Crisis
$1,915,000 $1,915,000
$1,950,000 $1,950,000
$3,865,000 $3,865,000
$1,915,000 $1,915,000
$1,950,000 $1,950,000
$3,865,000 $3,865,000
$0 $0
$2,145,000 $2,145,000
$4,060,000 $4,060,000
Select Modernization Select Modernization
$1,150,000 $1,150,000
$1,150,000 $1,150,000
$2,300,000 $2,300,000
$1,001,250 $1,001,250
$1,041,250 $1,041,250
$2,042,500 $2,042,500
-$257,500 -$257,500
$1,145,375 $1,145,375
$2,146,625 $2,146,625
of Congress of Congress
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
$1,500,000 $1,500,000
$2,500,000 $2,500,000
$4,000,000 $4,000,000
- -
- -
- -
Select Economic Select Economic
- -
- -
- -
$1,500,000 $1,500,000
$2,200,000 $2,200,000
$3,700,000 $3,700,000
- -
- -
- -
Disparity and Disparity and
Fairness in Growth Fairness in Growth
Source: House committee funding resolutions in the 117th Congress; H.Res. 316 (as adopted by the House as Section 4 of H.Res. 330); H.Res. 485 (as adopted by the House committee funding resolutions in the 117th Congress; H.Res. 316 (as adopted by the House as Section 4 of H.Res. 330); H.Res. 485 (as adopted by the
House pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 486, providing funding for the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth); the revised levels adopted in House pursuant to Section 10 of H.Res. 486, providing funding for the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth); the revised levels adopted in
H.Res. 1035;H.Res. 1035; House Administration, Committee Resolutions 117-16 (providing funding for the first and second session for the Committees on Armed Services, the House Administration, Committee Resolutions 117-16 (providing funding for the first and second session for the Committees on Armed Services, the
Judiciary, and the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress), 117-18 (providing funding for the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means), Judiciary, and the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress), 117-18 (providing funding for the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means),
and 117-21 (providing funding for the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth). The reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res. and 117-21 (providing funding for the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth). The reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res.
316 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund. 316 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total initial “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total initial “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the initial authorization for A negative number indicates the initial authorization for
the Congress was less than the request. the Congress was less than the request.
Table 3. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 116th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$6,225,565 $6,225,565
$6,225,565 $6,225,565
$12,451,130 $12,451,130
$5,756,664 $5,756,664
$5,756,664 $5,756,664
$11,513,328 $11,513,328
-$937,802 -$937,802
Armed Services Armed Services
$8,535,980 $8,535,980
$9,205,122 $9,205,122
$17,741,102 $17,741,102
$8,175,111 $8,175,111
$8,560,111 $8,560,111
$16,735,222 $16,735,222
-$1,005,880 -$1,005,880
Budget Budget
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$0 $0
Education and Labor Education and Labor
$7,638,701 $7,638,701
$7,880,301 $7,880,301
$15,519,002 $15,519,002
$7,289,357 $7,289,357
$7,689,357 $7,689,357
$14,978,714 $14,978,714
-$540,288 -$540,288
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$11,292,293 $11,292,293
$11,292,293 $11,292,293
$22,584,586 $22,584,586
$10,573,692 $10,573,692
$11,173,692 $11,173,692
$21,747,384 $21,747,384
-$837,202 -$837,202
CRS- CRS-1011

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Ethics Ethics
$3,590,663 $3,590,663
$3,590,663 $3,590,663
$7,181,326 $7,181,326
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$3,507,696 $3,507,696
$7,015,392 $7,015,392
-$165,934 -$165,934
Financial Services Financial Services
$8,705,005 $8,705,005
$8,705,005 $8,705,005
$17,410,010 $17,410,010
$8,538,931 $8,538,931
$8,538,931 $8,538,931
$17,077,862 $17,077,862
-$332,148 -$332,148
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$8,072,103 $8,072,103
$8,072,103 $8,072,103
$16,144,206 $16,144,206
$8,120,362 $8,120,362
$8,310,362 $8,310,362
$16,430,724 $16,430,724
$286,518 $286,518
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$8,718,127 $8,718,127
$9,114,309 $9,114,309
$17,832,436 $17,832,436
$7,654,001 $7,654,001
$7,654,001 $7,654,001
$15,308,002 $15,308,002
-$2,524,434 -$2,524,434
House Administration House Administration
$5,172,211 $5,172,211
$5,472,211 $5,472,211
$10,644,422 $10,644,422
$5,172,211 $5,172,211
$5,472,211 $5,472,211
$10,644,422 $10,644,422
$0 $0
Judiciary Judiciary
$9,277,000 $9,277,000
$9,555,310 $9,555,310
$18,832,310 $18,832,310
$7,930,297 $7,930,297
$7,930,297 $7,930,297
$15,860,594 $15,860,594
-$2,971,716 -$2,971,716
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$7,223,131 $7,223,131
$7,223,131 $7,223,131
$14,446,262 $14,446,262
$6,947,963 $6,947,963
$6,947,963 $6,947,963
$13,895,926 $13,895,926
-$550,336 -$550,336
Oversight and Reform Oversight and Reform
$9,495,035 $9,495,035
$10,444,538 $10,444,538
$19,939,573 $19,939,573
$9,495,034 $9,495,034
$11,495,034 $11,495,034
$20,990,068 $20,990,068
$1,050,495 $1,050,495
Rules Rules
$3,327,190 $3,327,190
$3,327,190 $3,327,190
$6,654,380 $6,654,380
$3,327,189 $3,327,189
$3,327,189 $3,327,189
$6,654,378 $6,654,378
-$2 -$2
Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology
$5,766,700 $5,766,700
$5,766,700 $5,766,700
$11,533,400 $11,533,400
$5,539,827 $5,539,827
$5,539,827 $5,539,827
$11,079,654 $11,079,654
-$453,746 -$453,746
Small Business Small Business
$3,369,000 $3,369,000
$3,369,000 $3,369,000
$6,738,000 $6,738,000
$3,098,148 $3,098,148
$3,098,148 $3,098,148
$6,196,296 $6,196,296
-$541,704 -$541,704
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$9,086,025 $9,086,025
$9,206,025 $9,206,025
$18,292,050 $18,292,050
$8,915,165 $8,915,165
$9,365,165 $9,365,165
$18,280,330 $18,280,330
-$11,720 -$11,720
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$5,542,031 $5,542,031
$5,542,031 $5,542,031
$11,084,062 $11,084,062
$4,138,192 $4,138,192
$4,513,192 $4,513,192
$8,651,384 $8,651,384
-$2,432,678 -$2,432,678
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$10,119,889 $10,119,889
$10,514,565 $10,514,565
$20,634,454 $20,634,454
$9,133,432 $9,133,432
$9,533,432 $9,533,432
$18,666,864 $18,666,864
-$1,967,590 -$1,967,590
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$7,550,369 $7,550,369
$7,714,584 $7,714,584
$15,264,953 $15,264,953
$6,231,500 $6,231,500
$6,231,500 $6,231,500
$12,463,000 $12,463,000
-$2,801,953 -$2,801,953
Select Climate Crisis Select Climate Crisis
- -
- -
- -
$1,890,750 $1,890,750
$1,890,750 $1,890,750
$3,781,500 $3,781,500
- -
Select Modernization of Congress Select Modernization of Congress
- -
- -
- -
$900,000 $900,000
$950,000 $950,000
$1,850,000 $1,850,000
- -
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
$1,500,000 $1,500,000
$6,500,000 $6,500,000
$8,000,000 $8,000,000
- -
Sources: House committee funding resolutions in the 116th Congress; H.Res. 245; H.Res. 935 (providing funding for the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis House committee funding resolutions in the 116th Congress; H.Res. 245; H.Res. 935 (providing funding for the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on Oversight and Reform); House Administration, Committee Resolutions 116-12 and 116-14 (providing as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on Oversight and Reform); House Administration, Committee Resolutions 116-12 and 116-14 (providing
funding for the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress), and Committee Resolution 116-18 (providing funding for the Committees on Armed Services, funding for the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress), and Committee Resolution 116-18 (providing funding for the Committees on Armed Services,
Education and Labor, Energy and Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans’ Affairs, and Ways and Means). The reserve fund levels reflect Education and Labor, Energy and Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans’ Affairs, and Ways and Means). The reserve fund levels reflect
the amount provided in H.Res. 245 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund. the amount provided in H.Res. 245 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund.
Note: H.Res. 6H.Res. 6 (116th Congress) changed the names of two committees: (116th Congress) changed the names of two committees:
• •
Education and Labor (formerly Education and the Workforce); and Education and Labor (formerly Education and the Workforce); and
CRS- CRS-1112

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• •
Oversight and Reform (formerly Oversight and Government Reform). Oversight and Reform (formerly Oversight and Government Reform).
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 4. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 115th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$5,699,668 $5,699,668
$5,737,848 $5,737,848
$11,437,516 $11,437,516
$5,699,668 $5,699,668
$5,737,849 $5,737,849
$11,437,517 $11,437,517
$1 $1
Armed Services Armed Services
$8,475,630 $8,475,630
$8,880,207 $8,880,207
$17,355,837 $17,355,837
$8,094,170 $8,094,170
$8,094,170 $8,094,170
$16,188,340 $16,188,340
-$1,167,497 -$1,167,497
Budget Budget
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$0 $0
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$7,146,429 $7,146,429
$7,307,783 $7,307,783
$14,454,212 $14,454,212
$7,146,429 $7,146,429
$7,307,783 $7,307,783
$14,454,212 $14,454,212
$0 $0
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$10,265,721 $10,265,721
$10,265,721 $10,265,721
$20,531,442 $20,531,442
$10,265,721 $10,265,721
$10,265,721 $10,265,721
$20,531,442 $20,531,442
$0 $0
Ethics Ethics
$3,100,663 $3,100,663
$3,100,663 $3,100,663
$6,201,326 $6,201,326
$3,340,663 $3,340,663
$3,340,663 $3,340,663
$6,681,326 $6,681,326
$480,000 $480,000
Financial Services Financial Services
$8,290,225 $8,290,225
$8,290,225 $8,290,225
$16,580,450 $16,580,450
$8,290,225 $8,290,225
$8,290,225 $8,290,225
$16,580,450 $16,580,450
$0 $0
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$7,984,332 $7,984,332
$7,984,332 $7,984,332
$15,968,664 $15,968,664
$7,836,993 $7,836,993
$8,036,993 $8,036,993
$15,873,986 $15,873,986
-$94,678 -$94,678
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$7,503,923 $7,503,923
$7,503,923 $7,503,923
$15,007,846 $15,007,846
$7,503,923 $7,503,923
$7,503,923 $7,503,923
$15,007,846 $15,007,846
$0 $0
House Administration House Administration
$5,021,565 $5,021,565
$5,321,565 $5,321,565
$10,343,130 $10,343,130
$5,021,565 $5,021,565
$5,321,565 $5,321,565
$10,343,130 $10,343,130
$0 $0
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,053,500 $8,053,500
$8,328,500 $8,328,500
$16,382,000 $16,382,000
$7,625,286 $7,625,286
$7,725,286 $7,725,286
$15,350,572 $15,350,572
-$1,031,428 -$1,031,428
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$6,879,172 $6,879,172
$6,879,172 $6,879,172
$13,758,344 $13,758,344
$6,879,172 $6,879,172
$6,879,172 $6,879,172
$13,758,344 $13,758,344
$0 $0
Oversight and Oversight and
$9,297,736 $9,297,736
$9,297,736 $9,297,736
$18,595,472 $18,595,472
$9,129,841 $9,129,841
$9,129,841 $9,129,841
$18,259,682 $18,259,682
-$335,790 -$335,790
Government Reform Government Reform
Rules Rules
$3,130,281 $3,130,281
$3,130,281 $3,130,281
$6,260,562 $6,260,562
$3,230,281 $3,230,281
$3,230,281 $3,230,281
$6,460,562 $6,460,562
$200,000 $200,000
Science, Space, and Science, Space, and
$5,484,978 $5,484,978
$5,484,978 $5,484,978
$10,969,956 $10,969,956
$5,484,978 $5,484,978
$5,484,978 $5,484,978
$10,969,956 $10,969,956
$0 $0
Technology Technology
Small Business Small Business
$3,037,400 $3,037,400
$3,249,637 $3,249,637
$6,287,037 $6,287,037
$3,037,400 $3,037,400
$3,249,637 $3,249,637
$6,287,037 $6,287,037
$0 $0
Transportation and Transportation and
$8,655,500 $8,655,500
$8,760,500 $8,760,500
$17,416,000 $17,416,000
$8,655,500 $8,655,500
$8,760,500 $8,760,500
$17,416,000 $17,416,000
$0 $0
Infrastructure Infrastructure
CRS- CRS-1213

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,979,031 $3,979,031
$3,979,031 $3,979,031
$7,958,062 $7,958,062
$3,979,031 $3,979,031
$4,179,031 $4,179,031
$8,158,062 $8,158,062
$200,000 $200,000
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$8,954,346 $8,954,346
$8,986,346 $8,986,346
$17,940,692 $17,940,692
$8,954,346 $8,954,346
$8,986,346 $8,986,346
$17,940,692 $17,940,692
$0 $0
Permanent Select Permanent Select
$6,050,000 $6,050,000
$6,050,000 $6,050,000
$12,100,000 $12,100,000
$6,050,000 $6,050,000
$6,050,000 $6,050,000
$12,100,000 $12,100,000
$0 $0
Intelligence Intelligence
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
$1,250,000 $1,250,000
$1,250,000 $1,250,000
$2,500,000 $2,500,000
- -
Sources: Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 115th Congress (2017-2018); H.Res. 173, Committee Resolution Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 115th Congress (2017-2018); H.Res. 173, Committee Resolution
115-9 (providing funding for the Committee on Foreign Affairs) and Committee Resolution 115-19 (providing funding for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs). The 115-9 (providing funding for the Committee on Foreign Affairs) and Committee Resolution 115-19 (providing funding for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs). The
reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res. 173 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund. reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res. 173 and do not reflect any subsequent allocations from the fund.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 5. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 114th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$5,086,548 $5,086,548
$5,086,548 $5,086,548
$10,173,096 $10,173,096
$5,086,548 $5,086,548
$5,086,548 $5,086,548
$10,173,096 $10,173,096
$0 $0
Armed Services Armed Services
$7,841,250 $7,841,250
$8,027,843 $8,027,843
$15,869,093 $15,869,093
$7,104,170 $7,104,170
$7,104,170 $7,104,170
$14,208,340 $14,208,340
-$1,660,753 -$1,660,753
Budget Budget
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,380,424 $10,380,424
$0 $0
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$7,022,290 $7,022,290
$7,022,290 $7,022,290
$14,044,580 $14,044,580
$7,022,290 $7,022,290
$7,022,290 $7,022,290
$14,044,580 $14,044,580
$0 $0
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$9,765,721 $9,765,721
$9,765,721 $9,765,721
$19,531,442 $19,531,442
$10,065,721 $10,065,721
$11,055,721 $11,055,721
$21,121,442 $21,121,442
$1,590,000 $1,590,000
Ethics Ethics
$3,050,663 $3,050,663
$3,050,663 $3,050,663
$6,101,326 $6,101,326
$3,100,663 $3,100,663
$3,100,663 $3,100,663
$6,201,326 $6,201,326
$100,000 $100,000
Financial Services Financial Services
$7,583,426 $7,583,426
$7,607,041 $7,607,041
$15,190,467 $15,190,467
$7,543,426 $7,543,426
$7,543,426 $7,543,426
$15,086,852 $15,086,852
-$103,615 -$103,615
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$7,611,993 $7,611,993
$7,611,993 $7,611,993
$15,223,986 $15,223,986
$7,461,993 $7,461,993
$7,461,993 $7,461,993
$14,923,986 $14,923,986
-$300,000 -$300,000
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$7,223,000 $7,223,000
$7,532,400 $7,532,400
$14,755,400 $14,755,400
$7,203,923 $7,203,923
$7,203,923 $7,203,923
$14,407,846 $14,407,846
-$347,554 -$347,554
House Administration House Administration
$4,646,565 $4,646,565
$4,646,565 $4,646,565
$9,293,130 $9,293,130
$4,646,565 $4,646,565
$4,646,565 $4,646,565
$9,293,130 $9,293,130
$0 $0
CRS- CRS-1314

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Judiciary Judiciary
$7,768,700 $7,768,700
$7,811,900 $7,811,900
$15,580,600 $15,580,600
$7,197,786 $7,197,786
$7,197,786 $7,197,786
$14,395,572 $14,395,572
-$1,185,028 -$1,185,028
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$6,786,922 $6,786,922
$6,786,922 $6,786,922
$13,573,844 $13,573,844
$6,711,387 $6,711,387
$6,711,387 $6,711,387
$13,422,774 $13,422,774
-$151,070 -$151,070
Oversight and Government Oversight and Government
$9,029,841 $9,029,841
$9,029,841 $9,029,841
$18,059,682 $18,059,682
$9,029,841 $9,029,841
$9,029,841 $9,029,841
$18,059,682 $18,059,682
$0 $0
Reform Reform
Rules Rules
$2,885,982 $2,885,982
$2,885,982 $2,885,982
$5,771,964 $5,771,964
$2,960,982 $2,960,982
$2,885,982 $2,885,982
$5,846,964 $5,846,964
$75,000 $75,000
Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology
$5,335,800 $5,335,800
$5,457,350 $5,457,350
$10,793,150 $10,793,150
$5,335,582 $5,335,582
$5,335,582 $5,335,582
$10,671,164 $10,671,164
-$121,986 -$121,986
Small Business Small Business
$3,128,750 $3,128,750
$3,171,794 $3,171,794
$6,300,544 $6,300,544
$3,022,614 $3,022,614
$3,022,614 $3,022,614
$6,045,228 $6,045,228
-$255,316 -$255,316
Transportation and Transportation and
$8,360,900 $8,360,900
$8,360,900 $8,360,900
$16,721,800 $16,721,800
$8,364,130 $8,364,130
$8,364,130 $8,364,130
$16,728,260 $16,728,260
$6,460 $6,460
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,752,546 $3,752,546
$3,752,546 $3,752,546
$7,505,092 $7,505,092
$3,479,031 $3,479,031
$3,479,031 $3,479,031
$6,958,062 $6,958,062
-$547,030 -$547,030
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$8,857,645 $8,857,645
$8,857,645 $8,857,645
$17,715,290 $17,715,290
$8,757,645 $8,757,645
$8,757,645 $8,757,645
$17,515,290 $17,515,290
-$200,000 -$200,000
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$4,597,000 $4,597,000
$4,597,000 $4,597,000
$9,194,000 $9,194,000
$4,598,655 $4,598,655
$4,598,655 $4,598,655
$9,197,310 $9,197,310
$3,310 $3,310
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
$500,000 $500,000
$500,000 $500,000
$1,000,000 $1,000,000
- -
Sources: Data for requests from individual committees is from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 114th Congress (2015-2016); for Data for requests from individual committees is from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 114th Congress (2015-2016); for
authorization levels, H.Res. 132; for adjustments to the initial authorization levels, Committee Resolution 114-10, Committee Resolution 114-19, and H.Res. 933 (all authorization levels, H.Res. 132; for adjustments to the initial authorization levels, Committee Resolution 114-10, Committee Resolution 114-19, and H.Res. 933 (all
providing additional funding for the Committee on Energy and Commerce). The reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res. 132 and do not reflect any providing additional funding for the Committee on Energy and Commerce). The reserve fund levels reflect the amount provided in H.Res. 132 and do not reflect any
subsequent allocations from the fund. subsequent allocations from the fund.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
CRS- CRS-1415

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Table 6. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 113th Congress


1st Session
2nd Sessiona
Agriculture Agriculture
- -
- -
- -
$5,036,187 $5,036,187
$5,086,549 $5,086,549
$10,122,736 $10,122,736
- -
Armed Services Armed Services
- -
- -
- -
$6,563,535 $6,563,535
$6,629,170 $6,629,170
$13,192,705 $13,192,705
- -
Budget Budget
- -
- -
- -
$5,138,824 $5,138,824
$5,190,212 $5,190,212
$10,329,036 $10,329,036
- -
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
- -
- -
- -
$6,952,763 $6,952,763
$7,022,291 $7,022,291
$13,975,054 $13,975,054
- -
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
- -
- -
- -
$9,520,516 $9,520,516
$9,615,721 $9,615,721
$19,136,237 $19,136,237
- -
Ethics Ethics
- -
- -
- -
$3,020,459 $3,020,459
$3,050,664 $3,050,664
$6,071,123 $6,071,123
- -
Financial Services Financial Services
- -
- -
- -
$7,394,482 $7,394,482
$7,468,427 $7,468,427
$14,862,909 $14,862,909
- -
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
- -
- -
- -
$7,388,112 $7,388,112
$7,461,993 $7,461,993
$14,850,105 $14,850,105
- -
Homeland Security Homeland Security
- -
- -
- -
$7,033,588 $7,033,588
$7,103,924 $7,103,924
$14,137,512 $14,137,512
- -
House Administration House Administration
- -
- -
- -
$4,600,560 $4,600,560
$4,646,566 $4,646,566
$9,247,126 $9,247,126
- -
Judiciary Judiciary
- -
- -
- -
$7,077,016 $7,077,016
$7,147,786 $7,147,786
$14,224,802 $14,224,802
- -
Natural Resources Natural Resources
- -
- -
- -
$6,555,829 $6,555,829
$6,621,387 $6,621,387
$13,177,216 $13,177,216
- -
Oversight and Government Reform Oversight and Government Reform
- -
- -
- -
$8,940,437 $8,940,437
$9,029,841 $9,029,841
$17,970,278 $17,970,278
- -
Rules Rules
- -
- -
- -
$2,857,408 $2,857,408
$2,885,982 $2,885,982
$5,743,390 $5,743,390
- -
Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology
- -
- -
- -
$5,282,755 $5,282,755
$5,335,583 $5,335,583
$10,618,338 $10,618,338
- -
Small Business Small Business
- -
- -
- -
$2,992,688 $2,992,688
$3,022,615 $3,022,615
$6,015,303 $6,015,303
- -
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
- -
- -
- -
$8,182,307 $8,182,307
$8,264,130 $8,264,130
$16,446,437 $16,446,437
- -
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
- -
- -
- -
$3,048,546 $3,048,546
$3,079,031 $3,079,031
$6,127,577 $6,127,577
- -
Ways and Means Ways and Means
- -
- -
- -
$8,423,411 $8,423,411
$8,507,645 $8,507,645
$16,931,056 $16,931,056
- -
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
- -
- -
- -
$4,389,758 $4,389,758
$4,433,656 $4,433,656
$8,823,414 $8,823,414
- -
Sources: H.Res. 115, 113th Congress; House Administration, Committee Resolution 113-7. H.Res. 115, 113th Congress; House Administration, Committee Resolution 113-7.
Notes: No individual committee funding resolutions were introduced during the 113th Congress. No individual committee funding resolutions were introduced during the 113th Congress.
CRS- CRS-1516

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a. Committee Resolution 113-7 specified additional dol ar amounts for each committee for the second session, equivalent to a 1% increase over the original a. Committee Resolution 113-7 specified additional dol ar amounts for each committee for the second session, equivalent to a 1% increase over the original
authorization from H.Res. 115, from the reserve fund. The second session and total authorizations reflect this adjustment. The reserve fund established in H.Res. authorization from H.Res. 115, from the reserve fund. The second session and total authorizations reflect this adjustment. The reserve fund established in H.Res.
115 did not contain a specified dol ar amount, but was equivalent to the difference between amounts made available for “House of Representatives—Committee 115 did not contain a specified dol ar amount, but was equivalent to the difference between amounts made available for “House of Representatives—Committee
Employees, Standing Committees, Special and Select” in successive fiscal years. Employees, Standing Committees, Special and Select” in successive fiscal years.
b. No individual committee funding resolutions were introduced during the 113th Congress. b. No individual committee funding resolutions were introduced during the 113th Congress.
Table 7. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 112th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$6,189,494 $6,189,494
$6,045,553 $6,045,553
$12,235,047 $12,235,047
$6,189,494 $6,189,494
$5,658,638 $5,658,638
$11,848,132 $11,848,132
-$386,915 -$386,915
Armed Services Armed Services
$7,525,264 $7,525,264
$7,525,264 $7,525,264
$15,050,528 $15,050,528
$7,525,264 $7,525,264
$7,374,759 $7,374,759
$14,900,023 $14,900,023
-$150,505 -$150,505
Budget Budget
$6,033,185 $6,033,185
$6,033,185 $6,033,185
$12,066,370 $12,066,370
$6,033,185 $6,033,185
$5,647,061 $5,647,061
$11,680,246 $11,680,246
-$386,124 -$386,124
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$8,346,254 $8,346,254
$8,346,254 $8,346,254
$16,692,508 $16,692,508
$8,346,254 $8,346,254
$7,812,094 $7,812,094
$16,158,348 $16,158,348
-$534,160 -$534,160
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$10,980,940 $10,980,940
$11,428,642 $11,428,642
$22,409,582 $22,409,582
$10,980,940 $10,980,940
$10,697,209 $10,697,209
$21,678,149 $21,678,149
-$731,433 -$731,433
Ethics Ethics
$2,824,535 $2,824,535
$3,043,775 $3,043,775
$5,868,311 $5,868,311
$2,824,535 $2,824,535
$3,393,775 $3,393,775
$6,218,310 $6,218,310
$349,999 $349,999
Financial Services Financial Services
$8,441,264 $8,441,264
$8,958,018 $8,958,018
$17,399,282 $17,399,282
$8,441,264 $8,441,264
$8,384,705 $8,384,705
$16,825,969 $16,825,969
-$573,313 -$573,313
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$8,952,470 $8,952,470
$8,952,470 $8,952,470
$17,904,940 $17,904,940
$8,952,470 $8,952,470
$8,379,512 $8,379,512
$17,331,982 $17,331,982
-$572,958 -$572,958
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$8,443,724 $8,443,724
$8,443,724 $8,443,724
$16,887,448 $16,887,448
$8,443,724 $8,443,724
$7,903,326 $7,903,326
$16,347,050 $16,347,050
-$540,398 -$540,398
House Administration House Administration
$4,949,176 $4,949,176
$5,566,837 $5,566,837
$10,516,013 $10,516,013
$4,949,176 $4,949,176
$5,169,169 $5,169,169
$10,118,345 $10,118,345
-$397,668 -$397,668
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,401,406 $8,401,406
$8,401,406 $8,401,406
$16,802,812 $16,802,812
$8,401,406 $8,401,406
$7,863,716 $7,863,716
$16,265,122 $16,265,122
-$537,690 -$537,690
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$7,869,766 $7,869,766
$7,869,766 $7,869,766
$15,739,532 $15,739,532
$7,869,766 $7,869,766
$7,366,101 $7,366,101
$15,235,867 $15,235,867
-$503,665 -$503,665
Oversight and Government Reform Oversight and Government Reform
$10,613,054 $10,613,054
$10,613,054 $10,613,054
$21,226,108 $21,226,108
$10,613,054 $10,613,054
$9,933,819 $9,933,819
$20,546,873 $20,546,873
-$679,235 -$679,235
Rules Rules
$3,391,985 $3,391,985
$3,391,985 $3,391,985
$6,783,970 $6,783,970
$3,391,985 $3,391,985
$3,174,898 $3,174,898
$6,566,883 $6,566,883
-$217,087 -$217,087
Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology
$6,685,636 $6,685,636
$6,660,637 $6,660,637
$13,346,273 $13,346,273
$6,685,637 $6,685,637
$5,986,023 $5,986,023
$12,671,660 $12,671,660
-$674,613 -$674,613
Small Business Small Business
$3,214,891 $3,214,891
$3,659,109 $3,659,109
$6,874,000 $6,874,000
$3,214,891 $3,214,891
$3,383,536 $3,383,536
$6,598,427 $6,598,427
-$275,573 -$275,573
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$9,915,223 $9,915,223
$9,915,223 $9,915,223
$19,830,446 $19,830,446
$9,915,223 $9,915,223
$9,280,649 $9,280,649
$19,195,872 $19,195,872
-$634,574 -$634,574
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,602,745 $3,602,745
$3,682,512 $3,682,512
$7,285,256 $7,285,256
$3,602,745 $3,602,745
$3,446,830 $3,446,830
$7,049,575 $7,049,575
-$235,681 -$235,681
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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$9,801,365 $9,801,365
$9,801,366 $9,801,366
$19,602,731 $19,602,731
$9,801,365 $9,801,365
$9,174,079 $9,174,079
$18,975,444 $18,975,444
-$627,287 -$627,287
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$5,153,750 $5,153,750
$5,153,750 $5,153,750
$10,307,500 $10,307,500
$5,153,750 $5,153,750
$4,823,910 $4,823,910
$9,977,660 $9,977,660
-$329,840 -$329,840
Sources: Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 112th Congress (2011-2012), H.Res. 147, H.Res. 496. H.Res. 147 Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 112th Congress (2011-2012), H.Res. 147, H.Res. 496. H.Res. 147
was the primary expense resolution. H.Res. 496 (agreed to 2/1/2012), however, reduced total amounts authorized and 2nd session amounts authorized. Prior to was the primary expense resolution. H.Res. 496 (agreed to 2/1/2012), however, reduced total amounts authorized and 2nd session amounts authorized. Prior to
agreement on H.Res. 496, “Authorization” and “2nd Session” were identical to “Request” and “2nd session” request. Amounts rounded to nearest dol ar. agreement on H.Res. 496, “Authorization” and “2nd Session” were identical to “Request” and “2nd session” request. Amounts rounded to nearest dol ar.
Note: H.Res. 5H.Res. 5 (112th Congress) changed the names of three committees: (112th Congress) changed the names of three committees:
• •
Education and the Workforce (formerly Education and Labor); Education and the Workforce (formerly Education and Labor);
• •
Ethics (formerly Standards of Official Conduct); and Ethics (formerly Standards of Official Conduct); and
• •
Science, Space, and Technology (formerly Science and Technology). Science, Space, and Technology (formerly Science and Technology).
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 8. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 111th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$6,316,330 $6,316,330
$6,788,257 $6,788,257
$13,104,587 $13,104,587
$6,316,330 $6,316,330
$6,562,667 $6,562,667
$12,878,997 $12,878,997
-$225,590 -$225,590
Armed Services Armed Services
$8,324,646 $8,324,646
$9,689,641 $9,689,641
$18,014,287 $18,014,287
$7,769,820 $7,769,820
$8,072,843 $8,072,843
$15,842,663 $15,842,663
-$2,171,624 -$2,171,624
Budget Budget
$6,350,721 $6,350,721
$6,350,721 $6,350,721
$12,701,442 $12,701,442
$6,350,721 $6,350,721
$6,350,721 $6,350,721
$12,701,442 $12,701,442
$0 $0
Education and Labor Education and Labor
$8,657,750 $8,657,750
$9,134,360 $9,134,360
$17,792,110 $17,792,110
$8,617,490 $8,617,490
$8,953,572 $8,953,572
$17,571,062 $17,571,062
-$221,048 -$221,048
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$11,898,160 $11,898,160
$13,101,000 $13,101,000
$24,999,160 $24,999,160
$11,569,181 $11,569,181
$12,020,379 $12,020,379
$23,589,560 $23,589,560
-$1,409,600 -$1,409,600
Financial Services Financial Services
$9,322,449 $9,322,449
$9,902,438 $9,902,438
$19,224,887 $19,224,887
$8,982,361 $8,982,361
$9,332,673 $9,332,673
$18,315,034 $18,315,034
-$909,853 -$909,853
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$10,336,207 $10,336,207
$11,102,856 $11,102,856
$21,439,063 $21,439,063
$9,243,406 $9,243,406
$9,603,899 $9,603,899
$18,847,305 $18,847,305
-$2,591,758 -$2,591,758
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$8,718,127 $8,718,127
$9,114,309 $9,114,309
$17,832,436 $17,832,436
$8,718,127 $8,718,127
$9,058,134 $9,058,134
$17,776,261 $17,776,261
-$56,175 -$56,175
House Administration House Administration
$5,544,451 $5,544,451
$5,930,980 $5,930,980
$11,475,431 $11,475,431
$5,428,881 $5,428,881
$5,640,608 $5,640,608
$11,069,489 $11,069,489
-$405,942 -$405,942
Judiciary Judiciary
$9,336,600 $9,336,600
$9,716,300 $9,716,300
$19,052,900 $19,052,900
$9,238,436 $9,238,436
$9,598,735 $9,598,735
$18,837,171 $18,837,171
-$215,729 -$215,729
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$8,127,068 $8,127,068
$8,533,421 $8,533,421
$16,660,489 $16,660,489
$8,125,517 $8,125,517
$8,442,412 $8,442,412
$16,567,929 $16,567,929
-$92,560 -$92,560
Oversight and Government Reform Oversight and Government Reform
$11,445,179 $11,445,179
$12,508,047 $12,508,047
$23,953,226 $23,953,226
$10,957,956 $10,957,956
$11,385,317 $11,385,317
$22,343,273 $22,343,273
-$1,609,953 -$1,609,953
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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Rules Rules
$3,538,663 $3,538,663
$3,602,358 $3,602,358
$7,141,021 $7,141,021
$3,538,663 $3,538,663
$3,602,358 $3,602,358
$7,141,021 $7,141,021
$0 $0
Science and Technology Science and Technology
$7,233,535 $7,233,535
$7,956,888 $7,956,888
$15,190,423 $15,190,423
$6,890,114 $6,890,114
$7,158,828 $7,158,828
$14,048,942 $14,048,942
-$1,141,481 -$1,141,481
Small Business Small Business
$3,674,274 $3,674,274
$4,246,445 $4,246,445
$7,920,719 $7,920,719
$3,548,839 $3,548,839
$3,687,243 $3,687,243
$7,236,082 $7,236,082
-$684,637 -$684,637
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$2,735,247 $2,735,247
$2,990,361 $2,990,361
$5,725,608 $5,725,608
$2,735,247 $2,735,247
$2,841,922 $2,841,922
$5,577,169 $5,577,169
-$148,439 -$148,439
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$10,258,942 $10,258,942
$10,771,889 $10,771,889
$21,030,831 $21,030,831
$10,237,447 $10,237,447
$10,636,707 $10,636,707
$20,874,154 $20,874,154
-$156,677 -$156,677
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,812,691 $3,812,691
$4,031,999 $4,031,999
$7,844,690 $7,844,690
$3,761,006 $3,761,006
$3,907,685 $3,907,685
$7,668,691 $7,668,691
-$175,999 -$175,999
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$10,141,137 $10,141,137
$10,648,194 $10,648,194
$20,789,331 $20,789,331
$10,119,889 $10,119,889
$10,514,565 $10,514,565
$20,634,454 $20,634,454
-$154,877 -$154,877
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$5,387,500 $5,387,500
$5,462,500 $5,462,500
$10,850,000 $10,850,000
$5,387,500 $5,387,500
$5,462,500 $5,462,500
$10,850,000 $10,850,000
$0 $0
Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Select Energy Independence and Global Warming
$2,096,900 $2,096,900
$2,070,600 $2,070,600
$4,167,500 $4,167,500
$2,096,900 $2,096,900
$2,070,600 $2,070,600
$4,167,500 $4,167,500
$0 $0
Sources: Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 111th Congress (2009-2010); H.Res. 279. Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 111th Congress (2009-2010); H.Res. 279.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 9. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 110th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$5,954,462 $5,954,462
$6,444,293 $6,444,293
$12,398,755 $12,398,755
$5,910,765 $5,910,765
$6,084,541 $6,084,541
$11,995,306 $11,995,306
-$403,449 -$403,449
Armed Services Armed Services
$6,883,959 $6,883,959
$8,585,045 $8,585,045
$15,469,004 $15,469,004
$7,203,581 $7,203,581
$7,415,366 $7,415,366
$14,618,947 $14,618,947
-$850,057 -$850,057
Budget Budget
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$12,026,478 $12,026,478
$6,169,343 $6,169,343
$6,350,721 $6,350,721
$12,520,064 $12,520,064
$493,586 $493,586
Education and Labor Education and Labor
$8,025,500 $8,025,500
$8,308,750 $8,308,750
$16,334,250 $16,334,250
$7,989,475 $7,989,475
$8,224,365 $8,224,365
$16,213,840 $16,213,840
-$120,410 -$120,410
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$11,013,668 $11,013,668
$11,460,946 $11,460,946
$22,474,614 $22,474,614
$10,375,603 $10,375,603
$10,680,646 $10,680,646
$21,056,249 $21,056,249
-$1,418,365 -$1,418,365
Financial Services Financial Services
$8,029,517 $8,029,517
$8,546,193 $8,546,193
$16,575,710 $16,575,710
$7,977,303 $7,977,303
$8,211,835 $8,211,835
$16,189,138 $16,189,138
-$386,572 -$386,572
Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
$8,762,228 $8,762,228
$9,191,577 $9,191,577
$17,953,805 $17,953,805
$8,569,776 $8,569,776
$8,821,728 $8,821,728
$17,391,504 $17,391,504
-$562,301 -$562,301
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$8,132,028 $8,132,028
$8,379,849 $8,379,849
$16,511,877 $16,511,877
$8,105,057 $8,105,057
$8,343,346 $8,343,346
$16,448,403 $16,448,403
-$63,474 -$63,474
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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
House Administration House Administration
$5,033,242 $5,033,242
$5,181,219 $5,181,219
$10,214,461 $10,214,461
$5,033,242 $5,033,242
$5,181,219 $5,181,219
$10,214,461 $10,214,461
$0 $0
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,165,484 $8,165,484
$8,492,103 $8,492,103
$16,657,587 $16,657,587
$8,055,250 $8,055,250
$8,292,074 $8,292,074
$16,347,324 $16,347,324
-$310,263 -$310,263
Natural Resources Natural Resources
$7,638,213 $7,638,213
$7,943,738 $7,943,738
$15,581,951 $15,581,951
$7,533,355 $7,533,355
$7,754,836 $7,754,836
$15,288,191 $15,288,191
-$293,760 -$293,760
Oversight and Government Reform Oversight and Government Reform
$10,790,667 $10,790,667
$12,085,547 $12,085,547
$22,876,214 $22,876,214
$10,644,994 $10,644,994
$10,957,956 $10,957,956
$21,602,950 $21,602,950
-$1,273,264 -$1,273,264
Rules Rules
$3,357,198 $3,357,198
$3,424,342 $3,424,342
$6,781,540 $6,781,540
$3,376,815 $3,376,815
$3,476,093 $3,476,093
$6,852,908 $6,852,908
$71,368 $71,368
Science and Technology Science and Technology
$6,475,402 $6,475,402
$6,734,418 $6,734,418
$13,209,820 $13,209,820
$6,387,984 $6,387,984
$6,575,791 $6,575,791
$12,963,775 $12,963,775
-$246,045 -$246,045
Small Business Small Business
$3,009,086 $3,009,086
$3,248,324 $3,248,324
$6,257,410 $6,257,410
$2,939,758 $2,939,758
$3,026,187 $3,026,187
$5,965,945 $5,965,945
-$291,465 -$291,465
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$2,996,561 $2,996,561
$3,122,740 $3,122,740
$6,119,301 $6,119,301
$2,460,915 $2,460,915
$2,533,266 $2,533,266
$4,994,181 $4,994,181
-$1,125,120 -$1,125,120
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$9,528,749 $9,528,749
$10,195,762 $10,195,762
$19,724,511 $19,724,511
$9,491,374 $9,491,374
$9,770,421 $9,770,421
$19,261,795 $19,261,795
-$462,716 -$462,716
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,398,686 $3,398,686
$3,534,633 $3,534,633
$6,933,319 $6,933,319
$3,486,916 $3,486,916
$3,589,431 $3,589,431
$7,076,347 $7,076,347
$143,028 $143,028
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$9,785,129 $9,785,129
$10,274,385 $10,274,385
$20,059,514 $20,059,514
$9,382,384 $9,382,384
$9,658,226 $9,658,226
$19,040,610 $19,040,610
-$1,018,904 -$1,018,904
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$5,077,000 $5,077,000
$5,332,000 $5,332,000
$10,409,000 $10,409,000
$5,157,724 $5,157,724
$5,309,361 $5,309,361
$10,467,085 $10,467,085
$58,085 $58,085
Select Energy Independence and Global Select Energy Independence and Global
- -
- -
- -
$1,666,667 $1,666,667
$2,058,800 $2,058,800
$3,725,467 $3,725,467
- -
Warming Warming
Sources: Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 110th Congress (2007-2008); H.Res. 202. Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 110th Congress (2007-2008); H.Res. 202.
Notes: H.Res. 6H.Res. 6 (110th Congress) changed the names of five committees: (110th Congress) changed the names of five committees:
• •
Education and Labor (formerly Education and Workforce); Education and Labor (formerly Education and Workforce);
• •
Foreign Affairs (formerly International Relations); Foreign Affairs (formerly International Relations);
• •
Natural Resources (formerly Resources); Natural Resources (formerly Resources);
• •
Oversight and Government Reform (formerly Government Reform); and Oversight and Government Reform (formerly Government Reform); and
• •
Science and Technology (formerly Science). Science and Technology (formerly Science).
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
CRS- CRS-1920

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Table 10. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 109th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$5,595,604 $5,595,604
$5,966,877 $5,966,877
$11,562,481 $11,562,481
$5,495,805 $5,495,805
$5,761,204 $5,761,204
$11,257,009 $11,257,009
-$305,472 -$305,472
Armed Services Armed Services
$6,387,373 $6,387,373
$6,945,764 $6,945,764
$13,333,137 $13,333,137
$6,292,249 $6,292,249
$6,533,959 $6,533,959
$12,826,208 $12,826,208
-$506,929 -$506,929
Budget Budget
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$12,026,478 $12,026,478
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$12,026,478 $12,026,478
$0 $0
Education and Education and
$7,708,622 $7,708,622
$7,784,664 $7,784,664
$15,493,286 $15,493,286
$7,705,970 $7,705,970
$7,787,316 $7,787,316
$15,493,286 $15,493,286
$0 $0
Workforce Workforce
Energy and Energy and
$10,297,200 $10,297,200
$11,090,876 $11,090,876
$21,388,076 $21,388,076
$9,812,619 $9,812,619
$10,113,068 $10,113,068
$19,925,687 $19,925,687
-$1,462,389 -$1,462,389
Commerce Commerce
Financial Services Financial Services
$7,831,097 $7,831,097
$8,296,880 $8,296,880
$16,127,977 $16,127,977
$7,427,648 $7,427,648
$7,775,452 $7,775,452
$15,203,100 $15,203,100
-$924,877 -$924,877
Government Government
$10,624,500 $10,624,500
$10,724,500 $10,724,500
$21,349,000 $21,349,000
$10,121,443 $10,121,443
$10,375,642 $10,375,642
$20,497,085 $20,497,085
-$851,915 -$851,915
Reform Reform
Homeland Security Homeland Security
$7,462,855 $7,462,855
$8,324,639 $8,324,639
$15,787,494 $15,787,494
$6,100,026 $6,100,026
$7,899,974 $7,899,974
$14,000,000 $14,000,000
-$1,787,494 -$1,787,494
House House
$4,822,199 $4,822,199
$5,278,953 $5,278,953
$10,101,152 $10,101,152
$4,648,683 $4,648,683
$4,905,885 $4,905,885
$9,554,568 $9,554,568
-$546,584 -$546,584
Administration Administration
International International
$9,092,015 $9,092,015
$9,777,770 $9,777,770
$18,869,785 $18,869,785
$7,946,084 $7,946,084
$8,352,934 $8,352,934
$16,299,018 $16,299,018
-$2,570,767 -$2,570,767
Relations Relations
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,972,238 $8,972,238
$9,290,962 $9,290,962
$18,263,201 $18,263,201
$7,461,565 $7,461,565
$7,851,427 $7,851,427
$15,312,992 $15,312,992
-$2,950,209 -$2,950,209
Resources Resources
$7,289,521 $7,289,521
$7,516,413 $7,516,413
$14,805,934 $14,805,934
$7,178,224 $7,178,224
$7,342,738 $7,342,738
$14,520,962 $14,520,962
-$284,972 -$284,972
Rules Rules
$3,176,144 $3,176,144
$3,189,456 $3,189,456
$6,365,600 $6,365,600
$3,074,229 $3,074,229
$3,291,371 $3,291,371
$6,365,600 $6,365,600
$0 $0
Science Science
$6,388,306 $6,388,306
$6,758,546 $6,758,546
$13,146,852 $13,146,852
$6,101,648 $6,101,648
$6,226,348 $6,226,348
$12,327,996 $12,327,996
-$818,856 -$818,856
Small Business Small Business
$2,987,331 $2,987,331
$3,046,727 $3,046,727
$6,034,058 $6,034,058
$2,721,600 $2,721,600
$2,865,373 $2,865,373
$5,586,973 $5,586,973
-$447,085 -$447,085
Standards of Standards of
$2,300,779 $2,300,779
$2,467,955 $2,467,955
$4,768,734 $4,768,734
$1,891,890 $1,891,890
$2,398,646 $2,398,646
$4,290,536 $4,290,536
-$478,198 -$478,198
Official Conduct Official Conduct
Transportation Transportation
$9,007,388 $9,007,388
$9,574,717 $9,574,717
$18,582,105 $18,582,105
$8,856,869 $8,856,869
$9,251,213 $9,251,213
$18,108,082 $18,108,082
-$474,023 -$474,023
and Infrastructure and Infrastructure
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,832,415 $3,832,415
$4,100,666 $4,100,666
$7,933,081 $7,933,081
$3,075,732 $3,075,732
$3,398,686 $3,398,686
$6,474,418 $6,474,418
-$1,458,663 -$1,458,663
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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$8,732,509 $8,732,509
$9,086,985 $9,086,985
$17,819,494 $17,819,494
$8,674,514 $8,674,514
$9,144,980 $9,144,980
$17,819,494 $17,819,494
$0 $0
Permanent Select Permanent Select
$4,438,939 $4,438,939
$5,436,490 $5,436,490
$9,875,429 $9,875,429
$4,500,653 $4,500,653
$5,027,217 $5,027,217
$9,527,870 $9,527,870
-$347,559 -$347,559
Intelligence Intelligence
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 109th Congress (2005-2006); H.Res. 224. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 109th Congress (2005-2006); H.Res. 224.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 11. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 108th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$5,292,225 $5,292,225
$5,331,415 $5,331,415
$10,623,640 $10,623,640
$5,084,900 $5,084,900
$5,242,632 $5,242,632
$10,327,532 $10,327,532
-$296,108 -$296,108
Armed Services Armed Services
$5,943,675 $5,943,675
$6,434,005 $6,434,005
$12,377,680 $12,377,680
$5,871,876 $5,871,876
$6,059,481 $6,059,481
$11,931,357 $11,931,357
-$446,323 -$446,323
Budget Budget
$5,894,010 $5,894,010
$5,975,554 $5,975,554
$11,869,564 $11,869,564
$5,856,333 $5,856,333
$6,013,239 $6,013,239
$11,869,572 $11,869,572
$8 $8
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$7,398,237 $7,398,237
$7,523,946 $7,523,946
$14,922,183 $14,922,183
$7,047,896 $7,047,896
$7,625,475 $7,625,475
$14,673,371 $14,673,371
-$248,812 -$248,812
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$9,385,902 $9,385,902
$9,731,721 $9,731,721
$19,117,623 $19,117,623
$9,101,042 $9,101,042
$9,521,097 $9,521,097
$18,622,139 $18,622,139
-$495,484 -$495,484
Financial Services Financial Services
$8,144,280 $8,144,280
$8,851,207 $8,851,207
$16,995,487 $16,995,487
$6,601,085 $6,601,085
$7,095,402 $7,095,402
$13,696,487 $13,696,487
-$3,299,000 -$3,299,000
Government Reform Government Reform
$10,000,000 $10,000,000
$10,400,000 $10,400,000
$20,400,000 $20,400,000
$9,740,963 $9,740,963
$9,873,472 $9,873,472
$19,614,435 $19,614,435
-$785,565 -$785,565
Select Homeland Security Select Homeland Security
$5,657,656 $5,657,656
$5,371,131 $5,371,131
$11,028,787 $11,028,787
$5,366,866 $5,366,866
$5,585,921 $5,585,921
$10,952,787 $10,952,787
-$76,000 -$76,000
House Administration House Administration
$5,028,573 $5,028,573
$5,346,401 $5,346,401
$10,374,974 $10,374,974
$4,122,092 $4,122,092
$4,404,965 $4,404,965
$8,527,057 $8,527,057
-$1,847,917 -$1,847,917
International Relations International Relations
$7,693,249 $7,693,249
$8,344,746 $8,344,746
$16,037,995 $16,037,995
$6,993,645 $6,993,645
$7,559,050 $7,559,050
$14,552,695 $14,552,695
-$1,485,300 -$1,485,300
Judiciary Judiciary
$8,422,720 $8,422,720
$8,825,346 $8,825,346
$17,248,066 $17,248,066
$6,957,554 $6,957,554
$7,091,062 $7,091,062
$14,048,616 $14,048,616
-$3,199,450 -$3,199,450
Resources Resources
$7,360,564 $7,360,564
$7,549,963 $7,549,963
$14,910,527 $14,910,527
$6,492,029 $6,492,029
$7,017,395 $7,017,395
$13,509,424 $13,509,424
-$1,401,103 -$1,401,103
Rules Rules
$2,816,332 $2,816,332
$2,852,979 $2,852,979
$5,669,311 $5,669,311
$2,797,898 $2,797,898
$2,871,413 $2,871,413
$5,669,311 $5,669,311
$0 $0
CRS- CRS-2122

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Science Science
$6,072,465 $6,072,465
$6,229,225 $6,229,225
$12,301,690 $12,301,690
$5,711,401 $5,711,401
$5,979,444 $5,979,444
$11,690,845 $11,690,845
-$610,845 -$610,845
Small Business Small Business
$3,080,591 $3,080,591
$3,291,417 $3,291,417
$6,372,008 $6,372,008
$2,535,261 $2,535,261
$2,585,041 $2,585,041
$5,120,302 $5,120,302
-$1,251,706 -$1,251,706
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$1,636,825 $1,636,825
$1,806,325 $1,806,325
$3,443,150 $3,443,150
$1,527,825 $1,527,825
$1,543,425 $1,543,425
$3,071,250 $3,071,250
-$371,900 -$371,900
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$8,722,428 $8,722,428
$8,960,077 $8,960,077
$17,682,505 $17,682,505
$7,982,558 $7,982,558
$8,479,334 $8,479,334
$16,461,892 $16,461,892
-$1,220,613 -$1,220,613
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$3,225,344 $3,225,344
$3,551,273 $3,551,273
$6,776,617 $6,776,617
$2,703,328 $2,703,328
$2,783,466 $2,783,466
$5,486,794 $5,486,794
-$1,289,823 -$1,289,823
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$8,063,151 $8,063,151
$8,458,168 $8,458,168
$16,521,319 $16,521,319
$7,908,037 $7,908,037
$8,228,251 $8,228,251
$16,136,288 $16,136,288
-$385,031 -$385,031
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$3,773,567 $3,773,567
$4,036,163 $4,036,163
$7,809,730 $7,809,730
$3,780,487 $3,780,487
$4,029,243 $4,029,243
$7,809,730 $7,809,730
$0 $0
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 108th Congress (2003-2004); H.Res. 110; H.Res. 148. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 108th Congress (2003-2004); H.Res. 110; H.Res. 148.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 12. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 107th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$4,918,497 $4,918,497
$5,091,900 $5,091,900
$10,010,397 $10,010,397
$4,675,093 $4,675,093
$4,931,913 $4,931,913
$9,607,006 $9,607,006
-$403,391 -$403,391
Armed Services Armed Services
$5,182,597 $5,182,597
$5,665,080 $5,665,080
$10,847,677 $10,847,677
$5,182,597 $5,182,597
$5,690,080 $5,690,080
$10,872,677 $10,872,677
$25,000 $25,000
Budget Budget
$5,513,305 $5,513,305
$5,708,608 $5,708,608
$11,221,913 $11,221,913
$5,403,522 $5,403,522
$5,703,521 $5,703,521
$11,107,043 $11,107,043
-$114,870 -$114,870
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$8,137,966 $8,137,966
$7,452,904 $7,452,904
$15,590,870 $15,590,870
$7,059,821 $7,059,821
$6,514,065 $6,514,065
$13,573,886 $13,573,886
-$2,016,984 -$2,016,984
Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce
$8,938,911 $8,938,911
$9,874,564 $9,874,564
$18,813,475 $18,813,475
$8,527,251 $8,527,251
$8,699,519 $8,699,519
$17,226,770 $17,226,770
-$1,586,705 -$1,586,705
Financial Services Financial Services
$7,568,506 $7,568,506
$7,526,923 $7,526,923
$15,095,429 $15,095,429
$5,705,025 $5,705,025
$6,141,206 $6,141,206
$11,846,231 $11,846,231
-$3,249,198 -$3,249,198
Government Reform Government Reform
$10,692,000 $10,692,000
$11,150,000 $11,150,000
$21,842,000 $21,842,000
$9,810,000 $9,810,000
$9,610,233 $9,610,233
$19,420,233 $19,420,233
-$2,421,767 -$2,421,767
House Administration House Administration
$3,765,460 $3,765,460
$4,093,846 $4,093,846
$7,859,306 $7,859,306
$3,560,662 $3,560,662
$3,857,383 $3,857,383
$7,418,045 $7,418,045
-$441,261 -$441,261
International Relations International Relations
$7,003,845 $7,003,845
$7,491,411 $7,491,411
$14,495,256 $14,495,256
$6,202,095 $6,202,095
$6,470,531 $6,470,531
$12,672,626 $12,672,626
-$1,822,630 -$1,822,630
Judiciary Judiciary
$7,595,624 $7,595,624
$7,894,624 $7,894,624
$15,490,248 $15,490,248
$6,339,902 $6,339,902
$6,826,561 $6,826,561
$13,166,463 $13,166,463
-$2,323,785 -$2,323,785
Resources Resources
$5,804,266 $5,804,266
$6,175,994 $6,175,994
$11,980,260 $11,980,260
$5,595,266 $5,595,266
$6,005,994 $6,005,994
$11,601,260 $11,601,260
-$379,000 -$379,000
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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Rules Rules
$2,644,509 $2,644,509
$2,726,264 $2,726,264
$5,370,773 $5,370,773
$2,644,509 $2,644,509
$2,726,264 $2,726,264
$5,370,773 $5,370,773
$0 $0
Science Science
$6,000,079 $6,000,079
$6,254,222 $6,254,222
$12,254,302 $12,254,302
$5,172,668 $5,172,668
$5,455,373 $5,455,373
$10,628,041 $10,628,041
-$1,626,260 -$1,626,260
Small Business Small Business
$2,312,344 $2,312,344
$2,486,439 $2,486,439
$4,798,783 $4,798,783
$2,312,344 $2,312,344
$2,486,439 $2,486,439
$4,798,783 $4,798,783
$0 $0
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$1,383,708 $1,383,708
$1,537,383 $1,537,383
$2,921,091 $2,921,091
$1,358,708 $1,358,708
$1,512,383 $1,512,383
$2,871,091 $2,871,091
-$50,000 -$50,000
Transportation and Transportation and
$7,873,320 $7,873,320
$8,686,242 $8,686,242
$16,559,562 $16,559,562
$6,964,664 $6,964,664
$7,514,887 $7,514,887
$14,479,551 $14,479,551
-$2,080,011 -$2,080,011
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$2,576,765 $2,576,765
$2,696,248 $2,696,248
$5,273,013 $5,273,013
$2,516,765 $2,516,765
$2,625,498 $2,625,498
$5,142,263 $5,142,263
-$130,750 -$130,750
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$8,014,668 $8,014,668
$8,063,090 $8,063,090
$16,077,758 $16,077,758
$7,228,481 $7,228,481
$7,520,407 $7,520,407
$14,748,888 $14,748,888
-$1,328,870 -$1,328,870
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$3,660,022 $3,660,022
$3,815,052 $3,815,052
$7,475,074 $7,475,074
$3,407,986 $3,407,986
$3,547,088 $3,547,088
$6,955,074 $6,955,074
-$520,000 -$520,000
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 107th Congress (2001-2002); H.Res. 84. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 107th Congress (2001-2002); H.Res. 84.
Note: H.Res. 5H.Res. 5 (107th Congress)(107th Congress) changed the name of the Committee on Commerce to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The resolution also reconstituted changed the name of the Committee on Commerce to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The resolution also reconstituted
the Committee on Banking and Financial Services as the Committee on Financial Services. the Committee on Banking and Financial Services as the Committee on Financial Services.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 13. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 106th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$4,175,983 $4,175,983
$4,388,510 $4,388,510
$8,564,493 $8,564,493
$4,101,062 $4,101,062
$4,312,971 $4,312,971
$8,414,033 $8,414,033
-$150,460 -$150,460
Armed Services Armed Services
$5,114,079 $5,114,079
$5,485,776 $5,485,776
$10,599,855 $10,599,855
$5,047,079 $5,047,079
$5,295,602 $5,295,602
$10,342,681 $10,342,681
-$257,174 -$257,174
Banking and Financial Services Banking and Financial Services
$4,782,996 $4,782,996
$4,942,259 $4,942,259
$9,725,255 $9,725,255
$4,552,023 $4,552,023
$4,755,498 $4,755,498
$9,307,521 $9,307,521
-$417,734 -$417,734
Budget Budget
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$9,940,000 $9,940,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$9,940,000 $9,940,000
$0 $0
Commerce Commerce
$7,597,758 $7,597,758
$7,939,657 $7,939,657
$15,537,415 $15,537,415
$7,564,812 $7,564,812
$7,720,301 $7,720,301
$15,285,113 $15,285,113
-$252,302 -$252,302
Education and Workforce Education and Workforce
$6,427,328 $6,427,328
$5,955,241 $5,955,241
$12,382,570 $12,382,570
$5,908,749 $5,908,749
$5,291,748 $5,291,748
$11,200,497 $11,200,497
-$1,182,073 -$1,182,073
Government Reform Government Reform
$10,301,933 $10,301,933
$10,726,980 $10,726,980
$21,028,913 $21,028,913
$9,773,233 $9,773,233
$9,997,000 $9,997,000
$19,770,233 $19,770,233
-$1,258,680 -$1,258,680
House Administration House Administration
$3,055,255 $3,055,255
$3,251,965 $3,251,965
$6,307,220 $6,307,220
$2,980,255 $2,980,255
$3,271,616 $3,271,616
$6,251,871 $6,251,871
-$55,349 -$55,349
CRS- CRS-2324

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
International Relations International Relations
$5,776,761 $5,776,761
$5,882,594 $5,882,594
$11,659,355 $11,659,355
$5,635,000 $5,635,000
$5,678,531 $5,678,531
$11,313,531 $11,313,531
-$345,824 -$345,824
Judiciary Judiciary
$6,523,985 $6,523,985
$7,051,954 $7,051,954
$13,575,939 $13,575,939
$5,787,394 $5,787,394
$6,364,881 $6,364,881
$12,152,275 $12,152,275
-$1,423,664 -$1,423,664
Resources Resources
$5,530,746 $5,530,746
$5,739,592 $5,739,592
$11,270,338 $11,270,338
$5,208,851 $5,208,851
$5,359,057 $5,359,057
$10,567,908 $10,567,908
-$702,430 -$702,430
Rules Rules
$2,488,522 $2,488,522
$2,580,902 $2,580,902
$5,069,424 $5,069,424
$2,488,522 $2,488,522
$2,580,902 $2,580,902
$5,069,424 $5,069,424
$0 $0
Science Science
$4,453,861 $4,453,861
$4,564,465 $4,564,465
$9,018,326 $9,018,326
$4,410,560 $4,410,560
$4,521,166 $4,521,166
$8,931,726 $8,931,726
-$86,600 -$86,600
Small Business Small Business
$2,094,868 $2,094,868
$2,304,167 $2,304,167
$4,399,035 $4,399,035
$2,037,466 $2,037,466
$2,111,414 $2,111,414
$4,148,880 $4,148,880
-$250,155 -$250,155
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$1,382,916 $1,382,916
$1,477,999 $1,477,999
$2,860,915 $2,860,915
$1,272,416 $1,272,416
$1,360,499 $1,360,499
$2,632,915 $2,632,915
-$228,000 -$228,000
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$7,049,818 $7,049,818
$7,489,442 $7,489,442
$14,539,260 $14,539,260
$6,410,069 $6,410,069
$6,810,069 $6,810,069
$13,220,138 $13,220,138
-$1,319,122 -$1,319,122
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$2,497,291 $2,497,291
$2,723,609 $2,723,609
$5,220,900 $5,220,900
$2,334,800 $2,334,800
$2,400,335 $2,400,335
$4,735,135 $4,735,135
-$485,765 -$485,765
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$5,833,436 $5,833,436
$6,127,440 $6,127,440
$11,960,876 $11,960,876
$5,814,367 $5,814,367
$6,115,971 $6,115,971
$11,930,338 $11,930,338
-$30,538 -$30,538
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$2,609,105 $2,609,105
$2,759,925 $2,759,925
$5,369,030 $5,369,030
$2,514,916 $2,514,916
$2,649,528 $2,649,528
$5,164,444 $5,164,444
-$204,586 -$204,586
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
$3,000,000 $3,000,000
- -
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 106th Congress (1999-2000); H.Res. 101. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 106th Congress (1999-2000); H.Res. 101.
Note: H.Res. 5H.Res. 5 (106th Congress) changed the name of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight to the Committee on Government Reform; the (106th Congress) changed the name of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight to the Committee on Government Reform; the
Committee on House Oversight was returned to its former name, the Committee on House Administration; and the Committee on National Security was returned to Committee on House Oversight was returned to its former name, the Committee on House Administration; and the Committee on National Security was returned to
its former name, the Committee on Armed Services. its former name, the Committee on Armed Services.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
Table 14. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 105th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$3,851,039 $3,851,039
$3,941,123 $3,941,123
$7,792,162 $7,792,162
$3,791,039 $3,791,039
$3,865,123 $3,865,123
$7,656,162 $7,656,162
-$136,000 -$136,000
Banking and Financial Services Banking and Financial Services
$4,568,817 $4,568,817
$4,845,967 $4,845,967
$9,414,785 $9,414,785
$4,363,817 $4,363,817
$4,537,800 $4,537,800
$8,901,617 $8,901,617
-$513,168 -$513,168
CRS- CRS-2425

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1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Budget Budget
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$9,940,000 $9,940,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$4,970,000 $4,970,000
$9,940,000 $9,940,000
$0 $0
Commerce Commerce
$7,179,440 $7,179,440
$7,492,098 $7,492,098
$14,671,538 $14,671,538
$7,122,959 $7,122,959
$7,412,447 $7,412,447
$14,535,406 $14,535,406
-$136,132 -$136,132
Education and the Workforce Education and the Workforce
$5,227,342 $5,227,342
$5,341,815 $5,341,815
$10,569,157 $10,569,157
$5,002,127 $5,002,127
$5,122,986 $5,122,986
$10,125,113 $10,125,113
-$444,044 -$444,044
Government Reform and Oversight Government Reform and Oversight
$11,702,573 $11,702,573
$8,317,999 $8,317,999
$20,020,572 $20,020,572
$11,702,573 $11,702,573
$8,317,999 $8,317,999
$20,020,572 $20,020,572
$0 $0
House Oversight House Oversight
$3,133,200 $3,133,200
$3,027,746 $3,027,746
$6,160,946 $6,160,946
$3,042,603 $3,042,603
$3,007,746 $3,007,746
$6,050,349 $6,050,349
-$110,597 -$110,597
International Relations International Relations
$5,433,555 $5,433,555
$5,717,337 $5,717,337
$11,150,892 $11,150,892
$5,145,358 $5,145,358
$5,223,000 $5,223,000
$10,368,358 $10,368,358
-$782,534 -$782,534
Judiciary Judiciary
$5,732,403 $5,732,403
$6,304,643 $6,304,643
$12,037,046 $12,037,046
$5,054,800 $5,054,800
$5,549,241 $5,549,241
$10,604,041 $10,604,041
-$1,433,005 -$1,433,005
National Security National Security
$5,145,928 $5,145,928
$5,522,712 $5,522,712
$10,668,640 $10,668,640
$4,719,454 $4,719,454
$5,002,291 $5,002,291
$9,721,745 $9,721,745
-$946,895 -$946,895
Resources Resources
$5,058,524 $5,058,524
$5,360,013 $5,360,013
$10,418,537 $10,418,537
$4,800,014 $4,800,014
$5,076,536 $5,076,536
$9,876,550 $9,876,550
-$541,987 -$541,987
Rules Rules
$2,306,407 $2,306,407
$2,342,695 $2,342,695
$4,649,102 $4,649,102
$2,306,407 $2,306,407
$2,342,695 $2,342,695
$4,649,102 $4,649,102
$0 $0
Science Science
$4,519,172 $4,519,172
$4,609,555 $4,609,555
$9,128,727 $9,128,727
$4,263,672 $4,263,672
$4,414,158 $4,414,158
$8,677,830 $8,677,830
-$450,897 -$450,897
Small Business Small Business
$2,014,818 $2,014,818
$2,084,999 $2,084,999
$4,099,817 $4,099,817
$1,936,471 $1,936,471
$1,970,470 $1,970,470
$3,906,941 $3,906,941
-$192,876 -$192,876
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$1,237,300 $1,237,300
$1,202,000 $1,202,000
$2,439,300 $2,439,300
$1,276,300 $1,276,300
$1,180,000 $1,180,000
$2,456,300 $2,456,300
$17,000 $17,000
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$7,042,725 $7,042,725
$7,053,557 $7,053,557
$14,096,282 $14,096,282
$5,992,229 $5,992,229
$6,192,230 $6,192,230
$12,184,459 $12,184,459
-$1,911,823 -$1,911,823
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$2,744,855 $2,744,855
$2,999,902 $2,999,902
$5,744,757 $5,744,757
$2,084,368 $2,084,368
$2,259,792 $2,259,792
$4,344,160 $4,344,160
-$1,400,597 -$1,400,597
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$5,472,622 $5,472,622
$5,690,907 $5,690,907
$11,163,529 $11,163,529
$5,366,700 $5,366,700
$5,670,207 $5,670,207
$11,036,907 $11,036,907
-$126,622 -$126,622
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$2,420,040 $2,420,040
$2,519,486 $2,519,486
$4,939,526 $4,939,526
$2,358,040 $2,358,040
$2,457,486 $2,457,486
$4,815,526 $4,815,526
-$124,000 -$124,000
Reserve Fund Reserve Fund
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
$7,900,000 $7,900,000
- -
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 105th Congress (1997-1998); H.Res. 91; H.Res. 129. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 105th Congress (1997-1998); H.Res. 91; H.Res. 129.
Note: H.Res. 5 (105th Congress) changed the name of the Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities to the Committee on Education and the Workforce. H.Res. 5 (105th Congress) changed the name of the Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.”a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
CRS- CRS-2526

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Table 15. House Committee Funding: Requests and Amounts Authorized by the House, 104th Congress


1st Session
2nd Session
1st Session
2nd Session
Agriculture Agriculture
$3,961,388 $3,961,388
$3,628,751 $3,628,751
$7,590,139 $7,590,139
$3,866,148 $3,866,148
$3,540,751 $3,540,751
$7,406,899 $7,406,899
-$183,240 -$183,240
Banking and Financial Services Banking and Financial Services
$4,286,579 $4,286,579
$4,499,475 $4,499,475
$8,786,054 $8,786,054
$4,161,579 $4,161,579
$4,483,475 $4,483,475
$8,645,054 $8,645,054
-$141,000 -$141,000
Budget Budget
$5,013,000 $5,013,000
$5,025,000 $5,025,000
$10,038,000 $10,038,000
$4,940,000 $4,940,000
$4,972,000 $4,972,000
$9,912,000 $9,912,000
-$126,000 -$126,000
Commerce Commerce
$7,625,910 $7,625,910
$8,022,667 $8,022,667
$15,648,577 $15,648,577
$6,663,227 $6,663,227
$7,023,596 $7,023,596
$13,686,823 $13,686,823
-$1,961,754 -$1,961,754
Economic and Educational Opportunities Economic and Educational Opportunities
$4,815,332 $4,815,332
$4,871,943 $4,871,943
$9,687,275 $9,687,275
$4,777,196 $4,777,196
$4,844,343 $4,844,343
$9,621,539 $9,621,539
-$65,736 -$65,736
Government Reform and Oversight Government Reform and Oversight
$6,618,689 $6,618,689
$7,021,168 $7,021,168
$13,639,857 $13,639,857
$6,576,369 $6,576,369
$6,943,668 $6,943,668
$13,520,037 $13,520,037
-$119,820 -$119,820
House Oversight House Oversight
$3,250,783 $3,250,783
$3,143,338 $3,143,338
$6,394,121 $6,394,121
$3,092,920 $3,092,920
$3,084,688 $3,084,688
$6,177,608 $6,177,608
-$216,513 -$216,513
International Relations International Relations
$5,097,254 $5,097,254
$5,454,621 $5,454,621
$10,551,875 $10,551,875
$4,953,472 $4,953,472
$5,074,621 $5,074,621
$10,028,093 $10,028,093
-$523,782 -$523,782
Judiciary Judiciary
$4,672,187 $4,672,187
$5,011,003 $5,011,003
$9,683,190 $9,683,190
$4,577,187 $4,577,187
$4,976,003 $4,976,003
$9,553,190 $9,553,190
-$130,000 -$130,000
National Security National Security
$4,769,362 $4,769,362
$5,212,253 $5,212,253
$9,981,615 $9,981,615
$4,245,134 $4,245,134
$4,840,609 $4,840,609
$9,085,743 $9,085,743
-$895,872 -$895,872
Resources Resources
$5,210,815 $5,210,815
$5,715,568 $5,715,568
$10,926,383 $10,926,383
$4,795,970 $4,795,970
$4,792,983 $4,792,983
$9,588,953 $9,588,953
-$1,337,430 -$1,337,430
Rules Rules
$2,200,567 $2,200,567
$2,235,250 $2,235,250
$4,435,817 $4,435,817
$2,199,567 $2,199,567
$2,234,250 $2,234,250
$4,433,817 $4,433,817
-$2,000 -$2,000
Science Science
$4,211,654 $4,211,654
$4,431,172 $4,431,172
$8,642,826 $8,642,826
$3,991,154 $3,991,154
$4,420,172 $4,420,172
$8,411,326 $8,411,326
-$231,500 -$231,500
Small Business Small Business
$1,873,290 $1,873,290
$1,939,290 $1,939,290
$3,812,580 $3,812,580
$1,863,290 $1,863,290
$1,928,290 $1,928,290
$3,791,580 $3,791,580
-$21,000 -$21,000
Standards of Official Conduct Standards of Official Conduct
$1,063,650 $1,063,650
$1,026,500 $1,026,500
$2,090,150 $2,090,150
$1,009,450 $1,009,450
$1,551,700 $1,551,700
$2,561,150 $2,561,150
$471,000 $471,000
Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure
$6,057,934 $6,057,934
$6,356,535 $6,356,535
$12,414,469 $12,414,469
$5,386,171 $5,386,171
$5,492,810 $5,492,810
$10,878,981 $10,878,981
-$1,535,488 -$1,535,488
Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs
$2,084,500 $2,084,500
$2,257,105 $2,257,105
$4,341,605 $4,341,605
$2,024,500 $2,024,500
$2,196,105 $2,196,105
$4,220,605 $4,220,605
-$121,000 -$121,000
Ways and Means Ways and Means
$4,976,231 $4,976,231
$5,362,109 $5,362,109
$10,338,340 $10,338,340
$4,916,740 $4,916,740
$5,302,618 $5,302,618
$10,219,358 $10,219,358
-$118,982 -$118,982
Permanent Select Intelligence Permanent Select Intelligence
$2,277,210 $2,277,210
$2,344,880 $2,344,880
$4,622,090 $4,622,090
$2,226,210 $2,226,210
$2,293,680 $2,293,680
$4,519,890 $4,519,890
-$102,200 -$102,200
Sources: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 104th Congress (1995-1996); H.Res. 107; H.Res. 377. Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the House for the 104th Congress (1995-1996); H.Res. 107; H.Res. 377.
Notes: Several committees were given new names for the 104th Congress pursuant to H.Res. 6. These include: Several committees were given new names for the 104th Congress pursuant to H.Res. 6. These include:
• •
Banking and Financial Services (formerly Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs); Banking and Financial Services (formerly Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs);
• •
Commerce (formerly Energy and Commerce); Commerce (formerly Energy and Commerce);
CRS- CRS-2627

• •
Economic and Educational Opportunities (formerly Education and Labor); Economic and Educational Opportunities (formerly Education and Labor);
• •
Government Reform and Oversight (formerly Government Operations); Government Reform and Oversight (formerly Government Operations);
• •
House Oversight (formerly House Administration); House Oversight (formerly House Administration);
• •
International Relations (formerly Foreign Affairs); International Relations (formerly Foreign Affairs);
• •
National Security (formerly Armed Services); National Security (formerly Armed Services);
• •
Resources (formerly Natural Resources); Resources (formerly Natural Resources);
• •
Science (formerly Science, Space, and Technology); and Science (formerly Science, Space, and Technology); and
• •
Transportation and Infrastructure (formerly Public Works and Transportation). Transportation and Infrastructure (formerly Public Works and Transportation).
a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” a. The “Difference” column represents the value of the total “Authorization” minus the total “Request.” A negative number indicates the authorization for the A negative number indicates the authorization for the
Congress was less than the request. Congress was less than the request.
CRS- CRS-2728

House Committee Funding: Process and Historical Appropriations and Authorizations

Author Information

Ida A. Brudnick Ida A. Brudnick

Specialist on the Congress Specialist on the Congress

Former CRS Analyst William T. Egar previously authored this report. The listed author is available to Former CRS Analyst William T. Egar previously authored this report. The listed author is available to
answer inquiries on the subject from congressional requesters. answer inquiries on the subject from congressional requesters.

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