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The European Union: Questions and Answers

Changes from February 8, 2022 to September 28, 2022

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The European Union: Questions and Answers
February 8September 28, 2022 , 2022
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that represents a unique form The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that represents a unique form
of cooperation among sovereign countries. The EU is the latest stage in a process of integration of cooperation among sovereign countries. The EU is the latest stage in a process of integration
Kristin Archick
begun after World War II, initially by six Western European countries, to foster interdependence begun after World War II, initially by six Western European countries, to foster interdependence
Specialist in European Specialist in European
and make another war in Europe unthinkable. The EU currently consists of 27 member states, and make another war in Europe unthinkable. The EU currently consists of 27 member states,
Affairs Affairs
including most of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and has helped to promote peace, including most of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and has helped to promote peace,

stability, and economic prosperity throughout the European continent. stability, and economic prosperity throughout the European continent.

How the EU Works
The EU has been built through a series of binding treaties. Over the years, EU member states have harmonized laws and The EU has been built through a series of binding treaties. Over the years, EU member states have harmonized laws and
adopted common policies on an increasing number of economic, social, and political issues. EU members share a customs adopted common policies on an increasing number of economic, social, and political issues. EU members share a customs
union; a single market in which capital, goods, services, and people move freely; a common trade policy; and a common union; a single market in which capital, goods, services, and people move freely; a common trade policy; and a common
agricultural policy. Nineteen EU member states use a common currency (the euro), and 22 members participate in the agricultural policy. Nineteen EU member states use a common currency (the euro), and 22 members participate in the
Schengen area of free movement in which internal border controls have been eliminated. In addition, the EU has been Schengen area of free movement in which internal border controls have been eliminated. In addition, the EU has been
developing a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), which includes a Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), developing a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), which includes a Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP),
and pursuing cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) and pursuing cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) to forgeon common internal security challenges common internal security measures.
Member states work together through several EU institutions to set policy and to promote their collective interests. .
Challenges Facing the EU
The EU is generally considered a cornerstone of European stability and prosperity, but The EU is generally considered a cornerstone of European stability and prosperity, but it facesthe bloc is grappling with a number of internal and a number of internal and
external challenges. Managing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its economic repercussions is
preoccupying EU leaders’ time and attention. Other key issues for the EU include democratic backsliding in some member
states (including Poland and Hungary)external challenges. The EU has demonstrated solidarity in responding to Russia’s 2022 war against Ukraine, although the conflict has contributed to rising energy prices and inflation in the EU; the war also has galvanized debate on several long-standing EU initiatives, including in the areas of security and defense, energy and climate policies, and EU enlargement. Other key issues facing the EU include the lingering effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, democratic backsliding in some member states, the presence of populist and to some extent anti-EU political parties throughout the , the presence of populist and to some extent anti-EU political parties throughout the
bloc, managing relationsbloc, tensions with the United Kingdom (UK) following its exit from the EU in January 2020 ( with the United Kingdom (UK) following its exit from the EU in January 2020 (Brexit), ), ongoing
political and societal pressures related to migration, and a range of challenges posed by both Russia and China. Many of these
challenges could have implications for the EU’s future shape and characterongoing migration concerns, and complex relations with China. .
U.S.-EU Relations
Successive U.S. Administrations and many Members of Congress have supported the European integration project since its Successive U.S. Administrations and many Members of Congress have supported the European integration project since its
inception in the 1950s as a means to prevent another catastrophic conflict on the European continent and to foster democratic inception in the 1950s as a means to prevent another catastrophic conflict on the European continent and to foster democratic
allies and strong trading partners. Today, the United States and the EU have a dynamic political partnership and share a huge allies and strong trading partners. Today, the United States and the EU have a dynamic political partnership and share a huge
trade and investment relationship. U.S. and EU officials traditionally have viewed the partnership as mutually beneficial. trade and investment relationship. U.S. and EU officials traditionally have viewed the partnership as mutually beneficial.
During the Trump Administration, U.S.-EU relations came under considerable strain. EU officials were taken aback by what
they regarded as former President Trump’s unprecedented skepticism of the EU, his vocal support for Brexit, and his
contention that EU trade practices were unfair and detrimental to U.S. economic interests. Other U.S.-EU policy divisions
existed on Russia, China, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, climate change, managing the Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic, and the role of multilateral institutions.
With the Biden Administration’s entrance into office in 2021, the EU hoped to renew and strengthen relations with the
United States. President Biden committed to partnering with the EU on a wide range of global concerns, including the
COVID-19 pandemic and climate changeAt the same time, U.S.-EU policy differences on a range of foreign policy and economic issues emerge periodically. During the Trump Administration, U.S.-EU relations faced considerable strain given President Trump’s criticisms of the EU and numerous U.S.-EU policy divisions. President Biden has committed to partnering with the EU on a wide range of global concerns, and Russia’s 2022 aggression against Ukraine has strengthened U.S.-EU ties. The United States and the EU have demonstrated steadfast support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and have cooperated extensively on imposing sanctions on Russia and on other responses. The Biden Administration also supports EU efforts to end its dependency on Russian energy imports. Resolving U.S.-EU trade disputes and promoting technological cooperation . Resolving U.S.-EU trade disputes and promoting technological cooperation also
have been have been keyother areas of focus for the Biden Administration. Despite a renewed U.S.-EU partnership, some issues may stir controversy or pose challenges, including how to manage Russia and China in the years ahead. EU concerns also persist about ongoing U.S. political polarization and whether a future U.S. administration would maintain current U.S. policies toward Russia, Ukraine, and the EU areas of focus for the Biden Administration. The United States and the EU have offered strong backing for
Ukraine amid concerns about Russia’s buildup of military forces near Ukraine’s borders since late 2021. At the same time,
U.S.-EU differences have persisted on a range of foreign policy and economic issues, and some new tensions have emerged,
especially with regard to the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and security policy in the Indo-Pacific. Some
in the EU continue to question whether the United States will remain a credible international leader and reliable partner in the
long term and argue that the EU must be better prepared to address both regional and global challenges on its own. .
This report serves as a primer on the EU. It also discusses U.S.-EU relations that may be of interest to the 117th Congress. For This report serves as a primer on the EU. It also discusses U.S.-EU relations that may be of interest to the 117th Congress. For
additional background, see CRS Report R45745, additional background, see CRS Report R45745, Transatlantic Relations: U.S. Interests and Key Issues, and CRS Report , and CRS Report
R44249, R44249, The European Union: Ongoing Challenges and Future Prospects. .
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What Is the European Union?.......................................................................................................... 1
How Does the EU Work? ................................................................................................................ 1
How Is the EU Governed? ............................................................................................................... 2
What Is the Lisbon Treaty?.............................................................................................................. 3
What Are the Euro and the Eurozone? ............................................................................................ 4
Why and How Is the EU Enlarging? ............................................................................................... 6
Does the EU Have a Foreign Policy? .............................................................................................. 7
Does the EU Have a Defense Policy? ............................................................................................. 7
What Is the Relationship of the EU to NATO? ............................................................................... 9
What Is Justice and Home Affairs? ............................................................................................... 10
What Is the Schengen Area? ........................................................................................................... 11 10
Does the EU Have a Trade Policy and Process? ............................................................................ 11
How Do EU Countries and Citizens View the EU? ...................................................................... 12
What Is Brexit, and How Has It Affected the EU? ........................................................................ 14
How Might the EU Evolve in the Future? ..................................................................................... 15
Does the United States Have a Formal Relationship with the EU? ............................................... 16
Who Are U.S. Officials’ Counterparts in the EU? ......................................................................... 1617
What Is the History of U.S.-EU Relations? ................................................................................... 16
How Are Current17 What Is the Current State of U.S.-EU Relations? ........................................................................................... 17 18


Figure A-1. European Union Member States and Candidates ....................................................... 21

Appendix. Map of the European Union and Aspirant Countries ................................................... 21

Author Information ........................................................................................................................ 21

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link to page 24 link to page 5 link to page 24 link to page 5 The European Union: Questions and Answers

What Is the European Union?
The European Union (EU) is a unique political and economic partnership that currently consists The European Union (EU) is a unique political and economic partnership that currently consists
of 27 member states (see the map in theof 27 member states (see the map in the Appendix).1 Built through a series of binding treaties, .1 Built through a series of binding treaties,
the EU is the latest stage in a process of integration begun after World War II to promote peace the EU is the latest stage in a process of integration begun after World War II to promote peace
and economic recovery in Europe. Its founders hoped that by creating specified areas in which and economic recovery in Europe. Its founders hoped that by creating specified areas in which
member states agreed to share sovereignty—initially in coal and steel production, trade, and member states agreed to share sovereignty—initially in coal and steel production, trade, and
nuclear energy—it would promote interdependence and make another war in Europe unthinkable. nuclear energy—it would promote interdependence and make another war in Europe unthinkable.
Since the 1950s, this European integration project has expanded to encompass other economic Since the 1950s, this European integration project has expanded to encompass other economic
sectors; a customs union; a single market in which capital, goods, services, and people move sectors; a customs union; a single market in which capital, goods, services, and people move
freelyfreely (known as the “four freedoms”); a common trade policy; a common agricultural policy; ; a common trade policy; a common agricultural policy;
many aspects of social and environmental policy; and a common currency (the euro) that is used aspects of social and environmental policy; and a common currency (the euro) that is used
by 19 member states. by 19 member states. Since the mid-1990s, EU members have alsoEU members also have taken steps toward political taken steps toward political
integration, with decisions to develop a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and efforts integration, with decisions to develop a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and efforts
to promote cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). Twenty-two EU members to promote cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). Twenty-two EU members
participate in the Schengen area of free movement, which allows individuals to travel without participate in the Schengen area of free movement, which allows individuals to travel without
passport checks among most European countries. passport checks among most European countries.
The EU is generally considered a cornerstone of European stability and prosperity, but it The EU is generally considered a cornerstone of European stability and prosperity, but it faces
internal and external challenges. Managing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
and its economic repercussions has tested the EU. Other key issues include democratic
is grappling with a number of challenges. The EU has demonstrated solidarity in responding to Russia’s 2022 war against Ukraine, although the conflict has contributed to rising energy prices and inflation in the EU and has long-term strategic implications for the bloc. Other key issues facing the EU include the lingering effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, democratic backsliding in some member states (including Poland and Hungary), the presence of populist and backsliding in some member states (including Poland and Hungary), the presence of populist and
to some extent anti-EU political parties throughout the bloc, to some extent anti-EU political parties throughout the bloc, managing future relations tensions with the with the
United Kingdom (UK) following its exit from the EU in January 2020 (United Kingdom (UK) following its exit from the EU in January 2020 (Brexit), ), ongoing political
and societal pressures related to migration, and a range of challenges posed by both Russia and
China. During the Trump Administration, the EU also grappled with numerous foreign policy and
economic disputes with the United Statesand complex relations with China. Renewing strong ties with the United States also has been a key EU priority following frictions during the Trump Administration. The overall tenor of U.S.-EU . The overall tenor of U.S.-EU relations has improved under the Biden Administration, and the two sides have cooperated closely in addressing Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. U.S.-EU differences persist, however, on some foreign policy and trade issuesrelations improved with
the start of the Biden Administration, but U.S.-EU tensions on several issues have persisted and
new rifts have emerged. This report serves as a primer on the EU and discusses U.S.-EU relations . This report serves as a primer on the EU and discusses U.S.-EU relations
that may be of interest to the 117th Congress. that may be of interest to the 117th Congress.
How Does the EU Work?
EU member states work together through common institutions (see EU member states work together through common institutions (see “How Is the EU Governed?”) )
to set policy and promote their collective interests. Decisionmaking processes and the role of the to set policy and promote their collective interests. Decisionmaking processes and the role of the
EU institutions differ depending on the subject under consideration. On a multitude of economic, EU institutions differ depending on the subject under consideration. On a multitude of economic,
social, and internal security policies, member states have pooled their sovereignty to varying social, and internal security policies, member states have pooled their sovereignty to varying
degrees and EU institutions hold decisionmaking authority. EU legislation in such areas often has degrees and EU institutions hold decisionmaking authority. EU legislation in such areas often has
a supranational quality, because it is subject to a complex majority voting system among member a supranational quality, because it is subject to a complex majority voting system among member
states as well as European Parliament approval and is legally binding on member governments. states as well as European Parliament approval and is legally binding on member governments.
In certain other areas—especially foreign and security policy—member states have agreed to In certain other areas—especially foreign and security policy—member states have agreed to
cooperate but retain full sovereignty. Decisionmaking in such fields is intergovernmental and cooperate but retain full sovereignty. Decisionmaking in such fields is intergovernmental and
requires the unanimous agreement of all EU countries; any one national government can veto a requires the unanimous agreement of all EU countries; any one national government can veto a
decision. EU institutions generally play a more limited role in the decisionmaking process in such decision. EU institutions generally play a more limited role in the decisionmaking process in such
policy areas but may be involved in implementation and oversight. policy areas but may be involved in implementation and oversight.

1 The current 27 members of the EU are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, 1 The current 27 members of the EU are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
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1 1

The European Union: Questions and Answers

How Is the EU Governed?
The EU is governed by several institutionsThe EU is governed by several institutions. They do not correspond exactly to the traditional
branches of government or divisions of power in representative democracies. Rather, they
that embody the EU’s dual supranational and intergovernmental character: embody the EU’s dual supranational and intergovernmental character:
 The  The European Council acts as the strategic guide for EU policy. It is composed of acts as the strategic guide for EU policy. It is composed of
the Heads of State or Government of the EU’s member states and the President of the Heads of State or Government of the EU’s member states and the President of
the European Commission; it meets several times a year in what are often termed the European Commission; it meets several times a year in what are often termed
“EU summits.” The European Council is headed by a President, who organizes “EU summits.” The European Council is headed by a President, who organizes
the the Councilcouncil’s work and facilitates consensus. ’s work and facilitates consensus.
 The  The European Commission upholds the common interest of the EU as a whole upholds the common interest of the EU as a whole
and serves as the EU’s executive. It implements and manages EU decisions and and serves as the EU’s executive. It implements and manages EU decisions and
common policies, ensures that the provisions of the EU’s treaties are carried out common policies, ensures that the provisions of the EU’s treaties are carried out
properly, and has the sole right of legislative initiative in most policy areas. It is properly, and has the sole right of legislative initiative in most policy areas. It is
composed of 27 Commissioners, one from each EU country. Commissioners composed of 27 Commissioners, one from each EU country. Commissioners
serve five-year terms; one Commissioner serves as serve five-year terms; one Commissioner serves as European Commission President, while Commission President, while
the others hold distinct portfolios (e.g., agriculture, energy, trade). On many the others hold distinct portfolios (e.g., agriculture, energy, trade). On many
issues, the commission handles negotiations with outside countries. issues, the commission handles negotiations with outside countries.
 The  The Council of the European Union (also called the (also called the Council of Ministers) )
represents the national governments. The Council represents the national governments. The Council of Ministers enacts legislation, usually enacts legislation, usually
based on proposals put forward by the based on proposals put forward by the commission,European Commission and agreed to (in most cases) and agreed to (in most cases)
by the European Parliament. Different ministers from each country participate in by the European Parliament. Different ministers from each country participate in
Councilcouncil meetings depending on the subject under consideration (e.g., foreign meetings depending on the subject under consideration (e.g., foreign
ministers would meet to discuss the Middle East, agriculture ministers to discuss ministers would meet to discuss the Middle East, agriculture ministers to discuss
farm subsidies). Most decisions are subject to a complex majority voting system, farm subsidies). Most decisions are subject to a complex majority voting system,
but some areas—such as foreign and defense policy, taxation, or accepting new but some areas—such as foreign and defense policy, taxation, or accepting new
members—require unanimity. The Presidency of the Councilmembers—require unanimity. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers rotates among the rotates among the
member states, changing every six months; the country holding the Presidency member states, changing every six months; the country holding the Presidency
helps set agenda priorities and organizes most of the work of the Councilhelps set agenda priorities and organizes most of the work of the Council of Ministers. .
 The  The European Parliament represents the citizens of the EU. It currently has 705 represents the citizens of the EU. It currently has 705
members who are directly elected for five-year terms (the most recent elections members who are directly elected for five-year terms (the most recent elections
were in May 2019). Each EU country has a number of seats roughly proportional were in May 2019). Each EU country has a number of seats roughly proportional
to the size of its population. Although the to the size of its population. Although the European Parliament cannot initiate legislation, it Parliament cannot initiate legislation, it
shares legislative power with the Council of Ministers in many policy areas, shares legislative power with the Council of Ministers in many policy areas,
giving it the right to accept, amend, or reject the majority of proposed EU giving it the right to accept, amend, or reject the majority of proposed EU
legislation in a process known as the “ordinary legislative procedure” or “co-legislation in a process known as the “ordinary legislative procedure” or “co-
decision.” The decision.” The European Parliament also decides on the allocation of the EU’s budget Parliament also decides on the allocation of the EU’s budget
jointly with the Counciljointly with the Council of Ministers. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) caucus . Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) caucus
according to political affiliation, rather than nationality; there are seven political according to political affiliation, rather than nationality; there are seven political
groups and several dozen nonattached MEPs in the groups and several dozen nonattached MEPs in the European Parliament currently.2 Parliament currently.2
 Other institutions also play key roles. The  Other institutions also play key roles. The Court of Justice interprets EU laws, interprets EU laws,
and its rulings are binding; a and its rulings are binding; a Court of Auditors monitors financial management; monitors financial management;
2 Also see CRS In Focus IF11211, The European Parliament and U.S. Interests, by Kristin Archick. Congressional Research Service 2 The European Union: Questions and Answers the the European Central Bank manages EU monetary policy and the euro; and manages EU monetary policy and the euro; and
advisory committees represent economic, social, and regional interests. represent economic, social, and regional interests.
Also see the text box below on “Key EU Positions and Current Leaders.” Also see the text box below on “Key EU Positions and Current Leaders.”

2 Also see CRS In Focus IF11211, The European Parliament and U.S. Interests, by Kristin Archick.
Congressional Research Service


The European Union: Questions and Answers

What Is the Lisbon Treaty?
On December 1, 2009, the EU’s latest institutional reform endeavor—the Lisbon Treaty—came On December 1, 2009, the EU’s latest institutional reform endeavor—the Lisbon Treaty—came
into force following its ratification by all of the EU’s then-27 member states. It is the final into force following its ratification by all of the EU’s then-27 member states. It is the final
product of an effort begun in 2002 to reform the EU’s governing institutions and decisionmaking product of an effort begun in 2002 to reform the EU’s governing institutions and decisionmaking
processes. It amends, rather than replaces, the EU’s two core treaties—the Treaty on European processes. It amends, rather than replaces, the EU’s two core treaties—the Treaty on European
Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Changes introduced by the Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Changes introduced by the
Lisbon Treaty seek to Lisbon Treaty seek to
 enable the EU to function more effectively;  enable the EU to function more effectively;
 enhance the EU’s role as a foreign policy actor; and  enhance the EU’s role as a foreign policy actor; and
 increase democracy and transparency within the EU.  increase democracy and transparency within the EU.
To help accomplish these goals, the Lisbon Treaty established two new leadership positions: To help accomplish these goals, the Lisbon Treaty established two new leadership positions:
 The President of the European Council, a single individual who chairs the  The President of the European Council, a single individual who chairs the
meetings of the EU Heads of State or Government, serves as coordinator and meetings of the EU Heads of State or Government, serves as coordinator and
spokesman for their work, seeks to ensure policy continuity, and strives to forge spokesman for their work, seeks to ensure policy continuity, and strives to forge
consensus among the member states. consensus among the member states.
 A dual-hatted position of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs  A dual-hatted position of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
and Security Policy to serve essentially as the EU’s chief diplomat. The High and Security Policy to serve essentially as the EU’s chief diplomat. The High
Representative is both an agent of the Council of Ministers—and thus speaks for Representative is both an agent of the Council of Ministers—and thus speaks for
the member states on foreign policy issues—as well as a Vice President of the the member states on foreign policy issues—as well as a Vice President of the
European Commission, responsible for managing most of the commission’s European Commission, responsible for managing most of the commission’s
diplomatic activities and foreign assistance programs. diplomatic activities and foreign assistance programs.
Other key measures in the Lisbon Treaty included the following: Other key measures in the Lisbon Treaty included the following:
 Simplifying the EU’s qualified majority voting system and expanding its use to  Simplifying the EU’s qualified majority voting system and expanding its use to
policy areas previously subject to member state unanimity in the Council of policy areas previously subject to member state unanimity in the Council of
Ministers. This change was intended in part to speed EU decisionmaking, but Ministers. This change was intended in part to speed EU decisionmaking, but
member states still tend to seek consensus as much as possible. member states still tend to seek consensus as much as possible.
 Increasing the relative power of the European Parliament by strengthening its  Increasing the relative power of the European Parliament by strengthening its
role in the EU’s budgetary process and extending the use of the “co-decision” role in the EU’s budgetary process and extending the use of the “co-decision”
procedure to more policy areas, including agriculture and home affairs issues.3 As procedure to more policy areas, including agriculture and home affairs issues.3 As
such, the treaty gives the European Parliament a say equal to that of the member such, the treaty gives the European Parliament a say equal to that of the member
states in the Council of Ministers over the vast majority of EU legislation (with states in the Council of Ministers over the vast majority of EU legislation (with
some exceptions, such as most aspects of foreign and defense policy). some exceptions, such as most aspects of foreign and defense policy).
For the first time in the EU’s history, the Lisbon Treaty also introduced an “exit clause”—Article For the first time in the EU’s history, the Lisbon Treaty also introduced an “exit clause”—Article
50 of the TEU—which outlines procedures for a member state to leave the EU. A member state 50 of the TEU—which outlines procedures for a member state to leave the EU. A member state
that decides to leave would invoke Article 50 by notifying the European Council of its intentions, that decides to leave would invoke Article 50 by notifying the European Council of its intentions,
which would trigger a two-year period for withdrawal negotiations to be concluded; the EU may which would trigger a two-year period for withdrawal negotiations to be concluded; the EU may
also decide to extend the time for negotiations. also decide to extend the time for negotiations.

3 The Lisbon Treaty technically renames the “co-decision” procedure as the “ordinary legislative procedure.” 3 The Lisbon Treaty technically renames the “co-decision” procedure as the “ordinary legislative procedure.”
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3 3

The European Union: Questions and Answers

Key EU Positions and Current Leaders
The current The current President of the European Council is Charles Michel, a former prime minister of Belgium. The is Charles Michel, a former prime minister of Belgium. The
president is appointed by the member states for a 2½-year term (renewable once). president is appointed by the member states for a 2½-year term (renewable once).
The current The current President of the European Commission is Ursula von der Leyen of Germany, a former German is Ursula von der Leyen of Germany, a former German
defense minister. The commission president is appointed by agreement among the member states, subject to the defense minister. The commission president is appointed by agreement among the member states, subject to the
approval of the European Parliament. In selecting the commission president, member states must take into approval of the European Parliament. In selecting the commission president, member states must take into
account the results of the most recent European Parliament elections. account the results of the most recent European Parliament elections.
FranceThe Czech Republic holds the holds the Presidency of the Council of Ministersthe EU (often termed the (often termed the EU Presidency) from ) from January to June
2022; the Czech RepublicJuly to December 2022; Sweden wil hold the presidency from wil hold the presidency from July to December 2022January to June 2023. .
Every 2½ years (twice per 5-year parliamentary term), Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) elect the Every 2½ years (twice per 5-year parliamentary term), Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) elect the
President of the European Parliament. In January 2022, Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola was elected as president . In January 2022, Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola was elected as president
of the of the parliamentEuropean Parliament; Metsola is from the center-right European People’s Party parliamentary group. ; Metsola is from the center-right European People’s Party parliamentary group.
The current The current High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is Josep Borrell of is Josep Borrell of
Spain. The high representative is chosen by agreement among the member states but, like the other members of Spain. The high representative is chosen by agreement among the member states but, like the other members of
the European Commission, must be approved by the European Parliament. the European Commission, must be approved by the European Parliament.
What Are the Euro and the Eurozone?
Nineteen of the EU’s Nineteen of the EU’s current 27 member states use a common single currency, the euro, and are 27 member states use a common single currency, the euro, and are
often collectively referred to as “the eurozone.”4 The gradual introduction of the euro began in often collectively referred to as “the eurozone.”4 The gradual introduction of the euro began in
January 1999 when 11 EU member states became the first to adopt it and banks and many January 1999 when 11 EU member states became the first to adopt it and banks and many
businesses started using the euro as a unit of account. Euro notes and coins replaced national businesses started using the euro as a unit of account. Euro notes and coins replaced national
currencies in participating states in January 2002. Eurozone participants share a common central currencies in participating states in January 2002. Eurozone participants share a common central
bank—the European Central Bank (ECB)—and a common monetary policy. However, they do bank—the European Central Bank (ECB)—and a common monetary policy. However, they do
not have a common fiscal policy, and member states retain control over decisions about national not have a common fiscal policy, and member states retain control over decisions about national
spending and taxation, subject to certain conditions designed to maintain budgetary discipline. spending and taxation, subject to certain conditions designed to maintain budgetary discipline.
In 2009-2010, a serious crisis in the eurozone developed, beginning in Greece. Over the previous In 2009-2010, a serious crisis in the eurozone developed, beginning in Greece. Over the previous
decade, the Greek government had borrowed heavily from international capital markets to pay for decade, the Greek government had borrowed heavily from international capital markets to pay for
its budget and trade deficits. As investors became increasingly nervous during 2009 about its budget and trade deficits. As investors became increasingly nervous during 2009 about
Greece’s high sovereign (or public) debt level amid the global financial crisis, markets demanded Greece’s high sovereign (or public) debt level amid the global financial crisis, markets demanded
higher interest rates for Greek bonds, which drove up Greece’s borrowing costs. By early 2010, higher interest rates for Greek bonds, which drove up Greece’s borrowing costs. By early 2010,
Greece risked defaulting on its public debt. Market concerns quickly spread to several other Greece risked defaulting on its public debt. Market concerns quickly spread to several other
eurozone countries with high, potentially unsustainable levels of public debt, including eurozone countries with high, potentially unsustainable levels of public debt, including Ireland,
Portugal, Italy,Italy and Spain (the and Spain (the latter two being the eurozone’s third- and fourth-largest economies, eurozone’s third- and fourth-largest economies,
respectively). The debt problems of these countries also posed a risk to the European banking
system, slowed economic growth, and led to rising unemployment in many eurozone countries.
respectively). European leaders and EU institutions responded to the crisis and sought to stem its contagion European leaders and EU institutions responded to the crisis and sought to stem its contagion
with a variety of policy mechanisms. To avoid default, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Cyprus with a variety of policy mechanisms. To avoid default, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Cyprus
received loans from the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) but were required to received loans from the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) but were required to
impose strict austerity measures. Eurozone leaders also approved a recapitalization plan for impose strict austerity measures. Eurozone leaders also approved a recapitalization plan for
Spanish banks. Other key initiatives included creating a permanent EU financial assistance Spanish banks. Other key initiatives included creating a permanent EU financial assistance
facility (the European Stability Mechanism) to provide emergency support to eurozone countries facility (the European Stability Mechanism) to provide emergency support to eurozone countries
and a single bank supervisor for the eurozone, as well as ECB efforts to calm the financial and a single bank supervisor for the eurozone, as well as ECB efforts to calm the financial
markets by purchasing large portions of European sovereign debt and providing significant markets by purchasing large portions of European sovereign debt and providing significant
infusions of credit into the European banking system. infusions of credit into the European banking system.

4 The 19 members of the EU that use the euro are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, 4 The 19 members of the EU that use the euro are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
Croatia is expected to become the 20th member of the eurozone in January 2023. Congressional Research Service Congressional Research Service

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The European Union: Questions and Answers

The eurozone crisis began to abate in late 2012, as market confidence became more positive and The eurozone crisis began to abate in late 2012, as market confidence became more positive and
the situation started to stabilize in most eurozone countries. Ireland exited the EU-IMF financial the situation started to stabilize in most eurozone countries. Ireland exited the EU-IMF financial
assistance program in December 2013; Portugal did so in May 2014, and Cyprus did so in March assistance program in December 2013; Portugal did so in May 2014, and Cyprus did so in March
2016. EU aid to Spanish banks ceased in January 2014. Nevertheless, many member states 2016. EU aid to Spanish banks ceased in January 2014. Nevertheless, many member states
continued to experience weak economic growth and high unemployment. Greece’s economy and continued to experience weak economic growth and high unemployment. Greece’s economy and
banking system remained in particular distress. banking system remained in particular distress.
In the first half of 2015, prospects grew that Greece might exit the eurozone (dubbed In the first half of 2015, prospects grew that Greece might exit the eurozone (dubbed Grexit) as ) as
the Greek government sought further financial aid from its eurozone creditors but also demanded the Greek government sought further financial aid from its eurozone creditors but also demanded
debt relief and an easing of austerity. For months, negotiations foundereddebt relief and an easing of austerity. For months, negotiations foundered. While France and Italy
emphasized the political importance of the eurozone, Germany and others (including the
Netherlands, Finland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) opposed debt relief and stressed that all members,
including Greece, must adhere to eurozone fiscal rules. In June 2015, Greece failed to make a . In June 2015, Greece failed to make a
payment to the IMF, and the government closed the banks and imposed capital controls. In July payment to the IMF, and the government closed the banks and imposed capital controls. In July
2015, however, the Greek government acceded to EU demands for more austerity and economic 2015, however, the Greek government acceded to EU demands for more austerity and economic
reforms in exchange for the badly needed financial assistance. Between 2010 and 2018, Greece reforms in exchange for the badly needed financial assistance. Between 2010 and 2018, Greece
received a total of $330 billion in loans from the EU, the ECB, and the IMF.5 Greece officially received a total of $330 billion in loans from the EU, the ECB, and the IMF.5 Greece officially
exited the EU-IMF financial assistance program in August 2018. exited the EU-IMF financial assistance program in August 2018.
From its start, the eurozone crisis generated tensions among member states over the proper From its start, the eurozone crisis generated tensions among member states over the proper
balance between imposing austerity measures and stimulating growth and the need for greater EU balance between imposing austerity measures and stimulating growth and the need for greater EU
fiscal integration. Traditionally fiscally conservative member states largely opposed integration fiscal integration. Traditionally fiscally conservative member states largely opposed integration
steps that might lead to “bailing out” more indebted countries in the future. Eurozone leaders steps that might lead to “bailing out” more indebted countries in the future. Eurozone leaders
have discussed additional measures to improve the eurozone’s economic governance and stability, have discussed additional measures to improve the eurozone’s economic governance and stability,
but proposals such as establishing a common eurozone budget have long been controversial.6 but proposals such as establishing a common eurozone budget have long been controversial.6
Analysts suggestSome analysts suggest the EU’s response to the COVID-19-related economic crisis the COVID-19-related economic crisis maycould open the door to further EU open the door to further EU
economic integrationeconomic integration in the longer term. In July 2020, EU leaders (acting in the European . In July 2020, EU leaders (acting in the European
Council) reached political agreement on a €750 billion recovery fund consisting of both grants Council) reached political agreement on a €750 billion recovery fund consisting of both grants
and loans for member states, attached to a €1.1 trillion EU budget for 2021-2027.7 Financing for and loans for member states, attached to a €1.1 trillion EU budget for 2021-2027.7 Financing for
the COVID-19 recovery fund the COVID-19 recovery fund is to includeincludes the unprecedented issuing of EU bonds backed jointly the unprecedented issuing of EU bonds backed jointly
by member states. Many EU officials, including ECB President Christine Lagarde, by member states. Many EU officials, including ECB President Christine Lagarde, maintain that
the plan to provide grants (as well as loans) and to issue common EU debt representsmaintained that the COVID-19 recovery plan—and issuing common EU debt—represented a “one-off a “one-off
response to exceptional circumstances.”8 At the same time, Lagarde response to exceptional circumstances.”8 At the same time, Lagarde assertsasserted that the EU should that the EU should
consider keeping the recovery fund arrangements in the EU’s “toolbox” for possible use in future consider keeping the recovery fund arrangements in the EU’s “toolbox” for possible use in future
economic crises.9 economic crises.9 The EU formally approved the 2021-2027 budget in December 2020 and
finalized the recovery fund in February 2021.Some experts suggest that common EU borrowing also may be needed to deal with the growing economic shocks in the EU caused by Russia’s 2022 war in Ukraine and/or to help finance Ukraine’s reconstruction.10

5 Bart Oosterveld and Alexatrini Tsiknia, “This Greek Tragedy Is Not Over Just Yet,” Atlantic Council, August 21, 5 Bart Oosterveld and Alexatrini Tsiknia, “This Greek Tragedy Is Not Over Just Yet,” Atlantic Council, August 21,
2018. 2018.
6 Pierre Briancon, “Three Fudges and a Funeral for Eurozone Reform,” 6 Pierre Briancon, “Three Fudges and a Funeral for Eurozone Reform,” Politico Europe, June 21, 2018; Sam Fleming , June 21, 2018; Sam Fleming
and Mehreen Khan, “EU Finance Ministers Approve Separate ‘Eurozone Budget’ Tool,” and Mehreen Khan, “EU Finance Ministers Approve Separate ‘Eurozone Budget’ Tool,” Financial Times, October 10, , October 10,
2019; 2019; and Magnus G. Schoeller, “Preventing the EU Budget: Issue Replacement and Small State Influence in the Magnus G. Schoeller, “Preventing the EU Budget: Issue Replacement and Small State Influence in the
EMU,” EMU,” Journal of European Public Policy, July 24, 2020. , July 24, 2020.
7 7 In current prices, the recovery fund (known as NextGenerationEU) is €807 billion (about $923 billion), and the EU’s
2021-2027 budget (the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework, or MFF) is €1.2 trillion (roughly $1.4 trillion).
European Commission, European Commission, The 2021-2027 EU Budget – What’s New?, at https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/eu-budget/, at https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/eu-budget/
long-term-eu-budget/2021-2027/whats-new_enlong-term-eu-budget/2021-2027/whats-new_en. The EU formally approved the 2021-2027 budget in December 2020 and finalized the recovery fund in February 2021. .
8 As quoted in Bjarke Smith-Meyer, “European Central Bank President Dismisses News Reports and Calls the 8 As quoted in Bjarke Smith-Meyer, “European Central Bank President Dismisses News Reports and Calls the
Pandemic Recovery Fund a One-off,” Pandemic Recovery Fund a One-off,” Politico Europe, September 28, 2020. , September 28, 2020.
9 Bojan Pancevski and Laurence Norman, “How Angela Merkel’s Change of Heart Drove Historic EU Rescue Plan,” 9 Bojan Pancevski and Laurence Norman, “How Angela Merkel’s Change of Heart Drove Historic EU Rescue Plan,”
Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2020; Carolynn Look, “Lagarde Urges EU to Consider Recovery Fund as Permanent , July 21, 2020; Carolynn Look, “Lagarde Urges EU to Consider Recovery Fund as Permanent
Tool,” Bloomberg.com, October 19, 2020. Tool,” Bloomberg.com, October 19, 2020.
10 Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, “Will the Russia-Ukraine War Speed European Fiscal Integration?,” Peterson Institute for International Economics, May 30, 2022; Jorge Valero and Jillian Deutsch, “EU Should Seek Joint Borrowing for Ukraine Impact, Official Says,” Bloomberg.com, June 30, 2022. Congressional Research Service Congressional Research Service

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Why and How Is the EU Enlarging?
The EU has long viewed the enlargement process as an extraordinary opportunity to promote The EU has long viewed the enlargement process as an extraordinary opportunity to promote
stability and prosperity in Europe. The EU began as the European Coal and Steel Community in stability and prosperity in Europe. The EU began as the European Coal and Steel Community in
1952 with six members (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands). In 1952 with six members (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands). In
1973, Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom joined what had then become the European 1973, Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom joined what had then become the European
Community. Greece joined in 1981, followed by Spain and Portugal in 1986. In 1995, Austria, Community. Greece joined in 1981, followed by Spain and Portugal in 1986. In 1995, Austria,
Finland, and Sweden acceded to the present-day European Union. In 2004, the EU welcomed Finland, and Sweden acceded to the present-day European Union. In 2004, the EU welcomed
eight former communist countries—the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, eight former communist countries—the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia—plus Cyprus and Malta as members. Bulgaria and Romania Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia—plus Cyprus and Malta as members. Bulgaria and Romania
joined in 2007. Croatia became the EU’s newest member on July 1, 2013. joined in 2007. Croatia became the EU’s newest member on July 1, 2013.
To be eligible for EU membership, countries must first meet a set of established criteria, To be eligible for EU membership, countries must first meet a set of established criteria,
including having a functioning democracy and market economy. Once a country becomes an including having a functioning democracy and market economy. Once a country becomes an
official candidate, accession negotiations are a long and complex process in which the applicant official candidate, accession negotiations are a long and complex process in which the applicant
must adopt and implement a massive body of EU laws and regulations. Analysts contend that the must adopt and implement a massive body of EU laws and regulations. Analysts contend that the
carefully managed process of enlargement is one of the EU’s most powerful policy tools and that, carefully managed process of enlargement is one of the EU’s most powerful policy tools and that,
over the years, it has helped to transform many European countries into more democratic and over the years, it has helped to transform many European countries into more democratic and
affluent societies. At the same time, EU enlargement is also a political process. Most significant affluent societies. At the same time, EU enlargement is also a political process. Most significant
steps on the path to accession require the unanimous agreement of the EU’s existing member steps on the path to accession require the unanimous agreement of the EU’s existing member
states. Thus, a prospective candidate’s relationships or conflicts with individual members may states. Thus, a prospective candidate’s relationships or conflicts with individual members may
influence a country’s accession prospects and timeline. influence a country’s accession prospects and timeline.
The EU currently recognizes The EU currently recognizes fiveseven countries as official candidates for membership, all of which are at different stages of the accession process. Four candidate countries are in the Western Balkans; Montenegro and Serbia are the farthest along in their accession negotiations, and Albania and North Macedonia officially began negotiations in July 2022. Joining the EU typically takes many years (if not decades). Turkey is also a candidate country, but its accession negotiations countries as official candidates for membership. Of these, four
are in the Western Balkans—Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Turkey is also
an official candidate country. All five candidates are at different stages of the accession process.
Montenegro and Serbia are the farthest along in their accession negotiations. The EU approved
opening accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in March 2020, but these talks
have yet to begin officially. EU accession negotiations with Turkey are stalled amid heightened are stalled amid heightened
EU concerns about democratic backsliding in Turkey and other tensions in EU-Turkey relations. EU concerns about democratic backsliding in Turkey and other tensions in EU-Turkey relations.
In June 2022, the EU named Ukraine and Moldova as official candidates for membership. The EU regards Bosnia and HerzegovinaThe EU regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Georgia and Kosovo as potential future candidates as potential future candidates for EU
membership (see the(see the Appendix).
The EU maintains that the enlargement door remains open to any European country that fulfills The EU maintains that the enlargement door remains open to any European country that fulfills
the EU’s political and economic criteria for membership. the EU’s political and economic criteria for membership. NeverthelessAt the same time, some European leaders , some European leaders
and publics and publics arehave been cautious about additional expansion, especially to Turkey (given its large size, cautious about additional expansion, especially to Turkey (given its large size,
predominantly Muslim culture, and relatively less prosperous economy)predominantly Muslim culture, and relatively less prosperous economy) or countries farther east,
such as Ukraine or Georgia, in the longer term. Apprehensions . Concerns about continued EU enlargement about continued EU enlargement
rangehave ranged from fears of unwanted migrant labor to the implications of an ever-expanding EU on the from fears of unwanted migrant labor to the implications of an ever-expanding EU on the
bloc’s institutions, finances, and overall identity. bloc’s institutions, finances, and overall identity. Experts also point to assessmentsAssessments of weakening of weakening
rule of law in several existing EU members—including Poland and rule of law in several existing EU members—including Poland and Hungary—also have contributed to decreased enthusiasm for further enlargement. Russia’s 2022 war against Ukraine has boosted political and public support across many EU countries for EU enlargement to Ukraine and other aspirants, including Moldova and Georgia. Nevertheless, some in the EU remain concerned that a larger EU would strain the ability of the bloc’s current structures and decisionmaking processes to function effectively. In August 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for EU institutional reform to enable future rounds of EU enlargement.11 (Also see “How Might the EU Evolve in the Future?,” below.) 11 Laurenz Gerhke, “Scholz Pitches Major EU Enlargement—With Reform,” Politico Europe, August 29, 2022. Also Hungary—and questions
about some EU aspirants’ ability to implement EU democratic standards as contributing to
decreased political and public enthusiasm for further enlargement. In early 2020, following
pressure from France and several other member states, the EU revised some aspects of the
enlargement process, partly in response to criticism that the accession process was falling short of
its goal of entrenching democratic reforms in candidate countries.10

10 For more information, see CRS Report RS21344, see CRS Report RS21344, European Union Enlargement, by Kristin Archick and Sarah E. , by Kristin Archick and Sarah E.
Garding. Garding.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

Does the EU Have a Foreign Policy?
The EU has a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), in which member states adopt The EU has a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), in which member states adopt
common policies, undertake joint actions, and pursue coordinated strategies in areas in which common policies, undertake joint actions, and pursue coordinated strategies in areas in which
they can reach consensus. CFSP was established in 1993; the eruption of hostilities in the Balkans they can reach consensus. CFSP was established in 1993; the eruption of hostilities in the Balkans
in the early 1990s and the EU’s limited tools for responding to the crisis convinced EU leaders in the early 1990s and the EU’s limited tools for responding to the crisis convinced EU leaders
that the Union had to improve its ability to act collectively in the foreign policy realm. Previous that the Union had to improve its ability to act collectively in the foreign policy realm. Previous
EU attempts to further such political integration had foundered for decades on member state EU attempts to further such political integration had foundered for decades on member state
concerns about protecting national sovereignty and different foreign policy prerogatives. concerns about protecting national sovereignty and different foreign policy prerogatives.
CFSP decisionmaking is dominated by the member states and requires unanimous agreement of CFSP decisionmaking is dominated by the member states and requires unanimous agreement of
all national governments. Member states must also ensure that national policies are in line with all national governments. Member states must also ensure that national policies are in line with
agreed EU strategies and positions (e.g., imposing sanctions on a country). However, CFSP does agreed EU strategies and positions (e.g., imposing sanctions on a country). However, CFSP does
not preclude individual member states pursuing their own national foreign policies or conducting not preclude individual member states pursuing their own national foreign policies or conducting
their own national diplomacy. their own national diplomacy.
CFSP remains a work in progress. Although CFSP remains a work in progress. Although many view the EU as having made considerable
the EU has made strides in forging common policies on a range of international issues, from the Balkansstrides in forging common policies on a range of international issues, from the Balkans to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict to Iran, others to Iran, some argue that the credibility of CFSP too often suffers from argue that the credibility of CFSP too often suffers from
an inability to reach consensus. Others note that some differences in viewpoint are inevitable an inability to reach consensus. Others note that some differences in viewpoint are inevitable
among a multitude of countries among a multitude of countries that havewith different historical relationships and often different different historical relationships and often different
national interests when it comes to foreign policy. national interests when it comes to foreign policy.
The EU’s Lisbon Treaty sought to bolster CFSP by increasing the EU’s visibility on the world The EU’s Lisbon Treaty sought to bolster CFSP by increasing the EU’s visibility on the world
stage and making the EU a more coherent foreign policy actor. As noted, the treaty established a stage and making the EU a more coherent foreign policy actor. As noted, the treaty established a
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to serve essentially as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to serve essentially as
the EU’s chief diplomat. The Lisbon Treaty also created an EU diplomatic corps (the European the EU’s chief diplomat. The Lisbon Treaty also created an EU diplomatic corps (the European
External Action Service) to support the High Representative. External Action Service) to support the High Representative.
In recent years, many European leaders have renewed calls for the EU to become a more In recent years, many European leaders have renewed calls for the EU to become a more
assertive, independent global actor—often referred to as assertive, independent global actor—often referred to as strategic autonomy. Although this . Although this
concept initially described the need for greater EU action in the security and defense fields, the concept initially described the need for greater EU action in the security and defense fields, the
EU has recently widened it to include other areas, such as trade, digital technology, and climate EU has recently widened it to include other areas, such as trade, digital technology, and climate
change, among others.change, among others.1112 For some in the EU, For some in the EU, ensuring the EU’s positionRussia’s war against Ukraine has given further impetus to promoting the EU as a robust international as a robust international
leader reflects concerns about the future trajectory of the U.S.-EU partnership, as well as growing
concerns about Russia and China. In a January 2022 speech at the European Parliament, French
President Emmanuel Macron—a key proponent of EU strategic autonomy—called for developing
the EU as “a power of the future” with “the means to decide itself on its future” rather than
“depending on the choices of the other great powers.”12leader and the conflict may bolster the EU’s drive for strategic autonomy and efforts to strengthen CFSP’s credibility. EU officials have been considering ways to improve CFSP decisionmaking, with some advocating for eliminating or curtailing the unanimity requirement for certain CFSP decisions. Some EU members, however, are hesitant to support possible changes to CFSP decisionmaking rules, and little appetite appears to exist within the EU for wider reforms that would require EU treaty changes.13 (Also see “How Might the EU Evolve in the Future?,” below.)
Does the EU Have a Defense Policy?
Since 1999, the EU has been working to develop a Common Security and Defense Policy Since 1999, the EU has been working to develop a Common Security and Defense Policy
(CSDP), formerly known as the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). CSDP seeks to (CSDP), formerly known as the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). CSDP seeks to
improve the EU’s ability to respond to security crises and to enhance European military improve the EU’s ability to respond to security crises and to enhance European military
capabilities. The EU has created three defense decisionmaking bodies and has developed a rapid capabilities. The EU has created three defense decisionmaking bodies and has developed a rapid

1112 EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission
Josep Borrell, “Why European Strategic Autonomy Matters,” European External Action Service, December 3, 2020. Josep Borrell, “Why European Strategic Autonomy Matters,” European External Action Service, December 3, 2020.
12 French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, “French President Emmanuel Macron’s Speech at the
European Parliament,” January 19, 2022, at https://presidence-francaise.consilium.europa.eu/en/news/french-president-
emmanuel-macron-s-speech-at-the-european-parliament-strasbourg-19-january-2022/13 See, for example, Jacopo Barigazzi and Jakob Hanke Vela, “EU’s Unanimity Rules Are Here for Now, Despite the Chatter,” Politico Europe, September 20, 2022. .
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

reaction force and multinational “battlegroups.” Such EU forces are not a standing “EU army” reaction force and multinational “battlegroups.” Such EU forces are not a standing “EU army”
but rather a catalogue of troops and assets at appropriate readiness levels that may be drawn from but rather a catalogue of troops and assets at appropriate readiness levels that may be drawn from
existing national forces for EU operations. existing national forces for EU operations.
CSDP operations focus largely on tasks such as peacekeeping, crisis management, and CSDP operations focus largely on tasks such as peacekeeping, crisis management, and
humanitarian assistance. Many CSDP missions to date have been civilian, rather than military, in humanitarian assistance. Many CSDP missions to date have been civilian, rather than military, in
nature, with objectives such as police and judicial training (“rule of law”) or security sector nature, with objectives such as police and judicial training (“rule of law”) or security sector
reform. The EU is or has been engaged in CSDP missions in regions ranging from the Balkans reform. The EU is or has been engaged in CSDP missions in regions ranging from the Balkans
and the Caucasus to Africa and the Middle East. and the Caucasus to Africa and the Middle East.
However, improving European military capabilities has been difficult, especially given many However, improving European military capabilities has been difficult, especially given many
years of flat or declining European defense budgetsyears of flat or declining European defense budgets. Serious capability following the end of the Cold War. Capability gaps exist in strategic air- gaps exist in strategic air-
and sealift, command and control systems, intelligence, and other force and sealift, command and control systems, intelligence, and other force multipliersmultipliers. Also, a
relatively low percentage of European forces are deployable for expeditionary operations. Some . Some
analysts have suggested pooling assets among several member states and the development of analysts have suggested pooling assets among several member states and the development of
national niche capabilities as possible ways to help remedy European military shortfalls. In 2004, national niche capabilities as possible ways to help remedy European military shortfalls. In 2004,
the EU established the European Defense Agency to help coordinate defense-industrial and the EU established the European Defense Agency to help coordinate defense-industrial and
procurement policy in an effort to stretch European defense funds farther. procurement policy in an effort to stretch European defense funds farther.
Recently, many EU officials and national leaders have supported increased defense spending and
advocated for furtherIn recent years, renewed efforts to promote EU defense integration EU defense integration. Such calls have been driven by have been driven by new security
challenges facing Europe, includingmounting concerns about a resurgent Russia, a resurgent Russia, and a desire to a desire to bolsterburnish the EU project in the EU project in
light of Brexit. Some analysts contend that Brexit could make closer EU defense cooperation
more likely because the UK traditionally opposed certain measures—such as an EU military
headquarters—that it viewed as infringing too much on national sovereignty or the primacy of
NATO as the main guarantor of European security. Commentators also suggest that European
concernslight of Brexit, and questions about the former Trump Administration’s commitment to NATO and transatlantic about the former Trump Administration’s commitment to NATO and transatlantic
securitysecurity. provided additional impetus for renewed EU defense efforts.
Since 2016, EU leaders have announced several initiatives to bolster EU security and defense Since 2016, EU leaders have announced several initiatives to bolster EU security and defense
cooperation, including a European Defense Fund (EDF) to support joint defense research and cooperation, including a European Defense Fund (EDF) to support joint defense research and
development activities. In 2017, the EU launched a new defense pact (known officially as development activities. In 2017, the EU launched a new defense pact (known officially as
Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO) aimed at spending defense funds more efficiently, Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO) aimed at spending defense funds more efficiently,
jointly developing military capabilities, and increasing military interoperability. EU leaders insist jointly developing military capabilities, and increasing military interoperability. EU leaders insist
that efforts such as EDF and PESCO do not represent the first steps toward an EU army and that that efforts such as EDF and PESCO do not represent the first steps toward an EU army and that
member states will retain full control over national military assets and over defense procurement member states will retain full control over national military assets and over defense procurement
and investment decisions.and investment decisions.13
Many in the EU argue that concerns raised by the withdrawal of U.S. and European forces from
Afghanistan in August 2021 demonstrate the need for more robust EU defense capabilities. Some
in the EU have renewed calls for establishing an active EU rapid reaction force, as well as for
changes to certain EU decisionmaking procedures to allow such a force to be deployed quickly in
a crisis.14 The EU also has identified strengthening its partnership with NATO as a key pillar of its
strategy to improve European defense capabilities and EU security cooperation (see next
question). At the same time, hurdles remain in implementing EU security and defense initiatives,

13 European Commission Fact Sheet, “European Defense Action Plan—FAQs,” Others note that progress on EU defense cooperation remains slow and initiatives such as PESCO have yet to deliver significant new high-end military capabilities.14 Russia’s war against Ukraine has generated a greater sense of urgency about building a stronger, more capable EU in the field of security and defense. At the same time, for some in the EU, Russia’s aggression has reinforced NATO’s importance (prompting EU members Finland and Sweden to seek NATO membership) and the need to strengthen the NATO-EU partnership. In March 2022, the EU released a new EU security and defense strategy—known as Strategic Compass—to improve EU military and defense capabilities by 2030; the strategy also called for enhancing cooperation with partners, including NATO.15 (Also see “What Is the Relationship of the EU to NATO?,” below.) 14 European Commission, “European Defense Action Plan—FAQs,” fact sheet, November 30, 2016; Council of the November 30, 2016; Council of the
EU, “Defense Cooperation: Council Establishes Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), with 25 Member States EU, “Defense Cooperation: Council Establishes Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), with 25 Member States
Participating,” press release, December 11, 2017Participating,” press release, December 11, 2017.
14 EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission
Josep Borrell, “Europe, Afghanistan Is Your Wake-up Call,” New York Times, September 1, 2021; Robin Emmott and
Sabine Siebold, “EU Should Enable Military Coalitions to Tackle Crises, Germany Says,” Reuters, September 2, 2021.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

including PESCO, and improving European military capabilities.15 The EU is working on a new
EU security and defense strategy—known as Strategic Compass—to outline key threats and
challenges facing the EU in the years ahead and specific goals to address them; EU officials aim
to adopt the Strategic Compass in March 2022.16; Raluca Csernatoni, “New EU Defense Initiatives for Old Political Problems,” EurActiv.com, February 18, 2021; Jacopo Barigazzi, “EU Military Projects Face Delays, Leaked Document Shows,” Politico Europe, July 12, 2021. 15 Giorgio Leali and Barbara Moens, “Ukraine War Gives Macron’s Drive for EU Autonomy More Impetus,” Politico Europe, March 9, 2022; European External Action Service, A Strategic Compass for the EU, https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/106337/towards-strategic-compass_en. Congressional Research Service 8 The European Union: Questions and Answers
What Is the Relationship of the EU to NATO?
Since its inception, the EU has asserted that CSDP is intended to allow the EU to make decisions Since its inception, the EU has asserted that CSDP is intended to allow the EU to make decisions
and conduct military operations “where NATO as a whole is not engaged,” and that CSDP and conduct military operations “where NATO as a whole is not engaged,” and that CSDP is not
aimed at supplantingdoes not seek to supplant NATO’s collective defense role. The United States has supported EU efforts NATO’s collective defense role. The United States has supported EU efforts
to develop CSDP, provided that it remains tied to NATO and does not rival or duplicate NATO to develop CSDP, provided that it remains tied to NATO and does not rival or duplicate NATO
structures or resources. Advocates of CSDP argue that more robust EU military capabilities will structures or resources. Advocates of CSDP argue that more robust EU military capabilities will
also benefit NATO given that 21 countries currently belong to both organizations.also benefit NATO given that 21 countries currently belong to both organizations.1716 The Berlin The Berlin
Plus arrangement—which was finalized in 2003 and allows EU-led military missions access to Plus arrangement—which was finalized in 2003 and allows EU-led military missions access to
NATO planning capabilities and common assets—was designed to help ensure close NATO-EU NATO planning capabilities and common assets—was designed to help ensure close NATO-EU
links and prevent a wasteful duplication of European defense resources. Two Berlin Plus missions links and prevent a wasteful duplication of European defense resources. Two Berlin Plus missions
have been conducted in the Balkans, and NATO and the EU have sought to coordinate their have been conducted in the Balkans, and NATO and the EU have sought to coordinate their
activities on the ground in operations in Afghanistan and various hot spots in Africa. activities on the ground in operations in Afghanistan and various hot spots in Africa.
At the same time, NATO-EU relations have been somewhat strained for years. More extensive At the same time, NATO-EU relations have been somewhat strained for years. More extensive
NATO-EU cooperation at the political level on a range of issues—from countering terrorism or NATO-EU cooperation at the political level on a range of issues—from countering terrorism or
weapons proliferation to improving coordination of crisis management planning and defense weapons proliferation to improving coordination of crisis management planning and defense
policies—has been stymied largely by EU tensions with Turkey (in NATO but not the EU) and policies—has been stymied largely by EU tensions with Turkey (in NATO but not the EU) and
the ongoing dispute over the divided island of Cyprus (in the EU but not NATO).the ongoing dispute over the divided island of Cyprus (in the EU but not NATO).1817 Bureaucratic rivalry also has Bureaucratic
rivalry and varying views on both sides of the Atlantic regarding the future roles of NATO and
the EU’s CSDP also have contributed to frictions between the two organizations. contributed to frictions between the two organizations.
The emergence of new security threats The emergence of new security threats in Europeover the past decade, however, , however, has prompted some progress toward prompted some progress toward
enhanced NATO-EU cooperation. In 2016, NATO and the EU concluded two new enhanced NATO-EU cooperation. In 2016, NATO and the EU concluded two new
arrangements—one on countering migrant smuggling in the Aegean Sea and another on cyber arrangements—one on countering migrant smuggling in the Aegean Sea and another on cyber
defense—and issued a joint declaration to “give new impetus and new substance” to their defense—and issued a joint declaration to “give new impetus and new substance” to their
strategic partnership, including boosting their common ability to counter hybrid threats.strategic partnership, including boosting their common ability to counter hybrid threats.1918 In 2018, In 2018,
NATO leaders reaffirmed the importance of the NATO-EU partnership and both organizations NATO leaders reaffirmed the importance of the NATO-EU partnership and both organizations
pledged to improve military mobility in Europe.pledged to improve military mobility in Europe.20

15 See, for example, Martin Quencez and Sophia Besch, “The Challenges Ahead for EU Defense Cooperation,” German
Marshall Fund of the United States, January 22, 2020; Jacopo Barigazzi, “EU Military Projects Face Delays, Leaked
Document Shows,” Politico Europe, July 12, 2021.
16 European External Action Service, A Strategic Compass for the EU, https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/
17 Currently, six countries belong to the EU but not to NATO (Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta, and Sweden);
19 Some U.S. experts remain concerned that a minority of EU member states (traditionally led by France) would like to build an EU defense arm more independent from NATO in the longer term. Given previous UK support for ensuring any EU defense efforts remained closely tied to NATO, some U.S. analysts worry that Brexit could embolden the EU to develop a more autonomous EU defense identity. Consistent with past U.S. policy, the Biden Administration has sought to encourage recent EU defense efforts (and has joined a PESCO project to improve military mobility in Europe) but also stresses that EU defense initiatives must be linked to and must help to bolster NATO.20 As noted above, the EU’s 2022 Strategic Compass strategy document calls for 16 Currently, six countries belong to the EU but not to NATO (Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta, and Sweden, although Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO in May 2022 and the NATO accession process is nearing completion for both countries); nine other countries belong to NATO but not the EU (Albania, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, nine other countries belong to NATO but not the EU (Albania, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia,
Norway, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Norway, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
1817 Turkey has long objected to Cypriot participation in NATO-EU meetings on the grounds that Cyprus is not a Turkey has long objected to Cypriot participation in NATO-EU meetings on the grounds that Cyprus is not a
member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) and thus does not have a security relationship with the alliance. The member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) and thus does not have a security relationship with the alliance. The
absence of Cyprus from PfP also hinders NATO and the EU from sharing sensitive intelligence information. absence of Cyprus from PfP also hinders NATO and the EU from sharing sensitive intelligence information.
Meanwhile, Cyprus has reportedly blocked various proposals over the years for enhancing NATO-EU cooperation. Meanwhile, Cyprus has reportedly blocked various proposals over the years for enhancing NATO-EU cooperation.
1918 NATO, “Joint Declaration by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and NATO, “Joint Declaration by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and
the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” press release, July 8, 2016. the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” press release, July 8, 2016.
2019 NATO, “Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation,” press release, July 10, 2018. 20 See, for example, the White House, “Joint Statement on the Phone Call between President Biden and President Macron,” September 22, 2021. Congressional Research Service 9 The European Union: Questions and Answers enhancing ties between NATO and the EU. Some experts argue that with Finland’s and Sweden’s expected accession to NATO in the near future, 23 of 27 EU member states will belong to both organizations, which could help alleviate rivalry and improve NATO-EU cooperation; others suggest that Finnish and Swedish NATO accession may underscore NATO’s dominance as Europe’s security guarantor and may weaken ambitions to develop a separate EU defense capacity.21 NATO, “Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation,” press release, July 10, 2018.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

Some U.S. experts remain concerned that a minority of EU member states (traditionally led by
France) would like to build an EU defense arm more independent from NATO in the longer term.
French officials, joined by some in the EU, have increased calls for greater EU strategic
autonomy in the security and defense realm following rifts with the Biden Administration over
Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific. Given previous UK support for ensuring that any EU defense
efforts remained closely tied to NATO, some U.S. analysts worry that Brexit could embolden the
EU to develop a more autonomous EU defense identity.
Like its predecessors, Trump Administration officials voiced a degree of support for EU defense
initiatives but also raised concerns that they could distract European allies from their NATO
commitments or impede U.S.-European defense industrial cooperation.21 The Biden
Administration has sought to encourage EU defense efforts and has joined a PESCO project to
improve military mobility in Europe. At the same time, the United States continues to stress that
such EU initiatives must be linked to and help to bolster NATO. In a September 2021 statement
following a call between President Biden and French President Macron (aimed at easing U.S.-
French tensions over a new Australia-UK-U.S. security pact for the Indo-Pacific), the White
House asserted that the United States “recognizes the importance of a stronger and more capable
European defense, that contributes positively to transatlantic and global security and is
complementary to NATO.”22 (Also, see “How Are Current U.S.-EU Relations?,” below.)
What Is Justice and Home Affairs?
The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) field seeks to foster common internal security measures The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) field seeks to foster common internal security measures
while protecting the fundamental rights of EU citizens and promoting the free movement of while protecting the fundamental rights of EU citizens and promoting the free movement of
persons within the EU. JHA encompasses police and judicial cooperation, migration and asylum persons within the EU. JHA encompasses police and judicial cooperation, migration and asylum
policies, fighting terrorism and other cross-border crimes, and combating racism and xenophobia. policies, fighting terrorism and other cross-border crimes, and combating racism and xenophobia.
JHA also includes border control policies and rules for the Schengen area of free movement. JHA also includes border control policies and rules for the Schengen area of free movement.
For many years, EU efforts to harmonize policies in the JHA field were hampered by member For many years, EU efforts to harmonize policies in the JHA field were hampered by member
states’ concerns that such measures could infringe on their legal systems and national sovereignty. states’ concerns that such measures could infringe on their legal systems and national sovereignty.
The 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and subsequent attacks in Europe in the 2000s The 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and subsequent attacks in Europe in the 2000s
galvanized progress in the JHA area. Among other galvanized progress in the JHA area. Among other steps, the EU has established a common
definition of terrorism,measures, key initiatives have included establishing an EU-wide arrest warrant an EU-wide arrest warrant, and enhanced tools to stem terrorist financing.
The EU also has worked to bolster Europol, its joint agency for police cooperation. In recent
years, terrorist attacks in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and elsewhere have led the EU to
devote significant attention to combat those inspired by the Islamic State group (or ISIS/ISIL).23
The EU’s Lisbon Treaty and bolstering Europol, the EU’s agency for law enforcement cooperation. The EU’s 2009 Lisbon Treaty expanded the role of the EU institutions in JHA policymaking. The treaty gave the European Parliament “co-decision” power over the majority of gave the European Parliament “co-decision” power over the majority of
JHA policy areasJHA policy areas. The Treaty also and made most decisions on JHA issues in the Council of Ministers made most decisions on JHA issues in the Council of Ministers
subject to the qualified majority voting system, rather than unanimity, in a bid to speed EU subject to the qualified majority voting system, rather than unanimity, in a bid to speed EU
decisionmaking. In practice, decisionmaking. In practice, EU member states largely continue to strive for consensus on sensitive member states largely continue to strive for consensus on sensitive
JHA policies. JHA policies. Moreover, forFor some issues in the JHA area, the some issues in the JHA area, the EULisbon Treaty added an “emergency brake” added an “emergency brake”
that allows any member state to halt a measure it believes could threaten its national legal system that allows any member state to halt a measure it believes could threaten its national legal system
and, ultimately, to opt out of the measure. Despite and, ultimately, to opt out of the measure. Despite thesesuch safeguards, Ireland (along with the UK at safeguards, Ireland (along with the UK at
the time) negotiated the right to choose those JHA policies that it wished to take part in and to opt the time) negotiated the right to choose those JHA policies that it wished to take part in and to opt

21 Aaron Mehta, “U.S. Cautiously Watching EU Military Proposal,” DefenseNews.com, February 13, 2018; Guy
Chazan and Michael Peel, “U.S. Warns Against European Joint Military Project,” Financial Times, May 14, 2019.
22 The White House, “Joint Statement on the Phone Call between President Biden and President Macron,” September
22, 2021.
23 For more information, see CRS Report RS22030, U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism, by Kristin Archick, and
CRS In Focus IF10561, Terrorism in Europe, by Kristin Archick.
Congressional Research Service


The European Union: Questions and Answers

out of all others, and Denmark extended its previous opt-out in some JHA areas to all JHA issues. out of all others, and Denmark extended its previous opt-out in some JHA areas to all JHA issues.
The Lisbon Treaty technically renamed JHA as the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice. The Lisbon Treaty technically renamed JHA as the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice.
What Is the Schengen Area?
The Schengen area of free movement encompasses 22 EU member states plus 4 non-EU The Schengen area of free movement encompasses 22 EU member states plus 4 non-EU
countries.countries.2422 Within the Schengen area, internal border controls have been eliminated, and Within the Schengen area, internal border controls have been eliminated, and
individuals may travel without passport checks among participating countries. In effect, Schengen individuals may travel without passport checks among participating countries. In effect, Schengen
participants share a common external border where immigration checks for individuals entering participants share a common external border where immigration checks for individuals entering
or leaving the Schengen area are carried out. The Schengen area is founded upon the Schengen or leaving the Schengen area are carried out. The Schengen area is founded upon the Schengen
Agreement of 1985 (Schengen is the town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed, Agreement of 1985 (Schengen is the town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed,
originally by five countries). In 1999, the Schengen Agreement was incorporated into EU law. originally by five countries). In 1999, the Schengen Agreement was incorporated into EU law.
The Schengen Borders Code comprises a detailed set of rules governing both external and The Schengen Borders Code comprises a detailed set of rules governing both external and
internal border controls in the Schengen area, including common rules on visas, asylum requests, internal border controls in the Schengen area, including common rules on visas, asylum requests,
21 “Judy Asks: Is Finnish and Swedish NATO Membership Useful for Europe?,” CarnegieEurope.eu, April 28, 2022. 22 The 22 EU members that belong to the Schengen area of free movement are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. The four non-EU members of the Schengen area are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. Congressional Research Service 10 The European Union: Questions and Answers and border checks. Provisions also exist that allow participating countries to reintroduce internal and border checks. Provisions also exist that allow participating countries to reintroduce internal
border controls for a limited period of time in cases of a serious security threat or exceptional border controls for a limited period of time in cases of a serious security threat or exceptional
circumstances, such as a conference of world leaders or a major international sporting event. circumstances, such as a conference of world leaders or a major international sporting event.
Along with the abolition of internal borders, Schengen participants agreed to strengthen Along with the abolition of internal borders, Schengen participants agreed to strengthen
cooperation between their police and judicial authorities in order to safeguard internal security cooperation between their police and judicial authorities in order to safeguard internal security
and fight organized crime. As part of these efforts, they established the Schengen Information and fight organized crime. As part of these efforts, they established the Schengen Information
System (SIS), a large-scale information database that enables police, border guards, and other law System (SIS), a large-scale information database that enables police, border guards, and other law
enforcement and judicial authorities to enter and consult alerts on certain categories of persons enforcement and judicial authorities to enter and consult alerts on certain categories of persons
and objects. Such categories include persons wanted for arrest, missing persons (including and objects. Such categories include persons wanted for arrest, missing persons (including
children), criminal suspects, individuals who do not have the right to enter or stay in Schengen children), criminal suspects, individuals who do not have the right to enter or stay in Schengen
territory, stolen vehicles and property, lost or forged identity documents, and firearms. territory, stolen vehicles and property, lost or forged identity documents, and firearms.
Four EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania) are not yet full Schengen members, Four EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania) are not yet full Schengen members,
but are but are legally obliged to join obliged to join once they meet the required security conditionsin the future, after meeting the required security conditions and following the approval of the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. Ireland has an opt-. Ireland has an opt-
out from the Schengen free movement area but takes part in some aspects of the Schengen out from the Schengen free movement area but takes part in some aspects of the Schengen
Agreement related to police and judicial cooperation, including access to the SIS. Agreement related to police and judicial cooperation, including access to the SIS.
Does the EU Have a Trade Policy and Process?
The EU has a common external trade policy, which means that trade policy is an exclusive The EU has a common external trade policy, which means that trade policy is an exclusive
competence of the EU and no member state can negotiate its own international trade agreement. competence of the EU and no member state can negotiate its own international trade agreement.
The EU’s trade policy is one of its most well-developed and integrated policies. It evolved along The EU’s trade policy is one of its most well-developed and integrated policies. It evolved along
with the common market—which provides for the free movement of goods within the EU—to with the common market—which provides for the free movement of goods within the EU—to
prevent one member state from importing foreign goods at cheaper prices due to lower tariffs and prevent one member state from importing foreign goods at cheaper prices due to lower tariffs and
then re-exporting the items to another member with higher tariffs. The scope of the common trade then re-exporting the items to another member with higher tariffs. The scope of the common trade
policy has been extended partially to include trade in services, the defense of intellectual property policy has been extended partially to include trade in services, the defense of intellectual property
rights, and foreign direct investment. The European Commission and the Council of Ministers rights, and foreign direct investment. The European Commission and the Council of Ministers
work together to set the common customs tariff, guide export policy, and decide on any trade work together to set the common customs tariff, guide export policy, and decide on any trade
protection or retaliation measures. EU rules allow the Councilprotection or retaliation measures. EU rules allow the Council of Ministers to make trade decisions with to make trade decisions with
qualified majority voting, but in practice the qualified majority voting, but in practice the Councilcouncil tends to employ consensus. tends to employ consensus.

24 The 22 EU members that belong to the Schengen area of free movement are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. The four non-EU members of the Schengen
area are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
Congressional Research Service


The European Union: Questions and Answers

The European Commission negotiates trade agreements with outside countries and trading blocs The European Commission negotiates trade agreements with outside countries and trading blocs
on behalf of the EU as a whole. Both the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament must on behalf of the EU as a whole. Both the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament must
approve all such trade agreements before they can enter into force. The process for negotiating approve all such trade agreements before they can enter into force. The process for negotiating
and concluding a new international trade agreement begins with discussions among all three EU and concluding a new international trade agreement begins with discussions among all three EU
institutions, and the institutions, and the commissionEuropean Commission initiates an informal scoping exercise with the potential partner initiates an informal scoping exercise with the potential partner
country or trade bloc. The country or trade bloc. The commissionEuropean Commission then requests authorization from the Council then requests authorization from the Council of Ministers to begin to begin
negotiations and usually submits to the negotiations and usually submits to the Councilcouncil negotiating directives (sometimes termed the (sometimes termed the
negotiating mandate), which set out the ), which set out the commission’s overall objectives for the future agreement. overall objectives for the future agreement.
The directives also are shared with the European Parliament. The directives also are shared with the European Parliament.
Provided the Council Provided the Council of Ministers provides authorization, the provides authorization, the commissionEuropean Commission then launches formal negotiations then launches formal negotiations
for the new trade agreement. Within the for the new trade agreement. Within the commissionEuropean Commission, the department that handles EU trade , the department that handles EU trade
policy—the Directorate General for Trade (DG Trade)—leads the negotiations. Typically, there policy—the Directorate General for Trade (DG Trade)—leads the negotiations. Typically, there
are a series of negotiation rounds. The duration of the negotiations varies but can range from two are a series of negotiation rounds. The duration of the negotiations varies but can range from two
to three years or longer. During the course of negotiations, the to three years or longer. During the course of negotiations, the commissionEuropean Commission is expected to keep is expected to keep
both the Councilboth the Council of Ministers and the European and the Parliament apprised of its progress. When negotiations reach the final
stage, both parties to the agreement initial the proposed accord. It is then submitted to the Council
and the Parliament for review.25 If the Council approves the accord, it authorizes the commission
to formally sign the agreement.
Once the new trade accord is officially signed by both parties, the Council submits itParliament apprised of its progress. Congressional Research Service 11 The European Union: Questions and Answers Once negotiations on a new trade agreement conclude, the proposed accord must be approved by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the to the
European Parliament for its consent. Although the Parliament for its consent. Although the European Parliament is limited to voting “yes” or “no” to the new Parliament is limited to voting “yes” or “no” to the new
accord, it can ask the accord, it can ask the commissionEuropean Commission to review or address any concerns. If parts of the trade to review or address any concerns. If parts of the trade
agreement fall under member state competence, all EU countries must also ratify the agreement agreement fall under member state competence, all EU countries must also ratify the agreement
according to their national ratification procedures. After according to their national ratification procedures. After the European Parliament gives its consent and Parliament gives its consent and
following ratification in the member states (if required), the Council following ratification in the member states (if required), the Council of Ministers adopts the final decision to adopts the final decision to
conclude the agreementconclude the agreement. It may, which then then may be officially published and enter into force.be officially published and enter into force.2623
How Do EU Countries and Citizens View the EU?
Most member states believe that the EU magnifies their political and economic clout (i.e., the Most member states believe that the EU magnifies their political and economic clout (i.e., the
whole is greater than the sum of its parts). Nevertheless, tensions have always existed between whole is greater than the sum of its parts). Nevertheless, tensions have always existed between
those members that seek an “ever closer union” through greater integration and those that prefer those members that seek an “ever closer union” through greater integration and those that prefer
to keep the bloc on a more intergovernmental footing in order to better guard their national to keep the bloc on a more intergovernmental footing in order to better guard their national
sovereignty. As a result, some member states have opted out of certain aspects of integration, sovereignty. As a result, some member states have opted out of certain aspects of integration,
including the eurozone and the Schengen area (this included the UK, which traditionally was including the eurozone and the Schengen area (this included the UK, which traditionally was
reluctant to cede too much sovereignty during its tenure as an EU member state). Another classic reluctant to cede too much sovereignty during its tenure as an EU member state). Another classic
divide in the EU falls along big versus small state lines; small members often are cautious of divide in the EU falls along big versus small state lines; small members often are cautious of
initiatives that they fear could allow larger countries to dominate EU decisionmaking. initiatives that they fear could allow larger countries to dominate EU decisionmaking.
In addition, different histories and geography may influence member states’ policy preferences. In addition, different histories and geography may influence member states’ policy preferences.
The EU’s enlargement to the east has brought in many members with histories of Soviet control, The EU’s enlargement to the east has brought in many members with histories of Soviet control,
which may color their views on issues ranging from EU reform to relations with Russia to which may color their views on issues ranging from EU reform to relations with Russia to
migration; at times, such differences have caused frictions with older EU member states. migration; at times, such differences have caused frictions with older EU member states.
Meanwhile, southern EU countries that border the Mediterranean may have greater political and Meanwhile, southern EU countries that border the Mediterranean may have greater political and
economic interests in North Africa than EU members located farther north. economic interests in North Africa than EU members located farther north.

25 Some trade agreements submitted for Council and Parliament approval are accompanied by Commission legislative
proposals needed for implementation, which must also be adopted by both the Council and the Parliament.
26 For more on the EU process for concluding new trade agreements, see European Commission, “Negotiating EU
Trade Agreements,” at http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2012/june/tradoc_149616.pdf.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

The prevailing view among European publics has likewise been historically favorable toward the The prevailing view among European publics has likewise been historically favorable toward the
EU. Many EU citizens value the freedom to easily travel, work, and live in other EU countries. At EU. Many EU citizens value the freedom to easily travel, work, and live in other EU countries. At
the same time, there has always been a degree of “euroskepticism”—or anti-EU sentiments—the same time, there has always been a degree of “euroskepticism”—or anti-EU sentiments—
among some segments of the European public. Traditionally, such euroskepticism has been driven among some segments of the European public. Traditionally, such euroskepticism has been driven
by fears about the loss of national sovereignty or concerns about the EU’s “democratic deficit”—by fears about the loss of national sovereignty or concerns about the EU’s “democratic deficit”—
a feeling that ordinary citizens have no say over decisions taken in faraway Brussels. a feeling that ordinary citizens have no say over decisions taken in faraway Brussels.
For For much of the pastmore than a decade, however, decade, however, Europe’s economic difficulties and worries about income economic difficulties and worries about income
inequality, immigration, and globalization have heightened support for populist, antiestablishment inequality, immigration, and globalization have heightened support for populist, antiestablishment
parties throughout Europe. Many of these parties also are considered euroskeptic, but they are not parties throughout Europe. Many of these parties also are considered euroskeptic, but they are not
monolithic. Although most of these parties are on the right or far right of the political spectrum, a monolithic. Although most of these parties are on the right or far right of the political spectrum, a
few are on the left or far left. Moreover, they hold a range of views on the future of the EU, with few are on the left or far left. Moreover, they hold a range of views on the future of the EU, with
some advocating for EU reforms and others calling for an end to the eurozone or the EU itself. some advocating for EU reforms and others calling for an end to the eurozone or the EU itself.
Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland,
Spain, and Sweden are among those EU countries with prominent populist and, to at least some Spain, and Sweden are among those EU countries with prominent populist and, to at least some
extent, euroskeptic parties. Parties with extent, euroskeptic parties. Parties with moderately euroskeptic views lead the governments in euroskeptic views lead the governments in
Poland and Hungary. Poland and Hungary. In 2017, theOne or more euroskeptic parties led the Italian government between 2018 and early 23 Some trade agreements submitted for Council of Ministers and European Parliament approval are accompanied by European Commission legislative proposals needed for implementation, which must also be adopted by both the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. For more on the EU process for concluding new trade agreements, see European Commission, “Negotiating EU Trade Agreements,” at http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2012/june/tradoc_149616.pdf. Congressional Research Service 12 The European Union: Questions and Answers 2021. The euroskeptic, anti-immigrant, right-wing Alternative for euroskeptic, anti-immigrant, right-wing Alternative for
Germany party secured enough support in federal elections to enter parliament for the first time,
becomingGermany party has held seats in Germany’s federal parliament since 2017 (it is the only far-right German political party to the only far-right German political party to do soenter the federal parliament since the end of World War II since the end of World War II). These populist and euroskeptic . Such
parties have put pressure on mainstream parties to embrace some of their positions on issues such parties have put pressure on mainstream parties to embrace some of their positions on issues such
as migration and further EU integration. The UK government’s decision to hold the 2016 public as migration and further EU integration. The UK government’s decision to hold the 2016 public
referendum on continued EU membership was driven largely by increasing pressure from hard-referendum on continued EU membership was driven largely by increasing pressure from hard-
line euroskeptics, both within and outside of the governing Conservative Party. line euroskeptics, both within and outside of the governing Conservative Party.
In the May 2019 European Parliament elections, an array of antiestablishment and euroskeptic In the May 2019 European Parliament elections, an array of antiestablishment and euroskeptic
parties secured up to 25% of seats. Traditionally, however, such parties in the parties secured up to 25% of seats. Traditionally, however, such parties in the European Parliament have Parliament have
struggled to form a cohesive opposition due to competing agendas and diverse views (including struggled to form a cohesive opposition due to competing agendas and diverse views (including
on EU reforms, fiscal policy, migration, and Russia). In the current on EU reforms, fiscal policy, migration, and Russia). In the current European Parliament, some of the most Parliament, some of the most
hardlinehard-line euroskeptic parties on the right of the political spectrum have sought to overcome their euroskeptic parties on the right of the political spectrum have sought to overcome their
political fragmentation and have banded together to forge a larger euroskeptic group. Many political fragmentation and have banded together to forge a larger euroskeptic group. Many
experts remain doubtful about the ability of such parties to work together to block or influence experts remain doubtful about the ability of such parties to work together to block or influence
legislation. Euroskeptic parties legislation. Euroskeptic parties are stillremain a collective minority in the a collective minority in the European ParliamentParliament, and would have to
and must gain support from other groups to have much impact on the legislative process.gain support from other groups to have much impact on the legislative process.2724
Despite concerns about euroskepticism, opinion polls indicate that a majority of EU citizens are Despite concerns about euroskepticism, opinion polls indicate that a majority of EU citizens are
supportive of the EU.supportive of the EU.25 Some analysts note that euroskeptic parties did not do as well as expected Some analysts note that euroskeptic parties did not do as well as expected
in the 2019 European Parliament elections. The difficulties encountered by the UK as it sought to in the 2019 European Parliament elections. The difficulties encountered by the UK as it sought to
leave the EU appear to have dampened euroskeptic enthusiasm in other EU countries. Many leave the EU appear to have dampened euroskeptic enthusiasm in other EU countries. Many
stridently euroskeptic parties, such as France’s National Rally and the Netherlands’ Freedom stridently euroskeptic parties, such as France’s National Rally and the Netherlands’ Freedom
Party, have focused more on calling for EU reforms in recent years than on promoting the Party, have focused more on calling for EU reforms in recent years than on promoting the
dissolution of the eurozone or the EU itself. The EU’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 dissolution of the eurozone or the EU itself. The EU’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19
pandemic, through both substantial financial support and vaccine procurement for the bloc, also pandemic, through both substantial financial support and vaccine procurement for the bloc, also
may have contributed to diminished euroskepticism in some EU countries.may have contributed to diminished euroskepticism in some EU countries. At the same time,
some experts caution that26 One poll conducted in mid-2022 indicated increased trust in the EU and strong support for the EU’s response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.27 At the same time, populism and related euroskeptic sentiments remain potent political populism and related euroskeptic sentiments remain potent political
forces in forces in Europe.28

27Europe, especially amid growing economic concerns, rising energy costs, and increased inflation. In France’s most recent presidential election in April 2022, National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen lost to pro-EU President Emmanuel Macron (42% to 59% in the second round of voting), but the election result marked Le Pen’s best finish in a presidential election. National Rally also made significant gains in France’s June 2022 parliamentary elections, increasing its number of seats tenfold (from 8 in the previous election to 89 in 2022). In Sweden’s September 2022 elections, the nationalist and euroskeptic Sweden Democrats party had its best showing ever, winning 20% of the votes and becoming the second-largest party in the Swedish parliament; it is expected to play a key role in forming and supporting the next government. In Italy’s September 2022 24 For more information, see CRS In Focus IF11211, For more information, see CRS In Focus IF11211, The European Parliament and U.S. Interests, by Kristin Archick. , by Kristin Archick.
2825 See, for example, Eurobarometer, Future of Europe 2021, January 2022. 26 Economist, “Populists Fall Short of Expectations in the European Elections,” “Populists Fall Short of Expectations in the European Elections,” Economist, May 26, 2019; Bojan Pancevski, “Why May 26, 2019; Bojan Pancevski, “Why
the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakened Far-the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakened Far-rightRight Groups in Europe,” Groups in Europe,” Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2021, June 30, 2021; Eurobarometer,
Future of Europe 2021, January 2022.
Congressional Research Service


The European Union: Questions and Answers

What Is Brexit, and How Has It Affected the EU?. 27 European Commission, “Eurobarometer: Trust in the EU on the Rise, Amid Strong Support for the EU’s Response to Russia Invasion of Ukraine and Energy Policies,” press release, September 6, 2022. Congressional Research Service 13 The European Union: Questions and Answers elections, the far-right, nationalist, euroskeptic Brothers of Italy won around 26% of the vote and is expected to lead the next coalition government with other right-wing, euroskeptic parties.28 What Is Brexit, and How Has It Affected the EU?29
The UK had long been considered one of the most euroskeptic members of the EU, with many The UK had long been considered one of the most euroskeptic members of the EU, with many
British leaders and citizens traditionally cautious of ceding too much sovereignty to Brussels. British leaders and citizens traditionally cautious of ceding too much sovereignty to Brussels.
Brexit—or the UK’s withdrawal from the EU—stems from a June 2016 public referendum in the Brexit—or the UK’s withdrawal from the EU—stems from a June 2016 public referendum in the
UK on whether the country should remain a member of the EU. UK voters favored leaving the UK on whether the country should remain a member of the EU. UK voters favored leaving the
EU by 52% to 48%. Several factors heavily influenced this outcome, including economic EU by 52% to 48%. Several factors heavily influenced this outcome, including economic
dissatisfaction, fears about globalization and immigration, and anti-elite and antiestablishment dissatisfaction, fears about globalization and immigration, and anti-elite and antiestablishment
sentiments. The UK government enacted the results of the Brexit referendum in March 2017, sentiments. The UK government enacted the results of the Brexit referendum in March 2017,
when it invoked Article 50—the so-called when it invoked Article 50—the so-called exit clause—of the Treaty on European Union. The UK —of the Treaty on European Union. The UK
and the EU subsequently began negotiations on the terms of the UK’s withdrawal. and the EU subsequently began negotiations on the terms of the UK’s withdrawal.
UK-EU negotiations on the withdrawal agreement proved complicated and lengthy. Challenges UK-EU negotiations on the withdrawal agreement proved complicated and lengthy. Challenges
related to maintaining an open border between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the related to maintaining an open border between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the
Republic of Ireland (an EU member state) were key stumbling blocks. In October 2019, in order Republic of Ireland (an EU member state) were key stumbling blocks. In October 2019, in order
to ensure an open border on the island of Ireland and preserve the peace process, the UK and EU to ensure an open border on the island of Ireland and preserve the peace process, the UK and EU
agreed that Northern Ireland would effectively remain in the EU’s single market and customs agreed that Northern Ireland would effectively remain in the EU’s single market and customs
union post-Brexit. union post-Brexit. ThisKnown as the Northern Ireland protocol (to the UK-EU withdrawal treaty), this arrangement would eliminate the need for regulatory and customs checks arrangement would eliminate the need for regulatory and customs checks
on trade in goods on the Northern Ireland land border, but it also essentially created a customs on trade in goods on the Northern Ireland land border, but it also essentially created a customs
border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK (i.e., Great Britain) to border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK (i.e., Great Britain) to
safeguard the rules of safeguard the rules of the EU single market. The UK officially withdrew as a member of the EU on January 31, 2020, but continued to apply EU rules and to participate in the EU’s single market and customs union for an 11-month transition period. the EU single market.
Days before the end of the transition period Days before the end of the transition period inon December December 31, 2020, the UK and the EU concluded a 2020, the UK and the EU concluded a
1,200-page Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), along with two other accords on nuclear 1,200-page Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), along with two other accords on nuclear
cooperation and on protecting the security of classified information. cooperation and on protecting the security of classified information. Since theThe post-Brexit post-Brexit
arrangements for Northern Ireland arrangements for Northern Ireland also took effect after the end of the transition period,took effect in January 2021 in January 2021, however; since then, implementation , implementation
difficulties have disrupted some trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, heightened difficulties have disrupted some trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, heightened
political and societal divisions within Northern Ireland, and political and societal divisions within Northern Ireland, and significantly strained UK-EU strained UK-EU
relations. The EU rejects calls by the UK government and some in Northern Ireland to renegotiate relations. The EU rejects calls by the UK government and some in Northern Ireland to renegotiate
the post-Brexit rules for the region, but the EU is engaged in talksthe Northern Ireland protocol, and has sought to engage with the with the UK on ways UK to overcome the to overcome the
operational challenges and ease tensions in Northern Irelandoperational challenges and ease tensions in Northern Ireland. The UK government asserts that it would prefer a negotiated solution, but has introduced legislation in the UK Parliament that would allow the UK to unilaterally stop applying parts of the protocol. .
Despite Brexit, EU leaders assert that “the Union of 27 countries will continue.” Despite Brexit, EU leaders assert that “the Union of 27 countries will continue.”2930 However, the However, the
UK was the bloc’s second-largest economy and, along with Germany and France, was regarded UK was the bloc’s second-largest economy and, along with Germany and France, was regarded
as one of the EU’s “big three.” Many observers view the EU as having taken a tough line in the as one of the EU’s “big three.” Many observers view the EU as having taken a tough line in the
28 Sylvie Corbet and Barbara Surk, “France Reshaped: Election Emboldens Le Pen, Undercuts Macron,” Associated Press, June 20, 2022; Jacob Christensen, “Sweden’s Next Prime Minister Will Juggle an Awkward Coalition,” Washington Post, September 23, 2022; Paul Kirby, “Giorgia Meloni: Italy’s Far-right Wins Election and Vows to Governn for All,” BBC.com, September 26, 2022. 29 For more information, see CRS Report R46730, Brexit: Overview, Trade, and Northern Ireland, coordinated by Derek E. Mix. 30 European Council, “Statement by the EU Leaders and the Netherlands Presidency on the Outcome of the UK Referendum,” press release, June 24, 2016. Congressional Research Service 14 link to page 10 The European Union: Questions and Answers withdrawal agreement and subsequent trade agreement negotiations—refusing to allow the UK to withdrawal agreement and subsequent trade agreement negotiations—refusing to allow the UK to
cherry-pick the benefits of the EU without taking on the required obligations—in part to cherry-pick the benefits of the EU without taking on the required obligations—in part to
discourage other member states and euroskeptic publics from contemplating a break with the EU discourage other member states and euroskeptic publics from contemplating a break with the EU
that would further fracture the bloc. Some in the EU continue to express concerns that the UK that would further fracture the bloc. Some in the EU continue to express concerns that the UK
could become an economic competitorcould become an economic competitor in the longer term, especially if the UK were to diverge significantly from , especially if the UK were to diverge significantly from
EU environmental, labor, or state aid standards in ways that could give UK businesses a trade EU environmental, labor, or state aid standards in ways that could give UK businesses a trade
advantage. Other experts argue that Brexit could reduce the EU’s influence on the world stage, advantage. Other experts argue that Brexit could reduce the EU’s influence on the world stage,
given that the EU now finds itself without the UK’s diplomatic, military, and economic clout. At given that the EU now finds itself without the UK’s diplomatic, military, and economic clout. At
the same time, some contend that Brexit ultimately could lead to a more like-minded EU, able to the same time, some contend that Brexit ultimately could lead to a more like-minded EU, able to
pursue deeper integration without UK opposition.30

29 European Council, “Statement by the EU Leaders and the Netherlands Presidency on the Outcome of the UK
Referendum,” press release, June 24, 2016.
30 For more information, see CRS Report R46730, Brexit: Overview, Trade, and Northern Ireland, coordinated by
Derek E. Mix.
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link to page 10 link to page 10 The European Union: Questions and Answers
pursue deeper integration without UK opposition.
How Might the EU Evolve in the Future?
In light of Brexit and other challenges, the EU has faced questions about its future shape and In light of Brexit and other challenges, the EU has faced questions about its future shape and
character. In June 2016, EU leaders announced the launch of a “political reflection” process to character. In June 2016, EU leaders announced the launch of a “political reflection” process to
consider the EU’s future.31 The EU concluded its reflection process in March 2017 during its consider the EU’s future.31 The EU concluded its reflection process in March 2017 during its
commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (foundational EU treaties). In the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (foundational EU treaties). In the
60th anniversary Rome Declaration, the leaders of the EU-27 renewed their commitment to the 60th anniversary Rome Declaration, the leaders of the EU-27 renewed their commitment to the
European integration project, acknowledged the challenges facing the EU, and pledged to “make European integration project, acknowledged the challenges facing the EU, and pledged to “make
the European Union stronger and more resilient, through even greater unity and solidarity the European Union stronger and more resilient, through even greater unity and solidarity
amongst us.”32 Some experts argue that “more EU” and further integration is necessary to better amongst us.”32 Some experts argue that “more EU” and further integration is necessary to better
address the range of political and economic issues confronting the bloc. Others are skeptical that address the range of political and economic issues confronting the bloc. Others are skeptical that
national governments will be inclined to cede more authority to a Brussels bureaucracy viewed as national governments will be inclined to cede more authority to a Brussels bureaucracy viewed as
opaque and out of touch with the problems of average Europeans. opaque and out of touch with the problems of average Europeans.
Considerable attention since 2016-2017 has focused on developing a “multispeed EU,” in which Considerable attention since 2016-2017 has focused on developing a “multispeed EU,” in which
some member states could agree to greater integration in certain areas and others could opt out. some member states could agree to greater integration in certain areas and others could opt out.
Some European policymakers and analysts suggest that such a multispeed EU already exists in Some European policymakers and analysts suggest that such a multispeed EU already exists in
practice, with varying membership on a range of EU initiatives, including the eurozone, practice, with varying membership on a range of EU initiatives, including the eurozone,
Schengen, justice and home affairs issues, and defense policy. Critics contend, however, that Schengen, justice and home affairs issues, and defense policy. Critics contend, however, that
making the multispeed concept central to the EU’s identity could be divisive, undermine EU making the multispeed concept central to the EU’s identity could be divisive, undermine EU
solidarity, and potentially lead to different classes of EU membership.33 solidarity, and potentially lead to different classes of EU membership.33
Although the EU has not Although the EU has not made a formal decision to move toward a multispeed EU, momentum
exists for greater integration in some areas. In particular, EU leaders have announced several new
initiatives to bolster security and defense cooperation (formally moved toward a multispeed EU, the EU has sought to respond to recent challenges with new common policies and by pursuing greater integration in certain areas (such as security and defense, as discussed in as discussed in “Does the EU Have a
Defense Policy?”
). For several years, Germany and France have called for eurozone reforms, and
some analysts suggest that the July 2020 decision to establish common EU bonds as part of the
EU’s COVID-19 recovery plans could spark further EU economic integration. Other experts
remain skeptical, however, given ongoing concerns in many member states about maintaining
fiscal sovereignty and hesitancy from fiscally conservative member states in particular.34
In May 2021, the EU launched a Defense Policy?”). In May 2022, the EU concluded a year-long Conference on the Future of EuropeConference on the Future of Europe to promote, aimed at promoting dialogue on a dialogue on a
wide range of topics among citizens, experts, and EU officials; the Conference is expected to
conclude work and offer recommendations in spring 2022.35 How the EU evolves in the years
ahead may be affected by changes in leadership in key EU countries. Germany—often in
conjunction with France—traditionally plays a key role in EU policymaking, and former German
Chancellor Angela Merkel led the EU’s response to major challenges over the past 16 years. A
new German coalition government, headed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, took office in December
2021. The outcome of France’s presidential election scheduled for April 2022 also could have
implications for the future of the EU project.

31 European Council, Informal Meeting at 27, June 29, 2016, at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/20462/
32 European Council, The Rome Declaration, March 25, 2017, at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-
33 Maia de la Baume, “Multispeed Europe: The EU’s Loch Ness Monster,” Politico Europe, March 10, 2017; Matthew
Karnitschnig, “With Plenty of Pomp, Europe’s Leaders Renew Vows,” Politico Europe, March 24, 2017.
34 See, for example, “Judy Asks: Should the Coronavirus Accelerate European Integration?,” CarnegieEurope.eu,
March 4, 2021; “Europe’s Radical Economic Response to Covid-19,” The Economist, March 31, 2021.
35 Conference on the Future of Europe, What Is the Conference on the Future of Europe, at https://futureu.europa.eu/
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The European Union: Questions and Answers
wide range of topics among citizens, experts, and EU officials; the conference issued a final report with 49 proposals on issues such as European democracy and the rule of law, the economy, health policy, climate change, and migration, among others. The EU institutions are committed to evaluating the conference proposals and considering their implementation, some of which would require treaty changes and could be controversial (see 31 European Council, Informal Meeting at 27, June 29, 2016, at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/20462/sn00060-en16.pdf. 32 European Council, The Rome Declaration, March 25, 2017, at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/03/25/rome-declaration. 33 Maia de la Baume, “Multispeed Europe: The EU’s Loch Ness Monster,” Politico Europe, March 10, 2017; Matthew Karnitschnig, “With Plenty of Pomp, Europe’s Leaders Renew Vows,” Politico Europe, March 24, 2017. Congressional Research Service 15 The European Union: Questions and Answers below). Following the example set by the conference, the European Commission has pledged to ensure European citizens continue to have a closer role in EU policymaking going forward.34 Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine has galvanized debate further on the future of the EU. As previously discussed, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may boost EU efforts to strengthen its common foreign and defense policies and has given impetus to enlarging the EU to include Ukraine and other countries in the longer term. Such issues have sparked considerable discussion about whether EU treaty reform may be necessary to alter EU decisionmaking rules and adapt EU institutions to accommodate an even larger and more diverse membership. For years, Germany and France also have called for eurozone reforms, and some analysts suggest the EU’s COVID-19 economic recovery measures and the need to address the economic downturn stemming from the war in Ukraine may lead to further EU economic integration. At the same time, EU initiatives in many policy areas may be limited by diverging policy preferences among member states and between EU institutions. Moreover, some member states are likely to be hesitant about embarking on significant EU reforms that could lead to curtailing member state prerogatives and sovereignty.35 The leadership of key EU countries also may affect the EU’s evolution. Germany and France traditionally play prominent roles in EU policymaking. French President Emmanuel Macron has been a leading proponent of EU defense integration and EU strategic autonomy. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who took office in late 2021, appears to share some of Macron’s ambitions, outlining his vision for the EU in August 2022 and calling for EU reforms to help pave the way for further enlargement. Schloz also has endorsed Macron’s proposal for a European Political Community, aimed at fostering greater cooperation between the EU and its neighbors, but the idea has yet to be fleshed out and has received a mixed response within the EU. Some experts note that Central and Eastern European countries, such as Poland and the Baltic states, have been instrumental in shaping the EU’s response to Russia’s war against Ukraine and may play increasingly influential roles in determining the EU’s future development. At the same time, efforts to revitalize or reform the EU could be affected should more member state governments come to be led or supported by euroskeptic parties, as is expected in Italy and Sweden.36
Does the United States Have a Formal Relationship
with the EU?
For decades, the United States and the EU (and its predecessor institutions) have maintained For decades, the United States and the EU (and its predecessor institutions) have maintained
diplomatic and economic ties. The 1990 U.S.-EU Transatlantic Declaration set out principles for diplomatic and economic ties. The 1990 U.S.-EU Transatlantic Declaration set out principles for
greater consultation, and established regular summit and ministerial meetings. In 1995, the New greater consultation, and established regular summit and ministerial meetings. In 1995, the New
Transatlantic Agenda (NTA) and the EU-U.S. Joint Action Plan provided a framework for Transatlantic Agenda (NTA) and the EU-U.S. Joint Action Plan provided a framework for
promoting stability and democracy together, responding to global challenges, and expanding promoting stability and democracy together, responding to global challenges, and expanding
world trade. The NTA also sought to strengthen individual, people-to-people ties across the world trade. The NTA also sought to strengthen individual, people-to-people ties across the
Atlantic, and launched a number of dialogues, including ones for business leaders and legislators. Atlantic, and launched a number of dialogues, including ones for business leaders and legislators.
34 European Commission, Conference on the Future of Europe, at https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/new-push-european-democracy/conference-future-europe_en; European Commission, Conference on the Future of Europe: Putting Vision into Concrete Action, June 17, 2022. 35 See, for example, Stefan Lehne, “Does the EU Need Treaty Change?,” CarnegieEurope.eu, June 16, 2022; Max Bergmann, “The EU’s Next Big Deal: Enlargement for Treaty Reform,” Politico Europe, August 2, 2022. 36 David M. Hershzenhorn et al., “Macron Floats European ‘Community’ Open to Ukraine and UK,” Politico Europe, May 9, 2022; Charles Grant, “Macron Is Serious About the European Political Community,” Centre for European Reform, August 1, 2022; Erika Solomon, “Condemned to Lead Europe, German Chancellor Struggles for Impact,” New York Times, September 2, 2022. Congressional Research Service 16 The European Union: Questions and Answers The Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD) has been the formal mechanism for engagement The Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD) has been the formal mechanism for engagement
and exchange between the U.S. House of Representatives and the European Parliament since and exchange between the U.S. House of Representatives and the European Parliament since
1999, although inter-parliamentary exchanges between the two bodies date back to 1972. 1999, although inter-parliamentary exchanges between the two bodies date back to 1972.
Who Are U.S. Officials’ Counterparts in the EU?
During U.S.-EU summits, the U.S. President meets with the President of the European During U.S.-EU summits, the U.S. President meets with the President of the European
Commission and the President of the European Council. The U.S. Secretary of State’s most Commission and the President of the European Council. The U.S. Secretary of State’s most
frequent interlocutor in the EU context is the High Representative for the Union’s Foreign Affairs frequent interlocutor in the EU context is the High Representative for the Union’s Foreign Affairs
and Security Policy. The U.S. Trade Representative’s key interlocutor is the European and Security Policy. The U.S. Trade Representative’s key interlocutor is the European
Commissioner for Trade, who directs the EU’s common external trade policy. Other U.S. Commissioner for Trade, who directs the EU’s common external trade policy. Other U.S.
Cabinet-level officials interact with Cabinet-level officials interact with European Commission counterparts or member state ministers in the Commission counterparts or member state ministers in the
Council of Ministers formation as issues arise. Many working-level relationships between U.S. Council of Ministers formation as issues arise. Many working-level relationships between U.S.
and EU officials also exist. A delegation in Washington, DC, represents the European Union in its and EU officials also exist. A delegation in Washington, DC, represents the European Union in its
dealings with the U.S. government, while the U.S. Mission to the European Union represents dealings with the U.S. government, while the U.S. Mission to the European Union represents
Washington’s interests in Brussels. Washington’s interests in Brussels.
What Is the History of U.S.-EU Relations?
Successive U.S. Administrations and many Members of Congress have long viewed the European Successive U.S. Administrations and many Members of Congress have long viewed the European
integration project as a way to foster democratic allies and strong trading partners in Europe. In integration project as a way to foster democratic allies and strong trading partners in Europe. In
the immediate aftermath of World War II, the United States supported the European integration the immediate aftermath of World War II, the United States supported the European integration
project as a way to promote political reconciliation (especially between France and Germany), project as a way to promote political reconciliation (especially between France and Germany),
boost economic recovery, and prevent another catastrophic war on the European continent. boost economic recovery, and prevent another catastrophic war on the European continent.
During the Cold War, the European integration project—and the peace and prosperity it helped to During the Cold War, the European integration project—and the peace and prosperity it helped to
engender in Western Europe—was considered central to deterring the Soviet threat. With the end engender in Western Europe—was considered central to deterring the Soviet threat. With the end
of the Cold War, the United States strongly backed EU efforts to extend the political and of the Cold War, the United States strongly backed EU efforts to extend the political and
economic benefits of membership to Central and Eastern Europe. The United States also economic benefits of membership to Central and Eastern Europe. The United States also
traditionally has supported the EU aspirations of Turkey and the Western Balkan states. traditionally has supported the EU aspirations of Turkey and the Western Balkan states.
Over the past 25 years, the United States has often looked to the EU for partnership on common Over the past 25 years, the United States has often looked to the EU for partnership on common
foreign and security policy concerns worldwide, and the two partners have a strong track record foreign and security policy concerns worldwide, and the two partners have a strong track record
of cooperation. The United States and the EU have promoted peace and stability in various of cooperation. The United States and the EU have promoted peace and stability in various
regions and countries (including the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Africa); enhanced law regions and countries (including the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Africa); enhanced law
enforcement and counterterrorism cooperation; and sought to tackle cross-border challenges, such enforcement and counterterrorism cooperation; and sought to tackle cross-border challenges, such
as cybersecurity. as cybersecurity. SinceIn 2014, the United States and the EU 2014, the United States and the EU also have imposed sanctions on Russia
(including those targeting key sectors of the Russian economy)began imposing targeted sanctions on Russia in response to Russia’s in response to Russia’s
annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea and its support for separatists in annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea and its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. eastern Ukraine.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

The United States and the EU also share an extensive and interdependent economic relationship. The United States and the EU also share an extensive and interdependent economic relationship.
Trade and investment ties have deepened and evolved over time. In recent years, total U.S. trade Trade and investment ties have deepened and evolved over time. In recent years, total U.S. trade
in goods and services with the EU typically has been around $1 trillion per year. The United in goods and services with the EU typically has been around $1 trillion per year. The United
States and the EU are each other’s largest source and destination for foreign direct investment. States and the EU are each other’s largest source and destination for foreign direct investment.
Total stock of two-way direct investment Total stock of two-way direct investment is nearly $6was $5 trillion trillion in 2021, and U.S. and EU multinational , and U.S. and EU multinational
firms firms employemployed nearly 9 million workers (in direct employment) nearly 9 million workers (in direct employment) in 2019 on both sides of the Atlantic. on both sides of the Atlantic.
Historically, U.S.-EU cooperation has been a driving force behind efforts to liberalize world trade Historically, U.S.-EU cooperation has been a driving force behind efforts to liberalize world trade
and ensure the stability of international financial markets.and ensure the stability of international financial markets.3637 37 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, International Trade and Investment, at https://www.bea.gov/data/intl-trade-investment. Congressional Research Service 17 The European Union: Questions and Answers
At times, however, the U.S.-EU relationship has faced serious challenges. U.S.-EU relations hit a At times, however, the U.S.-EU relationship has faced serious challenges. U.S.-EU relations hit a
low point in 2003 over the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, which some EU members supported and low point in 2003 over the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, which some EU members supported and
others strongly opposed. Data protection and balancing privacy and security have been key U.S.-others strongly opposed. Data protection and balancing privacy and security have been key U.S.-
EU sticking points for years; EU concerns about what it views as insufficient U.S. data privacy EU sticking points for years; EU concerns about what it views as insufficient U.S. data privacy
and protection safeguards have put pressure on U.S.-EU law enforcement information-sharing and protection safeguards have put pressure on U.S.-EU law enforcement information-sharing
agreements and commercial data transfers. Long-standing U.S.-EU trade disputes persist over agreements and commercial data transfers. Long-standing U.S.-EU trade disputes persist over
poultry, bioengineered food products, and protection of geographical indications. poultry, bioengineered food products, and protection of geographical indications.
Significant strains in U.S.-EU relations emerged during the Trump Administration. Many EU Significant strains in U.S.-EU relations emerged during the Trump Administration. Many EU
leaders were taken aback by former President Trump’s seeming hostility toward the bloc, his leaders were taken aback by former President Trump’s seeming hostility toward the bloc, his
expressed support for Brexit, and his reported contention that the EU engaged in unfair trade expressed support for Brexit, and his reported contention that the EU engaged in unfair trade
practices that harmed U.S. economic interests.practices that harmed U.S. economic interests.3738 EU officials were concerned by the Trump EU officials were concerned by the Trump
Administration’s imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs and what the EU regarded as Administration’s imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs and what the EU regarded as
protectionist U.S. trade policies. Other U.S.-EU policy divisions also existed during the Trump protectionist U.S. trade policies. Other U.S.-EU policy divisions also existed during the Trump
Administration, including on Russia, China, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, climate change, Administration, including on Russia, China, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, climate change,
managing the COVID-19 pandemic, and the role of multilateral institutions such as the United managing the COVID-19 pandemic, and the role of multilateral institutions such as the United
Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Despite the heightened difficulties, the EU pursued cooperation with the Trump Administration Despite the heightened difficulties, the EU pursued cooperation with the Trump Administration
where possible. The two sides attempted to deescalate trade tensions, in part through pursuing a where possible. The two sides attempted to deescalate trade tensions, in part through pursuing a
U.S.-EU trade liberalization agreement (although talks stalled amid discord on their scope, U.S.-EU trade liberalization agreement (although talks stalled amid discord on their scope,
especially with respect to agriculture). The EU sought to work with the Trump Administration on especially with respect to agriculture). The EU sought to work with the Trump Administration on
areas such as counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and WTO reform. U.S. and EU scientific and areas such as counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and WTO reform. U.S. and EU scientific and
regulatory experts established technical dialogues on pandemic-related issues. In October 2020, regulatory experts established technical dialogues on pandemic-related issues. In October 2020,
the Trump Administration and the EU launched a dialogue on China to discuss both common the Trump Administration and the EU launched a dialogue on China to discuss both common
concerns and differences in U.S. and European views.concerns and differences in U.S. and European views.38
How Are Current U.S.-EU Relations?
With the entrance into office of the Biden Administration, EU leaders hoped to renew and
strengthen relations with the United States.39 What Is the Current State of U.S.-EU Relations? Upon entering office, President Biden “underscored his support for the [EU] President Biden “underscored his support for the [EU]
and his commitment to repair and revitalize the U.S.-EU partnership.”and his commitment to repair and revitalize the U.S.-EU partnership.”39 The Administration
sought to reset diplomatic relations and rebuild trust with the EU, in part through enhanced

36 Also, see CRS In Focus IF10930, U.S.-EU Trade and Investment Ties: Magnitude and Scope, by Shayerah I. Akhtar.
37 See, for example, “‘I Think the European Union is a Foe,’ Trump Says Ahead of Putin Meeting in Helsinki,”
CBSNews.com, July 15, 2018.
38 For more information on U.S.-EU relations during the Trump Administration, see CRS Report R45745,
Transatlantic Relations: U.S. Interests and Key Issues, coordinated by Kristin Archick.
39 The White House, “Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with European Commission President Ursula von
der Leyen,” press release, March 5, 2021.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

engagement. President Biden, for example, participated in a meeting with all 27 EU leaders in
March 2021. EU officials welcomed the notion that “America is back” and40 The United States pledged to work with the EU on a wide range of global concerns, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. EU officials welcomed the renewed U.S. the renewed U.S.
commitment to multilateralism—signaled by President Biden’s decisions to reverse Trump commitment to multilateralism—signaled by President Biden’s decisions to reverse Trump
Administration policies and rejoin the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement on Administration policies and rejoin the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement on
climate change, as well as by U.S. engagement on ways climate change, as well as by U.S. engagement on ways to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. In its first year in office, the Biden Administration also to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.40
The Biden Administration views cooperation with European democracies and the EU as key to
countering challenges posed by Russia, China, and other authoritarian systems of government.
The United States and the EU have offered strong backing for Ukraine amid concerns about
Russia’s buildup of military forces near Ukraine’s borders since late 2021. U.S. and EU officials
have consulted closely on options for robust additional sanctions on Russia in the event of further
Russian aggression against Ukraine.41 The Biden Administration also has coordinated human coordinated human
rights-related sanctions on both Russian and Chinese officials with the EU and restarted the U.S.-rights-related sanctions on both Russian and Chinese officials with the EU and restarted the U.S.-
EU dialogue on China begun during the Trump Administration.
At their June 2021 summit, the United States and the EU committed to work together on four
main areas: ending the COVID-19 pandemic; addressing climate change and other environmental
challenges; strengthening trade, investment, and technological cooperation; and supporting
democracy and global security.42 Of particular note, U.S. and EU leaders at the summit decided to
launch two new dialogues. A Trade and Technology Council (TTC) would seek to promote
greater cooperation in areas such as standards on emerging technologies, supply chain security,
digital governance, and export controls, and a Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue
would foster cooperation on competition policy and enforcement in the technology sector.
Resolving U.S.-EU trade disputes has been another priority for the Biden Administration. At the
June 2021 summit, the United States and the EU announced an agreement to defuse a long-
standing dispute over subsidies to their respective large civil aircraft (LCA) companies, Boeing
and Airbus; the deal includes suspending retaliatory tariffs for five years and pledging to work
together to address practices of nonmarket economies (such as China) in the LCA sector. In
October 2021, the United States agreed to replace tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the
EU with a tariff-rate quota system for these items and the EU agreed to end retaliatory tariffs on
whiskey, motorcycles, and other imports from the United States. The two partners also announced
they would seek to address joint concerns about steel and aluminum global overcapacity and
would cooperate to reduce carbon emissions in the steel and aluminum sectors.43
Despite the improved tenor of U.S.-EU relations with the start of the Biden Administration, some
differences in perspective and various friction points have emerged. EU officials were critical of
the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 and troubled by the takeover of the country
by the Taliban, in part because of concerns that the situation could lead to increased migrant and
refugee flows to Europe. The U.S. decision to withdraw its forces exposed weaknesses in
European capabilities, as European governments concluded that they could not safely remain in
Afghanistan without U.S. military support. Moreover, some European officials contended that the
U.S. decision to withdraw its forces was undertaken without sufficient consultation.44

40 European Council, “Introductory Remarks by President Charles Michel at the Videoconference of EU Leaders with
US President Biden,” March 25, 2021.
41 See, for example, James Politi et al., “US and EU Close In on Agreeing Russian Financial Sanctions Over Ukraine,”
Financial Times, January 25, 2022.
42 The White House, U.S.-EU Summit Statement, June 15, 2021.
43 Also see CRS In Focus IF10931, U.S.-EU Trade and Economic Relations, by Shayerah I. Akhtar.
44 European External Action Service, “Press Remarks by the High Representative Josep Borrell After Extraordinary
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

In September 2021, EU officials expressed dismay with a new security pact between Australia,
the UK, and the United States (known as AUKUS) for the Indo-Pacific region. France in
particular was angered by AUKUS, under which Australia canceled a roughly $66 billion contract
for French diesel-powered submarines in favor of acquiring longer-range nuclear-powered ones
(with U.S. and UK assistance). Although many in the EU are wary about a possible U.S.-China
“Cold War” and are mindful of the bloc’s significant economic ties to China, AUKUS has
renewed EU concerns about a U.S. pivot toward Asia and has raised doubts about the U.S.
commitment to U.S.-EU cooperation on China. The rift over AUKUS also threatened to derail the
first meeting of the new U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council. The EU ultimately agreed to
hold the inaugural TTC meeting at the end of September 2021, reportedly after some member
states argued that launching the TTC and preserving U.S.-EU cooperation were more important
than the dispute over AUKUS.45
Although the United States and the EU have presented a largely united response to the threat of
renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine and U.S. officials have pledged not to negotiate with
Russia on European security matters without Europe, some in the EU have bristled that the EU
has not been directly involved in U.S. and NATO discussions with Russia on Ukraine. In his
January 2022 speech at the European Parliament, French President Macron called for the EU to
engage in its own dialogue with Russia on European security, reflecting French, German, and
other EU countries’ traditional preference for working with Russia as a partner and his ambitions
to bolster EU strategic autonomy. Many EU officials, however, appeared blindsided by Macron’s
assertions, reportedly sought to reassure U.S. policymakers of EU support for U.S.-led
negotiations, and argued for continued close U.S.-EU cooperation and consultation.46
Both U.S. and EU leaders warn that Russia would face extensive and damaging financial and
economic sanctions in the event of further aggression against Ukraine, but some divisions
between the United States and the EU—and among EU member states—may exist on specific
measures and the timing of any potential new sanctions. For example, the European Commission
asserts that an eventual EU sanctions package must include sanctions on the Nord Stream 2
natural gas pipeline (from Russia to Germany), but Germany or other EU countries may remain
hesitant given their economic investments in the pipeline and in light of concerns that Russia
could retaliate by cutting off or reducing gas exports to Europe. Successive U.S. Administrations
and many Members of Congress have long opposed Nord Stream 2 on grounds that it would
entrench European energy dependence on Russia and would undermine Ukraine.47

Videoconference of the EU Foreign Ministers,” August 17, 2021; European Commission, “Statement by Commissioner
Johansson on the Situation in Afghanistan at the Extraordinary Meeting of Interior Ministers,” press release, August 18,
2021; Steven Erlanger, “Afghanistan Fiasco Raises Hard Questions for Europe,” New York Times, August 31, 2021.
45 Matthew Lee, “Biden Angers France, EU with New Australia, UK Initiative,” Associated Press, September 16, 2021;
Stephen Erlanger, “The Sharp U.S. Pivot to Asia Is Throwing Europe Off Balance,” New York Times, September 17,
2021; David M. Herszenhorn, “EU Leaders Accuse Biden of Disloyalty to Allies,” Politico Europe, September 21,
2021; Barbara Moens and Jacopo Barigazzi, “EU’s Free-Traders Defeat French Push to Punish US,” Politico Europe,
September 24, 2021.
46 Daniel Boffey and Angelique Chrisafis, “Macron Says EU Must Start Own Dialogue with Russia over Ukraine,”
Guardian, January 19, 2022; Jamie Dettmer, “Macron’s Call for EU Talks with Kremlin Unnerves European Allies,
VOA News, January 20, 2022; Henry Foy et al., “Paris and Brussels Reassure US After Macron’s Call for EU-Russia
Talks,” Financial Times, January 20, 2022.
47 Daniel Boffey, “Von der Leyen Warns Russia of Gas Pipeline Sanctions over Ukraine,” Guardian, February 4, 2022;
Missy Ryan et al., “Biden Vows to Stop Nord Stream 2 Pipeline to Europe if Russia Invades Ukraine,” Washington
, February 7, 2022. Also see CRS In Focus IF11138, Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Natural Gas Pipeline to Germany, by
Paul Belkin, Michael Ratner, and Cory Welt.
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

U.S.-EU policy preferences also differ on a range of other issues. Data protection, privacy, and
U.S. government surveillance practices remain salient topics on the U.S.-EU agenda. The Biden
Administration has prioritized reaching a successor accord to the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield
agreement for cross-border commercial data flows, but EU concerns about U.S. surveillance laws
and a lack of U.S. judicial redress for EU citizens remain key obstacles in the negotiations.48
Meanwhile, someEU dialogue on China begun during the Trump Administration. Although some U.S.-EU tensions remained—and new controversies emerged related to EU concerns about the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 and the Australia-UK-U.S. security pact for the Indo-Pacific (known as AUKUS) launched in September 2021—the overall tenor of U.S.-EU relations improved with the start of the Biden Administration. Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has strengthened U.S.-EU ties further. The United States and the EU have demonstrated steadfast support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and have 38 See, for example, “‘I Think the European Union Is a Foe,’ Trump Says Ahead of Putin Meeting in Helsinki,” CBSNews.com, July 15, 2018. 39 For more information on U.S.-EU relations during the Trump Administration, see CRS Report R45745, Transatlantic Relations: U.S. Interests and Key Issues, coordinated by Kristin Archick. 40 The White House, “Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen,” press release, March 5, 2021. Congressional Research Service 18 The European Union: Questions and Answers cooperated extensively on imposing sanctions on Russia and other responses. The Biden Administration also supports EU efforts to end its dependency on Russian energy imports. In March 2022, President Biden pledged to work with international partners to help boost liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipments to the EU this year and outlined plans to enable additional U.S. LNG shipments through 2030. A new U.S.-EU task force on energy security is to implement these and other goals related to transitioning away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy. For many on both sides of the Atlantic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reinforced the importance of the U.S.-EU partnership and its combined political and economic clout.41 Revitalizing U.S.-EU economic ties, resolving trade disputes, and promoting technological cooperation have been other key areas of focus for the Biden Administration.42 In 2021, the United States and the EU reached an agreement to address a long-standing dispute over civil aircraft subsidies and a deal to resolve the dispute over the steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by the Trump Administration. Also in 2021, the United States and the EU launched a new Trade and Technology Council (TTC) to discuss issues such as emerging technologies, supply chain security, digital governance, and export controls, as well as a separate Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue. Furthermore, the Biden Administration has prioritized reaching a new commercial data transfer arrangement with the EU to replace the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield framework, which the EU’s top court invalidated in 2020 on grounds that it failed to meet EU data protection standards. In March 2022, the United States and the EU announced a political agreement on a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework to replace Privacy Shield; U.S. and EU negotiators are working to finalize this new framework.43 The United States and the EU also have worked together in the WTO on an intellectual property rights waiver for COVID-19 vaccines and an international deal on setting a 15% global minimum corporate tax rate. Despite a renewed U.S.-EU partnership, certain issues may stir controversy or pose challenges. Some experts warn that U.S.-EU solidarity against Russia could begin to fray as the war in Ukraine—and its impacts—drags on, and as some in Europe begin to consider how to manage relations with Russia in the longer term. At times, French, German, and Italian leaders have broached the possibility of a cease-fire and eventual negotiations with Russia. Officials in the United States and other EU countries (such as Poland and the Baltic states) have raised concerns about any efforts to encourage Ukrainian concessions in order to give Russia a face-saving way out of the conflict and/or ease future European relations with Russia. Some U.S. policymakers appear alarmed that Europe’s growing energy crisis could put pressure on EU governments to moderate their approaches toward Russia and Ukraine and could weaken or hinder EU sanctions on Russia. U.S.-EU divisions also could emerge over the extent of military and/or financial assistance that each partner is providing to Ukraine.44 41 Also see CRS Insight IN11897, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: European Union Responses and Implications for U.S.-EU Relations, by Kristin Archick. 42 Also see CRS In Focus IF10931, U.S.-EU Trade and Economic Relations, by Shayerah I. Akhtar. 43 The White House, “Fact Sheet: United States and European Commission Announce Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework,” March 25, 2022. Also see CRS In Focus IF11613, U.S.-EU Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, by Rachel F. Fefer and Kristin Archick. 44 Matthew Karnitschnig, “Europe’s Leaders Fall Out of Key on Ukraine,” Politico Europe, May 16, 2022; Holly Ellyatt, “The West’s Unity over Ukraine Could Be Starting to Crack,” CNBC.com, June 16, 2022; Jeff Stein, “White House Alarm Rises over Europe as Putin Threatens Energy Supply,” Washington Post, September 11, 2022; Chris Cameron and Helene Cooper, “U.S. Shores Up Ukraine Support as Energy Crisis in Europe Looms,” New York Times, September 20, 2022. Congressional Research Service 19 The European Union: Questions and Answers Managing relations with China is another area where some U.S. and EU policy preferences may conflict. EU views on China have hardened in recent years and have come to mirror more closely U.S. concerns about China’s growing political and economic influence. The Biden Administration and the EU have committed to intensifying cooperation on the range of strategic and economic challenges posed by China; at the same time, many in the EU remain wary about a possible new U.S.-China “Cold War” and are reluctant to antagonize a major economic partner. Some in the EU question the U.S. commitment to work together on China, while the EU recognizes the need for cooperation with China on common global concerns, such as climate change. In addition, varying political and economic interests among EU countries may impede or otherwise affect efforts to promote closer U.S.-EU policy alignment toward China.45 U.S.-EU frictions persist on a range of other issues. Some U.S. officials and business interests express concern that the EU’s U.S. officials and business interests express concern that the EU’s proposed
new digital new digital regulationtrade and competition rules and competition rules wouldcould unfairly target large unfairly target large U.S. technology firms.46 The EU cautions that new U.S. tax credits for the purchase of electric vehicles could discriminate against EU manufacturers and breach WTO trade rules.47 U.S. officials have taken issue with some EU climate and environmental initiatives, includingU.S. technology firms.49
U.S. and EU approaches to potentially modifying intellectual property rights (IPR) obligations for
COVID-19 vaccines may vary; the Biden Administration has voiced support for a potential IPR
waiver under the WTO’s Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, but
Members of Congress are divided and the EU has proposed alternatives.50 In addition, some U.S.
officials appear concerned about the potential trade implications of the EU’s proposed carbon the EU’s proposed carbon
border adjustment mechanism (a carbon tax on selected imports aimed at reducing risks to border adjustment mechanism (a carbon tax on selected imports aimed at reducing risks to
competitiveness from countries with less ambitious climate policies).51
Recent U.S.-EU tensions have reinforced EU questions that surfaced during the Trump
Administration regarding whether the United States will remain a credible partner. The U.S.
withdrawal from Afghanistan, European concerns about AUKUS, and the crisis over Ukraine may
bolster arguments within the EU for enhancing defense capabilities and for pursuing greater EU
strategic autonomy more broadly. At the same time, the EU has consistently faced challenges in
transforming its aspirations into more robust military capabilities, and U.S. and NATO officials
have long cautioned that such efforts must not compete with or duplicate NATO.52 The EU also
has concludedcompetitiveness from countries with less ambitious climate policies) and anticipated changes to EU food and agriculture policies.48 EU concerns also exist about ongoing U.S. political polarization and whether a future U.S. administration would maintain current U.S. policies toward Russia, Ukraine, the EU, and European security more broadly. Some in the EU remain skeptical about whether the United States will be a credible global leader and a reliable partner in the long term and argue that Europe must be better prepared to address future challenges on its own. The EU has emphasized enhancing defense cooperation and concluding new trade agreements (including with Canada, Japan, and Latin America) in recent new trade agreements (including with Canada, Japan, and Latin America) in recent
years and has sought to become a global standard setter on data protection and climate change years and has sought to become a global standard setter on data protection and climate change
mitigation. Efforts to position the EU as a key international player in these and other policy
spheres are likely to remain EU imperatives amid concerns about U.S. political polarization and
ongoing doubts about the degree to which the EU will be able to rely on U.S. cooperation and
global leadership in the long term.53

48 In July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield Framework
for commercial data transfers. The CJEU found that Privacy Shield failed to meet EU data protection standards due to
the extensive nature of U.S. surveillance laws and a lack of judicial redress in U.S. courts for EU citizens. See CRS
Report R46917, U.S.-EU Privacy Shield and Transatlantic Data Flows, by Kristin Archick and Rachel F. Fefer.
49 Samuel Stolton et al., “Biden’s Push Against EU Tech Rules Sparks Division in Washington,” Politico Pro, February
3mitigation. These and other efforts to strengthen EU foreign policy and defense capacities and to position the EU as a key international player are likely to remain EU imperatives for the foreseeable future.49 45 Also see CRS In Focus IF10252, The European Union and China, by Sarah E. Garding et al. 46 Adam Satariano, “EU Takes Aim at Big Tech’s Power with Landmark Digital Act,” New York Times, March 24, 2022; Leah Nylen and Samuel Stolton, “U.S. Slow to Respond to EU’s Landmark Tech Regulation,” Politico, March 25, 2022. Also see CRS Report R46732, , 2022. Also see CRS Report R46732, EU Digital Policy and International Trade, by Rachel F. Fefer. , by Rachel F. Fefer.
50 See CRS In Focus IF11858, Potential WTO TRIPS Waiver and COVID-19, by Shayerah I. Akhtar and Ian F.
51 Jakob Hanke Vela, “Biden Makes the EU Look Like the Bad Guys,” Politico Europe, May 6, 2021;47 See, for example, Associated Press, “EU: US Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Reduces Buyers’ Choices,” September 1, 2022. 48 Justin Worland, Justin Worland,
“John Kerry on Border Carbon Tax: The U.S. Doesn’t Want to Push Others Away,” “John Kerry on Border Carbon Tax: The U.S. Doesn’t Want to Push Others Away,” Time, July 26, , July 26, 2021.
52 See, for example, John Hudson and Missy Ryan, “Withdrawal from Afghanistan Forces Allies and Adversaries to
Reconsider America’s Global Role,” Washington Post, August 17, 2021; Sophia Besch and Luigi Scazzieri, “After
Afghanistan and AUKUS: What Next for European Defence?,” Centre for European Reform, October 7, 2021; Lisa
Louis, “Ukraine Crisis: A Geopolitical Chance for the EU?,” Deutsche Welle, January 13, 2022.
53 See, for example, Steven Erlanger, “Europe Wonders If It Can Rely on U.S. Again, Whoever Wins,” New York
, October 22, 2020; 2021; Eddy Wax and Emma Anderson, “The Transatlantic Relationship Descends into a Food Fight,” Politico Europe, September 29, 2021. 49 See, for example, Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard, “The Crisis of American Power: How Europeans See Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard, “The Crisis of American Power: How Europeans See
Biden’s America,” European Council on Foreign Relations, January 19, 2021; Biden’s America,” European Council on Foreign Relations, January 19, 2021; and David M. Herszenhorn and Laurens
Cerulus, “The Joe They Don’t Know: Europe Reckons with Biden’s Asia Push,” Politico Europe, September 25, 2021Steven Erlanger, “After 30 Years of Peace, Ukraine Crisis Shakes Europe,” New York Times, February 17, 2022; Jonathan Lemire, “Trump’s Shadow Lurks over War in Ukraine,” Politico, March 14, 2022. .
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The European Union: Questions and Answers

Appendix. Map of the European Union and
Aspirant Countries

Figure A-1. European Union Member States and Candidates

Source: Created by the Congressional Research Service. Created by the Congressional Research Service.

Author Information

Kristin Archick Kristin Archick

Specialist in European Affairs Specialist in European Affairs

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21 21

The European Union: Questions and Answers

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