The Corporation for National and Community
Service: Overview of Programs and Funding
Updated May 8, 2023
Congressional Research Service
The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is an independent federal agency
that administers the programs authorized by two statutes: the National and Community Service
Act of 1990 (NCSA; P.L. 101-610), as amended, and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973
(DVSA; P.L. 93-113), as amended. NCSA and DVSA programs were most recently reauthorized
by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (P.L. 111-13). This report describes programs
authorized by these laws and details CNCS funding for FY2020, FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023.
The NCSA is designed to meet unmet human, educational, environmental, and public safety
needs and to renew an ethic of civic responsibility by encouraging citizens to participate in
national service programs. The major programs authorized by the NCSA include AmeriCorps
State and National Grants and the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). The NCSA also
authorizes the National Service Trust, which funds educational awards for community service
A central purpose of the DVSA, which authorizes the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
program and the National Senior Volunteer Corps, is to foster and expand voluntary service in
communities while helping the vulnerable, the disadvantaged, the elderly, and the poor. The
National Senior Volunteer Corps includes three programs for senior citizens: the Foster
Grandparent Program, the Senior Companion Program, and the Retired and Senior Volunteer
Program (RSVP).
Appropriations for the DVSA and the NCSA programs are made annually through the
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act (Labor-HHS-ED). CNCS programs are funded through FY2023 under the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328 ). The FY2023 appropriations amount for
CNCS is $1.313 billion, which is $162 million more than the FY2022 amount of $1.151 billion.
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Recent Developments ...................................................................................................................... 1
Program-by-Program Overview and Funding ................................................................................. 1
NCSA Programs and Funding ................................................................................................... 1
AmeriCorps State and National Grants (Title I-C) ............................................................. 1
National Service Trust Education Awards (Title I-D) ......................................................... 2
National Civilian Community Corps (Title I-E) ................................................................. 3
Innovation, Demonstration, and Assistance Activities (I-H) .............................................. 4
Learn and Serve America (Title I-B)—Not Funded Since FY2010 .................................... 4
DVSA Programs and Funding ................................................................................................... 4
VISTA (Title I-A) ................................................................................................................ 4
National Senior Service Corps (Title II) ............................................................................. 5
Table 1. AmeriCorps Education Award Amounts ............................................................................ 3
Table A-1. Corporation for National and Community Service Funding.......................................... 6
Table B-1. Selected Corporation for National and Community Service Benefits ........................... 7
Appendix A. CNCS Program Funding ............................................................................................ 6
Appendix B. A Brief Presentation of Selected Corporation for National and Community
Service Benefits ............................................................................................................................ 7
Author Information ........................................................................................................................ 13
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)1 was established by the National
and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-82). Operating as an independent federal
agency, the CNCS oversees all national and community service programs authorized by the
National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NCSA)2 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act
of 1973 (DVSA).3
The NCSA and DVSA were last reauthorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
(P.L. 111-13).4 Although authorization of appropriations under the Serve America Act expired in
FY2014, NCSA and DVSA programs have continued to receive funding through the Departments
of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
Recent Developments
CNCS programs are funded through FY2023 under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
(P.L. 117-328 ). The final enacted appropriations law for FY2023 included $1.313 billion for
CNCS, which is approximately 14% above the FY2022 level of $1.151 billion.
Program-by-Program Overview and Funding
This section provides an overview of each of the NCSA and DVSA programs and their funding.
NCSA Programs and Funding
The purpose of the NCSA is to address unmet human, educational, environmental, and public
safety needs and to renew an ethic of civic responsibility and community spirit in the United
States by encouraging citizens to participate in national service programs. The NCSA was enacted
in 1990 as P.L. 101-610 and last reauthorized in 2011 by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America
Act (P.L. 111-13).5 NCSA programs include AmeriCorps State and National Grants, the National
Service Trust, the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), and Learn and Serve America
(LSA). Se
e Table A-1 for NCSA funding information.
AmeriCorps State and National Grants (Title I-C)6
Program Focus: Created in 1993, programs under AmeriCorps State and National Grants identify
and address critical community needs, including tutoring and mentoring disadvantaged youth,
1 The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) promulgated a regulation on October 15, 2020 to
change its operating name to AmeriCorps. See 45 C.F.R. §2500.
2 National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NCSA), P.L. 101-610.
3 Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (DVSA), P.L. 93-113.
4 For more information, see CRS Report R40432,
Reauthorization of the National and Community Service Act of 1990
and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (P.L. 111-13).
5 The authorization of appropriations for most of the programs authorized under the NCSA expired in 2014; however,
most programs have continued to receive funding through annual appropriations bills.
6 In statute, Title I-C is titled “National Service Trust Program.”
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
managing or operating after-school programs, helping communities respond to disasters,
improving health services, building affordable housing, and cleaning parks and streams. Grants
include formula grants to states and territories, and competitive grants to states, territories, Indian
tribes, and national nonprofit organizations.
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals aged 17 and older.
Amount of Volunteer Service: Full-time or part-time for a 9- to 12-month period.
Volunteer Benefits: Some full-time AmeriCorps members receive a living allowance, health
coverage, and child care for those who qualify.7 Participants in AmeriCorps may receive
educational awards for their service through the National Service Trust (see the following section
of this report). AmeriCorps members can also obtain loan forbearance (i.e., postponement) in the
repayment of their qualified student loans while participating in these programs and have the
interest on their accrued loans paid from the National Service Trust once they earn an educational
Administrative Entity: Each state and territory8 governor9 appoints members of a service
commission to manage, monitor, and administer annual grant applications for the state. CNCS
reviews the state commissions’ submitted formula grant applications and makes the awards.10 For
multistate or national awards, grantees are selected competitively by the CNCS headquarters
National Service Trust Education Awards (Title I-D)
The National Service Trust, a special account in the U.S. Treasury, provides educational awards
for participants in AmeriCorps Grants, NCCC, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA).
AmeriCorps members are eligible to receive the education award after successfully completing
their term of service and enrolling in the National Service Trust. An individual may not receive
more than an amount equal to the aggregate value of two awards for full-time service.11
The educational award for full-time service is equal to the maximum amount of a Pell Grant in
effect at the beginning of the federal fiscal year in which the CNCS approves the national service
position. AmeriCorps members serving full-time in programs funded in FY2023 are to receive an
education award of up to $6,895, the Pell Grant maximum in the year the positions were
approved. Prorated awards are also made for other terms of service, such as half-time service (see
Table 1). AmeriCorps State and National Participants aged 55 or older at the beginning of a term
of service may transfer the education award to a child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, or
foster child. AmeriCorps State and National participants can serve a maximum of four terms of
service.12 Full-time, half-time, reduced half-time, quarter time, and minimum time terms of
service each count as one term of service.
7 For more information on AmeriCorps benefits eligibility, see 42 U.S.C. §12594.
8 As of April 21, 2023, Guam and Puerto Rico are the only territories that have state commissions.
9 With respect to the District of Columbia, the mayor serves in this role.
10 For more information, see AmeriCorps State Service Commission Road Map,
11 42 U.S.C. §12602(c).
12 Corporation for National and Community Service, Segal AmeriCorps Education Award,
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
Education awards can be used to pay for current educational expenses at institutions of higher
education that participate in the Title IV Student Financial Aid Programs authorized under the
Higher Education Act.13 Awards can also be used for certain GI Bill-approved educational
programs and to repay qualified student loans.
In addition to education awards, the National Service Trust makes interest payments on qualified
student loans on behalf of recipients of AmeriCorps Grants and participants in NCCC or VISTA
who have obtained forbearance (postponement of loan repayment).14 In order to receive interest
payments, participants must complete the required term of service and have earned an education
Table 1. AmeriCorps Education Award Amounts
(for programs funded with FY2023 appropriations)
Minimum Number
Participation Type
of Hours
Ful time
Three-quarters time
Half time
Reduced half time
Quarter time
Minimum time and summer associate
AmeriCorps Affiliate
Source: CNCS,
National Civilian Community Corps (Title I-E)
Program Focus: NCCC is a full-time residential program that focuses on short-term projects that
meet national and community needs related to disaster relief, infrastructure improvement,
environment and energy conservation, environmental stewardship, and urban and rural
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals aged 18 to 24. By statute (42 U.S.C.S. §12613(c)), the CNCS is
required to take steps to increase the percentage of program participants who are disadvantaged15
to 50% of all participants.
Amount of Volunteer Service: Participants can serve up to two years full time. Full-time service is
defined as 10 months each year.
Volunteer Benefits: NCCC participants may receive a living allowance, room and board, limited
medical benefits, and an educational award through the National Service Trust.
Administrative Entity: NCCC programs are administered by the CNCS.
13 For an overview of the Title IV programs, see CRS Report R43351,
The Higher Education Act (HEA): A Primer.
14 For more information on student loan forbearance, see CRS Report R45931,
Federal Student Loans Made Through
the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program: Terms and Conditions for Borrowers.
Disadvantaged youth are defined at 42 U.S.C. §12511(b) as youth who are economically disadvantaged and one or
more of the following: out-of-school, in or aging out of foster care, limited in English proficiency, homeless or have
run away from home, at-risk to leave school without a diploma, juvenile offenders or at risk of delinquency, or
individuals with a disability.
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
Innovation, Demonstration, and Assistance Activities (I-H)
CNCS continues to have broad authority to fund a range of activities as authorized by Subtitle I-
H, Investment for Quality and Innovation. The Serve America Act established the following
Volunteer Generation Fund. The Volunteer Generation Fund awards competitive
grants to state commissions and nonprofit organizations to develop and support
community-based entities that recruit, manage, or support volunteers.
Innovation, Demonstration, and Call to Service. The CNCS supports innovative
initiatives and demonstration programs, such as the Call To Service, which
engages Americans in community needs, such as the Martin Luther King Jr.
National Day of Service and the September 11th National Day of Service and
Learn and Serve America (Title I-B)16—Not Funded Since FY2010
Since 1990, the NCSA has authorized community service programs benefitting students and
communities through “service-learning,” which integrates community service projects with
classroom learning. This program was last funded in FY2010 by the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2010 (P.L. 111-117).
DVSA Programs and Funding
The DVSA was enacted in 1973 as P.L. 93-113. Like the NCSA, it was last reauthorized in 2011
by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (P.L. 111-13). The purpose of DVSA is to foster
and expand voluntary citizen service throughout the nation. DVSA programs are designed to help
the poor, the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, and the elderly. Administered by the CNCS, DVSA
programs include VISTA and the National Senior Volunteer Corps. Se
e Table A-1 for DVSA
funding information.
VISTA (Title I-A)
Program Focus: The VISTA program encourages Americans to participate in community service
in an effort to eliminate poverty.
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals aged 18 and older.
Amount of Volunteer Service: VISTA members serve full time for up to five years.17
Volunteer Benefits: VISTA members may receive a living allowance, student-loan forbearance,
health coverage, relocation costs, training, and child care assistance. VISTA members who
complete a term of service have the option of receiving an educational award, which is equivalent
to the educational awards earned by AmeriCorps or NCCC members, or they may choose to
receive an end-of-service lump sum cash stipend of approximately $1,800 instead.18 Like NCCC
members, VISTA members receive an educational award based on the Pell Grant.19 Full-time,
16 In statute, Title I-B is titled “School-Based and Community-Based Service-Learning Programs.”
17 VISTA Handbook, Chapter 12: End of Service,
18 AmeriCorps, VISTA Benefits,
19 Corporation for National and Community Service,
Segal AmeriCorps Education Award,
Congressional Research Service
The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
half-time, reduced half-time, quarter time, and minimum time terms of service each count as one
term of service.
Administrative Entity: CNCS state offices.
National Senior Service Corps (Title II)
The National Senior Service Corps consists of three programs, summarized below: the Retired
Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), and the Senior
Companion Program (SCP).
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (Title II-A)
Program Focus: Volunteers in RSVP may play community service roles in education, health and
nutrition services, community and economic development, and other areas of human need.
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals aged 55 and older.
Amount of Volunteer Service: Participants can contribute up to 40 hours each week.
Volunteer Benefits: Income eligible participants may receive a modest stipend. Volunteers may
also receive accident, liability, and automobile insurance during assignments.
Administrative Entity: CNCS state offices.
Foster Grandparent Program (Title II-B)
Program Focus: FGP participants support children with exceptional needs by providing aid and
services. FGP participants mentor children and teenagers, teach model parenting skills, and help
care for premature infants and children with disabilities.
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals must be aged 55 or older to participate in FGP and meet income
eligibility requirements to receive a stipend.
Amount of Volunteer Service: Volunteer schedules, which range from 15 to 40 hours each week,
average 20 hours per week.
Volunteer Benefits: Income eligible participants may receive a stipend. Participants may also
receive mileage reimbursements and accident, liability, and automobile insurance coverage during
Administrative Entity: CNCS state offices.
Senior Companion Program (Title II-C)
Program Focus: SCP gives older adults the opportunity to assist homebound elderly individuals
to remain in their own homes and to enable institutionalized elderly individuals to return to home
care settings.
Volunteer Eligibility: Individuals must be aged 55 or older to participate in SCP and meet income
eligibility requirements to receive a stipend.
Amount of Volunteer Service: Volunteer schedules, which range from 15 to 40 hours each week,
average 20 hours per week.
Volunteer Benefits: Participants may receive a stipend. Participants may also receive mileage
reimbursements and accident, liability, and automobile insurance coverage during assignments.
Administrative Entity: CNCS state offices.
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The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
Appendix A. CNCS Program Funding
Table A-1. Corporation for National and Community Service Funding
(in thousands)
(Authorizing Legislation)
Appropriation Appropriation Appropriation Appropriation
AmeriCorps State and National
Grants (NCSA Title I-C)
National Service Trust
(NCSA Title I-D)
National Civilian Community Corps
(NCSA Title I-E)
Innovation, Demonstration, and
Assistance Activities
(NCSA Title I-H)
—Volunteer Generation Fund (non-
—Innovation, Demonstration & Other
State Commission Administrative
(NCSA Title I-C, §126(a); and Title
I-F, §178)
Evaluation (NCSA Title I-F, §179)
National Senior Service Corps
(DVSA Title II)
—Retired Senior Volunteer Program,
RSVP (non-add)
—Foster Grandparent Program (non-
—Senior Companion Program (non-
Inspector Gener
Salaries and Expen
Source: Compiled by the Congressional Research Service using data from current and past Budget Charts
available at
a. Funding is used for oversight activities including promoting efficiency and effectiveness in agency programs.
b. Funding is used to support AmeriCorps staff.
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Appendix B. A Brief Presentation of Selected Corporation for National and
Community Service Benefits
Table B-1. Selected Corporation for National and Community Service Benefits
Living Allowances, Stipends,
and/or Expenses
Education Award
FY23 Minimum and Maximum
The grant recipient “must provide,
State and national members are
FY23 Education Award Amountf
State and
Living Allowancea
or make available
eligible to receive childcare
Ful -time (minimum of 1,700 hours):
insurance to those members
through the AmeriCorps
Ful -time (minimum of 1,700
hours): $17,600 to $35,20
serving a 1,700-hour ful -time term
Childcare Benefit Program if
who are not otherwise covered by
income guidelines are met. The
Three-quarter-time (min. 1,200
Three-quarter-time (min. 1,200
a healthcare policy at the time the
maximum rates are established
hours): $4,826.50
hours): up to $24,640
member begins his/her term of
by state Child Care and
Half-time (min. 900 hours):
Half-time (min. 900 hours): up to
Development Block Gran
“Less-than-ful -time members who
Reduced half-time (min. 675 hours):
Reduced half-time (min. 675
are serving in a ful -time capacity
To qualify, members’ household
hours): up to $12,376
for a sustained period of time (e.g. a income must not exceed 75% of Quarter-time (min. 450 hours):
ful -time summer project) are
Quarter-time (min. 450 hours): up
the state’s median family income
to $9,152
eligible for healthcare benefits.
for a same-size family excluding
Programs may provide health
Minimum-time & Summer Associate
living allowan
Minimum-time (min. 300 hours):
insurance to less-than-ful -time
(min. 300 hours): $1,459.26
up to $7,392
members serving in a ful -time
Abbreviated-time (min. 100 hours):
Abbreviated-time (min. 100
capacity, but they are not required
hours): up to $2,12
to do so. . [A] member is serving in
a ful -time capacity when his/her
regular term of service wil involve
performing service on a normal ful -
time schedule for a period of six
weeks or more.
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Living Allowances, Stipends,
and/or Expenses
Education Award
Living Allowance: For 10 months of
AmeriCorps NCCC members are
AmeriCorps NCCC members
Same Education Award amounts available
service, eligible AmeriCorps NCCC
eligible for the AmeriCorps Health
are eligible to receive up to
as for the AmeriCorps State and National
members receive the living allowance of Benefit Plan, administered by
$400 per child each month for
program (see above).
Corps and
about $4,000 (or $200 every two
CNCS. It is not considered
childcare or the rate charged by
FEMA Corps
weeks before taxes), lodging and meals.
insurance and only provides limited
the childcare provider,
Team leaders earn $1,136 per month
benefits such as office visits, lab and
whichever is lower, through the
during 11 months of service.
x-ray services, preventive care,
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit
Program-Related Travel:
emergency expenses, and most
AmeriCorps NCCC members may be
prescription drug co
eligible for reimbursement of certain
expenses for program-related travel
such as travel from member’s home to
campus and special purpose travel (e.g.,
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Living Allowances, Stipends,
and/or Expenses
Education Award
2022-2023 Minimum Living
CNCS provides a Healthcare
VISTA members are eligible to
Same education award amounts available
Allowance: allowances are based on
Allowance Plan for VISTA members receive childcare through the
as for the AmeriCorps State and National
the county served. In summer 2022,
who already have insurance. The
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit
program (see above).
the VISTA minimum allowance
allowance offsets expenses up to
Program if income guidelines
increased to $17,600 from $15,00
are met. The maximum rates
End of Service Stipend Option:
The VISTA Health Benefit Plan is a
are established by state Child
VISTA members who choose not to
basic plan available for members
Care and Development Block
receive an education award can receive
who do not already have health
an end-of-service lump sum stipend of
care benefits. The plan is covered at To qualify, a member’s
$1,800 (accrues at a rate of $4.94 per
no cost and includes “medical office household income must not
day). Leaders receive approximately
visits, most lab and x-ray services,
exceed 75% of the state's
limited preventive care.” It is not
median family income for a
AmeriCorps VISTA Relocation
considered insuran
same-size family excluding living
Allowance: VISTA candidates who are
relocating more than 50 miles from
their home may be eligible for a
relocation travel allowance “based on
the mileage between the ZIP code of
the home of record and the ZIP code
of the VISTA service site. Effective
January 1, 2019, the rate is $0.40 per
Settling In Stipend: AmeriCorps
VISTA members may receive $750 if
serving a 12-month term and relocating
50 or more mil
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Living Allowances, Stipends,
and/or Expenses
Education Award
Senior Corps:
Living Allowance/Stipend: n/a
RSVP Program
Program-Related Travel: RSVP
participants may be eligible for
reimbursement for certain expenses,
including transportation costs, incurred
while performing volunteer
Meals, Uniforms, Clothing: RSVP
participants may be eligible for
reimbursement for expenses for
uniforms, meals, and physical exams,
depending on the sponsoring grantees’
resources or polici
Senior Corps:
Stipend: If income guidelines are met
Each FGP participant is eligible to
(income up to 200% of poverty level),
receive a yearly physical exam, with
program volunteers receive $3.00/hour
the costs covered by the project or
tax free.
Program-Related Travel: FGP
participants may be eligible for
reimbursement for certain expenses,
including transportation costs, incurred
while performing volunteer
Meals, Uniforms, Clothing,
Physical Exams: FGP participants
may be eligible for reimbursement for
expenses for uniforms, meals, and
physical exams, depending on the
sponsoring grantees’ resources or
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Living Allowances, Stipends,
and/or Expenses
Education Award
Senior Corps:
Stipend: If income guidelines are met
Each SCP participant is eligible to
(income up to 200% of poverty level),
receive a yearly physical exam, with
program volunteers receive S3.00/hour
the costs covered by the project or
Program (SCP) tax free.
Program-Related Travel: SCP
participants may be eligible for
reimbursement for certain expenses,
including transportation costs, incurred
while performing volunteer
Meals, Uniforms, Clothing,
Physical Exams: SCP participants may
be eligible for reimbursement for
expenses for uniforms, meals, and
physical exams depending on the
sponsoring grantees’ resources or
Source: Compiled by CRS from CNCS sources and other sources as indicated.
Notes: Potential benefits may depend on program eligibility. Additional benefits (such as coverage of accident insurance) may also apply. National Service Trust
Education Award benefits are mentioned in
Table 1, AmeriCorps Education Award Amounts.
a. AmeriCorps State and National FY2023 Living Allowance,
b. AmeriCorps requires a living allowance for ful -time members. A minimum living allowance is not required for less than ful -time members. See AmeriCorps, 2023
Terms and Conditions for AmeriCorps State and National Grants,
c. AmeriCorps, 2023 Terms and Conditions for AmeriCorps State and National Grants,
d. See CRS Report R47312,
The Child Care and Development Block Grant: In Brief.
e. AmeriCorps Childcare Program,
Eligible AmeriCorps members aged 55 and older may be able to transfer education benefits to a child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, or foster child. See the
AmeriCorps Education Award, FY23 Award Amount,
g. The AmeriCorps education award maximum award for ful -time service is based on the maximum Pell grant amount. The amounts listed above were based on the
2022-2023 school year. See U.S. Department of Education, Federal Pell Grant information:
h. For more information on the AmeriCorps Education Award type of slots, see the AmeriCorps Application Instructions,
AmeriCorps NCCC Benefits,; AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps Summer 2023,, and the AmeriCorps NCCC Traditional Corps, Summer 2023,
AmeriCorps NCCC Member Handbook (January 2023),
k. AmeriCorps VISTA 2022 Living Allowance Rates by County (Effective August 14, 2022),
AmeriCorps VISTA Benefits,
m. AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefits Overview (April 2021),
n. AmeriCorps RSVP Operations Handbook (May 2022),
o. AmeriCorps FGP Operations Handbook (January 2022),
p. AmeriCorps SCP Operations Handbook (May 2022),
The CNCS: Overview of Programs and Funding
Author Information
Joselynn H. Fountain
Abigail R. Overbay
Analyst in Education Policy
Senior Research Librarian
This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan
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than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in
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