Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident
Updated December 18, 2020
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
Criminals and other malicious actors rely on the Internet and evolving technology to further their
operations. In cyberspace, criminals can compromise financial assets, hacktivists can flood
websites with traffic—effectively shutting them down, and spies can steal intel ectual property
and government secrets. When such cyber incidents occur, a number of questions arise, including
how the federal government wil react and which agencies wil respond.
Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-41 outlined how the government responds to significant cyber
incidents. Responding to these incidents involves (1) threat response, (2) asset response, and (3)
intel igence support. The Department of Justice (DOJ), through the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI, or the bureau) and National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), is
the designated lead on threat response, which involves investigating and attributing specific cyber
activities to particular individuals or entities as wel as facilitating intel igence and information
In investigating cyber incidents, the FBI’s cyber priorities are focused on “high-level intrusions
by state-sponsored hackers, global organized crime syndicates, and other technical y sophisticated
and dangerous actors.” In addition to conducting its own cyber investigations, the FBI
leads the NCIJTF, a multiagency hub for coordinating, integrating, and sharing
information on cyber threat investigations;
heads up other task forces and law enforcement partnerships focused on cyber
threat response, including cyber task forces with subject matter experts at each
field office, cyber action teams that can rapidly deploy in response to specific
incidents, and cyber assistant legal attachés positioned in certain foreign
countries to work with U.S. counterparts;
established initiatives to interface with the private sector regarding cyber
incidents; these resources (such as the Internet Crime Complaint Center,
InfraGard program, and National Cyber-Forensics and Training Al iance) collect
and share information, build partnerships, and enhance cyber threat awareness;
has worked to recruit and retain an appropriate cyber workforce and has
developed a multilayered cyber training program for its agents; and
has discussed with the technology community and policymakers how evolving
technology, such as encrypted communications and devices, affects
investigations, particularly in cyber-related cases, and how law enforcement can
develop tools to investigate these cases most effectively.
Relating to the FBI’s work in combating and responding to cyber threats, one question
policymakers may have is how the bureau
prioritizes cyber threats. DOJ’s Inspector General,
while noting strides in this arena, has recommended that (1) the FBI should use a more data-
driven, objective methodology to identify and prioritize cyber threats, and (2) the FBI should
develop a means to track agent time spent on specific cyber threats. Policymakers may elect to
conduct oversight of the FBI’s efforts in these areas, examine whether any changes to cyber threat
prioritization affect where cyber threats rank within the broader universe of threats confronting
the nation, and debate whether or how to direct the FBI’s use of funds al ocated to combating
cyber threats.
Congressional Research Service
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Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
Defining a Cyber Incident ................................................................................................ 1
U.S. Cyber Incident Response ........................................................................................... 2
FBI Cyber Investigations ............................................................................................ 3
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force .......................................................... 3
Cyber-Related Task Forces and Partnerships............................................................. 4
Private Sector Information Sharing and Collaboration ................................................ 5
Cyber Workforce .................................................................................................. 7
Technology and Investigations ............................................................................... 8
FBI Cyber Threat Prioritization.................................................................................... 9
Author Information ....................................................................................................... 10
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
riminals and other malicious actors rely on the Internet and evolving technology to further
their operations.1 They exploit cyberspace, where they can mask their identities and
C motivations. In this domain, criminals can compromise financial assets, hacktivists can
flood websites with traffic—effectively shutting them down, and spies can steal intel ectual
property and government secrets.
When such cyber incidents occur, a number of questions arise, including how the federal
government wil react and which agencies wil respond. These questions have been raised
following a number of high-profile breaches such as those against the U.S. Office of Personnel
Management2 and the Democratic National Committee,3 as wel as intrusions into a number of
federal agencies and other organizations via network management software produced by
SolarWinds.4 Federal law enforcement has taken the lead in investigating cyber incidents,
attributing certain malicious activities to specific perpetrators, and prosecuting cyber threat
This report outlines the federal framework for cyber incident response, highlighting the
Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) role in this response. It also discusses chal enges for federal law
enforcement and potential policy issues for Congress.
Defining a Cyber Incident
A principal issue in understanding how the federal government
responds to a cyber incident is the
definition of a “cyber incident.” A host of terms are used in discussing malicious activity with a
cyber, online, or technological component. These range from cyber attack and cyberwarfare to
cybercrime, cyber espionage, and cyber terrorism. A key distinction between these malicious
incidents is the actor’s motivation. For instance, a criminal may be profit motivated, while a
terrorist may be political y motivated. However, “[t]he speed and anonymity of cyber attacks
makes distinguishing among the actions of terrorists, criminals, and nation states difficult, a task
which often occurs only after the fact, if at al .”5
“Cyber incident,” therefore, is an umbrel a term encompassing a range of malicious activity
carried out by diverse actors with varying motivations and capabilities—al of whom exploit
cyberspace.6 The federal government has defined a cyber incident as
1 For more information on cybercrime, see CRS Report R42547,
Cybercrime: Conceptual Issues for Congress and U.S.
Law Enforcem ent.
2 For information on the OPM breach, see archived CRS Report R44111,
Cyber Intrusion into U.S. Office of Personnel
Managem ent: In Brief.
3 For more information on the hack of the Democratic National Committee, see Wired,
4 For more information on intrusions via software produced by SolarWinds, see Krebs on Security,
Malicious Domain
in SolarWinds Hack Turned into ‘Killswitch’, December 16, 2020.
5 Department of Homeland Security,
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, February 2003, p. viii.
6 T he National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23 (NSPD-54/HSPD-23)
defines cyberspace as “the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, and includes the Internet,
telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers in critical industries.” In
other words, cyberspace is the “virtual environment of information and interactions between people.” National Security
Statem ent for the Record, Lieutenant General Keith Alexander, Com m ander, Joint Functional Com ponent
Com m and for Network Warfare, Before the House Armed Services Committee, T errorism, Unconventiona l Threats,
and Capabilities Subcommittee, May 5, 2009.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
[a]n event occurring on or conducted through a computer network that actually or
imminently jeopardizes the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of computers,
information or communications systems or networks, physical or virtual infrastructure
controlled by computers or information systems, or information resident thereon.7
As such, an incident could capture an array of activities carried out by malicious actors ranging
from hacktivists and criminals to nation states and terrorists. Notably, the federal government has
not developed official definitions for specific subsets of cyber incidents—such as cybercrime—
that distinguish them from other subsets of cyber incidents.8
U.S. Cyber Incident Response
Federal law enforcement has the principal role in investigating and attributing cyber inc idents to
specific perpetrators, and this responsibility has been established within the broader framework of
federal cyber incident response.9 The 2016 Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-41 outlined how the
government responds to
significant cyber incidents—those that are “likely to result in
demonstrable harm to the national security interests, foreign relations, or economy of the United
States or to the public confidence, civil liberties, or public health and safety of the American
people.”10 Responding to cyber incidents involves (1) threat response, (2) asset response, and (3)
intel igence support. DOJ, through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Cyber
Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), is the designated lead on
threat response.11 Asset
response and intel igence support responsibilities are led by other federal agencies.12
The concept of threat response, as outlined by PPD-41, involves
conducting appropriate law enforcement and national security investigative activity at the
affected entity’s site; collecting evidence and gathering intelligence; providing attribution;
linking related incidents; identifying additional affected entities; identifying threat pursuit
and disruption opportunities; developing and executing courses of action to mitigate the
7 T he White House,
Presidential Policy Directive—United States Cyber Incident Coordination, PPD-41, July 26, 2016.
T he PPD noted that this definition could include vulnerabilities in information system s, system security procedures,
internal controls, or implementation that could ultimately be exploited by a threat actor.
8 For a policy discussion on potential benefits of cyber incident definitions (such as a definition of cybercrime), see
CRS Report R42547,
Cybercrim e: Conceptual Issues for Congress and U.S. Law Enforcem ent.
9 T he White House, “Fact Sheet: Presidential Policy Directive on United States Cyber Incident Coordination, ” press
release, July 26, 2016.
10 T he White House,
Presidential Policy Directive—United States Cyber Incident Coordination, PPD-41, July 26,
11 For more information on the FBI’s cyber investigations, see https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber/. Information on
the NCIJT F is available at https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber/national-cyber-investigative-joint-task-force.
12 T he Department of Homeland Security, through the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center,
is the lead on asset response. T he Office of the Director of National Intelligence, through the Cyber T hreat Intelligence
Integration Center, is the lead on intelligence support. Asset response activities include, among other things, “ technical
assistance to affected entities to protect their assets, mitigate vulnerabilities, and reduce impacts of cyber incidents;
identifying ot her entities that may be at risk and assessing their risk to the same or similar vulnerabilities; [and]
assessing potential risks to the sector or region ... and developing courses of action to mitigate these risks.” Intelligence
support activities “facilitate the building of situational threat awareness and sharing of related intelligence; the
integrated analysis of threat trends and events; the identification of knowledge gaps; and the ability to degrade or
mitigate adversary threat capabilities.” See T he White House,
Presidential Policy Directive—United States Cyber
Incident Coordination, PPD-41, July 26, 2016.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
immediate threat; and facilitating information sharing and operational coordination with
asset response.13
Due to the nature of crime and other malicious activity in the technology era, a number of
departments and agencies with law enforcement capabilities are involved in responding to cyber
threats.14 This section, however, highlights the activities led by DOJ—specifical y, by the FBI.
FBI Cyber Investigations
The FBI pursues cybercrime cases ranging from computer hacking and intel ectual property rights
violations to child exploitation, fraud, and identity theft. Its top priorities involve combating
computer and network intrusions and investigating ransomware. While some of these cases may
be significant cyber incidents, others may not. The FBI’s cyber priorities are focused on “high-
level intrusions by state-sponsored hackers, global organized crime syndicates, and other
technical y sophisticated and dangerous actors.”15 One key chal enge, acknowledged by officials
and others, is how to move away from reacting to malicious cyber events and toward preventing
Indeed, the multifaceted approach of the FBI’s new cyber strategy involves not only responding
to cyber incidents through arrest and indictments but also working with a range of public and
private partners to share information about cyber threats to prevent and react to incidents.17 The
hub of these partnerships within the federal government is the NCIJTF, led by the FBI. In
addition, the FBI established the National Defense Cyber Al iance to share intel igence with the
defense industry and the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Al iance to share information
with industry partners, academia, and the financial sector. The FBI also runs a number of cyber
task forces and has been working to enhance its cyber workforce.
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force
The NCIJTF was established by National Security Presidential Directive-54/Homeland Security
Presidential Directive-23 in January 2008. As established, the NCIJTF’s mission is to “serve as a
multi-agency national focal point for coordinating, integrating, and sharing pertinent information
related to cyber threat investigations.”18 The NCIJTF coordinates the efforts of more than 30 U.S.
agencies including law enforcement, intel igence, and the military. It also collaborates with the
private sector and international partners.
13 T he White House,
Presidential Policy Directive—United States Cyber Incident Coordination, PPD-41, July 26,
14 Notably, not all cyber incidents will be investigated by law enforcement. For instance, some intrusions on a private
network may be evaluated by internal investigators or other private companies. Other cyber incidents may just be
deemed nuisances and not investigated at all.
15 Statement of FBI Director Christopher Wray before the U.S. Congress, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Committee,
Worldwide Threats, 116th Cong., 1st sess., November 5, 2019.
16 Statement of former FBI Director James B. Comey before the U.S. Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary,
Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation , 114th Cong., 2nd sess., September 28, 2016.
17 Federal Bureau of Investigation, “CISA Cybersecurity Summit: Addressing T hreats T hrough Partnerships,” press
release, September 16, 2020; Jory Heckman, “ FBI cyber strategy maximizes deterrence through agency partnerships, ”
Federal News Network, October 1, 2020.
18 T he White House,
National Security Presidential Directive-54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-23, January
8, 2008. See also https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber/national-cyber-investigative-joint-task-force.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
One major initiative of the NCIJTF, Operation Clean Slate, aims to disrupt and dismantle
significant botnets threatening the United States.19 In one prominent case under Operation Clean
Slate, the FBI led an international law enforcement effort to disrupt the GameOver Zeus botnet.20
GameOver Zeus was a variant of the Zeus botnet, which would steal online banking information
and transfer funds to money mules, U.S. residents with bank accounts who would move the
money out of the United States. In this case, law enforcement was authorized to sever
communication between infected computers and criminal-control ed servers. Officials also
indicted an al eged administrator of GameOver Zeus, “charging him with conspiracy, computer
hacking, wire fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering.”21
Early in its inception, there were concerns about the effectiveness of the NCIJTF. One was that
“the NCIJTF was not always sharing information about cyber threats among the partner
agencies.”22 There were also criticisms that the NCIJTF was perceived as an extension of the
FBI’s Cyber Division rather than as a multiagency effort—potential y hindering its collaborative
mission. DOJ’s Inspector General noted in 2015 that these issues had improved.23
In combining resources of the NCIJTF with its own, the FBI runs a 24-hour cyber command
center known as CyWatch. This center is charged with “coordinating domestic law enforcement
response to criminal and national security cyber intrusions, tracking victim notification, and
partnering with other federal cyber centers.”24
Cyber-Related Task Forces and Partnerships
The FBI leads a variety of law enforcement task forces and partnerships focused on cyber threat
There is a Cyber Task Force (CTF) at each field office. These CTFs focus on
local cybersecurity threats, respond to incidents, and maintain relationships with
companies and institutions. They also support the national effort to combat
cybercrime by participating in national virtual teams on certain cyber issues and
providing cyber subject matter experts or surge capability outside of their
territories, when needed.25
In 2006, the FBI established Cyber Action Teams (CATs) of agents and computer
scientists that can be rapidly deployed around the country or the world to assist in
19 A botnet refers to a collection of computers that have been compromised by malicious code and are controlled across
a network. See Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,
Cybersecurity Glossary, https://niccs.cisa.gov/about -
20 T estimony by Robert Anderson, Jr., Federal Bureau of Investigation, before the U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs,
Cybersecurity, Terrorism , and Beyond: Addressing Evolving Threats to
the Hom eland, 113th Cong., 2nd sess., September 10, 2014.
21 U.S. Department of Justice, “U.S. Leads Multi-National Action Against GameOver Zeus Botnet and Cryptolocker
Ransomware, Charges Botnet Administrator,” press release, June 2, 2014.
22 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Ability to Address the
National Security Cyber Intrusion Threat, April 2011.
23 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
Im plem entation of Its Next Generation Cyber Initiative, July 2015.
24 Department of Justice,
Report of the Attorney General’s Cyber Digital Task Force, July 2, 2018, p. 90.
25 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Cyber Task Forces: Building Alliances to Improve the Nation’s Cybersecurity.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
computer-intrusion investigations. CAT members have expertise in various
computer languages, forensic investigations, and analysis of malware.26
In addition to domestic field offices pursuing international leads in investigations,
the FBI has positioned cyber assistant legal attachés (ALATs) in some foreign
countries. These ALATs work with law enforcement in host countries to share
information, collaborate on investigations, and enhance relationships with partner
agencies. They focus on “identifying, disrupting, and dismantling cyber threat
actors and organizations.”27
Private Sector Information Sharing and Collaboration
In addition to its partnerships with law enforcement, the FBI has established several initiatives to
interface with the private sector regarding cyber incidents. They collect and share information,
build partnerships, and enhance awareness.
The FBI stood up the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) in 2000. Its mission
is two-fold: (1) act as a reporting mechanism for the public to submit information
on potential criminal activity facilitated by the Internet, and (2) foster law
enforcement and industry al iances. Information is shared with law enforcement
to bolster investigative and intel igence activities and with the public to enhance
awareness.28 Law enforcement can remotely search the IC3 database through the
FBI’s Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal.29
InfraGard is a collaboration between the FBI and private sector partners. These
partners include business executives, entrepreneurs, computer professionals,
academia, the military, law enforcement, and other government officials. The
program facilitates information sharing with the goal of protecting U.S. critical
infrastructure.30 The al iance original y focused on cyber threats and has since
expanded to include other threats that might impact critical infrastructure.
The National Cyber-Forensics and Training Al iance (NCFTA) is a nonprofit
information-sharing organization bringing together subject matter experts from
law enforcement, the private sector, and academia to target cybercrime.31 The
NCFTA produces unclassified intel igence assessments and develops strategies to
26 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
The Cyber Action Team: Rapidly Responding to Major Computer Intrusions, March
4, 2015.
27 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
National Cyber Security Awareness Month: FBI Deploys Cyber Experts to Work
Directly With Foreign Partners, October 26, 2016. ALAT s have been placed in locations including London, England;
T he Hague, Netherlands; T allinn, Estonia; Kyiv, Ukraine; and Ottawa, Canada, among others. See also Frank Cilluffo
and Val Cofield, “ Why the FBI’s cyber attachés are so valuable,”
CyberScoop, June 24, 2020.
28 Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internet Crime Complaint Center,
2019 Internet Crime Report, February 2020.
29 For more information on this portal, see https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/leep.
30 For more information on InfraGard, see https://www.infragard.org/. T he critical infrastructure sectors are chemical,
commercial facilities, communications, critical manufacturing, dams, defense industrial base, emergency services,
energy, financial services and banking, food and agriculture, government facilities, healthcare and public health,
information technology, transportation systems, water and wastewat er treatment systems, and nuclear reactors,
materials, and waste. See Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,
Critical Infrastructure Sectors,
31 For more information on the NCFT A, see https://www.ncfta.net/.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
mitigate cyber threats. The FBI can use this information to initiate or bolster law
enforcement investigations.32
While mechanisms have been developed to share information between the FBI and the private
sector, a number of barriers to effective sharing have been highlighted. These include “(1) a
perception by the private sector that information flows in one direction—to the FBI; (2)
information, when provided by the FBI, is often not useful because it lacks context or is outdated;
and (3) private sector concerns regarding how the FBI wil use the information that is shared.”33
With respect to the concern about unidirectional information flow, some of the information
becomes part of ongoing investigations and is thus marked as law enforcement sensitive or
otherwise classified, which limits its sharing. However, the FBI has developed unclassified
products that it can share with private sector partners that include information on technical
indicators and information private entities can use to bolster protection for their networks as wel
as contextual information on current threats posed by cyber criminals.34 Some private sector
entities have noted that the information they receive from the FBI can be outdated or lacking
substance. When the FBI receives information on cyber threats, it may take time to scrub
sensitive or classified information from reports that it can share with its private sector partners. In
a similar vein, private entities may be reluctant to share information with the FBI out of concerns
surrounding how the FBI may handle—or potential y release—proprietary information and
personal y identifiable information from companies’ records.35 The FBI has noted that, even after
a breach, a majority of private sector partners do not automatical y engage federal investigators
and instead turn to private firms for attribution and remediation.36 For instance, the Democratic
National Committee retained a firm named CrowdStrike to secure its network when it discovered
a breach—attributed to the Russian government.37 The FBI has been encouraging private
companies and organizations to reach out directly to law enforcement to help investigate,
attribute, and mitigate breaches.
Of note, the FBI indicated that many victims of cyber breaches—often companies and
organizations—do not know they have suffered an intrusion until the FBI notifies them.38 The
bureau had established Cyber Guardian “for tracking the production, dissemination, and
disposition of cyber victim notifications which can help victims mitigate the damage caused by
cyber intrusions and increase the potential for intel igence collection by the FBI.” DOJ’s
Inspector General found the data in Cyber Guardian to be incomplete and unreliable, thus
preventing the FBI from knowing whether al victims had been notified of breaches.39 The FBI
32 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
Im plem entation of Its Next Generation Cyber Initiative, July 2015.
33 Ibid., p. 19.
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.
36 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
The FBI and Cyber Crime: New Perspectives, New Partnerships, and New Ways of
Doing Business, March 29, 2017.
37 Ellen Nakashima, “Russian Government Hackers P enetrated DNC, Stole Opposition Research on T rump,”
Washington Post, June 14, 2016. For more information on the attribution, see Schneier on Security,
Attributing the
DNC Hacks to Russia, January 9, 2017; as well as Laura Hautala, “ How US Cybersleuths Decided Russia Hacked the
CNet, May 3, 2017.
38 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Victim
Notification Process, March 2019.
39 Ibid.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
has been in the process of replacing Cyber Guardian with a system cal ed CyNERGY;
assessments of this system have not been made public.
Congress has, for some time, shown an interest in cyber information sharing; in the context of
examining the FBI’s response to cyber threats, policymakers may specifical y look into
information sharing between the private sector and federal law enforcement. They may debate
whether Congress can or should help reduce barriers to information sharing. While some have
noted potential benefits of increased information sharing, there have also been concerns that such
sharing—specifical y in the direction of public to private—could potential y compromise law
enforcement investigations and national security.40
Cyber Workforce
In addressing the cyber threat, the FBI faces chal enges in both recruiting and retaining an
appropriate cyber workforce.41 On the recruitment side, former FBI Director James Comey noted
that it can be chal enging to find agents with integrity, fitness, intel igence,
and specialized cyber
knowledge. One solution might be rethinking whether there should be multiple classes of agents
recruited to work on cyber cases. For instance, some of these individuals might have specialized
knowledge but do not need to carry a firearm. Another option that has been floated involves
easing the current requirement that agents who leave the FBI and wish to return after two years or
more must go through the FBI’s training academy again.42 Policymakers may consider how such
changes to the hiring structure could impact the FBI’s budgetary resources needed for hiring,
training, and retaining cyber-focused agents.
On the retention side, DOJ’s Inspector General recommended that the FBI, among other things,
“evaluate the effectiveness of the step-by-step training course for FBI agents on how to
investigate national security intrusion cases; reconsider the rotation policy for cyber agents and
ensure that agents skil ed and experienced in cyber intrusions are available to FBI field offices;
and consider developing regional hubs with agents that are experts in investigating national
security intrusions.”43 The FBI has evolved its strategy on assigning computer-intrusion cases.
These cases are now assigned to the field office that has demonstrated the greatest strength in
investigating a particular type of intrusion, rather than to the field office in the area where the
intrusion occurred.44 The bureau has noted this fosters competition between field offices to bolster
agents’ knowledge and skil s.
The FBI has a multifaceted cyber training program for agents, and this training has been revised
based on results of an internal survey the bureau conducted on it.45 FBI cyber training includes (1)
a High Technology Environment Training initiative to bolster the technical skil s and
40 For more information on the broad issue of cyber information sharing, see CRS Report R43941,
Cybersecurity and
Inform ation Sharing: Legal Challenges and Solutions (available to congressional clients upon request).
41 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
The FBI and Cyber Crime: New Perspectives, New Partnerships, and New Ways of
Doing Business, March 29, 2017.
42 Ibid.
43 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
Im plem entation of Its Next Generation Cyber Initiative, July 2015, p. ii.
44 Federal Bureau of Investigation,
The FBI and Cyber Crime: New Perspectives, New Partnerships, and New Ways of
Doing Business, March 29, 2017.
45 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
Im plem entation of Its Next Generation Cyber Initiative, July 2015.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
technological knowledge of the full FBI workforce, (2) SANS Institute46 training courses for
cyber personnel, and (3) opportunities for certain personnel to earn a Master of Science degree in
information technology.47
Technology and Investigations
FBI investigators seek to use every tool in their cyber investigative toolkit to combat a range of
threats and attribute activities to specific threat actors. Law enforcement has expressed concern
that investigators’ capabilities may be outpaced by the speed of technological change. For
instance, factors influencing law enforcement’s ability to obtain information include strong, end-
to-end encryption; provider limits on data retention; bounds on companies’ technological
capabilities to produce specific data points for law enforcement; tools facilitating anonymity
online; and a landscape of mixed wireless, cel ular, and other networks through which individuals
and information are constantly passing.48 Much of the discourse in this area is around whether
law enforcement should have “lawful access” to information that may be secured by end-to-end,
or what investigators have cal ed “warrant proof,” encryption.49 Notably, law enforcement
supports strong encryption to protect networks, devices, and information. However, they note that
malicious actors also exploit the widespread use of strongly encrypted communications and
devices. Experts have general y recommended that the FBI deploy resources to strengthen its
investigative competencies—rather than asking technology companies to build exploitable
weaknesses or “backdoors” into their products—so that it can best respond to cyber and other
Lawmakers and officials have continued to discuss how best to simultaneously protect the
privacy of encrypted devices and communications as wel as support legitimate law enforcement
access. In 2016, for instance, members of the House Judiciary Committee and Energy and
Commerce Committee established an Encryption Working Group to “identify potential solutions
that preserve the benefits of strong encryption—including the protection of Americans’ privacy
and information security—while also ensuring law enforcement has the tools needed to keep us
safe and prevent crime.”51 Four points from the working group’s year-end report may contribute
to policy discussions in Congress: (1) any measure that weakens encryption would work against
the nation’s security interests, (2) encryption technology is widely used and increasingly available
worldwide, (3) there is no one-size-fits-al solution to the encryption and going dark chal enge,
46 T he SANS Institute is a private entity that offers cyber security and information security training.
47 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Threat
Prioritization, July 2016.
48 For more information on evolving technology and law enforcement investigations, see CRS Report R44481,
Encryption and the “Going Dark” Debate.
49 Law enforcement describes warrant-proof encryption as that where only the end user has access and thus may hinder
a lawful court order or search warrant. See Federal Bureau of Investigation,
The Lawful Access Challenge,
https://www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/science-and-technology-branch/lawful-access; See also Andrea
Peterson, “ The Government and P rivacy Advocates Can't Agree on What ‘Strong’ Encryption Even Means,”
Washington Post, October 7, 2015; Herb Lin, “ T he Rhetoric of the Encryption Debate,”
Lawfare, October 12, 2015.
50 See, for example, testimony by Susan Landau before U.S. Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary,
Encryption Tightrope: Balancing Am ericans’ Security and Privacy, 114th Cong., 2nd sess., March 1, 2016.
51 House Judiciary Committee, “Goodlatte, Conyers, Upton, and Pallone Announce Bipartisan Encryption Working
Group,” press release, March 21, 2016.
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
and (4) Congress should promote cooperation between the law enforcement and technology
FBI Cyber Threat Prioritization
Relating to the FBI’s work in combating and responding to cyber threats, one question
policymakers may have is how the bureau
prioritizes cyber threats. The FBI conducts an annual
Threat Review and Prioritization (TRP) to delineate the top threats—cyber and other—and direct
resource al ocation. Within the broader threat prioritization framework, DOJ’s Inspector General
looked specifical y at the FBI’s prioritization of cyber threats from FY2014-FY2016.53 The
Inspector General’s report made two recommendations:
The FBI should use an “algorithmic, data-driven, and objective methodology” to
identify and prioritize cyber threats.54 This recommendation is based on the
Inspector General’s findings that the TRP criteria are subjective and open to
interpretation. Changing the methodology may give the FBI a better view of the
threat landscape and help the bureau accurately prioritize threats.
The FBI should “[d]evelop and implement a record keeping system that tracks
agent time utilization by threat.”55 The bureau currently tracks agent time by case
classification (such as public corruption or counterterrorism), not specific threats.
As such, it may not be able to evaluate resources dedicated to any given threat
and evaluate whether a specific cyber threat has been appropriately prioritized.
The FBI concurred with both recommendations. It has reportedly been bolstering its Cyber
Division’s Threat Examination and Scoping (TExAS) tool, which relies on specific data and a
weighted algorithm rather than subjective rankings to prioritize cyber threats. The bureau is also
reportedly looking into potential changes to its record-keeping system to track agent time
utilization.56 Congress may elect to exercise its oversight to examine whether (and if so, how) the
FBI has made any adjustments to its cyber threat prioritization regimen. They may also question
whether any changes to this regimen could affect where cyber threats fal within the broader
framework of threats facing the nation. This could, in turn, have implications for how Congress
directs the FBI to use its appropriated funds.
52 House Judiciary Committee and House Energy and Commerce Committee, Encryption Working Group,
Working Group Year-End Report, December 20, 2016.
53 Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Threat
Prioritization, July 2016.
54 Ibid., p. 17.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid., p. 22. T he FBI does not appear to have released any more detailed information on its cyber threat prioritization
Congressional Research Service
Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response
Author Information
Kristin Finklea
Specialist in Domestic Security
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