Bridging the Digital Divide: Broadband Workforce Considerations for the 118th Congress

Updated December 30, 2022
Bridging the Digital Divide: Broadband Workforce
Considerations for the 118th Congress

As classrooms, workplaces, and social activities migrated
networks across many types of terrain. Broadband
online during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
workforce training may require a focus on adaptability and
pandemic, the digital divide—the gap between those who
scalability for different deployment areas and technologies.
have access to broadband (i.e., high-speed internet) and
Broadband service is most commonly delivered to end-
those who do not—highlighted the importance of
users at a particular location (e.g., household) at a fixed
broadband availability. The Federal Communications
point—known as fixed broadband—through cable and fiber
Commission’s (FCC’s) Fourteenth Broadband Deployment
technologies, rather than mobile broadband delivered to
Report released in January 2021 estimates that 14.5 million
devices often through a cellular network. According to the
Americans lack access to broadband—which the FCC
FCC’s 2020 Communications Marketplace Report, cable
defines as a connection that provides speeds of at least 25/3
broadband can reach 88.8% and fiber 40.7% of U.S.
megabits per second (Mbps). Since March 2020, Congress
households. To deploy fiber or cable, technicians lay
has provided $78 billion to address the digital divide and
conduit underground or between poles, splice and join the
broadband availability. More specifically, Congress passed
conduit, and connect the conduit to network equipment
such as routers and end-use modems.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
(CARES Act; P.L. 116-136), which provides $100 million
Broadband Workforce Training
for broadband programs at the U.S. Department of
Broadband workforce training is typically conducted on-
Agriculture (USDA);
the-job or through apprenticeship programs that combine
on-the-job training and coursework. The federal
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA, 2021;
government has supported broadband workforce training.
P.L. 116-260), which provides $6.2 billion for broadband
For example, the Telecommunications Industry Registered
programs at the FCC, National Telecommunications and
Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP)—which focuses on
Information Administration (NTIA), and USDA;
developing apprenticeship programs for training and career
development of the telecommunications workforce—was
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA; P.L. 117-
created by telecommunications employers and is recognized
2), which provides $7.2 billion for broadband programs at
by the Department of Labor.
the FCC; and
States also play a role in broadband workforce development
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA; P.L. 117-
by establishing job training programs. For example, in
58), which provides $64.4 billion for broadband programs
September 2021, the Ohio Lieutenant Governor announced
at the FCC, NTIA, and USDA.
a new program to train students as fiber optic technicians as
part of a state effort to “…outline[s] a plan for increasing
There may be workforce challenges associated with the
broadband industry career awareness and creating more
broadband deployment projects funded under the laws
training and education programs in the state.”
above—particularly with the $64.4 billion provided in the
IIJA. Identifying current and future broadband workforce
The federal government and states could consider working
needs may be a consideration for the 118th Congress.
together on broadband workforce training. A February 2022
report prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce and
This In Focus describes the broadband workforce and
U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Assessment of
potential challenges, including varying stakeholder
the Critical Supply Chains Supporting the U.S. Information
perspectives on the sufficiency of the existing workforce;
and Communications Technology Industry recommended
summarizes selected broadband workforce legislation
that states “develop and fund” programs to attract and train
enacted by the 117th Congress; and provides further
the broadband workforce through their allocation of the
considerations for Congress.
$42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment
(BEAD) program funded in the IIJA.
Broadband Workforce and Potential
Varying Stakeholder Perspectives on the Existing
Broadband Workforce
Broadband Deployment Geographical Constraints
There are differing perspectives on whether broadband
Many unserved areas without access to broadband have
workforce shortages will pose a challenge to closing the
geographic features (e.g., mountain range) that make
digital divide. Some stakeholders contend shortages may
serving them challenging. Achieving broadband coverage
hinder broadband deployment. For example, the Broadband
nationwide will require workers with the skills to install
Deployment Advisory Committee—a (no longer active)

Bridging the Digital Divide: Broadband Workforce Considerations for the 118th Congress
FCC working group—stated in an October 2020 report,
also required the Government Accountability Office (GAO)
“considerable doubt has arisen among broadband
to submit a report to Congress, which “estimates the
infrastructure industry stakeholders as to whether they can
number of skilled telecommunications workers required to
meet build-out projections due to current workforce
build and maintain broadband infrastructure in rural areas—
challenges.” In a January 2021 joint letter to the White
including estimates based on current and projected need.”
House and Congress, a coalition of organizations
The report, published December 15, 2022, “found that
representing the telecommunications industry urged support
thousands more skilled workers will be needed to deploy
for broadband-related job skills development, stating as
broadband and 5G funded by recent federal programs.”
follows: “The U.S. currently faces a shortfall of skilled
Additionally, the Secretary of Labor was to “issue guidance
workers needed to deploy broadband across the country, to
on how states can address workforce needs and safety of the
win the race to 5G, and to ensure robust fiber, mobile, and
telecommunications industry.” The guidance, issued
fixed wireless networks.”
December 6, 2022, highlights four strategic areas: high-
quality jobs, partnering with State Workforce Development
Other industry stakeholders appear to disagree that a
Boards, improving recruitment, and ensuring worker safety.
broadband workforce shortage exists. An October 2020
report by the Economic Policy Institute, Decades of Slow
Other bills introduced in the 117th Congress included grants
Wage Growth for Telecommunications Workers, concluded
to develop a skilled workforce for deployment of high-
that “wage patterns in telecommunications show none of
speed broadband (S. 2071), grants to prepare minority
the standard signs of a labor shortage.” Further, skilled
students to participate in the telecommunications workforce
technicians might be readily available, but may be under-
(S. 996), telecommunications workforce development for
utilized due to union affiliations. According to the labor
women and minorities (H.R. 4413), and promotion of
union Communications Workers of America (CWA),
workforce development programs tailored to the
telecommunications companies have been cutting
telecommunications industry (S. 3288).
thousands of jobs since 2017. In February 2021 testimony
before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, CWA
Considerations for Congress
President Christopher Shelton stated,
The 118th Congress has a variety of considerations should it
choose to further support the broadband workforce. For
I know many of you have heard about alleged
example, Congress may consider whether to direct federal
worker shortages in the telecommunications
agencies to collect additional data on the broadband
industry in recent months. I urge you to be skeptical
workforce to help determine whether a workforce shortage
of these claims. AT&T and other telecom
exists, and, if so, how the workforce shortage impacts
companies have laid off tens of thousands of
efforts to close the digital divide. If it is determined that a
workers in the past few years, including thousands
workforce shortage exists, Congress may want to know the
of well-trained construction technicians, while non-
reason for the shortage, which might include a lack of
union contractor companies claim they cannot find
career path awareness, a lack of federal programs, or a lack
qualified workers.… When wireless infrastructure
of nationwide standardized training programs, among other
things. Additionally, Congress may direct FCC, NTIA, and
companies and their lobbyists start talking about
USDA to collect information from grant recipients on any
workforce shortages, ask them for proof.
difficulty experienced in securing skilled technicians for
Broadband Workforce Availability for Certain
deployment projects, as part of reporting requirements.
Congress may wish to consider legislation based on
Geographic variability may affect broadband workforce
recommendations that come out of the agency reports and
availability. For example, there may be a sufficient
guidance pursuant to the TSWA in the IIJA. One option
broadband workforce in large metropolitan areas where
could be a study, perhaps by an independent organization,
there is less demand for broadband deployment due to the
to measure performance metrics to gauge the effectiveness
existing infrastructure. Tribal and rural areas are less likely
of existing training programs. Other options may include
to have broadband than urban and suburban areas. While
the FCC’s
establishing a new program or amending an existing
Fourteenth Broadband Deployment Report
broadband program to include requirements for broadband
reported 98.8% of urban areas in the United States as
workforce training and development. Congress also might
served with fixed broadband at speeds of 25/3 Mbps, that
consider whether potential broadband workforce resources
figure is lower in rural areas—82.7%—and on tribal
and federal training programs should target tribal and rural
lands—79.1%. Tribal and rural areas could have a
areas. Congress may also choose not to pursue any of these
potentially smaller trained broadband workforce.
efforts and maintain the status quo.
Legislation in the 117th Congress
Additional CRS Resource
In the 117th Congress, multiple bills were introduced related
CRS Report R46613, The Digital Divide: What Is It, Where
to the telecommunications workforce in some capacity—
Is It, and Federal Assistance Programs
with one bill enacted, the Telecommunications Skilled
Workforce Act (TSWA) contained in the IIJA. Specifically,
the act requires the FCC to establish an interagency
Colby Leigh Rachfal, Analyst in Telecommunications
working group to draft and submit a report to Congress on
recommendations to address the workforce needs of the
telecommunications industry by January 14, 2023. The act

Bridging the Digital Divide: Broadband Workforce Considerations for the 118th Congress

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