Congressional Adoption of Vine

Updated April 10, 2014
Congressional Adoption of Vine
Figure 1. Vine Adoption by Political Party and
What Is Vine? Vine is a social media mobile video sharing
service that allows users to create six second videos that can
be short snippets of conversation, a series of still shots, or a
moving panorama that automatically repeats in a loop.
These videos (Vines) can be shared with Vine followers
and on Twitter and Facebook.
On What Devices Can I Use Vine? Vine is primarily
supported on mobile devices such as iPhone and Android
and Windows supported devices. The Mobile Application
(App) supports viewing and posting of Vine videos.

Source: CRS analysis of Vine account data, as of January 31, 2014.
Can Vine Be Used on the Web? Yes and no. Vine is
Note: Independent Senators are included with the party in which
primarily a mobile application. The mobile App allows both
they caucus.
the posting of Vines and the viewing of others’ posts. Vine
does, however, have a Website ( where Vines
Member Use of Vine
can be viewed, but not posted.
Are Members of Congress Posting on Vine? Yes. Of the
105 Members who have adopted Vine, 63 have posted at
least one Vine and 42 have signed up for an account but
have not yet posted a Vine. The 63 active users have posted

an average of 7.8 Vines. The minimum number of Vines
posted by active users is one (by 15 users) and the
How is Vine Different From Other Forms of Social
maximum is 81 (by one user).
Media? Vine combines many features from Twitter—short
posts and hashtags—with the ability to post short, looping
What is the Party Breakdown for Vine Usage in the
videos or compilation of pictures. It allows users to reach
House and Senate? Overall, House Republicans have
followers with both text and video images. Up to 140
posted the greatest percentage of Vines (58.3%). This is
characters of text can accompany a Vine post.
followed by House Democrats (20.7%), Senate Democrats
(13.7%), and Senate Republicans (7.4%). In both the House
Member Adoption of Vine
and Senate, more Vines have been posted by the chamber
majority party than the chamber minority party. House
Are Members of Congress Adopting Vine? As of January
Republicans, however, have posted more Vines (285) than
31, 2014, a total of 105 Members of Congress (19.6%) had
House Democrats (101), Senate Republicans (36), and
a Vine account. In the House, 82 Representatives (18.9%)
Senate Democrats (67) combined. Figure 2 shows the
have adopted Vine and in the Senate 23 Senators (23%)
breakdown in the frequency of Vine posts by chamber and
have adopted Vine.
What is the Party Breakdown for Vine Adoption in the
What are Members of Congress Posting on Vine? CRS
House and Senate? In both the House and Senate, the
has not yet fully analyzed the content of Member Vines to
majority party has a larger percentage of Vine adopters than
know what Members are posting. Based on an initial
the minority party. Figure 1 shows the percentage of Vine
examination of randomly selected Member Vines, however,
adoption in the House and Senate by political party. In the
video posts include information about policy and positions,
House, 75.6% of adopters have been Republicans and
district and constituent service, official duties, and
24.4% have been Democrats. In the Senate, 60.9% of
themselves and their families.
adopters have been Democrats, while 39.1% have been
Republicans. Independent Senators are included in the

totals of the party they caucus.

Congressional Adoption of Vine
Figure 2. Frequency of Vine Posts by Chamber and
services usage rules and policies. The policy requires that
all Internet services be used for official purposes only. The
Senate policy also provides requirements for the use of
third-party Websites (i.e., social media), including the
naming of accounts, a prohibition against the use of data
gathering tools, and a prohibition against personal,
promotional, commercial, or partisan political/campaign-
related material. For more information, see
Social Media Resources from Vine
Does Vine Provide Guidance on Getting Started? Yes,

Vine has a FAQ and help page. They can be found at
Source: CRS analysis of Vine account data, as of January 31, 2014.
Note: Independent Senators are included with the party in which he
or she caucuses.
Does Vine Allow Users to Customize Profile Pages? No,
Vine profile pages follow a standard format. The standard
Social Media Policies for Members
profile includes the account name, a profile picture, the
number of followers and accounts followed by the user, and
What policies are in place for Member offices interested
the most recent Vine posted. Figure 3 shows the profile of
in adopting Vine? Several policies exist to guide Member
the U.S. House Historians Office Vine account
offices interested in adopting and using social media
accounts for official business. These policies vary between
Figure 3. Vine Sample Screenshot
the House and the Senate and are described below.
House of Representatives
What Policies Exist in the House for Social Media
Adoption and Use?
The Committee on House
Administration has issued policies on the use of Websites
and the Internet, including what can and cannot be included
on Websites and social media posts. The Member
specifies that Members may “establish profiles,
pages, channels or other similar presence on third-party
sites ... ,” so long as Members ensure that their official
position (i.e., representative, congressman,
congresswoman) is clearly stated in the account name.
Further, all information provided on Member-controlled
social media accounts “is subject to the same requirements

as content on Member websites.” For more information on
Source: Screenshot from
website requirements for Members, see
For more information on Member adoption of Twitter and
Facebook, see CRS Report R43018, Social Networking and
Constituent Communications: Members’ Use of Twitter and
Therefore, material posted on Member social media
Facebook During a Two-Month Period in the 112th
accounts “must be in compliance with Federal law and
Congress, by Matthew E. Glassman, Jacob R. Straus, and
House Rules and regulations applicable to official
Colleen J. Shogan; and CRS Report R41066, Social
communications and germane to the conduct of the
Networking and Constituent Communications: Member Use
Member’s official and representational duties.” For more
of Twitter During a Two-Month Period in the 111th
information on the content of Member websites, see
Congress, by Matthew E. Glassman, Jacob R. Straus, and
Colleen J. Shogan.

Jacob R. Straus, Specialist on the Congress
Matthew E. Glassman, Analyst on the Congress
What Policies Exist in the Senate for Social Media
Adoption and Use?
In September 2008, the Senate
Committee on Rules and Administration adopted Internet

Congressional Adoption of Vine

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