U.S. Efforts to Address Global Violence Against Women

Updated February 25, 2016
U.S. Efforts to Address Global Violence Against Women
Global efforts to address the issue are wide-ranging. Non-
During the past two decades, U.S. policymakers, as well as
governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, and
many in the international community, have increasingly
international organizations such as the United Nations
recognized violence against women (VAW, also referred to
implement large and small-scale anti-VAW activities.
as gender-based violence) as a significant global health,
International mechanisms, including the U.N. Commission
human rights, and security issue. Violence against women,
on the Status of Women and the Convention on the
which includes random acts of violence as well as sustained
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
abuse over time, can be physical, psychological, or sexual
Women, have also sought to address the issue.
in nature. Many experts view it as a symptom of the
historically unequal power relationship between men and
Administration Initiatives
women and maintain that over time this imbalance has led
President Obama and past Presidents have generally
to pervasive cultural stereotypes and attitudes that
supported efforts to combat global violence against
perpetuate a cycle of violence.
women—often as components of broader foreign aid
initiatives. Key implementing agencies and offices include
There are many different types of violence perpetrated
the Department of State (including the Office of Global
against women, including
Women’s Issues) and the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) (including the Office of Gender
Intimate partner violence, one of the most common
Equality and Women’s Empowerment). The Departments
forms, can include forced sex, physical violence, and
of Defense, Health and Human Services, Homeland
psychological abuse.
Security, Justice, and Labor also support such activities.
Honor killings can involve cases when women are
“[Gender-based] violence ... significantly hinders
stoned, burned, or beaten to death, often by their own
the ability of individuals to fully participate in and
family members, in order to preserve the family honor.
contribute to their families and communities –

economically, politically, and socially.” U.S. Strategy
Dowry-related violence can arise when victims are
to Prevent and Respond to Gender Based Violence
attacked or killed by in-laws for not bringing a large
enough dowry to the marriage.
Globally, August 2012
Female genital cutting (FGC), a procedure that
The Obama Administration has expressed its commitment
intentionally alters female genital organs for non-
to incorporating anti-VAW efforts into all aspects of U.S.
medical reasons, is a continued problem in some African
foreign policy. In August 2012, President Obama issued an
and Middle Eastern countries.
executive order to launch the multi-year U.S. Strategy to
Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally
Trafficking in persons, which disproportionately affects
The Strategy calls on agencies to integrate prevention and
women and girls.
response into current programs; improve data collection and
analysis; and enhance existing government programs that
Violence against women occurs in all geographic regions,
address the issue. It also establishes an interagency working
countries, cultures, and economic classes, although some
group led by State and USAID to coordinate U.S. efforts
studies have found that women in developing countries
worldwide. The Strategy is meant to build on existing U.S.
experience higher rates of violence than those in developed
efforts to combat violence against women and to
countries. A 2013 World Health Organization (WHO)
complement related Administration policies such as the
review of global data found that 35% of women worldwide
U.S. National Action Plan on Peace and Security and State
have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner
Department and USAID policies on gender equality and
violence or non-partner sexual violence.
women’s empowerment. Efforts to implement the Strategy
are ongoing and include the establishment of new
Violence against women is a key area of concern in many
interagency GBV committees, training and capacity
humanitarian crises, armed conflict, and post-conflict
building, and additional funding for GBV in priority
situations, where women and girls are often particularly
countries and emergency situations.
vulnerable. Many experts agree that current levels of
violence reported through studies and law enforcement
Congressional Actions
records underrepresent the number of actual cases.
For more than two decades, Congress has demonstrated an
Incidents are often not reported because of the shame
ongoing interest in addressing international violence against
associated with being a victim, fear of reprisal, or lack of
women. It has passed legislation focusing on specific types
adequate law enforcement infrastructure.
of violence, such as human trafficking and FGC, and has
adopted legislation addressing violence against women in

U.S. Efforts to Address Global Violence Against Women
different regions and countries. In some cases, Congress has
organizations that address the issue is a particularly
incorporated anti-VAW components into appropriations
effective use of U.S. resources because it allows the United
legislation and programs addressing international HIV
States to share costs and other burdens with others.
prevention and foreign military and law enforcement
Opponents argue that United States should focus on its own
training. Members have also considered various iterations
initiatives, and emphasize that international activities may
of the International Violence Against Women Act
not always align with U.S. priorities.
(IVAWA) in recent Congresses, which have aimed to
coordinate and provide additional funding for U.S. efforts
Lack of comparable data. Existing research offers little in
to address the issue. Versions of IVAWA introduced during
the way of comparative data. Many researchers use
the 114th Congress (H.R. 1340 and S. 713) would, among
different sampling techniques, methodologies, and criteria
other things, codify current State Department and USAID
for defining violence against women and conducting
offices and positions addressing global women’s issues.
surveys—which may lead to inconsistent and varied
findings on the scope of the problem and impact of
U.S. Funding
programs to combat violence against women.
Generally, it is difficult to determine the full scope of
funding for U.S. programs and activities that, either in
Infrastructure and priorities at the country level. Some
whole or in part, address international violence against
governments, particularly those of developing countries,
women. While some activities specifically focus on
may lack the political, legislative, and financial
violence against women, others are cross-cutting and
infrastructures to establish and implement policies and
address the issue in the context of broader U.S. foreign
programs to eliminate violence against women. This may
assistance matters such as health care, crime, human rights,
be a challenge to donors who aim to distribute anti-VAW
economic development, security training, and education. In
funding and resources in the most effective manner.
2012, the Obama Administration reported that based on
prior year classifications, U.S. spending on gender-based
Evaluation and assessment. Hundreds of global anti-
violence (GBV) programming totaled about $92 million
VAW programs are implemented annually, but few of these
annually over the previous four years. However, this
programs are evaluated for effectiveness. Many activities
estimate did not include some related activities under the
are short in duration and have small budgets, which may
Global Health Initiative and the Global Food Security
leave little time and financial resources for evaluations.
Initiative (Feed the Future), among others. Most recently,
Consequently, U.S. policymakers might have difficulty
State/foreign operations appropriations acts from FY2014
gauging a program’s effectiveness and thus may reduce
through FY2016 provided $150 million “to implement a
resources to programs that cannot demonstrate impact.
multi-year strategy to prevent and respond to gender-based
violence in countries where it is common in conflict and
Current and emerging issues. Some key areas in research,
non-conflict settings.”
prevention, and treatment include the following:
Key Issues and Challenges
Links to discrimination. Many experts increasingly view
Funding and further integration of U.S. activities. Some
violence as a form of discrimination against women, and
experts and policymakers maintain that, in addition to
maintain that discrimination causes violence. To combat
receiving attention as a stand-alone global health and
the issue, they contend, equal attention should be paid to
human rights issue, anti-VAW efforts should be a fully
the causes and impacts of gender discrimination.
integrated component of broader U.S. foreign assistance
Role of men and boys. Research on violence against
efforts—including health services, development, human
women has evolved to include not only treatment and
rights, foreign military training and law enforcement
prevalence but also root causes. As a result, many
training, humanitarian assistance, and legal and political
experts and policymakers have increasingly focused on
reform. They argue that additional funding is needed to
the role of men and boys in preventing VAW.
adequately coordinate government-wide efforts and fund
current and future U.S. anti-VAW activities.
Links to peace and security. Some experts have argued
that global GBV, particularly sexual violence in conflict
Implementation of the U.S. strategy. Members of
situations, may be linked to national and international
Congress may consider monitoring efforts to incorporate
security and stability.
the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based
Humanitarian crises and armed conflict. Policymakers
Violence Globally into U.S. foreign policy; coordination
have increasingly focused on developing strategies to
among participating agencies and departments; and any
protect women and girls from violence in humanitarian
challenges or lessons learned that could arise during the
and conflict settings. Many experts view increasing the
course of implementation.
capacity of states and host communities as a priority for
implementing sustained, effective measures.
International cooperation. NGOs, international
organizations, and other entities support a range of
Luisa Blanchfield, Specialist in International Relations
activities addressing violence against women worldwide.
Some experts contend that providing financial support to


U.S. Efforts to Address Global Violence Against Women

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