The Dietary Guidelines for Americans

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January 26, 2015
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans
What Are the Dietary Guidelines
There were seven DGAC meetings during the development
for Americans?
of the 2015 guidelines, all of which were open to the public
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are federally
via webcast technology. Federal agencies and the public
developed food-based recommendations for Americans
may submit comments electronically throughout the
aged two and older, designed to promote health and prevent
deliberation process (comment period closed December 30,
disease—a guidance on what and how much to eat.
The DGA form the basis of federal nutrition policy,
Figure 1. The 2015 DGA Process: From Start to
education, outreach, and food assistance programs. They
provide the scientific basis for government
recommendations and are used in the development of
educational materials, messages, tools, and programs to
communicate healthy eating and physical activity
information to the public.
All Federal dietary guidance for the public must be
consistent with the Dietary Guidelines.

The DGA are statutorily mandated under the 1990 National
Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act (P.L. 101-
445, Title III, Section 301 [7 U.S.C. 5341]).
They are reviewed, updated, and published every five years
in a joint effort between the Departments of Health and
Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA). The 2010
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
is the most recent version

Source: Figure created by CRS based on information from USDA
of the policy document, and a new edition is to be published
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.
in the fall of 2015.
The Dietary Guidelines
The DGAC Report
Advisory Committee
The DGAC uses systematic reviews, data analyses, and/or
food pattern modeling analyses, as well as scientific
In the first stage of DGA development, a Dietary
evidence-based reports, input from guest speakers, and
Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) is chartered
public comments to inform revision of existing
following Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
recommendations or suggest new guidance. The DGAC
guidelines. In the fall of 2012, an announcement was
also relies on the Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL), which
published in the Federal Register seeking public
was established by the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy
nominations for the establishment of the DGAC for the
and Promotion (CNPP) to objectively review, evaluate, and
2015 guidelines (see Figure 1, Phase 1).
synthesize research to answer nutrition and health
The committee is composed of nationally recognized
experts in the fields of human nutrition and chronic disease
When developing recommendations, the committee
prevention. DGAC members are non-federal employees
considers the existing Dietary Guidelines and examines
who are classified as special government employees (SGEs)
how those recommendations compare to food consumption
for the duration of their appointment. Following committee
data. Based on those considerations, the DGAC may make
selection, a notice listing appointed members is published
certain recommendations (e.g., “Increase fruit and
in the Federal Register.
vegetable intake” or “Reduce intake of calories from solid
fats and added sugars”).
During the development of the Dietary Guidelines, the
DGAC holds a series of public meetings to review and
The DGAC then presents its recommendations in a
discuss scientific evidence to support recommendations.
scientific report to the Secretaries of HHS and USDA for
use in updating the official Dietary Guidelines for
Meeting information is announced in the Federal Register
Americans (see Figure 1, Phase 2). The DGAC Report is
at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
published in the Federal Register and made available to the

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans
public for comment. The Secretaries consider the DGAC’s

scientific recommendations, as well as comments from
federal agencies and the public, in the development of the
Timeline: 2015 Dietary Guidelines for
final policy document.
Americans Development
DGA Implementation—Impact on
Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Federal Programs

HHS and USDA solicited nominations for the DGAC
Agencies within HHS and USDA rely on DGA policy
Spring/Summer 2013
recommendations to make updates and changes to various

nutrition programs.

DGAC were appointed

Request for public comments initiated
Programs Within HHS

Work groups established to identify topic areas
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

DGAC held its first public meeting on June 13-14,
implements programs that provide resources based on
the DGA.
Fall 2013/Winter 2014
 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers

Subcommittees established to begin reviews of current
aspects of the DGA in food and nutrition labeling
scientific evidence

DGAC held its second public meeting on January 13-
 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its agencies
14, 2014
produce several consumer initiatives to promote

DGAC held its third public meeting on March 14, 2014
principles of the DGA.
Spring/Summer 2014
 The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

DGAC reviews current scientific evidence
(ODPHP/HHS) implements Healthy People 2020,

DGAC held its fourth public meeting on July 17-18,
whose objectives on nutrition and weight status provide
a mechanism to measure the nation’s progress toward
implementing DGA recommendations.
Fall 2014/Winter 2015

DGAC held its fifth public meeting on September 16-
Other HHS agencies, including the Administration on
17, 2014
Community Living (ACL), the Health Resources and
Service Administration (HRSA), the Indian Health

DGAC held its sixth public meeting on November 7,
Service (IHS), and the Office on Women’s Health
(OWH), also have nutrition and health education

DGAC held its seventh public meeting on December
programs based on the DGA.
15, 2014

DGAC to issue report to the Secretaries of HHS and
Programs Within USDA
 The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) nutrition

DGAC report to be published and made available to
assistance programs use the DGA to adjust food benefits
public for comment
for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Winter/Spring/Summer 2015
(SNAP) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition

Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).

HHS and USDA to consider DGAC’s scientific
recommendations, as well as public and agency
 The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
implements the DGA through nutrition labeling and

Departments to prepare for the Dietary Guidelines for
food safety education programs.
Americans policy document
 The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)
Fall 2015
uses the DGA as the nutrition basis for the USDA Food

HHS and USDA to jointly publish and release the 8th
Plans used for SNAP allotments, food allowances for
edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
the military, and setting child support and foster care

 Other USDA agencies, including the Agricultural
Marketing Service (AMS), the Agricultural Research
Agata Dabrowska, Analyst in Health Policy
Service (ARS), Economic Research Service (ERS), and
the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA),
use the DGA to guide decisions on food and/or food

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans

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