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Natural Disasters and Hazards: CRS Experts

Changes from October 1, 2015 to October 6, 2016

This page shows textual changes in the document between the two versions indicated in the dates above. Textual matter removed in the later version is indicated with red strikethrough and textual matter added in the later version is indicated with blue.

Natural Disasters and Hazards: CRS Experts

October 1, 20156, 2016 (R43519)

The following table provides access to names and contact information for CRS experts on policy and legal issues relating to natural disasters and hazards in the United States. Policy areas identified include federal authorities related to natural disasters, specific consequences, federal disaster assistance, funding and financing, preparedness, and science.

Legislative Issues




Federal Authorities Related to Natural Disasters

Stafford Act Declarations

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)

David Bearden
Specialist in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Defense Production Act of 1950 (DPA)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

David Bearden
Specialist in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Federal Crop Insurance Act

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

National Flood Insurance Act

Jennifer Lake
Section Research Manager

[author name scrubbed]Analyst in Flood Insurance and Emergency Management [author name scrubbed]Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Oil Pollution Act of 1990

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Posse Comitatus Act

[author name scrubbed]
Legislative Attorney

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Public Health Service Act, other public health authorities

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Public Health and Epidemiology

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Specific Consequences of Natural Hazards and Disasters

Debris Removal and Disposal

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Evacuations and Sheltering

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Public Health

Sarah Lister
Specialist in Public Health and Epidemiology

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Temporary Housing and Public Facilities

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]





First Responder

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Telecommunications Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Social Media

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Warning Systems

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Environmental Consequences




[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Drinking Water Quality

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Ecosystems and Coastal Wetlands

Pervaze A. Sheikh
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Environmental Review/NEPA

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Water Availability

Betsy Cody
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


Lynne Corn
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]





Electric Power Production

Richard Campbell
Specialist in Energy Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Fuel Supply Interruptions

Paul Parfomak
Specialist in Energy and Infrastructure Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

River Barges, Railroads

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Transportation Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Roads, Highways, and Transit

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Transportation Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Flood Control Systems




Flood Control, Dams and Levees—Legal Issues

Cynthia Brown
Legislative Attorney

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Floodplain Mapping

Jennifer Lake
Section Research Manager

[author name scrubbed]Analyst in Flood Insurance and Emergency Management [author name scrubbed]Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Levee Certification

Jennifer Lake
Section Research Manager

[author name scrubbed]Analyst in Flood Insurance and Emergency Management [author name scrubbed]Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Levees, Dams, and Shore Protection

Nicole Carter
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Federal Disaster Assistance

Stafford Act Assistance




Community Disaster Loan Program (CDL)

Jared Brown
Analyst in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Crisis Counseling

Sarah Lister
Specialist in Public Health and Epidemiology

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Income Security

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emergency Response

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Individual and Household Program (IHP)—Housing/Other Needs Assistance

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Public Assistance (PA)

Jared Brown
Analyst in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Non-Stafford Act Assistance



U.S. Department of Agriculture Land Rehabilitation

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Bureau of Reclamation Assistance

Betsy Cody
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-DR)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Federalism and Economic Development Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Department of Defense and National Guard Support

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Military Manpower Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Federal Highway and Transit

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Transportation Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

International Response to Domestic U.S. Disasters

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in International Humanitarian Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Liability for Damages

Cynthia Brown
Legislative Attorney

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Agricultural Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Small Business Administration (SBA)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Nicole Carter
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Programs

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

U.S. Department of Agriculture Disaster Assistance

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Funding and Financing

Disaster Relief Fund (DRF)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


William L. Painter
Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Jennifer Lake
Section Research Manager

[author name scrubbed]Analyst in Flood Insurance and Emergency Management [author name scrubbed]Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Crop Insurance

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Tax Relief

Erika Lunder
Legislative Attorney

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Catastrophic Risk Financing

Jennifer Lake
Section Research Manager

[author name scrubbed]Analyst in Flood Insurance and Emergency Management [author name scrubbed]Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


National Strategies and Policies

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Preparedness Grant Programs

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in American Federalism and Emergency ManagementEmergency Management and Homeland Security Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM)

[author name scrubbed]
Analyst in Emergency Management Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

National Exercise Program

Eric Petersen
Specialist in American National Government

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Science of Natural Hazards

Climate Variability

Jane Leggett
Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Hurricane Science

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Satellite Technology and Observations

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

U.S. Drought Monitor

[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]


[author name scrubbed]
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

[phone number scrubbed]

[email address scrubbed]

Author Contact Information

[author name scrubbed], Section Research Manager ([email address scrubbed], [phone number scrubbed])
[author name scrubbed], Section Research Manager ([email address scrubbed], [phone number scrubbed])