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Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff

Changes from September 26, 2014 to January 6, 2016

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Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff Jennifer E. Manning Information Research Specialist Michael Greene Information Research Specialist September 26, 2014 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov RS20120 Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff Summary Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff January 6, 2016 (RS20120) Jump to Main Text of Report


This report, one of a series of reports on the legislative process, provides a brief list of telephone numbers, room numbers, and Internet addresses of use to new congressional staffers who work with legislative procedures and conduct legislative research. Internet access restrictions are noted. Some of the websites listed are available only to congressional offices; other sites are restricted further and are only available to House or Senate offices. This report is intended for congressional use only and will be updated annually. Congressional Research Service Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff Contents House Offices and Websites ............................................................................................................ 1 Senate Offices and Websites ............................................................................................................ 2 Additional Legislative Support Resources....................................................................................... 3 Contacts Author Contact Information............................................................................................................. 5 Congressional Research Service use only and will be updated annually. Legislative Support Resources: Offices and  and Websites for Congressional Staff House Offices and Websites House of Representatives Website http://www.house.gov House offices only (HouseNet): http://housenet.house.gov Websites of Representatives, leadership offices and organizations, committees, and support offices. The restricted HouseNet website serves as a portal to the other "House Offices Only" websites described below and includes access to Dear Colleague letters and commercial database subscriptions, including ProQuest Congressional. Clerk of the House H-154 Capitol (202) 225-7000 [phone number scrubbed] http://clerk.house.gov House offices only: http://extranet.clerkhttps://housenet.house.gov /campus/service-providers/legislative-resource-center/office-of-the-clerk For archival assistance, Congressional Record submissions, introduction of legislation, submission of amendments, and roll and roll call vote questions. House Legislative Resource Center B106 135 Cannon House Office Building ((202) 226-5200 To order publications: (202) 226-5200 or e-mail hdocs@mail.house.gov [phone number scrubbed] or email [email address scrubbed] http://clerk.house.gov/about/offices_lrc.aspx House offices only: http://extranet.clerkhttps://housenet.house.gov /campus/service-providers/legislative-resource-center For current and historic House documents, directories, payroll and financial disclosure reports, and lobbyist registrations. The House Legislative Resource Center includes the House Library, http://library.clerk.house.gov/, which preserves House documents and provides legislative history assistance to offices. Note: Documents are ordered through the Legislative Resource Center. However, the documents collection is located in the House Documents Room, B25 Ford House Office Building. House Legislative Counsel 136 Cannon House Office Building (202) 225-6060 http://www.house.gov/legcoun assistance to offices. House Legislative Counsel337 Ford House Office Building [phone number scrubbed] http://www.house.gov/legcounHouse offices only: http://legcoun.house.gov/members/

For assistance with legislative drafting and preparation of conference reports.

House LibraryCannon House Office Building [phone number scrubbed]http://library.clerk.house.gov
House offices only: http://legcoun.house.gov/members/ For assistance with legislative drafting and preparation of conference reports. House Parliamentarian H209 Capitol (202) 225-7373 library.clerk.house.gov

Provides legislative reference assistance for House offices, including assistance in searching the Legislative Information System (LIS) and Congress.gov; offers classes on research topics, such as using the ProQuest Congressional database; has most complete collection of House publications.

House Parliamentarian H209 Capitol [phone number scrubbed]
http://www.house.gov/content/learn/officers_and_organizations/parliamentarian.php For assistance with legislative rules, precedents, and practices. Congressional Research Service 1 Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff House Technology Call Center H2-694 Ford House Office Building (202) 225-6002 or (800) 447-8737 [phone number scrubbed] or [phone number scrubbed] House offices only: https://housenet.house.gov/portal/server.pt/community/technology/393 technology For technical assistance with, and training on, office computers and wireless devices, websites, software, and databases. Senate Offices and Websites Senate Website http://www.senate.gov Senate offices only (Webster): http://webster.senate.gov Websites of Senators, leadership offices and organizations, committees, and support offices. The restricted Webster website is a portal to the various "Senate Offices Only" sites described below and also provides access to commercial database subscriptions, including ProQuest Congressional and LexisNexis. Secretary of the Senate S312 Capitol (202) 224-3622 To order publications: (202) 224-1356 S312 Capitol[phone number scrubbed] To order publications: [phone number scrubbed] Senate offices only: http://webster.senate.gov/secretary For current and historic Senate documents, directories, payroll and financial disclosure reports, archival assistance, and lobbyist registrations. Note: The Senate Document Room is located at B04 Hart Senate Office Building and can be reached at (202) 224-7701. Senate IT/Computer Support Services 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE (Postal Square Building, 6th Floor) (202) 228-4357 reached at [phone number scrubbed]. Senate IT/Computer Support Services 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE (Postal Square Building, 6th Floor)[phone number scrubbed] Senate offices only: http://webster.senate.gov/customersupport/information_technology officeequipment/computers/itcomputer-support/ Provides technical assistance with, and training on, office computers and wireless devices, websites, software, and databases. Senate Legislative Counsel 668 Dirksen Senate Office Building (202) 224-6461 [phone number scrubbed] http://slc.senate.gov Senate offices only: http://websterwww.slc.senate.gov/other/solc For assistance with legislative drafting and preparation of conference reports Congressional Research Service 2 Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff . Senate Library B15 Russell Senate Office Building (202) 224-7106 or e-mail reference@sec.senate.gov [phone number scrubbed] or email [email address scrubbed] Senate offices only: http://webster.senate.gov/secretary/library Provides reference assistance for Senate offices, including assistance in searching the Legislative Information System (LIS)LIS and Congress.gov; offers classes on research topics; has most complete collection of Senate publications. Senate Parliamentarian S133 Capitol (202) 224-6128 [phone number scrubbed] Senate offices only: http://webster.senate.gov/secretary/departments/Parliamentarian For assistance with legislative rules, precedents, and practices. Additional Legislative Support Resources Congressional Research Service Library of Congress, Madison Building, LM205 La Follette Congressional Reading Room, LM202 Main number to place requests: (202) 707-5700 Hotline for “ready reference” questions: (202) 707-7100 Congress.gov Website https://www.congress.gov

For timely, accurate and complete legislative information, going back to the 93rd Congress (1973-1974). Content includes legislation, floor votes, schedules, the Congressional Record, and committee publications. The site is also a portal to a variety of government, commercial, and academic legislative sources.

Legislative branch users have additional access to restricted content on the site, such as CQ Markup Reports and CRS reports about specific bills.

Congress.gov is still in development and will eventually replace both THOMAS (the public legislative website) and the LIS website for legislative branch users. Staff may still need to use the LIS website at http://www.lis.gov for some content and search capabilities that are not yet replicated on Congress.gov.

Congressional Research Service Library of Congress, Madison Building, LM205 La Follette Congressional Reading Room, LM202 Main number to place requests: [phone number scrubbed]Hotline for "ready reference" questions: [phone number scrubbed]
Congressional offices only: http://www.crs.gov To register for Twitter feed, go to http://www.crs.gov/resources/Pages/twitter.aspx Resources/Twitter For confidential, authoritative, and objective research and analysis on legislative and oversight issues before Congress, as well as programs designed to help youstaffers learn about such topics as budget and appropriations, legal research, and legislative process and procedure. Congressional Budget Office H2-410 Ford House Office Building (202) 226-2800 To order publications: (202) 226-2809 or e-mail publications@cbo.gov http://www.cbo.gov [phone number scrubbed]To order publications: [phone number scrubbed] or email [email address scrubbed] http://www.cbo.govhttps://twitter.com/uscbo For budget projections, budget information, and cost estimates for bills reported out of committee. Government Accountability Office 441 G Street, NW (202) 512-4400 To order publications: (202) 512-6000 http://www.gao.gov [phone number scrubbed]To order publications: [phone number scrubbed] http://www.gao.gov http://twitter.com/USGAO HouseCongressional offices only: http://watchdog.house.gov Senate offices only: http://watchdog.senate.gov gao.gov For independent, nonpartisan reports on agency audits, policy analysis, and program evaluations. GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, supports congressional oversight by reporting on federal Congressional Research Service 3 Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff government programs, investigating allegations of improper agency activities, and adjudicating government contract disputes. Government Printing Office (GPO) Government Publishing Office Federal Digital System (FDsys) Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys http://twitter.com/USGPO Congressional offices only: http://www.gpo.gov/congressional/ For congressional and executive branch documents, such as the Federal Register and the U.S. Government Manual. Law Library of Congress Law Library Reading Room, LM201 Library of Congress (202) 707-5079 Congressional offices only: (202) 707-2700 [phone number scrubbed]Congressional offices only: [phone number scrubbed] http://www.loc.gov/law http://twitter.com/lawlibcongress Congressional offices only: http://www.loc.gov/law/congress For legal research and reference; offers special services to congressional offices, including reports, briefings, and training on legal topics. Legislative Information System (LIS) Website Congressional offices only: http://www.lis.gov To register for Twitter feed, go to http://www.lis.gov/help/twitter.php For timely, accurate and complete legislative information, going back to the 93rd Congress (19731974). Content includes legislation, floor votes, schedules, the Congressional Record, and committee publications. The site is also a portal to a variety of government, commercial and academic legislative sources. Note: LIS and THOMAS (see below) will be eventually replaced by one website, Congress.gov. Congress.gov is currently being developed and is available as a public site at http://www.congress.gov. reports, briefings, and training on legal topics. National Archives and Records Administration 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (202) 357-5100 [phone number scrubbed] Congressional offices only: http://www.archives.gov/congress Listings of newly enacted laws and law numbers: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/laws/ current.html http://twitter.com/usnatarchives For newly enacted laws, older Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, and access to congressional committee records, which are stored in the Center for Legislative Archives. Office of the Federal Register and to speak with someone for information about newly assigned public law numbers: (202) 741-6040. Public Law Update Service, a recorded message listing newly assigned public law numbers: (202) 741-6043. Congressional Research Service 4 Legislative Support Resources: Offices and Websites for Congressional Staff PUBLAWS-L, an e-mail public law numbers: [phone number scrubbed]. PUBLAWS-L, an email list about newly enacted laws. To sign up: http://www.archives.gov/ federal-register/laws/updates.html. . Office of Management and Budget 725 17th 725 17th Street, NW (New Executive Office Building) (202) 395-4790 [phone number scrubbed] http://www.whitehouse.gov/OMB https://twitter.com/OMBPress For copies of the President's federal budget proposals, proposed legislation, testimony, reports, PAYGO scorecards, and other documents associated with the administration's agenda. OMB serves as the implementation and enforcement arm of presidential policy government-wide. THOMAS Website http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.php; public version of LIS For timely, accurate and complete legislative information, going back to the 93rd Congress (197374). This site is the public version of LIS and includes legislation, floor votes, the Congressional Record, and committee publications. Note: LIS and THOMAS will be eventually replaced by one website, Congress.gov. Congress.gov is currently being developed and is available as a public site at http://beta.congress.gov. White House Executive Clerk's Office 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (202) 456-2226 [phone number scrubbed] (a recording) http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/legislation To find out if the President has received, signed, or vetoed recent legislation. White House Website http://www.whitehouse.gov http://twitter.com/whitehouse For current presidential administration documents, such as executive orders and presidential proclamations. Note: Older, as well as archived, executive orders are available through the National Archives' Executive Orders webpage at http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/. Author Contact Information Jennifer E. Manning Information Research Specialist jmanning@crs.loc.gov, 7-7565 Congressional Research Service Michael Greene Information Research Specialist mgreene@crs.loc.gov, 7-9188 5 .

Author Contact Information

[author name scrubbed], Senior Research Librarian ([email address scrubbed], [phone number scrubbed])
[author name scrubbed], Senior Research Librarian ([email address scrubbed], [phone number scrubbed])


Carla Y. Davis-Castro, CRS information research specialist, and Nancy Kervin, Senate Library senior reference librarian, provided research assistance on this report.