Workforce Development and National Service
Provisions in the Build Back Better Act
December 10, 2021
Congressional Research Service
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Workforce Development and National Service Provisions in the Build Back Better Act
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Relevant CRS Products ................................................................................................................... 7
Table 1. Workforce Development and National Service Funding in H.R. 5376 ............................. 2
Author Information .......................................................................................................................... 7
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This report provides a brief overview of funding for workforce development and national service
efforts in the Build Back Better Act (BBBA, H.R. 5376), as passed by the House in November
The report describes provisions in Subtitle C (“Workforce Development Matters”) and Subtitle G
(“National Service and Workforce Development in Support of Climate Resilience and
Mitigation”) of Title II the BBBA, with a focus on programs that would be administered by the
Department of Labor (DOL) or the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
Other CRS products describe provisions in these subtitles that would be administered by other
Funds would typically be appropriated for FY2022 and would remain available for the periods
specified in the bill. Generally, the funding discussed in this report reflects three approaches:
Supplemental funding for existing programs and activities. In some cases, the
funding would be accompanied by programmatic changes. For example, Part I of
Subtitle C would provide additional funding for the Dislocated Worker Activities
program authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
but would adjust the allotment process.
Funding for new programs and activities. For example, Part I of Subtitle C would
establish a new competitive grant program to support the development and
expansion of sector partnerships to expand training and employment services in
specified industries.
Supplemental funding for existing programs and activities, placing a focus on
climate resilience and mitigation activities. For example, Subtitle G (where these
provisions are concentrated) would provide additional funding for the existing
YouthBuild program at DOL but would direct the funding to be used for climate
resilience and mitigation activities.
Some funding streams may reflect a combination of the approaches. For example, funding for
apprenticeship in Part I of Subtitle C has some similarities with prior apprenticeship grants at
DOL but includes additional language explicitly to support pre-apprenticeships and youth
apprenticeships that was not part of prior legislation.
Descriptions of provisions that are provided in Table 1 are presented in the order of appearance in
the bill. CRS products providing more-detailed information about existing federal programs that
would receive support through the bill are identified in conjunction with the descriptions of the
relevant BBBA provisions. CRS contacts for the programs described in this report are provided in
the Key Policy Staff table at the end.
1 This report is based on the legislative text in H.R. 5376, Rules Committee Print 117-18, available at
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Table 1. Workforce Development and National Service Funding in H.R. 5376
Subtitle C and Subtitle G of Title II
Section Number and
Funding Level/
Available Through
Subtitle C
Part I—Workforce Development Matters
22001. Dislocated
Provides supplemental funding for
$2.0 bil ion/
Worker Employment and
formula grants for career services,
September 30, 2026
Training Activities
supportive services, and training through
WIOA Dislocated Worker activities.
22002. Adult Worker
Provides supplemental funding for
$1.0 bil ion/
Employment and Training
formula grants for career services,
September 30, 2026
supportive services, and training through
WIOA Adult activities.
22003. Youth Workforce
Provides supplemental funding for
$1.5 bil ion/
Investment Activities
formula grants for workforce investment September 30, 2026
activities through WIOA Youth
22004. Employment
Provides supplemental funding for
$400 mil ion for
formula grants for the Employment
formula grants/
Service under the Wagner-Peyser Act
September 30, 2026
and funding for carrying out
improvements to state workforce and
labor market information systems.
$100 mil ion for
information systems/
September 30, 2026
22005. Re-entry
Provides funding for competitive grants
$500 mil ion, of which
to support services to justice-involved
$125 mil ion targets
individuals in returning to the labor
young adults/
September 30, 2026
22006. Registered
Provides funding to eligible entities
$1bil ion, of which
Apprenticeships, Youth
(including states, equity intermediaries,
$500 mil ion targets
Apprenticeships, and Pre-
and business and labor industry partner
activities that service a
intermediaries) to create or expand
high number or higher
registered apprenticeship programs, pre-
percentages of
apprenticeship programs that articulate
individuals with barriers
into registered apprenticeship programs,
to employment/
and youth apprenticeship programs.
September 30, 2026
22007. Industry or Sector
Provides competitive funding to eligible
$4.6 bil ion for
Partnership Grants
partnerships for the purposes of
competitive funding to
expanding employment and training
eligible partnerships/
activities in “high-skil , high-wage or in-
September 30, 2026
demand industry sectors or
$150 mil ion for
Eligible partnerships include
targeted outreach,
representatives of multiple businesses or
administration and
employers, labor, and relevant education
technical support, and
evaluation and
September 30, 2026
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Section Number and
Funding Level/
Available Through
$250 mil ion for state
or local workforce
development boards to
support the creation or
expansion of
September 30, 2026
22008. Job Corps
Provides supplemental funding to the Job $500 mil ion/
Corps program to support program
September 30, 2026
activities and expand access to
allowances and transition support.
22009. Native American
Provides supplemental funding for
$50 mil ion/
competitive grants for Native American
September 30, 2026
programs under WIOA.
22010. Migrant and
Provides supplemental funding for
$70 mil ion/
Seasonal Farmworkers
competitive grants for Migrant and
September 30, 2026
Seasonal Farmworker programs under
22011. YouthBuild
Provides supplemental funding for
$15 mil ion/
competitive grants for YouthBuild
September 30, 2026
programs under WIOA.
22012. Senior Community Provides supplemental funding to
$35 mil ion/
Service Employment
support subsidized employment for
September 30, 2026
eligible senior citizens through the
Senior Community Service Employment
program under the Older Americans
Part 3—Competitive Integrated Employment Transformation Grant Program
22201. Competitive
Provides grants to eligible states to
$189 mil ion allotted on R43468
Integrated Employment
support efforts to transform
the basis of employees
Transformation Grant
employment under special minimum
employed under special
wage certificates (including employment
at subminimum wages) to competitive
September 30, 2029
integrated employment that pays at least
$81 mil ion allotted on
minimum wage.
the basis of employers
As a condition of receiving the grant, the with special certificates/
state must provide assurance that each
September 30, 2029
employer in the state wil cease to use
special certificates by the end of the five-
year grant period.
22202. Grants for States
Provides formula grants to eligible states
$24 mil ion/
to Expand Competitive
to support the continued transformation
September 30, 2029
Integrated Employment
of jobs under special minimum wage
certificates to competitive integrated
Eligible states are states that, at the time
of enactment, have phased out or are in
the process of phasing out the use of
special certificates.
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Section Number and
Funding Level/
Available Through
22203. Technical
Provides funding to the Secretary of
$6 mil ion/
Labor to provide or facilitate technical
September 30, 2029
support to employers that are
transforming employment under special
certificates and col ect and disseminate
information on evidence-based practices
in such transformations.
Part 4—Recruitment, Education and Training, Retention and Career Advancements for the Direct
Care Workforce
Section 22302. Grants to
Provides funding for competitive grants
$1 bil ion/
Support the Direct Care
to eligible entities to support the direct
September 30, 2031
care workforce: workers that provide
direct assistance to individuals who are
elderly, disabled, or otherwise have
cognitive and/or functional limitations.
Eligible entities would include a variety
of public and private nonprofit entities,
including states and tribes. Required uses
of funds would include providing
“competitive wages, benefits, and other
supportive services ... to the direct
support workers served by the grant
that are necessary to enable such
workers to participate in the activities
supported by the grant.”
Part 5—Department of Labor Inspector General and Program Administration Funding
22401. Department of
Provides funding to the DOL Office of
$40 mil ion/
Labor Inspector General
the Inspector General for “oversight,
available until expended
investigations, and audits of programs,
grants, and projects” funded under
Subtitles B and C.
22402. Program
Provides funding to DOL for program
$90 mil ion/
administration, including salaries and
September 30, 2029
Subtitle G—National Service and Workforce Development in Support of Climate Resilience and
26001. Corporation for National and Community Service and the National Service Trust
26001(a). AmeriCorps
Provides supplemental funding to make
$3.2 bil ion/
State and National
grants to eligible entities to support
September 30, 2026
service activities to address unmet
community need.
26001(b). State
Provides supplemental funding to State
$400 mil ion/
Service Commissions to make funding
September 30, 2026
adjustments to existing awards and make
new awards.
26001(c). National
Provides supplemental funding to
$80 mil ion/
Civilian Community
increase living allowances and benefits
September 30, 2029
Corps (NCCC)
for participants in the residential NCCC
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Section Number and
Funding Level/
Available Through
26001(d). AmeriCorps
Provides supplemental funding to
$600 mil ion/
VISTA (Volunteers in
increase the subsistence allowance and
September 30, 2029
Service to America)
improve benefits of participants in the
VISTA program.
26001(e). National
Provides funding to support activities
$6.915 bil ion/
Service in Support of
related to energy efficiency, carbon
September 30, 2026, or
Climate Resilience and
reduction, environmental preservation,
September 30, 2029,
and addressing other unmet
depending on the
environmental and workforce needs.
Funds can be awarded through the
AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA,
or NCCC programs.
26001(f). Administrative
Provides funding to CNCS for Federal
$1.01 bil ion for
administrative expenses to carry out
programs and activities under this bil .
September 30, 2029
$79.8 mil ion for
FY2030 administration/
September 30, 2030b
$300,000 for planning/
September 30, 2023
$49.5 mil ion for
September 30, 2030
26001(g). Office of
Provides funding to CNCS for the Office $75 mil ion/
Inspector General
of the Inspector General “for salaries
September 30, 2030
and expenses necessary for oversight
and audit of programs and activities
funded under this section.”
26001(h). National
Provides funding to support education
$1.15 bil ion for
Service Trust
awards for program participants.
administration and
September 30, 2030
$1.66 bil ion for
supplemental awards/
September 30, 2030
26002. Workforce Development in Support of Climate Resilience and Mitigation
26002(a). YouthBuild
Provides funding to YouthBuild to
$450 mil ion/
support activities aligned with sectors or
September 30, 2026
occupations related to climate resilience
or mitigation.
26002(b). Job Corps
Provides funding for Job Corps to
$450 mil ion/
support activities aligned with sectors or
September 30, 2026
occupations related to climate resilience
or mitigation.
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Section Number and
Funding Level/
Available Through
26002(c). Pre-
Provides funding for activities to create
$1 bil ion for pre-
Apprenticeship and
or expand pre-apprenticeship and
Registered Apprenticeship apprenticeship programs that are aligned
with employment opportunities in
September 30, 2026
sectors or occupations related to
climate resilience or mitigation.
$150 mil ion for pre-
September 30, 2026
$450 mil ion for
September 30, 2026
$350 mil ion for pre-
apprenticeship and
programs that serve
individuals with barriers
to employment/
September 30, 2026
26002(d). Reentry
Provides funding to the Reentry
$1 bil ion/
Employment Opportunities Program to
September 30, 2026
Opportunities Program
support activities aligned with
employment in sectors or occupations
related to climate resilience or
26002(e). Paid Youth
Provides funding for activities that
$350 mil ion/
provide paid work experience for youth
September 30, 2026
under WIOA Youth Activities that are
designed to prepare participants for
employment in sectors or occupations
related to climate mitigation or
26002(f). Department of
Provides funding to the DOL OIG for
$10 mil ion/
Labor Inspector General
oversight, investigations, and audits of
available until expended
programs under this section.
26002(g). Administration
Funding to DOL for program
$69.8 million/
administration costs associated with this
September 30, 2029
Source: CRS analysis of Title II of H.R. 5376, as passed by the House in November 2021. Bil sections that did
not include funding are not included in the table. Part II of Subtitle C, which provides support for education
programs, is not included in the table.
a. Ful citations and links for these CRS reports are provided below in “Relevant CRS Products.”
b. Becomes available at the beginning of FY2030.
Congressional Research Service
Workforce Development and National Service Provisions in the Build Back Better Act
Relevant CRS Products
CRS Report R44252, The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the One-Stop Delivery
System, by David H. Bradley
CRS In Focus IF11952, Youth Employment and Training Programs Authorized by the Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act, by Benjamin Collins
CRS In Focus IF11530, Dislocated Worker Activities in the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA), by David H. Bradley and Abigail R. Overbay
CRS Report R45171, Registered Apprenticeship: Federal Role and Recent Federal Efforts, by
Benjamin Collins
CRS Report R43468, Special Minimum Wages for Workers with Disabilities: Frequently Asked
Questions, by Benjamin Collins
CRS Report R43414, Older Americans Act: Overview and Funding, by Kirsten J. Colello and
Angela Napili
CRS Report RL33931, The Corporation for National and Community Service: Overview of
Programs and Funding, by Joselynn H. Fountain and Abigail R. Overbay
Author Information
Benjamin Collins
David H. Bradley
Analyst in Labor Policy
Specialist in Labor Economics
Key Policy Staff
Area of Expertise
WIOA Adult Activities
David Bradley
WIOA Adult Activities
Benjamin Col ins
WIOA Dislocated Worker Activities
David Bradley
WIOA Dislocated Worker Activities
Benjamin Col ins
WIOA Youth
Benjamin Col ins
Employment Service/Wagner-Peyser Act
David Bradley
Benjamin Col ins
Re-entry Employment Opportunities
David Bradley
Job Corps
Benjamin Col ins
Benjamin Col ins
Congressional Research Service
Workforce Development and National Service Provisions in the Build Back Better Act
Senior Community Service Employment
Benjamin Col ins
Special Minimum Wages for Workers
Benjamin Col ins
with Disabilities
AmeriCorps/Corporation for National
Benjamin Col ins
and Community Service
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shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and
under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other
than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in
connection with CRS’s institutional role. CRS Reports, as a work of the United States Government, are not
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