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Updated November 19, 2020
Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
The United States developed the Caribbean Basin Security
CBSI, a cut of almost 47% from that appropriated in
Initiative (CBSI), a regional U.S. foreign assistance
FY2020. The House version of the FY2021 Department of
program, in 2009 through a process of dialogue with
State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS)
Caribbean countries. The initiative seeks to reduce illicit
appropriations bill, Division A of H.R. 7608 (H.Rept. 116-
trafficking in the region, advance public safety and security,
444), approved July 24, 2020, would provide a minimum of
and promote social justice. Because of their geographic
$74.8 million, including $10 million to strengthen resilience
location, many Caribbean nations are vulnerable to being
to emergencies and disasters. The Senate Appropriations
used as transit countries for illicit drugs from South
Committee’s draft SFOPS bill and explanatory statement
America destined for the U.S. and European markets.
would provide $60 million for the CBSI, as well as $17.5
Strengthened U.S. counternarcotics cooperation with
million, apart from the CBSI, to enhance Caribbean island
Mexico and Central America—through the Mérida
disaster recovery and resistance.
Initiative and the Central America Regional Security
Initiative (CARSI)—led U.S. policymakers to anticipate a
In other legislative action, the House approved H.R. 7703,
potential increase in narcotics trafficking through the
the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Authorization Act,
Caribbean. Many Caribbean countries have also suffered
on November 18, 2020. The bill would authorize $74.8
high rates of violent crime, including murder, often
million for the CBSI for each year from FY2021 through
associated with drug trafficking activities.
FY2015, including monitoring and reporting requirements
for the CBSI, and would require the State Department to
President Obama announced the initiative at the fifth
prioritize efforts to increase disaster response and resilience
Summit of the Americas in 2009. U.S. and Caribbean
by carrying out such programs in beneficiary countries.
representatives held follow-up meetings and, in 2010, an
inaugural Caribbean-U.S. Security Cooperation Dialogue,
Coordinated by the State Department’s Bureau of Western
which approved a declaration of principles, a framework for
Hemisphere affairs and implemented largely by the State
engagement, and a broad action plan. Seven additional
Department, USAID, and the Department of Defense, the
Caribbean-U.S. security cooperation dialogues have been
CBSI has targeted U.S. assistance in five areas:
held, with the most recent in May 2019.
Maritime and Aerial Security Cooperation,
In June 2017, the State Department released a U.S. strategy
including assistance to strengthen Caribbean
for engagement in the Caribbean (required by P.L. 114-291,
maritime and aerial operations capability, improve
the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of
radar coverage, and sustain those capabilities;
2016). Among the priorities for engagement is security,
Law Enforcement Capacity Building, including
with the objectives of strengthening mutual national
assistance to improve law enforcement though
security and advancing citizens’ safety through programs to
police professionalization, anti-corruption training,
dismantle criminal and terrorist organizations, curb the
and community-based policing;
trafficking of illicit goods and people, strengthen the rule of
Border/Port Security and Firearms
law, and counter vulnerability to terrorist threats—all
Interdiction, including support to improve
efforts central to the CBSI.
capacity to intercept smuggled narcotics, weapons,
bulk cash, and other contraband at airports and
Congress has supported funding for the CBSI. From
FY2010 through FY2020, Congress appropriated almost
$677 million for the CBSI benefiting 13 Caribbean
Justice Sector Reform, including support to
countries—Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados,
increase the efficacy of prosecutors and criminal
Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana,
courts and reform and strengthen juvenile justice
Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the
systems; and
Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago (see Table
Crime Prevention and At-Risk Youth, including
1 and Figure 1).
assistance to populations vulnerable to being
victims of crime or at risk of recruitment into
Since FY2018, Congress has not approved Trump
criminal organizations.
Administration budget requests that would have cut CBSI
funding significantly. For FY2020, the Administration
Although the State Department has not published CBSI
requested $40.2 million for the CBSI, but Congress
funding statistics by country, a February 2019 U.S.
appropriated not less than $60 million for FY2020 in the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) report shows
Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-
that from FY2010 through FY2018, the Dominican
94, H.R. 1865, Explanatory Statement, Division G). For
Republic received almost 23% of CBSI funding, Jamaica
FY2021, the Administration requested $32 million for the
just over 19%, 24% went to seven Eastern Caribbean
countries, and 21% was for region-wide activities.