Encryption and Evolving Technology:
Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Kristin Finklea
Specialist in Domestic Security
September 8, 2015
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Because modern-day criminals are constantly developing new tools and techniques to facilitate
their illicit activities, law enforcement is challenged with leveraging its tools and authorities to
keep pace. For instance, interconnectivity and technological innovation have not only fostered
international business and communication, they have also helped criminals carry out their
operations. At times, these same technological advances have presented unique hurdles for law
enforcement and officials charged with combating malicious actors.
Technology as a barrier for law enforcement is by no means a new issue in U.S. policing. In the
1990s, for instance, there were concerns about digital and wireless communications potentially
hampering law enforcement in carrying out court-authorized surveillance. To help combat these
challenges, Congress passed the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA;
P.L. 103-414), which among other things, required telecommunications carriers to assist law
enforcement in executing authorized electronic surveillance.
The technology boundary has received renewed attention as companies have implemented
advanced security for their products—particularly their mobile devices. In some cases, enhanced
encryption measures have been put in place resulting in the fact that companies such as Apple and
Google cannot unlock devices for anyone under any circumstances, not even law enforcement.
Law enforcement has concerns over certain technological changes, and there are fears that
officials may be unable to keep pace with technological advances and conduct electronic
surveillance if they cannot access certain information. Originally, the going dark debate centered
on law enforcement’s ability to intercept real-time communications. More recent technology
changes have potentially impacted law enforcement capabilities to access not only
communications, but stored data as well.
There are concerns that enhanced encryption may affect law enforcement investigations, though
there is limited empirical evidence. If evidence arises that investigations are hampered, policy
makers may question what, if any, actions they should take. One option is that Congress could
update electronic surveillance laws to cover data stored on smartphones. Congress could also
prohibit the encryption of data unless law enforcement could still access the encrypted data. They
may also consider enhancing law enforcement’s financial resources and manpower, which could
involve enhancing training for existing officers or hiring more personnel with strong technology
Some of these options may involve the application of a “back door” or “golden key” that can
allow for access to smartphones. However, as has been noted, “when you build a back door ... for
the good guys, you can be assured that the bad guys will figure out how to use it as well.” This is
the tradeoff. Policy makers may debate which—if either—may be more advantageous for the
nation on the whole: increased security coupled with potentially fewer data breaches and possibly
greater impediments to law enforcement investigations, or increased access to data paired with
potentially greater vulnerability to malicious actors.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

The Technology Boundary: A Perennial Issue................................................................................. 1
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) ........................................... 2
Crypto Wars ............................................................................................................................... 3
Law Enforcement Use of Cell Phone Data ...................................................................................... 3
Current Debate ................................................................................................................................ 5
Major Components: Communications and Stored Data ............................................................ 6
Real Time Access to Encrypted Communications .............................................................. 6
Encryption of Data Stored on Smartphones ........................................................................ 7
Going Dark or Going Forward? ...................................................................................................... 8
Evaluating a Need for Action .................................................................................................... 9
Requirements for Communications and Stored Data Access ............................................ 10
Law Enforcement Tools .................................................................................................... 10
Law Enforcement Capabilities ........................................................................................... 11

Figure 1. Authorized Wiretaps Encountering Encryption, 2014...................................................... 5

Author Contact Information ........................................................................................................... 11

Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Fast-changing technology creates a challenging environment for crime-fighting.1 According to
former Attorney General Eric Holder, “[r]ecent technological advances have the potential to
greatly embolden online criminals, providing new methods ... to avoid detection.”2 Technology is
a two faced creature. On the one hand, it has enhanced the speed and ease of communication and
legitimate business, providing a bridge across international borders. On the other, it has opened
the doors for potential exploitation by a range of malicious actors.3
Just as the growth of technology offers advances and challenges, so does its security. The stronger
the security features of our technology, the less vulnerable the technology may be. However, if
the security is sufficiently strong, the technology and its associated information may become
inaccessible to legitimate law enforcement investigations. This is one aspect of the current debate
surrounding smartphone and other mobile technology and security.
Smartphone ownership is on the rise, with 64% of adult Americans owning a smartphone as of
October 2014.4 Smartphones have become valuable targets for hackers because, in part, of the
breadth of personal information they contain.5 Because of this, manufacturers regularly update
their devices’ security features, and experts have encouraged consumers to take advantage of
these features—such as locking smartphones with a passcode and encrypting the contents.6 One
current concern is that such strong security measures could not only keep out potential malicious
actors, but legitimate individuals as well, including users who forget their passcodes or law
enforcement with a lawful search warrant.
This report provides an overview of the perennial issue involving technology outpacing law
enforcement and discusses how policy makers and law enforcement officials have dealt with this
issue in the past. It discusses the current debate surrounding smartphone data encryption and how
this may impact U.S. law enforcement operations. The report also discusses existing law
enforcement capabilities, the debate over whether law enforcement is “going dark” because of
rapid technological advances, and resulting issues that policy makers may consider.
The Technology Boundary: A Perennial Issue
Technology as a boundary for law enforcement is by no means a new issue in U.S. policing. In
the 1990s, for instance, there were concerns that increasing adoption of technologies such as
digital communications and encryption could hamper law enforcement’s ability to investigate
crime. More specifically, concerns have been whether these technologies could interfere with
surveillance or the interception and understanding of certain communications.

1 CRS Report R41927, The Interplay of Borders, Turf, Cyberspace, and Jurisdiction: Issues Confronting U.S. Law
, by Kristin Finklea.
2 U.S. Department of Justice, “Remarks by Attorney General Holder at the Biannual Global Alliance Conference
Against Child Sexual Abuse Online,” press release, September 30, 2014.
3 See, for example, National Crime Prevention Council, Evolving With Technology; Reese Jones, “Criminals and
Terrorists in a Borderless, Technological Arms Race,” Forbes, July 14, 2012; and CRS Report R41927, The Interplay
of Borders, Turf, Cyberspace, and Jurisdiction: Issues Confronting U.S. Law Enforcement
, by Kristin Finklea.
4 PewResearch, Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, January 2014. This is up from 35% of American adults owning
smartphones in May 2011, according to PewResearch, Device Ownership Over Time, October 2014.
5 Kaspersky Lab and INTERPOL, Mobile Cyber Threats, October 2014.
6 Roberto Baldwin, “Don't Be Silly. Lock Down and Encrypt Your Smartphone,” Wired, October 26, 2013.
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Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
In the 1990s, there were “concerns that emerging technologies such as digital and wireless
communications were making it increasingly difficult for law enforcement agencies to execute
authorized surveillance.”7 Specifically, the Government Accountability Office (GAO; then, the
General Accounting Office) cited the increasing use of digital, including cellular, technologies in
public telephone systems as one factor potentially inhibiting the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
(FBI’s) wiretap capabilities.8
Congress passed the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA; P.L. 103-
414) to help law enforcement maintain its ability to execute authorized electronic surveillance in
a changing technology environment. Among other things, CALEA requires that
telecommunications carriers assist law enforcement in executing authorized electronic
surveillance. There are several notable caveats to this requirement, however:
 Law enforcement and officials are not authorized to require telecommunications
providers (as well as manufacturers of equipment and providers of support
services) to adopt “specific design of equipment, facilities, services, features, or
system configurations.” Similarly, officials may not prohibit “the adoption of any
equipment, facility, service, or feature” by these entities.9
 Telecommunications carriers are not responsible for “decrypting, or ensuring the
government’s ability to decrypt, any communication encrypted by a subscriber or
customer, unless the encryption was provided by the carrier and the carrier
possesses the information necessary to decrypt the communication.”10
A decade after the passage of CALEA, federal law enforcement officials were again concerned
that their ability to conduct electronic surveillance was constrained because of constantly
emerging technologies. Not all telecommunications providers had implemented CALEA-
compliant intercept capabilities. As such, the Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, and Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) filed a Joint Petition for Expedited Rulemaking asking the
Federal Communications Commission to extend CALEA provisions to a wider breadth of
telecommunications providers.11 Subsequently, the FCC administratively expanded CALEA’s
requirements to apply to both broadband and VoIP providers.12
Notably, CALEA is not viewed as applying to email or data while stored on smartphones and
similar mobile devices. Reportedly, there has been “intense debate” about whether it should be
expanded to cover this content.13 For instance, there have been reports over the past several years

7 Federal Communications Commission, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, January 8, 2013.
8 U.S. General Accounting Office, FBI: Advanced Communications Technologies Pose Wiretapping Challenges,
IMTEC-92-68BR, July 17, 1992.
9 42 U.S.C. § 1002(b)(1).
10 42 U.S.C. § 1002(b)(3).
11 It was expanded to cover facilities-based broadband Internet access and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) providers. Joint Petition for Expedited Rulemaking from United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau
of Investigation, and Drug Enforcement Administration to Federal Communications Commission, March 10, 2004.
“Interconnected” VoIP services are those that, among other things, use the Public Switched Telephone Network. See 47
C.F.R. § 9.3.
12 Federal Communications Commission, Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, ET Docket
No. 04-295, May 3, 2006. For more information on CALEA and its administrative changes, see archived CRS Report
RL30677, The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, by Patricia Moloney Figliola.
13 David E. Sanger and Brian X. Chen, “Signaling Post-Snowden Era, New iPhone Locks Out N.S.A.,” The New York
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Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

that the Administration has considered legislative proposals to amend CALEA to apply to a wider
range of communications service providers such as social networking companies.14
Crypto Wars
Also in the 1990s, what some have dubbed the “crypto wars” pitted the government against data
privacy advocates in a debate surrounding the use of data encryption.15 This tension was
highlighted by the federal investigation of Philip Zimmermann, the creator of Pretty Good
Privacy (PGP) encryption software, the most widely used email encryption platform.16 When PGP
was released, it “was a milestone in the development of public cryptography. For the first time,
military-grade cryptography was available to the public, a level of security so high that even the
ultra-secret code-breaking computers at the National Security Agency could not decipher the
encrypted messages.”17 When someone released a copy of PGP on the Internet, it proliferated,
sparking a federal investigation into whether Zimmerman was illegally exporting cryptographic
software (then considered a form of “munitions” under the U.S. export regulations) without a
specific munitions export license. Ultimately the case was resolved without an indictment. Courts
have since been presented with the question of how far the First Amendment right to free speech
protects written software code—which includes encryption code.18
Law Enforcement Use of Cell Phone Data
As cell phone—and now smartphone—technology has evolved, so too has law enforcement use
of the data generated by and stored on these devices. As cell phones have advanced from being
purely cellular telecommunications devices into mobile computers that happen to have cell phone
capabilities, the scope of data produced by and saved on these devices has morphed. In addition
to voice communications, this list can include
 call detail records, including cell phone records that indicate which cell tower
was used in making or receiving a call;19
 Global Positioning System (GPS) location points, stored both on the device and
in some of its applications, indicating the location of a particular device;

Times, September 26, 2014.
14 Ellen Nakashima, “Administration Seeks Ways to Monitor Internet Communications,” The Washington Post,
September 27, 2010.
15 http://fortune.com/2014/09/27/apple-and-the-fbi-re-enact-the-90s-crypto-wars/; http://archive.wired.com/wired/
archive/5.05/cyber_rights_pr.html. The term, “crypto wars,” has been used by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to
describe this debate.
16 Robert J. Stay, “Cryptic Controversy: U.S. Government Restrictions on Cryptography Exports and the Plight of
Philip Zimmermann,” Georgia State University Law Review, vol. 13, no. 2 (1996), Article 14. See also John Markoff,
“Federal Inquiry on Software Examines Privacy Programs,” The New York Times, February 21, 1993.
17 Robert J. Stay, “Cryptic Controversy: U.S. Government Restrictions on Cryptography Exports and the Plight of
Philip Zimmermann,” Georgia State University Law Review, vol. 13, no. 2 (1996), Article 14, pp. 584-585.
18 Bernstein v. U.S. Department of Justice; https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/09/government-seeks.
19 The range of any given cell tower can vary based on a variety of factors. See, for instance, “What is a Cell Tower’s
Range?” The Washington Post, June 27, 2014. See also Tom Jackman, “Experts Say Law Enforcement’s Use of
Cellphone Records Can Be Inaccurate,” The Washington Post, June 27, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

 data—such as email, photos, videos, and messages—stored directly on a mobile
 data backed up to the “cloud” and stored off a mobile device.
Cell phones “are potentially rich sources of evidence” for law enforcement.20 Where these data
are stored varies based on factors such as default smartphone settings, users’ personalized
settings, and telecommunications providers’ policies.
When law enforcement accesses, or attempts to access this information, it is often gathered
through authorized wiretaps or search warrants. It’s not always clear, however, exactly how often
law enforcement gathers or relies upon these data in their investigations. Data exist on the number
of wiretap requests and intercept orders21 that are issued in investigations of felonies as well as on
how often law enforcement encounters encryption in carrying out these orders. These data
provide a snapshot of law enforcement use of wiretaps and possible encryption barriers.
 In 2014, judges authorized 3,554 wiretaps, of which about 36% (1,279 orders)
were under federal jurisdiction.22
 Notably, 96% (3,409) of total authorized intercept orders were for portable
 From the 1,279 federally authorized intercept orders, they produced an average
of 5,724 intercepts, including an average of 886 “incriminating intercepts.”24
In 2001, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts began collecting data on whether law
enforcement encountered encryption in the course of carrying out wiretaps as well as whether
officials were able to overcome the encryption and decipher the “plain text” of the encrypted
information.25 Law enforcement has reported encountering encryption in at least one instance
each year, with the exception of 2006 and 2007.26 The first known, reported instance of an
authorized wiretap being stymied by encryption came in 2011.27 In 2014, there were 4 such
instances—lower than the 10 known instances from 2013 in which encryption foiled officials. 28
From the 3,554 total authorized wiretaps in 2014—of which 25 contained encrypted

20 Christal Chan, Glenn Kolomeitz, and Tom Ralph, et al., National Association of Attorneys General, “Mobile
Devices: Challenges and Opportunities for Law Enforcement,” NAAGazette, vol. 8, no. 2.
21 Wiretap requests are submitted by law enforcement to judges, requesting permission to intercept certain wire, oral, or
electronic communications. Intercept orders given by judges authorize/approve wiretap requests, which allow for law
enforcement to take measures to intercept these communications, as authorized under 18 U.S.C. § 2510-2522.
22 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap Report 2014. The federal statute authorizing wire, oral, or
electronic communications interception is 18 U.S.C. § 2510-2522. Of note, 91% of federal intercept orders were
granted for suspected narcotics violations. These data do not include those interceptions of wire, oral, or electronic
communications that are regulated by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
23 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap Report 2014.
24 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap Report 2014, Table 4. These incriminating intercepts may produce
evidence implicating an individual in criminal activity.
25 These data are reported pursuant to P.L. 106-197, the Continued Reporting of Intercepted Wire, Oral, and Electronic
Communications Act.
26 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap Report Archive.
27 This was reported as part of the U.S. Courts Wiretap Report 2012. Information provided to CRS by the
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
28 In 2013, there were nine reported instances of officials being stymied by the encryption. In 2014, one additional
instances (that had occurred in 2013) was reported. Information provided to CRS by the Administrative Office of the
U.S. Courts.
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link to page 8
Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

communications—officials could not decipher the plain text in 4 instances (or 0.11% of
authorized wiretaps).29 Notably, these numbers relate to lawful wiretaps of certain suspected or
actual criminal offenses, as authorized by Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets
Act of 1968.30 The data do not include wiretaps as authorized by the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA)—the law which authorizes surveillance primarily of foreign
intelligence and international terrorism threats. See Figure 1 for an illustration of the 2014 data.
As noted, law enforcement has reported
encountering encryption nearly every year
Figure 1. Authorized Wiretaps
since 2001, though law enforcement has only
Encountering Encryption, 2014
encountered encryption it could not
circumvent since 2011. The number of
instances in which this has occurred,
however, has fluctuated and has been
relatively low, such that analysts cannot make
claims as to whether or not this number is on
a specific trajectory. The presence of reported
surveillance attempts wherein encryption
could not be circumvented by law
enforcement may have contributed to claims

that advances in encryption have outpaced
Source: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap
law enforcement’s (and others’) ability to
Report 2014.
crack it.
Notes: These data do not include those interceptions of
wire, oral, or electronic communications that are
authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveil ance Act of
Current Debate
In September 2014, Apple released a major update to its mobile operating system, iOS 8. In the
accompanying privacy policy, Apple noted that personal data stored on devices running iOS 8 are
protected by the user’s passcode. Moreover, the company stated, “Apple cannot bypass your
passcode and therefore cannot access this data. So it’s not technically feasible for us to respond to
government warrants for the extraction of this data from devices in their possession running iOS
8.”31 The company has also stated with respect to certain communications—namely, iMessage
and FaceTime—that “Apple has no way to decrypt iMessage and FaceTime data when it’s in
transit between devices ... Apple doesn’t scan your communications, and we wouldn’t be able to
comply with a wiretap order even if we wanted to.”32
Similarly, Google’s Android 5.0 mobile operating system, which launched in November 2014,
includes default privacy protections such as automatic encryption of data that is protected by a
passcode.33 When devices running Android 5.0 are locked, data on them are only accessible by

29 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap Report 2012. Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Wiretap
Report 2013
. There were also 52 encryption instances newly reported for 2012, though law enforcement was able to
decipher all of these.
30 18 U.S.C. § 2516.
31 Apple, “Privacy: Government Information Requests,” as of the date of this report.
32 Apple, “Privacy: Privacy Built In,” as of the date of this report.
33 Android Official Blog, “A Sweet Lollipop, With a Kevlar Wrapping: New Security Features in Android 5.0,”
October 28, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

entering a valid password, to which Google does not have a key. Thus, like Apple, Google is not
able to unlock encrypted devices.34
Enhanced data encryption, in part a response
Apple’s Elimination of a Back Door
to privacy concerns following Edward
Snowden’s revelations of mass government
In earlier versions of Apple’s mobile operating system—
surveillance, has opened the discussion on
prior to iOS 8—Apple maintained a “key” that allowed
how this encryption could impact law
the company to unlock any device without the passcode.
enforcement investigations.35 Law
As such, when presented with a search warrant or a
wiretap order, Apple had the ability to unlock devices for
enforcement officials have likened the new
law enforcement. While this back door key was able to
encryption to “a house that can't be searched,
assist in legitimate law enforcement investigations, it was
or a car trunk that could never be opened.”36
also vulnerable to exploitation by hackers, criminals, and
There have been concerns that malicious
others. iOS 8 enhanced automatic encryption and
actors, from savvy criminals to terrorists to
eliminated the back door key. Along with this was the
elimination of Apple’s ability to unlock the device for
nation states, may rely on this very encryption
anyone under any circumstance.
to help conceal their illicit activities. There is
also concern that law enforcement may not be able to bypass the encryption, their investigations
may be stymied, and criminals will operate above the law. Critics of these concerns contend that
law enforcement maintains adequate tools and capabilities needed for their investigations.37
Major Components: Communications and Stored Data
Developments in encryption—and companies’ implementation of enhanced data protections—
have reinvigorated the debate regarding the balance between privacy needs and information
access. Most recently, the conversation has largely been in the context of smartphones and mobile
devices. These devices present a unique discussion point because they bridge the realms of
communications and stored data.
Real Time Access to Encrypted Communications
CALEA requires that telecommunications carriers (including broadband Internet access and VoIP
providers) assist law enforcement in executing authorized electronic surveillance of real time
communications. However, some developments in the communications landscape have allowed
some communications to be exempt from being wiretap-ready, as is otherwise mandated by
 First, some companies, for instance Apple, have implemented text messaging
systems—Apple’s is the iMessage—that are not readable by telecommunications
(or broadband or VoIP) providers. Therefore, these communications fall outside
of CALEA mandates.

34 Craig Timberg, “Newest Androids Will Join iPhones in Offering Default Encryption, Blocking Police,” The
Washington Post
, September 18, 2014.
35 See, for example, Pamela Brown and Evan Perez, “FBI Tells Apple, Google Their Privacy Efforts Could Hamstring
Investigations,” CNN, October 12, 2014.
36 Devlin Barrett and Danny Yadron, “New Level of Smartphone Encryption Alarms Law Enforcement,” The Wall
Street Journal
, September 22, 2014.
37 See, for example, Ken Gude, “The FBI Is Dead Wrong: Apple’s Encryption Is Clearly in the Public Interest,” Wired,
October 17, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

 Also, Apple has implemented end-to-end encryption of messages sent through
the iMessage system between Apple devices and does not maintain a key to
decrypt these messages. CALEA exempts from its requirements encrypted
communications for which telecommunications carriers (as well as manufacturers
and service providers such as Apple) do not have a key.38
As evolving technology changes how communication takes place, not all communications may be
readily accessible to law enforcement, regardless of whether law enforcement presents a warrant
for a wiretap.39 If technology companies do not retain the ability to decrypt certain
communications, they, in turn, may be unable to help law enforcement conduct court-authorized
electronic surveillance of these communications.
Encryption of Data Stored on Smartphones
In addition to encryption’s effect on access to communications data generated and received by
smartphones, encryption also directly affects access to data stored on these mobile devices (as
well as data stored elsewhere that may be retrieved via the mobile device). If companies like
Apple and Google provide for encryption of data on locked mobile devices—and do not maintain
the keys to unlock these devices—the companies may be unable to assist law enforcement in
carrying out court-authorized searches of content stored on the device—even if the police possess
a warrant.40 As these companies have noted, because they cannot break the encryption of a locked
device, they also cannot provide decrypted information to authorities.
Some have questioned how challenges for police in cracking encryption to obtain information on
smartphones compare to those in obtaining information stored in other types of containers such as
home safes and safe deposit boxes.
Master Keys
Technology companies like Apple and Google are not required under federal law to maintain a
key to unlock the encryption of their devices sold to consumers. If they did maintain a key,
however, they may be required to provide this key to unlock devices for law enforcement
presenting a valid search warrant.
Similarly, safe manufacturers are not required under federal law to maintain the combination or
key to safes sold to consumers. However, if manufacturers voluntarily maintained such a master
key, they, too, may be required to provide assistance to law enforcement to access the safe. In
addition, if law enforcement presents a warrant to search an individual’s safe deposit box, a bank
may assist law enforcement by providing a master key for the box.41

38 Notably, if a message is sent between an Apple device and a non-Apple device, law enforcement may be able to
intercept it because (1) it would involve a telecommunications carrier on the end of the non-Apple device and (2) the
message may not be encrypted on the end of the non-Apple device.
39 Generally, law enforcement needs a warrant to execute a wiretap.
40 Notably, while law enforcement generally does not need a warrant to search items found on suspects at the time of
arrest, the Supreme Court (in Riley v. California) has ruled that this exception does not apply to digital information on
cell phones; police need a warrant to search these devices. See Riley v. California, 13-132 (2013). See also CRS Legal
Sidebar WSLG987, Supreme Court Says “Get a Warrant” Before Searching Cell Phones, by Richard M. Thompson II.
41 Instances of this assistance exist. See, for example, United States v. Scolnick, United States Court of Appeals Third
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Cryptanalytic Attack
Since some companies may not retain a key to open a locked mobile device, one option for law
enforcement in attempting to obtain information on a device for which they have a valid search
warrant may be to use a cryptanalytic attack. One such form of cryptanalytic attack has been
referred to as “brute force.”42 Using this method, law enforcement would likely use software to
try every possible combination of keys in an attempt to unlock the device. The success of this
method may depend, among other things, on the amount of time available to try and unlock a
device and on the number of keys used in the passcode. FBI Director Comey has cited barriers to
law enforcement relying upon brute force tactics to break encryption. One challenge he has noted
is increasingly advanced encryption techniques that even “supercomputers” may not be able to
crack. In addition, “some devices have a setting whereby the [data] is erased if someone makes
too many attempts to break the password, meaning no one can access that data.”43
Just as police may use brute force to try and break encryption when executing a search warrant,
they are authorized to break other locks—such as those to physical buildings—in order to carry
out a lawful search with a warrant. The Supreme Court has noted that “[i]t is well established that
law officers constitutionally may break and enter to execute a search warrant where such entry is
the only means by which the warrant effectively may be executed.”44
Going Dark or Going Forward?
As modern technology has developed, there has arguably been an evolving gap between law
enforcement’s investigative authorities and capabilities to carry out authorized activities. This is
not a new phenomenon; rather, as experts have noted, “[l]aw enforcement has been complaining
about ‘going dark’ for decades now.”45 The FBI, for instance, established a Going Dark initiative
in an attempt to maintain law enforcement’s ability to conduct electronic surveillance in a rapidly
changing technology environment.46
Originally, the “going dark” debate centered on law enforcement’s ability to intercept real-time
communications. As communications technologies evolved, so did questions about whether or
how law enforcement could work within existing electronic surveillance laws to carry out court-
authorized surveillance on real time communications. Experts, officials, and stakeholders debated
whether certain laws such as CALEA should be expanded to require additional entities—such as
all VoIP and Internet service providers—to assist law enforcement in accessing this real-time
information. The most recent encryption enhancements by companies like Apple and Google
“highlight the continuing challenge for law enforcement in responding to new technologies. Other
innovations, such as texting, instant messaging and videogame chats, created hurdles to

42 See Matt Curtin, Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard (Springer Science & Business Media, 2007).
See also Jeremy Kirk, “Four-Digit Passcodes are a Weak Point in iOS 8 Data Encryption,” ComputerWorld, October 8,
43 Federal Bureau of Investigation, “James B. Comey, FBI Director, before the Brooking Institution, Going Dark: Are
Technology, Privacy, and Public Safety on a Collision Course?
,” press release, October 16, 2014.
44 Dalia v. United States, 441 U.S. 238, 247, 99 S. Ct. 1682, 1688, 60 L. Ed. 2d 177 (1979). See also 18 U.S.C. § 3109.
45 Bruce Schneier, “Stop the Hysteria Over Apple Encryption,” Schneier on Security, October 3, 2014.
46 Electronic Frontier Foundation, Expanding CALEA and Electronic Surveillance Laws, FBI “Going Dark” FOIA
Documents – Release 1, Part 1, https://www.eff.org/document/fbi-going-dark-foia-documents-release-1-part-1. The
FBI’s FY2010 budget request specified an “Advanced Electronic Surveillance, otherwise known as the FBI’s Going
Dark Program. This program supports the FBI’s electronic surveillance (ELSUR), intelligence collection and evidence
gathering capabilities, as well as those of the greater Intelligence Community (IC).”
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Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

monitoring communication,” though some contend that law enforcement has found means to
overcome many of these technological challenges.47 Others, however, are concerned about law
enforcement’s ability to keep pace with advancing technology, particularly “the expansion of
online communication services that—unlike traditional and cellular telephone communications—
lack intercept capabilities because they are not required by law to build them in.”48
Concerns over “going dark” have become two–pronged. More recent technology changes have
potentially impacted law enforcement capabilities to access not only communications, but stored
data. As a result, current law enforcement concerns around “going dark” now involve how, in
practice, encryption of stored data, as currently implemented by technology companies may affect
law enforcement investigations. Analysts have not yet seen data on whether or how encryption
has affected law enforcement access to stored data or influenced the outcome of cases. In the past,
Congress has requested that similar information be collected and reported. P.L. 106-197 required
the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts to report on whether law enforcement encountered
encryption in the course of carrying out wiretaps, as well as whether officials were prevented
from deciphering the “plain text” of the encrypted information. While current data collection and
reporting requirements on encryption relate to real time communications, policy makers may
debate the potential utility of asking law enforcement to report on encryption relating to stored
as well.
While some contend that law enforcement is “going dark,” others have argued that law
enforcement and intelligence agencies are in a “golden age of surveillance,” with more robust
surveillance capabilities.49 They contend that police access to location data, information about
individuals’ contacts, and a host of websites that collectively create “digital dossiers” on a person
all enhance law enforcement surveillance.50 Those who see the current technology environment as
a golden age of surveillance may believe that, while technology advances (such as encryption)
may slow or stymie law enforcement access to certain information, these advances can also create
alternate opportunities for information access that law enforcement can learn to harness.
Evaluating a Need for Action
If there is evidence that investigations are hampered or that lives are at risk because of law
enforcement’s inability to access critical encrypted information, will there need to be some sort of
compromise between law enforcement and the technology industry?51 What might be the
congressional role? Policy makers may weigh whether aiding federal law enforcement will
involve incentives or requirements for communications and technology companies to provide
specified information to law enforcement, enhanced investigative tools, bolstered financial and
manpower resources to help law enforcement better leverage existing authorities, or combinations
of these and other options.

47 Devlin Barrett and Danny Yadron, “New Level of Smartphone Encryption Alarms Law Enforcement,” The Wall
Street Journal
, September 22, 2014.
48 Ellen Nakashima, “Proliferation of New Online Communications Services Poses Hurdles for Law Enforcement,” The
Washington Post
, July 26, 2014.
49 Peter Swire and Kenesa Ahmad, ‘Going Dark’ Versus a ‘Golden Age for Surveillance’, Center for Democracy and
Technology, November 28, 2011.
50 Ibid.
51 Editorial Board, “Compromise Needed on Smartphone Encryption,” The Washington Post, October 3, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Requirements for Communications and Stored Data Access
In debating law enforcement’s need to access certain real time communications and stored data,
Congress could move to update CALEA and related laws to cover a broader range of
communications and data. Currently, requirements under CALEA apply to telecommunications
carriers as well as facilities-based broadband Internet access and interconnected Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers. Proposals have reportedly been floated that would extend
CALEA requirements to apply to a wider range of technology services and products such as
instant messaging, video game chats, and real-time video communications like Skype.52
Proponents of expanding CALEA mandates may believe that it would enhance law enforcement’s
abilities to carry out existing authorities to intercept real time communications. Opponents to
CALEA expansion proposals, however, may contend that mandating other communications
services and technology manufacturers to build in intercept capabilities could be costly, both
financially and in terms of security. Financially, companies may need to dedicate resources to
reengineer their products; they may need to add or allocate personnel to liaise with law
enforcement to facilitate wiretap requests. On the security front, companies would necessarily
need to build in a “back door” to allow for authorized access, and any means of access necessarily
opens the doors to exploitation.
If policy makers are interested in requiring
The Back Door Tradeoff
technology companies to assist law
Back doors, also referred to as front doors or golden
enforcement carry out authorized surveillance
keys, are essentially holes in security. They can be in
and searches, legislators may consider options
systems intentionally or unintentionally. As experts have
other than amending CALEA. One such
noted, “[w]hen you build a back door .. for the good
guys, you can be assured that the bad guys wil figure out
option may be to directly mandate that
how to use it as well.”53 This is the tradeoff. Policy
technology companies build in “back door”
makers may debate which is more advantageous for the
access for law enforcement into specified
nation on the whole: (1) increased security coupled with
communications products sold in the United
potentially fewer data breaches and possibly greater
States. One unintended consequence of this
impediments to law enforcement investigations, or (2)
increased access to data paired with potentially greater
could be that U.S. consumers, in search of
vulnerability to malicious actors.
privacy, might buy more products from
overseas, and consumers outside the United States might decline to buy certain U.S. products that
conform with these requirements.
Law Enforcement Tools
While placing requirements on technology companies may be one route to assisting law
enforcement, policy makers may also debate options that could enhance the tools available to law
enforcement. These could include making it a crime for an individual (when presented with a
court authorized warrant) to fail to turn over his passcode or other information that would allow
law enforcement to decrypt a given device. However, those in support of encryption note that a
search warrant is “an instrument of permission, not compulsion.”54 In other words, individuals
need not proactively reveal or open hiding places for investigators presenting a search warrant.

52 See, for example Ben Adida, Collin Anderson, and Annie Anton, et al., “CALEA II: Risks of Wiretap Modifications
to Endpoints,” May 17, 2013.
53 John Backus, “Commentary: Don't Let the FBI Wiretap Your Smartphone Apps,” The Washington Post, July 7,
54 Kevin Poulsen, “Apple’s iPhone Encryption is a Godsend, Even if Cops Hate It,” Wired.com, October 8, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement

Additionally, judges may in some cases be able to hold individuals in contempt for failure to turn
over information that would help law enforcement unlock certain electronic devices.
Although technology companies like Apple and Google may not have the ability to unlock and
thus reveal some information stored on locked, encrypted smartphones, they generally retain the
ability to turn over information on unencrypted communications and data stored off the devices in
locations such as the “cloud.”55 As such, some supporting encryption may contend that regardless
of what data in motion may be encrypted or what data is encrypted on locked devices, law
enforcement still has effective tools to retrieve digital data. Encryption proponents may also
suggest that stronger digital security could benefit law enforcement by helping prevent malicious
activity, including hacks and data breaches.
Law Enforcement Capabilities
Combating malicious actors (including cybercriminals and those who exploit technology to
conceal their crimes) is an issue that cuts across the investigative, intelligence, prosecutorial, and
technological components of law enforcement. Because clear data on how technological advances
such as enhanced encryption of communications and stored data on mobile devices may impact
law enforcement capabilities to combat these bad actors do not exist, policy makers may be
hesitant to take any significant legislative actions to “fix” a problem of an unknown magnitude.
Even if policy makers believe there is a significant problem with law enforcement’s ability to
carry out authorized activities, they may debate whether expanding requirements for certain
technology companies and communications services or adding to law enforcement’s toolbox of
authorities may be the more appropriate options. Some have argued that another option may be to
enhance law enforcement’s financial resources and manpower. This could involve enhancing
training for existing officers or hiring individuals with bolstered technology expertise.

Author Contact Information

Kristin Finklea

Specialist in Domestic Security
kfinklea@crs.loc.gov, 7-6259

55 This ability is subject to various statutory restrictions and may depend on the location of the server.
Congressional Research Service