{ "id": "RS20513", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "number": "RS20513", "active": false, "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "versions": [ { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 302554, "date": "2000-03-24", "retrieved": "2016-05-24T20:37:55.382941", "title": "Property Rights: Comparison of H.R. 2372 as Passed and S. 1028 as Introduced", "summary": "On March 16, 2000, the House of Representatives passed 226-182 the \u201cPrivate Property\nRights\nImplementation Act\u201d -- H.R. 2372 . (1) The bill\nwould lower or eliminate certain threshold barriers (abstention and ripeness) often encountered by\nland owners asserting takings claims against local governments in federal court. In the Senate,\nsimilar provisions appear in S. 1028 , the \u201cCitizens Access to Justice Act\u201d\npending\nbefore the Senate Judiciary Committee. The provisions of H.R. 2372 first appeared\nin the 105th Congress as H.R. 1534 , passed by 248-178, and as a portion of\n S. 2271 , which failed to move forward on the Senate floor after a 52-42 cloture vote (60\nvotes required).\n \n \n \n 1. 146 Cong. Rec. H1113-H1114 (daily ed. March 16, 2000). \n See generally Robert Meltz, Property Rights: House Judiciary Committee Reports\nH.R. \n2372, CRS Report RS20493(pdf) (Mar. 10, 2000).", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": false, "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/RS20513", "sha1": "c85c9738c0e366c7ece2be55671946d20d8520a6", "filename": "files/20000324_RS20513_c85c9738c0e366c7ece2be55671946d20d8520a6.pdf", "images": null }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/20000324_RS20513_c85c9738c0e366c7ece2be55671946d20d8520a6.html" } ], "topics": [] } ], "topics": [ "American Law" ] }