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"CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.707296", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_77_2021-07-15", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/77", "sha1": "f44a2969c7232922dce9a043375cea12a1a62034", "filename": "files/2021-07-15_R44972_f44a2969c7232922dce9a043375cea12a1a62034.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2021-07-15_R44972_f44a2969c7232922dce9a043375cea12a1a62034.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2021-07-15" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.705548", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_75_2021-06-28", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/75", "sha1": "670eb587864e838fe6f503e1edcadba7b848cb3e", "filename": "files/2021-06-28_R44972_670eb587864e838fe6f503e1edcadba7b848cb3e.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2021-06-28_R44972_670eb587864e838fe6f503e1edcadba7b848cb3e.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2021-06-28" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.703676", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_73_2021-06-03", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/73", "sha1": "57f9f138b10f8c63ddfbe6806a4af933619d6f5c", "filename": "files/2021-06-03_R44972_57f9f138b10f8c63ddfbe6806a4af933619d6f5c.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2021-06-03_R44972_57f9f138b10f8c63ddfbe6806a4af933619d6f5c.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2021-06-03" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.703037", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_72_2021-02-11", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/72", "sha1": "0285e234b52f2da05addc24978d74ba110288e36", "filename": "files/2021-02-11_R44972_0285e234b52f2da05addc24978d74ba110288e36.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2021-02-11_R44972_0285e234b52f2da05addc24978d74ba110288e36.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2021-02-11" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.702317", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_71_2020-12-22", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/71", "sha1": "1b4aadd43da7beaee60c84c4b011031b3e223229", "filename": "files/2020-12-22_R44972_1b4aadd43da7beaee60c84c4b011031b3e223229.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-12-22_R44972_1b4aadd43da7beaee60c84c4b011031b3e223229.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-12-22" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.701635", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_70_2020-12-08", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/70", "sha1": "cbd775de850262fd2e78a765eacfc2a5d9526b88", "filename": "files/2020-12-08_R44972_cbd775de850262fd2e78a765eacfc2a5d9526b88.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-12-08_R44972_cbd775de850262fd2e78a765eacfc2a5d9526b88.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-12-08" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.701047", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_69_2020-11-10", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/69", "sha1": "9b4f3d4624bb38374f0b1262e504690081dc601c", "filename": "files/2020-11-10_R44972_9b4f3d4624bb38374f0b1262e504690081dc601c.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-11-10_R44972_9b4f3d4624bb38374f0b1262e504690081dc601c.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-11-10" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.699848", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_67_2020-10-28", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/67", "sha1": "103a2c637648a112cb65f5fa4e8d4f1b4c105511", "filename": "files/2020-10-28_R44972_103a2c637648a112cb65f5fa4e8d4f1b4c105511.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-10-28_R44972_103a2c637648a112cb65f5fa4e8d4f1b4c105511.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-10-28" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.698651", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_65_2020-10-13", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/65", "sha1": "baec78f1aaca94452e8624d2c26a92f8ddb4855a", "filename": "files/2020-10-13_R44972_baec78f1aaca94452e8624d2c26a92f8ddb4855a.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-10-13_R44972_baec78f1aaca94452e8624d2c26a92f8ddb4855a.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-10-13" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.697540", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_63_2020-10-08", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/63", "sha1": "9e3dd4dd4c7b7be15d0510f677d94413df91244a", "filename": "files/2020-10-08_R44972_9e3dd4dd4c7b7be15d0510f677d94413df91244a.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-10-08_R44972_9e3dd4dd4c7b7be15d0510f677d94413df91244a.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-10-08" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.696990", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_62_2020-10-07", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/62", "sha1": "411a01873d3fb65b70f3b41cf967f47aa78aa951", "filename": "files/2020-10-07_R44972_411a01873d3fb65b70f3b41cf967f47aa78aa951.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-10-07_R44972_411a01873d3fb65b70f3b41cf967f47aa78aa951.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-10-07" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.696413", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_61_2020-07-28", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/61", "sha1": "6b70ddb980bc4e38dd79a593a9dfacf28bed5fc5", "filename": "files/2020-07-28_R44972_6b70ddb980bc4e38dd79a593a9dfacf28bed5fc5.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-07-28_R44972_6b70ddb980bc4e38dd79a593a9dfacf28bed5fc5.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-07-28" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.695764", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_60_2020-07-21", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/60", "sha1": "a3729a8310e17b099fdc0c2d471baf2a80a9478c", "filename": "files/2020-07-21_R44972_a3729a8310e17b099fdc0c2d471baf2a80a9478c.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-07-21_R44972_a3729a8310e17b099fdc0c2d471baf2a80a9478c.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-07-21" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.695200", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_59_2020-06-26", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/59", "sha1": "6e1600909590fc1d6f156befad589249019747fc", "filename": "files/2020-06-26_R44972_6e1600909590fc1d6f156befad589249019747fc.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-06-26_R44972_6e1600909590fc1d6f156befad589249019747fc.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-06-26" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.693993", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_57_2020-06-08", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/57", "sha1": "6d988e61f47526bb317d4d034bb1be80e0b8266f", "filename": "files/2020-06-08_R44972_6d988e61f47526bb317d4d034bb1be80e0b8266f.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2020-06-08_R44972_6d988e61f47526bb317d4d034bb1be80e0b8266f.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2020-06-08" }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 624004, "date": "2020-05-04", "retrieved": "2020-05-19T13:54:25.404913", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams were competing for the FFG(X) program. On April 30, 2020, the Navy announced that it had awarded the FFG(X) contract to the team led by Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. F/MM was awarded a fixed-price incentive (firm target) contract for Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) for up to 10 ships in the program\u2014the lead ship plus nine option ships.\nThe other three industry teams reportedly competing for the program were led by Austal USA of Mobile, AL; General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME; and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS.\nUnder the DD&C contact awarded to F/MM, Navy has the option of recompeting the FFG(X) program after the lead ship (if none of the nine option ships are exercised), after the 10th ship (if all nine of the option ships are exercised), or somewhere in between (if some but not all of the nine option ships are exercised).\nAll four competing industry teams were required to submit bids based on an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. F/MM\u2019s design is based on an Italian frigate design called the FREMM (Fregata Europea Multi-Missione).\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two legislative provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nthe potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation on the execution of U.S. military shipbuilding programs, including the FGFG(X) program;\nthe accuracy of the Navy\u2019s estimated unit procurement cost for the FFG(X), particularly when compared to the known unit procurement costs of other recent U.S. surface combatants;\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard at any one time (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the required capabilities and growth margin of the FFG(X).\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\ntechnical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "205c7251e93a23484ee733304f66b461662188b8", "filename": "files/20200504_R44972_205c7251e93a23484ee733304f66b461662188b8.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_33bb23c8c3f845fff24d6af0a709420a237fe87b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/11.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200504_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "f1d7830fb3af8844a240a95c1fed58d6b3db9b7b", "filename": "files/20200504_R44972_f1d7830fb3af8844a240a95c1fed58d6b3db9b7b.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 623400, "date": "2020-04-30", "retrieved": "2020-05-01T22:24:00.984203", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams were competing for the FFG(X) program. On April 30, 2020, the Navy announced that it had awarded the FFG(X) contract to the team led by Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. F/MM was awarded a fixed-price incentive (firm target) contract for Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) for up to 10 ships in the program\u2014the lead ship plus nine option ships.\nThe other three industry teams reportedly competing for the program were led by Austal USA of Mobile, AL; General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME; and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS.\nUnder the DD&C contact awarded to F/MM, Navy has the option of recompeting the FFG(X) program after the lead ship (if none of the nine option ships are exercised), after the 10th ship (if all nine of the option ships are exercised), or somewhere in between (if some but not all of the nine option ships are exercised).\nAll four competing industry teams were required to submit bids based on an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. F/MM\u2019s design is based on an Italian frigate design called the FREMM (Fregata Europea Multi-Missione).\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two legislative provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nthe potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation on the execution of U.S. military shipbuilding programs, including the FGFG(X) program;\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "491b4299f7a1de18268639a3e47017c30b803538", "filename": "files/20200430_R44972_491b4299f7a1de18268639a3e47017c30b803538.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_33bb23c8c3f845fff24d6af0a709420a237fe87b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/11.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200430_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "3e390240feab686ae40f6cb7b73d5c95a9e6ab13", "filename": "files/20200430_R44972_3e390240feab686ae40f6cb7b73d5c95a9e6ab13.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 623194, "date": "2020-04-28", "retrieved": "2020-04-28T22:13:40.070621", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams are competing for the FFG(X) program. The Navy plans to award a Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in the program\u2014the lead ship plus nine option ships. Under such a contract, the Navy would have the option of recompeting the program after the lead ship (if none of the nine option ships were exercised), after the 10th ship (if all nine of the option ships were exercised), or somewhere in between (if one to eight of the nine option ships were not exercised). Under the Navy\u2019s FY2021 budget submission, the Navy is scheduled to award the DD&C contract in July 2020. On February 28, 2020, it was reported that then-Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly had asked the Navy acquisition executive to look into the possibility of awarding the FFG(X) contract earlier than July 2020. On April 28, 2020, it was reported that the Navy planned to announce the award \u201cin the coming days.\u201d\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design can be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. Two of the industry teams competing for the FFG(X) program\u2014one including Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI, and another including General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME\u2014are using European frigate designs as their parent design. A third team\u2014a team including Austal USA of Mobile, AL\u2014is using the Navy\u2019s Freedom (LCS-2) class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) design, which Austal USA currently builds, as its parent design. A fourth team\u2014a team including Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS\u2014has not disclosed what parent design it is using.\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two legislative provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X). The FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nthe potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation on the execution of U.S. military shipbuilding programs, including the FGFG(X) program;\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether Congress should express its sense regarding when the Navy should award the FFG(X) contract;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "048878b4d5b3b9201ac929129fde2a6f2ec98201", "filename": "files/20200428_R44972_048878b4d5b3b9201ac929129fde2a6f2ec98201.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200428_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "06e4d0d745169623e48dfd7e95eb2f4ba235040a", "filename": "files/20200428_R44972_06e4d0d745169623e48dfd7e95eb2f4ba235040a.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 622527, "date": "2020-04-17", "retrieved": "2020-04-17T22:17:29.290897", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams are competing for the FFG(X) program. The Navy is scheduled to award the FFG(X) contract\u2014a Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in the program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships)\u2014in July 2020. On February 28, 2020, it was reported that Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly had asked the Navy acquisition executive to look into the possibility of awarding the FFG(X) contract earlier than July 2020.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design can be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. Two of the industry teams competing for the FFG(X) program\u2014one including Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI, and another including General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME\u2014are using European frigate designs as their parent design. A third team\u2014a team including Austal USA of Mobile, AL\u2014is using the Navy\u2019s Freedom (LCS-2) class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) design, which Austal USA currently builds, as its parent design. A fourth team\u2014a team including Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS\u2014has not disclosed what parent design it is using.\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X)\u2014Section 856 of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790/P.L. 116-92 of December 20, 2019), and Section 8113(b) of the FY2020 DOD Appropriations Act (Division A of H.R. 1158/P.L. 116-93 of December 20, 2019).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nthe potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation on the execution of U.S. military shipbuilding programs, including the FGFG(X) program;\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether Congress should express its sense regarding when the Navy should award the FFG(X) contract;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "3b35af3790849e4bc78e2dcaf0d71ff2fbde1b59", "filename": "files/20200417_R44972_3b35af3790849e4bc78e2dcaf0d71ff2fbde1b59.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200417_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "0a45b81af1a480a3d5302406ee87472e044395fd", "filename": "files/20200417_R44972_0a45b81af1a480a3d5302406ee87472e044395fd.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 620625, "date": "2020-03-22", "retrieved": "2020-03-23T22:22:58.745665", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams are competing for the FFG(X) program. The Navy is scheduled to award the FFG(X) contract\u2014a Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in the program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships)\u2014in July 2020. On February 28, 2020, it was reported that Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly had asked the Navy acquisition executive to look into the possibility of awarding the FFG(X) contract earlier than July 2020.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design can be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. Two of the industry teams competing for the FFG(X) program\u2014one including Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI, and another including General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME\u2014are using European frigate designs as their parent design. A third team\u2014a team including Austal USA of Mobile, AL\u2014is using the Navy\u2019s Freedom (LCS-2) class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) design, which Austal USA currently builds, as its parent design. A fourth team\u2014a team including Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS\u2014has not disclosed what parent design it is using.\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X)\u2014Section 856 of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790/P.L. 116-92 of December 20, 2019), and Section 8113(b) of the FY2020 DOD Appropriations Act (Division A of H.R. 1158/P.L. 116-93 of December 20, 2019).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nthe potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation on the execution of U.S. military shipbuilding programs, including the FGFG(X) program;\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether Congress should express its sense regarding when the Navy should award the FFG(X) contract;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "a2dfede24dd56a47ed2602a536fd2dd742a87681", "filename": "files/20200322_R44972_a2dfede24dd56a47ed2602a536fd2dd742a87681.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200322_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "d652f315304dd4d966ef0e70d0887262d1dde0f0", "filename": "files/20200322_R44972_d652f315304dd4d966ef0e70d0887262d1dde0f0.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 620382, "date": "2020-03-19", "retrieved": "2020-03-20T18:01:52.201858", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams are competing for the FFG(X) program. The Navy is scheduled to award the FFG(X) contract\u2014a Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in the program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships)\u2014in July 2020. On February 28, 2020, it was reported that Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly had asked the Navy acquisition executive to look into the possibility of awarding the FFG(X) contract earlier than July 2020.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design can be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. Two of the industry teams competing for the FFG(X) program\u2014one including Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI, and another including General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME\u2014are using European frigate designs as their parent design. A third team\u2014a team including Austal USA of Mobile, AL\u2014is using the Navy\u2019s Freedom (LCS-2) class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) design, which Austal USA currently builds, as its parent design. A fourth team\u2014a team including Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS\u2014has not disclosed what parent design it is using.\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X)\u2014Section 856 of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790/P.L. 116-92 of December 20, 2019), and Section 8113(b) of the FY2020 DOD Appropriations Act (Division A of H.R. 1158/P.L. 116-93 of December 20, 2019).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether Congress should express its sense regarding when the Navy should award the FFG(X) contract;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "e2f9546565ab1b8a6dea65926bdd6ecd4f5a6aed", "filename": "files/20200319_R44972_e2f9546565ab1b8a6dea65926bdd6ecd4f5a6aed.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200319_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "c17ce5ea5d02cec42aab6b79629b225862e1a9bf", "filename": "files/20200319_R44972_c17ce5ea5d02cec42aab6b79629b225862e1a9bf.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 618984, "date": "2020-03-03", "retrieved": "2020-03-06T17:04:05.057810", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). Congress funded the procurement of the first FFG(X) in FY2020 at a cost of $1,281.2 million (i.e., about $1.3 billion). The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2021 budget requests $1,053.1 million (i.e., about $1.1 billion) for the procurement of the second FFG(X). The Navy estimates that subsequent ships in the class will cost roughly $940 million each in then-year dollars.\nFour industry teams are competing for the FFG(X) program. The Navy is scheduled to award the FFG(X) contract\u2014a Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in the program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships)\u2014in the fourth quarter of FY2020 (i.e., sometime between July 1 and September 30). On February 28, 2020, it was reported that Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly had asked the Navy acquisition executive to look into the possibility of awarding the FFG(X) contract earlier than the fourth quarter of FY2020.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design can be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. Two of the industry teams competing for the FFG(X) program\u2014one including Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI, and another including General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME\u2014are using European frigate designs as their parent design. A third team\u2014a team including Austal USA of Mobile, AL\u2014is using the Navy\u2019s Freedom (LCS-2) class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) design, which Austal USA currently builds, as its parent design. A fourth team\u2014a team including Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS\u2014has not disclosed what parent design it is using.\nAs part of its action on the Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget, Congress passed two provisions relating to U.S. content requirements for certain components of each FFG(X)\u2014Section 856 of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790/P.L. 116-92 of December 20, 2019), and Section 8113(b) of the FY2020 DOD Appropriations Act (Division A of H.R. 1158/P.L. 116-93 of December 20, 2019).\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to fund the procurement in FY2021 of one FFG(X) (the Navy\u2019s request), no FFG(X), or two FFG(X)s;\nwhether Congress should express its sense regarding when the Navy should award the FFG(X) contract;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard (the Navy\u2019s baseline plan), or at two or three shipyards;\nwhether to take any further legislative action regarding U.S. content requirements for FFG(X)s;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X); and\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program; and\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) program for shipyards and supplier firms in the context of other Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "21767bed5d21db15ae8cfc784b8acd5df70ee55d", "filename": "files/20200303_R44972_21767bed5d21db15ae8cfc784b8acd5df70ee55d.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20200303_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "2621c714f22b582924c1d8c44ab2dd43ca545144", "filename": "files/20200303_R44972_2621c714f22b582924c1d8c44ab2dd43ca545144.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 611903, "date": "2019-12-20", "retrieved": "2019-12-20T16:13:42.792365", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nOn June 20, 2019, the Navy released its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in FFG(X) program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships). Responses to the RFP are due by August 22, 2019. The Navy plans to award the contract in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "22b0da23a5a8bb08a1d599c4121781fd5216d6a9", "filename": "files/20191220_R44972_22b0da23a5a8bb08a1d599c4121781fd5216d6a9.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20191220_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "788304f4d8b1ae46f5132b17eb0df8dae28fe04a", "filename": "files/20191220_R44972_788304f4d8b1ae46f5132b17eb0df8dae28fe04a.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.684229", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_44_2019-12-17", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/44", "sha1": "94116904e6e0cafb64e125e85dea4979bd7cec32", "filename": "files/2019-12-17_R44972_94116904e6e0cafb64e125e85dea4979bd7cec32.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-12-17_R44972_94116904e6e0cafb64e125e85dea4979bd7cec32.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-12-17" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.683428", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_43_2019-12-16", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/43", "sha1": "1b3918bf9eb29430f7750ec31bf0b64cd484d6a8", "filename": "files/2019-12-16_R44972_1b3918bf9eb29430f7750ec31bf0b64cd484d6a8.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-12-16_R44972_1b3918bf9eb29430f7750ec31bf0b64cd484d6a8.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-12-16" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.682750", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_42_2019-12-13", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/42", "sha1": "21617bf68e6814f2d59c7c1984338358ab719870", "filename": "files/2019-12-13_R44972_21617bf68e6814f2d59c7c1984338358ab719870.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-12-13_R44972_21617bf68e6814f2d59c7c1984338358ab719870.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-12-13" }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 606109, "date": "2019-10-10", "retrieved": "2019-10-10T22:12:29.436202", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nOn June 20, 2019, the Navy released its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in FFG(X) program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships). Responses to the RFP are due by August 22, 2019. The Navy plans to award the contract in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards;\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture; and \nthe potential impact on the FFG(X) program of using one or more continuing resolutions (CRs) to fund Department of Defense (DOD) operations for at least some portion of FY2020.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "3b67f8e449b5ca9c9ee53e431fd0dc88f45ed4f0", "filename": "files/20191010_R44972_3b67f8e449b5ca9c9ee53e431fd0dc88f45ed4f0.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20191010_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "d5e8789f2f3d31cd37717b33c7efa15a1174359f", "filename": "files/20191010_R44972_d5e8789f2f3d31cd37717b33c7efa15a1174359f.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 605131, "date": "2019-09-17", "retrieved": "2019-09-18T22:04:58.930898", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nOn June 20, 2019, the Navy released its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in FFG(X) program (the lead ship plus 9 option ships). Responses to the RFP are due by August 22, 2019. The Navy plans to award the contract in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "905375f6a72cd7a3db5d26ca18691be183d1266c", "filename": "files/20190917_R44972_905375f6a72cd7a3db5d26ca18691be183d1266c.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190917_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "f805ef7a9b1911bcc3c3792b7eaa488d20b43f42", "filename": "files/20190917_R44972_f805ef7a9b1911bcc3c3792b7eaa488d20b43f42.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 603563, "date": "2019-08-13", "retrieved": "2019-08-13T22:05:32.251958", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nOn June 20, 2019, the Navy released its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in FFG(X) program (the lead ship plus nine option ships). Responses to the RFP are due by August 22, 2019. The Navy plans to award the contract in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "bd24525fce8da5e31ff9b7a3c93ff4623cba9466", "filename": "files/20190813_R44972_bd24525fce8da5e31ff9b7a3c93ff4623cba9466.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190813_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "dfada617acd24a6e833ed632d70e2754f04cd050", "filename": "files/20190813_R44972_dfada617acd24a6e833ed632d70e2754f04cd050.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 600996, "date": "2019-06-25", "retrieved": "2019-07-02T22:06:36.234525", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nOn June 20, 2019, the Navy released its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) contract for up to 10 ships in FFG(X) program (the lead ship plus nine option ships). Responses to the RFP are due by August 22, 2019. The Navy plans to award the contract in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "1df560b64cdc4fc1ac71e132b9d7f9528409851b", "filename": "files/20190625_R44972_1df560b64cdc4fc1ac71e132b9d7f9528409851b.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190625_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "3bd20eb5faa10782a38a09fd76c09e68fdcdf49a", "filename": "files/20190625_R44972_3bd20eb5faa10782a38a09fd76c09e68fdcdf49a.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.675393", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_33_2019-06-21", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/33", "sha1": "b2a0d6a73613215730f96663d04f587aab883b61", "filename": "files/2019-06-21_R44972_b2a0d6a73613215730f96663d04f587aab883b61.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-06-21_R44972_b2a0d6a73613215730f96663d04f587aab883b61.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-06-21" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.674607", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_32_2019-06-18", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/32", "sha1": "d2e85afb8742504460aa5fc87e1c0b0e71d08165", "filename": "files/2019-06-18_R44972_d2e85afb8742504460aa5fc87e1c0b0e71d08165.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-06-18_R44972_d2e85afb8742504460aa5fc87e1c0b0e71d08165.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-06-18" }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.673282", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_30_2019-06-07", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/30", "sha1": "ab70fd6480e2ea6e51c2f71049c4cc6e6b7a439e", "filename": "files/2019-06-07_R44972_ab70fd6480e2ea6e51c2f71049c4cc6e6b7a439e.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-06-07_R44972_ab70fd6480e2ea6e51c2f71049c4cc6e6b7a439e.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-06-07" }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 598834, "date": "2019-05-29", "retrieved": "2019-05-30T22:06:32.402501", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least four industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of the teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at the two shipyards that have been building Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) for the Navy\u2014Austal USA of Mobile, AL, and Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. The other two teams are reportedly proposing to build their FFG(X) designs at General Dynamics/Bath Iron Works, of Bath, ME, and Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, MS.\nOn May 28, 2019, it was reported that a fifth industry team that had been interested in the FFG(X) program had informed the Navy on May 23, 2019, that it had decided to not submit a bid for the program. This fifth industry team, like one of the other four, reportedly had proposed building its FFG(X) design at F/MM.\nThe Navy plans to announce the outcome of the FFG(X) competition in July 2020.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "3f3f9676c9a4d58e07cdfad3c199c3c09a05d648", "filename": "files/20190529_R44972_3f3f9676c9a4d58e07cdfad3c199c3c09a05d648.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190529_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "bb9308277f40673e66a457a9a09c135127b04c45", "filename": "files/20190529_R44972_bb9308277f40673e66a457a9a09c135127b04c45.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 598377, "date": "2019-05-17", "retrieved": "2019-05-17T22:12:11.495488", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least five industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of these teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are modified versions of the two Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) designs that the Navy has procured in prior years. The other three industry teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are based on other existing ship designs. One of these three other industry teams is proposing to build its design at one of the LCS shipyards. The Navy plans to announce the outcome of the FFG(X) competition in July 2020. The LCS program is covered in detail in another CRS report.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "1d988bd2fbf2f0292f3bf82709ba2036bbf6dd3c", "filename": "files/20190517_R44972_1d988bd2fbf2f0292f3bf82709ba2036bbf6dd3c.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190517_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "0f2c6af8c41d8f0bd539d54d0fdbe9f405517eb1", "filename": "files/20190517_R44972_0f2c6af8c41d8f0bd539d54d0fdbe9f405517eb1.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 597922, "date": "2019-05-07", "retrieved": "2019-05-08T22:04:52.410864", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least five industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of these teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are modified versions of the two Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) designs that the Navy has procured in prior years. The other three industry teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are based on other existing ship designs. One of these three other industry teams is proposing to build its design at one of the LCS shipyards. The Navy plans to announce the outcome of the FFG(X) competition in July 2020. The LCS program is covered in detail in another CRS report.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact on required numbers of FFG(X)s of a possible change in the Navy\u2019s surface force architecture.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "3924e26b578fb730f5317803fc088f594f53f889", "filename": "files/20190507_R44972_3924e26b578fb730f5317803fc088f594f53f889.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/10.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_90e9a9a238fe15cfe02da62b534837d5f388267d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190507_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "54192b588e3cfd410a0204a3634908007693dfb2", "filename": "files/20190507_R44972_54192b588e3cfd410a0204a3634908007693dfb2.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 597899, "date": "2019-05-02", "retrieved": "2019-05-07T22:20:23.407533", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy\u2019s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars.\nThe Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. At least five industry teams are reportedly competing for the FFG(X) program. Two of these teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are modified versions of the two Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) designs that the Navy has procured in prior years. The other three industry teams are offering designs for the FFG(X) that are based on other existing ship designs. One of these three other industry teams is proposing to build its design at one of the LCS shipyards. The Navy plans to announce the outcome of the FFG(X) competition in July 2020. The LCS program is covered in detail in another CRS report.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2020 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has appropriately defined the cost, capabilities, and growth margin of the FFG(X);\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the FFG(X) program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\ncost, schedule, and technical risk in the FFG(X) program;\nwhether any additional LCSs should be procured in FY2020 as a hedge against potential delays in the FFG(X) program;\nthe potential industrial-base impacts of the FFG(X) for shipyards and supplier firms;\nwhether to build FFG(X)s at a single shipyard, as the Navy\u2019s baseline plan calls for, or at two or three shipyards; and\nthe potential impact of the FFG(X) program required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "482a84d0c079ddee1d726493e49888851ac7c1ea", "filename": "files/20190502_R44972_482a84d0c079ddee1d726493e49888851ac7c1ea.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190502_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "618b89101c7ce5a4354529caec6f1afafe85432c", "filename": "files/20190502_R44972_618b89101c7ce5a4354529caec6f1afafe85432c.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "summary": null, "typeId": "R", "sourceLink": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/details?prodcode=R44972", "source": "CRSReports.Congress.gov", "type": "CRS Report", "retrieved": "2024-04-17T04:03:06.667397", "source_dir": "crsreports.congress.gov", "id": "R44972_23_2019-04-19", "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "url": "https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44972/23", "sha1": "29d03f9ffa15e638b71b8bec92eefa0794e3a3b3", "filename": "files/2019-04-19_R44972_29d03f9ffa15e638b71b8bec92eefa0794e3a3b3.pdf" }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/2019-04-19_R44972_29d03f9ffa15e638b71b8bec92eefa0794e3a3b3.html" } ], "active": true, "title": "Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "date": "2019-04-19" }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 590698, "date": "2019-02-04", "retrieved": "2019-04-17T14:23:45.734835", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the specific design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy currently envisages using a single builder to build the ships. The Navy has not, however, ruled out the option of building the ships at two or three shipyards.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether the Navy has shown analytically that procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020, and the potential impact of this plan on the two shipyards that current build LCSs; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "17a28a972e20f6a057b2f57a6cff3c80bfecdaa9", "filename": "files/20190204_R44972_17a28a972e20f6a057b2f57a6cff3c80bfecdaa9.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/9.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_cc222376ff22c39ace77147e0669e40e1e1d9fe6.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20190204_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "https://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "001abef966b4c2401829300153f7e3535cf2b457", "filename": "files/20190204_R44972_001abef966b4c2401829300153f7e3535cf2b457.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 586491, "date": "2018-10-22", "retrieved": "2018-10-22T22:00:21.763394", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy\u2019s wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020;\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "6b7e9582dae372f98be5c0bf05c1b0c037893f8b", "filename": "files/20181022_R44972_6b7e9582dae372f98be5c0bf05c1b0c037893f8b.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20181022_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "3e453002f2619b847f84c2e5749fed2e3a62c13a", "filename": "files/20181022_R44972_3e453002f2619b847f84c2e5749fed2e3a62c13a.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 583406, "date": "2018-07-31", "retrieved": "2018-08-07T13:43:46.889513", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy\u2019s wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020;\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "00b4943313a3a8d36584e0e87c8b126ce75eda40", "filename": "files/20180731_R44972_00b4943313a3a8d36584e0e87c8b126ce75eda40.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20180731_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "f15463debdea24fa92afc1965cb55b0e95f55d4c", "filename": "files/20180731_R44972_f15463debdea24fa92afc1965cb55b0e95f55d4c.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 582577, "date": "2018-07-03", "retrieved": "2018-07-10T20:08:34.322231", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy\u2019s wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020;\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "77150e8269b21011afa9451c03756f069f1f9694", "filename": "files/20180703_R44972_77150e8269b21011afa9451c03756f069f1f9694.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20180703_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "5e7892f49a370c79392356f1b672e9ed68e06de3", "filename": "files/20180703_R44972_5e7892f49a370c79392356f1b672e9ed68e06de3.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 581300, "date": "2018-05-17", "retrieved": "2018-05-22T13:11:28.171588", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy\u2019s wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020;\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "306fb09e1f252d8c6db013a8594c24f40839ae8c", "filename": "files/20180517_R44972_306fb09e1f252d8c6db013a8594c24f40839ae8c.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20180517_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "9f22e0da0e6041d57fc20ed8e0753c8bbc19842c", "filename": "files/20180517_R44972_9f22e0da0e6041d57fc20ed8e0753c8bbc19842c.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 579914, "date": "2018-04-06", "retrieved": "2018-04-09T13:04:55.354179", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "The Navy in 2017 initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2019 budget requests $134.8 million in research and development funding for the program.\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the capabilities that the Navy\u2019s wants the FFG(X) to have, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X). Consistent with U.S. law, the ship is to be built in a U.S. shipyard, even if it is based on a foreign design. Multiple industry teams are reportedly competing for the program. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2019 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nwhether the Navy has chosen the appropriate amount of growth margin to incorporate into the FFG(X) design;\nthe Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe Navy\u2019s plan to end procurement of LCSs in FY2019 and shift to procurement of FFG(X)s starting in FY2020;\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "0a52e977d8e216d59c6da1c21603b6b14264c347", "filename": "files/20180406_R44972_0a52e977d8e216d59c6da1c21603b6b14264c347.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20180406_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "500d6a603fa8fa4acf57150a75677174bbc2c5c9", "filename": "files/20180406_R44972_500d6a603fa8fa4acf57150a75677174bbc2c5c9.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 576322, "date": "2017-12-08", "retrieved": "2017-12-12T14:13:08.318031", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "As part of its FY2018 budget submission, the Navy has initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a new class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. Given current Navy force-structure goals, the Navy wants to procure a notional total of 20 FFG(X)s. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2018 budget requests $143.5 million in research and development funding for the program.\nU.S. Navy frigates are smaller, less capable, and less expensive to procure and operate than U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. In contrast to cruisers and destroyers, which are designed to operate in higher-threat areas, frigates are generally intended to operate more in lower-threat areas. The Navy envisages the FFG(X) as a multimission ship capable of conducting anti-air warfare (aka air defense) operations, anti-surface warfare operations (meaning operations against enemy surface ships and craft), antisubmarine warfare operations, and electromagnetic maneuver warfare (EMW) operations. (EMW is a new term for electronic warfare.)\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the desired capabilities just mentioned, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). (Using a clean-sheet design might defer the procurement of the first ship to about FY2023.) Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X), including proposals based on either U.S. or foreign ship designs. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2018 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nthe Navy\u2019s proposed acquisition strategy for the program, including the Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe potential implications of the FFG(X) program for the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "938afb756a3856cb6bbe687367fd51eaf98beb14", "filename": "files/20171208_R44972_938afb756a3856cb6bbe687367fd51eaf98beb14.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20171208_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "6c5fe2148c1cbe6056d18fcf4f27415eb1a51354", "filename": "files/20171208_R44972_6c5fe2148c1cbe6056d18fcf4f27415eb1a51354.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 576070, "date": "2017-11-30", "retrieved": "2017-12-05T13:55:23.044786", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "As part of its FY2018 budget submission, the Navy has initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a new class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. Given current Navy force-structure goals, the Navy wants to procure a notional total of 20 FFG(X)s. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2018 budget requests $143.5 million in research and development funding for the program.\nU.S. Navy frigates are smaller, less capable, and less expensive to procure and operate than U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. In contrast to cruisers and destroyers, which are designed to operate in higher-threat areas, frigates are generally intended to operate more in lower-threat areas. The Navy envisages the FFG(X) as a multimission ship capable of conducting anti-air warfare (aka air defense) operations, anti-surface warfare operations (meaning operations against enemy surface ships and craft), antisubmarine warfare operations, and electromagnetic maneuver warfare (EMW) operations. (EMW is a new term for electronic warfare.)\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the desired capabilities just mentioned, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). (Using a clean-sheet design might defer the procurement of the first ship to about FY2023.) Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X), including proposals based on either U.S. or foreign ship designs. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2018 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nthe Navy\u2019s proposed acquisition strategy for the program, including the Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe potential implications of the FFG(X) program for the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "6a09f56ec87b3776f8043949027ce2794fe856df", "filename": "files/20171130_R44972_6a09f56ec87b3776f8043949027ce2794fe856df.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20171130_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "7750647aca617474d4be2f0b7905b0969f52adfd", "filename": "files/20171130_R44972_7750647aca617474d4be2f0b7905b0969f52adfd.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 575310, "date": "2017-11-09", "retrieved": "2017-11-14T14:20:28.919602", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "As part of its FY2018 budget submission, the Navy has initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a new class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the second in FY2021, and the remaining 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2022-FY2030. Given current Navy force-structure goals, the Navy wants to procure a notional total of 20 FFG(X)s. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2018 budget requests $143.5 million in research and development funding for the program.\nU.S. Navy frigates are smaller, less capable, and less expensive to procure and operate than U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. In contrast to cruisers and destroyers, which are designed to operate in higher-threat areas, frigates are generally intended to operate more in lower-threat areas. The Navy envisages the FFG(X) as a multimission ship capable of conducting anti-air warfare (aka air defense) operations, anti-surface warfare operations (meaning operations against enemy surface ships and craft), antisubmarine warfare operations, and electromagnetic maneuver warfare (EMW) operations. (EMW is a new term for electronic warfare.)\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the desired capabilities just mentioned, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). (Using a clean-sheet design might defer the procurement of the first ship to about FY2023.) Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X), including proposals based on either U.S. or foreign ship designs. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2018 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nthe Navy\u2019s proposed acquisition strategy for the program, including the Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe potential implications of the FFG(X) program for the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "a64f4a1d7c5e5d8266186b2a2b11d160479681f7", "filename": "files/20171109_R44972_a64f4a1d7c5e5d8266186b2a2b11d160479681f7.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20171109_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "3104edb1663539176a9d3e50ec8689dbf4bb9930", "filename": "files/20171109_R44972_3104edb1663539176a9d3e50ec8689dbf4bb9930.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 574920, "date": "2017-10-26", "retrieved": "2017-10-31T13:20:03.519286", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "As part of its FY2018 budget submission, the Navy has initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a new class of guided-missile frigates. The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, a second FFG(X) in FY2021, and two FFG(X)s per year starting in FY2022. Given current Navy force-structure goals, the Navy wants to procure a notional total of 20 FFG(X)s. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2018 budget requests $143.5 million in research and development funding for the program.\nU.S. Navy frigates are smaller, less capable, and less expensive to procure and operate than U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. In contrast to cruisers and destroyers, which are designed to operate in higher-threat areas, frigates are generally intended to operate more in lower-threat areas. The Navy envisages the FFG(X) as a multimission ship capable of conducting anti-air warfare (aka air defense) operations, anti-surface warfare operations (meaning operations against enemy surface ships and craft), antisubmarine warfare operations, and electromagnetic maneuver warfare (EMW) operations. (EMW is a new term for electronic warfare.)\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the desired capabilities just mentioned, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). (Using a clean-sheet design might defer the procurement of the first ship to about FY2023.) Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X), including proposals based on either U.S. or foreign ship designs. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2018 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nthe Navy\u2019s proposed acquisition strategy for the program, including the Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe potential implications of the FFG(X) program for the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "01c215b0e2df1aeb06b41527c5a225887e9a89ae", "filename": "files/20171026_R44972_01c215b0e2df1aeb06b41527c5a225887e9a89ae.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20171026_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "787ae5b425b53f7e76fc177fc9164bc11009a22c", "filename": "files/20171026_R44972_787ae5b425b53f7e76fc177fc9164bc11009a22c.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] }, { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 573586, "date": "2017-09-28", "retrieved": "2017-10-02T22:07:14.394416", "title": "Navy Frigate (FFG[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress", "summary": "As part of its FY2018 budget submission, the Navy has initiated a new program, called the FFG(X) program, to build a new class of guided-missile frigates. The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, a second FFG(X) in FY2021, and two FFG(X)s per year starting in FY2022. Given current Navy force-structure goals, the Navy might procure a total of 8 to 20 FFG(X)s. The Navy\u2019s proposed FY2018 budget requests $143.5 million in research and development funding for the program.\nU.S. Navy frigates are smaller, less capable, and less expensive to procure and operate than U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. In contrast to cruisers and destroyers, which are designed to operate in higher-threat areas, frigates are generally intended to operate more in lower-threat areas. The Navy envisages the FFG(X) as a multimission ship capable of conducting anti-air warfare (aka air defense) operations, anti-surface warfare operations (meaning operations against enemy surface ships and craft), antisubmarine warfare operations, and electromagnetic maneuver warfare (EMW) operations. (EMW is a new term for electronic warfare.)\nAlthough the Navy has not yet determined the design of the FFG(X), given the desired capabilities just mentioned, the ship will likely be larger in terms of displacement, more heavily armed, and more expensive to procure than the Navy\u2019s Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs). The Navy envisages developing no new technologies or systems for the FFG(X)\u2014the ship is to use systems and technologies that already exist or are already being developed for use in other programs.\nThe Navy\u2019s desire to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020 does not allow enough time to develop a completely new design (i.e., a clean-sheet design) for the FFG(X). (Using a clean-sheet design might defer the procurement of the first ship to about FY2023.) Consequently, the Navy intends to build the FFG(X) to a modified version of an existing ship design\u2014an approach called the parent-design approach. The parent design could be a U.S. ship design or a foreign ship design. The Navy intends to conduct a full and open competition to select the builder of the FFG(X), including proposals based on either U.S. or foreign ship designs. Given the currently envisaged procurement rate of two ships per year, the Navy envisages using a single builder to build the ships.\nThe FFG(X) program presents several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:\nwhether to approve, reject, or modify the Navy\u2019s FY2018 funding request for the program;\nwhether the Navy has accurately identified the capability gaps and mission needs to be addressed by the program;\nwhether procuring a new class of FFGs is the best or most promising general approach for addressing the identified capability gaps and mission needs;\nthe Navy\u2019s proposed acquisition strategy for the program, including the Navy\u2019s intent to use a parent-design approach for the program rather than develop an entirely new (i.e., clean-sheet) design for the ship;\nthe potential implications of the FFG(X) program for the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base; and\nwhether the initiation of the FFG(X) program has any implications for required numbers or capabilities of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": true, "formats": [ { "format": "HTML", "encoding": "utf-8", "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/R44972", "sha1": "564393dc279cccfc2274877e64a75331577a960f", "filename": "files/20170928_R44972_564393dc279cccfc2274877e64a75331577a960f.html", "images": { "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/0.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_5bd63232319b8e8cfe213d25364285dc8dc9ba3d.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/2.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_8c554f13c5838ae3029f1abc86a3f13e8d19f0c3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/5.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_fa6db75fcb94a1af13b23d16e09514a7972ec034.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/6.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_d30615f65b0dbb8e0c04c9b5a4e78c8f590ca984.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/7.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_dd1e6820342c95a078670fe44e317c7e4d9bf8d3.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/3.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_3f7a1cc3d9239ed107934366a9dee011ad3b5bb1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/8.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_d5a2b2d31502fb866f9561060a20f5fa590f0c38.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/1.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_3f06286371fb46f533b953af2d4ae80db6429ec1.png", "/products/Getimages/?directory=R/html/R44972_files&id=/4.png": "files/20170928_R44972_images_d3021c33a8a5846254db3e6f4ae876226cc61b4b.png" } }, { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/R44972", "sha1": "d3bd2ab2ba0ede9141972e1dbf41c70ab8645e04", "filename": "files/20170928_R44972_d3bd2ab2ba0ede9141972e1dbf41c70ab8645e04.pdf", "images": {} } ], "topics": [ { "source": "IBCList", "id": 4902, "name": "Air, Land, Sea, & Projection Forces" } ] } ], "topics": [ "National Defense" ] }