{ "id": "98-240", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "number": "98-240", "active": false, "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "versions": [ { "source": "EveryCRSReport.com", "id": 103604, "date": "1999-08-19", "retrieved": "2016-05-24T20:43:08.683941", "title": "Iraq: Compensation and Assets Issues", "summary": "A U.N. process to compensate the victims of Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait is\nproceeding,\naided by revenues generated by the U.N. \"oil-for-food\" program in Iraq. However, the amount of\nmoney available relative to outstanding claims suggests that the compensation process will not be\ncompleted in the foreseeable future. On a related issue, progress to decide the disposition of frozen\nIraq assets held by U.S. banks has been hampered by differences over which claimants should have\npriority. (1) A bill that gives priority to members or veterans of the U.S.\narmed forces was incorporated\ninto the House version of the FY2000 State Department authorization bill ( H.R. 2415 ),\npassed by the House July 21, 1999. This report will be updated to reflect legislative developments\non this issue. For further information on Iraq, see CRS Issue Brief IB92117, Iraq Compliance\nwith\nCeasefire Agreements . \n 1. \u00a0This report mentions some specific compensation claims,\nwithin and separate from the U.N. compensation\nprocess, for illustrative purposes only. CRS has no way to independently assess the validity or value\nof any\nspecific compensation claim.", "type": "CRS Report", "typeId": "REPORTS", "active": false, "formats": [ { "format": "PDF", "encoding": null, "url": "http://www.crs.gov/Reports/pdf/98-240", "sha1": "4a1c6f651516c1ce00c8f5f03e88821f0113006b", "filename": "files/19990819_98-240_4a1c6f651516c1ce00c8f5f03e88821f0113006b.pdf", "images": null }, { "format": "HTML", "filename": "files/19990819_98-240_4a1c6f651516c1ce00c8f5f03e88821f0113006b.html" } ], "topics": [] } ], "topics": [ "Foreign Affairs", "Middle Eastern Affairs" ] }