The Small Business Administration (SBA) administers several programs to support small businesses, including loan guaranty programs designed to encourage lenders to provide loans to small businesses "that might not otherwise obtain financing on reasonable terms and conditions." The SBA's 7(a) loan guaranty program is the agency's flagship loan program. It derives its name from Section 7(a) of the Small Business Act of 1953 (P.L. 83-163, as amended), which authorizes the SBA to provide business loans and loan guaranties to American small businesses.
In FY2019, the SBA approved 51,907 7(a) loans totaling nearly $23.2 billion. The average approved 7(a) loan amount was $446,487. The total number and amount of 7(a) loans approved (and actually disbursed) is expected to increase dramatically this fiscal year due to changes to the 7(a) program included in P.L. 116-136, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).
This report discusses the 7(a) program's borrower and lender eligibility standards and program requirements; and program statistics, including loan volume, loss rates, use of proceeds, borrower satisfaction, and borrower demographics. It also examines issues raised concerning the SBA's administration of the 7(a) program, including the oversight of 7(a) lenders and the program's lack of outcome-based performance measures.
In addition, this report discusses recent congressional and SBA actions to enhance small businesses' access to capital, including actions taken during and immediately following the Great Recession (2007-2009) and, more recently, to address the COVID-19 pandemic's adverse economic impact on the national economy.
Among its key features, the CARES Act:
The Appendix provides a brief description of the 7(a) program's SBAExpress, Export Express, and Community Advantage programs.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) administers programs to support small businesses, including loan guaranty programs to encourage lenders to provide loans to small businesses "that might not otherwise obtain financing on reasonable terms and conditions."1 The SBA's 7(a) loan guaranty program is the agency's flagship loan program.2 It derives its name from Section 7(a) of the Small Business Act of 1953 (P.L. 83-163, as amended), which authorizes the SBA to provide and guarantee business loans to American small businesses.
The SBA also administers several 7(a) subprograms that offer streamlined and expedited loan procedures for particular groups of borrowers, including the SBAExpress, Export Express, and Community Advantage Pilot programs (see the Appendix for additional details). Although these subprograms have their own distinguishing eligibility requirements, terms, and benefits, they operate under the 7(a) program's authorization.3
Congress has always shown a great interest in the 7(a) loan program because of concerns that small businesses might be prevented from accessing sufficient capital to enable them to grow and create jobs. That interest has grown especially acute in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic's adverse economic impact on the national economy.
In FY2019, the SBA approved 51,907 7(a) loans totaling nearly $23.2 billion. The average approved 7(a) loan amount was $446,487.4 The total number and amount of SBA 7(a) loans approved (and actually disbursed) is expected to increase dramatically this fiscal year due to changes to the 7(a) program included in P.L. 116-136, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). See Table 1 for a summary of the CARES Act's major provisions.
The CARES Act includes several provisions (e.g., fee waivers, increased loan limits) that were included in legislation adopted during the 111th Congress to address the economic slowdown during and immediately following the Great Recession (2007-2209). Back then, many Members of Congress argued that the SBA should be provided additional resources to assist small businesses in acquiring capital necessary to start, continue, or expand operations with the expectation that in so doing small businesses would retain and create jobs. Others worried about the long-term adverse economic effects of spending programs that increase the federal deficit. They advocated business tax reduction, reform of financial credit market regulation, and federal fiscal restraint as the best means to help small businesses further economic growth and job creation.
Table 1. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Summary of Major Provisions
Source: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).
A major difference between then and now is that given COVID-19's widespread adverse economic impact, resulting primarily from physical distancing and the resulting decrease in consumer spending, there is an added emphasis now on SBA loan deferrals, loan forgiveness, and expanded eligibility, including, for the first time, specified types of nonprofit organizations (see Table 1). There has also been less concern about fiscal restraint than during the 111th Congress.
This report examines the 7(a) program's borrower and lender eligibility standards and program requirements; and program statistics, including loan volume, loss rates, use of the proceeds, borrower satisfaction, and borrower demographics. It also examines issues raised concerning the SBA's administration of the 7(a) program, including the oversight of 7(a) lenders and the program's lack of outcome-based performance measures.
In addition, recent congressional and SBA actions to enhance small businesses' access to capital are examined, including actions taken during and immediately following the Great Recession (2007-2009) and, more recently, to address the COVID-19 pandemic's adverse economic impact on the national economy.
The following eligibility standards and program requirements apply to the 7(a) program. The CARES Act created separate eligibility standards and program requirements for the Payment Protection Program (PPP). PPP eligibility standards and program requirements are listed in Table 1.
To be eligible for an SBA business loan, a small business applicant must
To qualify for an SBA 7(a) loan, applicants must be creditworthy and able to reasonably assure repayment. SBA requires lenders to consider the strength of the business and the applicant's
Borrowers may use 7(a) loan proceeds to establish a new business or to assist in the operation, acquisition, or expansion of an existing business. 7(a) loan proceeds may be used to
Borrowers are prohibited from using 7(a) loan proceeds to
As mentioned previously, P.L. 111-240 increased the 7(a) program's maximum gross loan amount for any one 7(a) loan from $2 million to $5 million (up to $3.75 million maximum guaranty). In FY2019, the average approved 7(a) loan amount was $446,487, and about 37% of all 7(a) loans exceeded $2 million.11
A 7(a) loan is required to have the shortest appropriate term, depending upon the borrower's ability to repay. The maximum term is 10 years, unless the loan finances or refinances real estate or equipment with a useful life exceeding 10 years. In that case, the loan term can be up to 25 years, including extensions.12
Lenders are allowed to charge borrowers "a reasonable fixed interest rate" or, with the SBA's approval, a variable interest rate.13 The SBA uses a multistep formula to determine the maximum allowable fixed interest rate for all 7(a) loans (with the exception of the Export Working Capital Program and Community Advantage loans) and periodically publishes that rate and the maximum allowable variable interest rate in the Federal Register.14
The maximum allowable fixed interest rates in March 2020 are 12.75% for 7(a) loans of $25,000 or less; 11.75% for loans over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000; 10.75% for loans over $50,000 up to and including $250,000; and 9.75% for loans greater than $250,000.15
The 7(a) program's maximum allowable variable interest rate is determined by a formula that starts with the lender selecting a base rate from among the following: the lowest prime rate (4.75% in March 2020), the 30-day LIBOR rate plus 300 basis points (4.36% in March 2020), or the SBA optional peg rate (1.88% in the second quarter of FY2020).16 The optional peg rate is a weighted average of rates the federal government pays for loans with maturities similar to the average SBA loan.17
The lender may charge the borrower a variable rate that is pegged to the base rate and varies depending on the loan's amount and maturity.18 The maximum variable interest rate allowed applies only to the initial rate on the date SBA received the loan application.
For 7(a) loans of $25,000 or less, the SBA does not require lenders to take collateral. For 7(a) loans exceeding $25,000 to $350,000, the lender must follow the collateral policies and procedures that it has established and implemented for its similarly sized non-SBA-guaranteed commercial loans. However, the lender must, at a minimum, obtain a first lien on assets financed with loan proceeds, and a lien on all of the applicant's fixed assets, including real estate, up to the point that the loan is fully secured. For 7(a) loans exceeding $350,000, the SBA requires lenders to collateralize the loan to the maximum extent possible up to the loan amount.19 If business assets do not fully secure the loan, the lender must take available equity in the principal's personal real estate (residential and investment) as collateral.20
7(a) loans are considered "fully secured" if the lender has taken security interests in all available fixed assets with a combined "net book value" up to the loan amount.21 The SBA directs lenders to not decline a loan solely on the basis of inadequate collateral because "one of the primary reasons lenders use the SBA-guaranteed program is for those Applicants that demonstrate repayment ability but lack adequate collateral to repay the loan in full in the event of a default."22
Lenders must have a continuing ability to evaluate, process, close, disburse, service, and liquidate small business loans; be open to the public for the making of such loans (and not be a financing subsidiary, engaged primarily in financing the operations of an affiliate); have continuing good character and reputation; and be supervised and examined by a state or federal regulatory authority, satisfactory to the SBA. They must also maintain satisfactory performance, as determined by the SBA through on-site review/examination assessments, historical performance measures (such as default rate, purchase rate, and loss rate), and loan volume to the extent that it affects performance measures.23 In FY2019, 1,708 lenders provided 7(a) loans.24
The SBA started the Preferred Lenders Program (PLP) on March 1, 1983, initially on a pilot basis.25 It is designed to streamline the procedures necessary to provide financial assistance to small businesses by delegating the final credit decision and most servicing and liquidation authority and responsibility to carefully selected PLP lenders.26 PLP loan approvals are subject only to a brief eligibility review and the assignment of a loan number by SBA.27 PLP lenders draft the SBA Authorization (of loan guaranty approval) without the SBA's review, and execute it on behalf of the SBA. In FY2019, PLP lenders approved 23,892 7(a) loans (46% of all 7(a) loans), amounting to $17.6 billion (75.8% of the total amount approved).28
PLP lenders must comply with all of the SBA's business loan eligibility requirements, credit policies, and procedures. The PLP lender is required to stay informed on, and apply, all of the SBA's loan program requirements. They must also complete and retain in the lender's file all forms and documents required of standard 7(a) loan packages.29
Borrowers submit applications for a 7(a) business loan to private lenders. The lender reviews the application and decides if it merits a loan on its own or if it has some weaknesses which, in the lender's opinion, do not meet standard, conventional underwriting guidelines and require additional support in the form of an SBA guaranty. The SBA guaranty assures the lender that if the borrower does not repay the loan and the lender has adhered to all applicable regulations concerning the loan, the SBA will reimburse the lender for its loss, up to the percentage of the SBA's guaranty. The small business borrowing the money remains obligated for the full amount due.
If the lender determines that it is willing to provide the loan, but only with an SBA guaranty, it submits the application for approval to the SBA's Loan Guaranty Processing Center (LGPC) through the SBA's E-Tran (Electronic Loan Processing/Servicing) website (which is available through SBA One, the SBA's automated lending platform) or, if attachments to the application are too large for E-Tran, by secured electronic file transfer.
The LGPC has two physical locations: Citrus Heights, CA, and Hazard, KY.30 This center processes 7(a) loan guaranty applications for lenders who do not have delegated authority to make 7(a) loans without the SBA's final approval.31
PLP and express lenders are authorized to make credit decisions without SBA review prior to loan approval. However, the PLP and express lender's analysis is subject to the SBA's review and determination of adequacy when the lender requests the SBA to purchase its guaranty and when the SBA is conducting a review of the lender.32
As an additional safeguard against the potential for loan defaults, the SBA now requires all non-express 7(a) loans of $350,000 or less to be SBA credit scored through E-Tran prior to submission/approval.33
The application materials required for a SBA guaranty vary depending on the size of the loan ($350,000 or less versus exceeding $350,000) and the method of processing used by the lender (standard versus expedited/express).
The following SBA documentation is required for all 7(a) standard loans of $350,000 or less:
The following forms and documentation are also required for 7(a) standard loans exceeding $350,000:
To offset its costs, the SBA is authorized to charge lenders an up-front, one-time guaranty fee and an annual, ongoing service fee for each 7(a) loan approved and disbursed.46 The SBA's fees vary depending on loan amount and maturity. The maximum guaranty fee for 7(a) loans with maturities exceeding 12 months is set by statute and varies depending on the loan amount.47 The fee is a percentage of the SBA guaranteed portion of the loan. On short-term loans (maturities of less than 12 months), the lender must pay the guaranty fee to the SBA electronically through within 10 days from the date the SBA loan number is assigned. If the fee is not received within the specified time frame, the SBA will cancel the guaranty. On loans with maturities in excess of 12 months, the lender must pay the guaranty fee to the SBA within 90 days of the date of loan approval.48
For short-term loans, the lender may charge the guaranty fee to the borrower only after the lender has paid the guaranty fee. For loans with maturities in excess of 12 months, the lender may charge the guaranty fee to the borrower after initial disbursement.49 Lenders are permitted to retain 25% of the guaranty fee on loans with a gross amount of $150,000 or less.50
The annual service fee cannot exceed 0.55% of the outstanding balance of the SBA's share of the loan and is required to be no more than the "rate necessary to reduce to zero the cost to the Administration" of making guaranties.51 The lender's annual service fee to the SBA cannot be charged to the borrower.52
In an effort to assist small business owners, the SBA
Table 2 shows the annual service fee and guaranty fee for 7(a) loans in FY2020. The annual service fee is a percentage of the outstanding balance of the SBA's share of the loan. The guaranty fee is a percentage of the SBA guaranteed portion of the loan.
The SBA waived its up-front, one-time guaranty fee for all veteran loans under the 7(a) SBAExpress program (up to $350,000) from January 1, 2014, through the end of FY2015. P.L. 114-38, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015, made this fee waiver permanent, except during any upcoming fiscal year for which the President's budget, submitted to Congress, includes a cost for the 7(a) program, in its entirety, that is above zero. The CARES Act permanently eliminated the zero subsidy requirement. The SBA waived this fee in FY2016-FY2019.
Maturity and Gross Loan Amount |
Annual Service Fee |
Guaranty Fee |
12 months or less |
Exceeding 12 months and |
Exceeding 12 months and |
Exceeding 12 months and |
Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Fees Effective For the Period October 1, 2019 through November 21, 2019," at; and U.S. Small Business Administration, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Fees Effective For the Period December 21, 2019 through September 30, 2020," at
Notes: If two or more SBA guaranteed loans are approved within 90 days of each other, the guaranty fee is determined based on the aggregate amount of the loans. Lenders are not permitted to split loans for the purpose of avoiding fees.
The SBA also waived 50% of the up-front, one-time guaranty fee on all non-SBAExpress 7(a) loans of $150,001 to $5 million for veterans in FY2015 and FY2016; 50% of the up-front, one-time guaranty fee on all non-SBAExpress 7(a) loans of $150,001 to $500,000 for veterans in FY2017; and 50% of the up-front, one-time guaranty fee on all non-SBAExpress 7(a) loans of $125,001 to $350,000 for veterans in FY2018.
The Obama Administration argued that fee waivers for 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less were necessary because the demand for smaller 7(a) loans had fallen and the waiver reduction "can be achieved with zero credit subsidy appropriations" because the "annual fees for larger 7(a) loans will cover the cost for those smaller loans."56 The Administration also contended that waiving the fees on smaller SBA loans would "promote lending to small businesses that face the most constraints on credit access."57
For context, 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less accounted for about 11.8% of the total amount of 7(a) loan approvals in FY2010 ($1.46 billion of $12.41 billion); 8.3% in FY2011 ($1.63 billion of $19.64 billion); 9.5% in FY2012 ($1.44 billion of $15.15 billion); 8.1% in FY2013 ($1.45 billion of $17.87 billion); 9.7% in FY2014 ($1.86 billion of $19.19 billion); 9.7% in FY2015 ($2.28 billion of $23.58 billion); 9.4% in FY2016 ($2.75 billion of $24.13 billion), and 9.2% in FY2017 ($2.33 billion of $25.45 billion).58
The SBA also announced that eliminating guaranty fees for 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less ($125,000 or less in FY2018) was part of its broader effort to "reduce barriers, attract new lenders, grow loan volumes of existing lenders and improve access to capital for small businesses and entrepreneurs."59
Some in Congress questioned whether it is appropriate to require borrowers of larger 7(a) loans to, in effect, subsidize borrowers of smaller 7(a) loans, who might be direct competitors. They have suggested that it might be more appropriate to reduce fees across-the-board without regard to loan size.60
The lender may charge an applicant "reasonable fees" customary for similar lenders in the geographic area where the loan is being made for packaging and other services. The lender must advise the applicant in writing that the applicant is not required to obtain or pay for unwanted services. These fees are subject to SBA review at any time, and the lender must refund any such fee considered unreasonable by the SBA.61
The lender may also charge an applicant an additional fee if, subject to prior written SBA approval, all or part of a loan will have extraordinary servicing needs. The additional fee cannot exceed 2% per year on the outstanding balance of the part requiring special servicing (e.g., field inspections for construction projects). The lender may also collect from the applicant necessary out-of-pocket expenses, including filing or recording fees, photocopying, delivery charges, collateral appraisals, environmental impact reports that are obtained in compliance with SBA policy, and other direct charges related to loan closing.62 The lender is prohibited from requiring the borrower to pay any fees for goods and services, including insurance, as a condition for obtaining an SBA guaranteed loan, and from imposing on SBA loan applicants processing fees, origination fees, application fees, points, brokerage fees, bonus points, and referral or similar fees.63
The lender is also allowed to charge the borrower a late payment fee not to exceed 5% of the regular loan payment when the borrower is more than 10 days delinquent on its regularly scheduled payment. The lender may not charge a fee for full or partial prepayment of a loan.64
For loans with a maturity of 15 years or longer, the borrower must pay to the SBA a subsidy recoupment fee when the borrower voluntarily prepays 25% or more of its loan in any one year during the first three years after first disbursement. The fee is 5% of the prepayment amount during the first year, 3% in the second year, and 1% in the third year.65
As shown in Table 3, the total number and amount of SBA 7(a) loans approved (before and after cancellations and modifications) declined in FY2008 and FY2009, increased during FY2010 and FY2011, declined somewhat in FY2012, increased in FY2013-FY2016, and has declined somewhat since then. The number and amount of 7(a) loans approved annually is higher than the number and amount of loans disbursed because some borrowers did not accept the loan for several reasons, such as financing was secured elsewhere, funds were no longer needed, or a change in business ownership.
The SBA attributed the decreased number and amount of 7(a) loans approved in FY2008 and FY2009 to a reduced demand for small business loans resulting from the 2007-2009 recession's economic uncertainty and to tightened loan standards lenders imposed concerning possible higher loan default rates resulting from the economic slowdown. The SBA attributed the increased number of loans approved in FY2010 and FY2011 to legislation that provided funding to temporarily reduce the 7(a) program's loan fees and temporarily increase the 7(a) program's loan guaranty percentage to 90% for all standard 7(a) loans from up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000.66
FY |
Number of Loans Approved |
Number of Loans Approved After Cancellations |
Amount Approved |
Amount Approved After Cancellations and Modifications |
Total Unpaid |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Sources: U.S. Small Business Administration, correspondence with the author, December 18, 2018 and October 18, 2020; U.S. Small Business Administration, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at; and U.S. Small Business Administration, "Small Business Administration Loan Program Performance: Table 1─Unpaid Principal Balance By Program," at—small-business-administration-loan-program-performance.
Notes: The 7(a) program's authorization limit on disbursements was $17.5 billion in FY2007-FY2013 (P.L. 109-289, P.L. 110-161, P.L. 111-8, P.L. 111-117, P.L. 112-10, P.L. 112-74, and P.L. 112-175); initially $17.5 billion and later increased to $18.5 billion in FY2014 (P.L. 113-164); initially $18.75 billion (P.L. 113-235) and later increased to $23.5 billion in FY2015 (P.L. 114-38); $26.5 billion in FY2016 (P.L. 114-113), $27.5 billion in FY2017 (P.L. 115-31), and $29.0 billion in FY2018 (P.L. 115-141), $30 billion in FY2019 (P.L. 116-6), and $30 billion in FY2020 under P.L. 116-93, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020.
The fee subsidies and 90% loan guaranty percentage were in place during most of FY2010 and the first quarter of FY2011.67 The increased number and amount of 7(a) loans approved in FY2013-FY2016 was generally attributed to improving economic conditions.68
Table 3 also provides the 7(a) program's unpaid principal balance by fiscal year. Precise measurements of the small business credit market are not available. However, the SBA has estimated that the small business credit market (outstanding bank loans of $1 million or less, plus credit extended by finance companies and other sources) is roughly $1.2 trillion.69 The 7(a) program's unpaid principal balance of $95.1 billion as of September 30, 2019, was about 7.9% of that amount.70
One of the SBA's goals is to achieve a zero subsidy rate for its loan guaranty programs. A zero subsidy rate occurs when the SBA's loan guaranty programs generate sufficient revenue through fee collections and recoveries of collateral on purchased (defaulted) loans to not require appropriations to issue new loan guarantees.
As indicated in Table 4, the SBA needed additional appropriations to achieve a zero subsidy rate for the 7(a) program in FY2010, FY2011, FY2012, FY2013, and FY2020. The 504/CDC loan guaranty program received additional appropriations to achieve a zero subsidy rate in FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, and FY2015.
Table 4. Business Loan Credit Subsidies, 7(a) and 504/CDC Loan Guaranty Programs, FY2007-FY2020
($ in millions)
FY |
7(a) |
504/CDC |
Total Subsidy |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Sources: U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2011 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2009 Annual Performance Report, p. 19; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2012 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2010 Annual Performance Report, p. 22; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2013 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2011 Annual Performance Report, p. 19; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2014 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2012 Annual Performance Report, p. 25; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2015 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2013 Annual Performance Report, p. 24; P.L. 113-235, the Consolidation and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2016 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2014 Annual Performance Report, p. 16; U.S. Small Business Administration, FY2017 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2015 Annual Performance Report, p. 14; P.L. 115-141, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018; P.L. 116-6, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019; and P.L. 116-93, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020.
Notes: The Microloan program also receives an appropriation for credit subsidy, primarily for providing below market interest rates to Microloan intermediaries. The subsidies were $1.3 million in FY2007, $2.0 million in FY2008, $2.5 million in FY2009, $3.0 million in FY2010 and FY2011, $3.678 million in FY2012, $3.498 million (after sequestration) in FY2013, $4.6 million in FY2014, $2.5 million in FY2015, $3.338 million in FY2016, $4.338 million in FY2017, $3.438 million in FY2018, $4.0 million in FY2019, and $5 million in FY2020.
In FY2019, the SBA spent $91.6 million on the 7(a) program for administrative expenses, including $56.5 million for loan making, $5.3 million for loan servicing, and $29.7 million for loan liquidation. Also, the SBA spent $25.7 million on lender oversight, including oversight of 7(a) lenders. The SBA anticipates that 7(a) program administrative expenses will be about $95.9 million in FY2020 and $100.4 million in FY2021. In addition, the SBA anticipates that it will spend about $29.6 million in FY2020 and $30.1 million in FY2021 for lender oversight of the SBA's various lending programs.71
In FY2017, borrowers used 7(a) loan proceeds to
In 2008, the Urban Institute released the results of an SBA-commissioned study of the SBA's loan guaranty programs. As part of its analysis, the Urban Institute surveyed a random sample of SBA loan guaranty borrowers. The survey indicated that most of the 7(a) borrowers responding to the survey rated their overall satisfaction with their 7(a) loan and loan terms as either excellent (18%) or good (50%). One out of every five 7(a) borrowers (20%) rated their overall satisfaction with their 7(a) loan and loan terms as fair, and 6% rated their overall satisfaction with their 7(a) loan and loan terms as poor (7% reported don't know or did not respond).73 In addition, 90% of the survey's respondents reported that the 7(a) loan was either very important (62%) or somewhat important (28%) to their business success (2% reported somewhat unimportant, 3% reported very unimportant, and 4% reported don't know or did not respond).74
The Urban Institute found that about 9.9% of conventional small business loans are issued to minority-owned small businesses, and about 16% of conventional small business loans are issued to women-owned businesses.75 In FY2019, 31.9% of 7(a) loan approvals ($7.40 billion of $23.18 billion) were to minority-owned businesses (21.7% Asian, 6.3% Hispanic, 3.3% African-American, and 0.6% American Indian) and 14.2% ($3.29 billion of $23.18 billion) were to women-owned businesses.76 From its comparative analysis of conventional small business loans and the SBA's loan guaranty programs, the Urban Institute concluded the following:
SBA's loan programs are designed to enable private lenders to make loans to creditworthy borrowers who would otherwise not be able to qualify for a loan. As a result, there should be differences in the types of borrowers and loan terms associated with SBA-guaranteed and conventional small business loans.
Our comparative analysis shows such differences. Overall, loans under the 7(a) and 504 programs were more likely to be made to minority-owned, women-owned, and start-up businesses (firms that have historically faced capital gaps) as compared to conventional small business loans. Moreover, the average amounts for loans made under the 7(a) and 504 programs to these types of firms were substantially greater than conventional small business loans to such firms. These findings suggest that the 7(a) and 504 programs are being used by lenders in a manner that is consistent with SBA's objective of making credit available to firms that face a capital opportunity gap.77
Congressional interest in the 7(a) loan program has increased in recent years largely because of concerns that small businesses might be prevented from accessing sufficient capital to enable them to assist in the economic recovery. During the 110th and 111th Congresses, several laws were enacted to increase the supply and demand for capital for both large and small businesses.78 For example, in 2008, Congress adopted P.L. 110-343, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which authorized the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Under TARP, the U.S. Department of the Treasury was authorized to purchase or insure up to $700 billion in troubled assets, including small business loans, from banks and other financial institutions. The law's intent was "to restore liquidity and stability to the financial system of the United States."79 P.L. 111-203, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, reduced total TARP purchase authority from $700 billion to $475 billion. The Department of the Treasury's authority to make new financial commitments under TARP ended on October 3, 2010. The Department of the Treasury has disbursed approximately $430 billion in TARP funds, including $370 million to purchase SBA 7(a) loan guaranty program securities.80
In addition, as mentioned previously, in 2009, ARRA provided an additional $730 million for SBA programs, including $375 million to temporarily reduce fees in the SBA's 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs and increase the 7(a) program's maximum loan guaranty percentage from up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000 to 90% for all standard 7(a) loans. Congress subsequently provided another $265 million, and authorized the SBA to reprogram another $40 million, to extend the fee reductions and loan modification through May 31, 2010, and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 provided another $505 million (plus $5 million for administrative expenses) to extend the fee reductions and loan modification from September 27, 2010, through December 31, 2010. Also, P.L. 111-322, the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011, authorized the use of any funding remaining from the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to extend the fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through March 4, 2011, or until the available funding was exhausted.81 Funding for these purposes was exhausted on January 3, 2011.
The Obama Administration argued that TARP and the additional funding for the SBA's loan guaranty programs helped to improve the small business lending environment and supported "the retention and creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs."82 Critics argued that small business tax reduction, reform of financial credit market regulation, and federal fiscal restraint are the best means to assist small business economic growth and job creation.83
Over the years, the SBA's Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) have independently reviewed the SBA's administration of the SBA's loan guaranty programs. Although improvements have been noted, both agencies have reported deficiencies in the SBA's administration of its loan guaranty programs that they argue need to be addressed, including issues involving the oversight of 7(a) lenders and the lack of outcome-based performance measures.
On December 1, 2000, the OIG released its FY2001 list of the most serious management challenges facing the SBA and included, for the first time, the oversight of SBA lenders.84 Since then, the OIG has determined that the SBA has made significant progress in improving its oversight of SBA lenders. For example
Despite these improvements, the OIG continues to list lender oversight as one of the most serious management challenges facing the SBA because it argues that several issues that it has identified in audits have not been fully addressed.99 Specifically, the OIG reports that the SBA needs to show that the portfolio risk management program is used to support risk based decisions, implement additional controls to mitigate risks, develop an effective method for tracking loan agents, and update regulations on loan agents.100
GAO has argued that the 7(a) program's performance measures (e.g., number of loans approved, loans funded, and firms assisted across the subgroups of small businesses) provide limited information about the impact of the loans on participating small businesses:
The program's performance measures focus on indicators that are primarily output measures–for instance, they report on the number of loans approved and funded. But none of the measures looks at how well firms do after receiving 7(a) loans, so no information is available on outcomes. As a result, the current measures do not indicate how well the agency is meeting its strategic goal of helping small businesses succeed.101
The SBA's OIG has made a similar argument concerning the SBA's Microloan program's performance measures. Because the SBA uses similar program performance measures for its Microloan and 7(a) programs, the OIG's recommendations could also be applied to the SBA's 7(a) program.
Specifically, as part of its audit of the SBA Microloan program's use of ARRA funds, the OIG found that the SBA's performance measures for the Microloan program are based on the number of microloans funded, the number of small businesses assisted, and program's loan loss rate. It argued that these "performance metrics ... do not ensure the ultimate program beneficiaries, the microloan borrowers, are truly assisted by the program" and "without appropriate metrics, SBA cannot ensure the Microloan program is meeting policy goals."102 It noted that the SBA does not track the number of microloan borrowers who remain in business after receiving a microloan to measure the extent to which the loans contributed to the success of borrowers and does not determine the effect that technical training assistance may have on the success of microloan borrowers and their ability to repay loans.103 It recommended that the SBA "develop additional performance metrics to measure the program's achievement in assisting microloan borrowers in establishing and maintaining successful small businesses."104
In its response to GAO's recommendation to develop additional performance measures for the 7(a) program, the SBA formed, in July 2014, an impact evaluation working group to develop a methodology for conducting impact evaluations of the agency's programs using administrative data sources residing at the SBA and in other federal agencies, such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.105 Numerous SBA program offices participated in this working group and each office developed its own program evaluation methodology or established program evaluation frameworks.106
More recently, the SBA indicated in its FY2017 congressional budget justification document that although it "continues to face barriers gathering outcome rich evaluation data with current restrictions in collecting personal identification information (PII) and business identification information (BII)" it "plans to further develop its analytical capabilities, enhance collaboration across its programs, provide evaluation-specific trainings, and broaden use of impact evaluations to support senior leaders and institutionalize the evidence-based process across programs."107 To encourage evidence-based evaluations across its programs, the SBA has created an annual Enterprise Learning Agenda designed to "help program managers continue to build and use evidence and to foster an environment of continuous learning."108 As part of this agenda building process, the SBA identifies programs for evidence-based evaluation and undertakes both internal evaluations using available data or contracts with third parties to conduct the evaluations.109
Congress authorized several changes to the 7(a) program during the 111th Congress in an effort to increase the number and amount of 7(a) loans.
During the 111th Congress, the Obama Administration supported congressional efforts to temporarily subsidize fees for the 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs and to increase the 7(a) program's loan guaranty percentage from up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000 to 90%. Congress subsequently provided nearly $1.1 billion to temporarily subsidize fees for the 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs and to increase the 7(a) program's maximum loan guaranty percentage to 90% for all standard 7(a) loans.
The Obama Administration also proposed the following modifications to several SBA programs, including the 7(a) program:
The Obama Administration argued that increasing the maximum loan limits for the 7(a), 504/CDC, Microloan, and SBAExpress programs would allow the SBA to "support larger projects," which would "allow the SBA to help America's small businesses drive long-term economic growth and the creation of jobs in communities across the country."111 The Administration also argued that increasing the maximum loan limits for these programs would be "budget neutral" over the long run and "help improve the availability of smaller loans."112
Critics of the Obama Administration's proposals to increase the SBA's maximum loan limits argued that higher loan limits might increase the risk of defaults, resulting in higher guaranty fees or the need to provide the SBA additional funding, especially for the SBAExpress program, which has experienced somewhat higher default rates than other SBA loan guaranty programs.113 Others advocated a more modest increase in the maximum loan limits to ensure that the 7(a) program "remains focused on startup and early-stage small firms, businesses that have historically encountered the greatest difficulties in accessing credit," and "avoids making small borrowers carry a disproportionate share of the risk associated with larger loans."114
Others argued that creating a small business direct lending program within the SBA would reduce paperwork requirements and be more efficient in providing small businesses access to capital than modifying existing SBA programs that rely on private lenders to determine if they will issue the loans.115 Also, as mentioned previously, others argued that providing additional resources to the SBA or modifying the SBA's loan programs as a means to augment small business access to capital is ill-advised. In their view, the SBA has limited impact on small businesses' access to capital. They argued that the best means to assist small business economic growth and job creation is to focus on small business tax reduction, reform of financial credit market regulation, and federal fiscal restraint.116
As mentioned previously, in 2009, ARRA provided an additional $730 million for SBA programs, including $375 million to temporarily reduce fees in the SBA's 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs ($299 million) and increase the 7(a) program's maximum loan guaranty percentage from up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000 to 90% for all standard 7(a) loans ($76 million).117
P.L. 111-240 provided $505 million (plus $5 million for administrative expenses) to extend the 7(a) program's 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage and 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs' fee subsidies through December 31, 2010 (later extended to March 4, 2011), or until available funding was exhausted (which occurred on January 3, 2011). The act also made the following changes to the SBA's programs:
The act also authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to establish a $30 billion Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) to encourage community banks to provide small business loans ($4 billion was issued), a $1.5 billion State Small Business Credit Initiative to provide funding to participating states with small business capital access programs, and about $12 billion in tax relief for small businesses.119 It also contained revenue raising provisions to offset the act's cost and authorized a number of changes to other SBA loan and contracting programs.
Congress did not approve any changes to the 7(a) program during the 112th Congress. However, several bills were introduced during the 112th Congress that would have changed the program.
S. 1828, a bill to increase small business lending, and for other purposes, was introduced on November 8, 2011, and referred to the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The bill would have reinstated for a year following the date of its enactment the temporary fee subsidies for the 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs and the 90% loan guaranty for standard 7(a) loans, which were originally authorized by ARRA and later extended by several laws, including the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010.
H.R. 2936, the Small Business Administration Express Loan Extension Act of 2011, introduced on September 15, 2011, and referred to the House Committee on Small Business, would have extended a one-year increase in the maximum loan amount for the SBAExpress program from $350,000 to $1 million for an additional year. The temporary increase in that program's maximum loan amount was authorized by P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, and expired on September 27, 2011 (see Appendix).
S. 532, the Patriot Express Authorization Act of 2011, introduced on March 9, 2011, and referred to the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, would have provided statutory authorization for the Patriot Express Pilot Program. This program was subsequently discontinued by the SBA on December 31, 2013. The bill would have increased the program's maximum loan amount from $500,000 to $1 million, and it would have increased the guaranty percentages from up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000 to up to 85% of loans of $500,000 or less and up to 80% of loans exceeding $500,000.
H.R. 2451, the Strengthening Entrepreneurs' Economic Development Act of 2013, was introduced on June 20, 2013, and referred to the House Committee on Small Business. It would have authorized the SBA to make direct loans of up to $150,000 to businesses with fewer than 20 employees. It would have also required the SBA to assess, collect, and retain a fee with respect to the outstanding balance of the deferred participation share of each 7(a) loan in excess of $2 million that is no more than is necessary to reduce to zero the SBA's cost of making the loan.
H.R. 2461, the SBA Loan Paperwork Reduction Act of 2013, was introduced on June 20, 2013, and referred to the House Committee on Small Business. It would have provided statutory authorization for the Small Loan Advantage (SLA) pilot program. The SBA started that program on February 15, 2011. It provided a streamlined application process for 7(a) loans of up to $350,000 if the loan received an acceptable credit score from the SBA prior to the loan being submitted for processing. The SBA adopted the SLA application process as the model for processing all non-express 7(a) loans of $350,000 or less, effective January 1, 2014.
As mentioned previously, the Obama Administration waived the up-front, one time loan guaranty fee and ongoing servicing fee for 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less approved in FY2014 (and later extended the fee waiver in FY2015 and FY2016). H.R. 2462, the Small Business Opportunity Acceleration Act of 2013, introduced on June 20, 2013, and referred to the House Committee on Small Business, would have made the fee waiver permanent.
Also, the Obama Administration waived the up-front, one-time loan guaranty fee for veteran loans under the SBAExpress program (up to $350,000) from January 1, 2014, through the end of FY2015 (called the Veterans Advantage Program). S. 2143, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Act, would have authorized this fee waiver and made it permanent. Also, P.L. 113-235 provided statutory authorization to waive the 7(a) SBAExpress program's guarantee fee for veterans (and their spouse) in FY2015.
P.L. 114-38, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015, authorized and made permanent the waiver of the up-front, one-time loan guaranty fee for veterans (and their spouse) in the SBAExpress program beginning on or after October 1, 2015, except during any upcoming fiscal year for which the President's budget, submitted to Congress, includes a cost for the 7(a) program, in its entirety, that is above zero.120 The act also increased the 7(a) program's authorization limit from $18.75 billion in FY2015 to $23.5 billion.121
On June 25, 2015, the SBA informed Congress that the 7(a) program "is on track to hit its authorization ceiling of $18.75 billion well before the end of FY2015."122 The SBA indicated that "our activity and trend analysis reveal a strong uptick that, if sustained, would exceed our lending authority ceiling by late August."123 If that were to occur, and in the absence of statutory authority to do otherwise, the SBA reported that it would have to suspend 7(a) loan making for the remainder of the fiscal year. The SBA requested an increase in the 7(a) loan program's authorization limit to $22.5 billion in FY2015.124
On July 23, 2015, citing "unprecedented demand," the SBA suspended 7(a) program lending. The SBA indicated that it would continue to process loan applications "up to the point of approval" and then place approved loans "into a queue awaiting the availability of program authority."125 Loans would be released "once program authority became available due to Congressional action or as a result of cancellations of loans previously approved this fiscal year."126 Applications would then "be funded in the order they were approved by SBA, with the exception that requests for increases to previously approved loans will be funded before applications for new loans."127
The SBA resumed 7(a) lending on July 28, 2015, following P.L. 114-38's enactment.128 In addition to increasing the 7(a) program's authorization limit for FY2015, the act added requirements designed to ensure that SBA loans do not displace private sector loans (e.g., the SBA Administrator may not guarantee a 7(a) loan if the lender determines that the borrower is unable to obtain credit elsewhere solely because the liquidity of the lender depends upon the guarantied portion of the loan being sold on the secondary market, or if the sole purpose for requesting the guarantee is to allow the lender to exceed the lender's legal lending limit), and requires the SBA to report, on a quarterly basis, specified 7(a) program statistics to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations and Small Business. These required statistics are designed to inform the committees of the SBA's pace of 7(a) lending, provide estimates concerning the date on which the program's authorization limit may be reached, and present information concerning early defaults and actions taken by the SBA to combat early defaults.
As mentioned previously, P.L. 114-113 increased the 7(a) program's authorization limit from $23.5 billion in FY2015 to $26.5 billion for FY2016. In addition, P.L. 114-223, the Continuing Appropriations and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017, authorized the SBA to use funds from its business loan program account "to accommodate increased demand for commitments for [7(a)] general business loans" for the duration of the continuing resolution (initially December 9, 2016, later extended by P.L. 114-254, the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017, to April 28, 2017).
In a related development, S. 2496, the Help Small Businesses Access Affordable Credit Act, introduced on February 2, 2016, would have authorized the SBA Administrator, with prior approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, to make loans in an amount equal to not more than 110% of the 7(a) program's authorization limit if the demand for 7(a) loans should exceed that limit. The Obama Administration also requested authorization to allow the SBA Administrator to continue to issue loans should the demand for 7(a) loans exceed the program's authorization limit.129
Also. S. 2992, the Small Business Lending Oversight Act of 2016, would have required the Director of the SBA's Office of Credit Risk Management (OCRM) to impose penalties on 7(a) lenders who "knowingly and repeatedly" undertake specified activities;130 required the SBA to annually undertake and report the findings of a risk analysis of the 7(a) program's loan portfolio; redefined the credit elsewhere requirement; authorized fees to be used to support OCRM operations;131 required the SBA to identify potential loan risks by lenders participating in the Preferred Lenders Program by requiring the SBA, at the end of each year, to "calculate the percentage of loans in a lender's portfolio made without a contribution of borrower equity when the loan's purpose was to establish a new small business concern, to effectuate a change of small business ownership, or to purchase real estate"; and, among other provisions, prohibited the SBA from approving any loan if its financing is more than 100% of project costs.
Legislation was also introduced (S. 2125, the Small Business Lending and Economic Inequality Reduction Act of 2015) to provide permanent, statutory authorization for the Community Advantage Pilot program (see Appendix). The SBA announced on December 28, 2015, that it was extending the Community Advantage Pilot program through March 31, 2020 (it had been set to expire on March 15, 2017), and later extended it through September 30, 2022.132
Recognizing that 7(a) loan approvals during the first half of FY2017 were about 9% higher than during the first half of FY2016, Congress included a provision in P.L. 115-31, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, which increased the 7(a) program's authorization limit to $27.5 billion in FY2017 from $26.5 billion in FY2016. Congress also approved legislation (P.L. 115-141, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018) that increased the 7(a) program's authorization limit to $29.0 billion in FY2018.
In addition, as mentioned earlier, P.L. 115-189, the Small Business 7(a) Lending Oversight Reform Act of 2018, among other provisions, codified the SBA's Office of Credit Risk Management; required that office to annually undertake and report the findings of a risk analysis of the 7(a) program's loan portfolio; created a lender oversight committee within the SBA; authorized the Director of the Office of Credit Risk Management to undertake informal and formal enforcement actions against 7(a) lenders under specified conditions; redefined the credit elsewhere requirement;133 and authorized the SBA Administrator to increase the amount of 7(a) loans not more than once during any fiscal year to not more than 115% of the 7(a) program's authorization limit. The SBA is required to provide at least 30 days' notice of its intent to exceed the 7(a) loan program's authorization limit to the House and Senate Committees on Small Business and the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations' Subcommittees on Financial Services and General Government and may exercise this option only once per fiscal year.
Also, P.L. 115-232, the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, included provisions to make 7(a) loans more accessible to employee-owned small businesses (ESOPs) and cooperatives.134 The act authorizes the SBA to make "back-to-back" loans to ESOPs to better align with industry practices (the loan proceeds must only be used to make a loan to a qualified employee trust);135 clarifies that 7(a) loans to ESOPs may be made under the Preferred Lenders Program; allows the seller to remain involved as an officer, director, or key employee when the ESOP or cooperative has acquired 100% ownership of the small business;136 and authorizes the SBA to finance transition costs to employee ownership and waive any mandatory equity injection by the ESOP or cooperative to help finance the change of ownership. The act also directs the SBA to create outreach programs with Small Business Investment Companies and Microloan intermediaries to make their lending programs more accessible to all eligible ESOPs and cooperatives, an interagency working group to promote lending to ESOPs and cooperatives, and a Small Business Employee Ownership and Cooperatives Promotion Program, administered by Small Business Development Centers, to offer technical assistance and training to small businesses on the transition to employee ownership through cooperatives and ESOPs.
Congress did not focus much attention on the Trump Administration's proposal in its FY2019 budget request to "introduce counter-cyclical policies in SBA's business guaranty loan programs and update certain fees structures to offset $155 million in business loan administration."137 As mentioned earlier, the proposal included raising $93 million in additional revenue by
The Administration also requested that the 7(a) loan program's authorization limit be increased to $30 million in FY2019; that the SBA be allowed to further increase the 7(a) loan program's authorization amount in FY2019 by 15% under specified circumstances "to better equip the SBA to meet peaks in demand while continuing to operate at zero subsidies;" that the SBA be allowed to impose an annual fee, not to exceed 0.05% per year, of the outstanding balance on 7(a) secondary market trust certificates to help offset administrative costs; and that the SBAExpress program's loan limit be increased from $350,000 to $1 million.138
Both the House Committee on Small Business and the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship have held numerous hearings on SBA programs and activities during the 116th Congress. For example, the Senate Committee held a series of hearings related to the reauthorization of the Small Business Act, including hearings focusing on the SBA's access to capital programs. Among the many topics discussed were the 7(a) program's authorization level; providing statutory authorization for the 7(a) Community Advantage Program; increasing the SBAExpress program's lending limit, fee waivers, and credit subsidy determinations; and providing assistance for small manufacturing firms.
Both committees have also reported bills for floor action and several bills, to date, have been passed by the House, including bills on cybersecurity, SBA disaster assistance, small business investment companies, small business contracting, the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs, and small business size standards. None of these engrossed bills would directly affect the 7(a) program.
In some respects, the CARES Act is similar to legislation adopted during the 111th Congress to address the Great Recession. For example, the CARES Act includes provisions to waive fees, increase loan limits, and increase loan guarantee percentages, all of which were core features of ARRA and the JOBS Act. The major differences between that legislation and the CARES Act is that the CARES Act includes loan deferrals, loan forgiveness, and greatly expanded eligibility, including, for the first time, eligibility for specific types of nonprofit organizations.
In terms of specific program changes, efforts to increase the 7(a) program's loan limit, provide fee subsidies, increase the maximum loan guaranty percentage, and expand 7(a) eligibility criteria were (and are) designed to create and retain jobs by increasing the ability of 7(a) borrowers to access credit at affordable rates.
At this time, the focus is on providing relief as quickly as possible to prevent small business failures and job loss. However, in the coming months, congressional oversight is likely to focus on the SBA's administration of the CARES Act's various legislative provisions and on the impact those provisions have on small business survival and job creation and retention.
Among the lessons learned from the 111th Congress are the potential benefits that can be derived from providing additional funding for the SBA's Office of Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office. GAO and the SBA's OIG can provide Congress information that could prove useful as Congress engages in congressional oversight of the SBA's administration of the CARES Act, provide an early warning if unforeseen administrative problems should arise, and, through investigations and audits, serve as a deterrent to fraud.
Requiring the SBA to report regularly on its implementation of the CARES Act could also promote transparency and assist Congress in performing its oversight responsibilities. In addition, requiring output and outcome performance measures and requiring the SBA to report this information directly to both Congress and the public by posting that information on the SBA's website could enhance both congressional oversight and public confidence in the SBA's efforts to assist small businesses.
The 7(a) program has several specialized programs that offer streamlined and expedited loan procedures for particular groups of borrowers, including the SBAExpress, Export Express, and Community Advantage programs. Lenders must be approved by the SBA for participation in these programs.
SBAExpress Program
The SBAExpress program was established as a pilot program by the SBA on February 27, 1995, and made permanent through legislation, subject to reauthorization, in 2004 (P.L. 108-447, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005).140 The program is designed to increase the availability of credit to small businesses by permitting lenders to use their existing documentation and procedures in return for receiving a reduced SBA guaranty on loans.141 It provides a 50% loan guaranty on loan amounts up to $350,000.
The CARES Act temporarily increases the SBAExpress loan limit from $350,000 to $1 million. The loan limit will revert to $350,000 on January 1, 2021.
As shown in Table A-1, the SBA approved 22,767 SBAExpress loans (43.9% of total 7(a) program loan approvals), totaling $1.74 billion (7.5% of total 7(a) program amount approvals) in FY2019. The program's higher loan amount in FY2011 was due, at least in part, to a provision in P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which temporarily increased the SBAExpress program's loan limit to $1 million for one year following enactment (through September 27, 2011).
Fiscal Year |
# of Loan Approvals |
Amount of Loan Approvals |
2011 |
26,563 |
$2.84 |
2012 |
22,974 |
$1.75 |
2013 |
21,612 |
$1.65 |
2014 |
26,556 |
$1.91 |
2015 |
32,265 |
$2.20 |
2016 |
32,577 |
$2.16 |
2017 |
29,459 |
$2.11 |
2018 |
27,794 |
$1.98 |
2019 |
22,767 |
$1.74 |
Sources: U.S. Small Business Administration, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2016)," at; and "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at
During the 112th Congress, H.R. 2936, the Small Business Administration Express Loan Extension Act of 2011, would have extended the SBAExpress program's higher loan limit for an additional year (through September 27, 2012). Also, as mentioned previously, the Trump Administration has requested that the SBAExpress loan limit be increased to $1 million.
SBAExpress loan proceeds can be used for the same purposes as those of the 7(a) program (expansion, renovation, new construction, the purchase of land or buildings, the purchase of equipment, fixtures, and lease-hold improvements, working capital, to refinance debt for compelling reasons, seasonal line of credit, and inventory); except that participant debt restructure cannot exceed 50% of the project and may be used for revolving credit. The program's loan terms are the same as those of the 7(a) program (the loan maturity for working capital, machinery, and equipment (not to exceed the life of the equipment) is typically 5 years to 10 years; and the loan maturity for real estate is up to 25 years, except that the term for a revolving line of credit cannot exceed 7 years.
The SBAExpress loan program's maximum allowable fixed interest rates and fees are the same as those for regular 7(a) loans.142 SBAExpress lenders may charge borrowers somewhat higher variable interest rates than those allowed for regular 7(a) loans.143
To account for the program's lower guaranty rate of 50%, lenders are allowed to perform their own loan analysis and procedures and receive SBA approval with a targeted 36-hour maximum turnaround time.144 Also, collateral is not required for loans of $25,000 or less. Lenders are allowed to use their own established collateral policy for loans over $25,000.
As mentioned earlier, the SBA waived the up-front, one-time loan guaranty fee for 7(a) loans of $125,000 or less approved in FY2018. The SBA also waived 50% of the up-front, one-time loan guaranty fee on all non-SBAExpress 7(a) loans to veterans of $125,001 to $350,000 in FY2018.
In addition, P.L. 114-38, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015, provided statutory authorization and made permanent the veteran's fee waiver in the SBAExpress program, except during any upcoming fiscal year for which the President's budget, submitted to Congress, includes a cost for the 7(a) program, in its entirety, which is above zero. The SBA waived this fee in FY2016-FY2019. As mentioned, the CARES Act permanently eliminated the zero subsidy requirement.
The SBA indicated that its fee waivers for veterans are part "of SBA's broader efforts to make sure that veterans have the tools they need to start and grow a business."145
In a related development, the SBA discontinued the Patriot Express Pilot Program on December 31, 2013. It provided loans of up to $500,000 (with a guaranty of up to 85% of loans of $150,000 or less and up to 75% of loans exceeding $150,000) to veterans and their spouses.146 It had been in operation since 2007, and, like the SBAExpress program, featured streamlined documentation requirements and expedited loan processing. Over its history, the Patriot Express Pilot Program disbursed 9,414 loans amounting to more than $791 million.147
Export Express
The Export Express program was established as a subprogram of the SBAExpress program in 1998, and made a separate pilot program in 2000.148 It was made permanent through legislation, subject to reauthorization, in 2010 (P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010).
The Export Express program is designed to increase the availability of credit to current and prospective small business exporters that have been in business, though not necessarily in exporting, for at least 12 full months, particularly those small businesses needing revolving lines of credit.149 Export Express loans may not be used to finance overseas operations, except for the marketing or distribution of products or services exported from the United States.150
The program is generally subject to the same loan processing, making, closing, servicing, and liquidation requirements as well as the same maturity terms, interest rates, and applicable fees as the SBAExpress program. Two key differences between the two programs is that the Export Express program's maximum loan amount is up to $500,000, and its guaranty rate is 90% for loans of $350,000 or less, and 75% for loans exceeding $350,000.
There were 215 lenders with approved SBA Export Express loan guaranties at the end of FY2017. These lenders are located in 46 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.151 As shown in Table A-2, the SBA approved 53 Export Express loans totaling $14.7 million in FY2019.
Fiscal Year |
# of Loan Approvals |
Amount of Loan Approvals |
2011 |
287 |
$36.17 |
2012 |
185 |
$35.21 |
2013 |
160 |
$30.93 |
2014 |
124 |
$23.52 |
2015 |
155 |
$27.65 |
2016 |
101 |
$22.22 |
2017 |
53 |
$14.84 |
2018 |
59 |
$15.45 |
2019 |
53 |
$14.70 |
Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs, correspondence with the author, November 1, 2017, October 31, 2018, and October 11, 2019.
Community Advantage 7(a) Loan Initiative
The SBA's Community Advantage (CA) 7(a) loan initiative became operational on February 15, 2011.152 Originally announced as a three-year pilot program (through March 15, 2014), it subsequently was extended through March 15, 2017; March 31, 2020; and September 30, 2022.153 As of September 12, 2018, there were 113 approved CA lenders, 99 of which were actively making and servicing CA loans.154
The CA loan initiative is designed to increase lending to underserved low- and moderate-income communities. It, along with the now-discontinued Small Loan Advantage program,155 replaced the Community Express Pilot Program, which also was designed to increase lending to underserved communities.156
The CA loan initiative provides the same loan terms, guaranty fees, and guaranty as that of the 7(a) program on loan amounts up to $250,000 (85% for loans up to $150,000 and 75% for those greater than $150,000). Loan proceeds can be used for the same purposes as those of the 7(a) program.157 The loan's maximum interest rate is prime, plus 6%.158 The program has an expedited approval process, which includes a two-page application for borrowers and a goal of completing the approval process within 5 to 10 days.159
The CA loan initiative is designed to increase "the number of SBA 7(a) lenders who reach underserved communities, targeting community-based, mission-focused financial institutions which were previously not able to offer SBA loans."160 These mission-focused financial institutions include the following:
They are expected to maintain at least 60% of their SBA loan portfolio in underserved markets, including loans to small businesses in, or that have more than 50% of their full-time workforce residing in, low-to-moderate income (LMI) communities; Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities; HUBZones; start-ups (firms in business less than two years); businesses eligible for the SBA's Veterans Advantage program; Promise Zones (added in December 2015); and Opportunity Zones and Rural Areas (added in October 2018).162
The SBA placed a moratorium, effective October 1, 2018, on accepting new CA lender applications, primarily as a means to mitigate the risk of future loan defaults.163 The SBA also
On March 2, 2020, the SBA announced in the Federal Register that it would accept new applications from lenders interested in participating in the Community Advantage program to replace lenders that voluntarily withdraw from the program, are not renewed, or are otherwise removed from the program.170 The SBA also modified requirements related to refinancing non-SBA guaranteed, same institution debt, and increased the number of Community Advantage loans necessary for a lender to be provided delegated authority from 7 to 10.171
As shown in Table A-3, the SBA approved 947 CA loans totaling $133.8 million in FY2019 and 5,853 CA loans totaling $777.53 million from the time the program became operational to the end of FY2019.
Fiscal Year |
# of Loan Approvals |
Amount of Loan Approvals |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Total |
Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs, correspondence with the author, November 1, 2017 and October 26, 2018; and U.S. Small Business Administration, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at
As mentioned, legislation was introduced during the 114th Congress (S. 2125, the Small Business Lending and Economic Inequality Reduction Act of 2015) and the 116th Congress (S. 2361, the Closing the Credit Gap Act) to provide the Community Advantage Pilot program permanent, statutory authorization.
Author Contact Information
1. |
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Fiscal Year 2010 Congressional Budget Justification, p. 30, at |
2. |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Finance and Tax, Subcommittee Hearing on Improving the SBA's Access to Capital Programs for Our Nation's Small Business, 110th Cong., 2nd sess., March 5, 2008, H.Hrg. 110-76 (Washington: GPO, 2008), p. 2. |
3. |
SBA, "Types of 7(a) Loans," at |
4. |
SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at The number of 7(a) loans approved annually is typically about 10% to 20% higher than the number of loans disbursed (e.g., some borrowers decide not to accept the loan or there is a change in business ownership). The amount of 7(a) loans approved annually is typically about 10% to 15% higher than the amount disbursed. |
5. |
A list of ineligible businesses is contained in 13 C.F.R. §120.110. In 2017, the SBA removed consumer and marketing cooperatives from the list of ineligible businesses. See SBA, "Miscellaneous Amendments to Business Loan Programs and Surety Bond Guarantee Program," 82 Federal Register 39492, August 21, 2017. |
6. |
For further analysis, see CRS Report R40860, Small Business Size Standards: A Historical Analysis of Contemporary Issues, by Robert Jay Dilger. |
7. |
13 C.F.R. §120.100; and 13 C.F.R. §120.101. |
8. |
13 C.F.R. §120.150. |
9. |
13 C.F.R. §120.120. |
10. |
13 C.F.R. §120.130; and SBA, "Use of 7(a) Loan Proceeds," at |
11. |
SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at |
12. |
13 C.F.R. §120.212. A portion of a 7(a) loan used to acquire or improve real property may have a term of 25 years plus an additional period needed to complete the construction or improvements. |
13. |
13 C.F.R. §120.213. |
14. |
For fixed interest rates, the SBA, effective November 6, 2018, uses the prime rate (see 13 C.F.R. §120.214(c)) in effect on the first business day of the month as the base rate and increases the maximum allowable interest rate spread as follows: for fixed rate loans of $25,000 or less, prime plus 600 basis points, plus the 200 basis points permitted by 13 C.F.R. §120.215; for fixed rate loans over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000, prime plus 600 basis points, plus the 100 basis points permitted by 13 C.F.R. §120.215; for fixed rate loans greater than $50,000 but not exceeding $250,000, prime plus 600 basis points; and for fixed rate loans over $250,000, prime plus 500 basis points. SBA, "Maximum Allowable 7(a) Fixed Interest Rates," 83 Federal Register 55478, November 6, 2018. For the previously used fixed interest rates formula, see SBA, "Business Loan Program Maximum Allowable Fixed Rate," 74 Federal Register 50263-50264, September 30, 2009. |
15. |
Colson Services Corp., "SBA Base Rates," New York, at |
16. |
Ibid. |
17. |
SBA, "7(a) Loan Program: Terms, Conditions, and Eligibility," at |
18. |
The maximum variable interest rates allowed for 7(a) loans with a maturity less than seven years are the base rate plus 4.25% for loans less than $25,000; the base rate plus 3.25% for loans of $25,000-$50,000; and the base rate plus 2.25% for loans over $50,000. The maximum variable interest rates allowed for 7(a) loans with a maturity of seven years or longer are the base rate plus 4.75% for loans less than $25,000; the base rate plus 3.75% for loans of $25,000-$50,000; and the base rate plus 2.75% for loans over $50,000. See 13 C.F.R. §120.214 and 13 C.F.R. §120.215. |
19. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), pp. 192-194, at |
20. |
The SBA does not require lenders "to collateralize a loan with real estate (including commercial, residential and investment properties owned by the Applicant or personally by the owners) to meet the 'fully secured' definition when the equity in the real estate is less than 25% of the property's fair market value." See ibid., p. 194. |
21. |
Ibid., p. 194. "Net book value" is defined as an asset's original price minus depreciation and amortization. New machinery and equipment may be valued at 75% of price minus any prior liens for the calculation of "fully secured." Used or existing machinery and equipment may be valued at 50% of Net Book Value or 80% with an Orderly Liquidation Appraisal minus any prior liens for the calculation of "fully-secured." Improved real estate can be valued at 85% and unimproved real estate can be valued at 50% of the market value for the calculation of "fully-secured." |
22. |
Ibid., p. 193. |
23. |
13 C.F.R. §120.410. |
24. |
SBA, Fiscal Year 2021 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2019 Annual Performance Report, p. 41, at There were 2,476 active 7(a) lenders in FY2012, 2,345 in FY2013, 2,244 in FY2014, 2,163 in FY2015, 2,045 in FY2016, 1,978 in FY2017, and 1,810 in FY2018. |
25. |
GAO, SBA's Certified Lenders Program Falls Short of Expectations, RCED-83-99, June 7, 1983, p. 3, at The SBA established a Certified Lenders Program on February 26, 1979, but removed CLP authority from the Code of Federal Regulations (13 C.F.R. §120.440-120.441) effective January 1, 2018. The CLP program was designed to provide expeditious service on 7(a) loan applications received from lenders who have a successful SBA lending track record and a thorough understanding of SBA policies and procedures. In recent years, CLP lenders approved less than 1.0% of the number of 7(a) loans approved each year and less than 2.0% of the amount of 7(a) loans approved each year. For further information concerning the CLP program see U.S. Congress, Senate Select Committee on Small Business, SBA Loan Oversight, hearing on SBA loan oversight, 96th Cong., 1st sess., September 18, 1997 (Washington: GPO, 1997), p. 31; GAO, SBA's Pilot Programs to Improve Guaranty Loan Procedures Need Further Development, CED-81-25, February 2, 1981, p. 7, at; and GAO, SBA's Certified Lenders Program Falls Short of Expectations, RCED-83-99, June 7, 1983, p. 1, at |
26. |
GAO, Small Business: Analysis of SBA's Preferred Lenders Program, GAO/RCED-92-124, May 15, 1992, pp. 1-4, |
27. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), pp. 23, 29, at |
28. |
PLP lenders approved 12,557 7(a) loans totaling $11.7 billion in FY2014, 16,535 7(a) loans totaling $15.1 billion in FY2015, 17,239 7(a) loans totaling $15.6 billion in FY2016, 25,035 7(a) loans totaling $18.2 billion in FY2017, and 26,487 loans totaling $18.8 billion in FY2018. See SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at |
29. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), p. 29, at |
30. |
SBA, "7a Loan Guaranty Processing Center (Citrus Heights, CA & Hazard, KY)," at |
31. |
GAO, Small Business Administration: Opportunities Exist to Build on Leadership's Efforts to Improve Agency Performance and Employee Morale, GAO-08-995, September 24, 2008, p. 3, at |
32. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), p. 177, at |
33. |
The SBA's credit scoring requirement was initially required of Small Loan Advantage loans, effective June 1, 2012. See SBA, "SBA Information Notice: Revised and Expanded Small Loan Advantage—Changes Incorporated into SOP 50 10 5(E)," May 25, 2012, at The SBA's credit scoring requirement was expanded to all non-express 7(a) loans of $350,000 or less on January 1, 2014. See SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(F): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective January 1, 2014), p. 161, at The SBA calculates the credit score based on a combination of consumer credit bureau data, business bureau data, borrower financials, and application data. The minimum acceptable credit score is based on the lower end of the risk profile of the current SBA portfolio and may be adjusted up or down from time to time. |
34. |
The SBA increased the minimum credit score for Community Advantage loans from 120 to 140, effective October 1, 2018, as a means to reduce the risk of defaults. See SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46240, September 12, 2018. |
35. |
If the PLP lender indicates that the loan is eligible to be processed under the PLP lender's delegated authority, the lender is also certifying that SBA Form 1920 has been completed, signed, dated, and filed in the loan file. |
36. |
SBA, "SBA Form 1919: Borrower Information Form for use with all 7(a) Programs," at |
37. |
SBA, "SBA Form 912: Statement of Personal History," at The lender is required to process a background check and character determination if the borrower has been arrested in the past six months for any criminal offense or if the borrower has ever been convicted, plead guilty, plead nolo contendere, been placed on pretrial diversion, or been placed on any form of parole or probation (including probation before judgment) of any criminal offense. |
38. |
SBA, "SBA Form 159: Fee Disclosure and Compensation Agreement," at |
39. |
SBA, "SBA Form 601: Agreement of Compliance," at |
40. |
SBA, "SBA Form 1920: Lender's Application for Guaranty for all 7(a) Programs," at |
41. |
SBA, "Standard 7(a) LGPC 10-Tab Submission Instructions," at |
42. |
SBA, "SBA Form 1846: Statement Regarding Lobbying," at |
43. |
U.S. Office of Management and Budget, "Standard Form LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," at |
44. |
For loans of up to $350,000, if a schedule of collateral is not included, the lender must provide collateral and lienholder information to the Standard 7(a) Loan Guaranty Processing Center to complete the loan authorization. |
45. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), p. 2234, at |
46. |
P.L. 93-386, the Small Business Amendments of 1974, provided the SBA authorization to charge fees to "cover administrative expenses and probable losses" on its loan guaranty programs. |
47. |
P.L. 108-447, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (Division K–Small Business, Section 102. Loan Guaranty Fees) established the SBA's current maximum up-front guaranty fees as: up to 2% of the SBA guaranteed portion of 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less, up to 3% of the SBA guaranteed portion of 7(a) loans exceeding $150,000 but not more than $700,000, and up to 3.5% of the SBA guaranteed portion of 7(a) loans exceeding $700,000. In addition, 7(a) loans with an SBA guaranteed portion in excess of $1 million can be charged an additional 0.25% guaranty fee on the guaranteed amount in excess of $1 million. See 15 U.S.C. §636(a)(18)(a); and SBA, "Small Business Jobs Act: Implementation of Conforming and Technical Amendments," 76 Federal Register 63544-63545, October 13, 2011. |
48. |
SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(K): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective April 1, 2019), p. 160, at |
49. |
Ibid. |
50. |
Ibid., p. 160. |
51. |
15 U.S.C. §636(a)(23)(a). |
52. |
15 U.S.C. §636(a)(23)(b). |
53. |
SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2013," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2014," at; and SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2015," at |
54. |
The SBA's annual service fee was 0.546% of the guaranteed portion of the outstanding balance of the 7(a) loan in FY2017 and 0.55% in FY2018. See SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective October 1, 2016," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2017," at; and SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Fees Effective on October 1, 2018," at |
55. |
SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2013," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2014," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2015," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective October 1, 2016," at; SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) and 504 Fees Effective on October 1, 2017," at; and SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Fees Effective on October 1, 2018," at |
56. |
SBA, Fiscal Year 2014 Congressional Budget Justification and FY 2012 Annual Performance Report, p. 36, at |
57. |
U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2014: Small Business Administration, p. 164, at |
58. |
SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2016)," at; and SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2017)," at |
59. |
SBA, FY 2014 Congressional Budget Justification and FY 2012 Annual Performance Report, p. 4, at |
60. |
For example, see Barry Pineles, Chief Counsel, House Committee on Small Business, "Hearing Memorandum on The Budget Outlook for Small Business Administration," April 18, 2013, pp. 11-12. |
61. |
13 C.F.R. §120.221. Effective October 1, 2020, lender fees will be limited to $3,000 for a loan up to $350,000 and no more than $5,000 for a loan over $350,000. The lender may continue to charge an applicant an additional fee if, subject to prior written SBA approval, all or part of a loan will have extraordinary servicing needs. See SBA, "Express Loan Programs; Affiliation Standards," 85 Federal Register 7626, February 10, 2020. |
62. |
13 C.F.R. §120.221. |
63. |
13 C.F.R. §120.222. A commitment fee may be charged for a loan made under the Export Working Capital Loan Program. |
64. |
13 C.F.R. §120.221. |
65. |
13 C.F.R. §120.223. |
66. |
SBA, Press Office, "Recovery Loan Incentives Spurred Continued Rebound in SBA Lending in FY2010," October 4, 2010, at; and SBA, "Jobs Act Supported More Than $12 Billion in SBA Lending to Small Businesses in Just Three Months," January 3, 2011, at |
67. |
P.L. 111-5, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided the SBA $375 million to temporarily reduce fees in the 7(a) and 504/CDC loan guaranty programs, and increase the 7(a) program's maximum loan guaranty percentage to 90% for all standard 7(a) loans through September 30, 2010, or until available funds were exhausted. Available funding was anticipated to be exhausted in early January 2010. P.L. 111-118, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010, provided the SBA $125 million to continue the fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through February 28, 2010. P.L. 111-144, the Temporary Extension Act of 2010, provided the SBA $60 million to continue the fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through March 28, 2010. P.L. 111-150, an act to extend the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, and for other purposes, provided the SBA authority to reprogram $40 million in previously appropriated funds to continue the fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through April 30, 2010. P.L. 111-157, the Continuing Extension Act of 2010, provided the SBA $80 million to continue the SBA's fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through May 31, 2010. The fee subsidies and 90% loan guaranty percentage expired on May 31, 2010. P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, enacted on September 27, 2010, provided the SBA $505 million (plus an additional $5 million for related administrative expenses) to reinstate the fee subsidies and 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through December 31, 2010, or until available funds were exhausted. P.L. 111-322, the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011, authorized the SBA to use any funds remaining from the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to continue the fee subsidies and the 7(a) program's 90% maximum loan guaranty percentage through March 4, 2011, or until the available funding was exhausted. The funds were exhausted on January 3, 2011. |
68. |
A small portion of the increase in FY2013 may also have been a result of an increase in 7(a) loan applications during the final two weeks of FY2013 as borrowers and lenders anticipated a possible federal government shutdown starting on October 1, 2013 (the first day of FY2014). See J.D. Harrison, "Shutdown yields slowdown: SBA returns to hundreds of small-business loans," The Washington Post, October 18, 2013. The federal government shutdown subsequently occurred on October 1, 2013, and continued through October 16, 2013. |
69. |
SBA, Office of Advocacy, "Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business Finance," July 2016, at |
70. |
SBA, "Small Business Administration loan program performance: Table 1─Unpaid Principal Balance By Program," at—small-business-administration-loan-program-performance. |
71. |
SBA, FY2021 Performance Plan and FY2019 Performance Report, p. 16, at |
72. |
SBA, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, correspondence with the author, January 10, 2018. |
73. |
Christopher Hayes, An Assessment of Small Business Administration Loan and Investment Performance: Survey of Assisted Businesses (Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 2008), p. 5, at |
74. |
Ibid. |
75. |
Kenneth Temkin, Brett Theodos, with Kerstin Gentsch, Competitive and Special Competitive Opportunity Gap Analysis of the 7(A) and 504 Programs (Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 2008), p. 13, at |
76. |
SBA, "SBA Lending Statistics for Major Programs (as of 9/30/2019)," at |
77. |
Kenneth Temkin, Brett Theodos, with Kerstin Gentsch, Competitive and Special Competitive Opportunity Gap Analysis of the 7(A) and 504 Programs (Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 2008), p. 21, at |
78. |
For further analysis, see CRS Report R40985, Small Business: Access to Capital and Job Creation, by Robert Jay Dilger. |
79. |
P.L. 110-343, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. |
80. |
U.S. Department of the Treasury, Troubled Assets Relief Program Monthly Report–September 2015, October 9, 2015, p. 5, at On March 16, 2009, President Obama announced that the Department of the Treasury would use TARP funds to purchase up to $15 billion of SBA-guaranteed loans to "immediately unfreeze the secondary market for SBA loans and increase the liquidity of community banks." The plan was deferred after it met resistance from lenders. Some lenders objected to TARP's requirement that participating lenders comply with executive compensation limits and issue warrants to the federal government. Smaller community banks objected to the program's paperwork requirements, such as the provision of a small-business lending plan and quarterly reports. See The White House, "Remarks by the President to Small Business Owners, Community Leaders, and Members of Congress," March 16, 2009, at |
81. |
P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, §1111. Section 7(A) Business Loans. The Senate had adopted H.R. 4213, the American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010, on March 10, 2010, by a 62-36 vote. It would have provided $560 million to extend the fee reductions and 90% loan guarantee limit through December 31, 2010. The House approved an amended version of the bill, renamed the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010, on May 28, 2010, by a 245-171 vote. It would have provided $505 million to extend the fee reductions and 90% loan guarantee limit through December 31, 2010. The extension provision was subsequently removed from the bill, which became P.L. 111-205, the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010. |
82. |
SBA, "Administration Announces New Small Business Commercial Real Estate and Working Capital Programs," February 5, 2010, at |
83. |
Susan Eckerly, "NFIB Responds to President's Small Business Lending Initiatives," Washington, DC, October 21, 2009; and NFIB, "Government Spending," Washington, DC. Also, see NFIB, "Government Spending: Small Businesses Have a Bottom Line – Government Should, Too," at |
84. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "FY2001 Agency Management Challenges," December 1, 2000, pp. 15-17. |
85. |
Ibid., p. 17. |
86. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Improvement is Needed to Ensure Effective Quality Control at Loan Operation Centers," January 17, 2014, p. 1, at |
87. |
SBA, Office of Lender Oversight, "SOP 51-00: On-Site Lender Reviews/Examinations," (effective September 28, 2006), at Note: Although on-site reviews are generally conducted on all 7(a) lenders with outstanding balances on the SBA-guaranteed portions of its loan portfolio amounting to $10 million or more, the SBA may conduct on-site reviews of any SBA lender, as it considers necessary. |
88. |
SBA, FY 2009 Congressional Budget Justification and FY 2007 Annual Performance Report, p. 37. |
89. |
SBA, Office of Financial Assistance, "SOP 50-10(5): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective August 1, 2008), at |
90. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Improvement is Needed to Ensure Effective Quality Control at Loan Operation Centers," January 17, 2014, p. 15, at |
91. |
Ibid. The Standard 7(a) Loan Guaranty Processing Center, located in Citrus Heights, CA and Hazard, KY, processes 7(a) loan guaranty applications and conducts limiting servicing of 7(a) loans. The Commercial Loan Service Center, located in Fresno, CA and Little Rock, AR, is responsible for loan servicing actions (after loans are disbursed), SBAExpress loan purchases, and 504/CDC loan guaranty program liquidation. The National Guaranty Purchase Center, located in Herndon, VA, processes 7(a) guaranty purchase requests and conducts liquidation oversight. |
92. |
SBA, "Lender Oversight Program," 73 Federal Register 75498-75527, December 11, 2008. |
93. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Improvement is Needed to Ensure Effective Quality Control at Loan Operation Centers," January 17, 2014, p. 3, at The quality control program is led in each center by a designated quality control specialist. Each center is tasked with establishing specific quality review activities and targets, and creating a center specific quality program guide to detail (1) the center's activities that require quality reviews, (2) the number of reviews required (daily or monthly) by type of transaction, (3) compliance goals, and (4) the required corrective action activities. See ibid, pp. 6, 16. |
94. |
SBA, Fiscal Year 2011 Congressional Budget Justification and FY 2009 Annual Performance Report, p. 6, at According to the SBA, "The Loan/Lender Monitoring System focuses on 7(a) lenders, certified development companies and microloan intermediaries that pose the most risk to the SBA. In addition to overseeing lenders, the L/LMS provides policy, portfolio and program analysis. The Office of Credit Risk Management (OCRM) is divided into four teams: large lender oversight, small lender oversight, lender transaction, and program and policy analysis. The differentiation of lender oversight by lender size reflects the different forms of oversight needed for large lenders versus small lenders." See ibid., p. 43. |
95. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Report on the Most Serious Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Small Business Administration In Fiscal Year 2015," October 17, 2014, p. 5, at |
96. |
Ibid. |
97. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Report on the Most Serious Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Small Business Administration In Fiscal Year 2016," October 15, 2015, p. 5, at |
98. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Report on the Most Serious Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Small Business Administration In Fiscal Year 2017," October 14, 2016, pp. 8-9, at |
99. |
See SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Improvement is Needed to Ensure Effective Quality Control at Loan Operation Centers," January 17, 2014, at; SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Improvement is Needed in SBA's Oversight of Lender Service Providers," at; SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Significant Opportunities Exist to Improve the Management of the 7(a) loan Guaranty Approval Process," June 6, 2014, p. 2, at; and SBA, Office of Inspector General, "SBA Needs to Improve its Oversight of Loan Agents," September 25, 2015, at |
100. |
SBA, Office of Inspector General, "Report on the Most Serious Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Small Business Administration In Fiscal Year 2019," October 11, 2018, p. 7, at |
101. |
GAO, Small Business Administration: 7(a) Loan Program Needs Additional Performance Measures, GAO-08-226T, November 1, 2007, p. 2, at |
102. |
SBA, Office of the Inspector General, SBA's Administration of the Microloan Program under the Recovery Act, December 28, 2009, p. 6, at |
103. |
Ibid. |
104. |
Ibid., p. 7. |
105. |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, Attention Needed: Mismanagement at the SBA - The Administrator Responds, 114th Cong., 2nd sess., January 7, 2016, H.Hrg. 114-035 (Washington: GPO, 2016), p. 38. |
106. |
Ibid. |
107. |
SBA, FY 2017 Congressional Budget Justification and FY 2015 Annual Performance Report, p. 28, at |
108. |
SBA, "Request for Comments on Small Business Administration Enterprise Learning Agenda," 83 Federal Register 52608, October 17, 2018. |
109. |
SBA, "FY 2018 Enterprise Learning Agenda," February 12, 2018, at |
110. |
SBA, "Administration Announces New Small Business Commercial Real Estate and Working Capital Programs," February 5, 2010, at |
111. |
Ibid. |
112. |
Ibid. |
113. |
Robb Mandelbaum, "Small Business Incentives Face a Hard Road in Congress," New York Times, February 12, 2010, at; and U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, House Committee on Small Business Views With Regard to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Budget, Letter from Nydia Velázquez, Chair, House Committee on Small Business, to John M. Spratt Jr., Chair, House Committee on the Budget, 111th Cong., 2nd sess., March 11, 2009, p. 3. |
114. |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, Small Business Financing and Investment Act of 2009, report to accompany H.R. 3854, 111th Cong., 2nd sess., October 26, 2009, H.Rept. 111-315 (Washington: GPO, 2009), p. 1. |
115. |
Robb Mandelbaum, "Why Won't the S.B.A. Lend Directly to Small Businesses?" New York Times, March 10, 2010, at |
116. |
Susan Eckerly, "NFIB Responds to President's Small Business Lending Initiatives," Washington, DC, October 21, 2009; and NFIB, "Government Spending," Washington, DC. Also, see NFIB, "Government Spending: Small Businesses Have a Bottom Line – Government Should, Too," at |
117. |
SBA, "Recovery Act Agency Plan," May 15, 2009, at |
118. |
P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, Section 1122. Low-Interest Refinancing Under the Local Development Business Loan Program. |
119. |
Further analysis of P.L. 111-240, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, is in out-of-print CRS Report R41385, Small Business Legislation During the 111th Congress (available to congressional staff upon request from the author). For further analysis of the Small Business Lending Fund, see CRS Report R42045, The Small Business Lending Fund, by Robert Jay Dilger. For further analysis of the State Small Business Credit Initiative, see CRS Report R42581, State Small Business Credit Initiative: Implementation and Funding Issues, by Robert Jay Dilger. |
120. |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015, report to accompany H.R. 2499, 114th Cong., 1st sess., June 25, 2015, H.Rept. 114-187 (Washington: GPO, 2015), p. 9. |
121. |
Several bills were introduced during the 114th Congress to increase the 7(a) program's authorization limit (on disbursements). For example, S. 1001, the Small Business Lending Reauthorization Act of 2015, would increase the 7(a) program's authorization limit from $18.75 billion in FY2015 to $20.5 billion in FY2015 and $23.5 billion in FY2016. H.R. 3132, to increase the amount of funding available for FY2015 for certain general business loans authorized under the Small Business Act, would increase the 7(a) program's authorization limit from $18.75 billion in FY2015 to $23.5 billion. |
122. |
Letter from Maria Contreras-Sweet, SBA Administrator, to The Honorable John Boozman, Chair, Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, House Committee on Appropriations, June 25, 2015, at |
123. |
Ibid. |
124. |
Ibid. |
125. |
SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Loan Program Authorization Level," July 22, 2015, at |
126. |
Ibid. |
127. |
Ibid. |
128. |
SBA, "SBA Information Notice: 7(a) Loan Program Authorization Level," July 28, 2015, at |
129. |
U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, FY2017; Appendix—Small Business Administration, p. 1223, at See Section 521. For loans and loan guarantees that do not require budget authority and the program level has been established in this act, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration may increase the program level for such loans and loan guarantees by not more than 15%: Provided, That prior to the Administrator implementing such an increase, the Administrator notifies, in writing, the Committees on Appropriations and Small Business of both houses of Congress at least 15 days in advance. |
130. |
The penalties would have included (1) a warning and an order to comply; (2) if the lender is a participant in the Preferred Lenders Program, suspension from participating in that program for not less than 90 days and not more than 1 year; (3) prohibiting the lender from issuing 7(a) loans; (4) a civil monetary penalty of not less than $5,000 and not greater than $250,000; (5) prohibiting a lender from selling in the secondary market, under section 5(f), the guaranteed portion of any loan made by the lender; and (6) any other penalty that the Director determines to be appropriate after considering the severity and the frequency of the violations. The specified activities were "(A) fails to properly determine and document that a loan is eligible for financing under this Act or regulations promulgated under this Act, including a failure to document that a loan is eligible for financing under section 7(a) because the applicant is unable to obtain credit elsewhere; (B) sells the guaranteed portion of a loan under section 5(f) when the proceeds of the loan have not been fully disbursed in accordance with program requirements; (C) imposes on an applicant for a loan under section 7(a) a fee that the Administration has not specifically authorized; or (D) re-amortizes a loan solely to make the loan appear current." |
131. |
Under the bill, the SBA would have been authorized to assess, collect, and retain a fee, not greater than 0.03% per year of the outstanding balance of the deferred participation share of each loan approved under this subsection. The proceeds were to be used "solely to support the operations of the Office of Credit Risk Management." Also, the SBA would have been authorized to collect a fee for any loan guarantee sold into the secondary market under subsection (f) "in an amount equal to 50% of the portion of the sale price that exceeds 108% of the outstanding principal amount of the portion of the loan guaranteed by the Administration." |
132. |
SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 80 Federal Register 80873, December 28, 2015; and SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46238, September 12, 2018. |
133. |
Under the act, "The term 'credit elsewhere' means (1) for the purposes of this Act (except as used in section 7(b)), the availability of credit on reasonable terms and conditions to the individual loan applicant from non-Federal, non-State, or non-local government sources, considering factors associated with conventional lending practices, including—(A) the business industry in which the loan applicant operates; (B) whether the loan applicant is an enterprise that has been in operation for a period of not more than 2 years; (C) the adequacy of the collateral available to secure the requested loan; (D) the loan term necessary to reasonably assure the ability of the loan applicant to repay the debt from the actual or projected cash flow of the business; and (E) any other factor relating to the particular credit application, as documented in detail by the lender, that cannot be overcome except through obtaining a Federal loan guarantee under prudent lending standards; and (2) for the purposes of section 7(b), the availability of credit on reasonable terms and conditions from non-Federal sources taking into consideration the prevailing rates and terms in the community in or near where the applicant business concern transacts business, or the applicant homeowner resides, for similar purposes and periods of time; and (2) in section 7(a)(1)(A)(i) (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(1)(A)(i)), by inserting 'The Administrator has the authority to direct, and conduct oversight for, the methods by which lenders determine whether a borrower is able to obtain credit elsewhere' before 'No financial assistance.'" |
134. |
These provisions were originally in H.R. 5236, the Main Street Employee Ownership Act of 2018. |
135. |
Previously, "an SBA ESOP loan [could] … only be made to the ESOP plan within the company, while commercial banks typically lend to the company which then makes an internal loan to the employee trust to purchase ownership. This practice is known as a "back-to-back" loan and allows the company to have some flexibility in how the ESOP operates, including how quickly employees get their shares so that both current and future employees will get meaningful stock awards." See "Main Street Employee Ownership Act," provided by the office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, March 14, 2018. |
136. |
Any seller who remains as an owner, regardless of percentage of ownership interest, may be required to provide a personal guarantee by the SBA. |
137. |
SBA, FY2019 Congressional Budget Justification and FY2017 Annual Performance Report, p. 32, at |
138. |
The specified circumstances are "if program demand were to exhaust the appropriated limit" and providing written notice, at least 15 days in advance, to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations and Small Business. See ibid.; and OMB, Budget of the United States Government, FY2019; Appendix—Small Business Administration, p. 1113, at |
139. |
P.L. 116-123, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, subsequently provided the SBA an additional $20 million for disaster loan administrative expenses. |
140. |
The SBAExpress program was initially called FA$TRAK and offered a 50% loan guaranty on loans of up to $100,000. FA$TRAK's program guidance was issued on March 6, 1995. See SBA, "FA$TRAK," 60 Federal Register 12271-12275, March 6, 1995. A brief history of the SBAExpress program is provided in SBA, "SBAExpress Program Guide," (effective October 1, 2002), p. 3, at |
141. |
SBA, "The SBA Express Pilot Program: Inspection Report," June 1998, p. 3. |
142. |
SBA, "Express Loan Programs; Affiliation Standards," 85 Federal Register 7622-7633, February10, 2020. |
143. |
SBAExpress lenders may charge up to 4.5% over the prime rate on loans over $50,000 and up to 6.5% over the prime rate for loans of $50,000 or less, regardless of the maturity of the loan. See ibid., p. 7625. The maximum interest rates allowed for 7(a) variable rate loans with a maturity less than seven years are the base rate (choice of prime, LIBOR, or SBA optional peg rate) plus 4.25% for loans less than $25,000; the base rate plus 3.25% for loans of $25,000-$50,000; and the base rate plus 2.25% for loans over $50,000. The maximum interest rates allowed for 7(a) variable rate loans with a maturity of seven years or longer are the base rate plus 4.75% for loans less than $25,000; the base rate plus 3.75% for loans of $25,000-$50,000; and the base rate plus 2.75% for loans over $50,000. See 13 C.F.R. §120.214 and 13 C.F.R. §120.215. |
144. |
SBA, "SBAExpress," at |
145. |
SBA, "SBA Announces New Measures to Help Get Small Business Loans Into the Hands of Veterans," November 8, 2013, at |
146. |
Eligible businesses were required to be owned and controlled (51% or more) by one or more of the following groups: veteran, active duty military participating in the military's Transition Assistance Program, reservist or national guard member or a spouse of any of these groups, a widowed spouse of a servicemember who died while in service, or a widowed spouse of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability. See SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(E): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective June 1, 2012), pp. 83, 127, at |
147. |
SBA, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, correspondence with the author, February 21, 2014. |
148. |
SBA, "Announcement of SBA Export Express—a New Pilot Loan Guaranty Program for Exporters," 65 Federal Register 60491, October 11, 2000; and SBA, "Export Express Pilot Program," 70 Federal Register 56962-56963, September 29, 2005. |
149. |
The 12-month in business requirement can be waived if "the applicant's key personnel have clearly demonstrated export expertise and substantial previous successful business experience, and the lender processes the Export Express loan using conventional commercial loan underwriting procedures and does not rely solely on credit scoring or credit matrices to approve the loan." See SBA, "SOP 50 10 5(J): Lender and Development Company Loan Programs," (effective January 1, 2018), p. 119, at |
150. |
Ibid. |
151. |
SBA, "Export Express Program Lenders," at |
152. |
SBA, "Small Loan Advantage," at; and SBA, "SBA Announces New Initiatives Aimed at Increasing Lending in Underserved Communities," December 15, 2010, at |
153. |
SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 77 Federal Register 67433, November 9, 2012; SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 80 Federal Register 80873, December 28, 2015; and SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46238, September 12, 2018. |
154. |
SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46238, September 12, 2018. |
155. |
The SBA's Small Loan Advantage (SLA) program also became operational on February 15, 2011. It provided a streamlined application process for 7(a) loans of up to $350,000 (initially $250,000) if the loan received an acceptable credit score from the SBA prior to the loan being submitted for processing. The program provided the same loan guaranty rate as that of the 7(a) program on loan amounts up to $350,000 (85% for loans up to $150,000 and 75% for those greater than $150,000) and loan proceeds could be used for the same purposes as those of the 7(a) program. The borrower's interest rate was negotiable with the lender, subject to the same maximum rate limitations as those of the 7(a) program. Initially, the SLA program was restricted to PLP lenders. The program was expanded to all SBA lenders on June 1, 2012. The SBA adopted the SLA application process as the model for processing all non-express 7(a) loans of $350,000 or less, effective January 1, 2014. |
156. |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Small Business, Small Business Financing and Investment Act Of 2009, report to accompany H.R. 3854, 111th Cong., 2nd sess., October 26, 2009, H.Rept. 111-315 (Washington: GPO, 2009), p. 7. The SBA indicated that the Community Express Pilot Program, which was created in May 1999 and ended on April 30, 2011, provided loans "to new businesses, minority businesses and other underserved sectors" but with "significantly higher default rates (almost 40% of loans defaulted in certain cohorts) compared with other similarly sized 7(a) loans." See SBA, "Community Express Pilot Program," 75 Federal Register 80562, December 22, 2010. |
157. |
SBA, "Advantage Loan Initiatives," at |
158. |
SBA, "Community Advantage Participant Guide," p. 8, at—community-advantage-participant-guide; and SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 77 Federal Register 6619, February 8, 2012. |
159. |
SBA, "Community Advantage," at |
160. |
SBA, "Advantage Loan Initiatives," at |
161. |
Ibid and SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 80 Federal Register 80873, December 28, 2015. |
162. |
The Obama Administration's Promise Zone initiative "seeks to partner with local communities and businesses to create jobs, increase economic security, expand educational opportunities, increase access to quality, affordable housing and improve public safety." The first five Zones are located in San Antonio, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Southeastern Kentucky, and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. See The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, "Fact Sheet: President Obama's Promise Zones Initiative," at Also see SBA, "Advantage Loan Initiatives," at; SBA, "Community Advantage Participant Guide," December 28, 2015, p. 4, at; SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 80 Federal Register 80874, December 28, 2015; and SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46239, September 12, 2018. |
163. |
The SBA indicated that "Given the increased risk of CA loans as compared to other 7(a) loans, the need for more resource-intensive oversight of CA Lenders, and the fact that the CA Pilot Program already includes a sufficient number of geographically dispersed CA Lenders, SBA has decided to place a moratorium on acceptance of new CA Lender applications. Effective October 1, 2018, SBA will no longer accept CA Lender Applications (SBA Form 2301)." See SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 83 Federal Register 46239, September 12, 2018. |
164. |
Ibid., p. 46240. |
165. |
Ibid., pp. 46239, 46340. |
166. |
The Community Advantage loan initiative also has a loan loss reserve requirement for CA loans not sold in the secondary market. That requirement is 5% of the outstanding amount of the guaranteed portion of each loan. See ibid., p. 46240. |
167. |
"Also, the SBA is modifying the requirements for refinancing non-SBA guaranteed, same institution debt to require a transcript showing the due dates and when payments were received for the most recent 12 month period, rather than 6 months. If there are any late payments in the most recent 12 month period, the debt may not be refinanced with a CA loan. In addition, debts on the CA Lender's books for less than 12 months may not be refinanced with a CA loan." See ibid., p. 46239. |
168. |
Previously, CA lenders could charge an applicant reasonable fees (customary for similar lenders in the geographic area where the loan is being made) for packaging and other services. See ibid., p. 46240. |
169. |
Ibid., p. 46239. |
170. |
SBA, "Community Advantage Pilot Program," 85 Federal Register 12369-12370, March 2, 2020. |
171. |
Ibid., p. 12370. |