Federal Land Management Agencies and Programs: CRS Experts

Updated March 21, 2019 (R42656)

Congress faces multiple issues regarding the ownership and management of federal lands and related resources. The following table provides access to names and contact information of CRS experts on general policy issues related to federal land management, as well as the CRS experts on the specific agencies charged with management of those lands. These agencies include the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service in the Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Forest Service in the Department of Agriculture. For an overview of these issues, see also CRS Report R43429, Federal Lands and Related Resources: Overview and Selected Issues for the 116th Congress, coordinated by Katie Hoover.

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Legislative Issues




General Federal Land Management Issues



Climate Issues

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Peter Folger
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy

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Endangered Species Act

Pervaze Sheikh
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Energy and Mineral Resources—Onshore

Marc Humphries
Specialist in Energy Policy

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Energy and Mineral Resources—Offshore

Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Marc Humphries
Specialist in Energy Policy

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Guides and Outfitters

Mark DeSantis
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Historic Preservation

Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Mark DeSantis
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Sandra Johnson
Information Research Specialist

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Hunting and Fishing

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Invasive Species

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Sahar Angadjivand
Analyst in Agricultural Policy

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Land and Water Conservation Fund

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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National Wilderness Preservation System

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Anne Riddle
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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National Wild and Scenic Rivers

Anne Riddle
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Sandra Johnson
Information Research Specialist

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National Trails System

Mark DeSantis
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Sandra Johnson
Information Research Specialist

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[email address scrubbed]

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT)

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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[email address scrubbed]

Recreation Fees

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Timber Harvest

Anne Riddle
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Tribal Lands

Peter Folger
Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy

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Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Bureau of Land Management




General Issues

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Forest Management

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Range and Grazing Issues

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Wild Horses and Burros

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service




General Issues

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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Fisheries and National Fish Hatchery System

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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National Wildlife Refuge System

R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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R. Eliot Crafton
Analyst in Natural Resources Policy

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U.S. Forest Service




General Issues

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Forest Management

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Range and Grazing Issues

Carol Hardy-Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Secure Rural Schools

Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Katie Hoover
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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National Park Service




General Issues

Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Laura Comay
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy

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Author Contact Information

R. Eliot Crafton, Analyst in Natural Resources Policy ([email address scrubbed], [phone number scrubbed])