Farm Credit System
Jim Monke
Specialist in Agricultural Policy
April 6, 2015
Congressional Research Service

Farm Credit System

The Farm Credit System
The Farm Credit System (FCS) was created to provide a permanent, reliable source of credit to
U.S. agriculture. When Congress enacted the Federal Farm Loan Act in 1916, credit often was
unavailable or unaffordable in rural areas. Many lenders avoided farm loans due to the inherent
risks of agriculture. Statutory authority is in the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended (12 U.S.C.
2001 et seq.). Comprehensive changes were enacted in the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987.
The FCS is authorized by statute to lend to farmers, ranchers, and harvesters of aquatic products.
Loans may also be made to finance the processing and marketing activities of these borrowers;
for home ownership in rural areas; certain farm- or ranch-related businesses; and agricultural,
aquatic, and public utility cooperatives.
FCS is a commercial for-profit lender and is not a lender of last resort.1 Borrowers must meet
creditworthiness requirements similar to those of a commercial lender. FCS has “young,
beginning, and small” (YBS) farmer lending programs, but without targets or mandates.
The FCS holds nearly 41% of the farm sector’s total debt (slightly higher than the nearly 40%
share of commercial banks) and has the largest share of farm real estate loans (46%). As of
September 2014, FCS had $208 billion in loans outstanding, of which about 46% was in long-
term agricultural real estate loans, 22% in short- and intermediate-term agricultural loans, 14% in
loans to agribusinesses, 8% in energy and water/waste water loans, 4% in export financing loans
and leases, 3% in rural home loans, and 2% in communications loans.
Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE)
As a GSE, FCS is a privately owned, federally chartered cooperative designed to provide credit
nationwide. It is limited to serving agriculture and related businesses and homeowners in rural
areas. Each GSE is given certain benefits, such as implicit federal guarantees or tax exemptions,
presumably to overcome barriers faced by purely private markets.2 FCS is the only direct lender
among the GSEs; other GSEs such as Fannie Mae are secondary markets. FCS is not a
government agency, and it is not explicitly guaranteed by the U.S. government.3
The tax benefits for FCS include an exemption from federal, state, municipal, and local taxation
on the profits earned by the real estate side of FCS (12 U.S.C. 2098). Income earned by the non-
real estate side of FCS is subject to taxation. The exemption originated in the 1916 act.
Commercial bankers estimate that the annual value of these tax benefits amounted to over $1
billion in 2011.4 For investors who buy FCS bonds on Wall Street, the interest earned is exempt

1 The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) is a lender of last resort for borrowers who are unable to get a loan from
another lender. For more general background, see CRS Report RS21977, Agricultural Credit: Institutions and Issues.
2 There are five GSEs: Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (Freddie Mac), Federal Home Loan Bank System, Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer
Mac), and FCS. For more on GSEs, see CRS Report RL30533, The Quasi Government: Hybrid Organizations with
Both Government and Private Sector Legal Characteristics
3 Because of the significant role of GSEs in the U.S. economy, most investors feel the federal government will not
allow a GSE to fail. Thus, an implicit, albeit not statutory, guarantee exists.
4 Bert Ely, Farm Credit Watch, February 2012.
Congressional Research Service

Farm Credit System

from state, municipal, and local taxes. This makes FCS bonds more attractive to the investing
public and helps assure a plentiful supply of funds for loans. Commercial bankers say that the tax
benefits let FCS offer lower interest rates to borrowers, and thus give FCS an operating advantage
since they compete in the same retail lending market.
Cooperative Business Organization
FCS associations are owned by the borrowers who purchase stock, required as part of their loan
(the smaller of $1,000 or 2% of the loan amount). FCS stockholders elect the boards of directors
for banks and associations. Each has one vote, regardless of the loan size. Most directors are
members, but federal law requires at least one from outside.
If an association is profitable, the directors may choose to retain the profits or distribute some of
it through dividends or patronage refunds that are proportional to the size of loan. Patronage
refunds can effectively reduce the cost of borrowing.
Capitalized with Bonds and Stock
The Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation uses capital markets to sell FCS bonds and
notes.5 These debts become the joint and several liability of all FCS banks. The funding
corporation allocates capital to the banks, which provide funds to associations, which lend to
borrowers. Profits from loans repay bondholders (Figure 1).
FCS also raises capital through two other methods. Borrowers are required to buy stock (the
lesser of $1,000 or 2% of the loan amount) and become cooperative members. FCS also retains
profits that are not returned as patronage to borrowers.
With the exception of seed money that was repaid by the 1950s and a temporary U.S. Treasury
line of credit in the 1980s,6 FCS operates without any direct federal appropriations. FCS banks
and associations do not take deposits like commercial banks.
Figure 1. Flow of Funds from through the FCS Between Bondholders and Borrowers

Source: Farm Credit System 2014 Annual Information Statement, March 11, 2015, p. 6.

5 The Funding Corporation is a central source for FCS information statements at
6 The Financial Assistance Corporation (FAC) borrowed $1.26 billion from Treasury during the farm financial crisis of
the 1980s. In 2005, these bonds were repaid with interest to the U.S. Treasury. The FAC was dissolved in December
Congressional Research Service

Farm Credit System

National System of Banks and Associations
FCS is composed of four regional banks (Figure 2) that provide funds and support services to 76
smaller Agricultural Credit Associations (ACAs), Federal Land Credit Associations (FLCAs), and
Production Credit Associations (PCAs). These associations (Figure 3), in turn, provide loans to
eligible borrowers. The most common operating structure (due to favorable tax and regulatory
rules) is a “parent ACA” with FLCA and PCA subsidiaries. There are 74 ACAs and two FLCAs.7
In addition to its charter as one of the regional banks, CoBank has a nationwide charter to finance
farmer-owned cooperatives and rural utilities. It finances agricultural exports and provides
international services for farmer-owned cooperatives through three international offices.
The number of banks and associations has been declining for decades through mergers and
reorganizations. This consolidation has continued in recent decades through the “parent ACA”
structure. In the mid-1940s, there were over 2,000 lending associations, nearly 900 in 1983, fewer
than 400 by 1987, 200 in 1998, 95 in 2006, and 80 in 2015. The system operated with 12 district
banks into the 1980s, 8 districts in 1998, 5 districts in 2004, and 4 regional banks since 2012.
Figure 2. Farm Credit System Regional Banks

Source: Farm Credit Administration, at

7 The Farm Credit Administration maintains a directory of FCS institutions at
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Figure 3. Farm Credit System Associations That Deliver Loans to Borrowers

Source: Farm Credit Administration, at

Farm Credit System

Twenty years ago, the typical FCS association covered several counties and specialized in either
land or farm production loans. Today, the typical FCS association covers a much larger region,
delivers a wide range of farm and rural credit programs and services, and has an extensive loan
portfolio. FCS may benefit when consolidation creates more diversified portfolios. Customers
may benefit if greater institutional efficiency is passed along through lower interest rates.
However, consolidation may weaken the original cooperative concept of local borrower control.
Each association within FCS has a specific “charter territory.” If an association wants to lend
outside its charter territory, it first must obtain approval from the other territory’s association.
Charter territories help ensure that borrowers are served locally and maintain local control of the
association. Charter territories and any changes must be approved by FCA.
Types of Loans and Borrowers
The FCS provides three types of loans to farm producers: (1) operating loans for the short-term
financing of consumables such as feed, seed, fertilizer, or fuel; (2) installment loans for
intermediate-term financing of durables such as equipment or breeding livestock; and (3) real
estate loans for long-term financing (up to 40 years) of land, buildings, and homes.
The FCS has a statutory mandate to serve agriculture, and certain agribusinesses and rural
homeowners. Borrowers must meet eligibility and creditworthiness requirements. Types of
eligible borrowers and their scope of their financing can be grouped into four categories.
Full-time farmers. For individuals with over 50% of their assets and income
from agriculture, FCS can lend for all agricultural, family, and non-agricultural
needs (including vehicles, education, home improvements, and living expenses).
Part-time farmers. For individuals who own farmland or produce agricultural
products but earn less than 50% of their income from agriculture, FCS can lend
for all agricultural and family needs. Non-agricultural lending is limited.
Farming-related businesses. FCS can lend to businesses that process or market
farm, ranch, or aquatic products if more than 50% of the business is owned by
farmers who provide at least some of the “throughput.” FCS also can lend to
businesses that provide services to farmers and ranchers, such as crop spraying
and cotton ginning. The extent of financing is based on the amount of the
business’s farm-related income.
Rural homeowners. FCS can lend for the purchase, construction, improvement,
or refinancing of single-family dwellings in rural areas (2,500 population limit).
FCS can also finance certain farmer-owned cooperatives and agricultural exports. Figure 4
illustrates FCS’s portfolio of loans outstanding ($217 billion at the end of 2014) by the type of
loan. About 70% of the loan portfolio is in the primary categories of farm real estate and
operating loans.
Figure 5 presents the loan portfolio by size of loan and the number of borrowers in each size
category. Nearly 86% of the number of loans (861,000 out of nearly 1 million) are under
$250,000 in size and account for 24% of the loan portfolio. At the other extreme, 28 loans each
over $250 million account for 6% of the loan portfolio.
Congressional Research Service

Farm Credit System

Figure 4. Farm Credit System Loan Portfolio by Type of Loan
Energy and
Marketing &
Ag production &
Rural residence
Other agribusiness
Ag real estate

Source: CRS, based on Farm Credit System 2014 Annual Information Statement, March 11, 2015, p. 49.
Figure 5. Farm Credit System Loan Portfolio by Size of Loan
Number of loans
6% Amount of portfolio

Source: CRS, based on Farm Credit System 2014 Annual Information Statement, March 11, 2015, p. 52.
Congressional Research Service

Farm Credit System

Federal Regulation
Congressional Oversight
Congressional oversight of FCS is provided by the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.
The most recent hearings on agricultural credit were in the House on June 25, 2014 (including
witnesses from the FCS),8 and in the Senate on June 13, 2006 (agricultural credit, but not
specifically the FCS).9 The Senate Agriculture Committee also holds hearings on nominees for
the Farm Credit Administration board of directors.10
Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
The Farm Credit Administration is an independent agency and the federal regulator responsible
for examining and ensuring the safety and soundness of all FCS institutions. Regulations are
published in 12 C.F.R. 600 et seq. FCA’s operating expenses are paid through assessments on
FCS banks and associations. Even though FCA does not receive an appropriation from Congress,
the annual agriculture appropriations act places a limit on FCA’s administrative expenses ($60.5
million in FY2015).
FCA is directed by a three-member board nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Senate. Board members serve a six-year term and may not be reappointed after serving a full term
or more than three years of a previous member’s term. The President designates one member as
chairman, who serves until the end of that member’s term. Members may continue to serve on the
board until their replacement is confirmed.
Table 1. Farm Credit Administration Board of Directors
Senate Confirmation and Comments
Term Expires
Kenneth A. Spearman,
Confirmed on 10/8/2009 to complete the term of Dallas P.
Tonsager that was to expire 5/21/2010. Reappointed to ful term.
Appointed Chairman of the Board and CEO on March 13, 2015.
Jeffrey S. Hal
Confirmed on March 9, 2015.
Dal as P. Tonsager
Confirmed on March 9, 2015. Previously an FCA board member
for a partial term from 2004-2009.
Source: CRS.

8 House Committee on Agriculture, “A Review of Credit Availability in Rural America,” hearing on June 25, 2014, at
9 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, “Review of USDA Farm Loan Programs,” hearing on June
13, 2006, at
10 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, “Nominations,” at
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Farm Credit System

Other FCS Entities
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Company (Farmer Mac)
Farmer Mac was established in the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 as a secondary market for
agricultural loans. It purchases and pools qualified loans, and sells them to investors as securities.
Although Farmer Mac is part of FCS by statute and is regulated by FCA, it has no liability for the
debt of any other FCS institution, and the other FCS institutions have no liability for Farmer Mac
debt. It is considered a separate GSE. Farmer Mac is an investor-owned corporation, not a
member-owned cooperative. Voting stock may be owned by banks, insurance companies, and
FCS institutions. Nonvoting stock may be owned by any investor. The board of directors has
members from the FCS, commercial banks, and the public at large.
Farmer Mac operates two programs: Farmer Mac I (loans not guaranteed by USDA) and Farmer
Mac II (USDA-guaranteed loans).
• A majority of Farmer Mac I volume comes from the sale of “long-term standby
purchase agreements” (LTSPC). Farmer Mac promises to purchase specific
agricultural mortgages, thus guaranteeing the loans against default risk while the
participating lender retains interest rate risk.
• Under Farmer Mac II, the company purchases the portion of individual loans
that are guaranteed by USDA. On these purchases, Farmer Mac accepts the
interest rate risk but carries no default risk.
Farmer Mac holds most of the loans it purchases, a potentially more profitable and risky activity.
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
The Insurance Corporation was established by statute in 1988 to ensure timely payment of
principal and interest on FCS debt securities. The FCA board comprises its board of directors.
Annual premiums are paid by each bank through an assessment based on loan volume until the
secure base amount of 2% of total outstanding loans is reached.
Farm Credit Council
The Farm Credit Council is the trade association of FCS and lobbies on behalf of FCS.

Author Contact Information

Jim Monke

Specialist in Agricultural Policy, 7-9664

Congressional Research Service