The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief
Elayne J. Heisler
Specialist in Health Services
February 12, 2015
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
CHCF as a Percentage of Health Center Funding ........................................................................... 2
CHCF Grants Awarded .................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 1. The CHCF and Health Center Funding ............................................................................ 2

Table 1. CHCF-Supported Grant Programs ..................................................................................... 3
Table 2. CHCF Funds Awarded, by State and Territory ................................................................... 4

Author Contact Information............................................................................................................. 6
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................... 6

Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

The Health Center Program, which is administered by the Health Resources and Services
Administration within the Department of Health and Human Services, awards grants to outpatient
health care facilities that provide care to medically underserved populations.1 The program’s
annual funding has more than doubled between FY2002 and FY2015, increasing from $1.3
billion to $4.9 billion. This funding increase—a result of both increases in annual discretionary
appropriations and supplemental funding2—has resulted in more health centers, more patients
seen and more services available to these patients.3 The program’s funding increase is due, in
part, to the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF),4 a mandatory multibillion dollar fund
established in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, P.L. 111-148, as amended).
This fund is available between FY2011 and FY2015. It was intended to increase health center
appropriations above the level the program received in FY2008;5 however, the CHCF has
partially supplanted annual appropriations since it began. The CHCF also supports the National
Health Service Corps, a scholarship and loan repayment program that places providers in
underserved areas including at health centers. Since FY2012, the CHCF has been that program’s
sole funding source.6
CHCF funds have been used for a range of health center activities including funding new health
centers, increasing services provided at existing health centers, and implementing care
coordination initiatives.7 The CHCF represents more than 70% of the Health Center Program’s
FY2015 funding and is set to expire at the end of the current fiscal year. For funding to continue
at its current level, Congress would need to either extend the CHCF or appropriate additional
discretionary funds.8 This report provides information on the CHCF that may be useful for
discussions about the fund’s future. Specifically, it includes information on: the types of grants
awarded, total funds disbursed, and the amount of CHCF funds that facilities in each state and
territory received.

1 For more information on health centers, see CRS Report R42433, Federal Health Centers.
2 Annual discretionary appropriations during this time period and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (P.L.
111-5) provided supplemental funding in FY2009 and FY2010. See Table 3 in CRS Report R42433, Federal Health
and CRS Report R40181, Selected Health Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
3 Peter Shin et al., Community Health Centers: A 2012 Profile and Spotlight on Implications of State Medicaid
Expansion Decisions
, The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Issue Brief, Washington, DC,
September 2014.
4 Section 10503 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the CHCF. Though the fund is
named for community health centers (the most common type of health center), its funds are available for use by all four
types of health centers: (1) community health centers, (2) health centers for the homeless, (3) migrant health centers,
and (4) health centers for residents of public housing.
5 The FY2008 appropriation was $2.1 billion; see Table 3 in CRS Report R42433, Federal Health Centers.
6 CRS Report IN10185, Congress Faces Calls to Address Expiring ACA Funds for Primary Care.
7 See Table 1.
8 CRS Report IN10185, Congress Faces Calls to Address Expiring ACA Funds for Primary Care.
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

CHCF as a Percentage of Health Center Funding
The CHCF as a total percentage of federal funding for health centers has increased from 40% to
72% from FY2011 through F2015 (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. The CHCF and Health Center Funding

Source: CRS analysis of HRSA’s Congressional Budget Justifications.
CHCF Grants Awarded
ACA’s language creating the CHCF specified rather broad purposes—that the fund be used to
“provide for expanded and sustained national investment in community health centers.”9 CHCF
funds have been used to support operating grants at existing health centers and to support a
number of specific grant programs (see Table 1).10

9 ACA Section 10503(a).
10 The ACA also provided, for use between FY2011 and FY2015, $1 billion dollars to be used for health center
construction and renovation. Grant awards from this program were made in FY2011 and FY2012 and supported 398
projects at 190 centers; see CRS Report R42433, Federal Health Centers.
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

Table 1. CHCF-Supported Grant Programs
Funds Awarded
New Access Points
Grants to support new health center
$28.8 million (FY2011); $128.6
mil ion (FY2012); $19 million

(FY2013); $150 million (FY2014);

$100 million (FY2015, expected)
Expanded Services
Grants for hiring new staff to extend
$295 million (FY2014)
hours and expand care that a health
center provides.
Health Center Outreach and
Grants to hire staff for in-person
$150 million (FY2013); $58 million
Enrol ment Assistance
enrollment and eligibility assistance to
uninsured individuals.
Behavioral Health Integration
Grants to expand behavioral health
$54.6 million (FY2014); $51.3 million
services by increasing the number of
providers and services offered.
Patient-Centered Medical
Grants to assist facilities with meeting the
$32 million (FY2011); $44 million
Homes (PCMH)
requirements to be certified as a PCMH.
Quality Improvement/ Base
Adjustments to health center base funding $48 million (FY2013)
for ongoing operations and quality
improvement activities.
PCMH Facility Improvement
Grants for PCMH construction and facility $35.7 million (FY2014)
Health Center Controlled
Grants to expand the use of advanced
$21 million (FY2013)
Network- Health Information
Technology (HIT)

State and Regional Primary
Cooperative agreements with state and
$5.2 million (FY2011); $6.4 million
Care Association
regional organizations to provide health
center training and technical assistance.
HIV Service Integration
Grants to support HIV services with
$5 million (FY2012); $6.2 million
primary care service integration.
Planning and Development
Grants to support organizations to plan
$10 million (FY2011)
and become health centers.
Beacon Community
Grants to support health center HIT
$8.4 million (FY2011)
Supplemental Funding
adoption so as to improve health
outcomes, improve care quality, and
achieve cost efficiencies.
Training and Technical
Cooperative agreements to provide
$2.8 million (FY2011)
technical assistance to organizations that
support health centers.
Sources: CRS analysis of data from the HRSA data warehouse; CRS communication with HRSA’s Office of
Legislation, January 5, 2015; and HRSA and HHS press releases obtained by searching and
CHCF funds were awarded from FY2011 through FY2015 to facilities and organizations in each
of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories (see Table 2).
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

Table 2. CHCF Funds Awarded, by State and Territory
(Dollars in Thousands)
State FY2011
Alaska $15,176
Alabama $19,803
Arkansas $11,603

$1,089 $901 $1,146 $1,899
Arizona $18,945
California $120,920
Colorado $25,431

District of Columbia
Delaware $3,290

Florida $48,926
Federated States of
$423 $438 $476 $1,123
Georgia $21,263
Guam $501

Hawaii $6,879
Iowa $8,507
Idaho $9,026
Illinois $41,748
Indiana $12,420
Kansas $7,397
Kentucky $13,683
Louisiana $17,792
Massachusetts $24,757
Maryland $13,633
Maine $8,751
Marshall Islands

Michigan $23,757
Minnesota $8,829
Missouri $20,092
Northern Mariana


Mississippi $18,919
Montana $8,669
North Carolina
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

State FY2011
North Dakota
Nebraska $3,830
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
Nevada $3,963
New York
Ohio $27,229
Oklahoma $12,270
Oregon $18,770
Palau $358

Pennsylvania $27,426
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota

Tennessee $17,968
Texas $60,559
Utah $6,805
Virginia $19,176
Virgin Islands

Vermont $3,791
Washington $27,932
Wisconsin $8,326
West Virginia
Wyoming $1,730
$978,047 $1,136,477 $1,439,875 $2,075,045 $86,321,866 $5,716,765
CHCF Allocation
$1,465,000c $2,145,000c $3,509,000c $9,319,000
Source: CRS communication with HRSA’s Office of Legislation, January 5, 2015.
Notes: Blank cells indicate that no funds were received by that state or territory in that year.
a. Data available as of January 5, 2015. Blank cel s indicate that no funds were awarded to health centers
in that state as of January 5, 2015. This report will be updated throughout FY2015 to reflect additional
grants awarded to facilities in each state.
b. Total indicates amount of grants awarded; it is lower than the amount appropriated to the CHCF as
some funds are used by HRSA to administer these grant programs.
c. The FY2013, FY2014, and FY2015 amounts were reduced by the sequester required under the Budget
Control Act (P.L. 112-25). For more information, see CRS Report R42433, Federal Health Centers.
Congressional Research Service

The Community Health Center Fund: In Brief

Author Contact Information

Elayne J. Heisler

Specialist in Health Services, 7-4453

LaTiesha Cooper, Research Assistant, prepared the tables and figures included in this report.
Congressional Research Service