Legislative Planning: Considerations for Congressional Staff

February 4, 2015 (RS20991)



The Congressional Research Service frequently receives inquiries about legislative planning. Legislative and office action plans are often used by congressional offices for almost every significant project, from organizing an extensive conference in the district or state to introducing and guiding legislation. A major action plan requires a firm understanding of the project's goal, a research strategy, and a time line for completing the project.

This report presents some of the factors usually considered in preparing an action plan. The information is provided in three sections. The first provides an overview that lays out summary considerations. The second raises questions to consider in preparing an outline for a project. The third details a sample action plan.

Legislative Planning: Considerations for Congressional Staff


Define the Problem and Determine the Solution

Any legislative plan needs a thorough definition of the problem to be addressed and an explanation of what the appropriate solution might be. Solutions may include legislation, regulation, or media attention. A clearly defined issue makes the determination of the themes for developing the message and promoting the solution easier to explain to colleagues, supporters, opponents, constituents, and the press.

Next, a time line for solving the problem should be determined. Is this a one-session, or one-Congress, or longer-term project? Is it one event or a coordinated series of events? Should the event(s) be held in the Member's district or state, in Washington, or throughout the country?

Research the Problem

Prior to beginning work on the solution, an in-depth determination of the extent of the problem needs to be undertaken. For example, is the problem limited to one district, state, or region, or is it nationwide? Should the solution address the specific issue or the policy in general?

Consultation with local and state officials, community leaders, and constituents is integral at this stage. Discussions in Washington may include committee and subcommittee leaders, the party leadership, think tanks, and interest groups.

Determine Strategy

One of the most important decisions is whether to conduct an "inside" or "outside" strategy, or possibly a combination of the two. Inside strategy entails work within the legislative process only, that is, legislation, hearings, committee and floor amendments, floor debate, and conference consideration. Advocates may or may not be involved in any of this activity. An outside strategy calls for advocates to generate mail, press, and office visits, often to force an inside strategy to occur. A combined strategy includes using Dear Colleague letters, coordinated one-minute or special order speeches, Member-to-Member lobbying, and group press conferences.

Outline for Project


Description of Project

Legislative Strategy

Other than Legislative Strategy

Outside Groups Strategy

Press and Communications Strategy

Inside Communications

Outside Communications

Time Line

Political Opportunity

Sample Action Plan for Legislative Project

Action plans embody the strategies employed to achieve goals. The office's strategic plan should not only identify specific steps, but also the person(s) responsible (including the Member) responsible for each step. It is also useful to include deadlines for completing action on each step. Periodic meetings to review progress on the plan may prove useful in keeping the project on track. Usually each person in the office, whether they have specific responsibility for parts of the plan, should be provided a copy of the plan.