Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program:
Background and Issues for Congress

Ronald O'Rourke
Specialist in Naval Affairs
December 24, 2014
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The LCS is a relatively inexpensive Navy surface combatant equipped with modular “plug-and-
fight” mission packages for countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric submarines,
particularly in littoral (i.e., near-shore) waters. Two very different LCS designs are being built.
One was developed by an industry team led by Lockheed; the other was developed by an industry
team that was led by General Dynamics. The Lockheed design is built at the Marinette Marine
shipyard at Marinette, WI; the General Dynamics design is built at the Austal USA shipyard at
Mobile, AL. A total of 20 Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) have been funded through FY2014.
The Navy had been planning to procure an eventual total of 52 LCSs, but on February 24, 2014,
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that “no new contract negotiations beyond 32 ships
will go forward” and that the Navy is to submit “alternative proposals to procure a capable and
lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate. I’ve directed
the Navy to consider a completely new design, existing ship designs, and a modified LCS.”
Following Hagel’s February 24, 2014, announcement, the Navy began an internal study of
options for small surface combatants (SSCs) to be procured following the 32 LCSs. The Navy
states that study was completed on July 31, 2014, as required. On December 10, 2014, Secretary
of Defense Chuck Hagel, after reviewing the Navy’s work, approved a Navy plan to procure an
SSC based on an upgraded version of the two LCS designs. The upgrade includes additional
equipment for air defense, surface warfare, and antisubmarine warfare, plus some other changes.
The Navy estimates that the changes will increase the cost of each LCS by $60 million to $75
million. The Navy states that it is now starting to develop an acquisition strategy for procuring the
20 modified LCSs.
LCSs have been procured since FY2010 under a pair of 10-ship, fixed-price incentive (FPI) block
buy contracts that the Navy awarded to the two LCS builders—Lockheed and Austal USA—on
December 29, 2010. Under these contracts, which cover the years FY2010-FY2015, four LCSs
(numbers 21 through 24) were to be requested for procurement in FY2015. The Navy’s proposed
FY2015 budget, however, requests funding for the procurement of three rather than four LCSs.
Hagel’s February 24 announcement and the Navy’s request for three rather than four LCSs in
FY2015 raise several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the Navy’s plan for
determining which of the two LCS builders would receive one LCS in FY2015 rather than two,
and the analytical basis for the actions affecting the LCS program announced by Hagel on
February 24.
The LCS program has been controversial due to past cost growth, design and construction issues
with the lead ships built to each design, concerns over the ships’ survivability (i.e., ability to
withstand battle damage), and concerns over whether the ships are sufficiently armed and would
be able to perform their stated missions effectively. Prior to Secretary Hagel’s February 24, 2014,
announcement, some observers, citing one or more of these issues, had proposed truncating the
LCS program. In response to criticisms of the LCS program, the Navy has acknowledged certain
problems and stated that it was taking action to correct them, and disputed other arguments made
against the program.

Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
The Program in General ............................................................................................................ 1
The LCS in Brief ................................................................................................................. 1
Planned Procurement Quantities ......................................................................................... 2
Two LCS Designs ................................................................................................................ 3
Two LCS Shipyards ............................................................................................................ 5
LCSs in Service ................................................................................................................... 5
Mission Package Deliveries Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Dates ............................ 5
Manning and Deployment ................................................................................................... 6
Unit Procurement Cost Cap ................................................................................................. 6
Procurement Cost ................................................................................................................ 7
Major Program Developments Prior to February 24, 2014, DOD Announcement of
Actions Affecting LCS Program ............................................................................................ 8
Growth in Sea Frame Procurement Costs ........................................................................... 8
2007 Program Restructuring and Ship Cancellations .......................................................... 9
2009 Down Select Acquisition Strategy (Not Implemented) .............................................. 9
2010 Dual-Award Acquisition Strategy (Implemented) .................................................... 10
Changes in Mission Package Equipment .......................................................................... 11
2012 Establishment of LCS Council ................................................................................. 11
Controversy and Proposals to Truncate the Program ........................................................ 12
February 24, 2014, DOD Announcement of Actions Affecting LCS Program ....................... 13
February 24, 2014, Address and Background Briefing ..................................................... 13
February 24, 2014, Memorandum to Navy Leadership .................................................... 14
Earlier Press Reports That DOD Was Considering Truncating Program .......................... 14
Navy Work to Identify Ships to Follow 32 LCSs .................................................................... 15
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 15
Navy Testimony and Letter ............................................................................................... 15
Press Reports ..................................................................................................................... 19
December 10, 2014, DOD Decision on Ships to Follow 32 LCSs .......................................... 24
December 10 Secretary of Defense Memo ........................................................................ 24
December 11 DOD News Release .................................................................................... 25
December 11 Navy News Story ........................................................................................ 26
December 11 Navy Fact Sheet .......................................................................................... 27
Additional Information in Press Reports ........................................................................... 29
FY2015 LCS Program Funding Request ................................................................................. 30
Issues for Congress ........................................................................................................................ 30
Oversight Issues Arising from Request to Procure Three Rather Than Four LCSs in
FY2015 ................................................................................................................................. 30
Oversight Issues Arising from DOD’s February 24, 2014, Announcement ............................ 32
Potential Oversight Questions Relating to Figure of 32 Ships .......................................... 32
Potential Oversight Questions Relating to Follow-On Ship Generally Consistent
With Capabilities of A Frigate ........................................................................................ 33
Generalized Arguments For and Against Truncating LCS Program ................................. 34
Should There Be a Down Select to a Single LCS Design After the 24th Ship? ....................... 38
Operation and Support (O&S) Costs ....................................................................................... 39
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

LCS Sea Frame Weight Management ...................................................................................... 41
Construction Quality on Lead Ships ........................................................................................ 42
Should Procurement of LCS Sea Frames and Mission Modules Be Slowed Until
Operational Testing Is More Complete? ............................................................................... 43
Technical Risk in LCS Program .............................................................................................. 48
Sea Frame .......................................................................................................................... 48
Mission Packages .............................................................................................................. 52
Defense-Acquisition Policy Lessons of LCS Program ............................................................ 55
Legislative Activity for FY2015 .................................................................................................... 56
FY2015 Budget Request .......................................................................................................... 56
FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 3979) ...................................................... 57
House ................................................................................................................................. 57
Senate ................................................................................................................................ 58
Final Version ..................................................................................................................... 60
FY2015 DOD Appropriations Act (Division C of H.R. 83/P.L. 113-235) ............................... 63
House ................................................................................................................................. 63
Senate ................................................................................................................................ 64
Final Version ..................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 1. Lockheed LCS Design (Top) and General Dynamics LCS Design (Bottom) .................. 4

Table 1. Past (FY2005-FY2014) and Projected (FY2015-FY2018) Annual LCS Sea
Frame Procurement Quantities ..................................................................................................... 3
Table B-1. Status of LCSs Funded in FY2005-FY2009 ................................................................ 76
Table D-1. Navy and CBO Estimates of Ship Procurement Costs Through FY2015 Under
Down Select and Dual-Award Strategies .................................................................................... 98

Appendix A. Cost Growth on LCS Sea Frames in FY2007-FY2013 Budgets .............................. 67
Appendix B. 2007 Program Restructuring and Ship Cancellations ............................................... 74
Appendix C. Down Select Acquisition Strategy Announced in September 2009 .......................... 77
Appendix D. Dual-Award Acquisition Strategy Announced in November 2010........................... 91
Appendix E. Additional Material Relating to Question of Whether to Truncate LCS
Program .................................................................................................................................... 104

Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Author Contact Information......................................................................................................... 115

Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

This report provides background information and issues for Congress on the Navy’s Littoral
Combat Ship (LCS) program. A total of 20 LCSs have been funded through FY2014. The Navy
had been planning to procure an eventual total of 52 LCSs, but on February 24, 2014, Secretary
of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that “no new contract negotiations beyond 32 ships will go
forward” and that the Navy is to submit “alternative proposals to procure a capable and lethal
small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate. I’ve directed the
Navy to consider a completely new design, existing ship designs, and a modified LCS.”1
LCSs have been procured since FY2010 under a pair of 10-ship, fixed-price incentive (FPI) block
buy contracts that the Navy awarded to the two LCS builders—Lockheed and Austal USA—on
December 29, 2010. Under these contracts, which cover the years FY2010-FY2015, four LCSs
(numbers 21 through 24) were to be requested for procurement in FY2015. The Navy’s proposed
FY2015 budget, however, requests funding for the procurement of three rather than four LCSs.
Hagel’s February 24 announcement and the Navy’s request for three rather than four LCSs in
FY2015 raise several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the Navy’s plan for
determining which of the two LCS builders would receive one LCS in FY2015 rather than two,
and the analytical basis for the actions affecting the LCS program announced by Hagel on
February 24. Congress’s decisions on the LCS program and the potential successor program will
affect Navy capabilities and funding requirements, and the shipbuilding industrial base.
The Program in General
The LCS in Brief
The LCS program was announced on November 1, 2001.2 The LCS is a relatively inexpensive
Navy surface combatant that is to be equipped with modular “plug-and-fight” mission packages,
including unmanned vehicles (UVs). Rather than being a multimission ship like the Navy’s larger
surface combatants, the LCS is to be a focused-mission ship, meaning a ship equipped to perform
one primary mission at any given time. The ship’s mission orientation can be changed by

1 DOD News Transcript, “Remarks by Secretary Hagel and Gen. Dempsey on the fiscal year 2015 budget preview in
the Pentagon Briefing Room,” February 24, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, at
2 On November 1, 2001, the Navy announced that it was launching a Future Surface Combatant Program aimed at
acquiring a family of next-generation surface combatants. This new family of surface combatants, the Navy stated,
would include three new classes of ships: a destroyer called the DD(X)—later redesignated the DDG-1000—for the
precision long-range strike and naval gunfire mission; a cruiser called the CG(X) for the air defense and ballistic
missile mission, and a smaller combatant called the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) to counter submarines, small surface
attack craft, and mines in heavily contested littoral (near-shore) areas. The DDG-1000 was truncated to a total of three
ships in 2009, and the CG(X) program was terminated in 2010. For more on the DDG-1000 program, see CRS Report
RL32109, Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress, by Ronald
O'Rourke. For more on the CG(X) program, see CRS Report RL34179, Navy CG(X) Cruiser Program: Background for
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

changing out its mission packages. The basic version of the LCS, without any mission packages,
is referred to as the LCS sea frame.
The LCS’s originally stated primary missions are antisubmarine warfare (ASW), mine
countermeasures (MCM), and surface warfare (SUW) against small boats (including so-called
“swarm boats”), particularly in littoral (i.e., near-shore) waters. The LCS program includes the
development and procurement of ASW, MCM, and SUW mission packages for LCS sea frames.
These three primary missions appear oriented toward countering, among other things, some of the
littoral anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) capabilities that have been fielded in recent years by
Iran,3 although they could also be used to counter similar A2/AD capabilities that might be
fielded by other countries.
Additional potential missions for the LCS include peacetime engagement and partnership-
building operations; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations; maritime
security and intercept operations (including anti-piracy operations); support of Marines or special
operations forces; and homeland defense operations. An LCS might perform these missions at any
time, regardless of its installed mission module, although an installed mission module might
enhance an LCS’s ability to perform some of these missions.
The LCS displaces about 3,000 tons, making it about the size of a corvette (i.e., a light frigate) or
a Coast Guard cutter. It has a maximum speed of more than 40 knots, compared to something
more than 30 knots for the Navy cruisers and destroyers. The LCS has a shallower draft than
Navy cruisers and destroyers, permitting it to operate in certain coastal waters and visit certain
shallow-draft ports that are not accessible to Navy cruisers and destroyers.
Planned Procurement Quantities
Until February 24, 2014, the Navy had planned to procure 52 LCS sea frames.4 A force of 52
LCSs would account for 17%, or about one-sixth, of the Navy’s planned fleet of about 306 ships
of all types.5 The Navy prior to February 24, 2014, had planned to procure 64 LCS mission
packages (16 ASW, 24 MCM, and 24 SUW) for the 52 LCS sea frames. Table 1 shows past
(FY2005-FY2014) and projected (FY2014-FY2018) annual procurement quantities for LCS sea
frames under the Navy’s FY2015 budget submission.

3 For a discussion of Iran’s littoral A2/AD capabilities, including submarines, mines, and small boats, see CRS Report
R42335, Iran’s Threat to the Strait of Hormuz, coordinated by Kenneth Katzman.
4 Until January 2013, the Navy had planned to procure a total of 55 LCS sea frames. A January 2013 Navy report to
Congress adjusted some of the Navy’s ship force-level objectives, including the objective for small surface
combatants—a category that in the future is to consist solely of LCSs—which was reduced from 55 ships to 52 ships.
(Department of the Navy, Report to Congress [on] Navy Combatant Vessel Force Structure Requirement, January
2013, 3 pp. The cover letters for the report were dated January 31, 2013.)
5 For more on the Navy’s planned fleet, see CRS Report RL32665, Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans:
Background and Issues for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Table 1. Past (FY2005-FY2014) and Projected (FY2015-FY2018) Annual LCS Sea
Frame Procurement Quantities
(As shown in the Navy’s FY2015 budget submission)
1 1 0 0 2 2 2
4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Source: Prepared by CRS based on FY2015 Navy budget submission.
Notes: (1) The two ships shown in FY2005 and FY2006 were funded through Navy’s research and development
account rather than the Navy’s shipbuilding account. (2) The figures for FY2006-FY2008 do not include five LCSs
(two in FY2006, two in FY2007, and one in FY2008) that were funded in those years but later canceled by the
Navy. For details on these five canceled ships, see Table B-1 in Appendix B. (3) Funding appropriated for the
four LCSs procured in FY2013 was reduced by the March 1, 2013, sequester on FY2013 funding. (4) The Navy’s
FY2014 five-year (FY2014-FY2019) shipbuilding plan shows two additional ships in FY2019. These are,
presumably, the first two ships in the proposed follow-on program for a ship “generally consistent with the
capabilities of a frigate.”
Two LCS Designs
On May 27, 2004, the Navy awarded contracts to two industry teams—one led by Lockheed
Martin, the other by General Dynamics (GD)—to design two versions of the LCS, with options
for each team to build up to two LCSs each. The LCS designs developed by the two teams are
quite different—the Lockheed team’s design is based on a steel semi-planing monohull (with an
aluminum superstructure), while the GD team’s design is based on an all-aluminum trimaran hull
(see Figure 1). The two ships also use different built-in combat systems (i.e., different collections
of built-in sensors, computers, software, and tactical displays) that were designed by each
industry team. The Navy states that both LCS designs meet the Key Performance Parameters
(KPPs) for the LCS program.

Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Figure 1. Lockheed LCS Design (Top) and General Dynamics LCS Design (Bottom)

Source: U.S. Navy file photo accessed by CRS at .asp?id=57917 on January 6, 2010.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Two LCS Shipyards
The Lockheed LCS design is built at the Marinette Marine shipyard at Marinette, WI.6 The GD
LCS design is built at the Austal USA shipyard at Mobile, AL.7 Odd-numbered LCSs (i.e., LCS-
1, LCS-3, LCS-5, and so on) use the Lockheed design; even-numbered LCSs (i.e., LCS-2, LCS-4,
LCS-6, and so on) use the GD design.
LCSs in Service
LCS-1 entered service on November 8, 2008; LCS-2 entered service on January 16, 2010; LCS-3
entered service on August 6, 2012; and LCS-4 entered service on January 27, 2014.
Mission Package Deliveries Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Dates
Initial increments (i.e., versions) of LCS mission packages are undergoing testing. The Navy
stated in its FY2015 budget submission that Increments I and II of the SUW mission package are
scheduled to achieve IOC in the fourth quarter of FY2014, that Increment I of the MCM mission
package is scheduled to achieve IOC in the fourth quarter of FY2015, and that Increment II of the
ASW mission package is scheduled to achieve IOC in the fourth quarter of FY2016.8 At an April
10, 2014, hearing on Navy shipbuilding programs before the Seapower subcommittee of the
Senate Armed Services Committee, the Navy testified that
The LCS Mission Modules program continues its efforts to field capability incrementally as
individual mission systems become available, rather than wait for all the mission systems
needed for the end-state capability. Beginning in March 2014, the program commenced
Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) on the Surface Warfare (SUW) Mission
Packages (MP). The Remote Minehunting System (RMS) completed its reliability growth
program this past year and continues to test well. RMS supports the Mine Countermeasure
(MCM) MP which expects to begin IOT&E in 2015. The ASW MP is planning a Preliminary
Design Review in 2014 with IOT&E scheduled to begin in 2016. The LCS, with a MP,
provides capability that is equal to or exceeds the current capability of the ships that it is
replacing. The FY 2015 budget requests funding for three modules (1 MCM, 2 SUW).9

6 Marinette Marine is a division of the Fincantieri Marine Group, an Italian shipbuilding firm. In 2009, Fincantieri
purchased Manitowoc Marine Group, the owner of Marinette Marine and two other shipyards. Lockheed is a minority
investor in Marinette Marine.
7 Austal USA was created in 1999 as a joint venture between Austal Limited of Henderson, Western Australia, and
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Company of Mobile, AL, with Austal Limited as the majority owner.
8 Department of Defense, Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Budget Estimates, Navy Justification Book
Volume 2, Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Navy, Budget Activity 4
, March 2014, pages 405-406 (pdf pages
467-468 of 770). See also pages 403-404 (pdf pages 465-466 of 770).
9 Statement of The Honorable Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and
Acquisition), and Vice Admiral Joseph P. Mulloy, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities
and Resources, and Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Before the
Subcommittee on Seapower of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Department of the Navy Shipbuilding
Programs, April 10, 2014, p. 11.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Manning and Deployment
Reduced-Size Crew
The LCS employs automation to achieve a reduced-sized core crew (i.e., sea frame crew). The
program’s aim was to achieve a core crew of 40 sailors, although the Navy has now decided to
increase that number to about 50. Another 38 or so additional sailors are to operate the ship’s
embarked aircraft (about 23 sailors) and its embarked mission package (about 15 sailors in the
case of the MCM package), which would make for a total crew of about 88 sailors (for an LCS
equipped with an MCM mission package), compared to more than 200 for the Navy’s frigates and
about 300 (or more) for the Navy’s current cruisers and destroyers.10
“3-2-1” Plan
The Navy plans to maintain three LCS crews for each two LCSs, and to keep one of those two
LCSs continuously underway—a plan Navy officials refer to as “3-2-1.” Under the 3-2-1 plan,
LCSs are to be deployed for 16 months at a time, and crews are to rotate on and off deployed
ships at 4-month intervals.11 The 3-2-1 plan will permit the Navy to maintain a greater percentage
of the LCS force in deployed status at any given time than would be possible under the traditional
approach of maintaining one crew for each LCS and deploying LCSs for six to eight months at a
time. The Navy plans to forward-station up to four LCSs in the Western Pacific at Singapore, and
up to eight LCSs in the Persian Gulf at Bahrain.
Unit Procurement Cost Cap
LCS sea frames procured in FY2010 and subsequent years are subject to a unit procurement cost
cap that can be adjusted to take inflation into account.12 The Navy states that after taking inflation

10 See Report to Congress, Littoral Combat Ship Manning Concepts, Prepared by OPNAV—Surface Warfare, July
2013 (with cover letters dated August 1, 2013), posted at USNI News on September 24, 2013, at
11 See, for example, Grace Jean, “Buying Two Littoral Combat Ship Designs Saves the Navy $600 Million, Official
Says,”, January 12, 2011.
12 The legislative history of the cost cap is as follows:

The cost cap was originally established by Section 124 of the FY2006 National Defense Authorization act
(H.R. 1815/P.L. 109-163 of January 6, 2006). Under this provision, the fifth and sixth ships in the class were
to cost no more than $220 million each, plus adjustments for inflation and other factors.

The cost cap was amended by Section 125 of the FY2008 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.
4986/P.L. 110-181 of January 28, 2008). This provision amended the cost cap to $460 million per ship, with
no adjustments for inflation, and applied the cap to all LCSs procured in FY2008 and subsequent years.

The cost cap was amended again by Section 122 of the FY2009 Duncan Hunter National Defense
Authorization Act (S. 3001/P.L. 110-417 of October 14, 2008). This provision deferred the implementation
of the cost cap by two years, applying it to all LCSs procured in FY2010 and subsequent years.

The cost cap was amended again by Section 121(c) and (d) of the FY2010 National Defense Authorization
Act (H.R. 2647/P.L. 111-84 of October 28, 2009). The provision adjusted the cost cap to $480 million per
ship, excluded certain costs from being counted against the $480 million cap, included provisions for
adjusting the $480 million figure over time to take inflation and other events into account, and permitted the
Secretary of the Navy to waive the cost cap under certain conditions. The Navy states that after taking
inflation into account, the $480 million figure equates, as of December 2010, to $538 million.
Section 121(d)(1) states that the Secretary of the Navy may waive the cost cap if:
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

into account, the cost cap as of December 2010 was $538 million. In awarding the two LCS block
buy contracts in December 2010 (see “2010 Dual-Award Acquisition Strategy (Implemented)”
below), the Navy stated that LCSs to be acquired under the two contracts are to have an average
unit cost of about $440 million, a figure well below the program’s adjusted unit procurement cost
cap (as of December 2010) of $538 million.13
Procurement Cost
Sea Frames
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget requests $1,427.1 million for three LCSs, or an average of
about $475.7 million per ship.
Mission Packages
A March 2014 GAO report states that for a January 2014 Milestone B acquisition event, the LCS
program office estimated the total acquisition cost of the LCS program’s mission packages at
$7.24 billion.14 This figure does not account for any reductions in planned LCS mission package

(A) the Secretary provides supporting data and certifies in writing to the congressional defense committees
(i) the total amount obligated or expended for procurement of the vessel-
(I) is in the best interest of the United States; and
(II) is affordable, within the context of the annual naval vessel construction plan required by section 231 of
title 10, United States Code; and
(ii) the total amount obligated or expended for procurement of at least one other vessel authorized by
subsection (a) has been or is expected to be less than $480,000,000; and
(B) a period of not less than 30 days has expired following the date on which such certification and data are
submitted to the congressional defense committees.
13 Source: Contract-award information provided to CRS by navy office of Legislative Affairs, December 29, 2010. The
20 ships to be acquired under the two contracts have a target cost and a higher ceiling cost. Any cost growth above the
target cost and up to the ceiling cost would be shared between the contractor and the Navy according to an agreed
apportionment (i.e., a “share line”). Any cost growth above the ceiling cost would be borne entirely by the contractor.
The Navy states that, as a worst case, if the costs of the 20 ships under the two FPI contracts grew to the ceiling figure
and all change orders were expended, the average cost of the ships would increase by about $20 million, to about $460
million, a figure still well below the adjusted cost cap figure of $538 million.
14 Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions[:] Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs, GAO-14-
340SP, March 2013, p. 96. See also Jason Sherman, “Navy Sets $7.2B Price Tag For Littoral Combat Ship Mission
Modules,” Inside the Navy, March 31, 2014.
The December 31, 2012, SAR for the sea frame portion of the LCS program does not contain estimated acquisition
costs for the planned total of 64 LCS mission packages. The December 31, 2010, SAR for the LCS program stated:
On February 18, 2011, USD(AT&L) [the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology,
and Logistics)—DOD’s acquisition executive] conducted a Milestone B (MS B) Defense
Acquisition Board (DAB) for the seaframe portion of the LCS program. The decision of the DAB
was to separate the program into two separate and distinct programs with separate reporting
requirements. The Seaframe portion of the program is reported in this SAR as approved at MS B.
The Mission Module portion of the program will begin reporting when it receives its Milestone B
(Department of Defense, Selected Acquisition Report (SAR), LCS, as of December 31, 2010, p. 4.)
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

procurement that might result from the actions affecting the LCS program that were announced
on February 24, 2014.
In August 2013, the Navy had stated that
The estimated Average Production Unit Cost (APUC) for all 59 OPN-funded mission
packages [the other five mission packages were funded through the Navy’s research,
development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) account] is $69.8M in Constant Year (CY)
Fiscal Year 2010 dollars. This is the most accurate answer for “How much does it cost to buy
a mission package?” These mission packages are production-representative assets for
Operational Test and deployment. The LCS Mission Modules program will use OPN to
procure 23 MCM mission packages, 21 SUW mission packages, 15 ASW mission packages,
and 59 sets of common mission package equipment.
The APUC can be broken down into the estimated average initial procurement cost of the
three types of mission packages and common mission package equipment. None of the
figures in this paper represent budget values.
— Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Mission Packages (23): $97.7M
— Surface Warfare (SUW) Mission Packages (21): $32.6M
— Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Mission Packages (15): $20.9M
— Sets of Common Mission Package Equipment (59): $14.8M...
These estimates do not include the RDT&E expenditures that are associated with mission
package development, integration, and test. These RDT&E expenditures include the five
RDT&E-funded mission packages intended for use as development, training, and testing
assets. Those five mission packages are not production-representative items. Including all
prior RDT&E expenditures results in an average Program Acquisition Unit Cost of $99.7M
for all 64 mission packages. This not an accurate answer for “How much does it cost to buy a
mission package?” as past RDT&E expenditures are not relevant to the purchase price of a
mission package today.15
Major Program Developments Prior to February 24, 2014, DOD
Announcement of Actions Affecting LCS Program

Growth in Sea Frame Procurement Costs
The Navy originally spoke of building LCS sea frames for about $220 million each in constant
FY2005 dollars. Unit costs for the first few LCSs subsequently more than doubled. Costs for
subsequent LCSs then came down under the current block buy contracts, to roughly $450 million
each in current dollars, which equates to roughly $380 million in constant FY2005 dollars, using
DOD’s budget authority deflator for procurement excluding pay, fuel, and medical.16 For a

15 Navy information paper on LCS program dated August 26, 2013, and provided to CRS and CBO on August 29,
16 This deflator is shown in National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2014, May 2013, Table 5-7 (pages 71-72). This
DOD budget reference document is also known as the “Green Book.”
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

detailed discussion of cost growth on the first few LCS sea frames from the FY2007 budget
through the FY2013 budget, see Appendix A.
2007 Program Restructuring and Ship Cancellations
The Navy substantially restructured the LCS program in 2007 in response to significant cost
growth and delays in constructing the first LCS sea frames. This restructuring led to the
cancellation in 2007 of four LCSs that were funded in FY2006 and FY2007. A fifth LCS, funded
in FY2008, was cancelled in 2008. The annual procurement quantities shown above in Table 1
reflect these cancellations (i.e., the five canceled ships no longer are shown in the annual
procurement quantities in this table). For details on the 2007 program restructuring and the
cancellation of the five LCSs funded in FY2006-FY2008, see Appendix B.
2009 Down Select Acquisition Strategy (Not Implemented)
On September 16, 2009, the Navy announced a proposed acquisition strategy under which the
Navy would hold a competition to pick a single design to which all LCSs procured in FY2010
and subsequent years would be built (i.e., carry out a design “down select”).17 Section 121(a) and
(b) of the FY2010 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 2647/P.L. 111-84 of October 28,
2009) provided the Navy authority to implement this down select strategy. The Navy’s down
select decision was expected to be announced by December 14, 2010, the date when the two LCS
bidders’ bid prices would expire.18 The down select strategy was not implemented; it was
superseded in late December 2010 by the current dual-award acquisition strategy (see next
section). For additional background information on the down select strategy, see Appendix C.

17 The winner of the down select would be awarded a contract to build 10 LCSs over the five-year period FY2010-
FY2014, at a rate of two ships per year. The Navy would then hold a second competition—open to all bidders other
than the shipyard building the 10 LCSs in FY2010-FY2014—to select a second shipyard to build up to five additional
LCSs to the same design in FY2012-FY2014 (one ship in FY2012, and two ships per year in FY2013-FY2014). These
two shipyards would then compete for contracts to build LCSs procured in FY2015 and subsequent years.
Prior to the Navy’s announcement of September 16, 2009, the Navy had announced an acquisition strategy for LCSs to
be procured in FY2009 and FY2010. Under this acquisition strategy, the Navy bundled together the two LCSs funded
in FY2009 (LCSs 3 and 4) with the three LCSs to be requested for FY2010 into a single, five-ship solicitation. The
Navy announced that each LCS industry team would be awarded a contract for one of the FY2009 ships, and that the
prices that the two teams bid for both the FY2009 ships and the FY2010 ships would determine the allocation of the
three FY2010 ships, with the winning team getting two of the FY2010 ships and the other team getting one FY2010
ship. This strategy was intended to use the carrot of the third FY2010 ship to generate bidding pressure on the two
industry teams for both the FY2009 ships and the FY2010 ships.
The Navy stated that the contracts for the two FY2009 ships would be awarded by the end of January 2009. The first
contract (for Lockheed Martin, to build LCS-3) was awarded March 23, 2009; the second contract (for General
Dynamics, to build LCS-4) was awarded May 1, 2009. The delay in the awarding of the contracts past the end-of-
January target date may have been due in part to the challenge the Navy faced in coming to agreement with the industry
teams on prices for the two FY2009 ships that would permit the three FY2010 ships to be built within the $460 million
LCS unit procurement cost cap. See also Statement of RADM Victor Guillory, U.S. Navy Director of Surface Warfare,
and RADM William E. Landay, III, Program Executive Officer Ships, and Ms. E. Anne Sandel, Program Executive
Officer Littoral and Mine Warfare, before the Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces of the House
Armed Services Committee [hearing] on the Current Status of the Littoral Combat Ship Program, March 10, 2009, pp.
18 The Navy had earlier planned to make the down select decision and award the contract to build the 10 LCSs in the
summer of 2010, but the decision was delayed to as late as December 14. (The final bids submitted by the two LCS
contractors were submitted on about September 15, and were valid for another 90 days, or until December 14.)
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

2010 Dual-Award Acquisition Strategy (Implemented)
On November 3, 2010, while observers were awaiting the Navy’s decision under the down select
strategy (see previous section), the Navy notified congressional offices that it was prepared to
implement an alternative dual-award acquisition strategy under which the Navy would forego
making a down select decision and instead award each LCS bidder a 10-ship block buy contract
for the six-year period FY2010-FY2015, in annual quantities of 1-1-2-2-2-2.19 The Navy stated
that, compared to the down select strategy, the dual-award strategy would reduce LCS
procurement costs by hundreds of millions of dollars. The Navy needed additional legislative
authority from Congress to implement the dual-award strategy. The Navy stated that if the
additional authority were not granted by December 14, the Navy would proceed to announce its
down select decision under the acquisition strategy announced on September 16, 2009. On
December 13, 2010, it was reported that the two LCS bidders, at the Navy’s request, had extended
the prices in their bids to December 30, 2010, effectively giving Congress until then to decide
whether to grant the Navy the authority needed for the dual-award strategy.
The Navy’s November 3, 2010, proposal of a dual-award strategy posed an issue for Congress of
whether this strategy would be preferable to the down select strategy, and whether Congress
should grant the Navy, by December 30, 2010, the additional legislative authority the Navy would
need to implement the dual-award strategy. On December 14, 2010, the Senate Armed Services
Committee held a hearing to review the proposed dual-award strategy. Congress granted the Navy
authority to implement the dual-award strategy in Section 150 of H.R. 3082/P.L. 111-322 of
December 22, 2010, an act that, among other things, funded federal government operations
through March 4, 2011.
On December 29, 2010, using the authority granted in H.R. 3082/P.L. 111-322, the Navy
implemented the dual-award strategy, awarding a 10-ship, fixed-price incentive (FPI) block-buy
contract to Lockheed, and another 10-ship, FPI block-buy contract to Austal USA. As mentioned
earlier (see “Unit Procurement Cost Cap”), in awarding the contracts, the Navy stated that LCSs
to be acquired under the two contracts are to have an average unit cost of about $440 million, a
figure well below the program’s adjusted unit procurement cost cap (as of December 2010) of
$538 million. The 20 ships to be acquired under the two contracts have a target cost and a higher
ceiling cost. Any cost growth above the target cost and up to the ceiling cost would be shared
between the contractor and the Navy according to an agreed apportionment (i.e., a “share line”).
Any cost growth above the ceiling cost would be borne entirely by the contractor. The Navy
stated that, as a worst case, if the costs of the 20 ships under the two FPI contracts grew to the
ceiling figure and all change orders were expended, the average cost of the ships would increase
by about $20 million, to about $460 million, a figure still well below the adjusted cost cap figure
of $538 million.20
The Navy on December 29, 2010, technically awarded only two LCSs (one to each contractor).
These ships (LCS-5 and LCS-6) are the two LCSs funded in FY2010. Awards of additional ships
under the two contracts are subject to congressional authorization and appropriations. The Navy
states that if authorization or sufficient funding for any ship covered under the contracts is not
provided, or if the Navy is not satisfied with the performance of a contractor, the Navy is not

19 For more on block buy contracts, see CRS Report R41909, Multiyear Procurement (MYP) and Block Buy
Contracting in Defense Acquisition: Background and Issues for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke and Moshe Schwartz.
20 Source: Contract-award information provided to CRS by navy office of Legislative Affairs, December 29, 2010.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

obliged to award additional ships covered under contracts. The Navy states that it can do this
without paying a penalty to the contractor, because the two block-buy contracts, unlike a typical
multiyear procurement (MYP) contract, do not include a provision requiring the government to
pay the contractor a contract cancellation penalty.21
For additional background information on the dual-award strategy, see Appendix D.
Changes in Mission Package Equipment
The Navy since January 2011 has announced changes to the composition of all three LCS mission
packages. The concept for the ASW package, and consequently the equipment making up the
package, was changed substantially. The equipment making up the MIW package has changed
somewhat, partly as a result of the testing of the MIW systems being developed for the package.
An Army-developed missile called Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) that was to be
used in the SUW package was canceled by the Army and has been replaced for the next few years
in the LCS SUW module by the shorter-ranged Army Longbow Hellfire missile, pending the
eventual acquisition for the LCS SUW module of a follow-on missile with longer range.22
2012 Establishment of LCS Council
On August 22, 2012, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the chief of Naval Operations, established an
LCS Council headed by four vice admirals to address challenges faced by the LCS program for
supporting the planned deployment of an LCS to Singapore beginning in 2013. The challenges
were identified in four internal Navy reviews of the LCS program (two of them based on
wargames) that were completed between February and August of 2012. The memorandum from
the CNO establishing the council states that the council will be “empowered ... to drive action
across the acquisition, requirements and Fleet enterprises of the Navy.” The council was given an
immediate focus of developing and implementing an LCS plan of action and milestones by
January 31, 2013. The memorandum also required the council to develop a charter for its
operations within 14 days.23 The charter for the council, dated September 2012, states that
The LCS program’s unique requirements, rapid acquisition, and innovative manning and
sustainment strategies pose unique challenges as LCS is introduced to the fleet. The Council
will rapidly and decisively resolve impediments to the LCS program’s success, determine the

21 Source: Navy briefing to CRS and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on December 15, 2010. For a press
article on this issue, see Cid Standifer, “FY-11 LCS Contracts On Hold Because Of Continuing Resolution,” Inside the
, March 14, 2011.
22 The Navy initially chose the Griffin missile as the near-term replacement for NLOS-LS, but in April 2014 announced
that the near-term replacement for NLOS-LS would instead be the Longbow Hellfire missile. See Sam LaGrone, “Navy
Axes Griffin Missile In Favor of Longbow Hellfire for LCS,” USNI News (, April 9, 2014; Mike
McCarthy, “LCS Program Dumping Griffin Missile In Favor Of Army’s Longbow,” Defense Daily, April 10, 2014;
Michael Fabey, “Hellfire Front-Runner For U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report,
April 10, 2014: 4.
23 Memorandum from Chief of Naval Operations to Director, Navy Staff, dated August 22, 2012, on Lilttoral Combat
Ship (LCS) Council, posted at (subscription required), August 24, 2012. See also Defense Media
Activity—Navy, “CNO Establishes LCS Council,” Navy News Service, August 22, 2012; Christopher P. Cavas, “U.S.
Navy Creates LCS ‘Council’ To Guide Development,”, August 22, 2012; Megan Eckstein, “CNO
Establishes LCS Council To Review Recent Data, Lessons Learned,” Inside the Navy, August 27, 2012; Mike
McCarthy, “Navy Establishes LCS Council,” Defense Daily, August 27, 2012.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

way forward for the future evolution of LCS capabilities, and inform senior Navy civilian
and uniformed leadership of key issues which require decisions at the highest level....
The LCS Council will drive actions across the requirements, acquisition, and Fleet
enterprises of the Navy to ensure the successful procurement, development, manning,
training, sustainment, and operational employment of the LCS Class ships, their associated
Mission Packages, and shore infrastructure.
The LCS Council provides oversight and direction of the efforts required at all echelons of
the administrative chain of command to achieve successful fleet introduction of LCS, to
identify and resolve challenges and impediments, and to evolve the program. The Council is
constituted and empowered to bridge “gaps and seams” that may exist or arise between
various LCS stakeholders, warfare and mission communities, and supporting activities.24
Controversy and Proposals to Truncate the Program
The LCS program has been controversial due to past cost growth, design and construction issues
with the lead ships built to each design, concerns over the ships’ ability to withstand battle
damage, and concerns over whether the ships are sufficiently armed and would be able to perform
their stated missions effectively. Prior to Secretary Hagel’s February 24, 2014, announcement,
some observers, citing one or more of these issues, had proposed truncating the LCS program to
either 24 ships (i.e., stopping procurement after procuring all the ships covered under the two
block buy contracts) or to some other number well short of 52.25 Other observers have proposed
down selecting to a single LCS design (i.e., continuing production of only one of the two designs)
after the 24th ship.
In response to criticisms of the LCS program, the Navy has acknowledged certain problems and
stated that it was taking action to correct them, and disputed other arguments made against the
program. The August 2012 establishment of the LCS Council (see “2012 Establishment of LCS
Council” above) might be viewed as a Navy response to certain criticisms of the program made
by some observers.
The LCS is by no means the only Navy shipbuilding program to have encountered controversy
over the years; several others have experienced controversy for one reason or another, with recent
examples including the Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) class aircraft carrier program (due to cost
growth),26 the Zumwalt (DDG-1000) class destroyer program (due to affordability and technical

24 Littoral Combat Ship Council Charter, September 2012, posted at (subscription required),
September 28, 2012, p. 3.
25 For example, a May 2012 report by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) recommended stopping the
LCS program in FY2017 after procuring a total of 27 ships (David W. Barno, et al, Sustainable Pre-eminence[:]
Reforming the U.S. Military at a Time of Strategic Change
, Center for a New American Security, May 2012, pp. 35,
67), and an April 2011 report by the Heritage Foundation recommended a future Navy fleet with a total of 28 small
surface combatants—a category that appears to include both Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) frigates (which are being
phased out of service) and LCSs (A Strong National Defense[:] The Armed Forces America Needs and What They Will
, Heritage Foundation, April 5, 2011, pp. 25-26). CNAS made a similar recommendation in a report it published in
October 2011 (David W. Barno, et al, Hard Choices[:] Responsible Defense in an Age of Austerity, Center for a New
American Security, October 2011, pp. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 34, 35. The report recommends procuring a total of 27
LCSs under three DOD budget scenarios, or a total of 12 LCSs under a fourth DOD budget scenario).
26 For more on the CVN-78 program, see CRS Report RS20643, Navy Ford (CVN-78) Class Aircraft Carrier Program:
Background and Issues for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

risk),27 and the San Antonio (LPD-17) class amphibious ship program (due to cost growth and
construction quality issues).28
February 24, 2014, DOD Announcement of Actions Affecting LCS

February 24, 2014, Address and Background Briefing
On February 24, 2014, in an address previewing certain decisions incorporated into DOD’s
FY2015 budget submission, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated:
Regarding the Navy’s littoral combat ship [LCS], I am concerned that the Navy is relying too
heavily on the LCS to achieve its long-term goals for ship numbers. Therefore, no new
contract negotiations beyond 32 ships will go forward. With this decision, the LCS line will
continue beyond our five-year budget plan with no interruptions.
The LCS was designed to perform certain missions—such as mine sweeping and anti-
submarine warfare—in a relatively permissive environment. But we need to closely examine
whether the LCS has the independent protection and firepower to operate and survive against
a more advanced military adversary and emerging new technologies, especially in the Asia
Pacific. If we were to build out the LCS program to 52 ships, as previously planned, it would
represent one- sixth of our future 300-ship Navy. Given continued fiscal restraints, we must
direct shipbuilding resources toward platforms that can operate in every region and along the
full spectrum of conflict.
Additionally, at my direction, the Navy will submit alternative proposals to procure a
capable and lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a
frigate. I've directed the Navy to consider a completely new design, existing ship designs,
and a modified LCS. These proposals are due to me later this year in time to inform next
year’s budget submission.29
Also on February 24, 2014, in a background briefing associated with Hagel’s address, a senior
defense official stated:
On the LCS, we clearly do need the LCS capabilities of the minesweeps, the ASW [Anti-
Submarine Warfare] module for example is looking very promising, and we absolutely need
those capabilities. But as we look at our adversary growing capabilities, we also need to
make certain that our fleet has enough capabilities, enough survivability and lethality that
they can go up against those adversaries, so we want to look at what—what is out there for
the future of the small surface combatants beyond LCS? And we—and we want to start that

27 For more on the DDG-1000 program, see CRS Report RL32109, Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer
Programs: Background and Issues for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
28 For more on the LPD-17 program, see CRS Report RL34476, Navy LPD-17 Amphibious Ship Procurement:
Background, Issues, and Options for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
29 DOD News Transcript, “Remarks by Secretary Hagel and Gen. Dempsey on the fiscal year 2015 budget preview in
the Pentagon Briefing Room,” February 24, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, at
transcript.aspx?transcriptid=5377. Brackets as in original.
30 DOD News Transcript, “Background Briefing on Fiscal 2015 Budget Recommendations,” February 24, 2014,
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

February 24, 2014, Memorandum to Navy Leadership
A February 24, 2014, memorandum from Secretary of Defense Hagel to Secretary of the Navy
Ray Mabus and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert stated:
I have given careful consideration to the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program, and I wanted
to get back to you on my decision. I have consulted with Naval Surface Commanders,
acquisition officials, policy and evaluation experts and reviewed preliminary assessments
and evaluations of the LCS.
If we build out the LCS program to 52 ships it would represent one-sixth of our future 300-
ship Navy. Given the emerging threat environment of the future, I have considerable
reservations as to whether that is what our Navy will require over the next few decades. I
recognize the importance of presence, which is tied to the number of ships. But I also believe
that capability and power projection is the foundation of our Navy’s effectiveness.
Therefore, no new contract negotiations beyond 32 ships will go forward. The Department of
the Navy is directed to provide me the following information:
— Provide regular updates on LCS performance based on test results and experience from
recent deployments. These assessments should consider survivability, performance,
sustainment cost, materiel readiness, lethality and growth potential.
— Submit to me, in time to inform the PB 2016 [President’s Budget for FY2016] budget
deliberations, alternative proposals to procure a capable and lethal small surface combatant,
generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate. Options considered should include a
completely new design, existing ship designs (including the LCS), and a modified LCS.
Include target cost, mission requirements, sensors and weapon requirements and required
delivery date.
If a modified LCS is an acceptable option for a more capable small surface combatant,
negotiations for LCS beyond the 24 ships currently on contract should seek to incorporate
the upgraded LCS as soon as possible. Should the aforementioned assessments provide
dispositive against the LCS, I retain the right to modify the program.
As we both agree, smart investments in our future ships will be required as we continue to
face limited resources over the next few years. We need to focus on what the Navy will
require in the years ahead to meet our Nation’s security needs and future missions.31
Earlier Press Reports That DOD Was Considering Truncating Program
DOD’s February 24, 2014, announcement of actions affecting the LCS program followed press
reports dating back to September 2013 that DOD was considering truncating the program.32 In

accessed February 25, 2014, at Brackets as in
31 Memorandum dated February 24, 2014, from the Office of the Secretary of Defense to the Secretary of the Navy and
Chief of Naval Operations on Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program, posted at (subscription
required) February 28, 2014.
32 See Christopher P. Cavas, “Sources: Pentagon Backs Cutting LCS to 24 Ships,”, September 2,
2013; Christopher P. Cavas, “Pentagon Cuts LCS Buy to 32 Ships,”, January 15, 2014; Tony
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

response to these press reports, the Navy reiterated its support for a 52-ship LCS program.33 Sean
Stackley, the Navy’s acquisition executive (i.e., the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research,
Development, and Acquisition), was quoted as stating on January 16, 2014, that “We have a valid
requirement for 52 ships, and the program is performing strongly,” and that “the Navy’s position
on the LCS program is that it is solid.”34
Navy Work to Identify Ships to Follow 32 LCSs
Following Secretary Hagel’s February 24, 2014, announcement, the Navy began an internal study
of options for small surface combatants to be procured following the 32 LCSs. The Navy states
that study was completed on July 31, 2014, as required. The Navy states that it is now reviewing
the results of the study, and that the decision regarding the design of the small surface combatants
to be procured after the 32 LCSs will be announced as part of DOD’s proposed FY2016 budget,
which is to be submitted to Congress in February 2015.35 Below are additional details concerning
the Navy’s study of options for small surface combatants to be procured following the 32 LCSs.
Navy Testimony and Letter
At an April 10, 2014, hearing on Navy shipbuilding programs before the Seapower subcommittee
of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Navy testified that
While the Navy continues to focus on the merits of LCS and the capabilities it brings to the
fleet, the service also recognizes the importance of maintaining awareness of emerging
threats and capabilities of our Nation’s adversaries. As a result, the Navy is examining
options to increase the lethality of our small surface combatant force. Specifically, the Navy
is studying existing ship designs (including the LCS), a modified LCS, and a completely new
ship design, including their estimated cost, to determine the most affordable method for
improving the capability of this critical element of our force. Pending the results of this study
(due in support of FY 2016 budget formulation), the Navy will restrict LCS contract actions
within the first 32 ships of the class.36

Capaccio, “Pentagon Said to Order Cutting Littoral Ships by 20,” Bloomberg News, Jan. 15, 2014.
33 Nathan Phelps, “US Navy Secretary Says He’s Committee to LCS,”, September 13, 2013.
34 Carlo Munoz, “SNA 2014: 52-Ship LCS Requirement is ‘Solid,’” USNI News (, January 16,
2014. See also Kris Osborn, “Navy Still Expects to Build 52 Ship LCS Fleet,” DoD Buzz (, January
16, 2014; Mike McCarthy, “Navy Acquisition Chief Insists Need For 52 LCSs Is Firm,” Defense Daily, January 17,
2014: 2; and Olga Belogolova, “Navy Officials Stand By 52-Ship Requirement For Embattled LCS Program,” Inside
the Navy
, January 20, 2014.
35 See, for example, Sam LaGrone, “Navy Won’t Discuss LCS Follow-on Taskforce Results Until Next Budget,” USNI
(, August 1, 2014. See also Christopher P. Cavas, “No Report Expected Just Yet on LCS
Alternative,” Defense News (, July 30, 2014.
36 Statement of The Honorable Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and
Acquisition) and Vice Admiral Joseph P. Mulloy, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and
Resources and Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Before the
Subcommittee on Seapower of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Department of the Navy Shipbuilding
Programs, April 10, 2014, pp. 11-12.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

A March 13, 2014, joint letter from Admiral Greenert and Sean Stackley, the Assistant Secretary
of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition (i.e., the Navy’s acquisition executive),
to other Navy recipients outlined the work to be done to identify the ship that is to follow the first
32 LCSs:
This letter... identifies a core Navy team (Small Surface Combatant Task Force (SSCTF)) to
execute the task. The SSCTF findings will be delivered to the Chief of Naval Operations
(CNO) and the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
(ASN(RDA)) no later than (NLT) July 31, 2014. Interim reporting requirements will be
directed by CNO and ASN(RDA)....
The SSCTF will... develop an analysis plan for approval by CNO and ASN(RDA) NLT
March 31, 2014, which should include the actions below in developing alternative proposals
for a small surface combatant:
a. Establish the requirements and requirements trade space of a small surface combatant in
accordance with [Secretary of Defense Hagel’s February 24, 2014, memo to the Secretary of
the Navy and the CNO]. For purposes of establishing an initial baseline, the SSCTF shall
generate a side-by-side comparison of the FFG 7 [Oliver Hazard Perry] Class requirements/
capabilities versus the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Class requirements/capabilities. In
addition, the SSCTF shall characterize the emerging threat environment, consistent with the
current Force Structure Assessment, and identify gaps that may necessitate requirements
changes for a future small surface combatant.
b. Assess the impact of the requirements delta to LCS (both sea frames).
c. Translate the requirements delta into design concepts for a small surface combatant,
considering the folowing alternatives:
(1) Modified LCS design.
(2) Existing ship design.
(3) New ship design.
d. Include with each design concept:
(1) Top level requirements (including sensors, weapons, combat system requirements).
(2) Cost.
(3) Major milestone schedule.
(4) The lethality of the ship to air, surface and undersea threats....
In our efforts to increase the capability and lethality of the Small Surface Combatant force,
affordability must remain a critical tenet that informs and guides our decision. Accordingly,
an affordability target will be established under separate tasking and provided to the

37 Joint letter dated March 13, 2014, from the Chief of Naval Operations and the Assistant Secretary of the Navy
(Research, Development, and Acquisition) on Small Surface Combatant Task Force, posted at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

At a March 26, 2014, hearing on the Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget before the Seapower and
Projection Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, the following
exchange occurred:
REPRESENTATIVE J. RANDY FORBES, CHAIRMAN (continuing): ... The last question
I have is has DOD performed a new analysis of mission needs to identify what capability
gaps the Navy might need to address the new shipbuilding program to replace the littoral
combat ship?
If not, then how can DOD know that it needs a new ship generally consistent with the
capabilities of a frigate? Where’s the properly validated requirements for this new program?
DEVELOPMENT, AND ACQUISITION: I'm going to start and then Admiral Mulloy will
finish. The requirements for the LCS program are well documented. And right now we're
moving smartly through the execution of that program in terms of the basic hull and then the
mission packages.
What the secretary of defense described in his guidance to us, and then his subsequent
announcement was that the department is looking to increase the lethality of the LCS and
something similar to a frigate.
So we are—we do have a requirements team taking a hard look at exactly what would that
mean. What missions, what roles, what is the concept of operations looking forward beyond
the first 32 to those next 20 small surface combatants? What is that concept of operations in
the additional lethality that it would require similar to a frigate?
I don't want to predetermine the outcome of that review. The team frankly is locked up in a
worm [sic: war room]38 that we have set aside.
What I would welcome and invite is your staff to visit, to join, to take a look at the process,
to take a look their findings and findings along the way. And this then will be used as we put
together our [fiscal year] 2016 budget and look at either modifying the LCS or if need be a
new ship class.
In either case when it comes to modifying an LCS we've always contemplated future flights
of LCS. So this could be a very simple, straightforward, in-stride modification just like we
do with other ship classes. If it equates to a new ship class, that’s a very different picture.
And so again, just like every other discussion we've had today, a piece of this requirements
definition is going to include affordability. So we have to strike the right balance between
what is that degree of added lethality, added capability to an LCS that we need for CONOPS
which we will be operating, which includes with the rest of the battle force.
And then what does that mean in terms of cost? And what does that mean in terms of
schedule? When will we be able to introduce that capability for the small service combatant?

(subscription required) March 18, 2014.
38 “War room” is a term used by people in the defense community to mean a room in which the occupants focus on
exploring a particular issue or set of issues over a certain period of time.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

FORBES: Caught between two very powerful currents that both want to go in different
directions. I don't know where the subcommittee ends up coming out, but we've got to make
sure they have the right analysis so they can make that decision.
requirements paperwork almost has to come after. But as the secretary pointed out, we do a
lot of changes in other classes of ships.
I mean as you look at the [attack submarine North Dakota, the first in Flight IV [of the
Virginia-class submarine program]. I mean the flight we're doing now in South Dakota is
there’s been changes. I mean North Dakota’s being built with vertical launch tubes and the
bow and a wraparound ray (ph) [sic: array, meaning sonar array].
Nothing to do with the original Menzen Org (ph) [sic: mission ORD, meaning Operational
Requirements Document] when the Virginia was designed had that in it. Yet the combat
power and the design of that ship is fundamentally changing.
Flight III Burkes [i.e., DDG-51 destroyers] are not having a whole new set [of requirements
documentation]. But they're fundamentally different than Flight I when the Burke was built.
So the Navy has a pattern of making changes to improve ships. So we really have to get the
tiger team—which I have some of my people on the staff, Admiral Coin (ph) does, Major
Stackley (inaudible) was the leader—is this key component.
And then is it a change to the ship? Is it a whole new ship? Either way we can write some
paperwork faster than we have to.
I have a copy of the Nautilus [i.e., the first nuclear-powered submarine] initial paperwork
design written by in the 1950s, six pages long to build naval nuclear power. It is not the
document you would see that had Virginia-class.
So I'm not sure we have to go back to six pages. But I know we can work faster on that once
we define what we have. And I think some of your staff coming to see this team or meet
some of the people would be outstanding because the secretary’s taking it very seriously that
we need to figure out what those next 20 are.
But we need small service combatants going back to the FSA [force structure assessment]
design is small service combatants fill a range of needs. They're not all at the high end, but
they magnify and amplify phase one convoys, ASW.
They also support phase zero [day-to-day, pre-crisis] operations around the world and
engagement. And that’s what we need to go back to. What does the ship have to bring and
what does it have to have for the higher end capability, but mesh it into the whole class.39
In remarks he made to reporters after the hearing, Stackley stated, “The guidance from SECDEF
was fairly broad—frigate-like, increased lethality, consider LCS, modified LCS, some other
existing ship design or a new ship design.... And so we want to make sure that we stay to that top

39 Transcript of hearing.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

level guidance in terms of what additional capability and the framework of how is the ship going
to be employed and the framework of what’s affordable.”40
Press Reports
A February 24, 2014, press report that was posted after Hagel’s February 24 address states that
the Navy “has already begun in earnest” to work on the ship that is to follow the 32 LCSs. The
report stated: “The Navy will begin a capabilities-based assessment in the next few months on the
new platform to set the ship up for the start of the acquisition process.” The report stated that
following a conference held in January 2013 (i.e., 13 months before DOD’s February 24, 2014,
announcement), the Navy “began a 90-day wargame to define modularity, scalability and
flexibility for the future surface combatant.” The report quoted a Navy official as stating on
February 20, 2014, that the Navy commissioned a study on the future surface combatant that was
performed from August 2013 to December 2013.41
A March 7, 2014, press report states:
The Navy is in the early phases of a new study designed to explore alternative proposals for
the Littoral Combat Ship formally requested last week by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel,
Navy officials said.
The study will explore the realm of the possible regarding potential new platforms for LCS
and modifications to existing LCS ships, per guidance from Hagel. It will be headed by
Naval Sea Systems Command, or NAVSEA, and the Navy’s requirements community for
surface warfare.
The current study is beginning to look at a range of options, including adding more
armament and weaponry to the LCS, or designing a new platform able to accommodate more
armor, weapons and vertical launch tubes for missiles, service officials said....
The study is also looking at existing foreign variants of the LCS, some of which are larger
and configured differently than U.S. versions.
“All of the things that are out there will be part of the market place of ideas,” a Navy official
The mission of LCS is a fundamental focus of the study, because the alternative proposals
could lead to specs for a new, heavier and larger ship that is more heavily armed and closer
to a frigate.
Or, the Navy could build upon the mine and submarine hunting technologies built onto the
current LCS platform. In fact, the alternative proposal effort may seek to combine these
attributes into a single ship.
“Not every ship can do everything, so what are the missions we want to focus on?” a Navy
official said....

40 As quoted in Olga Belogolova, “Small Surface Combatant Task Force Not Setting Affordability Target,” Inside the
, March 31, 2014.
41 Olga Belogolova and Lee Hudson, “Pentagon Tasks Navy To Look Beyond LCS At A ‘Future Surface Combatant,’” (Defense Alert), February 24, 2014.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The LCS mission module concept may be preserved for the alternative proposals, service
officials said. As currently configured, the LCS has three different integrated sets or suites of
technologies for surface warfare, mine-hunting and anti-submarine missions.
Vice Adm. Joseph Mulloy, Deputy Chief of Naval Operation for Integration of Capabilities
and Resources, recently said the Navy will work on alternative proposals for the ship in light
of guidance from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
“I view this as a chance for the Navy to re-engage on what’s important to us on the last part
of the class. We know we need mine hunting, we know we need ASW (anti-submarine
warfare), we know we need a few of what’s called the surface warfare module – but what do
we really need? We are going to go back and take a hard look and respond to the Secretary of
Defense in the fall,” said Mulloy.42
A March 10, 2014, press report states:
Under orders to reexamine the Littoral Combat Ship program and begin the process of
evaluating possible new designs, Adm. Jon Greenert, chief of naval operations, said Monday
[March 10] he was preparing to stand up a new task force to provide him with
The new task force will supersede the LCS Council, a group of high-ranking officers
assembled in August 2012 to help guide the program. Under the guidance of the director of
the Navy Staff, Vice Adm. Richard Hunt, the council issued directives and gave the program
a new high-profile emphasis.
But its actions largely fell out of sight after Hunt’s retirement last summer, and his successor,
Vice Adm. Michelle Howard, never spoke publicly in a council role. She has since moved on
to a deputy CNO position, and has been nominated to become the vice chief of naval
Greenert, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon on Monday, said he would issue a memo
“shortly” that would describe the makeup of the new task force. He did not reveal what
office would be leading the effort.
“There will be people in the [Naval Sea Systems Command] end of this, people in the
requirements end,” he said.
“We’re going to kind of look at it like the Marine Corps did their amphibious combat vehicle
recently,” the CNO added. “They got some real good integration and systems engineers to
take a look at it. You can start with naval architects, but how does it come together? Those
are the people who have to be key to this, in addition to capabilities.”
Greenert noted that “the LCS Council was always meant to be temporary. I’m getting ready
to step it down. It’s not gone yet, but stay tuned.”43
An April 14, 2014, press report states:

42 Kris Osborn, “Navy Starts Study to Re-Examine LCS Mission,” DoD Buzz (, March 7, 2014.
43 Christopher P. Cavas, “CNO: Group Will Study New LCS Designs,”, March 10, 2014. The
bracketed term “[Naval Sea Systems Command]” as in original.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The Navy does not have the time to develop a wholly new design for a small surface
combatant, one of the options being looked at by a Navy task force set up to address
survivability and lethality gaps associated with the Littoral Combat Ship program, a top
Navy official said last week.
At the Navy League’s annual Sea-Air-Space symposium... on April 7, Vice Adm. Tom
Copeman, naval surface forces commander for the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said that he does not
expect the service to settle on a new design for the future small surface combatant.44
An April 19, 2014, press report states:
Ships that look like littoral combat ships (LCS), but armed with SM-2 surface-to-air missiles,
bigger guns and Aegis combat systems. A grey-hull patrol frigate that takes the hull of a
white coast guard cutter and increases its combat power.
With an eye to the international market, shipbuilders Lockheed Martin, Austal USA and
Huntington Ingalls have worked to develop more heavily armed versions of ships already in
production for domestic customers. Now, ironically, the proposals might have their best
chance yet—as the choice to succeed the LCS as the US Navy’s next small surface
combatant (SSC)....
Industry teams are hard at work trying to anticipate what the [Navy’s Small Surface
Combatant] task force will look for. So who’s got the inside track?
There seems to be little likelihood a new design will be chosen. There is little money to
begin a development effort, and a new design generally takes more than a decade to put into
production and field. Critics already are frustrated that the LCS program has only one
significant deployment thus far, after more than 12 years in development.
Fans of the [Oliver Hazard Perry] FFG 7 [frigate design] are also likely to be frustrated. Even
if a similar ship were chosen, hundreds of standards have changed significantly, virtually
turning such an effort into a new-design prospect. No go.
Several foreign shipbuilders, such as Italy’s Fincantieri and Spain’s Navantia, might also be
interested, but even though both existing LCS designs are derived from foreign sources, the
likelihood a mature non-US design would be chosen is very low.
Political pressures for some sort of increased armament also seem to argue against the
chance no major LCS design changes will be made.
The field of contenders, then, would seem to be limited to those with ships currently in
production: Lockheed Martin, Austal USA and—perhaps—Huntington Ingalls Industries
A May 2, 2014, press report states that “the U.S. Navy has made it clear that it intends to start
with essentially a clean sheet in developing the Small Surface Combatant (SSC) that will succeed
the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS).... ” The report also states that “the shortened time for

44 Olga Belogolova, “Top Navy Official: New Design For A Small Surface Combatant Unlikely,” Inside the Navy,
April 14, 2014.
45 Christopher P. Cavas, “Ship Study Should Favor Existing Designs,”, April 19, 2014.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

[submitting and evaluating proposals] leads many analysts to believe the Navy will likely come
out with a ship very similar to LCS, or a modified version of the two existing LCS classess.... ”46
A May 21, 2014, press report states that Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the Chief of Naval
Operations, in remarks to reporters that day,
cast Hagel’s order—to determine whether the Navy should build an improved current-model
LCS or an all-new frigate-type design—as part of a long-standing practice in shipbuilding.
“All of our classes—our Perry-class [frigates] had four flights, our Spruance-class
[destroyers] had at least two flights, our Arleigh Burke-class [destroyers] will have what will
amounts to four flights—there’s obviously a pattern here,” he said. “We never really
articulated formally or discussed the feasibility of having flights of our Littoral Combat Ship,
and how we intended to upgrade the ships.”...
“It would appear to me we could—and should—have been more clear to him, so he wrote us
a memo to make sure that we could be very clear, within the department, on how we would
go ahead,” the admiral said....
[Greenert] defended the basic wisdom of the LCS: To field a relatively small, fast ship that
can take aboard different sets of mission equipment, as opposed to carrying the built-in
weapons and sensors of a traditional warship.
The LCS is still ahead of the game as compared with a legacy ship, he said, given that it can
take 20 years to go from designing to fielding a traditional design.
Skeptics in Congress and elsewhere in the Pentagon, though, don’t share that same kind of
But the Navy has gained a highly placed ally with the Senate confirmation of Deputy
Defense Secretary Robert Work, an outspoken LCS advocate who took the place of an
outspoken LCS skeptic in his predecessor, acting Deputy Secretary Christine Fox.
Fox is understood to have been a driving force behind the senior-level push for the Navy to
buy a more robust frigate-type warship, as opposed to the existing LCS. Work, on the other
hand, became one of the original voices behind the interpretation that Greenert adopted on
Wednesday [May 21]: Hagel’s order wasn’t a rebuke of a disappointing program, but rather
an encouragement for the Navy to take the prudent next step, often called “spiral
That had been a part of the Navy’s internal understanding all along, Greenert said, and now
Hagel’s order enables everyone in the Pentagon to get onto the same page.
“I think within the Navy we were comfortable,” Greenert said. “But outside the Navy,
clearly, within the department, people had different opinions. ... So to me, this is a great
opportunity to sit down, when we’re done with this, stack hands and say: ‘This is where
we’re going, the decision has been made by the secretary of Defense, and it’ll be embedded
in our ‘16 budget.’”47

46 Michael Fabey, “LCS Template Colors Small Surface Combatant Development,” Aerospace Daily & Defense
, May 2, 2014: 1-2.
47 Philip Ewing, “CNO: Navy Could’ve Been Clearer About LCS,” Politico Pro Defense, May 21, 2014. Material in
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

A May 23, 2014, press report states:
Modified Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) with more firepower and a design based on the U.S.
Coast Guard’s National Security Cutter were among the concepts passed along to the Navy
on Thursday [May 22] as the service seeks information intended to guide its requirements for
a small surface combatant....
“I can confirm that General Dynamics Bath Iron Works submitted a response to the RFI,”
said Jim DeMartini, a spokesman for Bath Iron Works, which currently builds two classes of
Navy destroyers. “We are not providing further details.”
Lockheed Martin said its response leverages the investment already made in the Freedoms,
and that its design is adaptable for upgrades and can be scaled to a larger ship. Joe North,
vice president of Lockheed Martin littoral ship systems, said the options outlined also
include surface-to-surface missiles, launchers and improved radar while keeping the ship unit
cost below $700 million....
Terry O’Brien, vice president of business development and external affairs at Austal USA,
said the company submitted a response to the Navy’s RFIs that is an improved version of
Independence for anti-submarine warfare, including a towed sonar array and torpedoes. It
would also add the vertically launched anti-submarine rocket (ASROC), and a “tremendous”
aviation capability to support the MH-60 helicopter. The improvement to the surface
capability includes a 76 mm gun as well as remotely operated smaller ones, a vertically
launched surface-to-air missile as well as improved radar fire-and-engage capability.
Bill Glenn, a spokeswoman for Huntington Ingalls Industries, said its Ingalls Shipbuilding
yard proposed a hull based on the National Security Cutter the firm is building for the U.S.
Coast Guard. He called it a “high performance, proven hull and propulsion system that is a
lethal, survivable and affordable design for the small surface combatant.”48
A June 2, 2014, press report states:
Companies interested in pursuing the Navy’s follow on for the small surface combatant
requirement will have to come close to the current cost of building Littoral Combat Ship
(LCS), the chief of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) said this week....
Vice Adm. William Hilarides would not discuss details of the industry responses, but told a
group of reporters Thursday that cost will be a key factor in how the Navy proceeds.
“People who are thinking about doing something other than that (the current LCS) have to
look at the price point that that ship is at,” Hilarides told a group of reporters Thursday [May
29]. “The alternatives will need to be very close in price to where we currently are for it to be

brackets as in original. See also Sandra Erwin, “Navy Chief: We Will Lay Out Clear Plan for Littoral Combat Ship,”
National Defense (, May 21, 2014.
48 Mike McCarthy, “Up-gunned LCSs, Coast Guard’s Cutter Among Ideas Proposed For Navy’s Small Surface
Combatant,” Defense Daily, May 23, 2014: 2-3.
49 Mike McCarthy, “LCS Follow-On Will Have To Be ‘Very Close’ In Price, Admiral Says,” Defense Daily, June 2,
1014: 4-5.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

December 10, 2014, DOD Decision on Ships to Follow 32 LCSs
December 10 Secretary of Defense Memo
A December 10, 2014, memorandum from Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to Secretary of the
Navy Ray Mabus and Chief of Naval Operations Jonathan Greenert on the subject of “Littoral
Combat Ship Program Way Ahead” states:
I want to thank you and your staff for the timely, thorough, and professional work conducted
in response to my memorandum from February 24, 2014, which directed you to submit to me
alternate proposals for a capable small surface combatant that is more lethal and survivable
than the current Flight 0+ Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) now in serial production. After giving
careful thought to your briefing on options, I approve your plan to procure a small surface
combatant (SSC) based on an upgraded Flight 0+ LCS, and direct the following actions to be
-- Develop an Acquisition Strategy to support design and procurement of new SSCs no
later than Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 19), and sooner if possible. Provide this Acquisition Strategy
to the USD(AT&L) for review and approval no later than May 1, 2015. As this strategy is
developed, the Navy should continue to identify further opportunities to increase ship
survivability and lethality as it proceeds to the next phase of SSC design. Competition for the
SSC should be sustained to the maximum extent possible within available resources.
-- Provide the Director, CAPE and USD(AT&L) with a Service Cost Position in support of
the FY17 POM submission and provide the USD(AT &L) with your plan for controlling
overall program cost. Cost control should be a major emphasis of the program. I am
particularly interested in ensuring that the Navy addresses operations and support (O&S) cost
projections, and takes actions to reduce them.
-- Provide to me no later than May 1, 2015, an assessment of the cost and feasibility of
back-fitting SSC survivability and lethality enhancements on earlier Flight 0+ LCSs already
under contract, as well as those built before production of new SSCs commences. The intent
should be to improve the lethality and survivability of Flight 0+ ships as much as practical.
Your assessment should be coordinated with Deputy Secretary Work, USD (AT&L), and
Director, CAPE.
Your strategy, plans, and assessments should assume a total buy of up to 52 Flight 0+ LCSs
and SSCs, with the final number and mix procured dependent on future fleet requirements,
final procurement and O&S costs, and overall Department of the Navy resources.
By executing the above guidance, I am confident we will procure the most lethal, survivable
and capable small surface combatant given our available resources.
Thank you and the men and women of the world's finest Navy for your daily efforts to
defend this Nation.50

50 Memorandum dated December 10, 2014, from the Secretary of Defense to the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of
Naval Operations on Littoral Combat Ship Program Way Ahead, accessed December 24, 2014, at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

December 11 DOD News Release
A December 11, 2014, DOD news release stated:
Statement by Secretary Hagel on the Littoral Combat Ship
Earlier this year, expressing concern that the U.S. Navy was relying too heavily on the
littoral combat ship (LCS) to meet long-term targets for the size of its fleet, I announced that
the Defense Department would not undertake new contract negotiations beyond 32 littoral
combat ships, and directed the Navy to submit alternative proposals to identify and procure a
more lethal and survivable small surface combatant, with capabilities generally consistent
with those of a frigate. I specifically asked the Navy to consider completely new designs,
existing ship designs, and modified LCS designs; and to provide their recommendations to
me in time to inform the president's fiscal year 2016 defense budget.
After rigorous review and analysis, today I accepted the Navy's recommendation to build a
new small surface combatant (SSC) ship based on upgraded variants of the LCS. The new
SSC will offer improvements in ship lethality and survivability, delivering enhanced naval
combat performance at an affordable price.
The LCS was designed to be a modular and focused-mission platform individually tailored
for mine-sweeping, surface warfare, and anti-submarine warfare. Given today's fiscal climate
and an increasingly volatile security environment, I concluded the Navy must direct its future
shipbuilding resources toward more multi-mission platforms that can operate in every region
and across the full spectrum of conflict.
My decision today follows consultations with DoD's senior leadership and careful review of
the Navy's recommendation and underlying analysis, which included detailed evaluation of
192 design concepts as well as consultation with fleet commanders, industry, surface warfare
officers, engineers, program managers, and analysts.
The more lethal and survivable SSC will meet a broader set of missions across the range of
military operations, and addresses the Navy's top war-fighting priorities. It will feature an
improved air defense radar; air defense decoys; a new, more effective electronic warfare
system; an over-the-horizon anti-ship missile; multi-function towed array sonar; torpedo
defenses; and additional armor protection.
I have directed the Navy to assume a total buy of 52 LSCs and SSCs, with the final number
and mix dependent on future fleet requirements, final procurement costs, and overall Navy
resources. Production of the new SSC will begin no later than fiscal year 2019, and there will
be no gap between production of the last LCS and the first SSC. A significant advantage to
this approach is the ability to enhance naval combat performance by back-fitting select SSC
improvements to the LCS fleet.
The Navy's new proposal, like the LCS, will continue to have its critics, but considering the
context of our broader naval battle force and the current strategic and fiscal environment, I
believe it represents our best and most cost effective option. By avoiding a new class of ships
and new system design costs, it also represents the most responsible use of our industrial
base investment while expanding the commonality of the Navy's fleet.
Going forward, I have issued three directives to the Navy. First, by next May, the Navy will
provide the secretary of defense with an acquisition strategy to support design and
procurement of the SSC no later than fiscal year 2019, while continuing to identify further
opportunities to enhance the new ship's survivability and lethality. Second, also by next May,
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

the Navy will provide a detailed assessment of the cost and feasibility of back-fitting the
SSCs enhancements onto LCSs already under contract. Finally, in advance of fiscal year
2017 budget preparations, the Navy will provide the undersecretary of defense for
acquisition, technology, and logistics and the director of cost analysis and program
evaluation with detailed cost estimates as well as a plan for controlling those costs.
I want to thank the Navy for its rigorous analysis, as well as Deputy Secretary of Defense
Bob Work; Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Sandy Winnefeld;
Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Frank Kendall;
Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Jamie Morin; and Director of
Operational Test and Evaluation Michael Gilmore for leading a task force to analyze the
Navy's recommendations. We look forward to working with Congress to ensure that our
nation's fleet remains unrivaled for many decades to come.51
December 11 Navy News Story
A December 11, 2014, Navy News story reprinting a statement from the office of the Secretary of
the Navy stated:
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has directed the Navy "to move forward with a multi-
mission small surface combatant based on modified Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) hull
Consistent with the Fleet's views on the most valued capabilities delivered by a small surface
combatant, the modified LCS ship will be more lethal and survivable. It will provide multi-
mission anti-surface warfare (SUW) and anti-submarine warfare capabilities (ASW), as well
as continuous and effective air, surface and underwater self-defense. Adding to current LCS
Flight 0+ baseline configurations, which include the 57mm gun and SeaRAM missile
system, this ship will be equipped with over-the-horizon surface-to-surface missiles, air
defense upgrades (sensors and weapons), an advanced electronic warfare system; advanced
decoys; a towed array system for submarine detection and torpedo defense, two 25mm guns,
an armed helicopter capable of engaging with either Hellfire missiles or MK-54 torpedoes,
and an unmanned FireScout helicopter for surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting.
Modularity design features will also be retained to augment SUW and ASW capabilities as
directed by the Fleet Commanders. Available mission modules include Longbow Surface to-
Surface Missiles (Hellfire), two MK46 30mm guns, and two 11M RHIBs for Surface
Warfare, or a variable depth sonar for submarine warfare which, when added to the ship's
organic multi-function towed array and embarked helicopter, make this an extremely
effective anti-submarine warfare platform.
In addition to the improved weapon systems capabilities for this ship, which reduce its
susceptibility to being hit by a threat weapon, the small surface combatant will also include
improved passive measures - measures that will reduce the ship's signature against mine
threats, and measures that will harden certain vital spaces and systems against potential
damage caused by weapon impact - to further enhance its overall survivability.
From an operational perspective, the sum of these improvements will increase the ship's
capability and availability to participate in SUW Surface Action Groups, ASW Search and

51 DOD news release, “Statement by Secretary Hagel on the Littoral Combat Ship,” December 11, 2014, accessed
December 24, 2014, at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Attack Units; escort of High Value Units, and support of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) SUW
and ASW operations.
With increased lethality and survivability, the modified LCS will provide the flexibility to
operate both independently and as a part of an aggregated force. This decision allows the
Navy to add organic multi-mission capabilities to the small surface combatant force while
leveraging the benefits and affordability of the LCS program. The modified LCS ships will
complement the planned 32 LCS ships, resulting in a 52 ship Small Surface Combatant Fleet
in keeping with the Navy's Force Structure Analysis. The 32 LCS ships, with their full
modular capability, will allow the Navy to deploy assets to meet the Navy's mine warfare,
SUW, and ASW demands.52
December 11 Navy Fact Sheet
A December 11 Navy fact sheet on “The Modified Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)” stated:
The modified LCS will be multi-missioned, with increased lethality and enhanced
survivability at the most affordable cost.
-- The modified LCS is multi-mission focused and expands Surface Warfare (SUW) and
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capabilities.
-- The ships will be based upon on existing LCS designs with modifications that will
include additional capabilities.
-- Over-the-horizon surface to surface missile and additional weapon systems and
combat system upgrades improves lethality.
-- Increased survivability will be achieved by incorporating additional self-
defense capabilities and increased hardening vital systems and vital spaces.
-- The ship will retain certain aspects of modularity but will maintain a baseline of
surface and subsurface warfare capabilities.
-- Provides lethality, survivability and multi-mission capabilities in accordance with
fleet priorities.
-- Requirements are based on estimated theater threat environment for the 2025
-- Fulfills the remaining 20 ships of our 52 small surface combatant requirement.
-- Both LCS variants remain a valuable addition to the fleet.
-- Our procurement strategy of 32 LCS continues, and we intend to provide
incremental upgrades to these ships beginning in FY17.

52 “Navy Moving Forward With LCS,” Navy News, December 11, 2014, accessed December 24, 2014, at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

-- The 32 LCS, with their full modular capability, will allow the Navy to deploy assets
to meet the Navy’s Mine Warfare, Surface Warfare, and Anti-Submarine Warfare
-- Small surface combatants enable the Navy to execute Defense Strategic Guidance
-- The Navy has a validated requirement for 52 small surface combatants
-- Innovative, low-cost, and small footprint approach to achieve security
-- Offers flexibility to Combatant Commanders for Theater Security Cooperation
-- Frees large surface combatants to conduct their primary missions
-- Builds and strengthens maritime partnerships by being able to train and operate
with smaller, regional navies and to enter previously inaccessible, shallow-water
foreign ports.
-- Procurement of this multi-mission ship supports industrial base schedule and is fiscally
-- The modified LCS helps maintain industrial infrastructure with no breaks in
-- The Navy balanced design alternatives with consideration for cost, risk, and other
capabilities currently in the fleet.
-- Ship and combat systems design funding is included in our FY16 President’s
Budget Request to support procurement starting in FY19.
-- By leveraging the current LCS design, total ownership cost is optimized.
-- This increased capability is achieved at less than 20% more cost than the
current LCS.53
The fact sheet goes on to say that specific modifications to the existing LCS design include the
• an improved three-dimensional air surveillance radar;
• an upgrade of the ship’s air defense capability to include a system called
• an over-the-horizon (OTH) surface warfare (SUW) missile;
• an improved electronic warfare (EW) capability;
• improved decoy systems;

53 Navy fact sheet entitled “The Modified Littoral Combat Ship,” December 11, 2014, posted at
(subscription required) December 11, 2014.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• improved signature management;
• a multifunction towed-array sonar system;
• torpedo defense and countermeasures equipment;
• increased armor;
• 25mm guns; and
• actions elsewhere reduce the weight of the ship, so as to help accommodate the
above additions.
Additional Information in Press Reports
In interviews with the press about the modified LCS designs, the Navy provided some
information in addition to what is presented above, including a Navy estimate that the
modifications to the LCS design are expected to increase the procurement cost of each LCS by
$60 million to $75 million.54
Regarding the acquisition strategy for the 20 ships, a December 15, 2014, trade press article
The Navy will continue to build both Lockheed's Freedom and Austal's Independence-class
LCS surface variants, Sean Stackley, the service's top acquisition official, stressed during a
Dec. 11 roundtable at the Pentagon. The service's plan is to continue to dual-source the new
SSC program in order to increase competition and drive down costs, he said. However, as to
how the last 20 out of a planned 52 LCS-type ships would be split between those two
shipbuilders, Stackley said it is too soon to tell.55
Another December 15, 2014, trade press article stated:
Throughout the LCS program, the Navy has asked both firms to compete for the ship
contracts, a formula [Navy acquisition chief Sean] Stackley said the Navy plans on keeping
for the final 20 ships.
“Absolutely there will be competition. This program has been based on the benefits of
competition. That’s how we have been able to bring the price down,” Stackley said, adding
the Navy will continue to employ the “duel source” approach.
Stackley said the Navy is still looking at how it will structure a competition, and would not
say whether the remaining 20 ships will be evenly split between Lockheed Martin and Austal
USA. So far that’s been the case with the LCS program, with each company producing 12 of
the 24 ships under contract or already delivered.
“The details in terms of ‘are you going to split it 50/50 etcetera?’—[it’s] too early to make
those calls,” he said.

54 See, for example, Andrea Shalal, “Pentagon Opts to Upgrade Current LCS Ship Design, Reuters (,
December 11, 2014; Sam LaGrone, “Up Gunned LCS Hulls Picked for Navy’s Next Small Combatant,” USNI News
, December 11, 2014; Mike McCarthy, “Navy Weighs Acquisition, Competition Strategies For
New, Upgraded LCS,” Defense Daily, December 15, 2014: 3-5.
55 Lara Seligman, “Stackley: Navy Will Continue Dual-Source Approach For Modified LCS Hull,” Inside the Navy,
December 15, 2014.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Stackley said the Navy does not plan to compete on a “ship to ship” basis, and wants the
savings associated with the multi-year block buy awards currently used on LCS....
Going forward, Stackley said, the Navy will sort through which new capabilities should be
competed among industry, which can be leveraged from other programs and transferred to
the new small surface combatants, or in other cases will work with the prime contractors to
determine solutions.
“It’s going to be a case by case basis,” Stackley said. “So the answer might be for a
particular system that we know what capability we want. Rather than go out with a fresh
competition we are going to use a system that is already common to other Navy ships. In that
case what we are going to do is leverage those other contracts and not go out with a fresh
“In other cases we might determine … there are some other alternatives out there that are
very attractive, and for other right reasons, we are going to run a competition for this
program, for those systems, and that would be a separate, standalone competition,” Stackley
In additional instances, Stackley said, the Navy will look to the prime contractors to come up
with solutions, such as for an improved degaussing system designed to minimize the hull’s
magnetic field and thereby reduce radar detectability.56
FY2015 LCS Program Funding Request
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget requests $1,421.7 million in procurement funding for the
procurement of three LCSs in FY2015, or an average of $475.7 million per ship, in the
Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy (SCN) appropriation account. The budget requests an
additional $93.0 million in the SCN account to complete the costs of LCSs funded in prior years;
this request forms part of a larger Navy request for $1,007.3 million in cost-to-complete funding
for various Navy shipbuilding programs.
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget also requests a total of $99.6 million in procurement
funding for LCS mission modules in lines 34 through 37 of the Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)
appropriation account.
Issues for Congress
Oversight Issues Arising from Request to Procure Three Rather
Than Four LCSs in FY2015

The Navy’s request in its proposed FY2015 budget for funding to procure three rather than four
LCSs raises potential oversight questions for Congress, including the following:

56 Mike McCarthy, “Navy Weighs Acquisition, Competition Strategies For New, Upgraded LCS,” Defense Daily,
December 15, 2014: 3-5.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• Why did the Navy decide to request funding for the procurement of three rather
than four LCSs in FY2015?
• If three rather than four LCSs are funded in FY2015, how would the Navy
determine which of the two LCS builders would receive one LCS in FY2015
rather than two?
• How would procuring three rather than four LCSs in FY2015 affect LCS unit
procurement costs in FY2015 and subsequent years?
• How would procuring three rather than four LCSs in FY2015 affect the relative
competitiveness of the two LCS builders for any competition the Navy might
hold to determine who is to build LCSs procured in FY2016 and subsequent
• The Navy has not yet announced an acquisition strategy for the LCSs to be
procured in FY2016 and subsequent fiscal years that are needed to reach a total
of 32 LCSs. In the absence of an announced acquisition strategy for those LCSs,
how well can Congress consider whether it would make sense to procure three
LCSs, four LCSs, or some other number of LCSs in FY2015?
Regarding the first three questions above, the Navy has testified that the Navy is requesting three
rather than four LCSs for FY2015 because of constraints on the Navy’s budget, and that if three
LCSs are funded in FY2015, the Navy would seek to renegotiate one of the block buy contracts
so that the fourth LCS that was previously planned for FY2015 would instead be procured in
FY2016. At an April 10, 2014, hearing on Navy shipbuilding programs before the Seapower
subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sean Stackley, the Assistant Secretary of
the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition (i.e., the Navy’s acquisition executive),
testified that
losing the last ship of the block- buy in [FY]’15 and moving into[FY]’16 was another one of
the casualties of the drop in the [Department of the Navy’s] budget. What we are going to
do[—]we have not engaged in industry yet[—]is we’re going to sit down with the two
shipbuilders associated with the LCS program and we’re going to look at production
schedules, the vendor base and performance on the program and effectively look to extend
the pricing—the pricing and validation date for that last ship between the two shipbuilders.
In terms of what we anticipate as impact, I see zero impact in the shipyard based on the
production schedules. The concern is the vendor base. So, we have to take a hard look at the
sequence in which they’re ordering material for that last ship and try to ensure that we don't
incur—there will be some cost impact, this isn't going to go to zero but to minimize any cost
impact associated with delays to ordering material.57
Regarding the fourth question above—How would procuring three rather than four LCSs in
FY2015 affect LCS unit procurement costs in FY2015 and subsequent years?—the Navy’s
FY2014 budget submission projected a request for $1,824.9 million for four LCSs, or an average
of $456.2 million per ship. The Navy’s FY2015 budget submission requests $1,427.1 million for
three LCSs, or an average of $475.7 million per ship. If two of the LCSs requested for
procurement in FY2015 still have an average cost of about $456.2 million, then the cost of the

57 Transcript of hearing. See also Olga Belogolova, “Navy To Meet With LCS Shipbuilders To Divvy Up Ship Buy in
FY-15,” Inside the Navy, April 14, 2014.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

third LCS requested for procurement in FY2015 would appear to have a procurement cost of
about $514.7 million, or about $58.5 million (about 13%) more than projected under the FY2014
Oversight Issues Arising from DOD’s February 24, 2014,

Hagel’s February 24, 2014, announcement of actions affecting the LCS program raises several
potential oversight issues for Congress, including the Navy’s plan for determining which of the
two LCS builders would receive one LCS in FY2015 rather than two, and the analytical basis for
the actions affecting the LCS program announced by Hagel on February 24.
Potential Oversight Questions Relating to Figure of 32 Ships
Hagel’s February 24 announcement that “no new contract negotiations beyond 32 ships will go
forward” raises a number of potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:
• The LCS program was created to address a validated requirement for the fleet to
have additional capability for countering mines, small boats, and diesel
submarines in littoral waters. Is this requirement still valid? If not, what
operational analysis did DOD conduct to justify the revocation of this
• The Navy selected the LCS program as the most cost-effective program for
filling the fleet’s requirement for additional capability for countering mines,
small boats, and diesel submarines in littoral waters. Has DOD conducted a
formal analysis that demonstrates that there is a more cost-effective way to
address these capability gaps?
• The Navy determined that a force of 52 LCSs (and 64 mission packages) is
needed to provide the Navy with sufficient capacity for fully addressing the
fleet’s requirement for additional capability for countering mines, small boats,
and diesel submarines in littoral waters. Has DOD conducted a formal analysis to
show that the Navy now needs only 32 LCSs to provide sufficient capacity for
fully addressing the fleet’s requirements in these three mission areas? What are
the potential operational implications of attempting to perform these missions
with a Navy that includes 32 rather than 52 LCSs?
• Why did DOD settle on a figure of 32 ships, as opposed to some other number
short of 52? What is DOD’s analytical basis for the figure of 32?
• How would limiting the LCS program to 32 ships affect planned numbers of LCS
mission packages?
• When does the Navy intend to announce an acquisition strategy for the LCSs that
are to be procured in FY2016 and subsequent fiscal years that are needed to reach
a total of 32 LCSs?
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Potential Oversight Questions Relating to Follow-On Ship Generally
Consistent With Capabilities of A Frigate

Hagel’s February 24, 2014, announcement that the Navy is to submit “alternative proposals to
procure a capable and lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of
a frigate” raises several potential oversight issues for Congress, including the following:
• Has DOD performed a new analysis of mission needs to identify what capability
gaps the Navy might need to address through a new shipbuilding program? If not,
then how can DOD know that it needs a new ship generally consistent with the
capabilities of a frigate? Where is the properly validated requirement for such a
• If DOD has performed a new analysis of mission needs, has it also performed a
rigorous analysis of various possible approaches for meeting those mission
needs—a study that might be known as an analysis of multiple concepts
(AMC)—to show that a ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate
is not merely one way, but rather the best or most promising way, to meet those
mission needs? If not, then how can DOD know that it needs a new ship
generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate?
• Prior to announcing the LCS program on November 1, 2001, the Navy did not
perform a rigorous AMC to show that a ship like the LCS (i.e., a small, fast,
modular combatant) was not merely one way, but rather the best or most
promising way, to address the three capability gaps that the Navy had identified
for countering mines, small boats, and diesel submarines in littoral waters. The
lack of a pre-November 1, 2001, rigorous analysis focusing on these specific
mission needs and showing that a ship like the LCS was the best or most
promising approach for meeting them became an oversight issue for Congress on
the LCS program, and later complicated the Navy’s ability to defend the LCS
program against criticisms of the program. Is DOD now proposing to go down a
similar path on the ship that is to be generally consistent with the capabilities of a
frigate? That is, is DOD in effect putting the cart before the horse by announcing
a preferred solution (a ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate)
before it has rigorously defined the problem (mission needs and capability gaps)
and explored all possible approaches for solving it? Is DOD’s acquisition process
being circumvented or short-circuited?
• If DOD has arrived at a preferred solution without having done a rigorous AMC,
will Navy and DOD acquisition activities going forward “to set the ship up for
the start of the acquisition process,” as stated in the February 24, 2014, press
report quoted above, be geared toward generating an after-the-fact justification
for this solution? Is it still possible to contemplate an alternative approach of
performing a rigorous AMC that allows for the possibility that some other
approach (perhaps even a counter-intuitive one) might prove preferable? And if
such a study were to conclude that a ship generally consistent with capabilities of
a frigate is the best approach, will this result be tainted by the fact that it was
conducted after the February 24, 2014, announcement? What affect might this
situation have on the Navy’s ability to defend this program years from now
against criticisms that others might make against it?
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• The LCS sea frame turned out to be much more expensive to procure than the
Navy originally envisaged and advertised to Congress. How much risk is there
that a new ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate will prove to
be considerably more expensive to procure than the Navy might currently
envisage? If the ship were to turn out to be considerably more expensive to
procure than currently envisaged, how might that affect DOD’s judgment that a
ship of this type represents the best path forward?
Generalized Arguments For and Against Truncating LCS Program
Supporters of truncating the LCS program to 32 ships or some other number well short of 52
could argue one or more of the following:
Alternative Potential Ways To Perform Missions. There are alternative and
potentially more cost effective ways to perform the LCSs’ three primary missions
of countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric submarines, particularly in
littoral waters. Possibilities include extending the service lives of existing mine
warfare ships and mine warfare helicopters, equipping cruisers and destroyers
(and their embarked helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles) with small anti-
ship weapons for countering small boats,58 and using antisubmarine aircraft as
well as attack submarines, cruisers, and destroyers (and their embarked
helicopters and unmanned vehicles) to counter submarines.59 The LCS’s
secondary missions could similarly be performed by other platforms, including
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), amphibious ships, cruisers and destroyers,
and attack submarines.
Procurement cost growth. LCS sea frames have turned out to be much more
expensive to procure than the original target of $220 million each in constant
FY2005 dollars. This procurement cost growth makes the LCS program less cost
effective than originally envisaged as a way of performing the program’s three
primary missions.
Potential O&S cost growth. The possible increase in LCS core crew size that
the Navy is considering would increase annual operating and support (O&S)
costs for LCSs. Growth in LCS annual O&S costs would make the LCS program
less cost effective than originally envisaged as a way of performing the
program’s three primary missions.

58 The UK navy reportedly is using an approach broadly similar to this for countering swarm boats; see Richard Scott,
“Protection From the Swarm,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, May 29, 2013: 24-28.
59 Prior to announcing the LCS in November 2001, the Navy did not perform a formal study (which at the time might
have been called an analysis of multiple concepts) to show through rigorous analysis that a small, fast, modular surface
ship like the LCS was the most cost-effective way to perform the program’s three primary missions. The Navy did not
perform such a study until after the LCS program was announced; the results of this after-the-fact study could be
tainted by the knowledge that the Navy had already announced the LCS program. For additional discussion, see, for
example, pages 35-40 of the October 28, 2004, update of CRS Report RL32109, Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000
Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke, Navy DD(X) and LCS Ship
Acquisition Programs: Oversight Issues and Options for Congress
, by Ronald O’Rourke, out of print and available
directly from the author. (In 2004, CRS Report RL32109 covered both the DD(X) destroyer program—now called the
DDG-1000 destroyer program—and the LCS program.)
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Potential cost of fixing design and construction issues. The lead ships built to
each LCS design have experienced a variety of design and construction issues.
Fixing these issues on follow-on LCSs could make them more expensive to
procure, which would make the LCS program less cost effective than originally
envisaged as a way of performing the program’s three primary missions.
Survivability of LCS design. The LCS was designed to a Level I+ survivability
standard, which is less than the Level II standard of the Navy’s existing Oliver
Hazard Perry (FFG-7) frigates, which are among the ships that LCSs effectively
are to replace in the Navy’s force structure.60
Comparison with foreign frigates and corvettes. In terms of amount of
weaponry and other ship characteristics, the LCS does not fare well in
comparisons with certain frigate and corvette designs operated by other navies.
Ability to perform missions. A July 14, 2012, press report states that initial
Navy experience with the lead LCSs has led to questions in the Navy about the
prospective ability of LCSs to effectively perform certain missions.61
Changing mission priorities. In the years that have passed since the LCS
program was first announced in November 2001, countering China’s maritime
military modernization effort has become an increasing concern. Countering
improved Chinese maritime military forces will involve procuring ships (such as
destroyers and attack submarines) that are oriented toward ballistic missile
defense, anti-ship cruise missile defense, countering larger surface ships, and
countering submarines that are operating far from shore as well as in littoral
waters.62 The LCS is not optimized for most of these missions. The LCS’s three

60 Navy surface ships traditionally have been designed to one of three survivability standards, called Level I (low),
Level II (moderate), and Level II (high). Aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers are designed to Level III. Frigates,
amphibious ships, and certain underway replenishment (resupply) ships are designed to Level II. Other replenishment
ships, as well as mine warfare ships, patrol craft, and support ships are designed to Level I. Although future Navy ships
will be designed to a new set of survivability standards that the Navy recently established as a replacement for the
Level I/II/III standards, the LCS and prior classes of warships will continue to be covered under the Level I/II/III
The Navy plans to station up to eight LCSs at Bahrain, in the Persian Gulf. Currently, several Navy mine warfare ships
and patrol craft are stationed at Bahrain, and the Navy regularly deploys other ships, including aircraft carriers,
destroyers, frigates, and support ships, into the Gulf. In the late 1980s, two of the Navy’s FFG-7 class frigates were
severely damaged by enemy attack while operating in the Persian Gulf: In May 1987, the frigate Stark (FFG-31) was
severely damaged by two Iraqi cruise missiles, and in April 1988 the frigate Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) was severely
damaged by an Iranian mine. Both ships were saved by a combination of their built-in survivability features and the
damage-control actions of their crews. (The ships were later repaired and returned to service.) How the physical
structures of the two ships might have responded to the attacks if they had been designed to something less than a Level
II survivability standard is not certain. Navy ships operating in the Gulf today continue to face significant potential
threats from Iranian cruise missiles, mines, and other weapons. (See, for example, CRS Report R42335, Iran’s Threat
to the Strait of Hormuz
, coordinated by Kenneth Katzman.)
61 Christopher P. Cavas, “LCS: Quick Swap Concept Dead,”, July 14, 2012. See also Christopher P.
Cavas, “Maintenance Hurdles Mount for New USN Ship,”, July 23, 2012; Michael Fabey, “U.S.
Navy Finds More LCS-1 Issues During Special Trials,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, June 21, 2012: 2;
Christopher P. Cavas, “U.S. Navy’s LCS Yet to Fulfill Its Promise,”, April 15, 2012.
62 In 2008-2009, the Navy reversed its plans for procuring larger surface combatants (i.e., destroyers) in response to
changing mission priorities. As a result, the Navy truncated procurement of DDG-1000 destroyers, which were
originally designed with an emphasis on land-attack and operations in littoral waters, and restarted procurement of
DDG-51 destroyers, which the Navy judged to be more cost effective than a modified DDG-1000 would have been for
BMD, area air defense, and blue-water ASW operations. For further discussion, see CRS Report RL32109, Navy DDG-
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

primary missions of countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric
submarines, particularly in littoral waters, remain valid, but in a period of
constrained defense spending, resources devoted to these missions must be
balanced against resources devoted to ships with mission orientations that are
more closely aligned with the goal of countering China’s improving maritime
military capabilities.
Opponents of truncating the LCS program to 32 ships or some other number well short of 52
could argue one or more of the following:
Alternative Potential Ways To Perform Missions. Although there may be
alternative potential ways to perform the LCSs’ three primary missions of
countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric submarines, particularly in
littoral waters, the LCS program was devised specifically to address these three
capability gaps and remains the most economical way of addressing them. Critics
of the LCS program cannot point to a rigorous study that shows a more cost
effective way for performing these three primary missions. Extending the lives of
existing mine warfare ships and mine warfare helicopters for more than a few
years may not be feasible, and the LCS can perform the mission more effectively.
Other types of ships, such as cruisers and destroyers, are already fully occupied
performing their own missions; assigning LCS missions to these ships would
reduce their capacity for performing their core missions.
Procurement cost growth. Although LCS sea frames have turned out to be
much more expensive to procure than the original target of $220 million each in
constant FY2005 dollars, the LCS remains a relatively inexpensive surface
combatant, and the program remains cost effective as a way of performing the
program’s three primary missions.
Potential O&S cost growth. Although increasing the LCS core crew would
increase annual operating and support (O&S) costs for LCSs, the increase would
not be that great, and the program would remain cost effective as a way of
performing the program’s three primary missions.
Potential cost of fixing design and construction issues. The lead ships in new
Navy ship classes often experience design and construction issues. Fixing the
LCSs’ design and construction issues will not substantially increase the
procurement cost of follow-on LCSs, and consequently will not make the
program substantially less cost effective than originally envisaged as a way of
performing the program’s three primary missions.
Survivability of LCS design. Although LCSs are not intended as direct
replacements for the Navy’s current patrol craft, mine warfare ships, and frigates,
they are to perform missions that in several cases are similar to those currently
performed by patrol craft, mine warfare ships, and frigates. The Navy decided to
design the LCS to what it calls a Level 1+ survivability standard, which is greater
than the Level I standard to which the Navy’s current patrol craft and mine
warfare ships were designed, and less than the Level II standard to which the

51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress, by Ronald O'Rourke.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Navy’s current Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) class frigates were designed. The
Navy believes that, after taking planned ship employment and specific potential
threats into proper account, a Level 1+ survivability standard is appropriate for
the LCS.63
Comparison with foreign frigates and corvettes. The LCS is by no means the
only Navy surface combatant whose design has been initially criticized by some
observers in terms of survivability, weaponry, or other design features. To the
contrary, virtually every major class of U.S. Navy surface combatant built in
recent decades was initially criticized by some observers on one ground or
another, including the Knox (FF-1052) class frigates (of which 46 were
eventually built), Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) class frigates (of which 51 were
eventually built), Spruance (DD-963) class destroyers (of which 31 were
eventually built), Ticonderoga (CG-47) class Aegis cruisers (of which 27 were
eventually built), and Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) class Aegis destroyers (of which
68 have been built or funded through FY2013, with additional ships requested or
projected for FY2014 and subsequent fiscal years).64 When assessed in terms of
ability to perform the LCS program’s three primary missions, the LCS fares well
in terms of weaponry and other ship features in comparisons with frigate and
corvette designs operated by other navies. The goal of the LCS program was not
to design a small warship with as much onboard weaponry as possible (a goal
that drives up procurement and operation and support costs), but rather to acquire
a ship that could most cost effectively perform the program’s three primary
missions. The LCS is cost effective because it is designed to carry the equipment
needed to perform its stated missions—nothing more and nothing less. Frigates
and corvettes operated by other navies in general cannot perform at least one of
the LCS’s three primary missions, and in some cases are equipped with systems
that are not needed to perform those missions.
Ability to perform missions. The July 14, 2012, press report stating that initial
Navy experience with the lead LCSs has led to questions in the Navy about the
prospective ability of LCSs to effectively perform certain missions is based on a
group of Navy studies and war games that were aimed at identifying what needs
to be done to ensure that the LCS can perform its missions. The studies, in other
words, were aimed at identifying problems, so that those problems could be
fixed. Fixing these problems will ensure that the LCS will be able to perform its
Changing mission priorities. Although countering China’s maritime military
modernization effort has become an increasing concern in recent years, Iran’s

63 See, for example, Michael Fabey, “LCS Council Chief Touts Ship Survivability Package,” Aerospace Daily &
Defense Report
, March 29, 2013: 5; Mike McCarthy, “Navy Continues Defense of LCS Survivability,” Defense Daily,
January 17, 2013: 6-7.
64 See, for example, Robert D. Holzer, “Birthing Ships Is Never Easy; Give LCS A Break,”,
June 7, 2013, accessed July 22, 2013, at
65 Christopher P. Cavas, “LCS: Quick Swap Concept Dead,”, July 14, 2012. See also Christopher P.
Cavas, “Maintenance Hurdles Mount for New USN Ship,”, July 23, 2012; Michael Fabey, “U.S.
Navy Finds More LCS-1 Issues During Special Trials,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, June 21, 2012: 2;
Christopher P. Cavas, “U.S. Navy’s LCS Yet to Fulfill Its Promise,”, April 15, 2012.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

littoral anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities (including small boats,
mines, and diesel-electric submarines) remain a defense-planning concern. The
LCS’s ASW mission package will give the ship an ability to counter diesel-
electric submarines far from shore, not just in littoral waters, and an ability to
conduct ASW at higher speeds than other Navy surface combatants.66 The Navy
in recent years has also focused on missions such as peacetime engagement and
partnership-building and maritime security and intercept (including anti-piracy
operations)—missions that might be performed more cost effectively by LCSs
than by cruisers and destroyers.
For some additional reference material relating to the question of whether to truncate the LCS
program, see Appendix E.
Should There Be a Down Select to a Single LCS Design After the
24th Ship?

Another issue for Congress is whether there should be a down select to a single LCS design after
the 24th ship (i.e., whether production of only one of the two designs should be continued upon
completing the two block buy contracts in FY2015). The Navy’s FY2013 30-year (FY2013-
FY2042) shipbuilding plan, which was submitted to Congress on March 28, 2012 (i.e., when the
Navy was still planning a force of 55 LCSs, as opposed to the subsequent planned total of 52),
stated, “The DoN [Department of the Navy] will continue to procure both versions of the Littoral
Combat Ship through FY2026 [i.e., through a total of 55 ships—the total number of LCSs
planned at the time], and achieve the 55-ship inventory objective in FY2029.”67
Supporters of down selecting to a single design after the 24th ship might argue that it would be
uneconomical to continue production of two designs after FY2015 at the Navy’s planned
procurement rate of three ships per year (i.e., at a rate of 1.5 ships per year per shipyard). They
might argue that maintaining ongoing competition between the two LCS builders through the end
of the LCS program would not be critical, because the 2010 competition between the two LCS
builders that resulted in the awarding of the two block buy contracts gave the Navy information
on competitive pricing for LCSs, and because a down select competition between the two LCS
builders in FY2016 would give the Navy additional information on competitive pricing for LCSs.
Opponents of down selecting to a single design after the 24th ship might argue that the Navy
could maintain economical production at the planned rate of three ships per year by using
ongoing competition between the two LCSs builders to award the third ship each year to the
lower bidder. They might also argue that maintaining ongoing competition between the two LCS
builders through the end of the LCS program would be critical for the Navy to generate
bargaining leverage with the LCS builders in areas other than pricing, such as building ships on
schedule, ensuring high construction quality, and developing innovations in processes that can
further reduce production costs. They might also argue that it would be premature to down select
to a single LCS design until the Navy knows what kind of ship it wants to build after 32 LCSs are

66 For an article discussing the latter point, see Michael Fabey, “Module To Make LCS A Faster Sub Hunter, Official
Says,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, April 9, 2013: 2.
67 U.S. Navy, Annual Report to Congress on Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Vessels for FY2013, April
2012, p. 16.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

funded, since that ship could be a variant of either LCS design and would most economically be
produced by a warm production line.
Operation and Support (O&S) Costs
Another issue for Congress concerns LCS operation and support (O&S) costs. A July 2014 GAO
report states:
Although the Navy’s life-cycle cost estimates for the LCS seaframe and mission modules
contain uncertainty, they indicate that the annualized per ship costs for the LCS may be
approaching those of other multimission surface ships with larger crews. The Navy planned
to use data collected during USS Freedom’s [LCS-1’s] deployment [to Singapore],
particularly data on maintenance costs, to update and improve the life-cycle cost estimates
for the LCS seaframe. The Navy collected cost data during USS Freedom’s deployment to
Singapore; however, Navy officials explained that much of the data may be of limited
usefulness for projection across the LCS ship class. We reported in September 2013 that a
lack of operational data had prevented the Navy from developing life-cycle cost estimates for
the LCS seaframe above a relatively low confidence level. Although the Navy’s LCS cost
estimates contain uncertainty, especially in regard to operations and support costs, and there
are inherent difficulties associated with comparing the life-cycle costs of various surface
ships with differing capabilities and mission sets, we found that the per ship per year cost
estimates for the LCS program are nearing or may exceed the costs of other surface ships,
including multimission ships with greater size and more crew members, such as guided-
missile frigates and destroyers....
In September 2013, we recommended that the Navy identify actions and milestones to
collect additional actual operational data on the Independence [LCS-2] variant and to update
operations and support cost estimates for both variants. Navy officials said that an updated
life-cycle cost estimate for the LCS seaframe would likely be available in the fall of 2014.
However, based on the Navy’s LCS deployment schedule, this update will likely not include
additional overseas deployment-related cost data for either LCS variant; USS Fort Worth
will not deploy until late 2014, and the Navy has only notional plans to deploy an
Independence variant LCS sometime before 2017. Navy officials explained that the Navy
will not have a life-cycle cost based on actual deployment data for the LCS until it is
operating multiple LCSs from a forward location such as Singapore in accordance with
employment and operational concepts.
The Navy estimated in 2011 that operations and support costs for the [then-planned total of
55] LCS seaframes would be about $50 billion over the life of the ship class. In 2013, it
estimated that operations and support costs for the [then-planned total of 64] mission
modules would be about $18 billion. Both of these estimates were calculated in fiscal year
2010 dollars. However, as we reported in September 2013, the seaframe estimate is at the 10
percent confidence level, meaning that there is 90 percent chance that costs will be higher
than this estimate. We reported that those estimates were at a low level of confidence due to
overall lack of operational data on both LCS seaframes and operating concepts that are
unique among the surface fleet. In lieu of actual LCS data, the Navy used operations and
support data from other surface ships, such as frigates, and modified them to approximate
LCS characteristics (referred to by the Navy as modified analogous data) to build the LCS
cost estimate. For example, maintenance cost estimates were calculated by modifying
analogous data from frigates and destroyers, among other ships, even though the
maintenance concepts for these ships differ from those for the LCS. Moreover, since the time
when the Navy developed the seaframe estimate in 2011, it has made several programmatic
changes to LCS concepts that will increase the overall cost to operate and sustain the ship
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• The number of shore personnel to support the ship has more than tripled—from 271 to
862—since the estimate was developed in 2011, as support requirements have become
better understood. For example:
• The Navy has increased the total number of core crew members onboard each ship
from 40 to 50 in order to better address workload and watch-standing requirements.
As the Navy continues to better understand the work requirements associated with the ship
class, the required numbers of shore support and ship crew have risen. Navy officials
explained that such changes are necessary for the success of the program and acknowledged
that those changes would increase the overall costs of the LCS and should be included in
future LCS life-cycle cost estimates.
From the outset of the program, the Navy has described the LCS as a low-cost alternative to
other ships in the surface fleet, yet the available data indicate that the per year, per ship life-
cycle costs are nearing or may exceed those of other surface ships, including multimission
ships with greater size and larger crews. The LCS consists of two distinct parts—the ship
itself (seaframe) and the interchangeable mission modules it is expected to carry and deploy.
These mission modules consist of various unmanned systems, sensors, and weapons that
provide different combat capabilities for the ship’s three principal missions. Many LCS cost
estimates only refer to the acquisition cost of individual seaframes rather than the total life-
cycle cost of the seaframe and mission modules. The operations and support costs for the
LCS seaframe that are included in the life-cycle cost estimates are significant—due in part to
unique LCS operational concepts—while the LCS mission modules that provide each ship
with operational capability account for a significant component of the costs for the ship
class. As we noted above, the cost estimates for both the seaframe and the mission modules
contain uncertainty; however, we believe that when combined they provide the best available
estimate to date of the overall life-cycle costs for the LCS program. Moreover, because the
Navy has acknowledged it has made several programmatic changes to LCS concepts that
will increase the overall costs to operate and sustain the ship class, it is likely that the per
ship, per year life-cycle costs for the program will be higher than this current estimate.
We analyzed the Navy’s life-cycle cost estimates for LCS seaframes (2011) and mission
modules (2013), which the Navy adjusted for inflation to fiscal year 2014 dollars, and used
updated Navy life-cycle cost estimates provided in April 2014 by Naval Sea Systems
Command for patrol coastal ships, mine countermeasures ships, frigates, destroyers, and
cruisers. These ships were selected for comparison because they have been in the surface
fleet for decades and historical cost data are readily available, and they all conduct at least
one mission that the LCS is also expected to perform. We calculated the life-cycle costs on a
per ship annualized basis to account for differences in the number of ships and expected
service life of each class.... [W]e found that per ship life-cycle costs per year for the LCS
program are nearing or may exceed those for other surface ships, including guided-missile
frigates and multimission destroyers....
Although the LCS has been identified by the Navy as a low-cost alternative to other surface
ship classes, the available data indicate that the costs of the LCS may exceed or closely align
with the costs of other multimission surface ships with larger crews. Without comprehensive
life-cycle cost estimates, the Navy may be hindered in its ability to evaluate the merits of
investing in LCS ships compared with other alternatives, conduct long-term budgetary
planning, or determine the level of resources required to implement the program in
accordance with the LCS concept of operations.
In 2013, we recommended that the Navy collect actual operational data on the Independence
variant and update operations and support cost estimates for both variants prior to
contracting for additional LCS ships in 2016. Our work shows that the Navy still lacks
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

operational data and that life-cycle cost estimates are still not comprehensive. We continue to
believe that the Navy should have greater clarity on the performance of its operational
concepts and greater confidence in its cost estimates before it enters into contracts for
additional LCS ships.
In written comments on a draft of this report, the Department of Defense (DOD) noted it is
concerned with the conclusions drawn from the analysis of life-cycle cost data across ship
classes. DOD added that due to known gaps in existing ship class cost data, the available
data do not allow for an accurate comparison of the life cycle costs among LCS and other
existing surface ship classes.68
LCS Sea Frame Weight Management
Another issue for Congress concerns weight management on the LCS sea frames—an issue that
can affect the ability of LCSs to accept new systems and equipment over their expected life
cycles. A July 2014 GAO report on the LCS program stated:
Outstanding weight management and concurrency risks related to buying ships while key
concepts and performance are still being tested continue to complicate LCS acquisitions.
Initial LCS seaframes face capability limitations resulting from weight growth during
construction. This weight growth has resulted in the first two ships not meeting performance
requirements for sprint speed and/or endurance, as well as potentially complicating existing
plans to make additional changes to each seaframe design. Several seaframes now do not
have the required amount of service life allowance—margin to accommodate future changes
without removing weight over the ship’s lifetime—but Navy officials said they have a plan
to recover the service life allowance on the Independence [LCS-2] class variant.

The Navy has not received accurate or complete weight reports from the seaframe prime
contractors, and the Navy’s lengthy review process has hindered a timely resolution of the
Navy’s concerns. Additionally, a number of significant test events, including rough water,
shock and total ship survivability trials, will not be completed in time to inform upcoming
acquisition decisions—including future contract decisions. Finally, the Navy’s recent
decision to accelerate low rate initial production of mission packages above the quantity

68 Government Accountability Office, Littoral Combat Ship[:] Deployment of USS Freedom Revealed Risks in
Implementing Operational Concepts and Uncertain Costs
, GAO 14-447, July 2014, pp. 20-26.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

necessary for operational testing limits the flexibility that the program will have to adjust to
any problems that may arise during operational testing.69
Construction Quality on Lead Ships
Another issue for Congress concerns construction quality on the lead ships in the LCS program. A
September 2014 GAO report states:
Navy decisions to accept the first two littoral combat ships (LCS)—LCS 1 and LCS 2—in
incomplete, deficient conditions complied with the Federal Acquisition Regulation’s (FAR)
acceptance provisions, largely due to the cost-reimbursement type contracts in place to
construct these ships. The Navy also met FAR requirements related to responsibility for and
place of acceptance, among other provisions, by using an authorized Navy representative to
accept each ship at its respective contractor’s facility. Under the cost-reimbursement
contracts, the LCS 1 and LCS 2 prime contractors were only required to give their best
efforts to complete quality-related activities—along with the other work specified in the
contracts—up to each contract’s estimated cost. These efforts resulted in both ships not
completing all required sea trials—tests that evaluate ships’ overall quality and performance
against contractual requirements—including acceptance and final contract trials, as shown in
the table below....
Not completing these trials increased knowledge gaps related to ship performance and
deficiencies. In addition, LCS 1 and LCS 2 did not meet the quality standards outlined in the
Navy’s ship acceptance policy, although the policy also contains several notable flexibilities
to these standards. In particular, the policy recognizes situations where the Navy may defer
work until after delivery and final acceptances and affords the Chief of Naval Operations the
authority to waive certain quality standards outlined in the policy. The Navy relied
extensively on these waivers to facilitate its trials and acceptance processes for LCS 1 and
LCS 2.
Navy decisions to accept delivery of LCS 1 and LCS 2 in incomplete, deficient conditions
were driven by a focus on near-term cost performance by shipbuilders, a desire to introduce
the long-delayed ships to the fleet, and—in the case of LCS 1—environmental and treaty
considerations associated with constructing that ship adjacent to the Great Lakes. The Navy
prioritized these factors over its quality assurance processes for both ships, which has caused
it to devote considerably more time and money to resolving deficiencies after delivery than
anticipated. However, because the Navy did not establish clear deadlines for resolving ship
deficiencies, corrections were allowed to lag, to the point that fleet operators inherited
unresolved deficiencies on each ship. These deficiencies have constrained recent shipboard

69 Government Accountability Office, Littoral Combat Ship[:] Additional Testing and Improved Weight Management
Needed Prior to Further Investments
, GAO-14-749, July 2014, Summary page.
70 Government Accountability Office, Littoral Combat Ship[:]Navy Complied with Regulations in Accepting Two Lead
Ships, but Quality Problems Persisted after Delivery
, GAO-14-827, September 2014, summary page.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Should Procurement of LCS Sea Frames and Mission Modules Be
Slowed Until Operational Testing Is More Complete?

Another issue for Congress is whether procurement of LCS sea frames and mission modules
should be slowed until operational testing of the sea frames and mission modules is more
complete and other acquisition-process milestones are met. The issue arises from a July 2013
GAO report on the LCS program that states in its summary:
The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) seaframe program continues to face challenges stemming
from concurrent design, production, and testing activities. The Navy has taken steps to
resolve problems with the lead ships, and the shipyards are beginning to realize benefits from
facility improvements and experience. However, testing remains to be completed and the
Navy is currently studying potentially significant design changes, such as increasing the
commonality of systems between the two ship variants and changing ship capabilities.
Changes at this point can compromise the positive impacts of shipyard learning, increase
costs, and prolong schedules. The mission module program also has concurrency issues, and
testing to date has shown considerable limitations in capabilities. The Navy is pursuing an
incremental approach to fielding mission packages, but it has yet to finalize the requirements
for each increment and does not plan to achieve the minimum performance requirements for
the mine countermeasures and surface warfare packages until the final increments are fielded
in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
The Navy continues to buy LCS seaframes and modules even as significant questions remain
about the program and its underlying business case. Elements of the LCS business case,
including its cost, the time needed to develop and field the system, and its anticipated
capabilities have degraded over time. There are also significant unknowns related to key
LCS operations and support concepts and the relative advantages and disadvantages of the
two seaframe variants. The potential effect of these unknowns on the program is
compounded by the Navy’s aggressive acquisition strategy. By the time key tests of
integrated LCS capability are completed in several years, the Navy will have procured or
have under contract more than half of the planned number of seaframes. Almost half of the
planned seaframes are already under contract, and the Navy plans to award further contracts
in 2016, before the Department of Defense (DOD) makes a decision about full rate
production of the ships. The Navy will not be able to demonstrate that mission packages
integrated with the seaframes can meet the minimum performance requirements until
operational testing for both variants (Freedom and Independence) is completed, currently
planned for 2019.
The Navy has also essentially bypassed two major acquisition reviews for mission modules,
purchasing 8 of the 64 planned mission packages before gaining approval to enter the system
development and initial production phases.71
In a section on “Matters for Congressional Consideration,” the report states:
1. To ensure that the Navy has adequate knowledge to support moving forward with future
seaframe construction, Congress should consider restricting future funding to the program
for construction of additional seaframes until the Navy:
• completes the ongoing LCS technical and design studies,

71 Government Accountability Office, Navy Shipbuilding[:]Significant Investments in the Littoral Combat Ship
Continue Amid Substantial Unknowns about Capabilities, Use, and Cost
, GAO-13-530, July 2013, summary page.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• determines the impacts of making any changes resulting from these studies on the cost
and designs of future LCS seaframes, and
• reports to Congress on cost-benefit analyses of changes to the seaframes to change
requirements and/or capabilities and to improve commonality of systems, and the Navy’s
plan moving forward to improve commonality.
2. To ensure that information on the relative capabilities of each seaframe variant is
communicated in a timely and complete manner, Congress should consider requiring DOD
to report on the relative advantages of each variant in carrying out the three primary LCS
missions. This report should be submitted to Congress prior to the planned full-rate
production decision and the award of any additional seaframe contracts.72
In a section on “Recommendations for Executive Action,” the report states:
To ensure that, going forward, relevant oversight entities are able to provide appropriate
decision-makers with additional insight into future contract awards for seaframes, we
recommend that the Secretary of the Defense direct the Secretary of the Navy to take the
following two actions:
1. If the Navy is approved by USD AT&L to award additional seaframe block buy contracts
for LCS 25 and beyond, ensure that it only procures the minimum quantity and rate of ships
required to preserve the mobilization of the production base until the successful completion
of the full-rate production decision review. The award of any additional seaframe contracts
should be informed by
• a new independent cost estimate conducted by DOD’s Cost Assessment and Program
Evaluation office, and
• a re-validated capabilities development document.
2. Prior to the full-rate production decision and the award of any additional seaframe
contracts, report to Congress on the relative advantages of each seaframe variant for each of
the three mission areas.
To facilitate mission module development and ensure that the Navy has adequate knowledge
to support further module purchases, we recommend that the Secretary of the Defense direct
the Secretary of the Navy to take the following two actions:
3. Ensure that the Acquisition Program Baseline submitted for the mission modules
Milestone B establishes program goals—thresholds and objectives—for cost, schedule, and
performance for each increment per current DOD acquisition policy.
4. To ensure that the purchase of mission modules do not outpace key milestones, buy only
the minimum quantities of mission module systems required to support operational testing.73
The GAO report is listed on the GAO website with a date of July 22, 2013. The report was
effectively released on July 25, 2013, concurrent with a hearing that day on the LCS program

72 Government Accountability Office, Navy Shipbuilding[:]Significant Investments in the Littoral Combat Ship
Continue Amid Substantial Unknowns about Capabilities, Use, and Cost
, GAO-13-530, July 2013, p. 55.
73 Government Accountability Office, Navy Shipbuilding[:]Significant Investments in the Littoral Combat Ship
Continue Amid Substantial Unknowns about Capabilities, Use, and Cost
, GAO-13-530, July 2013, p. 56.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

before the Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services
Committee that focused on the GAO report and featured witnesses from GAO and the Navy.
GAO’s prepared statement for the hearing was based on the GAO report.74 GAO’s witness—Paul
L. Francis, Managing Director Acquisition and Sourcing Management—recommended that DOD
limit future LCS seaframe acquisitions until DOD completes a full-rate production review, and
that the Navy limit LCS mission module purchases to the minimum quantities required to support
operational testing. In making this recommendation, Francis drew upon points made in the GAO
report, including those reprinted above.75
The Navy’s witnesses at the hearing—Sean Stackley, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for
Research, Development, and Acquisition (i.e., the Navy’s acquisition executive), and Vice
Admiral Richard Hunt, Director, Navy Staff, and the head of the Navy’s LCS Council—
acknowledged that the LCS program was started poorly in terms of acquisition approach and
management, but argued that the program was subsequently restructured and is now a model of
acquisition best practices. They stated that the Navy will keep Congress and GAO fully informed
about the program. They opposed the idea of slowing or pausing procurement of LCS sea frames
or mission modules on the grounds that doing so would delay the delivery of needed capabilities
to the fleet, slow the growth of the Navy toward its goal of a 306-ship fleet, and increase LCS
procurement costs by interrupting the block buy contracts, breaking production learning curves,
and destabilizing work forces at the LCS shipyards and supplier firms. They argued that the initial
increments of the mission modules pose little technical risk, since they rely on existing systems
rather than new-development systems, and that the biggest challenge to the testing of the mission
modules at this point relates to program stops and restarts caused by funding instability as a
consequence of continuing resolutions, sequestration, and congressional marks and rescissions.
They argued that the initial increments of the mission modules have already demonstrated
capability equal to or greater than that of analogous systems on the existing ships that LCSs are
effectively to replace (i.e., the Navy’s Avenger (MCM-1) class mine warfare ships, Cyclone (PC-
1) class patrol craft, and Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) class frigates).76 The Navy’s prepared
statement for the hearing states:

74 Navy Shipbuilding[:] Significant Investments in the Littoral Combat Ship Continue Amid Substantial Unknowns
about Capabilities, Use, and Cost, Statement of Paul L. Francis, Managing Director Acquisition and Sourcing
Management, Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, Committee on Armed Services,
House of Representatives, July 25, 2013, 8 pp.
75 Transcript of hearing.
76 Source: Transcript of hearing. Regarding MCM capability, the Navy states elsewhere that “Increment I of the [LCS]
MCM MP [mission package] will exceed the sustained area coverage rate of the Avenger Class [MCM] ship by
approximately two times, based on developmental testing conducted to date and initial analysis.” More fully, the Navy
states the following regarding the LCS’s MCM capability compared to that of the Navy’s existing Avenger-class MCM
There are two significant advantages that the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) with a Mine
Countermeasures Mission Package (MCM MP) has over the Navy’s current MCM Avenger Class
[MCM] ship: removing the ship from the minefield and the increased speed of MCM operations. In
accordance with the LCS MCM MP’s concept of operations, the ship is removed from the
minefield by relying on off-board, unmanned systems, instead of ship-mounted systems. This
avoids the risk associated with exposing the manned Avenger Class ship and its crew of
approximately 80 to mines. The use of unmanned systems also enables minehunting at much higher
speeds than the legacy systems can achieve. MCM MP Increment I provides rapid, sustained
minehunting, and clearance capabilities with the MH60-S Helicopter, the Remote Multi-Mission
Vehicle (RMMV), the AQS-20A minehunting sonar, the Airborne Mine Neutralization System
(AMNS), and the Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS). Increment I of the [LCS]
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The entire LCS program, as defined by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC)-
approved LCS Flight 0+ Capability Development Document (CDD), defines the ends state
requirements for the mission package increments as well as the requirements for the
seaframe. Both seaframe variants are designed to meet the CDD specified requirements and
support all three types of mission packages. Each variant is built to be compliant with the
LCS Interface Control Document (ICD), which governs the interface between the ship and
any current or future mission package. This incremental approach minimizes concurrency
risk while allowing the flexibility which the modular concept provides. The nine mission
package “increments” (4 MCM, 4 SUW, 1 ASW) represent time-phased fielding of
capability aboard both variants of LCS seaframes. This time phased-fielding of capability is
fundamental as it allows the Navy to rapidly field systems as they are matured instead of
waiting for the final capability delivery. The major systems that comprise mission packages
are already established as individual programs, with their own Acquisition Program
Baselines (APBs) including cost, schedule and performance objectives and thresholds. One
APB for the entire mission package program, which integrates these programs for LCS, is
appropriate and compliant with law, regulation, and policy. The APB will include well-
defined, quantitative cost, schedule and performance thresholds and objectives for the
mission packages. In accordance with the CDD and the incremental approach, these targets
will be met through the final, time-phased capabilities fielded for the MCM, SUW, and ASW
mission packages. This is similar to the approach used for other programs which provide
time-phased capability for platforms. The time-phased fielding of capability and the
associated performance metrics to conduct testing against will be defined in the Capability
Production Documents currently under development for each mission package.

MCM MP will exceed the sustained area coverage rate of the Avenger Class [MCM] ship by
approximately two times, based on developmental testing conducted to date and initial analysis.
This analysis is based on the Naval Mine Warfare Simulation (NMWS) model and reflects a 95%
confidence level achieved through Monte Carlo simulation. The NMWS model includes ship and
system performance parameters such as, system launch, handling and recovery time, sensor swath
width, maintenance delays, etc. The input loaded into the NMWS model for each performance
parameter is based on measured system level activities performed on LCS during developmental
testing. The NMWS model was initially accredited in 2004 and is regularly updated with real-life
data collected during integration and at-sea developmental testing conducted to date. Additional
independent analysis was conducted by Metron at the request of OPNAV in 2010 to validate the
NMWS model inputs/outputs.
The Navy is executing an incremental acquisition approach that adds capability to the mission
packages as technologies mature. Through this incremental approach, the program will add a beach
zone mine detection capability in Increment II (FY15) with the COBRA system on a Firescout
Unmanned Air Vehicle; a mine sweeping and a near-surface neutralization capability in Increment
III (FY17) with the Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) and an upgrade to the AMNS; and
finally, buried mine and surf-zone mine detection capabilities in Increment IV (FY19) with the
Knifefish Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) and an upgrade to the COBRA system. Increment
IV represents the baseline capability for the MCM MP as defined in the LCS Flight 0+ Capability
Development Document (CDD). The Navy projects the baseline configuration of the MCM MP to
exceed approximately four times the sustained area coverage rate of the Avenger class ship and its
legacy systems.
The Navy is currently in the process of documenting the incremental performance requirements for
each increment in Capability Production Documents (CPDs). The performance of the MCM MP at
each increment will be documented in a CPD. The performance expectations derived from the
NMWS model and insights from developmental testing will be incorporated into the incremental
plan to achieve required performance.
(Navy information paper on LCS program dated August 26, 2013, and provided to CRS and CBO
on August 29, 2013.)
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Future seaframe contract awards will be predicated on meeting seaframe requirements,
including the requirement to embark any ICD compliant mission package, in the most cost
effective way. As the Navy prepares for the next procurement of ships, developmental and
operational testing of the capabilities of each seaframe variant and associated mission
package is being conducted and the results will be used to inform future program decisions.
In addition, the Navy will have return cost data from the initial ships of the block buy to
further inform the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 procurement. The Defense Acquisition Board,
chaired by USD(AT&L), will review the next seaframe procurement prior to Request for
Proposal (RFP) release. The Navy, in conjunction with USD(AT&L), will execute the
normal, rigorous process to ensure that the procurement meets with the specified
requirements and that the costs are well understood. As the Navy continues to build LCS
seaframes, the LCS mission package procurements are phased to meet the number of LCS
Seaframes. To keep pace with the LCS seaframes currently under contract or remaining
under the current block buy through Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the Navy must procure mission
package at a rate necessary to support, 1) developmental and initial operational test and
evaluation of the two LCS variants, 2) developmental and operational testing of each
incremental mission package capability as it is integrated and fielded, 3) Fleet crew training
needs, and 4) operational LCS units with the tailored capabilities required for seaframe
deployments. It is important to note that it is not a one-to-one ratio of mission package to
LCS Seaframes. In FY 2014 for example, there will be four seaframes delivered to the fleet
with a total of 10 mission packages (5 MCM and 5 SUW) delivered and available for use.
The additional mission packages will support not only operational deployments, but account
for the additional needs of training, and maintenance as well as developmental and
operational testing....
The Navy plans to procure LCS seaframes in accordance with the most recent long range
shipbuilding plan while balancing available funding with achieving the lowest possible
pricing to the government. The future acquisition decisions will be informed with an up-to-
date Service Cost Position and “should cost” assessment. The Defense Acquisition Executive
will determine whether a new OSD Cost Analysis and Program Evaluation (CAPE)
Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) will be needed to inform the decision. Contracts for ships
in FY 2016 and beyond will be informed by actual cost returns, not estimates, for eight
delivered seaframes and an additional 16 seaframes under contract, but not delivered by FY
2016. The Joint Staff, along with the Navy staff, plans to conduct a requirements assessment
study which will serve as a revalidation of the LCS capabilities definition document. No
changes to LCS seaframe requirements are envisioned in the near term as both LCS classes
meet Navy requirements. No changes are planned for LCS mission packages that will affect
near-term testing or fielding of mission package systems.77

77 Statement of the Honorable Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the navy (Research, Development and
Acquisition), and Vice Admiral Richard Hunt, Director, Navy Staff, Before the Subcommittee on Seapower &
Projection Forces of the House Armed Services Committee on Department of the Navy Shipbuilding Programs, July
25, 2013, pp. 3-4 and 12. For press accounts of the July 25, 2013, see, for example, Christopher P. Cavas, “LCS
Hearing Attracts A Packed House, But Comity Breaks Out,”, July 25, 2013; Andrea Shalal-Esa,
“U.S. Navy Defends New Warship, Warns Against Slowing Production,”, July 25, 2013; Emelie
Rutherford, “Panel Pledges Close LCS Oversight,” Defense Daily, July 26, 2013: 1; Michael Fabey, “Congress To
Decide If LCS Is Worth The Risk,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, July 26, 2013: 1.
Opponents of slowing or pausing LCS procurement might also argue the following:

The current situation of LCS sea frames and mission modules being procured ahead of operational testing and
other acquisition milestones is a natural and expected consequence of the program’s initial rapid acquisition
strategy and the award of the two block buy contracts, both of which Congress reviewed and approved.
Congress’ decision to approve the award of the two block buy contracts followed a December 14, 2010,
hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee that specifically reviewed the pros and cons of the
Navy’s proposal to award the two block buy contracts, with testimony from the Navy, GAO, CBO, and CRS
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Technical Risk in LCS Program
Another potential oversight issue for Congress concerns the amount of technical risk in the LCS
program. The discussion below addresses this issue first with respect to the LCS sea frame, and
then with respect to LCS mission packages.
Sea Frame
March 2014 GAO Report
A March 2014 GAO report assessing DOD weapon acquisition programs stated:
Technology Maturity
Sixteen of the 18 critical technologies for both LCS designs are mature and have been
demonstrated in a realistic environment. The two remaining technologies—LCS 1’s
overhead launch and retrieval system and LCS 2’s aluminum structure are nearing
maturity—according to our best practice standards. Though program officials believe that
LCS 2’s aluminum structure hull is mature as the ship is operational, there are still unknowns
related to the hull structure. As a result, full maturity will not be demonstrated until the
completion of shock and survivability trials to validate survivability and the ship’s ability to
achieve a 20-year service life. These tests are not expected to begin until August 2015.
Design and Production Maturity
The Navy started construction of LCS 1 and 2 without a stable design and has had to
incorporate design changes on follow-on seaframes. LCS 1 and LCS 2 are still undergoing
testing, and the Navy is incorporating design fixes for identified deficiencies into the designs
of follow-on ships. In addition, a series of additional design changes for both variants have
been approved by the LCS Council for fiscal year 2015; including bridge wings and a seven-
meter rigid hull inflatable boat for the Independence variant and stronger stern ramp for the
Freedom variant. LCS 4 experienced delays and was delivered six months after its expected
contract delivery date of March 2013. LCS 5 through LCS 12 are currently in various stages
of construction. The Navy is concerned about both contractors’ ability to meet construction
schedules without impacting follow-on hulls.
LCS 1 completed a ten-month deployment to the western pacific in December 2013 where it
operated out of Singapore. During this deployment it encountered two significant
engineering issues that significantly curtailed its ability to get underway: the lubrication

(see Appendix D).

There is nothing amiss in the fact that the Navy is considering potential design changes to the LCS—the
Navy often does this in shipbuilding programs that are expected to have long production runs. In recent years,
for example, the Navy considered and then implemented design changes during the production runs of the
Ticonderoga (CG-47) class Aegis cruisers, the Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) class Aegis destroyers, and the Los
Angeles (SSN-688) class attack submarines, and is doing the same today in the DDG-51 program and the
Virginia (SSN-774) class attack submarine program. Design changes in a ship class with a long production
run can result from the emergence of new technologies or a desire to modify a ship’s capabilities in response
to changing operational needs. In light of the long production run anticipated for the LCS, it would be
surprising—and arguably troubling—if the Navy were not considering potential design changes for the LCS.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

cooling system ruptured and the ship service diesel engine generator had reliability issues. In
addition to these engineering issues, LCS 1 had a number of combat system and other
material failures; including radar underperformance and the combat system unexpectedly
rebooting during operations.
Other Program Issues
The Navy added 20 permanent berths to LCS 1 to support additional manning for its
deployment to Singapore in 2013. In May 2013, the Navy determined that additional
permanent accommodations for a total crew size of 98 should be incorporated in all LCS
class ships. The LCS program executive office has been directed to add these permanent
accommodations through either forward -or back-fitting the ships. Although the habitability
modification installed on LCS 1 in support of its deployment did not include the addition of
increased storage and water supplies, the forward fit installs will address the required
services and auxiliary system modifications associated with the installation of the additional
berthing. Following LCS 1’s 2013 deployment, the Navy will evaluate lessons learned and
future manning options. The Navy expects to complete this evaluation in fiscal year 2014
and incorporate any proposed manning changes beginning in fiscal year 2015 ahead of the
next block buy decision in 2016, when 24 seaframes will already be delivered, constructed,
or under contract.
Program Office Comments
In commenting on a draft of this assessment, the program office noted that LCS 4 showed
significant improvement from LCS 2 in level of completeness and number of high priority
trial cards deficiencies at delivery. Twelve block buy ships are funded on the block buy
contract and are in pre-production or construction, following thorough production readiness
reviews. LCS 5 and 6 launched in December 2013. LCS 1 deployment successfully validated
major portions of the LCS concept of operations for crew rotation and contracted overseas
maintenance. Ship service diesel generator and seawater cooler reliability issues were
satisfactorily addressed during deployment. Engineering changes have been incorporated to
prevent and mitigate those issues in the future. Material failures of the radar were a result of
a procedural error causing the system to reboot, however the radar performed to design
specifications. The program office also provided technical comments, which were
incorporated where deemed appropriate.78
January 2014 DOT&E Report
Regarding technical risk in the LCS sea frame, a January 2014 report from DOD’s Director,
Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)—DOT&E’s annual report for FY2013—states:
• While both seaframe variants are fast and highly maneuverable, they are lightly armed for
ships of this size and possess no significant offensive capability without the planned SUW
Increment IV mission package.
- They have very modest self-defense capabilities; their air defense capabilities cannot be
characterized fully until tests on LCS 5 and LCS 6 (the production-representative seaframes)

78 Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions[:] Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs, GAO-14-
340SP, March 2014, p. 94.
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and the Navy’s unmanned Self-Defense Test Ship feed the Navy Probability of Raid
Annihilation high‑fidelity modeling and simulation analyses in FY18.
- The surface self-defense capability is scheduled to undergo limited testing in the first
OT&E events on LCS 2 and LCS 3 in FY14, but the Navy has deferred testing of the ships’
capability to defeat unmanned aerial vehicles and slow-flying aircraft until
production‑representative seaframes are available.
- The seaframes have no systems designed to detect torpedo attacks or mines without the
appropriately configured mission packages installed.
• Results from the QRA [Quick Reaction Assessment] revealed performance, reliability, and
operator training deficiencies for the 57 mm gun on LCS 1 that prevented the ship from
demonstrating it can meet the Navy’s SUW performance requirements.
- The Navy reported that the observed deficiencies have been corrected on LCS 1; and that
those corrections were satisfactorily demonstrated during developmental testing in October
2012; however, no data were collected during that testing to facilitate an independent
- The preliminary analysis of data collected during recent testing of the 57 mm gun
conducted on LCS 3 in October 2013, which was observed by DOT&E, indicates that the
gun reliability has improved. DOT&E expects to issue a formal test report in 4QFY14 after
the Navy has completed IOT&E of the Freedom variant seaframe and Increment II SUW
mission package.
• Crew size can limit the mission capabilities and combat endurance of the ship. The Navy
continues to review manning to determine appropriate levels. The Navy installed 20
additional berths in LCS 1 for flexibility during its deployment and has stated that additional
berths will be installed in all seaframes.
• Freedom Variant (LCS 1 and 3):
- Developmental testing demonstrated that this variant can position, launch, and recover the
11-meter boats included in the SUW mission package as long as the launch, recovery, and
handling system is operational. Replacement of the aluminum launch ramp with one
constructed of steel allows a boat to be stored on the ramp to reduce the launch time and
improve responsiveness. The Navy has not tested the ship’s capability to handle, launch, and
recover other watercraft.
- COMBATSS-21 [combat system] and TRS-3D [radar] performance deficiencies have
affected target detection and tracking capabilities in developmental testing.
- The QRA performed by COTF [Commander, Operartional Test and Evaluation Force]
uncovered vulnerabilities in the ship’s capability to protect the security of information.
- Failures of diesel-powered generators, air compressors, and propulsion drive train
components have degraded the seaframe’s operational availability. The Navy reports that
recent reliability improvements made to the affected seaframe components have led to
improved operational availability of the seaframe; however, no formal developmental or
operational testing has occurred to quantify that improvement.
• Independence Variant (LCS 2):
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- DOT&E has no data to assess the core mission capabilities of the Independence variant
- The Independence crew encountered multiple problems with the twin-boom extensible
crane (TBEC) and other mission package support systems during initial developmental
testing of the MCM mission package. Since then, the vendor improved the TBEC and the
Navy made RMMV [Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle] hardware changes. Developmental
testing in August 2013 demonstrated the ship’s capability to launch and recover the RMMV
has improved.
- Availability of the Independence to support testing has been degraded by equipment
failures, including problems with operator consoles, power generation equipment,
components of the ship’s computing and networking equipment, propulsion drive train
components, and communications systems. The Navy reports that recent reliability
improvements made to the affected seaframe components have led to improved operational
availability of the Independence; however, no formal developmental or operational testing
has occurred to quantify that improvement....
LFT&E [Live Fire Test and Evaluation]
• The initial aluminum fire testing focused on the strength degradation of aluminum panels
and welds at elevated temperatures. Follow-on testing in FY14 will investigate structural
collapse of a multi-compartment aluminum structure due to fire exposure. The tearing tests
collected data needed to develop methodologies suitable for the simulation of ductile fracture
on the structural scale within the framework of whole-ship finite element analyses. Data
analysis continues; the Detail Design Survivability Assessment Report is scheduled to
complete in FY16.
• LCS is not expected to be survivable in high-intensity combat because the design
requirements do not require the inclusion of survivability features necessary to conduct
sustained combat operations in a major conflict as expected for the Navy’s other surface
November 2013 Press Report About a Separate GAO Report
A November 15, 2013, press report stated:
The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) fleet has some communication problems that need to be
addressed to enable the vessels to operate as planned, a recent U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO) report says, and Navy officials say they are assessing the
problems and GAO recommendations.
“The Navy identified limitations in its four internal reports with LCS communications
systems’ ability to transmit data electronically,” GAO says in a recent for-official-use-only
report, “Littoral Combat Ship, Navy Needs to Address Communication System Limitations
and Obtain Additional Operational and Cost Data.” The report is not available publicly.

79 Department of Defense, Director, Operational Test & Evaluation, FY 2013 Annual Report, January 2014, pp. 198-
199, 200.
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“LCS depends on operational and maintenance support from the shore more than other Navy
ships, so reliability and adequacy of communication systems, and the bandwidth required to
transmit information, are critical to effective operations and sustainment,” GAO notes.
“As with all of our new ship classes, a lot of effort is made in evaluating how to improve the
Littoral Combat Ship,” spokeswoman Lt. Caroline Hutcheson says. “Recommendations from
the organizations like GAO and its report have been part of detailed discussions as the Navy
assesses the program. The LCS Council is addressing the ships’ communications systems...
.” The Lockheed Martin-built LCS-1, the USS Freedom, is on deployment in Singapore.
Hutcheson says there has been no significant operational impact for Freedom on deployment
due to the communications issue....
“LCS relies on the Navy Information Application Product Suite system to transmit data,
using bandwidth capacity to do so, as do many of the distance support functions,” the report
says. “One internal Navy report found that problems with the system led to sensor data not
leaving the ships for months, among other connectivity issues.”
The Navy internal report’s finding that “the LCS concept depends on distance support of
ships, but the [information technology] pipes to make it happen aren’t reliable yet” led to a
recommendation to “accelerate implementation of the condition-based maintenance
program,” GAO says....
“The Navy Information Application Product Suite system used by LCS was not originally
designed to support the continuous flow of LCS data,” GAO says. “Because LCS depends
heavily on distance support and especially applications based on this system, the Navy
recognizes that alternative communication methods are necessary to ensure that the flow of
information to shore is not interrupted in the event of an extended loss of capabilities,
particularly during wartime.”
Navy officials told GAO existing communication systems are being “adapted for use on LCS
but are not ideal for the unique needs of the ship even though the systems meet program
Mission Packages
March 2014 GAO Report
The March 2014 GAO report assessing DOD weapon acquisition programs stated:
Mine Countermeasures (MCM)
The Navy has accepted four packages without demonstrating that they meet requirements
and plans to accept two more in fiscal 2014. The package will be fielded in four increments:
the first intends to remove sailors from the minefield and improve mine detection,
classification, and destruction over legacy vessels. Although DOD states that all systems in
increment one are fully mature, developmental testing has shown performance problems that
led to changes in planned tactics, removal of systems, and lowered testing requirements. For
example, corrections to the mine-hunting sonar’s reliability have yet to be validated in

80 Michael Fabey, “Report Cites LCS Communications Problems,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
(, November 15, 2013. See also Tony Capaccio, “Littoral Ship-to-Shore Comunications Seen
Deficient, GAO Says,” Bloomberg News, November 19, 2013.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

operational testing, and two systems, intended to sweep for and neutralize mines, had to be
removed for safety and performance issues. Also, the Navy now requires multiple searches to
identify mines, adding time to the process, and has lowered increment one testing
requirements for mine clearance rates. If operational testing proves successful, this package
will not be able to replace all legacy capability until increment three completion in fiscal
Surface Warfare (SUW)
The Navy has taken delivery of four packages, each comprised of two 30 millimeter guns, as
well as a rigid hull inflatable boat prototype, boarding gear, and armed helicopters.
Following the cancellation of the non-line-of-sight launch system, the Navy planned to field
the Griffin missile in 2015 as an initial capability. However, program officials stated that the
Navy is rethinking this and a solution is not yet known.
Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW)
The Navy restarted development of an ASW package with new requirements as the initial
package was not going to deliver enough capability over legacy assets. The Navy is
assessing a replacement, with initial delivery planned in 2016, that is expected to include,
among other technologies, a variable-depth sonar—which, according to officials, performed
well in initial tests—and a towed array. The maturity of these technologies has not yet been
independently assessed.
Other Program Issues
The Navy held a preliminary design review in 2004, but the packages have substantively
changed. The program held a milestone B event in January 2014 with an estimated
acquisition cost of $7.24 billion. Tests for increment one and two of the SUW and increment
one of the MCM package are scheduled for fiscal 2014 and 2015 respectively. These
assessments evaluate progress in achieving baseline performance capability, which includes
all planned increments for each package. The Navy plans to purchase 32 LCS seaframes and
take delivery of at least 24 by the time the baseline performance capabilities of the MCM and
SUW packages are proven and fielded.
Program Office Comments
The Navy states that our assessment of program cost growth incorrectly compares the
acquisition program baseline against a fiscal 2008 baseline, which does not reflect the total
acquisition. Further, the Navy states that this assessment disregards near term operational
requirements as the data presented indicates that the program should be delayed. The Navy
also states that our assertion of excessive program risk, due to concurrency, is unfounded
because developmental testing, combined with capability proven during early deployments,
has significantly reduced technical risk. This is evidence, according to the Navy, that the
LCS will successfully complete operational testing. Lastly, the current missile procurement
was delayed due to sequestration; the Navy states that the program is on track to deliver a
capability in late 2016.
GAO Response
In comparing the 2007 estimate with the acquisition program baseline, we used the Navy’s
2007 data, which included full procurement costs but only five years of development cost.
The Navy has acquired eight packages without proving capability through operational
testing. In the absence of a defined increment-based approach for the full baseline capability
to sequentially gain knowledge and meet these requirements, the Navy’s acquisition
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approach is not in accordance with best practices or DOD guidance in place at the time of
our review.81
January 2014 DOT&E Report
Regarding technical risk in LCS mission packages, the January 2014 DOT&E report states:
SUW Mission Package
• Results from the QRA [Quick Reaction Assessment] revealed performance, reliability, and
operator training deficiencies for both the 30 mm guns that prevented the ship from
demonstrating that it can meet the Navy’s SUW performance requirements. However, as
installed in the Freedom variant, the Increment II SUW mission package does enhance
existing surface self-defense capability and provides additional capability to conduct
maritime interdiction operations; it has not been tested in the Independence variant seaframe.
MCM Mission Package
• The Navy has not yet demonstrated the interim sustained area coverage rate requirement
through end-to-end testing. Developmental testing has focused primarily on integrating the
Increment I MCM mission package on the Independence. The MCM mission package has
not been tested with the Freedom variant seaframe.
• During operational assessments completed in 2011 and 2012, the AN/AQS-20A [sonar]
and ALMDS [airborne laser mine detection system] systems that compose the Increment I
minehunting sensors demonstrated some capability in favorable benign operating
environments, but failed to meet all performance requirements established by the Navy.
- AN/AQS-20A contact depth localization errors in all operating modes and false contacts in
two of the three search modes exceeded Navy limits. ALMDS failed to achieve the desired
detection performance over the depth range prescribed by the Navy and the system’s false
contacts exceeded Navy limits by a wide margin.
- While the Navy has identified mitigations for some of these deficiencies, they require
additional search missions to weed out most of the false contacts. The additional search
missions will reduce LCS’s search rate.
- Data from these operational assessments also bring into question the ability of the two
minehunting systems to search the full water column; the Navy is conducting additional tests
to determine if there are gaps in coverage. The Navy is also developing an improved version
of the AN/AQS-20A and expects to begin developmental testing in FY14.
• AMNS, intended to provide identification and neutralization of in-volume and bottom
mines, will provide the only mine neutralization capability in the Increment I MCM mission
- Since the Navy has stopped the development of the Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System
(RAMICS), Increment I will not provide near-surface mine neutralization capability.

81 Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions[:] Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs, GAO-14-
340SP, March 2013, p. 96.
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- The operational assessment that the Navy planned to conduct in FY13 has slipped to FY14.
- The Navy plans to develop an improved version of AMNS that will include the capability
to neutralize near-surface mines; however, that development is not currently funded. The
Navy expects AMNS to achieve initial operating capability (IOC) in FY16.
• The RMS [remote mine-hunting system], which is critical to achieving the Navy’s
sustained area coverage rate requirement, has also experienced developmental delays.
- The Navy expects RMS to achieve IOC in 4QFY15 [the fourth quarter of FY2015].
Contractor tests completed in FY13 suggest that RMMV reliability has grown since the RMS
program emerged from the Nunn-McCurdy review in FY10; however, these tests were not
conducted in an operationally realistic manner and the measure used was not operationally
relevant resulting in artificially high estimates of reliability. Data from the recent
development testing suggest that reliability may not have improved sufficiently to enable an
LCS with two RMMVs onboard to complete the desired area search without having to return
to port more often than currently planned and desired to obtain replacements. An accurate
quantitative assessment of achieved RMMV reliability cannot be evaluated until the RMS is
tested in operationally realistic minehunting missions (test conditions not achieved during
the contractor testing).
- The analysis of test data collected during developmental testing of structural improvements
for the RMMV and the RMMV recovery system as well as MVCS upgrades is still in
progress. The Navy expects to issue a formal test report in 2QFY14.
• Even if this MCM package meets all of its final increment requirements, legacy systems
will be needed to perform the full range of mine clearance operations.82
Defense-Acquisition Policy Lessons of LCS Program
Another issue for Congress concerns what defense-acquisition policy lessons, if any, the LCS
program may offer to policy makers, particularly in terms of the rapid acquisition strategy that the
Navy pursued for the LCS program, which aimed at reducing acquisition cycle time (i.e., the
amount of time between starting the program and getting the first ship into service).
One possible perspective is that the LCS program demonstrated that reducing acquisition cycle
time can be done. Supporters of this perspective might argue that under a traditional Navy ship
acquisition approach, the Navy might have spent five or six years developing a design for a new
frigate or corvette, and perhaps another five years building the lead ship, for a total acquisition
cycle time of perhaps 10 to 11 years. For a program announced in November 2001, this would
have resulted in the first ship entering service in between late 2011 and late 2012. In contrast,
supporters of this perspective might argue, LCS-1 entered service on November 8, 2008, about
seven years after the program was announced, and LCS-2 entered service on January 16, 2010, a
little more than eight years after the program announced. Supporters of this perspective might
argue that this reduction in acquisition cycle time was accomplished even though the LCS
incorporates major innovations compared to previous larger Navy surface combatants in terms of
reduced crew size, “plug-and fight” mission package modularity, high-speed propulsion, and (in
the case of LCS-2) hull form and hull materials.

82 Department of Defense, Director, Operational Test & Evaluation, FY 2013 Annual Report, January 2014, pp. 199-
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Another possible perspective is that the LCS program demonstrated the risks or consequences of
attempting to reduce acquisition cycle time. Supporters of this perspective might argue that the
program’s rapid acquisition strategy resulted in design-construction concurrency (i.e., building
the lead ships before their designs were fully developed), a practice long known to increase risks
in defense acquisition programs. Supporters of this perspective might argue that the cost growth,
design issues, and construction-quality issues experienced by the first LCSs were due in
substantial part to design-construction concurrency, and that these problems embarrassed the
Navy and reduced the Navy’s credibility in defending other acquisition programs. They might
argue that the challenges the Navy faces today in terms of developing an LCS concept of
operations (CONOPS),83 LCS manning and training policies, and LCS maintenance and logistics
plans were increased by the rapid acquisition strategy, because these matters were partly deferred
to later years (i.e., to today) while the Navy moved to put LCSs into production. Supporters of
this perspective might argue that the costs of the rapid acquisition strategy are not offset by very
much in terms of a true reduction in acquisition cycle time, because the first LCS to be equipped
with a mission package that has reached IOC (initial operational capability) will not occur until
late FY2014—almost 13 years after the LCS program was announced. Supporters of this
perspective could argue that the Navy could have avoided many of the program’s early problems
and current challenges—and could have had a fully equipped first ship enter service in 2011 or
2012—if it had instead pursued a traditional acquisition approach for a new frigate or corvette.
They could argue that the LCS program validated, for defense acquisition, the guideline from the
world of business management that if an effort aims at obtaining something fast, cheap, and good,
it will succeed in getting no more than two of these things,84 or, more simply, that the LCS
program validated the general saying that haste makes waste.
A third possible perspective is that the LCS program offers few if any defense-acquisition policy
lessons because the LCS differs so much from other Navy ships and the Navy (and DOD
generally) consequently is unlikely to attempt a program like the LCS in the future. Supporters of
this perspective might argue that the risks of design-construction concurrency have long been
known, and that the experience of the LCS program did not provide a new lesson in this regard so
much as a reminder of an old one. They might argue that the cost growth and construction delays
experienced by LCS-1 were caused not simply by the program’s rapid acquisition strategy, but by
a variety of factors (see “Reasons for Cost Growth” in Appendix A), including an incorrectly
made reduction gear85 from a supplier firm that forced the shipbuilder to build the lead ship in a
significantly revised and sub-optimal construction sequence.
Legislative Activity for FY2015
FY2015 Budget Request
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget requests $1,421.7 million in procurement funding for the
procurement of three LCSs in FY2015, or an average of $475.7 million per ship, in the
Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy (SCN) appropriation account. The budget requests an

83 A CONOPS is a detailed understanding of how to use the ship to accomplish various missions.
84 The guideline is sometimes referred to in the business world as “Fast, cheap, good—pick two.”
85 A ship’s reduction gear is a large, heavy gear that reduces the high-speed revolutions of the ship’s turbine engines to
the lower-speed revolutions of its propulsors.
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additional $93.0 million in the SCN account to complete the costs of LCSs funded in prior years;
this request forms part of a larger Navy request for $1,007.3 million in cost-to-complete funding
for various Navy shipbuilding programs.
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget also requests a total of $99.6 million in procurement
funding for LCS mission modules in lines 34 through 37 of the Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)
appropriation account.
FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 3979)
The House Armed Services Committee, in its report (H.Rept. 113-446 of May 13, 2014) on the
FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4435), recommends $977.0 million in
procurement funding for the procurement of two LCSs in FY2015—a reduction of one LCS and
$450 million from the Navy’s request. (Page 395, line 009.) The report recommends an additional
$100 million in advance procurement (AP) funding for the procurement of an LCS in a future
fiscal year. (Page 395, line 009A.) The report also recommends approving the Navy’s request for
$93.0 million in procurement funding to complete the costs of LCSs funded in prior years. (Page
426, line 021.) The report recommends approving the Navy’s request for procurement funding for
LCS mission modules in the OPN account. (Page 397, lines 34 through 37.)
Section 125 of H.R. 4435 as reported states:
None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for
fiscal year 2015 for the procurement of additional mission modules for the Littoral Combat
Ship program may be obligated or expended until the Secretary of the Navy submits to the
congressional defense committees each of the following:
(1) The Milestone B program goals for cost, schedule, and performance for each increment.
(2) Certification by the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation with respect to the total
number for each module type that is required to perform all necessary operational testing.
Section 126 of H.R. 4435 as reported states
Section 124(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (P.L. 113-66;
127 Stat. 693) is amended by striking `this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal year
2014’ and inserting `this Act, the Howard P. `Buck’ McKeon National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, or otherwise made available for fiscal years 2014 or
H.Rept. 113-446 states:
Littoral Combat Ship
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The committee is concerned about the survivability, lethality and endurance of the Navy’s
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), as noted by the Government Accountability Office and others.
In February 2014, after reviewing preliminary assessments and evaluations of the LCS, the
Secretary of Defense reduced the total number of LCS seaframes to 32 from the planned
procurement of 52 and also directed the Navy to submit alternate proposals to procure “a
capable and lethal small surface combatant generally consistent with the capabilities of a
frigate.” The Secretary noted the importance of not only presence but capability and power
projection as the foundation of the Navy’s effectiveness and directed the Navy to study
options to include a completely new design, existing ship designs (including the LCS), and a
modified LCS. The Chief of Naval Operations has directed a Small Surface Combatant Task
Force to report on these results by July 31, 2014.
Therefore, the committee directs the Comptroller General of the United States to provide a
report to the congressional defense committees by April 1, 2015, that examines the
Department of the Navy’s study and its implications for the procurement of future small
surface combatants. This report should assess:
(1) The study’s methodologies and key assumptions;
(2) Any alternate ship design(s) and modifications to the Littoral Combat Ship that the Navy
evaluated, including expectations of cost, schedule, and requirements; and
(3) The extent to which the study was consistent with the approach of a formal analysis of
alternatives, as set forth in the Department of Defense acquisition policy. (Pages 29-30)
The Senate Armed Services Committee, in its report (S.Rept. 113-176 of June 2, 2014) on the
FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 2410), recommends approving the Navy’s
request for FY2015 procurement funding for the procurement of three LCSs. (Page 323, line 9.)
The report recommends approving the Navy’s request for $93.0 million in procurement funding
to complete the costs of LCSs funded in prior years. (Page 324, line 021.) The report recommends
approving the Navy’s request for procurement funding for LCS mission modules in the OPN
account. (Pages 325-326, lines 34 through 37.)
Section 122 of S. 2410 as reported states:
(a) In General- Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director
of Operational Test and Evaluation shall submit to the congressional defense committees a
report on the test evaluation master plan for the seaframes and mission modules for the
Littoral Combat Ship program.
(b) Elements- The report required under subsection (a) shall include the following elements:
(1) A description of the Navy’s progress with respect to the test evaluation master plan.
(2) An assessment of whether or not completion of the test evaluation master plan will
demonstrate operational effectiveness and operational suitability for both seaframes and each
mission module.
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Section 1023 of S. 2410 as reported states:
(a) Authority- Subsection (a) of section 7310 of title 10, United States Code, is amended—
(1) in the subsection heading, by inserting `Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the
Navy’ after `Vessels’;
(2) by striking `A naval vessel’ and inserting `(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a
naval vessel’; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
`(2)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), in the case of a naval vessel that is classified as a
Littoral Combat Ship and is operating on deployment, corrective and preventive maintenance
or repair (whether intermediate or depot level) and facilities maintenance may be performed
on the vessel—
`(i) in a foreign shipyard;
`(ii) at a facility outside of a foreign shipyard; or
`(iii) at any other facility convenient to the vessel.
`(B)(i) Corrective and preventive maintenance or repair may be performed on a vessel as
described in subparagraph (A) only if the work is performed by United States Government
personnel or United States contractor personnel.
`(ii) Facilities maintenance may be performed by a foreign contractor on a vessel as
described in subparagraph (A) only as approved by the Secretary of the Navy.’.
(b) Definitions- Such section is further amended by adding at the end the following new
`(d) Definitions- In this section:
`(1) The term `corrective and preventive maintenance or repair’ means—
`(A) maintenance or repair actions performed as a result of a failure in order to return or
restore equipment to acceptable performance levels; and
`(B) scheduled maintenance or repair actions intended to prevent or discover functional
failures, including scheduled periodic maintenance requirements and integrated class
maintenance plan tasks that are time-directed maintenance actions.
`(2) The term `facilities maintenance’ means—
`(A) preservation or corrosion control efforts, encompassing surface preparation and
preservation of the structural facility to minimize effects of corrosion; and
`(B) cleaning services, encompassing—
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`(i) light surface cleaning of ship structures and compartments; and
`(ii) deep cleaning of bilges to remove dirt, oily waste, and other foreign matter.’.
(c) Clerical Amendments-
(1) SECTION HEADING- The heading of such section is amended to read as follows:
`Sec. 7310. Overhaul, repair, and maintenance of vessels in foreign shipyards and facilities:
restrictions; exceptions’.
(2) TABLE OF SECTIONS- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 633 of such
title is amended by striking the item relating to section 7310 and inserting the following:
`7310. Overhaul, repair, and maintenance of vessels in foreign shipyards and facilities:
restrictions; exceptions.’.
Regarding Section 1023, S.Rept. 113-176 states:
Operational readiness of Littoral Combat Ships on extended deployments (sec. 1023)
The committee recommends a provision that would provide additional flexibility for the
Secretary of the Navy to maintain Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) by allowing government
personnel or U.S. contractor personnel to conduct corrective and preventive maintenance on
an LCS vessel regardless of the ship’s location.
Because an LCS vessel has a smaller crew than other Navy vessels, much of the corrective
and preventative maintenance must be performed by personnel not in the ship’s force. The
Secretary of Navy needs added flexibility in conducting this maintenance to ensure that the
Navy can sustain readiness, particularly on forward-deployed LCS vessels. (Page 166)
Final Version
The joint explanatory statement for the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 3979)
recommends approving the Navy’s request for FY2015 procurement funding for the procurement
of three LCSs (PDF page 375 of 513, line 9). The statement recommends approving the Navy’s
request for $93.0 million in procurement funding to complete the costs of LCSs funded in prior
years (PDF page 375 of 513, line 021).
The joint explanatory statement recommends reducing by $8.107 million the Navy’s request for
procurement funding for LCS mission modules in the OPN account (PDF page 377 of 513, lines
034 through 037). The $8.107 reduction consists of $1.026 million for “MPCE cost growth” (line
034—LCS Common Mission Modules Equipment), $2.570 million for “SUW support and
shipping container cost growth” (line 034), $3.080 million for “Gun module cost growth” (line
037—LCS SUW Mission Modules), and $1.431 million for “Maritime security module cost
growth” (line 037).
Section 122 of H.R. 3979 states:
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for
fiscal year 2015 for the procurement of additional mission modules for the Littoral Combat
Ship program may be obligated or expended until the Secretary of the Navy submits to the
congressional defense committees each of the following:
(1) The Milestone B program goals for cost, schedule, and performance for each module.
(2) Certification by the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation with respect to the total
number for each module type that is required to perform all necessary operational testing.
Section 123 of H.R. 3979 states:
Section 124(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (P.L. 113-66;
127 Stat. 693) is amended by striking ``this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal year
2014'' and inserting ``this Act, the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, or otherwise made available for fiscal years
2014 or 2015''.
Section 124 of H.R. 3979 states:
(a) In General.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation shall submit to the congressional defense
committees a report on the test evaluation master plan for the seaframes and mission
modules for the Littoral Combat Ship program.
(b) Elements.--The report required under subsection (a) shall include the following elements:
(1) A description of the progress of the Navy with respect to the test evaluation master plan.
(2) An assessment of whether or not completion of the test evaluation master plan will
demonstrate operational effectiveness and operational suitability for both seaframes and each
mission module.
Section 1026 of H.R. 3979 states:
(a) Authority.--Notwithstanding subsection (a) of section 7310 of title 10, United States
Code, the Secretary of the Navy may establish a pilot program for the sustainment of Littoral
Combat Ships when operating on extended deployment as follows:
(1) The pilot program shall be limited to no more than three Littoral Combat Ships at any
one time operating in extended deployment status.
(2) Sustainment authorized under the pilot program is limited to corrective and preventive
maintenance or repair (whether intermediate- or depot-level) and facilities maintenance.
Such maintenance or repair may be performed--
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(A) in a foreign shipyard;
(B) at a facility outside of a foreign shipyard; or
(C) at any other facility convenient to the vessel.
(3) Such maintenance or repair may be performed on a vessel as described in paragraph (2)
only if the work is performed by United States Government personnel or United States
contractor personnel.
(4) Facilities maintenance may be performed by a foreign contractor on a vessel as described
in paragraph (2).
(b) Report Required.--Not later than 120 days after the conclusion of the pilot program
authorized under subsection (a), the Secretary of the Navy shall submit to the congressional
defense committees a report on the pilot program. Such report shall include each of the
(1) Lessons learned from the pilot program regarding sustainment of Littoral Combat Ships
while operating on extended deployments, including the extent to which shipboard personnel
were involved in performing maintenance.
(2) A comprehensive sustainment strategy, including maintenance requirements, concepts,
and costs, intended to support Littoral Combat Ships operating on extended deployments.
(3) Observations and recommendations regarding limited exceptions to existing authorities
required to support Littoral Combat Ships operating on extended deployments.
(4) The effect of the pilot program on material readiness and operational availability.
(5) Whether overseas maintenance periodicities undertaken during the pilot program were
accomplished in the scheduled or allotted timeframes throughout the pilot program.
(6) The total cost to sustain the three Littoral Combat Ships selected for the pilot program
during the program, including all costs for Federal and contractor employees performing
corrective and preventive maintenance, and all facilitization costs, both ashore and
(7) A detailed comparison of costs, including the cost of labor, between maintenance support
provided in the United States and any savings achieved by performing facilities maintenance
in foreign shipyards.
(8) A description of the permanent facilities required to support Littoral Combat Ships
operating on extended deployment at overseas locations.
(c) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) The term ``corrective and preventive maintenance or repair'' means--
(A) maintenance or repair actions performed as a result of a failure in order to return or
restore equipment to acceptable performance levels; or
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(B) scheduled maintenance or repair actions intended to prevent or discover functional
failures, including scheduled periodic maintenance requirements and integrated class
maintenance plan tasks that are time-directed maintenance actions.
(2) The term ``facilities maintenance' means--
(A) preservation or corrosion control efforts, including surface preparation and preservation
of the structural facility to minimize effects of corrosion; or
(B) cleaning services, including--
(i) light surface cleaning of ship structures and compartments; and
(ii) deep cleaning of bilges to remove dirt, oily waste, and other foreign matter.
(d) Termination.--The authority to carry out a pilot program under subsection (a) shall
terminate on September 30, 2016.
FY2015 DOD Appropriations Act (Division C of H.R. 83/P.L. 113-

The House Appropriations Committee, in its report (H.Rept. 113-473 of June 13, 2014) on the
FY2015 DOD Appropriations Act (H.R. 4870), recommends $951.4 million in procurement
funding for the procurement of two LCSs in FY2015—a reduction of one LCS and $475.7
million from the Navy’s request. (Page 163, line 9, and page 164, line 9.) The report recommends
approving the Navy’s request for $93.0 million in procurement funding to complete the costs of
LCSs funded in prior years. (Page 163, line 21.)
The report recommends reducing by $17.731 million the Navy’s request for procurement funding
for LCS mission modules in the OPN account, with the reduction being for “MPCE cost growth”
($1.026 million), “Mk-50 gun training system growth” ($2.500 million), “SUW support and
shipping container cost growth” ($2.570 million), “ASW containers ahead of need” ($2.729
million), “Gun module cost growth” ($6.108 million), and “Maritime security module cost
growth” ($2.798 million). (Page 168, lines 34 through 37, and page 174, lines 34 through 37.)
H.Rept. 113-473 states:
The Committee is extremely concerned with statements made by the Secretary of Defense
regarding the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). While presenting the fiscal year 2015 budget, he
expressed concerns as to whether LCS has the independent protection and firepower to
operate and survive against a more advanced military adversary and emerging new
technologies, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The Secretary further stated that, in light
of continued fiscal restraints, the Department of Defense must direct future shipbuilding
resources toward platforms that can operate in every region along the full spectrum of
conflict. The Secretary subsequently directed that the Navy not engage in new LCS contract
negotiations beyond 32 ships and that it submit alternative proposals to procure a capable
and lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate.
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Within these alternative proposals, the Navy should consider a completely new design,
existing ship designs, and a modified LCS design. Under the current plan, the Navy would
purchase the 32nd LCS in fiscal year 2018, a full four years after the very strong, worrisome
statements made by the Secretary of Defense. The Committee believes that if the current
LCS is not the correct small surface combatant of the future, the Navy should correct its
course sooner rather than later and begin purchasing the correct ship well before fiscal year
2019. The Committee was surprised that the Secretary of Defense allowed so much time to
pass before ensuring the correct small surface combatant begins construction. Therefore, the
recommendation removes $476,000,000 and one ship from the request to minimize the
number of ships being procured prior to the completion of the Navy’s review while
maintaining the industrial base. Additionally, the Secretary of the Navy is directed to include
the results of the small surface combatant study into the shipbuilding plan in time to
influence the procurement of small surface combatant ships in fiscal year 2016. (Page 166)
H.Rept. 113-473 also states:
Due to the small crew size and operational concept of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the
LCS Total System Training Architecture is a vital component to the success or failure of the
LCS program. Limited at sea training opportunities will exist for the crews of the LCS so
they need to maximize their shore based training to the greatest extent possible. As the
training architecture is such an important component of the LCS program, the Committee is
puzzled as to why the Navy has reduced the funding for this effort from the appropriated
levels over the last several years. The budget justification material shows that nearly
$100,000,000 has been removed from the LCS training system budget over the last three
years. This large reduction could very possibly jeopardize the readiness of the LCS crews as
they man ships and begin to take them to sea. Therefore, the Committee directs the Secretary
of the Navy to ensure the entire fiscal year 2015 appropriated amount of $19,547,000 is
allocated towards the LCS Total System Training Architecture. (Page 239)
The Senate Appropriations Committee, in its report (S.Rept. 113-211 of July 17, 2014) on H.R.
4870, recommends increasing by $80 million the Navy’s request for FY2015 procurement
funding for LCS sea frames, with the increase being for “Restoring acquisition accountability:
Long lead time materials.” (Page 138, line 9, and page 139, line 9.) The report recommends
approving the Navy’s request for $93.0 million in procurement funding to complete the costs of
LCSs funded in prior years. (Page 138, line 21.)
The report recommends reducing by $29.038 million the Navy’s request for procurement funding
for LCS mission modules in the OPN account, with the reduction being for “Restoring acquisition
accountability: MPCE cost growth” ($1.032 million), “Restoring acquisition accountability:
Containers cost growth” ($2.943 million), “Improving funds management: SUW mission package
ahead of need” ($20.552 million), “Restoring acquisition accountability: Gun module cost
growth” ($3.080 million), and “Restoring acquisition accountability: Maritime security module
cost growth” ($1.431 million). (Page 144, lines 34 through 37, and page 150, line 34 and 37.)
S.Rept. 113-211 states:
Littoral Combat Ship [LCS].—The fiscal year 2015 budget request includes full funding for
the procurement of three Littoral Combat Ships [LCS], a reduction of one ship compared to
the prior year budget request. The Committee notes that the Navy agreed to a block buy
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contract for 20 LCS in fiscal year 2010, ramping two shipyards up to a rate of two LCS per
year beginning in fiscal year 2012, and that the Navy had planned on procuring the last four
ships of that block buy in fiscal year 2015. The fiscal year 2015 budget submission does not
support that plan. The Committee understands that the Navy now plans to extend the block
buy contract into fiscal year 2016, and that to preserve block buy pricing additional funds for
the acquisition of long lead materials are required in fiscal year 2015. Therefore, the
Committee recommends $80,000,000 only for preservation of block buy pricing. The
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition is directed to
provide the congressional defense committees an update on the Navy’s acquisition strategy
for LCS prior to the obligation of these funds. (Page 141)
S.Rept. 113-211 also states:
Littoral Combat Ship [LCS] Mission Modules.—In February 2014, the Secretary of Defense
announced the Department’s decision to reduce the planned LCS buy from 52 to 32 ships
and ordered the Secretary of the Navy to conduct a review of the Navy’s small surface
combatant needs. The Committee understands these actions were taken due to concerns
raised by the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation and Congress on the escalating
costs of the ship as well as its survivability. Additionally, the Government Accountability
Office [GAO] has repeatedly noted that the Navy’s strategy includes buying significant
numbers of LCS mission modules before their performance is demonstrated and that the
current inventory of mission packages exceeds the quantities necessary for operational
Given the testing concerns raised by GAO and the Department’s current strategic pause on
the LCS program, the Committee finds it prudent to also slow the procurement of LCS
mission modules. Therefore, the Committee recommends a total reduction of $71,314,00086
to the fiscal year 2015 budget request for LCS mission modules and related components.
(Pages 151-152)
Final Version
The explanatory statement for the FY2015 DOD Appropriations Act (Division C of H.R. 83/P.L.
113-235 of December 16, 2014) increases by $80 million the Navy’s request for FY2015
procurement funding for the procurement of three LCSs, with the increase being for “Program
increase—long lead time materials” (PDF page 162 of 368, line 9). The statement recommends
reducing by $16 million the Navy’s request for $93.0 million in procurement funding to complete
the costs of LCSs funded in prior years, with the reduction being for “Littoral Combat Ship
excess to need” (PDF page 162 of 368, line 21).
The explanatory statement reduces by $38.662 million the Navy’s request for procurement
funding for LCS mission modules in the OPN account (PDF page 172 of 368, lines 34 through
37). The $38.662 reduction consists of $1.032 million for “MPCE cost growth” (line 34—LCS
Common Mission Modules Equipment), $2.500 million for “MK-50 gun training system growth”
(line 34), $2.943 million for “SUW support and shipping container cost growth” (line 34), $2.729
million for “ASW containers ahead of need” (line 36—LCS ASW Mission Modules; this
reduction reduces that line item to zero), $6.108 million for “Gun module cost growth” (line 37—

86 The figure of $71.314 million includes, in addition to the recommended reductions detailed earlier, a reduction of
$42.276 million to the Navy’s request in the OPN account for funding for the procurement of the Remote Minehunting
System (RMS). (See S.Rept. 113-211, page 144, line 38, and page 150, line 38.)
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LCS SUW Mission Modules), $2.798 million for “Maritime security module cost growth” (line
37), and $20.552 million for “SUW mission package ahead of need (line 37).

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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Appendix A. Cost Growth on LCS Sea Frames in
FY2007-FY2013 Budgets

This appendix presents details on cost growth on the first few LCS sea frames in the FY2007-
FY2012 budget submissions.
FY2007 Budget
The proposed FY2007 Navy budget, submitted in February 2006, showed that:
• the estimate for the first LCS had increased from $215.5 million in the FY2005
budget and $212.5 million in the FY2006 budget to $274.5 million in the
FY2007 budget—an increase of about 27% from the FY2005 figure and about
29% form the FY2006 figure;
• the estimate for the second LCS increased from $213.7 million in the FY2005
budget and $256.5 million in the FY2006 budget to $278.1 million—an increase
of about 30% from the FY2005 figure and about 8% from the FY2006 figure;
• the estimate for follow-on ships scheduled for FY2009-FY2011, when the LCS
program was to have reached a planned maximum annual procurement rate of six
ships per year, had increased from $223.3 million in the FY2006 budget to $298
million—an increase of about 33%.
The Navy stated in early 2006 that the cost increase from the FY2006 budget to the FY2007
budget was due mostly to the fact that LCS procurement costs in the FY2006 budget did not
include items that are traditionally included in the so-called end cost—the total budgeted
procurement cost—of a Navy shipbuilding program, such as Navy program-management costs,
an allowance for changes, and escalation (inflation). The absence of these costs from the FY2006
LCS budget submission raised certain potential oversight issues for Congress.87

87 These oversight issues included the following:
—Why were these costs excluded? Was this a budget-preparation oversight? If so, how could such an oversight occur,
given the many people involved in Navy budget preparation and review, and why did it occur on the LCS program but
not other programs? Was anyone held accountable for this oversight, and if so, how? If this was not an oversight, then
what was the reason?
—Did the Navy believe there was no substantial risk of penalty for submitting to Congress a budget presentation for a
shipbuilding program that, for whatever reason, significantly underestimated procurement costs?
—Do LCS procurement costs in the budget now include all costs that, under traditional budgeting practices, should be
included? If not, what other costs are still unacknowledged?
—Have personnel or other resources from other Navy programs been used for the LCS program in any way? If so, have
the costs of these personnel or other resources been fully charged to the LCS program and fully reflected in LCS
program costs shown in the budget?
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FY2008 Budget
On January 11, 2007, the Navy reported that LCS-1 was experiencing “considerable cost
overruns.” The Navy subsequently stated that the estimated shipyard construction cost of LCS-1
had grown to $350 million to $375 million. This suggested that the end cost of LCS-1—which
also includes costs for things such as Navy program-management costs and an allowance for
changes—could be in excess of $400 million. The Navy did not publicly provide a precise cost
overrun figure for LCS 2, but it stated that the cost overrun on LCSs 1 and 2 was somewhere
between 50% and 75%, depending on the baseline that is used to measure the overrun.
GAO testified in July 2007 that according to its own analysis of Navy data, the combined cost of
LCSs 1 and 2 had increased from $472 million to $1,075 million—an increase of 128%.88 CBO
testified in July 2007 that:
Several months ago, press reports indicated that the cost could well exceed $400 million
each for the first two LCS sea frames. Recently, the Navy requested that the cost cap for the
fifth and sixth sea frames be raised to $460 million, which suggests that the Navy’s estimate
of the acquisition cost for the first two LCSs would be around $600 million apiece....
As of this writing, the Navy has not publicly released an estimate for the LCS program that
incorporates the most recent cost growth, other than its request to raise the cost caps for the
fifth and sixth ships. CBO estimates that with that growth included, the first two LCSs would
cost about $630 million each, excluding mission modules but including outfitting,
postdelivery, and various nonrecurring costs associated with the first ships of the class. As
the program advances, with a settled design and higher annual rates of production, the
average cost per ship is likely to decline. Excluding mission modules, the 55 LCSs in the
Navy’s plan would cost an average of $450 million each, CBO estimates.89
FY2009 Budget
The proposed FY2009 budget, submitted in February 2008, showed that the estimated end costs
of LCS-1 and LCS-2 had increased to $531 million and $507 million, respectively—or to $631
million and $636 million, respectively, when OF/PD (outfitting and post-delivery) and FSD
MSSIT (Final System Design Mission Systems and Ship Integration Team) costs are included, or
to $606 million and $582 million, respectively, when OF/PD costs are included, but FSD MSSIT
costs are not included.
FY2010 Budget
The proposed FY2010 budget, submitted in May 2009, showed that the estimated end costs of
LCS-1 and LCS-2 had increased to $537 million and $575 million, respectively (or to $637

88 Defense Acquisitions[:] Realistic Business Cases Needed to Execute Navy Shipbuilding Programs, Statement of Paul
L. Francis, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management Team, Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Seapower
and Expeditionary Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, July 24, 2007 (GAO-07-943T),
pp. 4 and 22.
89 Statement of J. Michael Gilmore, Assistant Director for National Security, and Eric J. Labs, Senior Analyst, [on] The
Navy’s 2008 Shipbuilding Plan and Key Ship Programs, before the Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary
Forces Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives, July 24, 2007, p. 18.
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million and $704 million, respectively, when OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are included, or to
$612 million and $650 million, respectively, when OF/PD costs are included, but FSD MSSIT
costs are not included). CBO reported on June 9, 2008, that:
Historical experience indicates that cost growth in the LCS program is likely. In particular,
using the lead ship of the FFG-7 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate as an analogy, historical
cost-to-weight relationships indicate that the Navy’s original cost target for the LCS of $260
million in 2009 dollars (or $220 million in 2005 dollars) was optimistic. The first FFG-7 cost
about $670 million in 2009 dollars to build, or about $250 million per thousand tons,
including combat systems. Applying that metric to the LCS program suggests that the lead
ships would cost about $600 million apiece, including the cost of one mission module. Thus,
in this case, the use of a historical cost-to-weight relationship produces an estimate that is
less than the actual costs of the first LCSs to date but substantially more than the Navy’s
original estimate.
Based on actual costs the Navy has incurred for the LCS program, CBO estimates that the
first two LCSs could cost about $700 million each, including outfitting and postdelivery and
various nonrecurring costs associated with first ships of a class but excluding mission
modules. However, as of May 1, 2008, LCS-1 was 83 percent complete and LCS-2 was 68
percent complete. Thus, additional cost growth is possible, and CBO’s estimate reflects that
cost risk.
Overall, CBO estimates that the LCSs in the Navy’s plan would cost about $550 million
each, on average, excluding mission modules. That estimate assumes that the Navy would
select one of the two existing designs and make no changes. As the program advanced with a
settled design and higher annual rates of production, average ship costs would probably
decline. If the Navy decided to make changes to that design, however, the costs of building
future ships could be higher than CBO now estimates.90
FY2011 Budget
The proposed FY2011 budget, submitted in February 2010, showed that the estimated end cost of
LCS-1 remained unchanged from the previous year at $537 million, and that the estimated end
cost of LCS-2 had increased to $607 million. These two figures become $656 million and $736
million, respectively, when OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are included, or $631 million and $682
million, respectively, when OF/PD costs are included, but FSD MSSIT costs are not included.
The Navy’s FY2011 budget submission states that OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are non-end cost
items, and that FSD MSSIT costs for LCS-1 and LCS-2 “are not true construction costs and are
[instead] costs associated with design completion.”91
FY2012 Budget
The proposed FY2012 budget, submitted in February 2011, showed that the estimated end cost of
LCS-1 remained unchanged from the previous year at $537 million, and that the estimated end

90 Congressional Budget Office, Resource Implications of the Navy’s Fiscal Year 2009 Shipbuilding Plan, June 8,
2008, pp. 26-27.
91 Source: Department of Navy, Department of the Navy Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Budget Estimates, February 2010,
Justification of Estimates, Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Navy, Budget Activity 4
, Exhibit R-2A, RDT&E
Project Justification, PE 0603581N: Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), pages 34-35 of 46 (PDF pages 552-553 of 1054).
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cost of LCS-2 had increased to $653 million. These two figures become $670.4 million and
$808.8 million, respectively, when OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are included, or $645.4 million
and $754.8 million, respectively, when OF/PD costs are included, but FSD MSSIT costs are not
included. The Navy’s FY2011 budget submission states that OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are
non-end cost items, and that FSD MSSIT costs for LCS-1 and LCS-2 “are not true construction
costs and are [instead] costs associated with design completion.”92
FY2013 Budget
The proposed FY2013 budget, submitted in February 2012, showed that the estimated end costs
of LCS-1 and LCS -2 remained unchanged from the previous year at $537 million and $653
million, respectively. These two figures become $670.4 million and $813.4 million, respectively,
when OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are included, or $645.4 million and $759.4 million,
respectively, when OF/PD costs are included, but FSD MSSIT costs are not included. The Navy’s
FY2012 budget submission states that OF/PD and FSD MSSIT costs are non-end cost items, and
that FSD MSSIT costs for LCS-1 and LCS-2 “are not true construction costs and are [instead]
costs associated with design completion.”93
Reasons for Cost Growth
Various reasons have been cited for cost growth in the LCS program, including the following:
Unrealistically low original estimate. Some observers believe that the original
cost estimate of $220 million for the LCS sea frame was unrealistically low. If so,
a potential follow-on question would be whether the LCS represents a case of
“low-balling”—using an unrealistically low cost estimate in the early stages of a
proposed weapon program to help the program win approval and become an
established procurement effort.
Impact of Naval Vessel Rules (NVR). Navy and industry officials have
attributed some of the cost growth to the impact of applying new Naval Vessel
Rules (NVR)—essentially, new rules specifying the construction standards for
the ship—to the LCS program. The NVR issued for the LCS program
incorporated, among other things, an increase in the survivability standard (the
ability to withstand damage) to which LCSs were to be built. Building the ship to
a higher survivability standard represented a change in requirements for the ship
that led to many design changes, including changes that made ship more rugged
and more complex in terms of its damage-control systems. In addition, Navy and
industry officials have testified, the timing of the issuing of NVR created a
situation of concurrency between design and construction in the LCS program,
meaning that the ship was being designed at the same time that the shipyard was

92 Source: Department of Defense, Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Budget Estimates, February 2011,
Navy Justification Book Volume 2, Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Navy, Budget Activity 4
, Exhibit R-2A,
RDT&E Project Justification, PE 0603581N: Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), page 33 of 42 (PDF page 469 of 888).
93 Source: Department of Defense, Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 President’s Budget Submission,
February 2012, Navy Justification Book Volume 2, Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Navy, Budget Activity
, Exhibit R-2A, RDT&E Project Justification, PE 0603581N: Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), pages 39 and 40 of 48
(PDF pages 491 and 492 of 940).
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attempting to build it—a situation long known to be a potential cause of cost
growth. This concurrency, Navy officials testified, was a consequence of the
compressed construction schedule for the LCS program, which in turn reflected
an urgency about getting LCSs into the fleet to meet critical mission demands.
Improperly manufactured reduction gear. Navy and industry officials testified
that cost growth on LCS-1 was partly due to a main reduction gear94 that was
incorrectly manufactured and had to be replaced, forcing a reordering of the
construction sequence for the various major sections of the ship.
Increased costs for materials. Some observers have attributed part of the cost
growth in the program to higher-than-estimated costs for steel and other materials
that are used in building the ships.
Emphasis on meeting schedule combined with cost-plus contract. Some
portion of cost growth on LCS-1 has been attributed to a combination of a Navy
emphasis on meeting the ship’s aggressive construction schedule and the Navy’s
use of a cost-plus contract to build the ship.95
Shipyard Performance. Shipyard performance and supervision of the LCS
shipyards by the LCS team leaders and the Navy has been cited as another cause
of cost growth.96
July 2007 GAO Testimony
GAO testified in July 2007 that:
We have frequently reported on the wisdom of using a solid, executable business case before
committing resources to a new product development effort....
A sound business case would establish and resource a knowledge-based approach at the
outset of a program. We would define such a business case as firm requirements, mature
technologies, and an acquisition strategy that provides sufficient time and money for design
activities before construction start. The business case is the essential first step in any

94 A ship’s reduction gear is a large, heavy gear that reduces the high-speed revolutions of the ship’s turbine engines to
the lower-speed revolutions of its propulsors.
95 The Senate Armed Services Committee, as part of its discussion of the LCS program in its report (S.Rept. 110-77 of
June 5, 2007) on the FY2008 defense authorization bill (S. 1547), stated:
Reviewing this LCS situation will undoubtedly result in a new set of “lessons learned”‘ that the
acquisition community will dutifully try to implement. However, the committee has previously
expressed concerns about the LCS concept and the LCS acquisition strategy. The LCS situation
may be more a case of “lessons lost.” Long ago, we knew that we should not rush to sign a
construction contract before we have solidified requirements. We also knew that the contractors
will respond to incentives, and that if the incentives are focused on maintaining schedules and not
on controlling cost, cost growth on a cost-plus contract should surprise no one. After the fact,
everyone appears ready to agree that the original ship construction schedule for the lead ship was
overly aggressive. (Page 98)
96 See Katherine McIntire Peters, “Navy’s Top Officer Sees Lessons In Shipbuilding Program Failures,”, September 24, 2008; Christopher J. Castelli, “Audit Exposes Failed Management of
Troubled Littoral Warship,” Inside the Navy, February 4, 2008; Christopher J. Castelli, “Audit Reveals Both LCS and
Industry Teams Violated Management Rules,” Inside the Pentagon, July 10, 2008 (reprinted in essentially identical
form, with the same headline, in the July 14, 2008, issue of sister publication Inside the Navy).
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

acquisition program that sets the stage for the remaining stages of a program, namely the
business or contracting arrangements and actual execution or performance. If the business
case is not sound, the contract will not correct the problem and execution will be subpar.
This does not mean that all potential problems can be eliminated and perfection achieved, but
rather that sound business cases can get the Navy better shipbuilding outcomes and better
return on investment. If any one element of the business case is weak, problems can be
expected in construction. The need to meet schedule is one of the main reasons why
programs cannot execute their business cases. This pattern was clearly evident in both the
LPD 17 [amphibious ship] and LCS programs. In both cases, the program pushed ahead with
production even when design problems arose or key equipment was not available when
needed. Short cuts, such as doing technology development concurrently with design and
construction, are taken to meet schedule. In the end, problems occur that cannot be resolved
within compressed, optimistic schedules. Ultimately, when a schedule is set that cannot
accommodate program scope, delivering an initial capability is delayed and higher costs are
What happens when the elements of a solid business case are not present? Unfortunately, the
results have been all too visible in the LPD 17 and the LCS. Ship construction in these
programs has been hampered throughout by design instability and program management
challenges that can be traced back to flawed business cases. The Navy moved forward with
ambitious schedules for constructing LPD 17 and LCS despite significant challenges in
stabilizing the designs for these ships. As a result, construction work has been performed out
of sequence and significant rework has been required, disrupting the optimal construction
sequence and application of lessons learned for follow-on vessels in these programs....
In the LCS program, design instability resulted from a flawed business case as well as
changes to Navy requirements. From the outset, the Navy sought to concurrently design and
construct two lead ships in the LCS program in an effort to rapidly meet pressing needs in
the mine countermeasures, antisubmarine warfare, and surface warfare mission areas. The
Navy believed it could manage this approach, even with little margin for error, because it
considered each LCS to be an adaptation of an existing high-speed ferry design. It has since
been realized that transforming a high-speed ferry into a capable, networked, survivable
warship was quite a complex venture. Implementation of new Naval Vessel Rules (design
guidelines) further complicated the Navy’s concurrent design-build strategy for LCS. These
rules required program officials to redesign major elements of each LCS design to meet
enhanced survivability requirements, even after construction had begun on the first ship.
While these requirements changes improved the robustness of LCS designs, they contributed
to out of sequence work and rework on the lead ships. The Navy failed to fully account for
these changes when establishing its $220 million cost target and 2-year construction cycle
for the lead ships.
Complicating LCS construction was a compressed and aggressive schedule. When design
standards were clarified with the issuance of Naval Vessel Rules and major equipment
deliveries were delayed (e.g., main reduction gears), adjustments to the schedule were not
made. Instead, with the first LCS, the Navy and shipbuilder continued to focus on achieving
the planned schedule, accepting the higher costs associated with out of sequence work and
rework. This approach enabled the Navy to achieve its planned launch date for the first
Littoral Combat Ship, but required it to sacrifice its desired level of outfitting. Program
officials report that schedule pressures also drove low outfitting levels on the second Littoral
Combat Ship design as well, although rework requirements have been less intensive to date.
However, because remaining work on the first two ships will now have to be completed out-
of-sequence, the initial schedule gains most likely will be offset by increased labor hours to
finish these ships.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The difficulties and costs discussed above relate to the LCS seaframe only. This program is
unique in that the ship’s mission equipment is being developed and funded separately from
the seaframe. The Navy faces additional challenges integrating mission packages with the
ships, which could further increase costs and delay delivery of new antisubmarine warfare,
mine countermeasures, and surface warfare capabilities to the fleet. These mission packages
are required to meet a weight requirement of 180 metric tons or less and require 35 personnel
or less to operate them. However, the Navy estimates that the mine countermeasures mission
package may require an additional 13 metric tons of weight and seven more operator
personnel in order to deploy the full level of promised capability. Because neither of the
competing ship designs can accommodate these increases, the Navy may be forced to
reevaluate its planned capabilities for LCS.97

97 Defense Acquisitions[:] Realistic Business Cases Needed to Execute Navy Shipbuilding Programs, Statement of Paul
L. Francis, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management Team, Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Seapower
and Expeditionary Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, July 24, 2007 (GAO-07-943T),
pp. 8-11.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Appendix B. 2007 Program Restructuring and
Ship Cancellations

The Navy substantially restructured the LCS program in 2007 in response to significant cost
growth and delays in constructing the first LCS sea frames. This restructuring led to the
cancellation of four LCSs that were funded in FY2006 and FY2007. A fifth LCS, funded in
FY2008, was cancelled in 2008. This appendix presents the details of the program restructuring
and ship cancellations.
2007 Program Restructuring
March 2007 Navy Restructuring Plan
In response to significant cost growth and schedule delays in the building of the first LCSs that
first came to light in January 2007 (see next section), the Navy in March 2007 announced a plan
for restructuring the LCS program that:
• canceled the two LCSs funded in FY2007 and redirected the funding for those
two ships to pay for cost overruns on earlier LCSs;
• announced an intention to lift a 90-day stop-work order that the Navy had placed
on LCS-3 in January 2007—provided that the Navy reached an agreement with
the Lockheed-led industry team by April 12, 2007, to restructure the contract for
building LCSs 1 and 3 from a cost-plus type contract into a fixed price incentive
(FPI)-type contract—or terminate construction of LCS-3 if an agreement on a
restructured contract could not be reached with the Lockheed team by April 12,
• announced an intention to seek to restructure the contract with the General
Dynamics-led industry team for building LCSs 2 and 4 into an FPI-type
contract—if LCSs 2 and 4 experienced cost growth comparable to that of LCSs 1
and 3—and, if such a restructuring were sought, terminate construction of LCS-4
if an agreement on a restructured contract for LCS-2 and LCS-4 could not be
• reduced the number of LCSs requested for FY2008 from three to two (for the
same requested FY2008 procurement funding of $910.5 million), and the number
to be requested for FY2009 from six to three; and
• announced an intention to conduct an operational evaluation to select a favored
design for the LCS that would be procured in FY2010 and subsequent years, and
to conduct a full and open follow-on competition among bidders for the right to
build that design.98

98 Source: Navy briefing to CRS and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Navy’s proposed LCS program
restructuring plan, March 21, 2007.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

April 2007 Termination of LCS-3
On April 12, 2007, the Navy announced that it had not reached an agreement with Lockheed on a
restructured FPI-type contract for LCS-1 and LCS-3, and consequently was terminating
construction of LCS-3.99 (The Navy subsequently began referring to the ship as having been
partially terminated—a reference to the fact that Lockheed was allowed to continue procuring
certain components for LCS-3, so that a complete set of these components would be on hand to
be incorporated into the next LCS built to the Lockheed design.) (The designation LCS-3 is now
being reused to refer to one of the two LCSs procured in FY2009.)
November 2007 Termination of LCS-4
In late September 2007, it was reported that the Navy on September 19 had sent a letter to
General Dynamics to initiate negotiations on restructuring the contract for building LCSs 2 and 4
into an FPI-type contract. The negotiations reportedly were to be completed by October 19,
2007—30 days from September 19.100 On November 1, 2007, the Navy announced that it had not
reached an agreement with General Dynamics on a restructured FPI-type contract for LCS-2 and
LCS-4, and consequently was terminating construction of LCS-4.101 (The designation LCS-4 is
now being reused to refer to one of the two LCSs procured in FY2009.)
Cancellation of Prior-Year Ships
Table B-1 below summarizes the status of the nine LCSs funded by Congress from FY2005
through FY2009. As shown in the table, of the nine ships, five were later canceled, leaving four
ships in place through FY2009—LCSs 1 and 2, and the two LCSs funded in FY2009. Ship
designations LCS-3 and LCS-4 are being reused as the designations for the two ships funded in

99 Department of Defense News Release No. 422-07, April 12, 2007, “Navy Terminates Littoral Combat Ship 3.”
100 Geoff Fein, “Navy Seeking To Negotiate FPI Contract With General Dynamics,” Defense Daily, September 24,
2007; Geoff Fein, “Navy, General Dynamics Meet To Discuss New LCS Fixed Price Structure,” Defense Daily,
September 27, 2007; Tony Capaccio, “General Dynamics Urged To Take Fixed Price On Warship Contract,”
Bloomberg News, September 28, 2007; Jason Sherman, “Navy, General Dynamics Discuss Fixed-Price Contract For
LCS,” Inside the Navy, October 1, 2007.
101 Department of Defense News Release No. 1269-07, November 1, 2007, “Navy Terminates Littoral Combat Ship
(LCS 4) Contract.”
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Table B-1. Status of LCSs Funded in FY2005-FY2009
Navy hull
designation Status
2005 LCS-1 Commissioned into service on November 8, 2008.
Commissioned into service on January 16, 2010.
Canceled by Navy in April 2007 after being placed under
contract due to inability to come to agreement with contractor
(not the same ship as LCS-3 below)
on revised (fixed-price) contract terms for LCSs 1 and 3.
Canceled by Navy in November 2007 after being placed under
contract due to inability to come to agreement with contractor
(not the same ship as LCS-4 below)
on revised (fixed-price) contract terms for LCSs 2 and 4.
Canceled by Navy in March 2007 before being placed under
(ship canceled before being placed
contract as part of Navy’s LCS program restructuring; funds
under contract)
reapplied to cover other program costs.
Canceled by Navy in March 2007 before being placed under
(ship canceled before being placed
contract as part of Navy’s LCS program restructuring; funds
under contract)
reapplied to cover other program costs.
Canceled by Navy following Congress’s decision in
(for a while, at least, although the ship September 2008, as part of its action on the FY2009 defense
was canceled before being placed
appropriations bill, to rescind the funding for the ship.
under contract; the ship designation is
now being used for the first of the two
ships funded in FY2010)
Commissioned into service on August 6, 2012.
(not the same ship as LCS-3 above; the
ship designation is being reused)
Under construction.
(not the same ship as LCS-4 above; the
ship designation is being reused)
Source: Prepared by CRS.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Appendix C. Down Select Acquisition Strategy
Announced in September 2009

This appendix presents additional background information on the down select acquisition strategy
announced by the Navy on September 16, 2009.
DOD and Navy Background Information
A September 16, 2009, DOD news release on the proposed down select strategy stated:
The Navy announced today it will down select between the two Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
designs in fiscal 2010. The current LCS seaframe construction solicitation [for the FY2010
LCSs] will be cancelled and a new solicitation will be issued. At down select, a single prime
contractor and shipyard will be awarded a fixed price incentive contract for up to 10 ships
with two ships in fiscal 2010 and options through fiscal 2014. This decision was reached
after careful review of the fiscal 2010 industry bids, consideration of total program costs, and
ongoing discussions with Congress.
“This change to increase competition is required so we can build the LCS at an affordable
price,” said Ray Mabus, secretary of the Navy. “LCS is vital to our Navy’s future. It must
“Both ships meet our operational requirements and we need LCS now to meet the
warfighters’ needs,” said Adm. Gary Roughead, chief of naval operations. “Down selecting
now will improve affordability and will allow us to build LCS at a realistic cost and not
compromise critical warfighting capabilities.”
The Navy cancelled the solicitation to procure up to three LCS Flight 0+ ships in fiscal 2010
due to affordability. Based on proposals received this summer, it was not possible to execute
the LCS program under the current acquisition strategy and given the expectation of
constrained budgets. The new LCS acquisition strategy improves affordability by
competitively awarding a larger number of ships across several years to one source. The
Navy will accomplish this goal by issuing a new fixed price incentive solicitation for a down
select to one of the two designs beginning in fiscal 2010.
Both industry teams will have the opportunity to submit proposals for the fiscal 2010 ships
under the new solicitation. The selected industry team will deliver a quality technical data
package, allowing the Navy to open competition for a second source for the selected design
beginning in fiscal 2012. The winner of the down select will be awarded a contract for up to
10 ships from fiscal 2010 through fiscal 2014, and also provide combat systems for up to
five additional ships provided by a second source. Delivery of LCS 2, along with
construction of LCS 3 and LCS 4 will not be affected by the decision. This plan ensures the
best value for the Navy, continues to fill critical warfighting gaps, reduces program
ownership costs, and meets the spirit and intent of the Weapons System Acquisition Reform
Act of 2009....
The Navy remains committed to the LCS program and the requirement for 55 of these ships
to provide combatant commanders with the capability to defeat anti-access threats in the
littorals, including fast surface craft, quiet submarines and various types of mines. The
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Navy’s acquisition strategy will be guided by cost and performance of the respective designs
as well as options for sustaining competition throughout the life of the program.102
A September 16, 2009, email from the Navy to CRS provided additional information on the
proposed down select strategy, stating:
The Navy remains committed to a 55 ship LCS program and intends to procure these ships
through an acquisition strategy that leverages competition, fixed price contracting and
stability in order to meet our overarching objectives of performance and affordability.
In the best interest of the Government, the Navy cancelled the solicitation to procure up to
three LCS Flight 0+ ships in FY10 due to affordability.
Based on proposals received in August, the Navy had no reasonable basis to find that the
LCS Program would be executable going forward under the current acquisition strategy,
given the expectation of constrained budgets.
In the near future, and working closely with Congress, the Navy will issue a new FY10
solicitation which downselects between the two existing designs and calls for building two
ships in FY10 and provides options for two additional ships per year from FY11 to FY14 for
a total of ten ships. The intent is for all of these ships to be built in one shipyard, which will
benefit from a stable order quantity, training and production efficiencies to drive costs down.
Both industry teams will have the opportunity to submit proposals for the FY10 ships under
the new solicitation.
To sustain competition throughout the life of the program and in conjunction with the
downselect, the Navy will develop a complete Technical Data Package which will be used to
open competition for a second source of the selected design in FY12, awarding one ship with
options for up to four additional ships through FY14, to a new shipbuilder.
Our FY10 solicitation will call for the prime to build an additional five combat systems to be
delivered as government-furnished equipment for this second source shipyard. Separating the
ship and combat systems procurement will enable bringing the LCS combat system into the
broader Navy’s open architecture plan.
In short, this strategy calls for two shipbuilders in continuous competition for a single LCS
seaframe design, and a government-provided combat system.
The revised strategy meets the full spirit and intent of the Weapon Systems Acquisition
Reform Act of 2009 by increasing Government oversight, employing fixed price contract
types, maximizing competition, leveraging open architecture, using Economic Order
Quantity and Block Buy strategies, and ensuring future competition for shipbuilding as
enabled by development of a Technical Data Package to solicit ships from a second shipyard.
We also continue to work closely with Congress on the Navy’s LCS procurement
The Navy intends to continue with construction and delivery of LCS 3 and LCS 4, ultimately
for use as deployable assets. We will continue to explore all avenues to ensure this is an
affordable program.103

102 Department of Defense, “Littoral Combat Ship Down Select Announced,” News Release 722-09, September 16,
2009, available online at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The Navy briefed CRS and CBO about the proposed down select strategy on September 22, 2009.
Points made by the Navy in the briefing included the following:
• The bids from the two industry teams for the three LCSs requested in the FY2010
budget (which were submitted to the Navy in late July or early August 2009)104
were above the LCS unit procurement cost cap in “all scenarios.”
• Negotiations with the industry teams were deemed by the Navy to be not likely to
result in award prices for the FY2010 ships that were acceptable to the Navy.
• The Navy judged that the current LCS teaming arrangements “considerably
influenced costs” in the FY2010 bids.
• The Navy judged that it cannot afford more than a two-ship award in FY2010
within the amount of funding ($1,380 million) requested for LCS sea frame
procurement in FY2010.
• In response to the above points, the Navy decided to seek a new acquisition
strategy for LCSs procured in FY2010 and subsequent years that would make the
LCS program affordable by leveraging competition, providing stability to LCS
shipyards and suppliers, producing LCSs at efficient rates, giving industry
incentives to make investments that would reduce LCS production costs, and
increasing commonality in the resulting LCS fleet.
• Under the Navy’s proposed strategy, the winner of the LCS down select would be
awarded a contract to build two ships procured in FY2010, with options to build
two more ships per year in FY2011-FY2014. The contract would be a block-buy
contract augmented with Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) authority, so as to
permit up-front batch purchases of long leadtime components, as would be the
case under a multiyear procurement (MYP) contract. Unlike an MYP contract,
however, the block buy contract would not include a termination liability.
• The winner of the down select would deliver to the Navy a technical data
package that would permit another shipyard to build the winning LCS design.
• The Navy would hold a second competition to select a second LCS bidder. This
competition would be open to all firms other than the shipyard that is building the
10 LCSs in FY2010-FY2014. The winner of this second competition would be
awarded a contract to build up to five LCSs in FY2012-FY2014 (one ship in
FY2012, and two ships per year in FY2013-FY2014).
• The Navy would maintain competition between the two shipyards for LCSs
procured in FY2015 and subsequent years.
• The prime contactor on the team that wins the LCS down select (i.e., Lockheed
or General Dynamics) would provide the combat systems for all the LCSs to be

103 Email from Navy Office of Legislative Affairs to CRS, entitled “LCS Way Ahead,” September 16, 2009.
104 See, for example, Christopher P. Cavas, “LCS Bids Submitted to U.S. Navy,”, August 3, 2009,
which states: “Lockheed Martin announced its proposal was sent to the Navy on July 31, and rival General Dynamics
confirmed its plans were sent in by the Aug. 3 deadline.” See also Bettina H. Chavanne, “Lockheed Submits First LCS
Proposal Under Cost Cap Regulations,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, August 4, 2009: 5.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

procured in FY2010-FY2014—the 10 that would be built by the first shipyard,
and the others that would be built by the second shipyard.
• The structure of the industry team that wins the down select would be altered,
with the prime contractor on the team being separated from the shipyard (i.e., the
shipyard building the 10 LCSs in FY2010-FY2014). The separation, which
would occur some time between FY2010 and FY2014, would be intended in part
to prevent an organizational conflict of interest on the part of the prime contractor
as it provides combat systems to the two shipyards building LCSs.
• The current combat system used on the selected LCS design will be modified
over time to a configuration that increases its commonality with one or more of
the Navy’s existing surface ship combat systems.
• The Navy intends to complete the construction and delivery of LCS-3 and LCS-
• The Navy believes that the proposed acquisition strategy does the following:
maximize the use of competition in awarding contracts for LCSs procured in
FY2010-FY2014; provide an opportunity for achieving EOQ savings with
vendors; provide stability and efficient production quantities to the shipyards and
vendors; provide an opportunity to move to a common combat system for the
LCS fleet; and provide the lowest-possible total ownership cost for the Navy for
the resulting LCS fleet, in large part because the fleet would consist primarily of
a single LCS design with a single logistics support system. The Navy also
believes the proposed strategy is consistent with the spirit and intent of the
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (S. 454/P.L. 111-23 of May 22,
Regarding the Navy’s ability to sustain a competition between two LCS builders for LCS
construction contracts years from now, when the annual LCS procurement rate is projected to
drop to 1.5 ships per year (i.e., a 1-2-1-2 pattern), Under Secretary of the Navy Robert Work
reportedly stated:
“We are going to be able to compete those. We will be able to compete three [ships] every
two years and one of the yards will win two and one yard will win one. Sometimes, we’ll do
a five multi-year [procurement contract]. We have all sorts of flexibility in here,” he said.105
Potential Oversight Questions for Congress
Prior to the Navy’s November 3, 2010, proposal for a dual-award acquisition strategy, the
proposed down select strategy posed several potential oversight questions for Congress, including
the following:
• Did the timing of the Navy’s September 2009 announcement of the strategy—
very late in the congressional process for reviewing, marking up, and finalizing
action on the FY2010 defense budget—provide Congress with sufficient time to

105 Geoff Fein, “Official: Navy OK With Either LCS, New Acquisition Plan Adds Flexibility In Out Years,” Defense
, February 18, 2010: 3.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

adequately review the proposal prior to finalizing its action on the FY2010
defense budget?
• Does the Navy’s proposed strategy allow the Navy enough time to adequately
evaluate the operational characteristics of the two LCS designs before selecting
one of those designs for all future production?
• Does the Navy’s proposed method for conducting the LCS down select—the
Request for Proposals (RFP)—appropriately balance procurement cost against
other criteria, such as life-cycle operation and support (O&S) cost and ship
• What risks would the Navy face if the shipyard that wins the competition to build
the 10 LCSs in FY2010-FY2014 cannot build them within the contracted cost?
• How does the Navy plan to evolve the combat system on the winning LCS design
to a configuration that has greater commonality with one or more existing Navy
surface ship combat systems?
• What are the Navy’s longer-term plans regarding the two “orphan” LCSs that are
built to the design that is not chosen in the down select?
• What potential alternatives are there to this acquisition strategy?
Each of these questions is discussed briefly below.
Enough Time for Adequate Congressional Review of Navy Proposal?
One potential issue for Congress concerning the proposed down select strategy was whether the
timing of the Navy’s September 2009 announcement of the strategy—very late in the
congressional process for reviewing, marking up, and finalizing action on the FY2010 defense
budget—provided Congress with sufficient time to adequately review the proposal prior to
finalizing its action on the FY2010 defense budget. The announcement of the Navy’s proposed
acquisition strategy on September 16, 2009, came
• after the defense committees of Congress had held their hearings to review the
FY2010 budget submission;
• after the FY2010 defense authorization bill (H.R. 2647/S. 1390) and the DOD
appropriations bill (H.R. 3326) had been reported in the House and Senate;
• after both the House and Senate had amended and passed their versions of the
FY2010 defense authorization bill, setting the stage for the conference on that
bill; and
• after the House had passed its version of the FY2010 DOD appropriations bill.
The timing of the Navy’s announcement was a byproduct of the fact that the Navy was not able to
see and evaluate the industry bids for the three LCSs that the Navy had originally requested for
FY2010 until August 2009. The September 16, 2009, announcement date may have been the
earliest possible announcement date, given the time the Navy needed to consider the situation
created by the bids, evaluate potential courses of action, and select the proposed acquisition
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Although the Navy might not have been able to present the proposed down select strategy to
Congress any sooner than September 16, the timing of the Navy’s announcement nevertheless put
Congress in the position of being asked to approve a major proposal for the LCS program—a
proposal that would determine the basic shape of the acquisition strategy for the program for
many years into the future—with little or no opportunity for formal congressional review and
consideration through hearings and committee markup activities.
A shortage of time for formal congressional review and consideration would be a potential
oversight issue for Congress for any large weapon acquisition program, but this might have been
especially the case for the LCS program, because it was not be the first time that the Navy put
Congress in the position of having to make a significant decision about the LCS program with
little or no opportunity for formal congressional review and consideration. As discussed in
previous CRS reporting on the LCS program, a roughly similar situation occurred in the summer
of 2002, after Congress had completed its budget-review hearings on the proposed FY2003
budget, when the Navy submitted a late request for the research and development funding that
effectively started the LCS program.106

106 The issue of whether Congress was given sufficient time to review and consider the merits of the LCS program in its
early stages was discussed through multiple editions of past CRS reports covering the LCS program. The discussion in
those reports raised the question of whether “Navy officials adopted a rapid acquisition strategy for the LCS program in
part to limit the amount of time available to Congress to assess the merits of the LCS program and thereby effectively
rush Congress into approving the start of LCS procurement before Congress fully understands the details of the
program.” The discussion continued:
With regard to the possibility of rushing Congress into a quick decision on LCS procurement, it can
be noted that announcing the LCS program in November 2001 and subsequently proposing to start
procurement in FY2005 resulted in a situation of Congress having only three annual budget-review
seasons to learn about the new LCS program, assess its merits against other competing DOD
priorities, and make a decision on whether to approve the start of procurement. These three annual
budget-review seasons would occur in 2002, 2003, and 2004, when Congress would review the
Navy’s proposed FY2003, FY2004, and FY2005 budgets, respectively. Congress’ opportunity to
conduct a thorough review of the LCS program in the first two of these three years, moreover, may
have been hampered:

2002 budget-review season (for FY2003 budget). The Navy’s original FY2003 budget
request, submitted to Congress in February 2002, contained no apparent funding for
development of the LCS. In addition, the Navy in early 2002 had not yet announced that it
intended to employ a rapid acquisition strategy for the LCS program. As a result, in the early
months of 2002, there may have been little reason within Congress to view the LCS program
as a significant FY2003 budget-review issue. In the middle of 2002, the Navy submitted an
amended request asking for $33 million in FY2003 development funding for the LCS
program. Navy officials explained that they did not decide until the middle of 2002 that they
wanted to pursue a rapid acquisition strategy for the LCS program, and consequently did not
realize until then that there was a need to request $33 million in FY2003 funding for the
program. By the middle of 2002, however, the House and Senate Armed Services committees
had already held their spring FY2003 budget-review hearings and marked up their respective
versions of the FY2003 defense authorization bill. These two committees thus did not have an
opportunity to use the spring 2002 budget-review season to review in detail the Navy’s
accelerated acquisition plan for the LCS program or the supporting request for $33 million in

2003 budget-review season (for FY2004 budget). To support a more informed review of the
LCS program during the spring 2003 budget-review season, the conferees on the FY2003
defense authorization bill included a provision (Section 218) requiring the Navy to submit a
detailed report on several aspects of the LCS program, including its acquisition strategy. In
response to this legislation, the Navy in February 2003 submitted a report of eight pages in
length, including a title page and a first page devoted mostly to a restatement of Section 218’s
requirement for the report. The House and Senate Armed Services committees, in their reports
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Supporters of the idea of approving the Navy’s proposed down select strategy as part of
Congress’s work to finalize action on the FY2010 defense budget could argue one or more of the
• The timing of the Navy’s proposal, though not convenient for Congress,
nevertheless represented a good-faith effort by the Navy to present the proposal
to Congress at the earliest possible date. The Navy conducted multiple briefings
with congressional offices starting in September 2009 to explain the proposed
• The LCS program needed to be put on a more stable long-term path as soon as
possible, and if Congress did not approve the proposal as part of its work in
finalizing action on the FY2010 defense budget, another year would pass before
the LCS program could be put on a stable path approved by Congress.
• Although cost growth and construction problems with the LCS program can be
viewed as a consequence of past attempts to move ahead too quickly on the LCS
program, the Navy’s acquisition strategy does not risk repeating this experience,
because it does not represent another attempt to move ahead on the program at an
imprudent speed. To the contrary, the strategy seeks to reduce execution risks by
limiting LCS procurement to a maximum of four ships per year and providing a
stable planning environment for LCS shipyards and suppliers.
• If the proposed strategy were not approved by Congress as part of its action on
the FY2010 budget, the LCSs procured in FY2010 would be more expensive to
procure, since they would not benefit from economies of scale that would come
from awarding the FY2010 ships as part of a contract that also includes LCSs to
be procured in FY2011-FY2014.
Supporters of the idea of deferring a decision on the Navy’s proposed down select strategy until
the FY2011 budget cycle could argue one or more of the following:
• Navy briefings to Congress on the proposed strategy starting in September 2009,
though helpful, were not sufficient for Congress to fully understand the features
and potential implications of the Navy’s proposed acquisition strategy—much
less the relative merits of potential alternatives to that strategy.
• The risks of making a quick decision on the Navy’s proposed acquisition
strategy, with little time for formal congressional review and consideration, are
underscored by the history of the LCS program, which includes substantial cost
growth and construction problems that can be viewed as the consequence of past

on the FY2004 defense authorization bill, have expressed dissatisfaction with the
thoroughness of the report as a response to the requirements of Section 218. (For details, see
the “Legislative Activity” section of this report.) It is thus not clear whether the defense
authorization committees were able to conduct their spring 2003 budget-review hearings on
the FY2004 budget with as much information about the LCS program as they might have
(See, for example, CRS Report RL 32109, Navy DD(X), CG(X), and LCS Ship Acquisition Programs: Oversight Issues
and Options for Congress
, by Ronald O’Rourke, updated July 29, 2005, pp. CRS-59 to CRS-60. This discussion was
carried through multiple updates of CRS reports covering the LCS program.)
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attempts to move ahead quickly on the program, without more-extensive
congressional review and consideration.
• The desire to avoid paying a relatively high cost for LCSs procured in FY2010,
though real, should not have been a controlling factor in this situation (i.e.,
should not have been “the tail that wags the dog”). Paying a higher cost for LCSs
procured in FY2010, though not optimal, would be an investment to buy time for
Congress to more fully review and consider the merits of both the Navy’s
proposal and potential alternatives to it. Problems avoided through a full
congressional review and consideration of the Navy’s proposal and potential
alternatives during the FY2011 budget cycle could eventually save the Navy a lot
more money than the Navy hopes to save on the LCSs procured in FY2010 by
procuring them as part of a contract that also includes LCSs to be procured in
• Approving the Navy’s proposed acquisition strategy at a late juncture in the
annual congressional process for reviewing and marking up the defense budget
would set an undesirable precedent from Congress’s standpoint regarding late
submissions to Congress of significant proposals for large defense acquisition
programs, and encourage DOD to do the same with other large weapon
acquisition programs in the future in the hopes of stampeding Congress into
making quick decisions on major proposals for those programs.
Enough Time to Evaluate the Two Designs’ Operational Characteristics?
Another potential issue for Congress concerning the Navy’s down select strategy was whether the
strategy allowed the Navy enough time to adequately evaluate the operational characteristics of
the two LCS designs before selecting one of those designs for all future production. Potential
oversight questions for Congress included the following:
• Since LCS-1 as of September 2009 had been in commissioned service for less
than a year, and LCS-2 as of that date had not yet been delivered to the Navy,
how firm was the basis for the Navy’s determination that both LCS designs meet
the Navy’s operational requirements for LCS?
• By the summer of 2010—when the Navy plans to award a contract to the winner
of the down select—the Navy will have had only a limited time to evaluate the
operational characteristics of LCS-1 and LCS-2 through fleet exercises and use in
actual Navy deployments. Will the Navy at that point have a sufficient
understanding of the two designs’ operational characteristics to appropriately
treat the operational characteristics of the two designs in the down select?
The Navy and its supporters could argue that the Navy has chosen a preferred design for other
new Navy ships (such as the DDG-1000 destroyer) on the basis of paper designs only, and
consequently that the Navy would have a firmer basis for performing the LCS down select than it
has had on other shipbuilding programs. They can argue that the Navy has a good understanding
of the basic differences between the ships—that the Lockheed design, for example, may have
better features for supporting small boat operations (which are used for certain LCS missions),
while the General Dynamics design may have better features for supporting helicopter and
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations (which are used for certain LCS missions).
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Skeptics could argue that the Navy in the past has talked about performing an extensive
operational review of each design prior to settling on an acquisition strategy for follow-on ships
in the program, and that the innovative nature of the LCS—a modular ship with plug-and-fight
mission packages and a small crew—increases the risks associated with selecting a single LCS
design before performing such an extensive operational review. Skeptics could argue that the
Navy is depriving itself of the opportunity to better understand, through exercises and real-world
deployments, the implications for overall fleet operations of building all LCSs to one design or
the other before performing the down select.
Weight Given to Procurement Cost vs. Other Factors in Request for Proposals

Another potential issue for Congress concerning the Navy’s down select strategy concerned the
criteria that the Navy will use for selecting a winning design in the down select. Some observers,
particularly supporters of the General Dynamics LCS design, argued that the Navy’s proposed
method for evaluating the two LCS designs in the LCS down select—set forth in the Request for
Proposals (RFP) for the down select—focused too much on procurement cost and not enough on
other factors, particularly life-cycle fuel cost, other components of life-cycle operating and
support (O&S) cost, and ship capability. Other observers, particularly supporters of the Lockheed
LCS design, argued (as did the Navy) that the Navy’s proposed method for conducting the LCS
down select adequately took into account factors other than procurement cost. The issue was
viewed as having the potential for leading to a protest of the Navy’s down select decision by the
firm that is not selected.107
Regarding the role of life-cycle operation and support (O&S) cost in the Navy’s down select
decision, a February 2010 GAO report stated:
The Navy estimated operating and support costs for LCS seaframes and mission packages in
2009, but the estimates do not fully reflect DOD and GAO best practices for cost estimating
and may change due to program uncertainties. GAO’s analysis of the Navy’s 2009 estimates
showed that the operating and support costs for seaframes and mission packages could total
$84 billion (in constant fiscal year 2009 dollars) through about 2050. However, the Navy did
not follow some best practices for developing an estimate such as (1) analyzing the
likelihood that the costs could be greater than estimated, (2) fully assessing how the estimate
may change as key assumptions change, and (3) requesting an independent estimate and
comparing it with the program estimate. The estimates may also be affected by program
uncertainties, such as potential changes to force structure that could alter the number of ships
and mission packages required. The costs to operate and support a weapon system can total
70 percent of a system’s costs, and the lack of an estimate that fully reflects best practices

107 For examples of articles discussing this issue, see Sean Reilly, “Loser To Fight In LCS Deal?” Mobile (AL) Press-
, March 28, 2010: 1; Cid Standifer, “Austal USA, GD Officials Criticize Navy’s RFP Criteria For LCS
Award,” Inside the Navy, March 29, 2010; Zachary M. Peterson, “Navy LCS Proposal Request Seeks ‘Qualitative’
Total Ownership Cost Figures,” Inside the Navy, March 22, 2010; Emelie Rutherford, “Navy Stands By LCS Due Date
As Hill Backers Of Each Bidder Swap Barbs,” Defense Daily, March 18, 2010: 2-3; Geoff Fein, “General Dynamics’
LCS Burns Less Fuel At Higher Speeds, Navy Documents Show,” Defense Daily, March 2, 2010: 1-2; Geoff Fein,
“Sessions Presses Navy Over Fairness of LCS RFP Evaluation,” Defense Daily, March 1, 2010: 6-7; Geoff Fein, “USS
Independence [LCS-2] Is The More Fuel Efficient of Two LCS Variants, Austal Official Says,” Defense Daily,
February 24, 2010: 2-3; Geoff Fein, “LCS RFP: Greater Emphasis Placed On Ship Price, Less On Life-Cycle Cost,”
Defense Daily, January 29, 2010: 5-7; Christopher P. Cavas, “RFP for LCS: Cost Main Factor in Winning Bid,”, January 28, 2010.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

could limit decision makers’ ability to identify the resources that will be needed over the
long term to support the planned investment in LCS force structure. With a decision pending
in 2010 on which seaframe to buy for the remainder of the program, decision makers could
lack critical information to assess the full costs of the alternatives.108
A February 8, 2010, press report stated that “the Navy will draw up total life-cycle cost estimates
for both the Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics versions of the Littoral Combat Ship before
the program goes before the Defense Acquisition Board this year for its Milestone B. review. The
service included the announcement in a response to a Government Accountability Office report
that criticized LCS life-cycle estimates.”109
At the request of Senator Jeff Sessions, the CBO analyzed the impact of O&S cost and other
types of costs on the total life-cycle costs of the LCS and (for purposes of comparison) four other
types of Navy ships. The results of CBO’s analysis were released in the form of an April 28,
2010, letter to Senator Sessions. The letter states:
CBO projected the life-cycle cost of the LCS-1 under three different assumptions about the
average annual amount of fuel the ship will use over its 25-year life: low, moderate, and
high. In all three scenarios, procurement costs dominate the life-cycle cost of the LCS-1,
ranging from 58 percent to 66 percent of the total.… Personnel costs make up 14 percent to
16 percent of the LCS-1’s total life-cycle cost in the various scenarios, and fuel costs account
for 8 percent to 18 percent.
The low-fuel case assumes that the LCS-1 generally operates at relatively low speeds—10
knots or less 90 percent of the time it is under way and 30 knots or more only about 3 percent
of the time. That speed profile is based in part on how the Navy operated the LCS-1 between
March 2009 and March 2010. In that scenario, operation and support costs total 33 percent of
the ship’s life-cycle cost: 16 percent for personnel costs, 8 percent for fuel costs (assuming
that the ship consumes 25,000 barrels of fuel per year), and 9 percent for other O&S costs….
The moderate-fuel case—which CBO considers the most likely of the three scenarios—
assumes that the LCS-1 operates at 30 or more knots for about 5 percent of the time, at 14
knots to 16 knots 42 percent of the time (a range that might be typical when the ship was
traveling from its home port to a deployment location), and at less than 12 knots for the rest
of its time under way. In that scenario, O&S costs total 34 percent of the ship’s life-cycle
cost: 15 percent for personnel, 11 percent for fuel, and 8 percent for other O&S costs. The
moderate speed profile would result in fuel usage of about 35,000 barrels per year, slightly
less than the 37,600 barrels that the Navy assumed in formulating its 2011 budget request.
By comparison, the [Navy’s] FFG-7 class frigates consumed about 31,000 barrels of fuel per
ship in 2009.
The high-fuel case assumes that the LCS-1 operates at 30 or more knots for about 20 percent
of its time under way, an assumption based partly on a speed profile developed by the Naval
Sea Systems Command for the LCS program. In that scenario, O&S costs represent about 40
percent of the ship’s life-cycle cost—more than in the other scenarios for the LCS-1 but less
than for any of the other types of ships considered in this analysis. Personnel costs make up
14 percent of the life-cycle total; fuel costs, 18 percent; and other O&S costs, 8 percent.

108 Government Accountability Office, Littoral Combat Ship[:] Actions Needed to Improve Operating Cost Estimates
and Mitigate Risks in Implementing New Concepts
, GAO-10-257, February 2010, summary page.
109 Cid Standifer, “Navy Will Project Operation Costs Of Both LCS Models for DAB Review,” Inside the Navy,
February 8, 2010.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Projected fuel usage in this scenario is about 67,000 barrels per year. That estimate is
unlikely to be exceeded in actual practice: It is twice the historical average for frigates and
about 80 percent of the amount used by the Navy’s destroyers (which do not have the
capability to speed at 40 knots, as the littoral combat ship does, but are three times larger
than the LCS-1).110
At a May 6, 2010, hearing on Navy shipbuilding programs before the Seapower Subcommittee of
the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Sessions questioned Sean Stackley, the Navy’s
acquisition executive (i.e., the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Research, Development and
Acquisition]), regarding the role of fuel costs in the Navy’s evaluation of the two LCS designs.
Potential Risks If First Shipyard Cannot Build Ships Within Cost
Another potential issue for Congress concerning the Navy’s down select strategy concerned the
potential risks the Navy would face if the shipyard that wins the competition to build the 10 LCSs
in FY2010-FY2014 cannot build them within the contracted cost. The competition between the
two existing LCS industry teams to be the winner of the down select could be intense enough to
encourage the teams to bid unrealistically low prices for the contract to build the 10 ships.
The Navy and its supporters could argue that the Navy’s plan to award a fixed-price contract to
the winner of the down select would shift the cost risk on the 10 ships from the government to the
shipyard. They could also argue that the Navy plans to carefully evaluate the bid prices submitted
by the two industry teams for the down select to ensure that they are realistic, and that the
existence of the second LCS shipyard would provide the Navy with an ability to continue
building LCSs if production at the first yard were disrupted due to financial issues.
Skeptics could argue that even with a fixed-price contract, the Navy’s proposed strategy poses
cost risks for the government, because a shipyard could submit an unrealistically low bid so as to
win the down select, and then recover its losses on those 10 ships by rolling the losses into prices
for downstream ships in the program. Alternatively, the shipyard could present the Navy with the
prospect of going out of business and disrupting the LCS production effort unless the Navy were
to provide a financial bailout to cover the yard’s losses on the 10 ships. Skeptics could argue that
Navy decisions dating back to the 1970s to award multi-ship construction contracts to shipyards
that had not yet built many ships of the kind in question sometimes led to less-than-satisfactory
program outcomes, including substantial financial bailouts.
Increasing LCS Combat System Commonality with Other Combat Systems
Another potential issue for Congress regarding the Navy’s down select strategy concerned the
Navy’s plan to evolve the combat system on the winning LCS design to a configuration that has
greater commonality with one or more existing Navy surface ship combat systems. The Navy in
its September 16, 2009, announcement did not provide many details on this part of its proposed
acquisition strategy, making it difficult to evaluate the potential costs and risks of this part of the
strategy against potential alternatives, including an alternative (which Navy officials have
discussed in the past) of designing a new LCS combat system that would, from the outset, be
highly common with one or more existing Navy surface ship combat systems.

110 Letter dated April 28, 2010, from Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director, CBO, to the Honorable Jeff Sessions, pp. 3-5.
The letter is available online at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Navy’s Longer-Term Plans Regarding Two “Orphan” Ships
Another potential issue for Congress concerning the Navy’s down select strategy concerned the
Navy’s longer-term plans regarding the two “orphan” LCSs built to the design that was not
selected in the down select. The Navy stated that it planned to keep these two ships in the fleet
because they will be capable ships and the Navy has an urgent need for LCSs. These two LCSs,
however, will have unique logistic support needs, potentially making them relatively expensive to
operate and support. At some point, as larger numbers of LCSs enter service, the costs of
operating and supporting these two ships may begin to outweigh the increasingly marginal
addition they make to total LCS fleet capabilities. Potential alternatives to keeping the ships in the
active-duty fleet as deployable assets include selling them to foreign buyers, converting them into
research and development platforms, shifting them to the Naval Reserve Force (where they would
be operated by crews consisting partially of reservists), or decommissioning them and placing
them into preservation (i.e., “mothball”) status as potential mobilization assets. Potential
questions for Congress included the following:
• Does the Navy intend to keep the two orphan LCSs in the active-duty fleet as
deployable assets for a full 25-year service life?
• If so, how would be the life-cycle operation and support (O&S) costs of these
two ships compare to those of the other LCSs? In light of these O&S costs,
would it be cost-effective to keep these two ships in the active-duty fleet as
deployable assets for a full 25-year service life, particularly as large numbers of
LCSs enter service?
• If the Navy does not intend to keep the two orphan LCSs in the active-duty fleet
as deployable assets for a full 25-year service life, when does the Navy anticipate
removing them from such service, and what does the Navy anticipate doing with
them afterward?
Potential Alternatives to Navy’s September 2009 Strategy
Another potential issue for Congress concerning the Navy’s down select strategy concerned
potential alternatives to that strategy. A variety of alternatives can be generated by changing one
or more elements of the Navy’s proposed strategy. One alternative would be a strategy that would
keep both LCS designs in production, at least for the time being. Such a strategy might involve
the following:
• the use of block-buy contracts with augmented EOQ authority, as under the
Navy’s proposed acquisition strategy, to continue producing both LCS designs,
so as to provide stability to shipyards and suppliers involved in producing both
LCS designs;
• the use of Profit Related to Offer (PRO) bidding between the builders of the two
LCS designs, so as to generate competitive pressure between them and thereby
restrain LCS production costs;111 and

111 Under PRO bidding, the two shipyards would compete not for LCS quantities (because each shipyard would know
that it was going to build a certain number of LCSs over the term of their block-buy contracts), but rather for profit,
with the lowest bidder receiving the higher profit margin. PRO bidding has been used in other defense acquisition
programs where bidders do not compete for quantity. The Navy, for example, began using PRO bidding in the DDG-51
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• designing a new LCS combat system that would have a high degree of
commonality with one or more existing Navy surface ship combat systems and
be provided as government-furnished equipment (GFE) for use on both LCS
designs—an idea that was considered by the Navy at an earlier point in the
The Navy’s November 3, 2010, proposal for a dual-award LCS acquisition strategy is broadly
similar to the notional dual-award approach outlined above. This notional dual-award approach
has been presented in this CRS report as an option for Congress since September 27, 2009, when
the report was updated to incorporate the Navy’s September 16, 2009, announcement of its
proposed down select strategy. The discussion below concerns the notional dual-award approach
outlined above.
Supporters of an alternative like the one outlined above could argue that it would
• provide stability to LCS shipyards and suppliers;
• use competition to restrain LCS production costs;
• permit the Navy to receive a full return on the investment the Navy made in
creating both LCS designs;
• reduce the life-cycle operation and support costs associated with building two
LCS designs by equipping all LCSs with a common combat system;
• allow the Navy to design an LCS combat system that is, from the outset, highly
common with one or more of the Navy’s existing surface ship combat systems;
• achieve a maximum LCS procurement rate of four ships per year starting in
FY2011 (two years earlier than under the Navy’s proposal), thus permitting more
LCSs to enter service with the Navy sooner;
• build both LCS designs in substantial numbers, thereby avoiding a situation of
having a small number of orphan LCS ships that could have potentially high
operation and support costs;
• preserve a potential to neck down to a single LCS design at some point in the
future, while permitting the Navy in the meantime to more fully evaluate the
operational characteristics of the two designs in real-world deployments; and
• increase the potential for achieving foreign sales of LCSs (which can reduce
production costs for LCSs made for the U.S. Navy) by offering potential foreign
buyers two LCS designs with active production lines.
Supporters of the Navy’s proposed acquisition strategy could argue that an alternative like the one
outlined above would, compared to the Navy’s proposed strategy
• achieve lower economies of scale in LCS production costs by splitting
production of LCS components between two designs;

destroyer program it in the 1990s.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

• achieve, at the outset of series production of LCSs, less bidding pressure on
shipyards, and thus higher LCS production costs, than would be achieved under
the Navy’s proposed strategy of using a price-based competition to select a single
design for all future LCS production;
• miss out on the opportunity to restrain LCS costs by using the level of efficiency
achieved in building an LCS design at one shipyard as a directly applicable
benchmark for gauging the level of efficiency achieved by the other shipyard in
building the same LCS design;
• increase Navy LCS program-management costs and the burden on Navy
program-management capabilities by requiring the Navy to continue managing
the construction of two very different LCS designs;
• achieve lower economies of scale in LCS operation and support costs because the
two LCS designs would still differ in their basic hull, mechanical, and electrical
(HM&E) systems, requiring the Navy to maintain two separate HM&E logistics
support systems;
• receive only a limited return on the investment the Navy made in developing the
two current LCS combat systems (since LCSs in the long run would not use
either one), and require the Navy to incur the costs and the technical risks
associated with designing a completely new LCS combat system;
• require the Navy to build some number of LCSs with their current combat
systems—which are different from one another and from other Navy surface ship
combat systems—while awaiting the development of the new LCS combat
system, and then incur the costs associated with backfitting these earlier LCSs
with the new system when it becomes available;
• send to industry a signal that is undesirable from the government’s perspective
that if the Navy or other parts or DOD begin producing two designs for a new
kind of weapon system, the Navy or DOD would be reluctant to neck production
down to a single design at some point, even if government believes that doing so
would reduce program costs while still meeting operational objectives; and
• miss out on the opportunity that would be present under the Navy’s proposed
acquisition strategy to increase the potential for achieving foreign sales of LCSs
by offering potential foreign buyers an LCS design that, through U.S. production,
enjoys significant economies of scale for both production and operation and

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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Appendix D. Dual-Award Acquisition Strategy
Announced in November 2010

This appendix presents additional background information on the dual-award acquisition strategy
announced by the Navy on November 3, 2009.
November 4, 2010, Navy Point Paper
A November 4, 2010, Navy point paper on the dual-award strategy proposed on November 3,
2010, stated the following (this is the full text of the point paper):112
Littoral Combat Ship Proposed Revised Acquisition
Dual Ten Ship Awards
• In summer 2009 Navy received bids for three FY10 ships from Lockheed
Martin/Marinette Marine/Bollinger and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works/Austal
USA industry teams. These bids did not reflect competitive pricing and well exceeded
the Congressional Cost Cap. In order to reverse cost trends on the program, the
acquisition strategy was revised to the current down select strategy.
• The Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship acquisition strategy to down select to a single design
has resulted in a highly effective competition between the industry bidders. Navy is on
the path to down select in accordance with the terms of the current solicitation.
• The industry response to the competitive acquisition strategy has resulted in has resulted
in reduction in cost for the LCS ships relative to the previous bids. These competitive
bids, coupled with Navy’s desires to increase ship procurement rates to support
operational requirements, has created an opportunity to award each bidder a fixed price
ten-ship block buy—a total of 20 ships from Fiscal Year 2010 to Fiscal Year 2015. A
comparison between the two strategies of which ships are included in a down
select/second source versus dual 10 ship block buy appears in the table below.
• The current NDAA [national defense authorization act] language permits the Navy to
procure up to 10 ships in a block buy. In order to execute a dual ten ship award, Navy
believes Congressional authorization is required.
• If Congressional support for this approach is granted, Navy will work with industry to
revise the ship procurement schedules within current proposal pricing (FY10 – FY15
vice FY10 – FY14).
• Navy is continuing on the path to down select and absent authorization, we will proceed
to down select by mid-December 2010.
• There are numerous benefits to this approach including stabilizing the LCS program and
the industrial base with award of 20 ships; increasing ship procurement rate to support

112 Source: Navy point paper on proposed alternative LCS acquisition strategy dated November 4, 2010.
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operational requirements; sustaining competition through the program; and enhancing
Foreign Military Sales opportunities.
• The Navy intends to procure the Technical Data Package for both designs and if
necessary a second source for either or both designs could be brought into the program.
• Either approach will ensure the Navy procures affordably priced ships.

Second Source
Contractor A
Dual Award
Contractor B

Near-Term Issue for Congress
The Navy’s proposed dual-award strategy posed a near-term issue for Congress of whether this
strategy would be preferable to the down select strategy, and whether Congress should grant the
Navy, by December 30, the additional legislative authority the Navy would need to implement the
dual-award strategy.
December 14 Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing
On December 14, 2010, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing to review the
Navy’s proposed dual-award strategy. The witnesses at the hearing included Navy leaders and
representatives from CBO, GAO, and CRS. The committee’s web page for the hearing113 contains
links to the prepared statements of the GAO and CRS witnesses, and states that the Navy and
CBO witnesses did not submit their prepared statements in electronic form. (The CBO witness
asked in his opening remarks that CBO’s December 10, 2010, letter report on the relative costs of
the down select and dual-award strategies114 be entered into the record for the hearing. CBO’s
letter report is available from the CBO website.) The committee’s web page for the hearing also
contains a link to the transcript of the hearing.
Some General Observations
General observations that could be made on the Navy’s proposed dual-award strategy included
but are not limited to the following:

114 Congressional Budget Office, letter report to Senator John McCain on LCS acquisition strategies dated December
10, 2010, 7 pp.
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• The dual-award strategy would avoid, at least for now, the possibility of a
contract protest being filed against a Navy down select decision.
• Although the dual-award strategy includes the possibility of the Navy at some
point bringing a second source into the program for either or both LCS designs,
the dual-award strategy does not include the guaranteed opportunity present in
the down select strategy for shipyards not currently involved in building LCSs to
compete for the right to become the second LCS builder.
• The Navy’s November 4, 2010, point paper on the dual-award strategy does not
outline the Navy’s intentions regarding the currently different combat systems
(i.e., the built-in collections of sensors, weapons, displays, and software) on the
two LCS designs.
• The dual-award strategy would require each LCS contractor to build 10 ships
over a period of six years (FY2010-FY2015) rather than five years (FY2010-
FY2014), but at the same price that was bid for the five-year schedule. In
addition, LCSs built under the dual-award strategy would incorporate combat
systems that would be built by combat system manufacturers in smaller annual
quantities than would be the case under the down select strategy, possibly
increasing the costs of these combat systems. Factors such as these could, at the
margin, alter the profitability for each contractor of building its respective group
of 10 ships.
It could also be noted that the Navy’s proposed dual-award strategy is broadly similar to a
notional dual-award approach that was presented in this CRS report as an option for Congress
(see Appendix C) since September 27, 2009, when the report was updated to incorporate the
Navy’s September 16, 2009, announcement of its proposed down select strategy.
Potential Oversight Questions for Congress
Potential oversight questions for Congress in assessing whether the proposed dual-award strategy
would be preferable to the down select strategy, and whether to grant the Navy, by December 30,
the additional legislative authority the Navy would need to implement a dual-award strategy,
included but were not limited to the following:
• Did the timing of the Navy’s proposal provide Congress with enough time to
adequately assess the relative merits of the down select strategy and the dual-
award strategy? Given that the contractors submitted their bids by about
September 15, could the Navy have notified Congress of the proposed dual-
award strategy sooner than November 3, giving Congress more time to seek
information on and evaluate the proposal? Should the Navy have asked the
contractors to extend their bid prices for another, say, 30 or 60 or 90 days beyond
the original December 14 expiration date, so as to provide more time for
congressional review of the Navy’s proposal?115 (As mentioned earlier, on

115 A December 6, 2010, press report states: “Lockheed officials have indicated that they could extend the pricing in
their proposal for a short while beyond Dec. 14, to allow time for Congress to approve the change. Lockheed Chief
Financial Officer Bruce Tanner told an investment conference last week that Lockheed could extend the prices it
offered for a day or two, but not indefinitely…. Analysts said they expected both companies to show some flexibility
on the expiration of their pricing, given that each firm stood to win a contract valued at around $5 billion.” (Andrea
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

December 13, it was reported that the two LCS bidders, at the Navy’s request,
had extended the prices in their bids for 16 days, to December 30. At the
December 14 hearing, Navy witnesses expressed strong doubts about the
willingness of the bidders to extend their bid prices for any significant additional
amount of time, since agreements with their parts suppliers and other
arrangements on which the bids are based would no longer be valid.)
• What role, if any, did a desire by the Navy to avoid a potential contract protest
against the Navy’s down select decision play in the Navy’s decision to propose
the alternate dual-award strategy? For example, how concerned, if at all, was the
Navy that the announcement of an LCS down select decision might lead to a
contract protest and controversy somewhat like what has been experienced in the
Air Force’s KC-X aerial refueling tanker acquisition program?116 A December 13,
2010, press report on the LCS program stated: “One high-level Navy source
recently said that without the dual-ship approach, ‘there is 100 percent chance of
a protest.’”117
• What are the potential relative costs of the down select and dual-award
acquisition strategies, including development costs, procurement costs, and life-
cycle operation and support (O&S) costs? Did the Navy fully and accurately
estimated these costs—including potential costs for developing, procuring, and
installing a common combat system for both LCS designs—and reported all
these potential costs to Congress?
• What are the potential relative risks of the down select and dual-award
acquisition strategies, including development risks, production cost risks,
production schedule risks, and life-cycle O&S risks? Did the Navy fully and
accurately estimated these risks, and reported all these potential risks to
• What are the Navy’s intentions, under the proposed dual-award acquisition
strategy, regarding the currently different combat systems on the two LCS
designs? Does the Navy intend to leave them unchanged, adopt one of the
combat systems as the common system for both designs, or develop a new
combat system for both designs? If the Navy intends to pursue the second or third
of these paths, what is the Navy’s plan (including schedule) for doing so? If the
Navy does not have a definite plan regarding the combat systems for the ships,
how well can the potential costs and risks of the dual-award strategy be estimated
and compared to those of the down select strategy?
• What are the potential industrial-base impacts of the dual-award strategy,
including impacts on the two LCS contractors, on shipyards that could, under the

Shalal-Esa, “U.S. Navy Hopeful Congress Will Approve Ship Buys,”, December 6, 2010.) Another
December 6, 2010, press report that was posted online on December 3, 2010, stated: “Theoretically, Lockheed Martin
and Austal could likely agree to extend the price deadline, but the Navy has not asked them to do so yet, [Navy
spokeswoman Captain Cate] Mueller said.” (Cid Standifer, “Stand-Alone Bill May Be Needed To Approve LCS Dual
Block Buy Plan,” Inside the Navy, December 6, 2010.)
116 For more on the KC-X program, see CRS Report RL34398, Air Force KC-46A Tanker Aircraft Program, by
Jeremiah Gertler.
117 Christopher P. Cavas, “Deadline Looms For U.S. Navy’s LCS,” Defense News, December 13, 2010: 1.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

down select strategy, bid for the right to become the second LCS builder, and on
combat system manufacturers?
• What impact, if any, might the Navy’s proposal to shift from its down select
strategy to the dual-award strategy have on the ability of the DOD to implement
down select strategies for other acquisition programs? For example, will the
Navy’s proposal to shift to the dual-award strategy cause contractors bidding for
other acquisition programs to treat with increased skepticism stated DOD
intentions to carry out down selects? If so, could that reduce the benefits of
competition that DOD might hope to achieve through the use of down select
Enough Time for Adequate Congressional Review of Navy

Regarding whether the timing of the Navy’s proposal provides Congress with enough time to
adequately assess the relative merits of the down select strategy and the dual-award strategy, it
can be noted that this was the third time in the history of the LCS program that the Navy
presented Congress with an important choice about the future of the LCS program late in the
congressional budget-review cycle, after Congress had completed its spring budget-review
hearings and some of its committee markups. The first instance was in mid-2002, when the Navy
submitted an amended request to Congress for FY2003 funding to get the LCS program started
using a rapid acquisition strategy.118 The second was in September 2009, when the Navy
announced its proposed down select strategy for the LCS program (see the discussion of this issue
in Appendix C).
In light of the third instance—the Navy’s proposal of November 3, 2010, for using a dual-award
strategy rather than a down select strategy—a potential issue for Congress are the implications for
the LCS program and congressional oversight of defense acquisition programs in general of
proceeding with the LCS program in part on the basis of policies originally presented as
proposals to Congress late in the congressional budget-review cycle, after Congress had
completed its spring budget-review hearings and some of its committee markups. The Navy’s
November 3, 2010, notification to Congress of the proposed dual-award strategy, combined with
a request by the Navy that Congress act on that proposal by December 30, provided relatively
little time for Congress to collect cost and other information from the Navy (including
information that Navy might not offer in initial briefings to individual congressional offices), for
Congress to solicit cost and other information from independent sources such as CBO and GAO,

118 The Navy’s original FY2003 budget request, submitted to Congress in February 2002, contained no apparent
funding for development of the LCS. In addition, the Navy in early 2002 had not yet announced that it intended to
employ a rapid acquisition strategy for the LCS program. As a result, in the early months of 2002, there may have been
little reason within Congress to view the LCS program as a significant FY2003 budget-review issue. In the middle of
2002, the Navy submitted an amended request asking for $33 million in FY2003 development funding for the LCS
program. Navy officials explained that they did not decide until the middle of 2002 that they wanted to pursue a rapid
acquisition strategy for the LCS program, and consequently did not realize until then that there was a need to request
$33 million in FY2003 funding for the program. By the middle of 2002, however, the House and Senate Armed
Services committees had already held their spring FY2003 budget-review hearings and marked up their respective
versions of the FY2003 defense authorization bill. These two committees thus did not have an opportunity to use the
spring 2002 budget-review season to review in detail the Navy’s accelerated acquisition plan for the LCS program or
the supporting request for $33 million in funding.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

for CBO and GAO to develop such information and provide it to Congress, for Congress to hold
hearings at which all this information might be discussed in a group setting, with multiple parties
present, and for congressional offices to then form their evaluations of the Navy’s proposal.
Relative Costs
Regarding the relative costs of the down select and dual-award acquisition strategies, there were
at least three significant cost elements to consider: ship procurement costs; costs for possibly
modifying the combat systems on LCSs so as to achieve more commonality in combat system
equipment among all LCSs, and between LCSs and other Navy ships; and operational and
support (O&S) costs.
Ship Procurement Costs
Navy Estimate
Regarding ship procurement costs, the Navy estimates that procuring LCSs under the dual-award
strategy would cost $1 billion less through FY2016, and $600 million less through FY2015, than
procuring them under the down select strategy. The Navy states that the $1 billion in savings
through FY2016 translates to $910 million in net present value terms, and that the $600 million in
savings through FY2015 translates to $496 million in net present value terms.119
The Navy estimates that ship procurement costs will be lower under the dual-award strategy than
they would have been under the down select strategy due to the following cost factors, which are
not listed in any particular order:120
Costs due to the second source under down select strategy building its first
LCS. The Navy estimates that certain ship procurement costs would be higher
under the down select strategy because the second source under the down select
strategy—that is, the unknown shipyard that would have been chosen in the
second-stage competition that would have occurred under the down select
strategy—would be building its first LCS. These higher costs include the
Tooling, jigs, fixtures, etc. The second source under the down select strategy
would incur costs for the purchase of LCS-specific tooling, jigs, fixtures, etc.
Marinette and Austal have already paid for these things.
Engineering and support services. The Navy’s estimate includes a higher
cost for engineering and support services at the second source under the
down select strategy, because these costs typically are higher for a lead ship
at a shipyard than for subsequent ships at that yard.
Learning curve position. In estimating the amount of labor hours required
to build the first ship covered under the second source’s block-buy contract,

119 Source for $496 million figure: Navy briefing to CRS and CBO, March 30, 2011.
120 Source for these points: Navy information paper dated April 12, 2011, as clarified and elaborated in a telephone
conversation with CRS on April 21, 2011.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

the Navy’s estimate takes into account the fact that the second source under
the dual-award strategy has already built LCSs (i.e., the yard is already some
way down its LCS production learning curve), whereas the second source
under the down select strategy would be building its first LCS (i.e., the yard
would be at the top of its LCS production learning curve).
Change orders. The Navy budgets a 10% allowance for change orders (i.e.,
design changes) for a lead ship built at a shipyard, compared to 5% for
subsequent ships built at that yard.
Rework. The Navy’s estimate includes a higher cost for rework at the second
source under the down select strategy because lead ships typically experience
higher rework rates.
Slope of shipyard learning curve. The Navy estimates that the second source
under the dual-award strategy will achieve a steeper production learning curve
(i.e., a greater amount of ship-to-ship reduction in shipyard labor hours required
to build each ship) than would have been achieved by the second source under
the down select strategy. In making this estimate, the Navy cites facilities
improvements at Marinette and Austal that the Navy believes will permit
Marinette and Austal to achieve learning curves of a certain steepness.
Shipyard labor rates. The Navy estimates that the second source under the dual-
award strategy will feature labor rates that are lower than those that would have
occurred at the second source under the down select strategy.
Vendor material costs. The Navy estimates that the second source under the
dual-award strategy will obtain lower material prices from vendors than the
second source under the down select strategy would have obtained because the
second source under the dual-award strategy can seek bids from vendors on
materials for a 10-ship contract, while the second source under the down select
strategy would have sought bids from vendors on materials for a 5-ship
Profit rates. The Navy estimates that the profit rates earned by second source
under the dual-award strategy are lower than those that would be earned by the
second source under the down select strategy, due to aggressive bidding by
Marinette and Austal during what these yards thought was the first-stage
competition under the down select strategy—a competition that was to have
chosen the one LCS design to which all future LCSs would be built.
In evaluating the Navy’s treatment of the above cost factors, potential questions include the
• How reasonable is it for the Navy to estimate that the second source under the
dual-award strategy would have a steeper shipyard learning curve, lower
shipyard labor rates, and a lower profit rate than the second source under the
down select strategy would have had? Given the number and capabilities of

121 The Navy also adjusted its cost estimate to account for differences in production quantities of scale for LCS combat
systems that would occur under the down select and dual-award strategies. Under the down select strategy, one combat
system maker would make combat systems for all LCSs. Under the dual-award strategy, two combat system makers
would each make combat systems for one-half of the LCSs.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

shipyards that might have participated in the second stage competition under the
down select strategy, the potential intensity of a competition among these yards
to win a share of a large Navy shipbuilding program, and the uncertainty about
which specific yard might have won that competition, how certain can the Navy
be that the second source that was chosen under that competition would have a
shallower learning curve (and that it would not make facility investments to
achieve a steeper curve), higher labor costs, and a lower profit rate than the
second source under the dual-award strategy?
• How reasonable is it for the Navy to estimate that the second source under the
down select strategy would have higher vendor material costs, given that this
second source might have been a builder of other Navy ships and consequently
might have been able to bundle its LCS material purchases together with those
for its other Navy ships, so as to achieve increased economies of scale in material
production? Navy officials in recent years have encouraged shipyards to achieve
cross-yard economies of scale of this kind.
• If the second source under the down select strategy were instead estimated to be
equal to the second source under the dual-award strategy in terms of shipyard
learning curve slope, shipyard labor rates, vendor material costs, and profit rates,
how much would this reduce the Navy’s estimate of the savings in ship
procurement costs that would occur under the dual-award strategy?
CBO Estimate
In contrast to the Navy, which estimated that ship procurement costs would be lower under the
dual-award strategy, CBO in its December 10, 2010, letter report estimated that ship procurement
costs would be $740 million higher more through FY2015 under the dual-award strategy. CBO’s
letter report included several cautionary statements about its estimates relating to limits on the
information available to CBO in developing its estimates. The Navy and CBO estimates of ship
procurement costs through FY2015 are summarized in Table D-1.
Table D-1. Navy and CBO Estimates of Ship Procurement Costs Through FY2015
Under Down Select and Dual-Award Strategies
For the period FY2010-FY2015, in current (i.e., then-year) dollars
Acquisition approaches
Estimated Cost
Navy estimate
19-ship down-select plan
10,400 million
20-ship dual-award plan
9,800 million
Difference between two plans
Dual-award plan costs $600 million less

CBO estimate
19-ship down-select plan
11,080 million
20-ship dual-award plan
11,820 million
Difference between two plans
Dual-award plan costs $740 million more
Source: Table prepared by CRS based on data presented in Congressional Budget Office, letter report to
Senator John McCain on LCS acquisition strategies dated December 10, 2010, Table 2 on page 5.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

December 14, 2010, Hearing
At the December 14, 2010, hearing on LCS acquisition strategy before the Senate Armed Services
Committee, the Navy witnesses defended the Navy’s estimate, stating that it was based on actual
bid data from the two LCS bidders, and that CBO’s estimate did not reflect full exposure to these
bid data, because the data were proprietary and were being closely held by the Navy pending a
potential announcement by the Navy of a down select decision (if the dual-award strategy were
not pursued).
As discussed in the previous section, however, the Navy’s estimate was also based on certain
assumptions about the unknown shipyard that would have been chosen under the second-stage
competition that would have occurred under the down select strategy. The Navy’s assumptions
about this unknown yard compared to the second source under the dual-award strategy accounts
for some portion of the Navy’s estimated savings.
Potential Changes in Costs of Other Ships Not Accounted For
Under the down select strategy, shipyards competing to become the second LCS builder could
include yards that currently build other ships for the Navy, such as, possibly, General Dynamics’
Bath Iron Works (GD/BIW) of Bath, ME, Northrop Grumman’s Ingalls shipyard of Pascagoula,
MS, or General Dynamics’ National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) of San Diego,
CA. If such a yard were to be selected under the down select strategy to become the second LCS
builder, it could reduce the cost of other Navy ships being built at that yard by more fully
spreading the fixed overhead costs of that yard. The Navy and CBO estimates in Table D-1 do
not account for possible changes in the costs of other Navy ships that might be occur as a
consequence of changes in the spreading of shipyard fixed overhead costs.
Combat System Modification Costs
Any savings the dual-award strategy might realize relative to the down select strategy in terms of
costs for procuring LCSs could be offset by potential additional costs under the dual-award
strategy for modifying the combat systems on LCSs so as to achieve more commonality in
combat system equipment among all LCSs, and between LCSs and other Navy ships. Prior to its
September 2009 announcement of its proposed down select strategy, Navy officials on some
occasions had spoken about the possibility of modifying the combat systems of one or both LCS
designs so as to achieve more commonality in combat system equipment among all LCSs, and
between LCSs and other Navy ships.122
A November 29, 2010, press report stated that “the Navy intends to keep separate the combat
systems of the Lockheed and Austal USA versions of the Littoral Combat Ships for its dual buy
strategy, but will ‘procure the tech data package to allow for consideration of [a] common combat
system in the future,’ according to Navy spokeswoman Capt. Cate Mueller.” The report also
quoted an industry official as saying that the Navy is likely “still strategizing as to how they’re
going to single up on a combat system.”123

122 See, for example, Christopher P. Cavas, “Two LCS Designs, One Big Dilemma,” Defense News, December 13,
2010: 22.
123 Andrew Burt, “Navy Open To Combining Combat Systems On Both Littoral Combat Ships,” Inside the Navy,
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

At the December 14 hearing, the Navy stated the following regarding the issue of potential
combat system modification costs:
The current [LCS] acquisition strategy does not call for the changeout of the [LCS] combat
Let me describe some characteristics of the combat system. As it was mentioned earlier, the
total cost for the [LCS] combat system is on the order of about $70 million. When we think
of the combat system, we break it down into a couple key components—weapons, sensors,
and command and control [aka command and decision, or C and D] system. We have in fact,
on the weapons side of the combat system, commonality [between the two LCS designs].
Both ships’ 57-millimeter Bofors guns, both ships we’re looking at RAM–CRAM [sic: RAM
or SEARAM] weapons systems. So the weapon system is already common both between
them and also with other ships in the inventory.
Now, on the sensor side, we have contemplated moving towards a common sensor, and
inside of this solicitation the Navy asked for priced bids for a new sensor to consider for the
future. In total, the cost for bringing a new sensor—that’s both common for LCS and with
the rest of the fleet—is about $20 million nonrecurring and about $2 million a ship
So weapons are common. If the Navy chose to go to a common system for performance
reasons, the cost impact would be about $20 million nonrecurring and a couple million
dollars a ship.
Then on the C and D side, which is largely the software system and displays and processors,
the Navy does not have a drive right now to go towards common C and D for this class either
in the down-select or dual-award. It is something that we could consider in the future.124
A January 17, 2011, press report stated:
“The median class size in the Navy is about 12 to 14 ships, so we have a lot of 12-ship
classes that have their own combat system,” [Rear Admiral David Lewis, the Navy’s
program executive officer for ships,] said, “so we have no plans on changing the combat
system on the ships. They're effective. At this point, they meet the requirements, and so I
don't see any appetite in the Navy for changing those.”…
Lewis admitted that the business case could change after the two 10-ship contracts have run
their course, but said he was skeptical it would make more sense to change combat systems
then than now.125
An August 18, 2011, press report stated:
[Rear Admiral James] Murdoch [head of the program executive office], said the Navy has
not yet decided on whether both classes should have the same combat system or whether the

November 29, 2010. Material in brackets as in original. The Austal USA version of the LCS is the version developed
by the General Dynamics-led LCS industry team.
124 Transcript of spoken testimony of Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of Navy for Research, Development, and
125 Cid Standifer, “Rear Adm. Lewis: Navy Has ‘No Appetite’ To Change LCS Combat System,” Inside the Navy,
January 17, 2011.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

program should shift to a single system. There was no timeframe for a decision and the Navy
was awaiting feedback from the two firms, he said.
“I'm not going to prejudge that,” he said, adding he did not expect any changes in the
“immediate term.”126
A March 17, 2013, press report states that “the Navy has been strongly considering a downselect
to a single LCS combat system in 2015, doing away with one of the program’s most glaring
inefficiencies. Consideration of a downselect to a single design also has been underway.”127
The Navy testified on May 8, 2013, that it is
aggressively pursuing commonality between the two variants, with particular focus on
weapon systems, sensors, and C4I equipment. There are several on-going studies that will
identify non-recurring integration costs, insertion points, and total ownership costs in order
to assess the optimal insertion points.128
Life-Cycle Operation and Support (O&S) Costs
Any savings the dual-award strategy might realize relative to the down select strategy in terms of
costs for procuring LCSs could also be offset by potential additional life-cycle operation and
support (O&S) costs of operating significant numbers of two different LCS designs. A December
8, 2010, GAO report states: “According to the Navy, [estimated savings in LCS procurement
costs under the dual-award strategy] would be offset, in part, by an additional $842 million in
total ownership costs, which the Navy equates to a net present value of $295 million.”129 The
Navy confirmed this figure at the December 14 hearing, and stated that this estimate was
carefully prepared and consistent with past Navy analyses on this question.
GAO’s December 8 report states:
Navy officials expressed confidence that their cost estimate supporting the dual award
provides details on the costs to operate and support both designs. However, since little actual
LCS operating and support data are available to date, the Navy’s estimates for these costs are
currently based on data from other ships and could change as actual cost data become more
available. These estimates are also based on new operational concepts for personnel, training,
and maintenance that have not been fully developed, tested, and implemented. For example,
the Navy has not yet implemented a comprehensive training plan, and it is possible that the
plan could cost more or less than the training costs currently accounted for by the Navy.130

126 Mike McCarthy, “LCS-5, -6 Will Keep Separate Combat Systems, PEO Says,” Defense Daily, August 18, 2011: 3-
127 Christopher P. Cavas, “U.S. Navy Weighs Halving LCS Order,”, March 17, 2013.
128 Statement of The Honorable Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and
Acquisition) and Vice Admiral Allen G. Myers, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and
Resources and Vice Admiral Kevin M. McCoy, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Before the Subcommittee
on Seapower of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Department of the Navy Shipbuilding Programs, May 8,
2013, p. 13.
129 Government Accountability Office, Navy’s Proposed Dual Award Acquisition Strategy for the Littoral Combat Ship
, GAO-11-249R, December 8, 2010, Table 1 on page 3.
130 Government Accountability Office, Navy’s Proposed Dual Award Acquisition Strategy for the Littoral Combat Ship
, GAO-11-249R, December 8, 2010, p. 6.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

CBO’s December 10 letter report states:
Operating and maintaining two types of ships would probably be more expensive, however.
The Navy has stated that the differences in costs are small (and more than offset by
procurement savings), but there is considerable uncertainty about how to estimate those
differences because the Navy does not yet have much experience in operating such ships.131
Resulting Net Costs
Using the above information, it appears that the Navy estimates that, compared to the down select
strategy, the dual award strategy might save a net total of $615 million (net present value) through
FY2016, or $201 million (net present value) through FY2015. This figure includes $910 million
(net present value) in savings in ship procurement costs through FY2016, or $496 million (net
present value) in ship procurement costs through FY2015, less $295 million (net present value) in
additional ship O&S costs.
This figure does not account for possible changes in the costs of other Navy ships that might be
occur as a consequence of changes in the spreading of shipyard fixed overhead costs. The
estimated net savings of $615 million (net present value) through FY2016 ($201 million [net
present value] through FY2015) would be reduced by any LCS combat system modification
costs. Navy testimony at the December 14 hearing suggests that combat system modification
costs might range from zero (no modifications) to a few tens of millions of dollars (changing the
radar on the ships).
Using CBO’s estimate rather than the Navy’s estimate for relative ship procurement costs (see
Table D-1) would make the dual-award strategy more expensive than the down select strategy. As
mentioned earlier, the Navy witnesses at the December 14 hearing defended the Navy’s estimate
of ship procurement costs, stating that it was based on actual bid data from the two LCS bidders,
and that CBO’s estimate did not reflect full exposure to these bid data, because the data are
proprietary and being closely held by the Navy pending a potential announcement by the Navy of
a down select decision (if the dual-award strategy is not pursued).
Relative Risks
Regarding the potential relative risks of the down select and dual-award acquisition strategies, the
December 8 GAO report states that “a second ship design and source provided under the dual
award strategy could provide the Navy an additional hedge against risk, should one design prove
problematic.”132 It might also be argued that the dual-award strategy avoids the construction risks
present under the down select strategy of having LCSs built by a shipyard that has not previously
built LCSs.
On the other hand, it might be argued that if there is a substantial risk of an LCS design proving
problematic, then the LCS program should not be put into series production in the first place, and
that if there is not a substantial risk of an LCS design proving problematic, then the value of

131 Congressional Budget Office, letter report to Senator John McCain on LCS acquisition strategies dated December
10, 2010, p. 3.
132 Government Accountability Office, Navy’s Proposed Dual Award Acquisition Strategy for the Littoral Combat Ship
, GAO-11-249R, December 8, 2010, p. 4.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

hedging against that risk would be negligible. It might also be argued that managing the
construction of two very different LCS designs could place increased demands on overall Navy
program management capacities and on the Navy’s Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP)
capabilities for on-site monitoring of the construction of Navy ships—factors that might increase
the chances of program-management challenges in the LCS program or of the Navy not detecting
in a timely manner construction-quality problems that might occur in one or both LCS designs.133

133 Limits on Navy SUPSHIP capacities may have been a factor in the delayed discovery by the Navy of construction
quality problems on Navy San Antonio (LPD-17) class amphibious ships. For a discussion of LPD-17 class
construction quality problems, CRS Report RL34476, Navy LPD-17 Amphibious Ship Procurement: Background,
Issues, and Options for Congress
, by Ronald O'Rourke.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Appendix E. Additional Material Relating to
Question of Whether to Truncate LCS Program

This appendix presents some additional reference material relating to the question of whether to
truncate the LCS program.
July 2012 Press Report on Internal Navy Reviews of Program
Regarding the prospective ability of the LCS to perform missions, a July 14, 2012, press report
based on some of the internal Navy reviews of the LCS program that led to the August 2012
establishment of the LCS Council states:
The original idea for the littoral combat ship (LCS) envisioned modular mission packages
that could be rapidly swapped, so one ship could change missions easily from mine warfare,
for example, to anti-submarine warfare over the course of a single deployment.
But instead of taking just days to make the switch, it’s now apparent it could take weeks. An
LCS assigned to a particular operation will likely operate in a single “come-as-you-are”
configuration, requiring additional ships equipped with other mission modules to provide the
flexibility the concept once promised.
That’s one conclusion among many following a series of Navy exercises and reports
intended to take stock of LCS. Other conclusions criticize the ship as failing to match
capabilities inherent to the ships it would replace. The assessment aims to figure out what the
ship can and can’t do, how it should be employed, what kind of support it will need, and
what changes must be made to man and fight the ships without wearing out their small
These include a classified study ordered by Adm. Mark Ferguson, the vice chief of naval
operations; two war games carried out by U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) in Norfolk,
Va.; and the ongoing operating experiences of the two ships already in service....
The classified study, known as the OPNAV report (referring to staff reporting to the chief of
naval operations), was headed by Rear Adm. Samuel Perez. Beginning in January, Perez and
a 10-person team looked at all aspects of the fleet’s “readiness to receive, employ and
deploy” the LCS.
USFFC in January conducted a “sustainment war game” to understand the issues and risks in
manning and supporting an LCS across the Pacific Ocean—a key concern with the Freedom,
the first LCS, scheduled to deploy to Singapore in the spring of 2013. It will be the first time
an LCS has operated outside the Western Hemisphere.
Another war game, focusing on operations and war fighting, was held in mid-June. The
results of that effort are still being analyzed, Navy sources said.
While the Navy would not release the OPNAV report, a number of sources familiar with
both LCS and the report said it lays out in greater detail the problems and issues confronting
the entire LCS effort, including the concept of operations (CONOPS), manning shortages,
maintenance and training concerns, modularity and mission module issues, and commonality
problems between the two LCS variants.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

It also cites problems with how the LCS is perceived in the fleet, how leadership presents
LCS capabilities, and the need to effect changes in virtually every operational area.
“As I looked at some of the draft documentation to say how we’re going to run LCS, what I
thought we needed to do was a rebaselining, understanding how much information we’ve
generated on how we’re going to operate these ships, and take that and build a foundation,”
said Rear Adm. Thomas Rowden, OPNAV’s director of surface warfare, during an interview
at the Pentagon. “I will call this a concept of employment, or CONEMP.”
Rowden is leading the work to coordinate and compile the LCS analytical efforts.
“The reality of it is, it’s time to step back and say, what did we get wrong here?”
Planners originally envisaged the LCS as a replacement for the fleet’s frigates, minesweepers
and patrol boats, but the new assessments conclude the ships are not equal to today’s frigates
or mine countermeasures ships, and they are too large to operate as patrol boats.
The LCS, according to the assessments, is not able to fulfill most of the fleet missions
required by the Navy’s primary strategy document, the “Cooperative Strategy for 21st
Century Seapower,” and included in a 2011 revision of the LCS CONOPS document.
Equipped with a surface warfare or maritime security mission package, the ships were
judged capable of carrying out theater security cooperation and deterrence missions, and
maritime security operations, such as anti-piracy.
But the LCS vessels cannot successfully perform three other core missions envisioned for
them—forward presence, sea control or power projection missions—and they can provide
only limited humanitarian assistance or disaster relief operations, sources said.
The shortcomings are well known in the fleet, prompting a perception that service leaders are
looking for missions to fit LCS, rather than the other way around.
A key LCS failure identified by the OPNAV report, sources said, is its inability to effectively
defend against anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), a weapon carried by hundreds of small,
fast-attack craft operated by virtually all potentially hostile navies....
The U.S. Navy’s requirements document for the LCS says it must be able to operate
offensively in multithreat environments—areas that would include the Arabian Gulf or the
Yellow Sea—but until a solution is found, the assessments call for a CONOPS more
consistent with the ships’ capabilities, and suggest the need for studies to increase LCS
combat power.
The Navy is continuing to look at ways to increase the ship’s weaponry and lethality. A
major gap is for a weapon to replace the Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS), a
surface-to-surface missile program canceled in 2010 that was to have given the LCS a
prodigious capability.
“I certainly have asked to take a look at Harpoon, if we can take the weight,” Rowden said.
“Also looking at the Griffin,” a small weapon being purchased for a trial installation on the
Freedom. “There are some other missiles that we’re looking at, but those are the two I can
talk about right now.”
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The Harpoon is currently the Navy’s standard surface-to-surface missile, carried on
destroyers and cruisers. But adding such a missile would probably mean removing
something else to compensate for the additional weight. The Griffin is much smaller, but
doesn’t pack the Harpoon’s punch.
Rowden also has asked the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to study replacing the
57mm gun on both LCS designs with a 76mm weapon, similar to the weapon on today’s
“It’s a larger gun, more range, certainly gives us a better opportunity to engage the enemy,”
Rowden said of the 76mm.
The trouble with that weapon is that it can fit on Freedom LCS 1-class ships, but not on the
narrow bow of the trimaran Independence LCS 2-class. “I don’t know if we can get it on
both hulls,” Rowden acknowledged.
Range is still another concern, because of capacity for both fuel and crew provisions.
Although the original CONOPS called for ships to operate at sea for at least 21 days, the
ships have storage capacity to only carry enough food for 14 days, according to sources
familiar with the classified report....
Eventually, all the effort will be gathered into the concept of employment, or CONEMP,
“It is not going to be a static document,” Rowden declared. “We’re going to be inputting
things, and as we learn things we’re going to make modifications to keep it relevant and
reflect experience.
“We’ve got folks from Fleet Forces Command, Pacific Fleet, Naval Surface Forces, Naval
Air Forces, NAVSEA, OPNAV and the manpower assessment team all working together to
try and understand what we’ve observed and what we have learned so we can have a good,
informed document with respect to this concept of employment,” Rowden said.
“My gut tells me we’ve got to get the manning squared away, then the training, sustainment
and maintenance will flow from that as we move forward,” he added. “We’ll get to a better
place to say these are the things we need to do to maximize the availability and capability of
the ships.”134
An August 2, 2012, Navy information paper responding to the above article states:
1. ASSERTION: The Mission Package quick-swap concept is dead.
RESPONSE: Each LCS will deploy with the Mission Package (MP) required to accomplish
the Combatant Commander (COCOM)-directed missions. As expected, if COCOMs direct a
MP swap, materiel staging and personnel movement will need to be planned and coordinated
in advance. The physical swap of MP equipment can occur in less than 96 hours, as the
requirement dictates.

134 Christopher P. Cavas, “LCS: Quick Swap Concept Dead,”, July 14, 2012. See also Tony
Capaccio, “Navy Ship Can’t Meet Mission, Internal Report Finds,” Bloomberg News, May 6, 2013; Christopher P.
Cavas, “Maintenance Hurdles Mount for New USN Ship,”, July 23, 2012; Michael Fabey, “U.S.
Navy Finds More LCS-1 Issues During Special Trials,” Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, June 21, 2012: 2;
Christopher P. Cavas, “U.S. Navy’s LCS Yet to Fulfill Its Promise,”, April 15, 2012.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

2. ASSERTION: Planners originally envisaged LCS as a replacement for Frigates,
Minesweepers, and Patrol Boats, but new assessments conclude that the ships are not equal
to the legacy ships.
RESPONSE: While LCS will provide the capabilities and conduct the missions currently
performed by the FFG, MCM and PC type ships, LCS is not a direct class replacement for
any of these. It is a new ship type with distinct capabilities. LCS with its mission packages
will provide equal or greater capability than the legacy platforms whose missions it is
3. ASSERTION: LCS vessels cannot successfully perform three other core missions
envisioned for them-forward presence, sea control or power projection.
RESPONSE: LCS will be able to perform all of the missions for which she was built. As the
ships transition from research and development assets to operational Fleet units, the ongoing
efforts to determine the infrastructure requirements and sustainment processes will be
implemented and provide the requisite support to enable the successful execution of these
4. ASSERTION: Key failure is inability to effectively defend against ASCMs.
RESPONSE: LCS, with its 3-D air search radar and highly effective Rolling Airframe
Missile, is at least as capable against the cruise missile threat as the CIWS-equipped FFG 7
and significantly more capable that the Avenger class MCM and Cyclone Class PC, which
have no self-defense anti-cruise missile capability. LCS capability against ASCMs has been
demonstrated with two live firings of RAM from LCS against cruise missile targets, as well
as multiple tracking exercises and simulated ASCM engagements within the developmental
test window.
5. ASSERTION: CONOPS dictates ships operate at sea for 21 days but ship can only store
food for 14 days.
RESPONSE: The LCS CDD gives a 14-day threshold and a 30-day objective for
replenishment, which supports the expected 21-day underway cycles referenced in the
CONOPS. The CDD, not the CONOPS, is the governing document for all LCS
requirements. And as noted earlier, when operating within its normal speed range profile
(<15 knots), LCS has comparable endurance to an FFG 7.
6. ASSERTION: Navy is looking at ways to increase ship’s weaponry and lethality.
RESPONSE: Every Navy weapon, sensor, ship and aircraft system is continually being
reviewed and evaluated against current and future operations and threats to determine the
best mix of total combat power that can be brought to the fight. LCS is no exception to this
ongoing process.
7. ASSERTION: Major gap is the replacement of the Non-Line of Sight Launch System
RESPONSE: While the cancellation of NLOS was indeed a setback in bringing the surface-
to-surface missile to LCS, the modular design of LCS allows the Navy to select another
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

missile, without costly redesign. As an interim solution, the Griffin missile has already been
selected for incorporation until an extended range missile can be competitively awarded.135
Executive Summary of Navy “Perez Report” on Program
In late July 2013, the Navy released to the press a declassified version of the executive summary
of the assessment directed by Rear Admiral Samuel Perez (i.e., the “Perez report”). The
declassified executive summary, as posted at the Internet site of a defense trade press outlet and
including a passage on the third page that was blacked out by the Navy, is reprinted below:136

135 Navy information paper dated August 2, 2012, provided by Navy Office of legislative Affairs to CRS and CBO on
August 2, 2012.
136 The declassified version of the executive summary reprinted here was posted at (subscription
required) on July 24, 2013. The blacked out passage on the third page is as posted at
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

June 2013 Navy Blog Post
A June 10, 2013, blog post on the LCS program from Rear Admiral John F. Kirby, the Chief of
Information for the Navy, states:
I’ve been following closely all the debate over the Littoral Combat Ship. I’ve even chimed in
here and there to refute what I thought was bad reporting and erroneous claims by those
using old information. I figure that’s part of my job as the Navy’s spokesman—not to
staunchly defend but rather to inform and to educate.
The truth is, these are healthy debates. We need them. Talking about problems is a good
thing. And yet, as a guy who also taught naval history at the Academy, I can’t help but think
how very often we’ve been here before. Throughout our history, it seems, the boldest ideas
are often the hardest to accept.
Take legendary shipbuilder Joshua Humphreys, contracted in 1794 to build a new class of
frigate for the fledgling American Navy. Longer and broader than traditional frigates,
Humphrey’s ships were designed with graceful underwater lines for speed, packing an
impressive 44 guns and over an acre of sail.
But to many, the design seemed freakish. With its angled hull curving inward from the
waterline, unusually flush decks and several feet of extra beam, it was deemed too ungainly
to be of service.
Worse yet, Humphrey’s design had only partial support from a reluctant Congress not
particularly interested in stirring up the ire of the British or French, both of whom were at
each other’s throats again. We didn’t need a Navy, not now, they said. And even if we did, it
shouldn’t consist of anything quite as drastic as Humphrey’s frigates.
All that changed in 1797, when, in response to warming relations between the United States
and Great Britain, French privateers began raiding American commerce. By the summer of
that year, they had captured no less than 300 U.S. ships.
In a huff and in a hurry, Congress ordered the completion of three of Humphrey’s frigates:
United States, Constitution and Constellation.
They would accord themselves well, proving vastly superior in speed and durability to their
French foes. In one of the most famous battles of that short, little undeclared war,
Constellation forced the surrender of one of France’s mightiest frigates, Insurgente, in little
more than an hour. Humphrey’s frigates would go on to even greater glory against the
Barbary pirates of the North African coast a few short years later.
The critics had been silenced.
Silencing critics became almost sport for a whole generation of ship designers and engineers
in the early 1800s. Robert Fulton shut them up by proving the power of steam over wind;
Commander John Dahlgren did it with a revolutionary new gun capable of far greater range
and accuracy, and Swedish designer John Ericcson awed them with something called a gun
Ericcson didn’t stop there, of course. He went on to design a whole new class of warship. He
called them Monitors, and they changed naval warfare forever.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

The Monitor’s case is instructive for any discussion of LCS. Nearly everything about it was
new and untried. Its features were striking: a long, low stealthy profile, making it hard to
locate; a shallow draft and good maneuverability, making it perfect for work in the littorals;
and a radically new weapons system that boasted the largest and most powerful gun in the
Navy’s inventory—John Dahlgren’s.
The ship operated with less than a third the number of Sailors required of conventional
warships. And it was multi-mission in scope, capable of offshore operations and supporting
campaigns on land. Even the material used to form the hull—iron—was revolutionary and
added to the ship’s defensive capability.
Ericcson called it his “self-propelled battery at sea.”
Critics called it a mistake. Too small, too slow and too lightly armed it would, they argued,
be no match for the larger, cannon-bristling sloops of the Confederate Navy. Even Union
Sailors had taken to calling it a “cheesebox on a raft.”
It wasn’t until much later in the war, after improvements had been made to the design, that
the Monitor-class would prove its worth.
There were Monitors with Farragut at Mobile Bay. They took part in the Red River
campaigns of the West and proved ideal for coastal blockading work. A Monitor even served
as then-Admiral Dahlgren’s flagship during the 1863 attack on Charleston. They proved
durable ships and had an incredibly long service life, the last of them not being stricken from
Navy rolls until 1937.
The spirit of Monitor—and every other type of revolutionary ship—is alive and well in LCS.
As Monitor ushered in the era of armored ships and sounded the death knell for those of
wood, so too will LCS usher in an era of a netted, flexible and modular capabilities.
With its interchangeable mission packages, its raw speed, and its ability to operate with so
many other smaller navies around the world, LCS gives us a geo-strategic advantage we
simply haven’t enjoyed since the beginnings of the Cold War.
The response by Singapore and by other Pacific partners to Freedom’s deployment, for
example, has been overwhelmingly positive. They like the ship precisely because it isn’t big,
heavily-armed or overtly offensive. They like it because they can work with it. I fail to see
how that’s a bad thing in today’s maritime environment.
Let’s be honest. LCS was never intended to take on another fleet all by its own, and nobody
ever expected it to bristle with weaponry. LCS was built to counter submarines, small
surface attack craft, and mines in coastal areas. Thanks to its size and shallow draft, it can
also conduct intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations, maritime security and
intercept operations, as well as homeland defense missions. It can support Marines ashore,
insert special operations forces and hunt down pirates in places we can’t go right now.
Let me say that again … in places we can’t go right now.
That counts for something. The CNO always talks about building a Navy that can be where it
matters and ready when it matters. Well, the littorals matter. The littorals are where products
come to market; it’s where seaborne trade originates. Littorals include the major straits,
canals, and other maritime chokepoints so necessary to this traffic. It’s also where a whole
lot of people live. Coastal cities are home to more than three billion people right now, a
figure that some experts estimate will double by 2025.
Congressional Research Service

Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

In addition to strains on local economies and the environment, this rapid population growth
will continue to exacerbate political, social, cultural and religious tensions. You don’t have
to look any further than today’s headlines to see the truth in that. Consider the Levant, North
Africa, the South China Seas. And you don’t have to look any further than at our current
fleet of ships to see what we’re missing.
We need this ship. We also need to be more clear about it—what it is and what it isn’t. This
ship is a light frigate, a corvette. I never understood why we didn’t just call it that in the first
place. Maybe it’s because a corvette conveys something less muscular, less macho. I don’t
know. Maybe it’s because a corvette is something completely new to us, at least those of us
with no memories of picket destroyers, PT-boats, and hydrofoils.
Remember the whole debate over the Perry-class frigates? I sure do. My first ship was a
frigate. Too small, the critics said, too slow, too vulnerable. It couldn’t defend itself, they
argued. The 76mm gun was little more than a pea-shooter. The Phalanx system, poorly
situated aft on the O-2 level, fired rounds too small to be effective against incoming missiles.
The sonar? Well, let’s just say that some people compared it being both deaf and blind.
Sailors on cruisers and destroyers used to joke that “they wished they were on a ‘fig’ so they
could get sub pay.”
As one contemporary observer noted, “When [then] Soviet Admiral of the Fleet Sergei
Gorshkov goes to bed at night, he’s not lying awake counting Oliver Hazard Perry frigates.”
And yet, the little frigates became one of the most useful—and most popular—ships in the
Navy. “By saving money, manpower, and operating costs, the FFGs helped the Navy pass
through the economic trough of the 1970s and, with upgrades available from increased
defense spending in the 1980s, have served as a reliable platform through the end of the 20th
century,” writes Dr. Timothy L. Francis, a naval historian.
“Moreover,” he continues, “without these low-end ships the U.S. Navy never would have
been able to grow to the numbers needed to conduct the last phase of the Cold War, which
allowed the service to meet the multi-faceted challenges of that period.”
Criticism is good. Criticism is healthy. We should have to justify to the very public we are
charged to protect how we are spending their hard-earned tax dollars. And we are. We’re
working very hard to be as forthright and open as we can about all the problems still
plaguing both variants of the ship. But let’s not forget that it was critics who laughed at the
aircraft carrier, disparaged the F/A-18 Hornet and the MV-22, and scoffed at the idea of
propelling submarine through the water with the power locked inside an atom.
The critics have been plenty wrong before. And even the most skeptical of us have to be
willing to admit that they will be wrong again.
Look, LCS isn’t perfect—by any stretch. But it’s still experimental. It’s still a bit like
Humphrey’s Constellation and Ericcson’s Monitor when they first joined the fleet. New and
untried, yes, but valuable in their own way to making us a more capable Navy. It just takes a
little time to prove the concept. Sailors didn’t exactly clamor for PT-boat duty in World War
II until it became a tactically proven and exciting option for them.
Navy leaders have been very clear that all options for LCS remain on the table. If we find
that LCS needs to be more lethal, we’ll make it more lethal. If we find the ship needs to be
manned or maintained differently, we’ll do that too. Just like with the Perry-class, we’ll
upgrade and we’ll update. We’ll change.
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Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

But one thing that hasn’t changed is the dangerous world we live in. The threats and the
opportunities we face are real. And, quite frankly, they are every bit as “multi-faceted” as
were those we faced at the end of the Cold War.
As Aviation Week’s Mike Fabey wrote recently, “The Navy needs to rid the service of the
‘old think.’”
“Whether the Navy achieves operational or acquisition success with LCS remains to be
seen,” he noted. “But we do most definitely have a ship that is designed to be operated far
differently than any other warship before it. At the high-altitude conceptual level, that is
precisely what the Navy wanted.”
He’s absolutely right. We want—and we need—a new class of ships that can meet these new
challenges, that can get us on station fast and close, one that can perform in the coastal areas
where our partners, our forces and our potential foes will also operate.
To the critics I say, this is such a ship. Give it time.137

Author Contact Information

Ronald O'Rourke

Specialist in Naval Affairs, 7-7610

137 John F. Kirby, “The Littoral Combat Ship: Give It Time,”, June 10, 2013, accessed
July 2, 2013, at Ellipsis as
in original. For another blog post by a Navy admiral in defense of the LCS (in this case, by Rear Admiral Thomas S.
Rowden, the Navy’s Director of Surface Warfare), see Thomas S. Rowden, “Littoral Combat Ships: The Value of
Forward Presence and Numbers,” Navy Live, May 24, 2013, accessed July 2, 20131, at
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