National Monuments and the Antiquities Act
Carol Hardy Vincent
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy
Kristina Alexander
Legislative Attorney
March 21, 2014
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the President to proclaim national monuments on federal
lands that contain historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, or other objects of
historic or scientific interest. The President is to reserve “the smallest area compatible with the
proper care and management of the objects to be protected.” The act was designed to protect
federal lands and resources quickly, and Presidents have proclaimed a total of 137 monuments.
Congress has modified many of these proclamations and has abolished some monuments.
Congress also has created monuments under its own authority.
Presidential establishment of monuments sometimes has been contentious—for example,
President Franklin Roosevelt’s creation of the Jackson Hole National Monument in Wyoming
(1943); President Carter’s massive Alaskan withdrawals (1978); and President Clinton’s
establishment of 19 monuments and enlargement of three others (1996-2001). President Obama’s
designation of nine new national monuments and enlargement of another have renewed
controversy over the Antiquities Act. However, the President cited support for his monument
designations, most of which had been proposed for protective designations by legislation.
Issues have included the size of the areas and types of resources protected; the effects of
monument designation on land uses; the level and types of threats to the areas; the inclusion of
nonfederal lands within monument boundaries; the act’s limited process compared with the public
participation and environmental review aspects of other laws; and the managing agency.
Opponents have sought to revoke or limit the President’s authority to proclaim monuments. The
113th Congress is currently considering proposals to limit the President’s authority. Some bills
would bar the President from declaring monuments in a particular state or other area—H.R. 1495
(Arizona); H.R. 1439 (Idaho); H.R. 1434 (Montana); H.R. 432 and S. 472 (Nevada); H.R. 1512
(New Mexico); H.R. 758 (Utah); and H.R. 1526, Section 375 (O&C Lands). Others would restrict
Presidential authority in different ways. H.R. 382 would require approval by the pertinent state
legislature and governor before a monument was proclaimed by the President. H.R. 1459 would
make the President’s authority subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), prohibit
more than one proclamation per state per four-year presidential term, and prohibit private
property from inclusion in a monument without the written consent of the property owner. Other
bills would require congressional approval: H.R. 250; H.R. 1881, Section 304; H.R. 2192; H.R.
3895, Section 153; S. 17, Section 304; and S. 104. S. 104 also would make the President’s
authority subject to NEPA. Under H.R. 2192 and H.R. 3895, if Congress did not approve the
monument within a certain time period, the President would be barred from issuing a monument
proclamation that was “substantially similar” (H.R. 2192) or from withdrawing the same or
“similar” lands (H.R. 3895, §153).
Monument supporters favor the Antiquities Act in its present form, asserting that the public and
the courts have upheld monument designations and that many past designations that initially were
controversial have come to be supported. They contend that the President needs continued
authority to act promptly to protect valuable resources on federal lands from potential threats.

Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
The Antiquities Act of 1906 ............................................................................................................. 1
Monument Issues and Controversies ............................................................................................... 3
Monument Size .......................................................................................................................... 4
Establishment Criteria ............................................................................................................... 5
Inclusion of Nonfederal Lands .................................................................................................. 6
Effects on Land Use .................................................................................................................. 7
“Consistency” of Antiquities Act with NEPA and FLPMA ....................................................... 9
Monument Management ............................................................................................................ 9
Administration Activity ................................................................................................................. 10
Legislative Activity ........................................................................................................................ 14

Author Contact Information........................................................................................................... 16

Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Presidential establishment of national monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 (16 U.S.C.
§§431-433) has protected valuable sites, but also has been contentious. Litigation and legislation
related to the law have been pursued throughout its history. To give one historical example,
displeasure with President Franklin Roosevelt’s proclaiming of the Jackson Hole National
Monument in Wyoming in 1943 (which became Grand Teton National Park) prompted litigation
on the extent of presidential authority under the Antiquities Act, and led to a 1950 law prohibiting
future establishment of national monuments in Wyoming unless Congress made the designation.1
As another example, President Carter’s establishment of monuments in Alaska in 1978 also was
challenged in the courts and led to a statutory requirement for congressional approval of land
withdrawals2 in Alaska larger than 5,000 acres.3 President Clinton’s proclamation of the Grand
Staircase-Escalante National Monument in 1996 triggered several lawsuits, a law authorizing land
exchanges,4 and proposals to amend or revoke presidential authority under the Antiquities Act.
President George W. Bush’s designation of a marine national monument in 2009 led to a legal
challenge claiming that fishing rights had been lost. To date, no court challenges have succeeded
in undoing a presidential designation.
Additionally, initial opposition to some monument designations has turned to support over time.
Some controversial monuments later were enlarged and redesignated as national parks by
Congress, and today are popular parks with substantial economic benefit to the surrounding
communities. For instance, the Grand Canyon National Monument, proclaimed in 1908 and the
subject of a legal challenge, is now a world-famous national park.
Various issues regarding presidentially created monuments have generated controversy, lawsuits,
and legislative proposals to limit the President’s authority. Issues include the size of the areas and
types of resources protected, the level and types of threats to the areas, the inclusion of nonfederal
lands within monument boundaries, restrictions on land uses that may result, the manner in which
the monuments were created, and the selection of the managing agency. Recent Congresses have
considered, but not enacted, bills to restrict the President’s authority to create monuments and to
establish a process for input into monument decisions. Monument supporters assert that changes
to the Antiquities Act are neither warranted nor desirable. They believe that the act serves an
important purpose in preserving resources for future generations. The Obama Administration’s
exploration of areas for national monument designation, including designation of nine new
monuments and enlargement of another, have renewed interest in, and legislative efforts to
restrict, the President’s authority to proclaim national monuments.
The Antiquities Act of 1906
The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the President to proclaim national monuments on federal
lands that contain “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of

1 16 U.S.C. §431a.
2 A withdrawal is an action that restricts the use or disposition of public lands.
3 This provision was enacted as part of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA), P.L.
96-487; see 16 U.S.C. §3213.
4 P.L. 105-335.
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

historic or scientific interest.” The President is to reserve “the smallest area compatible with the
proper care and management of the objects to be protected.”5 Congress subsequently limited the
President’s authority by requiring congressional authorization for extensions or establishment of
monuments in Wyoming,6 and by making withdrawals in Alaska exceeding 5,000 acres subject to
congressional approval.7
The Antiquities Act was a response to concerns over theft from and destruction of archaeological
sites and was designed to provide an expeditious means to protect federal lands and resources.
President Theodore Roosevelt used the authority in 1906 to establish Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
as the first national monument. Sixteen of the 19 Presidents8 since 1906 created 137 monuments,
including the Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Zion, Olympic, the Statue of Liberty, and the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.9 President Franklin Roosevelt used his authority the most often—on
28 occasions. President George W. Bush proclaimed the most monument acreage, virtually all in
marine areas.
Monuments vary widely in size. While about half of the presidential monument proclamations
involved less than 5,000 acres, they have ranged from less than 1 acre to about 89 million acres.10
Congress, too, may create national monuments on federal lands, and has done so on numerous
occasions under its constitutional authority to enact legislation regarding federal lands.11 That
authority is not defined or limited by the provisions of the Antiquities Act. For instance, Congress
could enact legislation providing more land uses than are typical for national monuments created
by the President, such as allowing new commercial development, or could choose to provide
additional protections. Some believe that such legislation (as opposed to presidential action) is
more likely to involve the input of local and other citizens.
Congress also has modified monuments (including those created by the President), for instance,
by changing their boundaries. Congress has abolished some monuments outright12 and converted
others into different protective designations, such as national parks.13 Almost half of the current
national parks were first designated as national monuments.14

5 16 U.S.C. §431.
6 16 U.S.C. §431a.
7 16 U.S.C. §3213.
8 Since 1906, the Presidents who have not used this authority are Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W.
9 Monuments created by Presidents from 1906 through 2006 are listed chronologically on the website of the National
Park Service at
10 The African Burial Ground National Monument, established by President George W. Bush in New York City, is
0.345 acres. The Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, proclaimed by President George W. Bush, is
approximately 89 million acres in the Pacific Ocean. The largest national monument proclaimed on land was the
Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument in Alaska, with 10.95 million acres. It was redesignated as a national park and
national preserve two years after it was proclaimed.
11 U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3: “The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules
and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States.... ”
12 For example, the Fossil Cycad National Monument in South Dakota was abolished by an Act of August 1, 1956, and
the area was transferred to the Bureau of Land Management to be administered under the public land laws. As another
example, the Papago Saguaro National Monument in Arizona was abolished by an Act of April 7, 1930, and the area
was conveyed to the state of Arizona for park, recreational, and other public purposes.
13 For information on the authority of the President to modify or abolish monuments, see archived CRS Report
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Monument Issues and Controversies
Presidential authority to create monuments has generated concern among some Members of
Congress, state and local officials, user groups, and others. Controversies in Congress are focused
on a perceived lack of consistency between the Antiquities Act and the policies established in
other laws, especially the land withdrawal provisions of the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA),15 the environmental reviews required by the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),16 and the public participation requirements of NEPA,
FLPMA, and other laws. Criticism also has been expressed by those who oppose restrictions on
land uses, both extractive (e.g., mining) and recreational (e.g., off-road vehicle use), as a result of
monument proclamations. Critics also have challenged the size of the areas and types of resources
that would be protected.
Among the monument measures considered during recent Congresses were bills to impose
restrictions on presidential authority, such as those to limit the size or duration of withdrawals; to
prohibit or restrict withdrawals in particular states; to encourage public participation in the
monument designation process; to revoke the President’s authority to designate monuments or
require congressional approval of some or all monument designations; or to promote presidential
creation of monuments in accordance with certain federal land management and environmental
laws. Measures also were introduced to change land uses within monuments and to alter
monument boundaries.
Supporters of the Antiquities Act assert that changes to the act are neither warranted nor desirable.
They contend that previous Congresses that focused on this issue were correct in not repealing the
Antiquities Act. They note that Presidents of both parties have used the authority for over a
century to protect valuable federal lands and resources expeditiously, and they defend the
President’s ability to take prompt action to protect areas that may be vulnerable to looting,
vandalism, commercial development, and other permanent changes. However, the Secretary of
the Interior has authority to make emergency withdrawals of federal lands, which are effective
when made but expire at the end of three years.17 Defenders also note that some past designations
that initially were contentious have come to be widely supported over time. They contend that
large segments of the public support land protection, such as through monument designations, for
the recreational, preservation, and economic benefits that such designations often bring. They
note that courts have supported presidential actions.
A primary objection to national monuments is that the declaration changes the property from
being federal land available for multiple uses to being a national monument with possible
restricted uses. The legal challenge to the Grand Teton National Monument was premised on the

RS20647, Authority of a President to Modify or Eliminate a National Monument.
14 See the list of monuments created by Presidents from 1906 through 2006 on the website of the National Park Service
15 43 U.S.C. §1701 et seq. This law applies primarily to the lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management and
actions taken by the Secretary of the Interior, although some provisions also apply to the lands managed by the Forest
Service and the Secretary of Agriculture.
16 42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq.
17 43 U.S.C. §1714(e). The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make emergency withdrawals of federal lands not
under DOI jurisdiction without the consent of the managing agency. 43 U.S.C. §1714(i).
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

state’s loss of revenue from taxes and grazing fees.18 Courts have found that, for monuments
established under the Antiquities Act, agencies are afforded broad rights to protect the resources
of the site, and that the loss of income is not a legal basis to reject a monument designation.19 The
broad rights to protect monument resources at the time of creation can include water rights.20
Monument Size
In establishing a national monument, the President is required by the Antiquities Act to reserve
“the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be
protected.”21 Many monuments have been quite small, but several Presidents have established
large monuments, especially in Alaska. Examples of large monuments include Katmai,
established in 1918 with 1.1 million acres; Glacier Bay, created in 1925 with 1.4 million acres;
most of the Alaska monuments proclaimed in 1978, the largest being Wrangell-St. Elias, with
nearly 11 million acres; and Grand Staircase-Escalante, established in 1996 with 1.7 million
acres. More recently, President George W. Bush established large marine monuments, namely the
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, with approximately 89 million acres; the
Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, with 60.9 million acres; the Pacific Remote Islands
Marine National Monument, with 55.6 million acres; and the Rose Atoll Marine National
Monument, with 8.6 million acres.22 The Bush Administration claimed that the latter three areas
formed the largest protected ocean area in the world.23
Critics assert that large monuments violate the Antiquities Act, in that the President’s authority
regarding size was intended to be narrow and limited. They charge that Congress intended the act
to protect specific items of interest, especially archaeological sites and the small areas
surrounding them. They support this view with the legislative history of the act, in which
proposals to limit a withdrawal to 320 or 640 acres were mentioned although not enacted. They
contend that some of the monument designations were greater than needed to protect particular
objects of value, and that the law was not intended to protect large swaths of land or ocean.
Defenders observe that the Antiquities Act gives the President discretion to determine the acreage
necessary to ensure protection of the resources in question, which can be a particular
archaeological site or larger features or resources. The Grand Canyon, for example, originally
was a national monument measuring 0.8 million acres; President Theodore Roosevelt determined
that this large size was necessary to protect the “object” in question—the canyon. Defenders also
note that after considering the issue in the early 1900s, Congress deliberately rejected proposals
to restrict the President’s authority to set the size of the withdrawal. Further, they assert that
preserving objects of interest may require withdrawal of sizeable tracts of surrounding land to
preserve the integrity of the objects and the interactions and relationships among them.

18 Wyoming v. Franke, 58 F. Supp. 890 (D. Wyo. 1945).
19 Wyoming v. Franke, 58 F. Supp. 890 (D. Wyo. 1945).
20 Cappaert v. United States, 426 U.S. 128 (1976) (regarding Death Valley National Monument); High Country
Citizens’ Alliance v. Norton, 448 F. Supp. 2d 1235 (D. Colo. 2006) (referring to Black Canyon of the Gunnison
National Monument).
21 16 U.S.C. §431.
22 All monument sizes listed are approximate. Also, the sizes of marine monuments typically have been identified in
square miles, rather than acres. A square mile is equal to 640 acres.
23 For information on protection of ocean areas, including issues, programs, and administrative and congressional
action, see CRS Report RL32154, Marine Protected Areas: An Overview, by Harold F. Upton.
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

The courts have deferred to the President’s judgment as to the proper size for a monument. For
example, the lawsuit challenging the Grand Sequoia National Monument was based in part on the
monument’s size (327,769 acres) not being “the smallest area compatible with proper care and
management,” as required by the act.24 The court found no factual basis for the argument that the
size did not meet the standards of the act.
Establishment Criteria
Under the Antiquities Act, the President can establish monuments on federal land containing
“historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific
interest.”25 Some proclamations have identified particular objects needing protection, while others
have referred more generally to scenic, scientific, or educational features of interest.
Presidents sometimes have cited threats to resources (e.g., natural and cultural) to support
establishing monuments, although imminent threat is not expressly required by the Antiquities
Act. In his remarks designating the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, for instance,
President Clinton expressed concern about work underway for a large coal mining operation that,
he asserted, could damage resources in the area. Sometimes the noted threats appear less
immediate, as for the lands included in the Grand Canyon-Parashant Monument (proclaimed
January 11, 2000) which “could be increasingly threatened by potential mineral development,”
according to the Clinton Administration.26 In other cases, threats were reported by the press or
private organizations. For instance, the National Trust for Historic Preservation had identified the
(subsequently proclaimed) President Lincoln and Soldiers’ Home National Monument as one of
the country’s most endangered historic properties.
Presidential creation of monuments in the absence of immediate threats to resources troubles
those who believe that the law is intended to protect objects that are in immediate peril of
permanent harm. They contend that Presidents have established monuments to support
environmental causes, limit development, and score political gains, among other reasons. Those
who contest those charges note that the Antiquities Act lacks a requirement that objects be
immediately threatened or endangered. Others cite the pervasive dangers of development and
growth, looting, and vandalism as sufficient grounds for contemporary presidential action.
Some critics charge that, because the original purpose of the act was to protect specific objects,
particularly objects of antiquity such as cliff dwellings, pueblos, and other archeological ruins
(hence the name “Antiquities Act”), Presidents have used the act for excessively broad purposes,
such as general conservation, recreation, scenic protection, or protection of living organisms.
These purposes, they contend, are more appropriate for a national park or other designation
established by Congress. Supporters of current presidential authority counter that the act does not
limit the President to protecting ancient relics, and maintain that “other objects of historic or
scientific interest” is broad wording that grants considerable discretion to the President.
Courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have upheld under the Antiquities Act both the
designation of particular monuments and the President’s authority to create monuments. In a

24 Tulare County v. Bush, 306 F.3d 1138, 1142 (D.C. Cir. 2002).
25 16 U.S.C. §431.
26 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, January 11, 2000.
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

decision addressing one of the first national monuments proclaimed—the Grand Canyon—the
Supreme Court upheld the President’s authority under the Antiquities Act.27 The Court found that
the act gave the President the authority to preserve lands with cultural or scientific interest.28
Since then, courts have given deference to this presidential authority, holding that courts have
only a limited review of a presidential proclamation provided that it states the natural or historic
interest and that the area is the minimum amount needed to protect those interests.29 The courts
also have ruled that the act may protect natural wonders and wilderness values.30
Inclusion of Nonfederal Lands
It is an unresolved issue whether the Antiquities Act allows the President to declare a national
monument on lands not owned by the federal government. To date, no presidential declaration of
a monument has converted private property to federal property. However, some private inholdings
occur within national monuments.
The Antiquities Act initially states that it applies to lands owned or controlled by the federal
government. However, it also states that, where the objects to be preserved are on privately
owned lands, the property “may be relinquished to the Government.”31 Private and other non-
federal landowners have donated land under this provision, and the President subsequently
designated national monuments that included the donated lands. As an early example, Secretary
of the Interior James R. Garfield accepted the private donation of a redwood forest in California
on December 31, 1907, and on January 9, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the
area the Muir Woods National Monument. More recently, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
accepted donations leading to the establishment of some monuments by President Obama,
including the César E. Chávez National Monument in California.
It is not clear whether relinquishment must be voluntary (via donation, purchase, or exchange) or
may include condemnation. Courts have only discussed the issue as a side matter to the dispute
they were resolving. In two such cases, the courts have indicated that relinquishment should be
interpreted as a voluntary surrender of property. The more recent decision, in 2008, stated that the
Antiquities Act “does not authorize government officials forcibly to take private property to
provide such care or to enter private land.”32 In 1978, the Supreme Court described the
Antiquities Act as applying solely to federal property: “A reservation under the Antiquities Act
thus means no more than that the land is shifted from one federal use, and perhaps from one
federal managing agency, to another.”33
In some cases, nonfederal lands are contained within the outer boundaries of a monument,
although the ownership does not change by the monument designation. This inclusion is a source
of controversy. The Clinton Administration indicated that the monument designation does not

27 Cameron v. United States, 252 U.S. 450 (1920).
28 Ibid., at 455.
29 Tulare County v. Bush, 306 F.3d 1138, 1142 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (regarding Giant Sequoia National Monument).
30 Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Bush, 306 F.3d 1132, 1138 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (regarding six monuments in four
31 16 U.S.C. §431.
32 Buono v. Kempthorne, 527 F.3d 758 (9th Cir. 2008).
33 California v. United States, 436 U.S. 32, 40 (1978) (regarding Channel Islands National Monument).
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

apply to nonfederal lands. The Solicitor of the Department of the Interior (DOI) asserted this view
in 1999 testimony before Congress, stating that the Antiquities Act applies only to federal lands
and that monument designations cannot bring state or private lands into federal ownership.34
Some monument proclamations have stated that nonfederal lands will become part of the
monument if the federal government acquires title to the lands from the current owners.35
Some, however, note that while private or state-owned lands are technically not part of the
monument, development of such land located within monuments is difficult because such
development might be incompatible with the purposes for which the monument was created or
constrained by management of the surrounding federal lands.36 Monument supporters note that if
state or private landowners within a monument fear or experience difficulties, they can pursue
land exchanges with the federal government. Some monument proclamations have authorized
land exchanges to further the protective purposes of the monument.37
Effects on Land Use
The overriding management goal for all monuments is protection of the objects described in the
proclamations. Monument designation can limit or prohibit land uses, such as development or
recreational uses. Limitations or prohibitions may be included in the proclamations themselves,
accompanying administration statements, management plans developed by the agencies to govern
monument lands, agency policies, or other sources. Some use issues may not arise for particular
monuments given their distinctive characteristics, for instance, their small size or water-based
nature. In general, existing uses of the land that are not precluded by the proclamations, and do
not conflict with the purposes of the monument, may continue.
At least since 1996,38 monument proclamations typically have had protections for valid existing
rights39 for land uses, but the extent to which designations may affect existing rights is not always
clear. A common concern is that monument designation potentially could result in new constraints
on development of existing mineral and energy leases, claims, and permits. There are fears that
mineral activities may have to adhere to a higher standard of environmental review, and will have
a higher cost of mitigation, to ensure compatibility with the monument designation.

34 Testimony of John D. Leshy, at House Committee on Resources, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands,
hearings on H.R. 1487, The National Monument NEPA Compliance Act, 106th Cong., 1st sess., June 17, 1999, p. 53 and
p. 55.
35 For instance, nearly all of President Clinton’s monument proclamations had such a provision, including the
monument proclamations for the Agua Fria, Canyons of the Ancients, Sonoran Desert, and Upper Missouri River
Breaks National Monuments. These monument proclamations are on the BLM website under the respective monument
listings, at
36 See, e.g., Wilkenson v. Department of the Interior, 634 F. Supp. 1265 (D. Col. 1986) (federal government could not
completely restrict travel on a pre-existing right of way through a national monument).
37 For instance, President Clinton’s monument proclamations typically contained such a provision, including the
monument proclamations for the Agua Fria, Canyons of the Ancients, Sonoran Desert, and Upper Missouri River
Breaks National Monuments. These monument proclamations are on the BLM website under the respective monument
listings, at
38 No comprehensive examination was made of earlier monument proclamations.
39 The term valid has been interpreted by the Supreme Court in the context of a mine within a national monument as
meaning there were valuable, workable deposits of ore present. Cameron v. United States, 252 U.S. 450 (1920).
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Most of these monument proclamations have barred new mineral leases, mining claims,
prospecting or exploration activities, and oil, gas, and geothermal leases, subject to valid existing
rights. This has been accomplished by language to withdraw the lands within the monuments
from entry, location, selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the public land laws,
mining laws, and mineral and geothermal leasing laws.
Another concern is whether commercial timber cutting will be restricted as a result of
designation. For instance, future timber production was expressly precluded in the Giant Sequoia
National Monument proclaimed by President Clinton in 2000, although certain then-current
logging contracts could be completed. In many other cases, the proclamations have implied,
through a general prohibition against removing any “feature” of the monuments, that timber
cutting is precluded.40 Some assert that restrictions are needed to protect the environmental,
scenic, and recreational attributes of forests preserved under the Antiquities Act. Logging
supporters assert that forests can be used sustainably and that concerns raised by
environmentalists as grounds for limiting commercial timber operations do not reflect modern
forestry practices.
Motorized and mechanized vehicles off-road are prohibited (except for emergency or authorized
`purposes) under the proclamations for many newer monuments, particularly those issued by
President Clinton. Otherwise, the management plans for monuments typically address whether to
allow vehicular travel on designated routes or in designated areas, or to close routes or areas to
vehicular use in those monuments where such use is not expressly prohibited. In some areas that
have become monuments, off-road vehicles have been allowed, at least in some places.
Other concerns have included the possible effects of monument designation on hunting, fishing,
and grazing. Some proclamations have restricted such activities to protect monument resources,
and monument management plans may impose additional restrictions. For instance,
proclamations for some marine monuments established by President George W. Bush have
restricted or prohibited commercial and recreational fishing. Provisions on grazing have been
controversial in some cases, with some asserting that grazing has been unnecessarily curtailed
while others claim that grazing has not been sufficiently limited to prevent ecological damage.
States and counties frequently have viewed restrictions on federal lands in their jurisdictions as
threats to economic development. They maintain that local communities are hurt by the loss of
jobs and tax revenues that results from prohibiting/restricting future mineral exploration, timber
development, or other activities. Some believe that limitations on energy exploration could leave
the United States more dependent on foreign oil.
Advocates of creating monuments claim that economic benefits resulting from designation,
including increased tourism, recreation, and attracting new businesses and residents, may exceed
the benefits of traditional economic development.41 Others allege that the public interest value of

40 For instance, President Clinton’s monument proclamations typically contained such a provision, including the
monument proclamations for the Agua Fria, Canyons of the Ancients, Sonoran Desert, and Upper Missouri River
Breaks National Monuments. These monument proclamations are on the BLM website under the respective monument
listings, at
41 The potential economic benefits to local communities of national monument designation were discussed at a House
subcommittee hearing on September 13, 2011. For testimony asserting beneficial economic impacts, see Ray Rasker,
Executive Director, Headwaters Economics, at
raskertestimony09.13.11.pdf. For testimony asserting adverse impacts on communities, see Jerry Taylor, Mayor,
Escalante City, Utah, at
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

continued environmental protection outweighs any temporary economic benefit that could result
from development. Some want more restrictions on development.
“Consistency” of Antiquities Act with NEPA and FLPMA
The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) authorizes the Secretary of the
Interior to make certain land withdrawals under specified procedures. In enacting FLPMA,
Congress not only limited the ability of the Interior Secretary to make withdrawals, but repealed
much of the express and implied withdrawal authority previously granted to the President by
several earlier laws.
Critics of the Antiquities Act maintain that the act is inconsistent with FLPMA’s intent of
restoring control of public land withdrawals to Congress. They assert that Congress is the
appropriate body to make and implement land withdrawal policy and that Congress intended to
review and retain veto control over all executive withdrawals exceeding 5,000 acres. On the other
hand, in enacting FLPMA, Congress did not explicitly repeal or amend the Antiquities Act,
despite extensive consideration of executive withdrawal authorities. Supporters of the act assert
that it was the clear intent of Congress to retain presidential withdrawal authority under the
Antiquities Act.
Similarly, critics note that monuments have been proclaimed without the environmental studies
required of agencies for “major federal actions” under NEPA, or the review of a public purpose
and opportunity for public participation that FLPMA provides.42 However, neither NEPA43 nor
FLPMA applies to the actions of a President (as opposed to an action of an agency), and the
Antiquities Act is silent as to the procedures a President must follow to proclaim a new
monument. Some want to add procedures for environmental review and public participation to the
monument designation process so that significant withdrawals (with resulting effects on existing
uses) would not be made without scientific, economic, and public input.
Others counter that such changes would impair the ability of the President to take action quickly
to protect objects and lands, thereby avoiding possible damage to the resources. They assert that
participation requirements are not needed in law because Presidents typically consult with
government officials and the public before establishing monuments. Some believe that NEPA
requirements are unnecessary for monument designation because once monuments are created,
detailed management plans are developed in accordance with NEPA.
Monument Management
Although most monuments are managed by the National Park Service (NPS), both Congress and
the President have created monuments managed by other agencies. For example, in 1996
President Clinton created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and assigned its
management to BLM, the first such area administered by BLM. Also, President George W. Bush

42 For an overview and background on NEPA, see CRS Report RS20621, Overview of National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) Requirements
, by Kristina Alexander, and CRS Report RL33152, The National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA): Background and Implementation
, by Linda Luther.
43 See Alaska v. Carter, 462 F. Supp. 1155 (D. Alaska 1978) (NEPA does not apply to presidential proclamation under
the Antiquities Act).
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

selected the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in the Department of Commerce, and other agencies to manage marine
monuments. On September 21, 2012, President Obama established the Chimney Rock National
Monument with the Forest Service as the managing agency. In most cases, the monuments were
assigned to be managed by the agency that had responsibility for the area before the designation,
although that was not always the case. For example, although the area within the Minidoka
Internment National Monument was managed by the Bureau of Reclamation before designation,
the proclamation designating the monument changed the management authority to the NPS.
The President’s authority to choose a management agency other than NPS has been questioned.
Before 1933, monuments were managed by different agencies, but in that year President Franklin
Roosevelt consolidated management of national monuments in the NPS. Following the 1933
consolidation, it was not until 1978 that a presidentially created monument was managed by an
agency other than the NPS. In 1978, two of the Alaska monuments created by President Carter
were directed to be managed by the Forest Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and two were managed by FWS. Assigning management to the Forest Service was controversial,
and the two monuments were ultimately given statutory direction for Forest Service
The Supreme Court has suggested that it is entirely proper to switch management of federal lands
among federal agencies. As noted earlier, in its decision regarding the Channel Islands National
Monument, the Court said that the Antiquities Act could mean that the “land is shifted from one
federal use, and perhaps from one federal managing agency, to another.”45 A 1980 opinion from
the Office of Legal Counsel (Department of Justice) appears to indicate that the President may
have some flexibility in choosing the managers of post-1933 monuments.46 Others also assert that
the authority of the President under the Antiquities Act carries with it discretion to choose the
managing agency.
Some critics contend that management by an agency other than the NPS is an illegal transfer of
the current functions of the NPS. Others counter that establishing a new monument under another
agency would not constitute a reorganization because management of current NPS units, and the
general authority of the NPS to manage monuments, would be unaffected. Even if placing
management authority under a department other than the DOI might constitute a reorganization,
the President nevertheless might be able to move a function of the NPS to other DOI agencies
under congressionally approved authority allowing transfers of functions within DOI.47
Administration Activity
Most Presidents since 1906 have used the authority in the Antiquities Act to establish or expand
national monuments. President Obama has designated nine new national monuments in eight

44 The two monuments were given statutory approval as part of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of
1980 (ANILCA), P.L. 96-487.
45 California v. United States, 436 U.S. 32, 40 (1978).
46 4B Op. Off. Legal Counsel 396 (February 8, 1980).
47 Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950.
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

states, ranging in size from an estimated 10.5 acres to 242,555 acres. The President also enlarged
one monument in California. Brief information on each monument is listed below.48
• Fort Monroe National Monument in Virginia was designated on November 1,
2011. In establishing the 325-acre monument, the President stated that “Fort
Monroe on Old Point Comfort in Virginia has a storied history in the defense of
our Nation and the struggle for freedom.”49
• Fort Ord National Monument in California was designated on April 20, 2012.
The purpose of the 14,651-acre Fort Ord National Monument is to maintain its
historical and cultural significance, as well as attract tourists and recreationists
and enhance the area’s unique natural resources, according to the President.50
• Chimney Rock National Monument in Colorado was designated on September
21, 2012. The President cited the “spiritual, historic, and scientific resources of
great value and significance” in proclaiming the 4,726-acre monument.51
• César E. Chávez National Monument in California was designated on October 8,
2012. The 10.5-acre monument “marks the extraordinary achievements and
contributions to the history of the United States made by César Chávez and the
farm worker movement that he led with great vision and fortitude,” according to
the President.52
• First State National Monument in Delaware was designated on March 25, 2013.
The 1,108 acres of the monument contain objects and areas of historic interest
related to the settlement of Delaware and the role of Delaware as the first state to
ratify the Constitution, according to the President.53
• Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument in Ohio was designated on
March 25, 2013. The 60-acre monument was established to commemorate the life
and accomplishments of Colonel Charles Young, the highest ranking African
American commanding officer in the United States Army from 1894 until his
death in 1922, the commander of a troop of Buffalo Soldiers, and the first African
American superintendent of a national park, as described in the proclamation.54

48 For additional information on a particular monument, see the pertinent proclamation identified in the footnote.
49 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Fort Monroe National Monument, November 1, 2011, on the
White House website at
50 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Fort Ord National Monument, April 20, 2012, on the White
House website at
51 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Chimney Rock National Monument, September 21, 2012, on
the White House website at
52 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the César E. Chávez National Monument, October 8, 2012, on the
White House website at
53 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the First State National Monument, March 25, 2013, on the White
House website at
54 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument, March
25, 2013, on the White House website at
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

• Río Grande del Norte National Monument in New Mexico was designated on
March 25, 2013. In proclaiming the monument, the President stated that
protecting the 242,555-acre monument “will preserve its cultural, prehistoric, and
historic legacy and maintain its diverse array of national and scientific resources,
ensuring that the historic and scientific values of this area remain for the benefit
of all Americans.”55
• San Juan Islands National Monument in Washington was designated on March
25, 2013.56 This 970-acre monument contains an archipelago of over 450 islands,
rocks, and pinnacles in Washington’s Puget Sound. According to the President,
the area contains an “unmatched landscape,” numerous wildlife species in
diverse habitats, archaeological sites, and historic lighthouses and is a “refuge of
scientific and historic treasures and a classroom for generations of Americans.”
• Harriet Tubman–Underground Railroad National Monument in Maryland was
designated on March 25, 2013. This 11,750-acre monument commemorates the
life of Harriet Tubman, a leader of the Underground Railroad, and protects the
landscape and historic features of the area in which she lived, worked, and later
led enslaved African Americans to freedom, according to the proclamation.57
• California Coastal National Monument was enlarged on March 11, 2014.
President Obama added 1,665 onshore acres to this offshore monument, and
named the expanded area the “Point Arena-Stornetta Unit.” According to the
proclamation, the area is of “significant scientific importance,” and contains
archeological and cultural sites and artifacts, a landscape shaped by “powerful
geologic forces,” and “spectacular wildlife,” among other resources and values.58
The Administration cited support for the establishment of the monuments—for instance, from
government officials, businesses and local communities, and/or other stakeholders. Most of the
monuments had first been proposed for protective designations in legislation.59 In addition, some

55 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Río Grande del Norte National Monument, March 25, 2013, on
the White House website at
56 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the San Juan Islands National Monument, March 25, 2013, on the
White House website at
57 See Presidential Proclamation—Establishment of the Harriet Tubman–Underground Railroad National Monument,
March 25, 2013, on the White House website at
58 See Presidential Proclamation—Boundary Enlargement of the California Coastal National Monument, March 11,
2014, on the White House website at
59 See for example, H.R. 2456/S. 1303 (112th) (to establish a Fort Monroe National Historical Park); H.R. 2621/S. 508
(112th), H.R. 5223/S. 3303 (111th) (to establish a Chimney Rock National Monument); H.R. 624/S. 323 (112th), H.R.
3893/S. 1801 (111th) (to establish a First State National Historical Park); H.R. 1241/S. 667 (112th), H.R. 5334/S. 874
(111th) (to establish the Rio Grande del Norte National Conservation Area); H.R. 2912/S. 1559 (112th) (to establish the
San Juan Islands National Conservation Area); H.R. 4007/S. 247 (112th), H.R. 1078/S. 227 (111th) (to designate a
Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park); and H.R. 1411/S. 61 (113th), H.R. 4969/S. 3587
(112th) (to expand the California Coastal National Monument), and H.R. 4192 (111th) (to establish the Stornetta
Outstanding Natural Area).
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Members and segments of the public have advocated for additional monument designations in
their states.60 However, there also has been opposition to the monuments established by the
President, including concerns about the costs of managing them.
Concerns about the President’s use of his authority continue to be raised. Remarks by DOI
Secretary Sally Jewell on October 31, 2013, were viewed as implying that the President is
considering additional monument designations.61 The Secretary stated that the nine new
monuments established by President Obama “provide important protections for special places”
and that “[t]here are more special places that need protection.”62 In response, on November 13,
2013, some Members of Congress requested that the Secretary provide a list of places the
President is considering for monument designation, a proposed timeline for these designations,
and notification of a state’s congressional delegation in advance of monument designations.63
An earlier Obama Administration evaluation of whether to designate or expand national
monuments drew controversy. In February 2010, an Administration “internal draft” document
regarding possible national monuments was obtained by some Members of Congress.64 The
internal draft document identified 13 sites for possible new monument designations and one
monument for possible expansion.65 The areas were in nine states: Arizona, California, Colorado,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. The document also identified
three areas in Alaska and Wyoming as worthy of protection, but as ineligible for monument
designation because of the restrictions in law on the President’s authority in those states.
Concerns centered on whether the Administration was planning to designate national monuments
without input from Congress, local and state governments, residents of the affected areas, and the
general public. Fear that the Administration had not intended to consult on its monument
considerations originated with the notation on the document that it was “not for release.” Other
concerns echoed the traditional conflicts regarding the establishment of monuments—effects on
land uses, monument size, and the type of objects protected.
The Administration subsequently expressed intent to use a collaborative process in evaluating
areas for monument status. The Secretary of the Interior stated an interest in working with land
users, local governments, governors, and Congress with regard to using and protecting federal
lands.66 Others noted that the Administration’s intent to collaborate had been expressed on the

60 For instance, in a letter of January 24, 2014, some Members of Congress expressed support to the Secretary of the
Interior for additional monument designations under the Antiquities Act. The letter is available on the website of
Democratic Members of the House Committee on Natural Resources at
sites/ . In addition, on
December 12, 2013, a coalition of groups asked the President to designate additional monuments that “conserve our
diverse culture and heritage.” The letter is available through the Environment and Energy News PM website at
61 E&E News PM, Jewell on Monuments: ‘If Congress Doesn’t Act, We Will,’ October 31, 2013.
62 Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior, Remarks at the National Press Club Speech, October 31, 2013, on the DOI
website at
63 This letter is available through the Environment and Energy Daily website at
64 E&E News PM, Document Shows Obama Admin Exploring 14 New Monuments, February 18, 2010.
65 See Prospective Conservation Designation: National Monument Designations Under the Antiquities Act (undated),
internal draft, available online at
66 E&E News PM, Obama Admin Has ‘No Secret Agenda’ on Monuments—Salazar, February 22, 2010.
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

“internal draft” itself, which stated at the outset that areas identified “may be good candidates for
National Monument designation under the Antiquities Act; however, further evaluations should
be completed prior to any final decision, including an assessment of public and Congressional
support.”67 Still others noted that agency draft documents typically are not available for release.
The Obama Administration opposes restrictions on the President’s authority to establish national
monuments. For instance, in a written statement on several legislative proposals in the 112th
Congress, the Administration asserted that the authority has contributed significantly to the
protection of special qualities on federal lands, and that the proposals “would undermine this vital
authority.” The Administration further observed that the Antiquities Act “provided much of the
legal foundation for cultural preservation and natural resource conservation in the nation” and
provides the basis for current federal protection of archeological sites from looting and
Legislative Activity69
Given the recurring controversies over presidential establishment of national monuments, recent
Congresses have evaluated whether to abolish, limit, or retain unchanged the President’s authority
to establish monuments under the Antiquities Act. Most recently, bills to restrict the President’s
authority to proclaim national monuments have been introduced in the 113th Congress. Some bills
would prohibit the President from establishing or expanding national monuments in particular
states or other areas.70 Other bills focus on the authority for monument designation. H.R. 382
would require both the pertinent governor’s and state legislature’s consent to a presidentially
proposed national monument. It also would bar the Secretary of the Interior from implementing
restrictions on public use of a national monument until after “an appropriate review period” for
public input and state approval. On April 16, 2013, the Subcommittee on Public Lands and
Environmental Regulation of the House Committee on Natural Resources held a hearing on H.R.
H.R. 1459 would make several changes regarding the President’s authority to establish national
monuments. First, the measure seeks to make the President’s authority subject to NEPA. It
provides that monument proclamations affecting more than 5,000 acres would be considered
major federal actions under NEPA. Proclamations affecting 5,000 acres or less would be

67 Prospective Conservation Designation: National Monument Designations Under the Antiquities Act (undated),
internal draft, available online at
68 See Statement for the Record, on six monument bills, of the Department of the Interior before the Subcommittee on
National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands of the House Committee on Natural Resources, September 13, 2011,
available on the website of the Bureau of Land Management at
69 This section focuses on 113th Congress legislation pertaining to the President’s authority to establish national
monuments under the Antiquities Act. For instance, legislation pertaining to uses of land within national monuments is
not addressed.
70 For state-specific bills, see H.R. 1495 (Arizona); H.R. 1439 (Idaho); H.R. 1434 (Montana); H.R. 432 and S. 472
(Nevada); H.R. 1512 (New Mexico); and H.R. 758 (Utah). The Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental
Regulation of the House Committee on Natural Resources held hearings on all six House bills. In addition, H.R. 1526,
§375 would make monument designations on Oregon and California Railroad Grant Lands and the O&C region public
domain lands subject to congressional approval. The measure passed the House, and was referred on September 23,
2013, to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
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National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

categorically excluded under NEPA, and would expire after three years unless approved by an act
of Congress. Second, the bill would prohibit more than one proclamation per state per four-year
presidential term without an act of Congress. Third, it would prohibit private property from
inclusion in a monument without the written consent of the property owner. Additionally, within
one year following a monument proclamation, a study estimating the costs of managing the
monument would be required to be submitted to specified House and Senate committees and
posted on the website of the Department of the Interior.71 On September 20, 2013, H.R. 1459 was
reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources and placed on the Union Calendar in the
Other bills—H.R. 250;73 H.R. 1881, Section 304; H.R. 2192; H.R. 3895, Section 153; S. 17,
Section 304 and S. 104—would make the President’s authority to designate monuments subject to
congressional approval. Three of the measures—S. 104; H.R. 2192; and H.R. 3895, Section
153—also contain other provisions on national monuments. S. 104 also would require “certifying
compliance” with NEPA “with respect to the proposed national monument,” and bar the Secretary
of the Interior from implementing restrictions on public use of a national monument until after
“an appropriate review period” for public input and congressional approval.
H.R. 2192 would require congressional approval of a monument proclamation within two years,
or the proclamation would be ineffective, barring the President from issuing a monument
proclamation that was “substantially similar” to it.74 The bill also would amend the Antiquities
Act to require the President to prepare a report for Congress analyzing the economic impacts of
the designation, including federal, local, and state tax revenues lost or gained; impacts on existing
uses such as hunting, grazing, timber production, mining, and off highway vehicle use; and the
impact on energy security, including an estimate of the number of barrels of oil, tons of coal, or
cubic feet of natural gas that would become unavailable if the monument were approved. It would
create new public hearing and notice and comment procedures; require publication of reports and
comments; and require notices to the governor and officials of local and tribal governments. It
seeks to restrict the size of the monument that the President could designate, by changing the
Antiquities Act from “the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the
objects to be protected” to “the smallest area essential to ensure” (emphasis added). On June 6,
2013, the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation of the House Committee
on Natural Resources held a hearing on H.R. 2192.
H.R. 3895, Section 153, would make all executive branch withdrawals of public lands effective
upon public notice in the Federal Register and notice to the House and Senate, but permanent
only if approved by statute within one year of congressional notification. The measure applies to
withdrawals of more than 100 acres, and to smaller withdrawals in certain circumstances. If
Congress does not enact a law within one year, the executive branch would be barred from
withdrawing the same or “similar” lands for five years.75

71 The bill does not specify the agencies required to prepare the studies.
72 The House Republican leadership has identified H.R. 1459 as a bill that may be considered on the House floor during
the week of March 24, 2014. See
73 The Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation of the House Committee on Natural Resources
held a hearing on H.R. 250 on April 16, 2013.
74 The measure does not define “substantially similar.”
75 The measure does not define “similar.”
Congressional Research Service

National Monuments and the Antiquities Act

Author Contact Information

Carol Hardy Vincent
Kristina Alexander
Specialist in Natural Resources Policy
Legislative Attorney, 7-8651, 7-8597

Congressional Research Service