House Committee Hearings: Preparation
Christopher M. Davis
Analyst on Congress and the Legislative Process
November 26, 2012
Congressional Research Service
CRS Report for Congress
epared for Members and Committees of Congress

House Committee Hearings: Preparation

Preliminary Decisions ...................................................................................................................... 1
Witness Selection ............................................................................................................................. 1
Media Concerns ............................................................................................................................... 2
Final Preparations ............................................................................................................................ 2

Author Contact Information............................................................................................................. 2

Congressional Research Service

House Committee Hearings: Preparation

ommittee hearings provide Representatives an opportunity to gather information on, and
draw attention to, legislation and issues within a committee’s purview; conduct oversight
C of programs or agencies; and investigate allegations of mismanagement or wrongdoing.1
This checklist identifies many of the tasks that need to be performed, primarily by staff, for full
committees and, in most cases, subcommittees, in advance of a hearing. Some are required by
House or committee rules; others are common committee practice.
Preliminary Decisions
• Prepare a memorandum for the chair (and perhaps for other committee members)
outlining the need for, and scope of, the hearing, possible witnesses, number of
hearing days anticipated, and political considerations, such as the “message,” of
the hearing.
• Obtain the chair’s approval to hold the hearing.
• Check the schedule of the chair and ranking minority Member, determine
availability of and reserve committee hearing room, set dates, arrange for an
official reporter, and confirm availability of “essential” witnesses.
• Provide at least one-week’s public notice of the hearing, in keeping with the
requirements of House Rule XI and relevant committee rules.
• Several days prior to the hearing, brief committee members and staff and send a
memorandum confirming date, time, location, and topic.
• The day before the hearing, call members to determine expected attendance and
ascertain that a quorum, usually two committee members, will be present to hear
testimony. Check for possible conflicts between hearing times and House floor
• Prepare an opening statement for the chair, ranking Member, and other members.
Witness Selection
• Select witnesses in coordination with committee leaders, executive branch
officials, and issue leaders. House Rule XI, clause 2(j)(1) gives the minority the
right to call witnesses on at least one day of the hearing. Obtain required number
of copies of each witness’s written statement.
• Invite witnesses by phone, then by formal letter from the chair, providing hearing
information and requesting pertinent information. Invitation letters might include
date, time, location, and subject; a copy of pertinent House and committee rules;
reimbursement information (if applicable); deadline for submitting written
statements and quantity required; and the name and phone number of a staff
• Where appropriate, interview, depose, or subpoena witnesses.

1 This report was written by Thomas P. Carr, formerly an analyst at CRS.
Congressional Research Service

House Committee Hearings: Preparation

Media Concerns
• Review House Rule XI, clause 4, and pertinent committee rules that provide
guidance on broadcasting committee hearings.
• Provide the committee press secretary with material for committee
announcements of events and activities on the committee website. In consultation
with the press secretary, assemble media kits, and arrange interviews or press
conferences with the chair and other committee members.
• On the hearing day and in consultation with the committee press secretary,
distribute press releases, witness statements, and witness list.
Final Preparations
• Prepare Members’ briefing books that include description of the subject, scope,
and purpose of hearing; copies and comparisons of measures under
consideration; pertinent statutes and regulations; court decisions; published
articles; a chronology of major events; questions or talking points; and a list of
witnesses, biographical information, and copies or summaries of written
• Assemble materials on the dais, including a gavel and block (for the chair),
briefing books, House and committee rules (for the staff), cups and water, and
paper and pencils. Place cups, water, and nameplates on the witness table.
• Provide the official reporter with the witness list and statements, and Members’
opening statements.

Author Contact Information

Christopher M. Davis

Analyst on Congress and the Legislative Process, 7-0656

Congressional Research Service