Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations
Ida A. Brudnick
Analyst on the Congress
August 3, 2011
Congressional Research Service
CRS Report for Congress
epared for Members and Committees of Congress

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

The legislative branch appropriations bill provides funding for the Senate; House of
Representatives; Joint Items; Capitol Police; Office of Compliance; Congressional Budget Office;
Architect of the Capitol; Library of Congress, including the Congressional Research Service;
Government Printing Office; Government Accountability Office; and Open World.
The legislative branch budget request of $4.857 billion, which is included in the President’s
budget, was submitted on February 14, 2011. This represents an approximately 7% increase over
funds provided for FY2011, although the request was submitted prior to the enactment of the
FY2011 appropriations act. The FY2011 act (P.L. 112-10, enacted on April 11, 2011) provided
$4.54 billion for legislative branch activities, which represented a decrease of nearly 3% from the
$4.66 billion provided for FY2010. From October 1, 2010, until the enactment of this law, the
legislative branch operated on continuing resolutions (P.L. 111-242, P.L. 111-290, P.L. 111-317,
P.L. 111-322, P.L. 112-4, and P.L. 112-6).
The House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch held a markup on
July 7, 2011, which was followed by a full committee markup on July 13. The full committee
ordered reported a $3.3 billion bill, H.R. 2551 (H.Rept. 112-148). This total represents a $227
million, or 6.4%, reduction from the FY2011 level. The House agreed to a rule for consideration
of the bill (H.Res. 359) on July 21, 2011. The House passed the bill, as amended, on July 22 (Roll
no. 629; 252-159).
The Subcommittees on the Legislative Branch of the House and Senate Appropriations
Committees both held hearings during which Members considered the FY2011 legislative branch
requests. Among issues that were considered during hearings were the following:
• the potential for flat or reduced funding levels, including the effect on agency
operations, plans for various budget scenarios, and potential efficiencies;
• security plans and costs, especially for Members and district offices;
• expenses for legal services related to the Defense of Marriage Act following
Attorney General Eric Holder’s February 23, 2011, letter to Speaker John
Boehner regarding the President’s determination that Section 3 of this act is
unconstitutional and the Speaker’s March 9, 2011, announcement that the House
General Counsel was directed to initiate a legal defense of this law;
• the role of the Government Printing Office in the digital age; and
• status of current Architect of the Capitol projects and timing of renovations.
Previously, P.L. 111-68 (enacted October 1, 2009) provided $4.656 billion for FY2010. The
FY2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-212) provided an additional $12.96 million
for the Capitol Police. The FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-8, enacted on March
11, 2009) provided $4.4 billion for legislative branch activities. In FY2009, the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5) provided an additional $25 million for the
Government Accountability Office, and the FY2009 Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-
32) provided $71.6 million for the new U.S. Capitol Police radio system and $2 million for the
Congressional Budget Office.

Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Most Recent Developments ............................................................................................................. 1
FY2011 Continuing Resolution, Related Actions, and Prior Year Funding .............................. 3
Status of FY2012 Appropriations .................................................................................................... 5
Action on the FY2012 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill ................................................ 5
Submission of FY2012 Budget Request on February 14, 2011 .......................................... 5
Senate and House Hearings on the FY2012 Budget ........................................................... 6
FY2012 Legislative Branch Funding Issues .................................................................................... 6
Senate ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Overall Funding................................................................................................................... 6
Senate Committee Funding ................................................................................................. 7
Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account ................................................. 7
House of Representatives .......................................................................................................... 7
Overall Funding................................................................................................................... 7
House Committee Funding.................................................................................................. 8
Members’ Representational Allowance............................................................................... 8
Support Agency Funding........................................................................................................... 9
U.S. Capitol Police.............................................................................................................. 9
Architect of the Capitol ..................................................................................................... 10
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) ................................................................................ 11
Library of Congress (LOC) ............................................................................................... 11
Government Accountability Office (GAO)....................................................................... 13
Government Printing Office (GPO) .................................................................................. 14
Office of Compliance ........................................................................................................ 15
Open World Leadership Center......................................................................................... 16
John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development............................. 17
For Additional Reading.................................................................................................................. 23
CRS Reports ............................................................................................................................ 23
Selected Websites .................................................................................................................... 23

Table 1. Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY2000-FY2011 ....................................................... 4
Table 2. Status of Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY2012 ...................................................... 5
Table 3. Dates of House and Senate Hearings on Legislative Branch Requests.............................. 6
Table 4. Legislative Branch Appropriations .................................................................................. 18
Table 5. Senate Appropriations...................................................................................................... 19
Table 6. House of Representatives Appropriations........................................................................ 20
Table 7. Capitol Police Appropriations.......................................................................................... 22
Table 8. Architect of the Capitol Appropriations ........................................................................... 22

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Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Author Contact Information........................................................................................................... 23
Key Policy Staff............................................................................................................................. 24

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Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Most Recent Developments
Following the submission of the FY2012 budget request for $4.857 billion on February 14, 2011,
the House and Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittees on Legislative Branch held
hearings to discuss the agency requests. The requests, however, were submitted prior to the
enactment of the FY2011 appropriations act and the funding levels for FY2011 were unknown.
On May 12, 2011, the House Appropriations Committee released a draft subcommittee allocation
containing $4.314 billion for the legislative branch for FY2012.1 This level is $227 million less
than the FY2011 enacted level.
The House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch held a markup on
July 7, 2011, and reported the bill to the full committee with no amendments by voice vote.
The full committee held its markup on July 13, 2011. Two amendments were adopted by voice
vote, including a managers amendment with report language related to Open World and
workforce diversity, and an amendment offered by Ranking Member Honda directing the House
Chief Administrative Office to review and improve contracting controls.2 Three amendments
were rejected, including (1) an amendment offered by Representative Flake prohibiting the use of
the Members’ Representational Allowance for online advertising (voice vote); (2) an amendment
offered by Representative Moran prohibiting the use of funds for the purchase of polystyrene
products for food service facilities in the House of Representatives (roll call #1—18-26)3; and (3)
an amendment offered by Representative Flake to prohibit the use of the Members’
Representational Allowance for certain mailings not on a Member’s stationery (voice vote). The
full committee ordered reported a $3.3 billion bill with a roll call vote of 28-194 (H.R. 2551,
H.Rept. 112-148).5 The total funding level represents a $227 million, or 6.4%, reduction from the
FY2011 level.6
The House Rules Committee met on July 20, 2011, to discuss a special rule for the legislative
branch appropriations bill. A total of 33 amendments were submitted, and 16 were made in order
under the rule for consideration of the bill (H.Res. 359, H.Rept. 112-173).7 The House agreed to
this rule on July 21, 2011 (Roll no. 613, 239-172).
Consideration of the bill began on July 21, 2011, and continued the next day. The following 16
amendments—the most offered on the legislative branch appropriations bill since at least
FY1984—were considered, and 7 were adopted:

1 U.S. Congress, House, Committee on Appropriations, Report on the Suballocation of Budget Allocations for Fiscal
Year 2012
, H.Rept. 112-96 (Washington, GPO: 2011).
2 For text, see http://appropriations.house.gov/UploadedFiles/
3 U.S. Congress, House, Committee on Appropriations, Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill, 2012, H.Rept. 112-148
(Washington, GPO: 2011), p. 37.
4 Ibid., p. 38.
5 For votes, see http://appropriations.house.gov/UploadedFiles/
6 The draft bill and report were posted on http://appropriations.house.gov/.
7 The text of the amendments were posted on http://rules.house.gov/Legislation/legislationDetails.aspx?NewsID=404.
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Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

1. H.Amdt. 697, offered by Mr. Honda, to transfer Member Transition Activities
funds to increase the Capitol Police fund by $1,000,000 in order to establish a
Security Fund for Members’ District Office Security Upgrades, which was agreed
to by voice vote.
2. H.Amdt. 698, offered by Mr. Watt, to reduce funding for the Office of
Congressional Ethics by 40% ($619,200) and transfer the funds to the Spending
Reduction Account, which failed by recorded vote (102-302).8
3. H.Amdt. 699, offered by Mr. Broun, to reduce funding for the Joint Economic
Committee by $1,050,750 (25%) and transfer those dollars to the spending
reduction account, which failed by voice vote.
4. H.Amdt. 700, offered by Mr. Broun, to reduce funding for the Office of
Compliance to the FY2008 level ($467,000 reduction), which failed by voice
5. H.Amdt. 701, offered by Ms. Hayworth, to reduce funding for the Botanic
Garden by $632,780, which was agreed to by recorded vote (299-112).
6. H.Amdt. 702, offered by Mr. Broun, to reduce funding for the Botanic Garden to
the FY2008 level (a $3,192,000 reduction), which failed by recorded vote (153-
7. H.Amdt. 703, offered by Mr. Altmire, to restore $1 million in funding to the
Thirty-Year Mass Deacidification Program with the Library of Congress’s
Salaries and Expenses Account, which was agreed to by voice vote.
8. H.Amdt. 704, offered by Mr. Stutzman, to reduce the GPO funding by
$4,946,140.80 by transferring $3,414,150.29 from GPO, Congressional Printing
and Binding and $1,531,990.51 from GPO, Office of Superintendent of
Documents, to the spending reduction account, which was agreed to by recorded
vote (218-194).
9. H.Amdt. 705, offered by Mr. Paulsen, to prevent the distribution of printed
legislation to Member offices unless a Member requests the legislation, which
was agreed to by voice vote.
10. H.Amdt. 706, offered by Mr. Paulsen, to prevent use of funds to distribute printed
copies of the Congressional Record to Member offices, which was agreed to by
voice vote.
11. H.Amdt. 707, offered by Mr. Thompson, to prohibit use of funds to purchase,
acquire, install, or use any medium screw base compact fluorescent lamp or light
bulb (CFL), which failed by recorded vote (130 – 283).
12. H.Amdt. 708, offered by Mr. Hanna, to prohibit use of funds by the Chief
Administrative Officer to make any payments from any MRA for the leasing of a
vehicle in an amount that exceeds $1,000 in any month, which was agreed to by
voice vote.

8 For additional information on this office, see CRS Report R40760, House Office of Congressional Ethics: History,
Authority, and Procedures
, by Jacob R. Straus.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

13. H.Amdt. 709, offered by Mr. Flake, to require all mail funded by the Members’
Representational Allowance (MRA) and from funds for official mail for
committees and leadership offices of the House bear the official letterhead of the
Member, committee, or office involved, which failed by voice vote.
14. H.Amdt. 710, offered by Mr. Flake, to prohibit use of funds by Members,
committees, and leadership for purchase of online ads that link to a website
maintained by Members, committees, and leadership offices, which failed by
voice vote.9
15. H.Amdt. 711, offered by Mr. Holt, to provide $2.5 million for the congressional
Office of Technology Assessment10 and reduce funding for the House Historic
Buildings Revitalization Trust Fund by the same amount, which failed by
recorded vote (176 – 235).
16. H.Amdt. 712, offered by Mr. Moran, to prohibit the use of funds for polystyrene
containers in the food service facilities of the House of Representatives, which
failed by recorded vote (179 – 234).
The House passed the bill, as amended, on July 22 (Roll no. 629; 252—159).
FY2011 Continuing Resolution, Related Actions, and Prior Year

The Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (P.L. 112-10)
provided $4.54 billion for legislative branch activities for FY2011. This act continues funding and
language contained in the FY2010 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-68), unless
otherwise specified, and includes an across-the-board rescission of 0.2%. The FY2011 level
represented a decrease of nearly 3% from the $4.66 billion provided for FY2010.
From October 1, 2010, until the enactment of this legislation on April 11, 2011, the legislative
branch operated on continuing resolutions. These continuing resolutions included P.L. 111-242
(through December 3, 2010), P.L. 111-290 (through December 18, 2010), P.L. 111-317 (through
December 21, 2010), P.L. 111-322 (through March 4, 2011), P.L. 112-4 (through March 18, 2011)
and P.L. 112-6 (through April 8, 2011).
Additionally, both the House and Senate have adopted language in the 112th Congress affecting
spending within each chamber. H.Res. 22, adopted by the House on January 6, 2011, reduces the
authorized amounts for the Members’ Representational Allowances, House leadership offices, and
all committees except the Committee on Appropriations by 5%, with a 9% reduction for the
Committee on Appropriations. An amendment (S.Amdt. 182) offered by Senator Nelson (NE) to
S. 493, the Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer
Reauthorization Act of 2011, stated, “It is the sense of the Senate, that it should lead by example
and reduce the budget of the Senate by at least 5 percent.” The amendment was adopted on March

9 For additional information on advertisements, see the Members’ Congressional Handbook, available at
http://www.cha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=185#Members’ Handbook
Comm Advertisements.
10 For additional information, see the “Technology Assessments for Congress” section of CRS Report R41214,
Legislative Branch: FY2011 Appropriations, by Ida A. Brudnick.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

16, 2011. No further action on this bill occurred as of the date of this report. P.L. 112-10 also
contained language reducing funding allocations for Senators’ offices.
Previously, the FY2010 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-68) provided $4.66
billion for FY2010 legislative branch operations, and the FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act
provided $4.40 billion.11 In FY2009, an additional $25 million was provided for the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.12 P.L.
111-32, the FY2009 Supplemental Appropriations Act, also contained funding for the police radio
system ($71.6 million) and Congressional Budget Office ($2 million).13
Table 1. Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY2000-FY2011
(budget authority in billions of dollars)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2.486a 2.730b 3.252c 3.461d 3.528e 3.640f 3.793g 3.852h 3.970 4.501i 4.669j 4.543k
Source: Congressional Research Service.
Notes: These figures represent current dol ars, exclude permanent budget authorities, and contain
supplementals and rescissions. Permanent budget authorities, including funding for Member pay, are not included
in the annual legislative branch appropriations bill but, rather, are automatically funded each year.
a. Includes budget authority contained in the FY2000 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (P.L. 106-57), a
supplemental and a 0.38% rescission in P.L. 106-113, and supplementals in P.L. 106-246 and P.L. 106-554.
b. This figure contains (1) FY2001 appropriations contained in H.R. 5657, legislative branch appropriations bill;
(2) FY2001 supplemental appropriations of $118 million and a 0.22% across-the-board rescission contained
in H.R. 5666, miscel aneous appropriations bill; and (3) FY2001 supplemental appropriations of $79.5 million
contained in H.R. 2216 (P.L. 107-20). H.R. 5657 and H.R. 5666 were incorporated by reference in P.L. 106-
554, FY2001 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The first FY2001 legislative branch appropriations bill, H.R.
4516, was vetoed Oct. 30, 2000. The second legislative branch appropriations bill, H.R. 5657, was
introduced Dec. 14, 2000, and incorporated in P.L. 106-554. This figure does not reflect any terrorism
supplemental funds released pursuant to P.L. 107-38.
c. This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 107-68, transfers from the legislative branch emergency response
fund pursuant to P.L. 107-117, and FY2002 supplemental appropriations in P.L. 107-206.
d. This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 108-7, FY2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act, and supplemental
appropriations in P.L. 108-11.
e. This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 108-83, FY2004 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. Additional
FY2004 provisions which did not contain appropriations were contained in P.L. 108-199, the FY2004
Consolidated Appropriations Act.
This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 108-447, Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY2005 (adjusted by a
0.80% rescission also contained in P.L. 108-447), and P.L. 109-13, FY2005 Emergency Supplemental.
g. This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 109-55, FY2006 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (adjusted
by a 1.0% rescission contained in P.L. 109-148), and the FY2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
Act (P.L. 109-234).

11 Table 4 presents information on FY2011 and FY2012 appropriations for the legislative branch.
12 P.L. 111-5, February 17, 2009, 123 Stat. 191.
13 U.S. Congress, conference committee, Making Supplemental Appropriations For The Fiscal Year Ending September
30, 2009, And For Other Purposes
, report to accompany H.R. 2346, 111th Cong., 1st sess., H.Rept. 111-151
(Washington: GPO, 2009), p. 117.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

h. This figure contains appropriations in P.L. 110-5, the Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007,
and P.L. 110-28, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability
Appropriations Act, 2007.
This figure contains the appropriations in P.L. 110-161, the FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act, $25
million for the legislative branch contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L.
111-5), and $73.6 million contained in P.L. 111-32.
This figure contains the appropriations in P.L. 111-68, the FY2010 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act,
and the $12.96 million in supplemental appropriations provided for the U.S. Capitol Police in P.L. 111-212.
k. Does not include scorekeeping adjustment.
Status of FY2012 Appropriations
Table 2. Status of Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY2012

Report Approval

House Senate Report
Report House
7/13/11 H.Rept.

Source: Congressional Research Service.
Note: In recent years, the House has had a subcommittee markup, while the Senate has held a markup for the
legislative branch only at the full committee level. The House subcommittee markup was held on July 7, 2011.
Action on the FY2012 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill
Submission of FY2012 Budget Request on February 14, 2011
The FY2012 U.S. Budget submitted on February 14, 2011, contained a request for $4.857 billion
in new budget authority for legislative branch activities, an increase of approximately 7% from
the FY2011 enacted level.14 This request, however, preceded the enactment of the FY2011
appropriations law on April 11, 2011, which reduced FY2011 funding by nearly 3% from the
FY2010 level.
By law, the legislative branch request is submitted to the President and included in the budget
without change.15
A substantial portion of the increase requested by legislative branch entities was to meet (1)
mandatory expenses, such as increased government contributions to retirement based on

14 Office of Management and Budget, Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government, FY2012, Table
33-1—Federal Programs by Agency and Account (Washington: GPO, 2011), pp. 2-16; and Office of Management and
Budget, Appendix, Budget of the United States Government, FY2012, (Washington: GPO, 2011), p. 15-46.
15 Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1105, “Estimated expenditures and proposed appropriations for the legislative branch and the
judicial branch to be included in each budget ... shall be submitted to the President ... and included in the budget by the
President without change.” The President is required to submit the proposed budget to Congress by the first Monday in
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

increased pay, and (2) expenses related to increases in the costs of goods and services due to
Senate and House Hearings on the FY2012 Budget
Table 3 lists the dates of hearings of the Legislative Branch Subcommittees in 2011.
Table 3. Dates of House and Senate Hearings on Legislative Branch Requests

House of Representatives

May 12, 2011
House of Representatives
May 12, 2011

Capitol Police
June 2, 2011
May 12, 2011
Office of Compliance

March 3, 2011
Congressional Budget Office
May 11, 2011
March 17, 2011
Architect of the Capitol
March 15, 2011
March 3, 2011
Library of Congress, including the
March 11, 2011
March 31, 2011
Congressional Research Service
Government Printing Office
May 11, 2011
March 17, 2011
Government Accountability Office
March 11, 2011
March 17, 2011
Open World Leadership Center

March 31, 2011
Members/Public Witnesses
May 11, 2011

Source: Congressional Research Service.
FY2012 Legislative Branch Funding Issues
The following sections discuss the various legislative branch accounts as well as issues discussed
during the hearings on the budget requests. Although a comparison of the FY2012 requests to the
FY2011 enacted levels is provided, as discussed above, the budget requests were submitted prior
to the enactment of the FY2011 appropriations act and the funding levels for FY2011 were
Overall Funding
The Senate requested $971.55 million, an increase of $57.39 million (6.3% ) from the $914.15
million provided in FY2011. The FY2011 level represented a reduction of $12.01 million (1.3%)
from the FY2010 level of $926.16 million.
FY2012 requests and FY2011 funding levels for headings within the Senate account are presented
in Table 5.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Senate Committee Funding
Appropriations for Senate committees are contained in two accounts:16
• The inquiries and investigations account contains funds for all Senate
committees except Appropriations. The Senate had requested $161.3 million for
inquiries and investigations, an increase of $21.1 million (15.1%) from the
$140.5 million provided in FY2011 (not including a 0.2% rescission) and
• The Committee on Appropriations account contains funds for the Senate
Appropriations Committee. The Senate has requested $15.8 million, which is
equal to the FY2010 and FY2011 (not including a 0.2% rescission) funding level.
Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account
The Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account provides each Senator with funds
to administer an office. It consists of an administrative and clerical assistance allowance, a
legislative assistance allowance, and an official office expense allowance. The funds may be used
for any category of expenses, subject to limitations on official mail.
Slightly less than $447.0 million was requested for FY2012, an increase of $37.8 million from the
FY2011 level of $409.2 million. The FY2011 level was $12.8 million less than the FY2010 level
of $422.0 million.17
Highlights of the Senate Hearing on the FY2012 Budget of the Senate
At a hearing on May 12, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the transfer of the
administration of subscription services from the office of the Sergeant at Arms to the Secretary of
the Senate; the Senate payroll system; the cost of administering state offices; and attempts to
balance security and personnel costs.
House of Representatives
Overall Funding
The House-passed bill provides $1.23 billion, a decrease of $84.7 million (6.5%) from the
FY2011 level of $1.31 billion.18 The House had requested $1.33 billion, an increase of $22.3
million (1.7%) over the FY2011 level.

16 For additional information on committee funding, see CRS Report R40424, Senate Committee Expenditures
Resolutions, 112th Congress, and Funding Authorizations Since 1995
, by R. Eric Petersen, R. Sam Garrett, and Erin
17 The FY2011 act (P.L. 112-10) also contained language stating, “each Senator’s official personnel and office expense
allowance (including the allowance for administrative and clerical assistance, the salaries allowance for legislative
assistance to Senators, as authorized by the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1978 (P.L. 95-94), and the office
expense allowance for each Senator’s office for each State) in effect immediately before the date of enactment of this
section shall be reduced by 5 percent.”
18 As stated above, H.Amdt. 697, which was adopted by voice vote, transferred $1 million from transition activities to
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

FY2012 requests and FY2011 funding levels for headings in the House of Representatives
account are presented in Table 6.
House Committee Funding19
Funding for House committees is contained in the appropriation heading “committee employees,”
which comprises two subheadings.
The first subheading contains funds for personnel and nonpersonnel expenses of House
committees, except the Appropriations Committee, as authorized by the House in a committee
expense resolution. The House-passed bill provides nearly $126.0 million, a decrease of $8.6
million from the $134.5 million requested for FY2012 and provided for FY2011. The FY2011
level was a decrease of $5.3 million from the $139.9 million provided in FY2010.
The second subheading contains funds for the personnel and nonpersonnel expenses of the
Committee on Appropriations. The House-passed bill provides $26.7 million. The House had
requested $28.5 million, which is equivalent to the FY2011 level and a decrease of $2.8 million
from the FY2010 level of $31.3 million.
Members’ Representational Allowance20
The Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA) is available to support Members in their
official and representational duties. The House-passed bill provides $573.9 million. This level is
$59.9 million less than the $633.8 million requested for FY2012 and $39.1 million less than the
$613.1 million provided in FY2011. The FY2011 level was a decrease of nearly $47 million from
the $660.0 million provided in FY2010.
Highlights of the House Hearing on the FY2012 Budget of the House of

At a hearing on May 12, 2011, the House subcommittee discussed Member and district office
security, including costs; expenses for legal services related to the Defense of Marriage Act
following Attorney General Eric Holder’s February 23, 2011, letter to Speaker John Boehner
regarding the President’s determination that Section 3 of this act is unconstitutional and the
Speaker’s March 9, 2011, announcement that the House General Counsel was directed to initiate
a legal defense of this law; greening efforts, including functions of the Architect of the Capitol
and the use of Styrofoam in the House cafeteria; and the House wounded warrior program and the
experiences and long-term employment prospects of its alumni.

the Capitol Police for district office security upgrades.
19 For additional information on committee funding, CRS Report RL32794, House Committee Funding Requests and
Authorizations, 104th-112th Congresses
, by R. Eric Petersen, R. Sam Garrett, and Erin Hemlin.
20 For additional information, see CRS Report R40962, Members’ Representational Allowance: History and Usage, by
Ida A. Brudnick.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Support Agency Funding
U.S. Capitol Police
The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) are responsible for the security of the Capitol Complex including
the U.S. Capitol, the House and Senate office buildings, the U.S. Botanic Garden, and the Library
of Congress buildings and adjacent grounds.
The House-reported bill provided $340.1 million, the same as provided in FY2011. H.Amdt. 697
increased this amount by $1 million, transferred from transition activities, for district office
security. The USCP had requested $387.6 million for FY2012, an increase of $47.5 million
(14.0%). The USCP FY2012 request and FY2011 funding level are also presented in Table 7.
Previously, the FY2010 appropriations act provided $328.3 million and P.L. 111-212 provided an
additional $12.96 million in supplemental appropriations. The USCP had requested $15.956
million in FY2010 supplemental appropriations.21
Appropriations for the police are contained in two accounts—a salaries account and a general
expenses account.
The salaries account contains funds for the salaries of employees; overtime
pay; hazardous duty pay differential; and government contributions for employee health,
retirement, Social Security, professional liability insurance, and other benefit programs. The
general expenses account contains funds for expenses of vehicles; communications equipment;
security equipment and its installation; dignitary protection; intelligence analysis; hazardous
material response; uniforms; weapons; training programs; medical, forensic, and communications
services; travel; relocation of instructors for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; and
other administrative and technical support, among other expenses. The Capitol Police have
requested $299 million for salaries (an increase of $22.2 million, or 8%) and $88.27 million (an
increase of $25.27 million, or 40.1%). The House-reported bill continued funding at the FY2011
level, and the district office security amendment increased this amount by $1 million.
Another appropriation relating to the Capitol Police appears within the Architect of the Capitol
account for Capitol Police buildings and grounds. The House-passed bill provides $21.5 million,
a decrease of $5.5 million from the nearly $27.0 million provided in P.L. 112-10. The Capitol
Police had requested $32.3 million, an increase of $5.4 million (19.9%), over the FY2011 enacted
level. The FY2011 level represented a 0.2% decrease from the $27.0 million provided in FY2010.
Highlights of the House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the U.S.
Capitol Police

At a hearing on May 12, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the basis of the Capitol Police
request for the 2012 presidential nominating conventions; the size of the Inspector General office

21 Letter from President Barack Obama to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, April 5, 2010, 111th Cong., 2nd sess., H.Doc. 111–104
(Washington, GPO: 2010). Available at http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=
111_cong_documents&docid=f:hd104.111.pdf; and Letter from President Barack Obama to Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
June 18, 2010, 111th Cong., 2nd sess., H.Doc. 111–125 (Washington, GPO: 2010). Available at
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

and the request for three additional full-time equivalents (FTEs); the status of the radio
modernization project; and potential cost savings, including savings from minimizing entry doors.
On June 2, 2011, the House subcommittee discussed the activities and budget request of the
Capitol Police, including determinants of the Capitol Police mission; how the Capitol Police
could adjust to a funding reduction; efforts to establish safe evacuation procedures, particularly
for the disabled; the role of the Capitol Police Board; the status of racial and gender
discrimination complaints and the hiring of a new diversity officer; and district office security
Architect of the Capitol
The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is responsible for the maintenance, operation, development,
and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex, which includes the Capitol and its
grounds, House and Senate office buildings, Library of Congress buildings and grounds, Capitol
Power Plant, Botanic Garden, Capitol Visitor Center, and Capitol Police buildings and grounds.
The Architect is responsible for the Supreme Court buildings and grounds, but appropriations for
their expenses are not contained in the legislative branch appropriations bill.
Overall Funding Levels
Operations of the Architect are funded in the following 10 accounts: general administration,
Capitol building, Capitol grounds, Senate office buildings, House office buildings, Capitol power
plant, Library buildings and grounds, Capitol Police buildings and grounds, Capitol Visitor
Center, and Botanic Garden.
The House-reported bill provided $489.6 million, not including funding for Senate office
buildings. H.Amdt. 701 reduced funding for the Botanic Garden account by $632,780. The
Architect had requested $706.1 million, an increase of $120.3 million (20.5%) from the FY2011
level. P.L. 112-10 provided $585.8 million, including a $14.6 million rescission for the Capitol
Visitor Center, a decrease of $15.8 million (2.6%) from the $601.6 million provided in FY2010.
The Architect had requested $754.8 million, an increase of $153.2 million (25.5%). In FY2010, a
21.7% increase (or $644.6 million) was requested and a 13.6% increase was provided ($601.6
million). In FY2009, a 55.4% increase ($642.7 million) was requested and a 28% increase
($529.6 million) was provided. The FY2008 budget authority represented a decrease of 8.1%
from the $449.9 million (including supplemental appropriations) provided in FY2007.
The FY2012 request and FY2011 funding level for each of the AOC accounts is presented in
Table 8.
Highlights of the House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the
Architect of the Capitol

At a hearing on March 3, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the timing of repairs to the
Capitol dome; the completion of the tunnel project, scheduled for 2012; the completion of the
radio project; potential savings from a unified legislative branch financial management system;
Capitol Power Plant east chiller relocation project; and how the agency would operate under
various potential funding cuts.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

At a hearing on March 15, 2011, the House subcommittee discussed the project prioritization
process, the Capitol dome project, the Cannon revitalization project, energy consumption and
savings, and repairs to the House garages.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
CBO is a nonpartisan congressional agency created to provide objective economic and budgetary
analysis to Congress. CBO cost estimates are required for any measure reported by a regular or
conference committee that may vary revenues or expenditures.22
The House-passed bill provides $43.8 million. CBO had requested $46.9 million for FY2012, less
than $100,000 more than the $46.8 million provided for FY2011 in P.L. 112-10. Previously, the
FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act provided $44.1 million, and CBO also received $2.0
million, to remain available through FY2010, in the FY2009 Supplemental Appropriations Act
(P.L. 111-32).
Administrative Provisions
CBO requested two administrative provisions for FY2012, neither of which were included in the
House-passed bill. The provisions would
1. allow unobligated balances of expired Congressional Budget Office
appropriations for FY2012 and each fiscal year to remain available until
expended for information technology security projects, and
2. allow appropriations available to the Congressional Budget Office to be used to
pay the compensation of certain employees with non-immigrant visas.
Highlights of the House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the CBO
At the House hearing on May 11, 2011, the subcommittee discussed CBO’s workload, impetus
for reports, protocols for determining priorities, process for making long-term projections, and
potential consequences of budget cuts on CBO operations.
At a hearing on March 17, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the prioritization of cost
estimates; CBO’s information technology request; its use of outside specialists; and plans for a
tighter budget environment.
Library of Congress (LOC)
The Library of Congress provides research support for Congress through a wide range of
services, from research on public policy issues to general information. Among its major programs
are acquisitions, preservation, legal research for Congress and other federal entities,
administration of U.S. copyright laws by the Copyright Office, research and analysis of policy
issues by the Congressional Research Service, and administration of a national program to

22 The Congressional Budget Office is required to use estimates provided by the Joint Committee on Taxation for all
revenue legislation (Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, P.L. 99-177, sec. 273, 99 Stat.1098,
December 12, 1985; 2 U.S.C. §621 (et seq.)).
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

provide reading material to the blind and physically handicapped. The Library also maintains a
number of collections and provides a range of services to libraries in the United States and
The House-passed bill provides $575.3 million, a decrease of $53.4 million (8.5%) from the
FY2011 level of $628.7 million. The Library had requested $666.7 million, an increase of $38.1
million (6.1%). The FY2011 level represented a decrease of $14.7 million (2.3%) from the $643.3
million provided in FY2010. The FY2010 level represented an increase of 6.0% over the FY2009
level of $607.1 million,23 and the FY2009 level represented an increase of approximately 7.8%
over the $563.0 million provided in the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act. These figures
do not include additional authority to spend receipts.24
The FY2011 budget contains the following headings:
• Salaries and expenses—The House-passed bill provides $406.1 million. The
Library had requested nearly $456.0 million (not including $6.35 million in
authority to spend receipts), an increase of $24.2 million (5.6%) from the $431.8
million provided for FY2011. The FY2011 level was an $8.0 million decrease
(1.8%) from the $439.8 million provided for FY2010.
• Copyright Office—The House-passed bill provides $14.5 million. The Library
had requested $21.7 million, an increase of $3.9 million over the $17.8 million
provided in FY2011. The FY2011 level was a decrease of $3.0 million (14.6%)
from the $20.9 million provided for FY2010. These levels do not include
authority to spend receipts.

• Congressional Research Service—The House-passed bill provides $104.1
million. $117.1 million was requested for CRS, an increase of $6.1 million
(5.5%) from the FY2011 level of $111.0 million. The FY2011 level was a
decrease of $1.5 million (1.3%) from the $112.5 million provided for FY2010.
• Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped—The House-passed bill
provides $50.7 million. The Library had requested $71.9 million, an increase of
$3.9 million from the $68.0 million provided for FY2011. The FY2011 level was
a decrease of $2.1 million (3.0%) from the $70.2 million provided for FY2010.
The Architect’s budget also contains funds for the Library buildings and grounds. The House-
passed bill provides $38.5 million, a decrease of $7.2 million from the $45.7 million provided for
FY2011. A total of $67.9 million was requested, an increase of $22.2 million (48.5%). The
FY2011 level represented a 0.2% reduction from the $45.8 million provided for Library buildings
and grounds in FY2010.
Administrative Provisions
The Library requested two recurring administrative provisions—related to authority to obligate
funds for reimbursable and revolving fund activities number of administrative provisions for

23 This percentage is not adjusted for non-recurring costs, including the transfer of the Library of Congress Police to the
Capitol Police.
24 An example of receipts are fees paid to the LOC for copyright registration.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

FY2011 and providing transfer authority—as well as two provisions requested in FY2011, which
1. make available balances of expired Library of Congress appropriations available
for the purposes of making payments for employees of the Library of Congress
under Section 8147 of Title 5, United States Code (relating to workers
compensation payments); and
2. authorize the Librarian of Congress to dispose of surplus or obsolete personal
property of the Library of Congress, with amounts received credited to funds
available for the operations of the Library of Congress and available for the costs
of acquiring similar property.
The House-passed bill contains the workers compensation provision but not the surplus property
Highlights of the House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the
Library of Congress

At a hearing on March 11, 2011, the House subcommittee examined Library operations at various
potential funding levels; the use of overseas offices; the search for a chief of the Asia Division;
the relationship between fees for copyright registrants and costs to process registrations; the
requested information technology security funding; and telework.
At a hearing on March 31, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the impact of funding cuts;
the deferral of projects; and requests for additional staff and information technology security
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
GAO works for Congress by responding to requests for studies of federal government programs
and expenditures. GAO may also initiate its own work.25 Formerly the General Accounting
Office, the agency was renamed the Government Accountability Office effective July 7, 2004.
The House-passed bill provides $511.3 million (not including $18.3 million in offsetting
collections), a decrease of nearly $35.0 million (6.4%) from the $546.3 million provided for
FY2011. GAO had requested $556.8 million (not including $18.3 million in offsetting
collections),26 an increase of $10.6 million (1.9%) and equal to the $556.9 million (not including
$15.22 million in offsetting collections) provided in FY2010. GAO received $531.0 million, not
including offsetting collections, in the FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act and an additional
$25 million in P.L. 111-5 to cover responsibilities under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009.

25 GAO’s guidelines for initiating studies are contained in U.S. Government Accountability Office, GAO’s
Congressional Protocols
, GAO-04-310G (Washington: GAO, 2004). Posted on the website of the Government
Accountability Office at http://www.gao.gov/special.pubs/d04310g.pdf.
26 Offsetting collections include funds derived from reimbursable audits and rental of space in the GAO building.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Highlights of House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the GAO
At a hearing on March 11, 2011, the House subcommittee discussed GAO’s use of field offices;
tenant use of excess space in GAO’s headquarters; studies related to Member security; and
funding for mandates, including work required under the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009.
At a hearing on March 17, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the methodology used for
GAO reports and how the agency is responding to the budget environment.
Government Printing Office (GPO)27
The House-reported bill provided $113.0 million, a decrease of $22.1 million (16.3%) from the
$135.1 million provided for FY2011 in P.L. 112-10. H.Amdt. 704, offered by Mr. Stutzman,
reduced this funding by $4,946,140.80. GPO had requested $148.5 million, an increase of $13.4
The FY2011 level represented a decrease of $12.4 million (8.4%) from the $147.5 million for
FY2010.The FY2010 level represented an increase of 4.9% over the $140.6 million provided in
the FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act. The FY2009 level represented an increase of 12.7%
over the $124.7 million provided in the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act.
GPO’s budget authority is contained in three accounts: (1) congressional printing and binding, (2)
Office of Superintendent of Documents (salaries and expenses), and (3) the revolving fund.
FY2009 levels for these accounts are as follows:
• Congressional printing and binding—The House-reported bill provided $78.0
million. H.Amdt. 704 reduced this level by $3,414,150.29. GPO had requested
$100.0 million, an increase of $6.4 million (6.9%) over the $93.6 million
provided for FY2011. The FY2010 appropriations act had provided $93.8

• Office of Superintendent of Documents (salaries and expenses)—The House-
reported bill provided $35.0 million. H.Amdt. 704 reduced this level by
$1,531,990.51. GPO had requested $42.2 million, an increase of $2.3 million
(5.9%) over the $39.8 million provided for FY2011. The FY2010 appropriations
act had provided $40.9 million.
• Revolving fund—The revolving fund supports the operation and maintenance of
the Government Printing Office.28 The House-passed bill does not provide
funding for the revolving fund. GPO had requested $6.3 million, an increase of
$4.6 million over the $1.7 million provided in FY2011. The FY2010 act provided
$12.8 million for the revolving fund.

27 For additional information on GPO, see CRS Report R40897, Congressional Printing: Background and Issues for
, by R. Eric Petersen and Amber Hope Wilhelm.
28 For additional information, see CRS Report R40939, Legislative Branch Revolving Funds, by Ida A. Brudnick and
Jacob R. Straus.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

The congressional printing and binding account pays for expenses of printing and binding
required for congressional use, and for statutorily authorized printing, binding, and distribution of
government publications for specified recipients at no charge. Included within these publications
are the Congressional Record; Congressional Directory; Senate and House Journals; memorial
addresses of Members; nominations; U.S. Code and supplements; serial sets; publications printed
without a document or report number, for example, laws and treaties; envelopes provided to
Members of Congress for the mailing of documents; House and Senate business and committee
calendars; bills, resolutions, and amendments; committee reports and prints; committee hearings;
and other documents.
The Office of Superintendent of Documents account funds the mailing of government documents
for Members of Congress and federal agencies, as statutorily authorized; the compilation of
catalogs and indexes of government publications; and the cataloging, indexing, and distribution of
government publications to the Federal Depository and International Exchange libraries, and to
other individuals and entities, as authorized by law.
Highlights of House and Senate Hearings on the FY2012 Budget of the
Government Printing Office

At a hearing in the House on May 11, 2011, the subcommittee discussed the cost of producing
and delivering the Congressional Record; GPO’s overhead, including the cost of maintaining
unused space; security concerns; staffing issues, including the management structure and efforts
to reduce discrimination complains; the future of paper in digital age and the operation of FDsys
(the Federal Digital System, which will replace GPO Access); and the timing of requested
funding for the 2013 presidential inauguration.
At a hearing on March 17, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed the changing role of the
GPO in the digital age; why GPO included in its request funding for the 2013 Presidential
inauguration; use of GPO’s revolving fund for capital improvements and possible alternatives;
and plans for responding to the tight budget environment.
Office of Compliance
The Office of Compliance is an independent and nonpartisan agency within the legislative
branch. It was established to administer and enforce the Congressional Accountability Act, which
was enacted in 1995.29 The act applies various employment and workplace safety laws to
Congress and certain legislative branch entities.30

29 P.L. 104-1, 109 Stat. 3, January 23, 1995. The act, as amended, applies 12 civil rights, labor, and workplace safety
laws to Congress and certain legislative branch agencies. These laws are the Age Discrimination in Employment Act,
Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Employee Polygraph Protection Act, Fair
Labor Standards Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Federal Services Labor-Management Relations Act,
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Rehabilitation Act of 1970, Veterans’ employment and reemployment
rights at Chapter 43 of Title 38 of the U.S. Code, Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act, and Veterans Employment
Opportunities Act.
30 Among the office’s activities are administration of a dispute resolution process, investigation and enforcement of
occupational safety and health and disability provisions of the act, investigation of labor relations and enforcement of
applicable provisions, and development of educational programs regarding the act’s provisions.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

The House-passed bill provides $3.8 million, a decrease of $260,000 (6.4%) from the $4.1
million provided in P.L. 112-10 for FY2011. The office requested $4.8 million, an increase of
$705,000 (17.3%).
The FY2011 level represented a decrease of $300,000 (6.9%) from the $4.4 million provided in
FY2010. The FY2010 level represented an increase of 7.5% from the $4.1 million provided in the
FY2009 Omnibus, which was an increase of 21.8% over the FY2008 level of $3.3 million.
Highlights of the Senate Hearing on the FY2012 Budget of the Office of

At a hearing on March 3, 2011, the Senate subcommittee discussed actions to minimize costs;
how the agency would operate under various potential funding cuts; and discussions with the
Library of Congress regarding information technology concerns.
Open World Leadership Center
The Open World Leadership Center administers a program that supports democratic changes in
other countries by inviting their leaders to observe democracy and free enterprise in the United
States. The first program was authorized by Congress in 1999 to support the relationship between
Russia and the United States. The program encouraged young federal and local Russian leaders to
visit the United States and observe its government and society.
Established at the Library of Congress as the Center for Russian Leadership Development in
2000, the center was renamed the Open World Leadership Center in 2003, when the program was
expanded to include specified additional countries.31 In 2004, Congress further extended the
program’s eligibility to other countries designated by the center’s board of trustees, subject to
congressional consideration.32 The center is housed in the Library and receives services from the
Library through an inter-agency agreement.
The House-passed bill provides $1.0 million, a decrease of 91.2% from the $11.38 million
provided in P.L. 112-10. Open World requested $12.6 million for FY2012, an increase of $1.2
million (10.7%).
The FY2011 level represented a decrease of $623,000 (5.2%) from the $12.0 million provided for
FY2010, and the FY2010 level represented a decrease of 13.7% from the $13.90 million provided
in the FY2009 Omnibus. In FY2008, Open World received $8.98 million in budget authority, a
decrease of 35% from the $13.86 million provided in FY2007 and FY2006.

31 P.L. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A-120, December 21, 2000; P.L. 108-7, 117 Stat. 382, February 20, 2003.
According to the 2003 act, the additional countries include “any country specified in section 3 of the FREEDOM
Support Act (22 U.S.C. 5801),” and “Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.” The countries specified in 22 U.S.C. 5801 are
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
and Uzbekistan.
32 P.L. 108-447, 118 Stat. 3192, December 8, 2004.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Ongoing Discussion of Location of Open World
The location of Open World at the Library of Congress, as well as its inclusion in the legislative
branch budget, has been a topic of discussion at appropriations hearings in recent fiscal years.
The FY2010 House Appropriations Committee report states that “the Legislative Branch
Subcommittee has been clear that it expects the Open World program to become financially
independent of funding in this bill as soon as possible.”33 This sentiment was also expressed in
the conference report, which stated the following:
The conferees are fully supportive of expanded efforts of the Open World Center to raise
private funding and expect this effort to reduce the requirements for funding from the
Legislative Branch appropriations bill in future years. The Committees look forward to a
report of progress being made by the Center’s fundraising program prior to hearings on its
fiscal year 2011 budget request.34
Previously, during a hearing on the FY2009 budget, Ambassador John O’Keefe, the executive
director of Open World, testified that the program may attract different participants if associated
with the executive branch rather than the Library of Congress.35 The FY2009 explanatory
statement directed the Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees to work with the State
Department and the judiciary to establish a shared funding mechanism.36
The subcommittee also had discussed this issue during the FY2008 appropriations cycle,37 and
language was included in the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act requiring Open World to
prepare a report by March 31, 2008, on “potential options for transfer of the Open World
Leadership Center to a department or agency in the executive branch, establishment of the Center
as an independent agency in the executive branch, or other appropriate options.”38
John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development
The center was created by Congress in 1988 to encourage public service by congressional staff
through training and development programs.39 The House-passed bill did not provide funding for

33 U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill, 2010, H.Rept.
111-160, (Washington, GPO: 2009) p. 29.
34 U.S. Congress, Legislative Branch Appropriations, 2010, H.Rept. 111-265, conference report to accompany H.R.
2918 (Washington, GPO: 2009) p. 42.
35 Testimony of Ambassador John O’Keefe, executive director, U.S. Congress, House Committee on Appropriations,
Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch, Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2009, hearings, 110th Cong., 2nd sess.,
March 12, 2008 (Washington: GPO, 2008), pp. 359-420.
36 Congressional Record, February 23, 2009, p. H2398.
37 In H.R. 2771 (110th Cong.), the House-passed version of the FY2008 appropriations bill, the House Appropriations
Committee recommended $6 million for Open World. The committee report stated that an additional $6 million would
be provided for transfer to the program in the FY2008 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriation.
The House-passed bill, which retained the committee-recommended funding level, also contained an administrative
provision transferring the Open World Leadership Center to the Department of State effective October 1, 2008. The
Senate-reported bill (S. 1686, 110th Cong.) would have provided $13.5 million in new budget authority for Open
38 P.L. 110-161, 121 Stat. 2251, December 26, 2007.
39 2 U.S.C. 1105. See also http://www.stennis.gov/.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

FY2012, and $430,000 was requested. P.L. 112-10 provided $429,140 for FY2011, and $430,000
was provided in FY2010 and FY2009.
Table 4. Legislative Branch Appropriations
(in thousands of dollars)
Title 1: Legislative Branch Appropriations
Senate 914,153a 971,546

House of Representatives

Joint Items

Capitol Policeb 340,137

Office of Compliance

Congressional Budget Office

Architect of the Capitol

Library of Congress, Including CRS

Congressional Research Service, Lib. of Cong.

Government Printing Office

Government Accountability Office
546,254 556,849 511,296

Open World Leadership Centerg 11,377

Stennis Center for Public Service

Title II: General Provisions

CBO Scorekeeping Adjustment


Total Legislative Branch (Titles I and II)
4,543,914h 4,856,563 3,320,421c

Source: The U.S. Budget, P.L. 111-68, P.L. 111-212, S.Rept. 111-294, P.L. 112-10, and the FY2012 draft report
on the House Appropriations Committee website.
a. Section 1903 states, “Of the unobligated amounts appropriated for fiscal year 2009 under the heading
‘Senate,’ $33,500,000 are rescinded.”
b. This account was effective with the FY2003 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act. Previously, Capitol Police
funds were contained under the joint items account.
c. The Senate determines funding for itself and for the Senate Office Buildings portion of the Architect of the
Capitol. The House-passed bill does not include funding for these accounts. Total following House
amendments calculated by CRS.
d. H.Amdt. 697 transferred $1 million from the House of Representatives to the Capitol Police for district
office security. Total following House amendments calculated by CRS.
e. H.Amdt. 701 reduced the Botanic Garden account by $632,780. Total following House amendments
calculated by CRS.
H.Amdt. 704 reduced the GPO by reduce the GPO funding by $4,946,140.80. Total fol owing House
amendments calculated by CRS.
g. The center was named the Russian Leadership Program prior to FY2004. Appropriations represent
payments to the center’s trust fund.
h. Does not include CBO scorekeeping adjustment.

Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Table 5. Senate Appropriations
(in thousands of dollars)
Enactedb Request
Passed Enacted
Payments—Heirs of
0 0

Deceased Members of
Expense Al owances
210 210

and Representation
Salaries, Officers, and
185,982 186,570

Office of Legislative
7,154 7,411

Office of Legal Counsel

Expense Al owances for
30 30

Secretary of Senate, et
Contingent Expenses
721,066 775,781

Inquiries and
140,500 161,346

Senate Intl.
520 520

Narcotics Caucus
Secretary of the
6,200 6,200

Sergeant at
142,401 141,588

21,145 18,860

Senators’ Official
410,000 446,967

Personnel and
Office Expense
Official Mail Costs

Total, Senate
914,153 971,546

Source: The U.S. Budget, P.L. 111-68, P.L. 111-212, S.Rept. 111-294, and P.L. 112-10. For FY2011, only the total
reflects rescission of 0.2%.
a. The Senate account contains seven appropriations headings, which are highlighted in bold.
b. Additional y, section 1903 states, “Of the unobligated amounts appropriated for fiscal year 2009 under the
heading ‘Senate,’ $33,500,000 are rescinded.” Only column total reflects the rescission of 0.2%.
c. A gratuity of $193,000 was included in P.L. 111-242 (Sept. 30, 2010, 124 Stat. 2613).
d. Office operations of the Office of the Secretary of the Senate are also funded under “Salaries, Officers, and
e. Office operations of the Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper are also funded under “Salaries,
Officers, and Employees.”

Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Table 6. House of Representatives Appropriations
(in thousands of dollars)
Passed Enacted
Payments—Heirs of Deceased
0 0 0

Members of Congressb
Salaries and Expenses, Total

House Leadership Offices

House Leadership Offices
— —

(transition quarter)
613,052 633,848 573,939
Committee Employees
163,032 163,032 152,631
Standing Committees,
134,549 134,549 125,965
Special and Select,
except Appropriations
28,483 28,483 26,666
Salaries, Officers, and
193,326 203,801 177,628
Employees (subtotal)
Office of the Clerk

Office of the Sergeant
9,034 15,009 8,140
at Arms
Office of Emergency
— 4,445 4,445
Office of Chief
127,782 130,782 116,782
Administrative Officer
Office of Inspector
5,045 5,045 5,045
Office for Emergency
4,445 — —

Planning, Preparedness,
and Operations
Office of General
1,415 1,415 1,415
Office of the Chaplain

Office of the
2,060 2,060 2,060
Office of the Law
3,258 3,258 3,258
Revision Counsel
Office of the Legislative
8,814 8,814 8,814
Office of
859 859 859

Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Passed Enacted
Other Authorized
1,249 1,249 347
Office of Historian

Al owances and Expenses
317,125 308,165 292,387
Supplies, Materials,
3,948 3,948 3,696
Administrative Costs
and Federal Tort
Official Mail for
201 201 201

committees, leadership,
administrative and
legislative offices
280,349 276,703 264,848
Business Continuity and
22,912 17,098 17,112
Disaster Recovery
Miscel aneous Items

Transition Activities

Wounded Warrior
2,000 2,500 2,500
Energy demonstration
2,500 2,500

Office of Congressional
1,548 1,548 1,548
House of Representatives,
1,311,396 1,333,708 1,225,680c

Sources: The U.S. Budget, P.L. 111-68, P.L. 111-212, S.Rept. 111-294, P.L. 112-10, and the FY2012 draft report
on the House Appropriations Committee website.
a. The appropriations bill contains two House accounts: (1) payments to widows and heirs of deceased
Members of Congress and (2) salaries and expenses.
b. A gratuity was contained in the FY2010 supplemental appropriations act (P.L. 111-212, July 29, 2010, 124
Stat. 2319).
c. H.Amdt. 697 transferred $1 million from the House of Representatives to the Capitol Police for district
office security. Total following House amendments calculated by CRS.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Table 7. Capitol Police Appropriations
(in thousands of dollars)
Passed Enacted
Salaries, Capitol
277,133 299,343 278,133b

63,004 88,273 63,004

Total, Capitol
340,137 387,616 341,137b

Source: The U.S. Budget, P.L. 111-68, P.L. 111-212, S.Rept. 111-294, P.L. 112-10, and the FY2012 draft report
on the House Appropriations Committee website.
a. Account funding levels in this column reflect the 0.2% across-the-board rescission, in accordance with sec.
1119(a) of P.L. 112-10. May not add due to rounding.
b. H.Amdt. 697 transferred $1 million from the House of Representatives to the Capitol Police for district
office security. Total calculated by CRS.
Table 8. Architect of the Capitol Appropriations
(in thousands of dollars)
Passed Enacted
General administration

Capitol building

Capitol grounds

Senate office buildings

House of Representatives

House office buildings

House Historic Buildings
49,900 50,000 30,000

Revitalization Fund
Capitol power plantc

Library buildings and grounds

Capitol Police buildings and
26,958 32,312 21,500

Botanic garden

Capitol Visitor Center

Rescission—Capitol Visitor
-14,600 —

Total, Architect of the
585,782 706,055 488,938d

Source: The U.S. Budget, P.L. 111-68, P.L. 111-212, S.Rept. 111-294, P.L. 112-10, and the FY2012 draft report
on the House Appropriations Committee website.
a. Funding levels in this column reflect the 0.2% across-the-board rescission in sec. 1119(a) of P.L. 112-10.
b. The Senate determines the level for the Senate office buildings.
Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

c. Not including offsetting collections.
d. H.Amdt. 701 reduced the Botanic Garden account by $632,780 from the House-reported level.
For Additional Reading
CRS Reports
CRS Report R41214, Legislative Branch: FY2011 Appropriations, by Ida A. Brudnick
CRS Report R40617, Legislative Branch: FY2010 Appropriations, by Ida A. Brudnick
Selected Websites
These sites contain information on the FY2012 and FY2011 legislative branch appropriations
requests and legislation, and the appropriations process.
House Committee on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Appropriations
CRS Appropriations Products Guide
Congressional Budget Office
Government Accountability Office
Office of Management & Budget

Author Contact Information

Ida A. Brudnick

Analyst on the Congress
ibrudnick@crs.loc.gov, 7-6460

Congressional Research Service

Legislative Branch: FY2012 Appropriations

Key Policy Staff

Area of Expertise
CRS Division
Telephone and E-mail
Appropriations Process
Bill Heniff
7-8646 wheniff@crs.loc.gov
Sandy Streeter
7-8653 sstreeter@crs.loc.gov
Legislative Branch Operations
Ida Brudnick
7-6460 ibrudnick@crs.loc.gov
Committee Funding and Staffing
Matthew Glassman
7-3467 mglassman@crs.loc.gov
Matthew Glassman
7-3467 mglassman@crs.loc.gov
Legislative Branch Recycling
Jacob Straus
7-6438 jstraus@crs.loc.gov
Legislative Branch Bill Structure
Lorraine H. Tong
7-5846 ltong@crs.loc.gov
Note: Division abbreviations: G&F = Government and Finance

Congressional Research Service