“Sense of” Resolutions and Provisions
Christopher M. Davis
Analyst on Congress and the Legislative Process
May 20, 2011
Congressional Research Service
CRS Report for Congress
repared for Members and Committees of Congress

“Sense of” Resolutions and Provisions

ne or both houses of Congress may formally express opinions about subjects of current
national interest through freestanding simple or concurrent resolutions (called generically
O “sense of the House,” “sense of the Senate,” or “sense of the Congress” resolutions).
These opinions may also be added to pending legislative measures by amendments expressing the
views of one or both chambers. This report identifies the various forms these expressions may
take and the procedures governing such actions.
“Sense of” Resolutions
Sense of the House or Senate resolutions take the form of simple resolutions because they only
require the approval of one chamber. A sense of Congress resolution, on the other hand, must be a
concurrent resolution as both the House and Senate must approve such measures. Joint
resolutions are not typically used for expressions of congressional opinion because joint
resolutions generally require presidential approval. A “sense of” resolution is not legally binding
because it is not presented to the President for his signature. Even if a “sense of” provision is
incorporated into a bill that becomes law, such provisions merely express the opinion of Congress
or the relevant chamber. They have no formal effect on public policy and are not considered law.
“Sense of” resolutions are considered under the normal legislative processes of each chamber
applicable to any other legislative vehicle. Because “sense of” resolutions do not involve the
expenditure of public funds, such resolutions, if reported from House committees, are placed on
the House calendar. Typically, the House has considered them through suspension motions, by
unanimous consent request, and rarely under the terms of a special rule reported from the
Committee on Rules and adopted by the House. As adopted in the 112th Congress (2011-2012),
the rules of the House Republican Conference include language that limits the use of the
Suspension of the Rules procedure for certain types of honorific or commemorative legislation.
This rule could preclude the consideration of some “sense of” legislation in the House.
Specifically, paragraph 7 of Conference Rule 28 states that the Republican leader, “shall not
schedule, or request to have scheduled, any bill or resolution for consideration under suspension
of the Rules which ... expresses appreciation, commends, congratulates, celebrates, recognizes the
accomplishments of, or celebrates the anniversary of, an entity, event, group, individual,
institution, team or government program; or acknowledges or recognizes a period of time for such
purposes.”1 The rule may be waived by a majority of the elected House Republican leadership.2
On February 23, 2011, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced a series of 10 “Legislative
Protocols,” one of which is intended to clarify the application of Conference Rule 28.3 Protocol 7
states that a “resolution of bereavement, or condemnation, or which calls on others (such as a
foreign government) to take a particular action
[emphasis added], but which does not otherwise
violate the provisions of Rule 28 is eligible to be scheduled under suspension of the Rules.”
The Senate normally takes up “sense of” resolutions by unanimous consent or, far more
infrequently, they are automatically laid before the Senate under the “resolutions ... over, under
the Rule” process (Senate Rule XIV).

1 U.S. Congress, House, Rules of the House Republican Conference, As Amended, February 15. 2011, p. 25, available at
2 Ibid, p. 26.
3 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Legislative Protocols for the 112th Congress, February 23, 2011, available at
Congressional Research Service

“Sense of” Resolutions and Provisions

“Sense of” Provisions
Besides expressing such views through simple or concurrent resolutions, Congress may attach
such provisions to a bill by way of floor or committee amendment. In the House, a “sense of”
amendment must be germane to the overall measure and to the particular portion of the bill to
which it is added. Violations of the germaneness rule can be overcome through motions to
suspend the rules or by provisions in a special rule waiving certain points of order.
Senate rules give more latitude to Senators to offer “sense of” amendments in committees or on
the floor. In general, the rules of the Senate normally do not require amendments to be germane to
the pending bill. Germaneness of amendments is required once the Senate invokes cloture. “Sense
of Congress” or “sense of the Senate” amendments offered post-cloture are germane if the subject
of the “sense of” amendment falls within the jurisdiction of the committee reporting the
underlying bill. “Sense of Congress” or “Sense of the Senate” amendments offered to budget
resolutions or reconciliation bills are out of order, even if germane, pursuant to language
contained in the conference report on the budget resolution for FY2001.4 Formerly, the Senate
permitted “sense” amendments on appropriations bills. However, in May 2000, the Senate voted
to overturn a ruling of the chair so that the Senate’s presiding officer now has the authority to rule
on the germaneness of “sense of the Senate” or “sense of Congress” amendments offered to
appropriations bills, and to declare any non-germane “sense” amendments out of order.5
Content of “Sense of” Resolutions and Provisions
“Sense of” resolutions and amendments expressing the sense of one or both houses of Congress
have been offered on many subjects. A survey of “sense of” resolutions and amendments adopted
during the 111th Congress (2009-2010) shows that many of them focused on foreign policy
matters, particularly resolutions that express the sense of the Senate. However, “sense of”
proposals were forwarded on a wide range of other subjects, including stressing a particular
domestic policy priority, recognizing a historic milestone, figure, or location, and calling for
certain federal agencies or officials to take, or refrain from taking, a specified action.
Although “sense of” proposals have no force in law, foreign governments pay close attention to
them as evidence of shifts in U.S. foreign policy priorities. On domestic issues, agencies also
monitor “sense of” provisions because they may be an early signal that Congress will alter formal
statutory provisions, if the informal nature of “sense of” provisions does not influence agency

4 U.S. Congress, Conference Committees, 2000, Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2001, conference
report to accompany H.Con.Res. 290, 106th Cong., 2nd sess., H.Rept. 106-577 (Washington, GPO: 2000), sec. 204(g),
pp. 15-16.
5 Sen. Trent Lott, “Military Construction Appropriations,” remarks in the Senate, Congressional Record, daily edition
(electronic version), vol. 146 (May 17, 2000), pp. S4062-S4063.
Congressional Research Service

“Sense of” Resolutions and Provisions

Author Contact Information

Christopher M. Davis

Analyst on Congress and the Legislative Process
cmdavis@crs.loc.gov, 7-0656

This report was written by Paul S. Rundquist, formerly a specialist in American National Government at
CRS. Dr. Rundquist has retired, but the listed author is available to answer questions concerning its

Congressional Research Service