“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence

Alfred Cumming
Specialist in Intelligence and National Security
July 14, 2009
Congressional Research Service
CRS Report for Congress
repared for Members and Committees of Congress

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

“Gang of Four” intelligence notifications generally are oral briefings of certain particularly
sensitive non-covert action intelligence activities, including principally, but not exclusively,
intelligence collection programs, that the Intelligence Community typically limits to the chairmen
and ranking members of the two congressional intelligence committees, and at times, but not
always, to their respective staff directors.
Gang of Four notifications are not based in statute but have constituted a practice generally
accepted by the leadership of the intelligence committees and that is employed when the
Intelligence Community believes a particular intelligence activity to be of such sensitivity that a
restricted notification is warranted in order to reduce the risk of disclosure, inadvertent or
otherwise. Intelligence activities viewed as being less sensitive typically are briefed to the full
membership of each committee.
In either case—whether a given briefing about non-covert action intelligence activities is limited
to the Gang of Four, or provided to the full membership of the intelligence committees—the
current statute conditions the provision of any such information on the need to protect from
unauthorized disclosure classified information relating to sensitive intelligence sources and
methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters.
Congress has said that its intent in this regard is that in extremely rare circumstances a need to
preserve essential secrecy may result in a decision not to impart certain sensitive aspects of
operations or collection programs to the intelligence oversight committees in order to protect
extremely sensitive intelligence sources and methods. With regard to the phrase “other
exceptionally sensitive matters,” Congress has said its intent in using this phrase is to refer to
other extremely sensitive categories of classified information such as information concerning the
operational details of military deployment and extraordinarily sensitive diplomatic contacts,
which the intelligence committees do not routinely require to satisfy their responsibilities.
This report reviews the history of Gang of Four notification process and compares this procedure
with that of the “Gang of Eight” notification procedure. The “Gang of Eight” procedure is
statutorily based and provides that that the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the intelligence
committee, along with the Speaker and minority leader of the House, and Senate majority and
minority leaders—rather than the full membership of the intelligence committees—are to receive
prior notice of particularly sensitive covert action programs, if the President determines that
limited access to such programs is essential to meet extraordinary circumstances affecting vital
U.S. interests.

Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Not Statute-Based “Gang of Four” Briefings ............................................................................... 1
Protection of Sources and Methods or Other Exceptionally Sensitive Matters.............................. 1
Use of Limited Notifications Continued After Establishment of Congressional
Intelligence Committees........................................................................................................... 3
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis ............................................................................................................. 4
Distinctions Between Gang of Four and Gang of Eight Notifications ........................................... 6
Impact of Limited Notifications on Congressional Oversight ....................................................... 7
Directors of National Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency Critical of Gang of
Eight Notifications For Non-Covert Actions ............................................................................. 8
Both Directors Support Gang of Four Notifications Under Certain Circumstances ....................... 9
Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 10

Author Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 11

Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Not Statute-Based “Gang of Four” Briefings
The “Gang of Four” intelligence notification procedure has no basis in statute. Nor is such a
procedure referenced in the rules of either of the two congressional intelligence committees.
Rather, this particular notification procedure could be reasonably characterized as a more
informal notification procedure that, over time, has come to be used by the executive branch, and
generally accepted by the leadership of the intelligence committees, to provide limited
notification of particularly sensitive intelligence activities to the committees’ chairmen and
ranking members. At times, the committees’ majority and minority staff directors have been
included in such briefings.
The use of Gang of Four notifications pre-dates the establishment of the congressional
intelligence committees in the mid-1970s.1 Initially, such limited notifications were used to
inform relevant congressional committee leadership of especially sensitive intelligence matters,
including both covert action and intelligence collection programs.2 Observers commenting on
such notifications used during this time period characterized them as being oral and often cursory,
and being limited to committee chairmen and ranking members and one or two senior staff
In 1980, when Congress approved the new “Gang of Eight”4 notification procedure for
particularly sensitive covert action programs, use of the Gang of Four process came to be
generally limited to notifying the committee leadership of sensitive non-covert action intelligence
Protection of Sources and Methods or Other
Exceptionally Sensitive Matters

In 1980, Congress also adopted statutory language requiring that, except for covert action
notifications, which are governed by a separate set of statutory requirements, the Intelligence
Community is obligated to keep the congressional intelligence committees fully and currently
informed of all intelligence activities and furnished with any information or material concerning
such intelligence activities.5 Congress conditioned these two reporting requirements on the need

1 The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was established in 1976; the House Permanent Select on Intelligence
was established in 1977.
2 See The CIA and Congress; the Untold Story From Truman to Kennedy, by David M. Barrett, University Press of
Kansas, 2005, pp. 100-103.
3 See L. Britt Snider, The Agency and the Hill, CIA’s Relationship With Congress, 1946-2004, (Washington, D.C.:
Center For the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, 2008), p. 281. See also Frank J. Smist, Jr., Congress
Oversees the United States Intelligence Community, Second Edition, 1947-1994,
The University of Tennessee Press,
1994, p. 119.
4 See the National Security Act of 1947 as amended, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b] (c) (2).
5 See P.L. 96-450, Sec. 501 (a).
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“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

to protect from unauthorized disclosure classified information relating to sensitive intelligence
sources and methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters.6 Report language stated:
The Administration recognizes that the intelligence oversight committees of the House and
Senate are authorized to receive such information. However, it is recognized that in
extremely rare circumstances a need to preserve essential secrecy may result in a decision
not to impart certain sensitive aspects of operations or collection programs to the oversight
committees in order to protect extremely sensitive intelligence sources and methods.7
[emphasis added]
In 1991, Congress adopted new but similar language with regard to the protection of sources and
methods, adding in statute the phrase “other exceptionally sensitive matters.” Doing so,
according to accompanying report language, would more accurately reflect and was intended to
have the same meaning as the legislative history of the 1980 statutory change. The Report
language stated that the added phrase:
... is intended to refer to other extremely sensitive categories of classified information such as
information concerning the operational details of military deployments, and extraordinarily
sensitive diplomatic contacts
, which the intelligence committees do not routinely require to
satisfy their responsibilities.8 [emphasis added]

6 Ibid.
7 See S.Rept. 96-730, p. 6 [96th Congress, 1st sess.] This Report accompanied S. 2284, a proposed Intelligence
Oversight Act of 1980.
8 See S. Rept. 102-85, accompanying S. 1325, which authorized FY1991 Intelligence appropriations.
The issue of Intelligence Community reporting obligations has been raised anew in recently published reports.
According to one such report, Senate Intelligence Chairman Dianne Feinstein said that current Director of Central
Intelligence Leon Panetta recently told lawmakers that former Vice President Richard Cheney had ordered that
information regarding a secret Central Intelligence Agency initiative had been withheld from the congressional
intelligence committees. Sen. Feinstein was quoted as saying, “We were kept in the dark. That’s something that
should never, ever happen again.” Withholding such information from Congress, she reportedly said, “is a big
problem, because the law is very clear.” See Siobhan Gorman, “CIA Had Secret Al Qaeda Plan,” Wall Street Journal,
July 13, 2009. Other Members of the Intelligence Committees reportedly have disagreed with Sen. Feinstein’s
assessment, in whole or in part. Sen. Christopher Bond, Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was
quoted as saying, “There is absolutely no evidence that anyone lied to or misled Congress.” Bond also reportedly
stated, “The CIA doesn’t have the time, we don’t have the time, to be briefed on everything the agency’s doing around
the world. Every time they sneeze, we don’t hear about it, unless it’s a significant impact, or there’s a major impact on
our activity. And this was another activity to collect better information on potential threats. It did not work ... it’s not
an interrogation program. It didn’t even rise to the level of covert action.” See Ronald Kessler, “Sen. Bond: Democrats
Conducting ‘Jihad’ to Protect Pelosi” Newsmax.com, July 13, 2009. Congressman Peter Hoekstra, Ranking Member of
the House Intelligence Committee, reportedly stated that that he would not judge the CIA harshly in the case of the
unidentified program, because it was not fully operational. But he said that in general, the CIA had not been as
forthcoming as the law required. See Scott Shane, “Cheney is Linked to Concealment of the C.I.A. Project,” New York
, July 12, 2009.According to other reports, former President George W. Bush authorized killing al-Qaida leaders
shortly after Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and that Congress was made aware of that. However, according to this report,
Director Panetta also told Members that according to notes that he had been given on the early months of the program,
then-Vice President Cheney directed the CIA not to inform Congress of the specifics of the secret program. See
Pamela Hess, “Officials: CIA Program Targeted al-Qaida Leaders,” Associated Press, July 13, 2009.
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Use of Limited Notifications Continued After
Establishment of Congressional Intelligence

In the wake of congressional investigations undertaken in the mid-1970s that documented a
pattern of misconduct on the part of U.S. intelligence agencies, Congress tightened its oversight
of the Intelligence Community by establishing intelligence committees in the House and Senate
that were to be exclusively devoted to intelligence oversight. Until these two committees were
established, Congress’s oversight of the intelligence agencies, although more assertive than is
generally understood, particularly insofar as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was
concerned, was generally viewed as limited and informal.9 That approach began to change in the
face of the revelations of wrong-doing by the Intelligence Community.
In the resolutions establishing the intelligence committees, Congress set out several new
obligations that, at least in the case of the Senate, emphasized certain executive branch
obligations to keep the two new intelligence committees fully and currently informed of all
intelligence activities, including both collection and covert action programs.10 Although legally
non-binding, the “sense of the Senate” resolution establishing the committee also stated that the
intelligence agencies should keep the committee informed of “any significant anticipated
activities,” and provide such information as may be requested by the committee relating to
matters within its jurisdiction. Although the House did not include similar language in its
resolution, both committees took the position that they were “appropriate committees” for the
purposes of receiving notice of covert actions, a position to which the administration of President
Jimmy Carter acquiesced.11
Despite the Senate’s directive that the Senate’s new intelligence committee be kept fully and
currently informed of all intelligence activities, the executive branch continued its practice of
limiting notification of certain sensitive intelligence activities, including covert and collection
operations, to the committees’ chairmen and ranking members—the Gang of Four —with the
apparent acquiescence of the committees’ leadership. According to one account, the Committee’s
chairman, Senator Birch Bayh12 said:

9 See The CIA and Congress; the Untold Story From Truman to Kennedy, by David M. Barrett, University Press of
Kansas, 2005, for an overview of congressional intelligence oversight during this period.
10 The origin of the phrase “fully and currently informed” is the requirement contained in Sec. 202 of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1946. The language also is contained in S.Res. 400, 94th Congress and, according to congressional
sponsors who inserted the language in statute, the requirement has well served both the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy and the Senate Intelligence Committee by ensuring that the Committee would remain informed in such detail as
the Committee required. Sponsors pointed out in report language accompanying the statutory change that the
responsibility of the executive branch is not limited to providing full and complete information upon request from the
intelligence committees but, rather, includes “an affirmative duty on the part of the head of each entity to keep the
committees fully and currently informed all major policies, directive, and intelligence activities.” See S.Rept. 96-730,
p. 7, accompanying S. 2284, the Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980, May 15, 1980.
11 See “Legislative Oversight of Intelligence Activities: The U.S. Experience,” Report prepared by the Select
Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate, 103rd Congress, 2nd sess., October 1994, p. 6.
12 Senator Birch Bayh was named chairman after Senator Daniel Inouye, the Committee’s first chairman, resigned as
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“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

There were a couple of other areas where the president wouldn’t tell the entire committee.
He let me know but not the entire committee. I suggested to Goldwater13 we keep it to
ourselves. Barry concurred. There were a couple of others we decided to tell to the entire
According to this same account, there were other sensitive operations about which the committee
and its chairman received no notification.15
Gang of Four members reportedly continue to keep the contents of sensitive briefings to
themselves, although on certain occasions, the chairman and ranking member of the House
Intelligence Committee reportedly have agreed to share the information with their respective
party leaders.16 According to at least one Gang of Four member, the choice to do so is not always
the lawmakers’ to make. Representative Silvestre Reyes, the current chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, reportedly said that, during the administration of President George W.
Bush, he was unable to have legal counsel or subject matter experts in attendance during such
restricted briefings, leaving the committee unable to conduct oversight. “We were at a huge
disadvantage, because [the administration and the intelligence community] called the shots,”
Reyes reportedly stated.17
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis
Although Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bayh appeared to accept the practice of
restricted Gang of Four notifications, he reportedly was furious18 when he learned President
Carter had not informed him in advance of the 1980 covert efforts to rescue U.S. hostages held in
Iran because of concerns over operational security and the risk of disclosure.19 Director of Central
Intelligence Stansfield Turner briefed the full intelligence committees, but only after the
operations had been conducted.20

13 Senator Barry Goldwater was the Committee’s vice chairman during this period of time. The Senate Intelligence
Committee’s establishing resolution called for the establishment of a committee vice chairman, rather than a “ranking
member.” The vice chairman acts in the “place and stead” of the committee chairman in the absence of the chairman.
See S.Res. 400, Sec. 2 (c), 94th Congress.
14 See Frank J. Smist, Jr., Congress Oversees the United States Intelligence Community, Second Edition, 1947-1994,
The University of Tennessee Press, 1994, p. 121.
15 Ibid.
16 See Shane Harris, “The Survivor,” National Journal, June 6, 2009, pp. 36-43.
17 Ibid, p. 42
18 See Frank J. Smist, Jr., Congress Oversees the United States Intelligence Community, Second Edition, 1947-1994,
The University of Tennessee Press, 1994, p. 121.
19 At the time of the 1980 Iran covert hostage rescue operation, existing law—the 1974 Hughes-Ryan Amendment—
required notification of any proposed covert action program to up to eight congressional committees “in a timely
fashion”—a phrase generally interpreted to mean that the president could inform Congress of covert operations after
the fact. See the Congressional Quarterly Almanac, Vol. XXXVI, 1980, p. 66.
20 There actually were two separate operations—both of which constituted covert actions, since neither was undertaken
to collect intelligence—to rescue U.S. embassy personnel after Iranian “students” overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran
on November 4, 1979. The failed operation involved an attempted airborne rescue of U.S. hostages which was aborted
when three of the rescue helicopters experienced mechanical difficulties. A subsequent collision of one of the
helicopters and a refueling plane left several American rescuers dead. An earlier effort resulted in the successful
extrication of Americans who had been working at the U.S. embassy but had avoided capture by taking refuge in the
residences of the Canadian ambassador and deputy chief of mission. See L. Britt Snider, The Agency and the Hill,
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Bayh expressed his concern that the executive branch’s action reflected a distrust of the
intelligence committees. “It would have been so easy to tell us,” he was quoted as saying. “Any
leaker of that information would be hung up by his thumbs. I expressed my anger to Carter about
not informing us. Carter had a thing about not being able to trust the committee.”21
Other members of the Committee, however, apparently were quite sympathetic to the
administration’s concerns and expressed their understanding of the demands of secrecy and the
subsequent decision to withhold prior notification. One, a senior Republican on the Committee,
was quoted as saying, “The more people you tell, the more danger there is of losing life. I say:
‘To hell with the Congress.’”22
Despite the overall sympathy shown for President Carter’s position by other members of the
intelligence committees, Senator Bayh suggested that future administrations could address
disclosure concerns by notifying a more limited number of members, a special subcommittee of
five or seven, “so that at least somebody in the oversight mechanism would know .... If oversight
is to function better, you first need it to function.”23 This general sentiment appeared to prevail.
Later in 1980, Congress approved in statute the new Gang of Eight notification procedure.
Henceforth, the intelligence committees’ leadership, the Speaker and minority leader of the
House, and Senate majority and minority leaders, were to be provided prior notice of particularly
sensitive covert action programs if the President determined that limited access to such programs
was essential to meet extraordinary circumstances affecting vital U.S. interests.24 At that time,
neither the statute nor accompanying report language further defined what would constitute
“extraordinary circumstances affecting vital U.S. interests,” although in 1991, Intelligence
Conference Committee Conferees stated that the Gang of Eight notification procedure should be
invoked when “the President is faced with a covert action of such extraordinary sensitivity or risk
to life that knowledge of the covert action should be restricted to as few individuals as
possible.”25 Conferees also indicated that they expected the executive branch to hold itself to the
same standard by similarly limiting knowledge of such sensitive covert actions within the

CIA’s Relationship With Congress, 1946-2004, (Washington, D.C.: Center For the Study of Intelligence, Central
Intelligence Agency, 2008), p. 283.
21 See Frank J. Smist, Jr., Congress Oversees the United States Intelligence Community, Second Edition, 1947-1994,
The University of Tennessee Press, 1994, p. 121.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid.
24 See the National Security Act of 1947 as amended, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b] (c).
25 Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference, accompany Conf.Rept. 102-166, 102nd Congress, 1st
sess. (1991), p. 28. The Joint Explanatory Statement accompanied H.R. 1455, the FY1991 Intelligence Authorization,
Act, which was subsequently signed into law (P.L. 102-88). The “risk to life” language is not in statute.
26 Ibid.
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Distinctions Between Gang of Four and Gang of
Eight Notifications

Gang of Four and Gang of Eight notifications differ in several ways. A principal difference is that
the Gang of Four notification procedure is not based in statute, as previously mentioned, but
rather is a more informal notification process that generally has been accepted by the leadership
of the intelligence committees over time.
By contrast, the Gang of Eight procedure is provided for in statute, and imposes certain legal
obligations on the executive branch. When employing this particular notification procedure, the
President must make a determination that vital U.S. interests are at stake if a notification is to be
restricted to the Gang of Eight27 and provide a statement setting forth the reasons for limiting
notification to the Gang of Eight, rather than notifying the full membership of the intelligence
committees.28 The President also is required to provide the Gang of Eight advance notice of the
covert action in question,29 although the statute also recognizes the President’s constitutional
authority to withhold such prior notice altogether.30 Finally, the chairmen of the intelligence
committees, both Gang of Eight Members, must be provided signed copies of the covert action
finding in question,31 and Gang of Eight Members must be notified of any significant changes in a
previously approved covert action, or any significant undertaking pursuant to a previously
approved finding.32
A second distinction between the two notification procedures, at least since 1980 when the Gang
of Eight procedure was first adopted in statute, is that Gang of Four notifications generally are
limited to non-covert action intelligence activities, including principally but not exclusively
intelligence collection programs viewed by the Intelligence Community as being particularly
sensitive. Gang of Eight notifications, by contrast, are statutorily limited to especially sensitive
covert action programs.
Third, the two procedures also appear to differ with regard to certain restrictions that have been
placed on Members who are briefed. With regard to Gang of Eight briefings, Members have been
unable to take notes, seek the advice of their counsel, or discuss the issues raised with their
committee colleagues.33 Historically, such conditions appear to have been imposed by the
executive branch and to have been generally complied with by those Members who have been

27 See the National Security Act of 1947 as amended, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b](c)(2).
28 Ibid, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b](c)(4). That statute does not explicitly specify whether such a statement must be in
writing, nor does it explicitly specify to whom such a statement should be provided.
29 Ibid, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b](c)(2). The President must comply with these last two requirements—providing
signed copies of the covert action and providing advance notification—when notifying the full committees of covert
action operations that are determined to be less sensitive than Gang of Eight covert actions.
30 If, however, the President withholds prior notice for the Gang of Eight, he must “fully inform” the congressional
intelligence committees in a “timely fashion” after commencement of the covert action in question. See the National
Security Act of 1947 as amended, Sec. 503 [50 U.S.C. 413b](c)(3).
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid, (d).
33 See letter from Representative Jane Harman to President George W. Bush, January 4, 2006, regarding the National
Security Agency (NSA) electronic communications surveillance program, often referred to as the Terrorist Surveillance
Program, or TSP.
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

notified.34 With regard to Gang of Four procedures, however, such procedures appear to have
been generally more informal and flexible. For example, staff directors have been included in
certain Gang of Four briefings, and note-taking, at least in certain instances, has not been
explicitly prohibited.
Notwithstanding these distinctions, there arguably is no provision in statute that restricts whether
and how the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the intelligence committees share with
committee members information pertaining to intelligence activities that the executive branch has
provided only to the committee leadership, either through Gang of Four or Gang of Eight
notifications. Nor apparently is there any statutory provision which sets forth any procedures that
would govern the access of appropriately cleared committee staff to such classified information.
As discussed earlier, there have been instances when intelligence committee leadership has
decided to inform the full membership of the intelligence committees of certain Gang of Four
Despite a statutory provision directing the intelligence committees to establish certain procedures
that may be necessary to carry out the statutory provisions requiring that the committees be kept
fully and currently informed of intelligence activities, the committees apparently have not
established such procedures with regard to Gang of Four and Gang of Eight notifications.36 If the
intelligence committees were to do so, congressional intent would appear to indicate that the
establishment of such procedures would be a committee responsibility, rather than one left to the
discretion of the committees’ chairmen and ranking members.37
Impact of Limited Notifications on Congressional

The impact of such limited congressional intelligence notification procedures as Gang of Four
and Gang of Eight continues to be debated.
Supporters of Gang of Eight notifications, for example, assert that such restricted notifications
continue to serve their original purpose, which is to protect operational security of particularly
sensitive intelligence activities while they are on-going. Further, they point out that although
Members receiving these notifications may be constrained in sharing detailed information about
the notifications with other intelligence committee members and staff, these same Members can
raise concerns directly with the President and the congressional leadership and thereby seek to

34 See Frank J. Smist, Jr., Congress Oversees the United States Intelligence Community, Second Edition, 1947-1994,
The University of Tennessee Press, 1994, p. 119.
35 See Footnote No. 14.
36 In marking up its version of the FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence replaced the Gang of Eight statutory provision, adopting instead a statutory requirement that each of the
intelligence committees establish written procedures as may be necessary to govern such notifications. The executive
branch on July 8, 2009, issued a Statement of Administration which stated that the President’s senior advisors would
recommend that the President veto the FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act if the Committee’s language was
retained in the final bill.
37 See S.Rept. 96-730, 96th Cong., 2nd sess. (1980), p. 12. This report accompanied S. 2284, from which Title V of P.L.
96-450 is derived.
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

have any concerns addressed.38 Supporters also argue that Members receiving these restricted
briefings have at their disposal a number of legislative remedies if they decide to oppose
particular programs, including the capability to use the appropriations process to withhold
funding until the executive branch behaves according to Congress’s will.39
Some critics counter that restricted notifications such as Gang of Eight do not provide for
effective congressional oversight because participating Members “cannot take notes, seek the
advice of their counsel, or even discuss the issues raised with their committee colleagues.”40
Other critics contend that restricted notifications such as Gang of Eight and Gang of Four
briefings have been “overused.”41 Some critics also assert, with regard to the Gang of Four
notification procedure, that its use is unlawful because such a procedure is not statutorily based.42
Directors of National Intelligence and Central
Intelligence Agency Critical of Gang of Eight
Notifications For Non-Covert Actions

During his Senate confirmation hearings, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Admiral Dennis
Blair criticized the use of the Gang of Eight notification procedure to notify Congress of the
National Security Agency’s (NSA) electronic communications surveillance program—often
referred to as the Terrorist Surveillance Program, or TSP—and the CIA’s detention, interrogation
and rendition program. Both programs, DNI Blair said, “ ... involved sensitive collection
activities rather than covert actions. The “Gang of 8” notice is available ... only where notice of
covert action is concerned, and its used in these programs was not expressly allowed.”43 DNI
Blair said that because of the restrictive nature of Gang of Eight notifications, its use in these two

38 See Congressional Quarterly transcript of press conference given by Representative Peter Hoekstra, December 21,
39 See Tim Starks, “Pelosi Controversy Suggests Changes to Congressional Briefings Are Due,” Congressional
, May 14, 2009.
40 See letter from Representative Jane Harman to President George W. Bush, January 4, 2006, regarding the National
Security Agency (NSA) electronic communications surveillance program, often referred to as the Terrorist Surveillance
Program, or TSP.
41 See Tim Starks, “Pelosi Controversy Suggests Changes to Congressional Briefings Are Due,” Congressional
, May 14, 2009.
42 See Vicki Divoll, “Congress’s Torture Bubble,” Washington Post, May 13, 2009.
43 See “Additional Pre-hearing Questions for Dennis C. Blair upon nomination to be Director of National Intelligence,”
Question/Answer 4(C), at [http://intelligence.senate.gov/090122/blairresponses.pdf].
Before the notification briefings were expanded to include more members, the executive appeared to treat both
programs as particularly sensitive collection programs insofar as congressional notification was concerned, in that it
limited its initial notification to the Gang of Four. See letter from Representative Jane Harman to President George W.
Bush, December 21, 2005, in which she makes reference to the Administration’s use of the Gang of Four notification
process, used initially to notify Congress of the NSA’s terrorist surveillance program. The Bush Administration
apparently also employed the Gang of Four notification procedure to notify Congress of the CIA’s detention,
interrogation and rendition program. See “Members Briefings on Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITs),” released
by the CIA on May 6, 2009. A listing of the briefings can be found at [http://www.humanevents.com/downloads-
pdfs/EIT Briefings.pdf].
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

instances prevented the intelligence committees “from carrying out their oversight
CIA Director (DCIA) Panetta, during his confirmation process, said the NSA’s Surveillance
Program was not a covert action program, and thus restricting notification of that program to the
Gang of Eight was “inappropriate.”45 Although in his response DCIA Panetta did not address
whether the CIA’s detention, interrogation and rendition program was an intelligence collection
program, or a covert action program, he did assert that where covert action is concerned, the
Gang of Eight notification procedure “ought to be limited to extraordinary cases, where
operational details will be revealed whose disclosure might jeopardize those involved ...This
result might be justified so long as lives remain at risk, but not after the danger has passed.”46 He
went on to say that restricted Gang of Eight notifications deny the eight Members the ability to
conduct oversight because they “cannot tell anyone else what they have heard, and are thereby
denied the ability to seek professional advice from their staffs or consult with knowledgeable
Both Directors Support Gang of Four Notifications
Under Certain Circumstances

During their respective confirmations, DNI Blair and DCIA Panetta said they would limit the use
of notification of certain sensitive intelligence activities, other than covert actions, to the
chairmen and ranking members of the intelligence committees for special cases involving the
potential for the loss of life if an intelligence operation were to be exposed. Both officials
prefaced their respective statements by referencing the statutory requirement that informing the
committees of such intelligence activities be done “To the extent consistent with due regard for
the protection from unauthorized disclosure of classified information relating to sensitive
intelligence sources and methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters ... ”48 Both officials said
they interpreted the phrase to provide a degree of latitude in deciding how—not whether –
extremely sensitive matters would be brought to the committees’ attention.
DNI Blair stated, “In such cases, it may be prudent to begin by notifying the leaders and staff
directors of the intelligence committees and attempt to reach an accommodation with them in
terms of how and when the committee as a whole should be brought into the matter in

44 See “Additional Pre-hearing Questions for Dennis C. Blair upon nomination to be Director of National Intelligence,”
Question/Answer 4(C), at [http://intelligence.senate.gov/090122/blairresponses.pdf].
45 See “Additional Pre-hearing Questions for the Record For the Honorable Leon E. Panetta upon his selection to be the
Director of The Central Intelligence Agency,” Question/Answer 23 at
46 Ibid. Although DCIA Panetta did not address whether the CIA’s detention, interrogation and rendition program was
an intelligence collection program, or a covert action program, former DCIA Michael Hayden has said that the program
“ ... began life as a covert action ... ” See Australian Broadcasting Corporation, AM, April 17, 2009.
47 Ibid.
48 See the National Security Act of 1947 as amended, Sec. 502 [50 U.S.C. 413b](a).
49 See “Additional Pre-hearing Questions for Dennis C. Blair upon nomination to be Director of National Intelligence,”
Question/Answer 4(A), at [http://intelligence.senate.gov/090122/blairresponses.pdf].
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“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

In responding specifically to a question for the record as to when he would believe notification of
an intelligence activity may be limited to the chairman and vice chairman or ranking member,
DNI Blair referred specifically to “extremely sensitive” collection activities “... which could
involve the loss of life if disclosed – I would go to the leaders of the intelligence committees first,
to discuss my concerns and how and when notice could prudently be provided to the entire
The Gang of Four notification procedure has no basis in statute. Rather, this procedure could be
reasonably characterized as a more informal notification process that, at various times, has been
used by the executive branch, to provide limited notification of particularly sensitive intelligence
activities to the chairmen and ranking members of the intelligence committees. The Gang of Four
procedure appears to have been a practice that has been generally accepted by the chairmen and
ranking members of the intelligence committees over time, although there is some indication that,
on occasion, committee leadership has resisted the executive branch and its use of this particular
notification procedure.51
Further, in approving Sec. 501[50 U.S.C. 413](c) of the National Security Act of 1947, which
calls on the President and the congressional intelligence committees to establish such procedures
as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this title—referring to the Act’s Title V—it
appears that congressional intent was that the full membership of the committees, rather than the
chairmen and ranking members, would determine such procedures. No such procedures appear to
have been developed with regard to the Gang of Four and Gang of Eight notifications.
The Gang of Eight notification procedure, by contrast, is based in statute. Its use is limited to
especially sensitive covert actions in which the President determines that such limited notification
is essential to meet extraordinary circumstances affecting vital U.S. interests.
Striking the proper balance between effective oversight and security remains a challenge for
Congress and the executive. Doing so in cases involving particularly sensitive collection and
covert action programs presents a special challenge. Success turns on a number of factors, not the
least of which is the degree of comity and trust that exists in the relationship between the
legislative and executive branches. More trust can lead to greater flexibility in notification
procedures. When trust in the relationship is lacking, however, the legislative branch may see a
need to tighten and make more precise the notification architecture, so as to assure, in its view,
that an appropriate flow of information occurs, thus enabling effective oversight.

50 Ibid, Question/Answer 4(D).
51 See hearing transcript of testimony presented by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Lee Hamilton
before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: “Open Hearing: Congressional Oversight,” November 13, 2007.
Congressional Research Service

“Gang of Four” Congressional Intelligence Notifications

Author Contact Information

Alfred Cumming

Specialist in Intelligence and National Security
acumming@crs.loc.gov, 7-7739

Congressional Research Service