Order Code RL34165
The Transition to Digital Television:
Is America Ready?
Updated September 12, 2008
Lennard G. Kruger
Specialist in Science and Technology Policy
Resources, Science and Industry Division

The Transition to Digital Television: Is America Ready?
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171) directs that on February 18,
2009, over-the-air full-power television broadcasts — which are currently provided
by television stations in both analog and digital formats — will become digital only.
Digital television (DTV) technology allows a broadcaster to offer a single program
stream of high definition television (HDTV), or alternatively, multiple video program
streams (multicasts). Households with over-the-air analog-only televisions will no
longer be able to receive full-power television service
unless they either: (1) buy a
digital-to-analog converter box to hook up to their analog television set; (2) acquire
a digital television or an analog television equipped with a digital tuner; or (3)
subscribe to cable, satellite, or telephone company television services, which will
likely provide for the conversion of digital signals to their analog customers.

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 established a digital-to-analog converter box
program — administered by the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) of the Department of Commerce — that will partially
subsidize consumer purchases of converter boxes. NTIA provides up to two forty-
dollar coupons to requesting U.S. households. The coupons are being issued between
January 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009, and must be used within three months after
issuance towards the purchase of a stand-alone device used solely for digital-to-
analog conversion.
On September 8, 2008, as part of a Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) pilot program, most broadcast television stations in Wilmington, NC,
permanently turned off their analog signal and went digital-only. The early DTV
transition is intended to give the FCC, the NTIA, and broadcasters a “test case” that
is intended to supply valuable data and experiences that can be applied to the
nationwide transition on February 2009. Wilmington is the only television market
in the United States that has or will permanently turn off analog broadcast signals
before the nationwide transition date of February 17, 2009.
The preeminent issue for Congress is ensuring that American households are
prepared for the February 17, 2009 DTV transition deadline, thereby minimizing a
scenario whereby television sets across the nation “go dark.” Specifically, Congress
is actively overseeing the activities of the FCC and the NTIA, while assessing
whether additional federal efforts are necessary, particularly with respect to public
education and outreach. The Congress is also monitoring the extent to which private
sector stakeholders take appropriate and sufficient steps to educate the public and
ensure that all Americans are prepared for the digital transition. Numerous DTV-
related bills (H.R. 608, H.R. 2566, H.R. 2917, H.R. 3862, H.R. 5435, H.R. 5635,
H.R. 5682, H.R. 5696, H.R. 6763, S. 2125, S. 2507, S. 2607, and S. 3242) have been
introduced into the 110th Congress. At issue is whether the federal government’s
current programs and reliance on private sector stakeholders will lead to a successful
digital transition with a minimum amount of disruption to American TV households
or, alternatively, whether additional legislative measures are warranted.
This report will be updated as events warrant.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What is Digital Television? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Why is the Nation Transitioning to Digital Television? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Who is Likely to be Most Affected by the Transition? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
How Will the Digital Transition Affect Cable and Satellite Households? . . . . . . 4
The Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Supply of Coupons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Coupon Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Coupon Expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Reception of Digital Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Low-Power Television and the Digital Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Status of DTV Public Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DTV Test Pilot Program in Wilmington, NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
DTV Border Fix Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Key Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Activities in the 110th Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
For Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
List of Tables
Table 1. TV Converter Box Coupon Program Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Table 2. DTV Hearings Held in the 110th Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The Transition to Digital Television:
Is America Ready?
Under current law, after February 17, 2009, households with over-the-air
analog-only televisions will no longer be able to receive full-power television service
unless they either (1) buy a digital-to-analog converter box to hook up to their analog
television set; (2) acquire a digital television or an analog television equipped with
a digital tuner;1 or (3) subscribe to cable, satellite, or telephone company television
services, which are expected to provide for the conversion of digital signals to their
analog customers. The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171) directs that on
February 18, 2009, over-the-air full-power television broadcasts — which are
currently provided by television stations in both analog and digital formats — will
become digital only.2 Analog broadcast television signals, which have been
broadcast for over 60 years, will cease, and full-power television stations will
broadcast exclusively digital signals over channels 2 through 51.
The preeminent issue for Congress is ensuring that American households are
prepared for the transition, thereby minimizing a scenario whereby television sets
across the nation “go dark” on February 18, 2009. Specifically, Congress is actively
overseeing the activities of federal agencies responsible for the digital transition —
principally the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) — while assessing
whether additional federal efforts are necessary. The Congress is also monitoring the
extent to which private sector stakeholders take appropriate and sufficient steps to
educate the public and ensure that all Americans are prepared for the digital
1 As of March 1, 2007, all analog televisions manufactured, imported, or shipped across
state lines are required to have a built-in digital tuner, and will therefore not require a
converter box. Retailers are permitted to sell analog-only devices from existing inventory,
but are required by the FCC to display a “consumer alert” label explaining that the device
will require a converter box in order to receive over-the-air television signals after February
17, 2009.
2 The February 17, 2009, deadline applies only to full-power television stations. Low-power
television stations, including Class A stations and translator stations, will transition to
digital broadcasting at a date yet to be determined by the FCC.

What is Digital Television?
Digital television (DTV) is a new television service representing the most
significant development in television technology since the advent of color television.
DTV can provide movie-quality pictures and sound far superior to traditional analog
television. Digital television technology allows a broadcaster to offer a single
program stream of high definition television (HDTV) or, alternatively, multiple video
program streams (“multicasts”) of standard or enhanced definition television, which
provide a lesser quality picture than HDTV, but a generally better picture than analog
television. DTV technology also makes possible an interactive capability, such as
“pay-per-view” service over-the-air.
In order to receive and view digital television service, consumers must have a
digital television set equipped with a digital tuner capable of receiving the digital
signal that is provided either over-the-air (in which case an antenna is required) or
via cable or satellite television systems. Additionally, consumers can view high
definition programs with a digital high definition TV attached to a high definition
DVD player (i.e., a Blu-Ray Disc player).
Why is the Nation Transitioning
to Digital Television?
One of the key drivers behind the digital transition is reclaiming a portion of the
analog spectrum (broadcast channels 52 through 69, also known as the 700 MHZ
band) currently occupied by television broadcasters. Digital television uses radio
frequency spectrum more efficiently than traditional analog television, thereby
“freeing up” bandwidth. The goal of the FCC and Congress has been to complete the
transition to DTV as quickly as is possible and feasible, so that analog spectrum
could be reclaimed and subsequently reallocated for other purposes. Some of the
analog spectrum has been auctioned for commercial wireless services (including
wireless broadband), and some will be used for new public safety communications
services. Additionally, it is mandated that some of the revenue raised in the spectrum
auction will be returned to the U.S. Treasury, thereby contributing toward federal
deficit reduction.
Another rationale often cited for the digital transition is that — aside from
offering a superior television viewing experience to consumers — DTV will give
over-the-air broadcasters the capability to offer more channels of programming (via
multicasting, if they so choose) as well as the ability to offer similar digitally-based
services (such as pay-per-view or other interactive services) offered by cable and
satellite television providers.
Who is Likely to be Most Affected by the Transition?
Households using analog televisions for viewing over-the-air television
broadcasts are likely to be most affected by the digital transition. Estimates vary over

the number of analog TV sets and households affected. According to Nielsen Media
Research, as of July 6, 2008, about 23.4 million TV households had at least one
television not ready for the digital transition. Specifically, Nielsen found that 9.3%
of TV households (roughly 10.4 million homes) were completely unready for the
digital transition, and an additional 11.6% of households (13 million) were partly
unready.3 The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has estimated that there
are 69 million analog television sets that will be potentially impacted by the digital
transition,4 consisting of 19.6 million households (17% of all households) relying
exclusively on over-the-air analog television sets and an additional 14.7 million cable
and satellite households receiving some over-the-air programming on analog sets.5
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has estimated that 36.5 million analog
televisions (comprising 13.5 million households) will require converter boxes;
according to CEA, an additional 30 million analog sets are used for non-broadcast
purposes such as playing video games or watching DVDs, and will therefore likely
not require converter boxes.6
Of particular concern to many policymakers are low-income, elderly, disabled,
non-English speaking, and minority populations. Many of these groups tend to rely
more on over-the-air television, and are thus more likely to be impacted by the digital
transition. A survey commissioned by the Association of Public Television Stations
(APTS) indicated that Americans aged 65 and older are consistently more likely to
receive television signals via an over-the-air antenna than are Americans under 65.
The survey found that during the first quarter of 2007, 24% of households with
Americans 65 and older received their TV programming over-the-air, while only 19%
of younger households were over-the-air.7
A 2008 Government Accountability Office (GAO) survey (conducted March
and April of 2008) found that households at risk of losing all television service (“high
risk households”) are more likely to be lower income. Specifically, the GAO survey
found that households with yearly incomes of less than $50,000 contain 19% high
risk households, as opposed to households with incomes of $50,000 to $100,000
(14% high risk) and households with incomes over $100,000 (7% high risk).8
3 The Nielsen Company, Analog-Digital Transition Readiness Report, Average Installed for
Week 06/30/08 through 07/06/08.
4 Testimony of K. James Yager on behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters and
the Association for Maximum Service Television, hearing before the House Committee on
Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, March 28,
2007, p. 11. Available at [http://energycommerce.house.gov/cmte_mtgs/110-ti-hrg.032807.
5 Letter from Jack Sander, Joint Board Chair, National Association of Broadcasters, to the
Honorable Kevin Martin, Chairman, FCC, Re: In the Matter of DTV Consumer Education
, MB Docket No. 07-148, p. 1.
6 National Journal’s Technology Daily, PM Edition, March 16, 2007, Vol. 10, No. 9.
7 Association of Public Television Stations, “APTS Study Shows Older Americans Less
Prepared for the Digital TV Transition,” Press Release, July 24, 2007.
8 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Statement of Mark L. Goldstein, Testimony

According to Nielsen Media Research, Hispanic households would currently be most
impacted by the DTV transition. While Nielsen found that 9.4% of all U.S.
households are completely unready for the transition, 19.9% of Hispanic households
are completely unready. Of African-American households, 16.3% are completely
unready for the transition.9
How Will the Digital Transition Affect
Cable and Satellite Households?
Multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD) households — consisting
of households receiving cable, satellite, or telephone company television services —
constitute approximately 85% of all U.S. television households. Many of these
households will likely continue to use analog televisions after the transition. For
those customers, it is expected that providers will handle the digital-to-analog
conversion, either at the “head end” by providing downconverted analog signals, or
at the customer premises via a set top box provided by the cable or satellite company.
At the same time, many cable and satellite households also have spare televisions
relying on over-the-air broadcasts. These stand-alone over-the-air analog televisions
will no longer function unless they are equipped with a converter box.
On September 11, 2007, the FCC adopted rules intended to ensure that cable
customers continue to receive local TV stations after the transition. Specifically, the
FCC requires cable operators to comply with a “viewability requirement” by
choosing to either (1) carry the must carry signal in analog as well as digital formats,
or (2) carry the must carry signal in a digital only format, provided that all subscribers
have set-top boxes which will enable them to view digital broadcasts on their analog
TVs. The viewability requirement extends to February 2012, at which time the FCC
will reassess the need for the requirement. On August 21, 2008, the FCC adopted an
order which exempts small cable systems from the requirement to include must carry
digital broadcast signals as long as that signal is available to all subscribers in a
viewable analog format.
8 (...continued)
before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on
Energy and Commerce, Digital Television Transition: Broadcasters’ Transition Status,
Low-Power Station Issues, and Information on Consumer Awareness of the DTV Transition
June 10, 2008, p. 12. Available at [http://energycommerce.house.gov/cmte_mtgs/
9 Eric Rossi, Senior Product Manager, Media Product Leadership, The Nielsen Company,
Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet,
Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 10, 2008, p. 4. Available at

The Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program
After February 17, 2009, analog-only televisions will no longer be able to
receive over-the-air broadcast signals from full-power stations, unless those
televisions are equipped with a digital-to-analog converter box. A separate converter
box, available for $40 to $70, will be required for each analog over-the-air television
set. Converter boxes will not only enable analog televisions to function, they should
also provide better reception, additional features such as closed captioning and
parental controls, and allow the viewing of multicasted channels. However, a
converter box hooked up to an analog TV will not enable the viewer to watch a
broadcast in the high-definition format.
The 109th Congress acted to establish a digital-to-analog converter box program
that will partially subsidize consumer purchases of converter boxes. Title III of the
Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171) directed the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the Department of
Commerce to provide up to two forty-dollar coupons to requesting U.S. households.
According to the statute, the coupons are to be issued between January 1, 2008, and
March 31, 2009, and must be used within three months after issuance towards the
purchase of a stand-alone device used solely for digital-to-analog conversion.
The converter box program is funded by receipts from the auction of the analog
television spectrum. P.L. 109-171 designated $990 million for the converter box
program, including up to $100 million for administrative costs (of which no more
than $5 million can be used for consumer education). In the event that NTIA notifies
Congress that additional funding is needed, the total may be raised up to $1.5 billion,
including up to $160 million for administrative costs.
On March 12, 2007, NTIA released its final rule implementing the converter
box program.10 The final rule stated that starting on January 1, 2008, for the initial
$990 million program (the “Initial Period”), up to two forty-dollar coupons will be
available to any and all requesting U.S. households to be used towards the purchase
of up to two digital-to-analog converter boxes. Coupons mailed to consumers will
be accompanied by information listing converter box models and local (and online)
retailers certified to participate in the converter box coupon program. In the event
that NTIA determines that the additional $510 million is needed, only exclusively
over-the-air households will be eligible for coupons during this “Contingent Period.”
During the “Contingent Period,” households will be required to self-certify that
they are exclusively over-the-air and do not subscribe to cable, satellite, or other pay
television services. Cable and satellite households that contain extra over-the-air
televisions will be eligible for coupons during the “Initial Period” of the program (the
first $990 million), but will not be eligible for coupons if there is a second phase
(“Contingent Period”) of the program (the additional $510 million).
10 U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, “Rules to Implement and Administer a Coupon Program for Digital-to-
Analog Converter Boxes,” 47 CFR 301, Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 51, March 15, 2007,
pp. 12097-12121.

The rule also set forth procedures and requirements for manufacturers and
retailers who wish to participate in the converter box program. Participation in the
converter box program is voluntary. Manufacturers must submit test results and
sample converter boxes to NTIA for approval. Approved devices must meet
prescribed technical specifications that are intended to ensure an affordable state-of-
the-art converter box. Additional permitted features include a smart antenna
interface connector and program guide. Features that would disqualify a converter
box from being covered by the coupon program include video recording, playback
capability, or other capabilities that allow more than simply converting a digital over-
the-air signal.11
Meanwhile, retailers must receive a certification from NTIA in order to
participate in the converter box coupon program. Certified retailers must agree to
have systems in place capable of processing coupons electronically for redemption
and payment, track every transaction and provide reports to NTIA, train employees
on the purpose and operation of the coupon program with NTIA-provided training
materials, use commercially reasonable methods to order and manage inventory, and
assist NTIA in minimizing incidents of waste, fraud, and abuse, including reporting
suspicious patterns of customer behavior. Retailers are not responsible for verifying
household eligibility.12
On August 15, 2007, NTIA announced it had entered into a contract with IBM
to run the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon program. The total award is
$119,968,468, which breaks down to $84,990,343 for the initial period and
$34,978,125 for the contingent period. The contract performance began immediately
and is to close out on September 30, 2009. The IBM-led team will provide services
in three areas: consumer education, coupon distribution to consumers and retail store
participation, and financial processing to reimburse retailers, to maintain records, and
to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.
As of January 1, 2008, consumers could apply to NTIA for up to two converter
box coupons, either by logging onto [http://www.dtv2009.gov/], or by calling the
toll-free number: 1-888-DTV-2009 (1-888-388-2009). The following are some
issues that have surfaced since the converter box program has begun.
Supply of Coupons
As of August 26, 2008, NTIA had committed funding for 74% of the 22.25
million coupons ($890 million) available in the program’s Initial Period, and 21% of
11 National Telecommunications and Information Administration, DTV Converter Box
Program Information Sheet for Manufacturers
, March 2007, available at
12 National Telecommunications and Information Administration, DTV Converter Box
Program Information Sheet for Retailers
, September 2007, available at

the 11.25 million coupons ($450 million) available in the program’s Contingent
Period.13 Table 1 shows statistics on the converter box coupon program.
Table 1. TV Converter Box Coupon Program Statistics
(data through September 9, 2008)
Households Approved
Coupons Requested
Coupons Mailed
Coupons Expired
Coupons Redeemed
Coupons Active
Total Funds Committed
Total Funds Available
Funds Settled
Average Daily Orders YTD
Average Daily Orders Last 30 Days
Average Daily Orders Last Week
Redemption Rate
Phone/Online Retailers
Source: NTIA
Coupon Eligibility
Under current regulations (47 CFR 301), households eligible for converter box
coupons must have a United States Postal Service (USPS) mailing address. Post
office (P.O.) box addresses are not accepted unless the applicant is a resident of an
Indian reservation, Alaskan Native Village, or other rural area without home mail
delivery. The effect of this regulation is that NTIA has been denying applications
from nursing home residents (who do not have a unique USPS mailing address) and
from residents who prefer to utilize post office boxes.
13 For the latest statistics on the converter box coupon program, see

On April 24, 2008, the NTIA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which
proposes certain waivers to NTIA regulations regarding household eligibility and the
necessity of a USPS mailing address.14 Specifically, NTIA is proposing to permit
seniors in nursing homes to receive one coupon under certain circumstances, and to
permit applicants using post office boxes to receive coupons if the applicant can
provide proof of physical residence as part of the application process. NTIA will
make a final decision on this issue after reviewing public comments on these
Coupon Expiration
According to the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171), “all coupons
shall expire 3 months after issuance” (section 3005(c)(1)(C)). Coupons first issued
in February 2008 expired in May 2008. Because some lower-cost or more desirable
converter box models were initially not readily available (particularly boxes with
“analog pass-through” necessary to watch analog low-power television stations) there
have been calls to allow consumers to reapply for new coupons if their unused
coupons expire after 90 days. A February 12, 2008 letter to NTIA from majority
members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee stated that “it is consistent
with our reading of the statute for households whose coupons have expired to apply
to have them reissued,” and urged NTIA to “allow coupons to be re-issued under
such circumstances provided that there are sufficient funds remaining in the TV
converter box coupon program to support such reissuance.” NTIA’s February 21,
2008 response to the Committee promised to address this issue and stated that “NTIA
will have a better understanding of the impact of the 90-day expiration and the
demands on Coupon Program funds as consumers begin to redeem coupons in the
coming months.”

On May 7, 2008, the Chairman and Ranking Minority member of the Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, along with nine other
Senators, sent a letter urging NTIA to allow consumers to reapply for coupons, funds
permitting, and to examine novel approaches to ensure consumers are able to
purchase converter boxes in cases where there is a shortage. One possibility,
according to the letter, would be the use of coupons to preorder converter boxes that
are out-of-stock or not yet available.15
At a hearing held by the House Committee on Oversight and Government
Reform on July 18, 2008, the Acting Administrator of NTIA stated her view that the
statute prevents NTIA from allowing coupons to be reissued, but given that coupons
14 Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Comments, “The Household Eligibility and
Application Process of the Coupon Program for Individuals Residing in Nursing Homes and
Households that Utilize Post Office Boxes; Waiver,” Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 80,
April 24, 2008, pp. 22120-22124.
15 Communications Daily, “NTIA Asked to Allow Reissue of Expired DTV Coupons,” May
8, 2008.

are transferable (but cannot be sold), encouraged consumers whose coupons have
expired to ask friends, relatives, or neighbors for a replacement.16
On July 31, 2008, H.R. 6763, the Digital Television Coupon Extension Act of
2008 was introduced by Representative Tiberi. H.R. 6763 would extend the coupon
expiration period from three months to six months, and would apply to coupons
issued on or after the date of enactment.
Reception of Digital Signals
A converter box must be attached to an antenna in order to receive digital
signals over-the-air. Antennas can range from simple indoor “rabbit ears” to large
rooftop antennas of various shapes and configurations. According to the FCC, over-
the-air households that currently receive good quality reception of an analog
television signal should be able to receive a digital signal (via a converter box or
digital television) with the same antenna previously used to receive analog TV
signals. However, some viewers — particularly those living near obstructions or
towards the outer edges of a station’s broadcasting range — may have difficulty
receiving a digital signal, and may require a bigger or different type of antenna. Also,
some television stations are temporarily operating their digital signal at a reduced
power level or at a different channel than will be used after February 17, 2009.17 The
FCC provides a publication, Antennas and Digital Television, which offers tips and
advice for consumers with over-the-air digital signal reception problems.18
Low-Power Television and the Digital Transition
Unlike full-power televison stations, low-power television (LPTV) stations,
along with Class A stations and translator television stations,19 are not required to
convert to digital broadcasting by February 17, 2009. With a later deadline for LPTV
digital conversion (possibly in 2012) still to be set by the FCC, most LPTV stations
16 Communications Daily, “NTIA Has Orders for 6 Million Extra Coupons, NTIA’s Baker
Says,” July 21, 2008.
17 In a survey conducted December 2007 through February 2008, the General Accountability
Office (GAO) found that 68% of responding stations were operating their digital signals at
full power, and that 68% of stations were transmitting their digital signal on the channel
from which they will broadcast after the transition. See GAO, Digital Television Transition:
Majority of Broadcasters Are Prepared for the DTV Transition, but Some Technical and
Coordination Issues Remain
, GAO-08-510, April 2008, 34 pp. Available at
18 Available at [http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/dtvantennas.html].
19 Low-Power Television (LPTV) was created by the FCC in 1982 to serve rural areas and
individual communities within larger urban areas. Class A stations are former LPTV
stations with certain interference protection rights not available to LPTV stations. TV
translator stations rebroadcast programs of full-power stations in remote or mountainous
areas. According to the FCC, as of December 31, 2007, there were 2,295 licensed LPTV
stations, 556 Class A stations, and 4,271 TV translator stations. A list of LPTV, Class A,
and translator stations is available at [http://www.ntia.doc.gov/dtvcoupon/LPTVmap.html].

will continue to broadcast analog signals after February 17, 2009. A growing issue
of concern to LPTV, Class A, and translator stations is the capability of digital-to-
analog converter boxes to either pass through or receive broadcasted analog signals
in addition to receiving and converting digital signals. A household that receives
both full-power and LPTV broadcast signals, and that installs a converter box in
order to receive the full-power station’s digital signal, will not be able to receive the
LPTV station’s analog signal unless the converter box is equipped with an analog
signal pass-through capability or an analog tuner. NTIA permitted but did not require
manufacturers to install an analog signal pass-through capability in certified
converter boxes, arguing that such a requirement could raise the cost of the boxes and
pose possible interference problems for the digital signal.20 Coupon-eligible
converter boxes (CECBs) that receive an analog signal (with tuners capable of
receiving both digital and analog signals) are not eligible under the coupon program.
The Community Broadcasters Association (CBA), representing LPTV and Class
A stations, argues that the widespread use of converter boxes without an analog
reception or pass-through capability would effectively cause many of these stations
to go out of business. The CBA has filed a complaint at the FCC asserting that the
NTIA-certified converter boxes violate the All-Channel Receiver Act of 1962 if they
block reception of analog over-the-air television broadcast signals.21 On February 12,
2008, FCC Chairman Martin wrote a letter to the broadcasting, cable, satellite,
consumer electronics, and consumer electronics retailing industries, asking each to
voluntarily take specific steps to lessen the adverse effects of the digital transition on
LPTV, Class A, and translator stations.22 On March 26, 2008, the CBA petitioned
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to direct the FCC to
immediately enforce the All-Channel Receiver Act and to stop the marketing and
distribution of all converter boxes that do not receive an analog signal (e.g. all
CECBs). However, on May 7, 2008, the Court dismissed the CBA lawsuit.
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 established two grant programs administered
by the NTIA designed to assist low-power television stations with the digital
transition.23 Section 3008 provides funding not to exceed $10 million during
FY2008-FY2009 (starting October 1, 2007) to compensate low-power television
stations (including Class A, translator, or booster television stations) for the cost of
a digital-to-analog conversion device in order to convert the digital signals received
from their corresponding full-power television stations and provide analog signals
to their customers. In no case shall the compensation for a single digital-to-analog
20 For the latest listing of NTIA-approved coupon eligible converter boxes, see
21 Community Broadcasters Association, Petition for Declaratory Ruling, In the Matter of
Compliance of Digital Converter Boxes With the All Channel Receiver Act
, filed before the
Federal Communications Commission December 7, 2007, 11 p. Available at
22 Letter from FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin to industry stakeholders. Available at
23 For further information on NTIA’s LPTV grant programs, see [http://www.ntia.doc.gov/

converter device exceed $1,000. On October 29, 2007, NTIA announced the
availability of $8 million in grant money for the LPTV Digital-to-Analog Conversion
grant program that will help low-power television stations continue analog
broadcasts. The program provides funds to eligible low-power stations that must
purchase a digital-to-analog conversion device to convert the incoming digital signal
of a full-power television station to analog for transmission on the low-power
station’s analog channel. Applications are being accepted between October 29, 2007,
and February 17, 2009. On August 28, 2008, NTIA announced that, pursuant to the
DTV Transition Assistance Act (P.L. 110-295), the amount of money available for
the grant program is reduced from $8 million to $3.5 million, an amount NTIA has
determined will cover payments to eligible LPTV facilities. After November 17,
2008, available funding will be reduced to $1 million.
Section 3009 provides funding not to exceed $65 million that will be made
available no earlier than October 1, 2010, to reimburse low-power television stations
for equipment to upgrade stations from analog to digital in eligible rural
communities.24 Priority reimbursements will be given to stations with licenses held
by non-profit corporations and stations that serve rural areas with less than 10,000
viewers. Details on the implementation of the Low-Power Television and Translator
Upgrade Program will be announced by NTIA at a future date. Motivated by
concerns that LPTV, Class A, and translator stations should be able to convert to
digital as soon as possible (and to fix a technical inconsistency in the statute)
legislation was introduced into the 110th Congress that would move up the effective
date of the low-power television and translator upgrade program. S. 2607
(introduced by Senator Snowe on February 7, 2008) and H.R. 5696 (introduced by
Representative DeFazio on April 3, 2008) make grant money available for low-power
television and translator station digital upgrades on or after February 18, 2009, rather
than on October 1, 2010. On April 24, 2008, S. 2607 was reported without
amendment by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
S. 2607 passed the Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent on June 19,
2008. S. 2607 passed the House on July 9, 2008 and was signed into law (P.L. 110-
295) by the President on July 30, 2008.
Status of DTV Public Education
With the February 17, 2009 deadline for the digital transition approaching, and
with the public launching of the converter box program in January 2008,
Congressional concern is focusing on the adequacy of efforts to inform the public of
the digital transition. A primary goal is preventing analog over-the-air households
from losing television service in the event that these households do not purchase a
converter box or take other measures to ensure the ability to receive digital
broadcasts after February 17, 2009.
24 Eligible rural community is defined as “any area of the United States that is not contained
in an incorporated city or town with a population in excess of 20,000 inhabitants.” (7
U.S.C. 950bb(b)(2))

In an April through May 2008 survey sponsored by the National Association of
Broadcasters (NAB), 90% of those surveyed reported they were aware of the
February 17, 2009 digital transition deadline, and 70% reported having seen a DTV
public service announcement on television.25 Another survey released by NAB found
that 64% of exclusively over-the-air households had already taken some type of
action to prepare for the transition. When asked how they would likely upgrade to
DTV, 35% indicated they would buy a converter box using a coupon, and 45% stated
they would buy a television with a digital tuner.26
A May through June 2008 survey conducted for the Association of Public
Televison Stations (APTS) found that 70% of over-the-air households said they know
what they need to do to continue to watch TV after the transition. However, the
survey found that only 9.2% of all television households have requested a coupon and
that a majority of over-the-air households have not yet bought a converter box.27
Meanwhile, the March/April 2008 survey conducted by GAO found that 84%
of people have heard of the transition. However, GAO found that only a third of
those planning to buy a converter box know how to obtain coupons, and that 45% of
households who are at risk plan inadequate or no action to prepare for the transition.28
Two federal agencies — the NTIA and the FCC — are directly engaged in
consumer education efforts regarding the digital transition. Currently, the NTIA is
statutorily funded (by P.L. 109-171, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005) at “not more
than $5,000,000 for consumer education concerning the digital television transition
and the availability of the digital-to-analog converter box program.” The NTIA’s
DTV consumer education effort is focused on raising awareness of the coupon
program, particularly with five target groups most likely to be affected by the digital
transition: senior citizens, the economically disadvantaged, rural residents, people
with disabilities, and minorities. To reach those groups and the American public in
general, the NTIA is pursuing a strategy of leveraging its resources by partnering
with private sector stakeholder groups representing those constituencies most at risk.
NTIA is also working with the DTV Transition Coalition, a broad-based coalition of
business, trade, and industry groups as well as grass roots and membership
organizations. In addition to working with private sector groups, NTIA is working
25 Eggerton, John, “NAB Poll: 90% Aware of DTV Transition,” Broadcasting & Cable, June
16, 2008. Available at [http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/CA6570715.html].
26 TVNewsday, “Viewers Acting to be TV Ready,” July 10, 2008.
27 Association of Public Television Stations, News Release, “More Americans are Aware
of the DTV Transition But Slow to Take Action,” August 11, 2008. Available at
28 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Statement of Mark L. Goldstein, Testimony
before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on
Energy and Commerce, Digital Television Transition: Broadcasters’ Transition Status,
Low-Power Station Issues, and Information on Consumer Awareness of the DTV Transition
June 10, 2008, p. 3-4. Available at [http://energycommerce.house.gov/cmte_mtgs/

with federal government agencies that target economically disadvantaged
On May 15, 2008, the Senate Appropriations Committee adopted an amendment
to the War Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 2642) that sought to increase
NTIA funding for DTV consumer education. Although the DTV provision was not
included in the final Senate bill, the DTV consumer education provision was
subsequently incorporated into S. 2607 (The DTV Transition Assistance Act), which
was passed by the Senate on June 19, passed by the House on July 9, and signed into
law (P.L. 110-295) by the President on July 30, 2008. P.L. 110-295 gives NTIA the
authority to take unused funds from the low-power television Digital-to-Analog
Conversion grant program and use remaining amounts for consumer education and
technical assistance. Such an education program is directed to address the DTV
transition needs of vulnerable populations and the need for education plans regarding
analog pass-through converter boxes in areas served by low-power or translator
stations. Pursuant to P.L. 110-295, on August 28, 2008, NTIA announced it was
reducing available grant funding for the low-power television Digital-to-Analog
Conversion grant program from $8 million to $3.5 million, and to no more than $1
million after November 17, 2008.
The Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-161) provided the FCC with $2.5 million for the
digital television consumer education and outreach initiative, an increase of $1
million over the Administration’s FY2008 budget request. In the Administration’s
FY2009 budget proposal, the FCC requested $20 million for DTV education and
outreach. On June 25, 2008, the House Committee on Appropriations approved $20
million for FCC DTV education as part of the FY2009 Financial Services and
General Government appropriations. On July 10, 2008 the Senate Committee on
Appropriations also approved $20 million for the FCC’s FY2009 DTV consumer
education and outreach. The $20 million for DTV public education is reportedly
being considered for insertion into a Continuing Resolution expected to be taken up
by Congress to keep the federal government operating past September 30, 2008.30
Additionally, the FCC requested and received approval from the House and
Senate Appropriations Committees to reprogram $12 million of unspent FY2008
funds for DTV consumer education.31 Therefore, with reprogrammed funding, the
total FY2008 level is $14.5 million for the FCC’s DTV consumer education
activities. Similar to the NTIA, the FCC is pursuing collaborative partnerships with
29 For information on NTIA DTV consumer education efforts, see Testimony of John
Kneuer, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, National
Telecommunications and Information Administration, hearings held by the Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, “Preparing Consumers for the
Digital Television Transition,” July 26, 2007. Available at [http://commerce.senate.gov/
30 Communications Daily, “Bush 2009 Wish List Includes No DTV Education Funds,”
September 11, 2008.
31 Communications Daily, “Senate Subcommittee Gives FCC Extra Funds for DTV,
Broadband,” July 10, 2008.

private and public sector entities to target outreach to vulnerable populations and to
raise the general awareness of the American public about the DTV transition. The
FCC has become a member of the DTV Transition Coalition, prepared and issued
consumer publications and web materials, and is promoting DTV awareness by
attending and holding events and conferences.32
The significant reliance of the FCC and the NTIA on the private sector for DTV
public education has led some to question whether the federal government should
assume a more proactive role in promoting DTV public education activities. In
response to criticisms and suggestions on DTV consumer education raised by a May
24, 2007 letter33 from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the FCC
released on March 3, 2008, a Report and Order on DTV consumer education.34 The
FCC order requires various stakeholders (e.g. broadcasters, MVPDs, television
manufacturers, 700 MHZ spectrum auction winners, and others) to provide and
promote DTV consumer education.
A major component of any DTV public education campaign is likely to be the
airing of public service announcements (PSAs). On October 15, 2007, the National
Association of Broadcasters (NAB) announced a $697 million consumer education
campaign, including DTV spots, crawls, and 30 minute educational programs.35 In
September 2007, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
began running on cable channels a $200 million English and Spanish language
advertising campaign on the digital transition; NCTA will continue the advertising
spots through February 2009.36 The FCC Report and Order imposes education and
reporting requirements on broadcast stations, but gives broadcasters the option of
complying with alternate plans and guidelines developed either by the FCC, the
NAB, or (for noncommercial stations) the Association of Public Television Stations.
Meanwhile, in testimony before the Senate Special Committee on Aging, the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) stated that difficulties remain in
implementing consumer education programs. GAO testified that because private
sector DTV outreach efforts are voluntary, government cannot be assured of their
extent and that “given the different interests represented by industry stakeholders,
32 Testimony of Catherine Seidel, Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau,
Federal Communications Commission, hearings held by the Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science and Transportation, “Preparing Consumers for the Digital Television
Transition,” July 26, 2007. Available at [http://commerce.senate.gov/public/_files/Written
33 Available at [http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_110/FCC.052407.Martin.ltr.
34 FCC, Report and Order, In the Matter of DTV Consumer Education Initiative, MB Docket
No. 07-148, FCC 08-56, 82 p.
35 Associated Press, “Broadcasters unveil $697 million digital TV campaign,” October 15,
36 National Cable & Telecommunications Association, Press Release, “Cable Launches $200
Million Digital TV Transition Consumer Education Campaign,” September 6, 2007.

messages directed at consumers vary and might lead to confusion.”37 As requested
by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, GAO is performing an ongoing
assessment of public and private sector DTV consumer education programs and is
conducting a series of consumer surveys leading up to the transition date.
DTV Test Pilot Program in Wilmington, NC
On September 8, 2008, most38 broadcast television stations in Wilmington, NC
permanently ceased transmitting programs with their analog signal and went digital-
only in response to an FCC pilot program announced on May 8, 2008. Wilmington
is the 135th largest television market in the United States (about 180,000 households)
and about 8% of Wilmington’s television households (approximately 14,000) are
reliant on over-the-air broadcasting.39 In preparation for the early transition, the FCC
coordinated with local officials and community groups in the Wilmington, NC, area
to accelerate and broaden consumer education outreach efforts. The early DTV
transition is intended to give the FCC, the NTIA, and broadcasters a “test case” that
will supply valuable data and experiences that can be applied to the nationwide
transition on February 2009. While some other full power television stations around
the country are turning off their analog signals temporarily to raise public awareness,
Wilmington is the only television market in the United States that has or will
permanently turn off programs on full power analog broadcast signals before the
nationwide transition date of February 17, 2009.
The FCC and the broadcasters are collecting feedback and data on the results
of the test pilot program. After the cut-off at noon on September 8th, analog
programming was replaced with a screen telling consumers about the digital
transition and how to get help. On September 8th, 9th, and 10th, the FCC received
1,502 calls to its DTV help line (797 calls the first day, 424 calls the second, 281
calls the third).40 Of the total number of calls received during the two days, 5.6%
were from consumers who were unaware of the transition, 9.5% from consumers who
were aware but did not prepare, and 78.9% from consumers who had problems with
converter boxes, antennas, and/or signal reception. The single most common
consumer complaint (28.9% of all calls) was from households in out of market
communities (as far south as Myrtle Beach, SC and as far north as Raleigh, NC) who
37 Government Accountability Office, Testimony Before the Senate Special Committee on
Aging, Digital Television Transition: Preliminary Information on Initial Consumer
Education Efforts
, GAO-07-1248T, September 19, 2007, p. 9. Available at
38 The Wilmington PBS station, WUNJ, will continue broadcasting programs in both analog
and digital through February 17, 2009.
39 Nielsen Media Research, DMA Household Universe Estimates: July 2008. Available at
TVB Online, [http://www.tvb.org].
40 Detailed FCC data characterizing Wilmington consumer calls are available at:
[http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285330A1.pdf] (first day),
[http://www.fcc.gov/wilmington-day2-stats.pdf] (second day),
[http://www.fcc.gov/wilmington-day3-stats.pdf] (third day).

could no longer receive the Wilmington NBC affiliate (whose digital coverage area
no longer extends to these out of market areas).
Wilmington households experiencing DTV transition problems also called their
local television broadcast stations. According to initial news reports, consumer
problems centered much more on issues with equipment (converter boxes and
antennas) than on a lack of public awareness.41
DTV Border Fix Act
Concerns have been raised that many over-the-air Spanish-speaking households
near the U.S.-Mexican border may choose not to convert to digital because they will
continue to watch analog signals from Mexican television stations not expected to
convert to digital until 2021. The impact of households exclusively watching
Mexican analog television broadcasts after the transition are two-fold. First, these
households will lose access to important information broadcast on U.S. digital-only
stations in the event of an emergency or natural disaster, including Emergency Alert
System and AMBER Alert messages. And second, U.S. broadcast stations near the
U.S.-Mexican border could lose significant numbers of analog-only viewers (both in
the United States and in Mexico) after these stations convert to digital-only.
In response to these concerns, the DTV Border Fix Act was introduced in the
Senate (S. 2507, introduced by Senator Hutchison) and the House (H.R. 5435,
introduced by Representative Solis). S. 2507 was reported by the Committee on
Commerce, Science, and Transportation (S.Rept. 110-424) and passed the Senate by
voice vote on August 1, 2008. On September 8, 2008, S. 2507 was referred to the
House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
S. 2507, as passed by the Senate, would give television stations within 50 miles
of the U.S.-Mexican border the option of continuing their analog signal through
February 17, 2013, provided they can establish to the satisfaction of the FCC that
continued analog broadcasting is in the public interest. Stations must also broadcast
between channels 2 through 51. Continued analog service cannot prevent the auction
or public safety use of recovered spectrum, cannot interfere with any channel
reserved for public safety use, and cannot interfere with any digital station.
Opposition to S. 2507 has been expressed by many English-language television
stations along the U.S.-Mexico border. These stations argue that prolonging the
analog option for some stations would create a confusing transition, and that stations
planning to go all-digital on February 17, 2009, may be compelled by competitive
pressures to continue their analog signals, thereby adding additional and otherwise
unnecessary expense.42 On the other hand, supporters of S. 2507 (including Spanish-
language stations) argue that Hispanic households in the border region are
41 Barthold, Jim, TVNewsday, “Glitches Come to Light in Wilmington,” September 9, 2008.
42 Eggerton, John, Broadcasting & Cable, “Border Stations Don’t Speak the Same
Language,” September 9, 2008.

significantly more reliant on over-the-air television than the general population, and
are likely to be less prepared for the digital transition, especially given that they can
continue to watch analog over-the-air broadcasts from Mexican television stations.
The legislation is particularly necessary, they argue, to ensure that these groups
continue to receive important information over their televisions during an emergency
or natural disaster.
Key Issues
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 set a February 17, 2009 deadline for the
digital transition and established a digital converter box coupon program to mitigate
the switch-over costs to consumers with analog televisions. The key issue for
Congress is the extent to which American households will be ready for the digital
transition, and whether measures taken by the government and the private sector are
sufficient to ensure that televisions across America do not “go dark” on February 18,
Two lines of inquiry have repeatedly been raised in Congressional hearings.
First, are public education and outreach efforts sufficient, and is the federal
government playing a sufficient role in leading that effort? With limited funding,
both the FCC and the NTIA are relying heavily on a strategy of leveraging private
sector efforts. On the one hand, private sector groups have a market incentive to
ensure that the public is ready for the digital transition: for example, the consumer
electronics industry wants to sell DTV products, and broadcasters want their viewers
to be able to continue watching their local broadcasts. Accordingly, industry groups
have begun to launch multifaceted public outreach campaigns. On the other hand,
critics question whether market forces will ensure that public outreach efforts are
sufficiently targeted to those segments of American society (the elderly, non-English
speakers, rural areas, disabled citizens, minorities, the economically disadvantaged)
that may be more at risk of being adversely affected by the digital switch-over.
Critics also assert that industry outreach will likely reflect each industry sector’s
interests, and that a formal federal coordination and leadership effort — such as a
task force — is needed to ensure that a unified, consistent, and balanced message is
conveyed to the public. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found
that “no comprehensive plan exists for the DTV transition,” and that without such a
plan, “meaningful guidance for coordinating responsibilities and measuring progress
might not be available to the private or public sector.”43 GAO further determined that
the FCC has existing authority, under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA),
to convene an advisory committee consisting of private as well as public sector
members.44 However, at hearings before the House Energy and Commerce and
43 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Statement of Mark L. Goldstein, Digital
Television Transition: Preliminary Information on Progress of the DTV Transition
Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet,
October 17, 2007.
44 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Questions on Issues Related to the DTV

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees, FCC and NTIA officials
stated that coordination is already sufficient, and that it is not necessary for a single
entity to be in charge.45 A February 8, 2008 letter to the President from the Chairmen
of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science, and Transportation requests the immediate establishment of a
federal interagency DTV task force headed by the FCC. On May 1, 2008,
H.Con.Res. 339 was introduced, expressing the sense of Congress that an interagency
task force should be established to improve awareness of the digital transition among
older individuals and their families.
A second major question is the extent to which NTIA’s converter box program
will meet the needs of analog television households. Given that private sector
participation in the converter box program is voluntary, will sufficient numbers of
converter boxes be manufactured, and will retail outlets — whether large or small
stores, whether in urban, suburban, or rural areas — stock sufficient numbers of
boxes to meet the demand of consumers seeking to redeem the $40 coupons? Also,
given that coupons will expire three months after households receive them, how
effectively will NTIA be able to assess and monitor the balance of the demand for
coupons with the local supply of converter boxes? How effectively will fraud, waste,
and abuse be avoided and combated, particularly among vulnerable populations such
as the elderly? And finally, will funding for the coupons — $990 million in the
initial period and a possible additional $510 million in a contingent period — be
sufficient to meet the total demand?
No definitive answers to these questions are possible until the converter box
program is implemented and the digital transition proceeds. The best-case scenario
is that public awareness of the digital transition will become ubiquitous during 2008,
that converter boxes will be readily available to all who want them, and that the
digital transition will proceed smoothly. The worst-case scenario is that public
awareness of the digital transition will continue to lag and that converter boxes will
not be uniformly available in retail outlets, leading to widespread confusion and
frustration in many American households. At issue for Congress is whether the
federal government’s current programs and reliance on private sector stakeholders
will lead to a successful digital transition with a minimum amount of disruption to
American TV households or, alternatively, whether additional legislative measures
are warranted.
Activities in the 110th Congress
Congress is closely monitoring and overseeing federal and private sector efforts
to ensure a digital transition that proceeds as smoothly as possible. Table 2 shows
a listing of hearings held in the 110th Congress on the DTV transition.
44 (...continued)
Transition, Letter to the Honorable John Dingell, Chairman, House Committee on Energy
and Commerce, GAO-08-297R, November 19, 2007, p. 3.
45 Communications Daily, “Democrats Fear Lack of Leadership on DTV Transition,”
October 18, 2007.

Table 2. DTV Hearings Held in the 110th Congress
March 28, 2007
House Committee on Energy
“The Status of the Digital
and Commerce, Subcommittee
Television Transition”
on Telecommunications and
the Internet
July 26, 2007
Senate Committee on
“Preparing Consumers for
Commerce, Science and
the Digital Television
September 10, 2007
Senate Special Committee on
“Preparing for the Digital
Television Transition:
Will Seniors Be Left in the
October 17, 2007
House Committee on Energy
“Status of the DTV
and Commerce, Subcommittee
Transition — Part 2”
on Telecommunications and
the Internet
October 17, 2007
Senate Committee on
“The Digital Television
Commerce, Science and
Transition: Government
and Industry Perspectives”
October 31, 2007
House Committee on Energy
“Status of the DTV
and Commerce, Subcommittee
Transition — Part 3”
on Telecommunications and
the Internet
February 13, 2008
House Committee on Energy
“Status of the DTV
and Commerce, Subcommittee
Transition — 370 Days
on Telecommunications and
and Counting”
the Internet
April 8, 2008
Senate Committee on
“Oversight of the DTV
Commerce, Science and
May 7, 2008
House Committee on Small
“The DTV Transition and
Small Businesses: Small
Firms Contributing to a
Big Change”
June 10, 2008
House Committee on Energy
“Status of the DTV
and Commerce, Subcommittee
Transition: 252 Days and
on Telecommunications and
the Internet
July 18, 2008
House Committee on
“Management of the
Oversight and Government
Digital TV Transition: Is
Reform, Subcommittee on
New York Prepared?”
Government Management,
Organization, and Procurement

The following are DTV-related bills in the 110th Congress:
P.L. 110-161 (H.R. 2764). Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008. Provides
$2.5 million to the FCC for DTV consumer education in FY2008. Signed by
President, December 26, 2007.
P.L. 110-295 (S. 2607). DTV Transition Assistance Act. Makes technical
corrections to section 3009 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 by directing NTIA
to make grant money available for low-power television and translator station digital
upgrades on February 18, 2009, rather than on October 1, 2010 (as is prescribed in
current law). Additionally, gives NTIA the authority to take unused funds from the
low-power television Digital-to-Analog Conversion grant program and use remaining
amounts for consumer education and technical assistance focusing on vulnerable
populations and the need for education plans regarding analog pass-through converter
boxes in areas served by low-power or translator stations. Introduced by Senator
Snowe February 7, 2008; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science and
Transportation. Ordered to be reported favorably without amendment April 24,
2008. Reported without amendment June 10, 2008 (S.Rept. 110-348), and placed on
Senate Legislative Calendar. Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous
Consent June 19, 2008. Passed House by voice vote under suspension of the rules
July 9, 2008. Signed by President July 30, 2008.
H.R. 608 (Barton). Digital Television Consumer Education Act of 2007.
Requires the FCC to create a DTV public education program, to convene a DTV
Advisory Group to coordinate consumer outreach, and to report to Congress every
six months on the progress of consumer education efforts. Requires NTIA to report
to Congress every 90 days on the progress of the converter box coupon program.
Requires retailers, cable and satellite operators, and broadcasters to take various
measures to inform the public about the digital transition. Introduced January 22,
2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 2566 (Engel). National Digital Television Consumer Education Act.
Requires TV retailers and distributors to place signs next to all analog TV displays
with an advisory that a set-top box is necessary after February 17, 2009, to continue
using the TV. Also requires broadcasters to air Public Service Announcements for
more than a year before the transition to inform the public about the change and the
set-top box subsidy program. Introduced June 5, 2007; referred to Committee on
Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 2917 (Butterfield). Transition Education Accountability Report Act of
2007. Requires the FCC to submit a report to Congress describing the measures
taken by the FCC, NTIA, and other federal agencies to inform the public of the
transition to digital television. Introduced June 28, 2007; referred to Committee on
Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 3862 (Wynn). Preparing America’s Seniors for the Digital Transition Act
of 2007. Establishes an interagency federal taskforce to educate older Americans on
the DTV transition. Requires retailers, cable and satellite operators, and broadcasters
to take various measures to inform the public about the digital transition. Directs the
FCC to award grants for DTV public education. Requires modifications in the

digital-to-analog converter box program. Requires the NTIA and the FCC to provide
90-day progress reports to Congress. Introduced October 16, 2007; referred to
Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 5435 (Solis). DTV Border Fix Act. Provides for television broadcast
stations along the Mexican border to continue analog broadcasts through February
17, 2014, subject to certain conditions and limitations. Introduced February 13,
2008; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 5635 (Kind). Digital Television Transition Consumer Relief Act of 2008.
Suspends temporarily the duty on digital-to-analog converter boxes. Introduced
March 13, 2008; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 5682 (Allen). Rural America Communication Expansion for the Future
Act of 2008. Authorizes grants to rural public television stations for digital
conversion. Introduced April 2, 2008; referred to Committee on Energy and
Commerce and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means and Agriculture.
H.R. 5696 (DeFazio). A bill to make a technical correction to section 3009 of
the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Directs NTIA to make grant money available for
low-power television and translator station digital upgrades on February 18, 2009,
rather than on October 1, 2010 (as is prescribed in current law). Introduced April
3, 2008; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 6763 (Tiberi). Digital Television Coupon Extension Act of 2008.
Extends the DTV converter box coupon expiration period from three months to six
months for coupons issued on or after the date of enactment. Introduced July 31,
2008; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.Con.Res. 339 (Butterfield). Expresses the sense of Congress regarding the
necessity to improve public awareness in the United States among older individuals
and their families and care givers about the impending Digital Television Transition
through the establishment of a federal interagency taskforce between the Federal
Communications Commission, the Administration on Aging, the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the outside advice of
appropriate members of the aging network and industry groups. Introduced May 1,
2008; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.
S. 2125 (Kohl). Preparing America’s Seniors for the Digital Television
Transition Act of 2007. Establishes an interagency federal taskforce to educate older
Americans on the DTV transition. Requires retailers, cable and satellite operators,
and broadcasters to take various measures to inform the public about the digital
transition. Directs the FCC to award grants for DTV public education. Requires
modifications in the digital-to-analog converter box program. Requires the NTIA
and the FCC to provide 90-day progress reports to Congress. Introduced October 2,
2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
S. 2507 (Hutchison). DTV Border Fix Act of 2008. Provides for television
broadcast stations along the Mexican border to continue analog broadcasts through
February 17, 2013, subject to certain conditions and limitations. Introduced

December 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science and
Transportation. Reported favorably with an amendment in the nature of a substitute
July 17, 2008 (S.Rept. 110-424). Passed Senate with an amendment August 1, 2008.
Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce September 8, 2008.
S. 3242 (Lincoln). Digital Television Transition Consumer Relief Act of 2008.
Suspends temporarily the duty on digital-to-analog converter boxes. Introduced July
10, 2009; referred to Committee on Finance.
S.Res. 576 (Hatch). Designates August 2008 as “Digital Television Transition
Awareness Month.” Introduced May 22, 2008; referred to Committee on Judiciary.
Reported by Committee on Judiciary, June 12, 2008, and placed on Senate
Legislative Calendar. Passed Senate with amendments July 11, 2008.
For Further Information
A variety of websites have been established to provide basic information to
consumers on many aspects of the digital transition. The following is a partial
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
[https://www.dtv2009.gov/] [http://www.ntia.doc.gov/dtvcoupon/index.html]
DTV Transition Coalition
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
Consumer Electronics Retailers Coalition (CERC)
Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)
National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
Community Broadcasters Association
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)

Consumers Union