Order Code RL33470
CRS Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web
Science, State, Justice, Commerce and
Related Agencies (House)/
Commerce, Justice, Science and
Related Agencies (Senate):
FY2007 Appropriations
June 13, 2006
Susan B. Epstein, Coordinator
Specialist in Foreign Policy and Trade
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division

M. Angeles Villarreal, Coordinator
Analyst in International Trade and Finance
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Appropriations are one part of a complex federal budget process that includes budget
resolutions, appropriations (regular, supplemental, and continuing) bills, rescissions, and
budget reconciliation bills. The process begins with the President’s budget request and is
bounded by the rules of the House and Senate, the Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974 (as amended), the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, and current
program authorizations.
This report is a guide to the regular appropriations bills that Congress considers each year.
It is designed to supplement the information provided by the House Committee on
Appropriations and Senate Subcommittee on Legislative Branch of the Senate Committee
on Appropriations. It summarizes the current legislative status of the bill, its scope, major
issues, funding levels, and related legislative activity. The report lists the key CRS staff
relevant to the issues covered and related CRS products.
NOTE: A Web version of this document with active links is
available to congressional staff at [http://beta.crs.gov/cli/

Science, State, Justice, Commerce and Related
Agencies (House)/ Commerce, Justice, Science and
Related Agencies (Senate): Appropriations for FY2007
This report monitors actions taken by the 109th Congress for the House’s
Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies (SSJC) and the Senate’s
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) FY2007 appropriations
bill. Appropriations bills reflect the jurisdiction of the subcommittees of the House
and Senate Appropriations Committees in which they are considered. Jurisdictions
for the subcommittees of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees changed
at the beginning of the 109th Congress. In the 108th Congress, both the House and
Senate subcommittees had identical jurisdiction and produced the Commerce,
Justice, State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies appropriations bills. In the 109th
Congress, jurisdiction for the Judiciary appropriation was removed to the Treasury,
Transportation, HUD Subcommittees in the House and the Senate. Science
appropriations, namely the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and the National Science Foundation (NSF) were transferred to the former CJS
subcommittees in both chambers. In the Senate, Appropriations for the Department
of State was transferred to the Foreign Operations subcommittee, however, it remains
under the jurisdiction of SSJC in the House.
For the FY2007 SSJC/CJS appropriations the Administration requested $62.5
billion/$52.3 billion in its budget that was sent to Congress on February 6, 2006. The
Administration request for the major departments and their related agencies are
Department of Justice, $21.3 billion; Department of Commerce, $6.3 billion;
Department of State, $10.2 billion; Science, $22.8 billion; and Related Agencies,
$2.3 billion. (The numbers may not add to the total due to rounding.)
The President signed the Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related
Agencies (SSJC) appropriations bill into law on November 22, 2005 (P.L. 109-108).
The law provides $62.1 billion for the agencies under the jurisdiction of the Science,
State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations subcommittee of the House. The
appropriations enacted for the major departments and their related agencies are
Department of Justice, $21.6 billion; Department of Commerce, $6.6 billion;
Department of State, $9.5 billion; Science, $22.2 billion; and Related Agencies, $2.5

CRS Key Policy Staff
Area of Expertise
Telephone and E-Mail
Department of Justice
Celinda Franco
Department of Commerce
Nye Stevens
Department of State and
Susan Epstein
International Broadcasting
Agencies and Policy Areas
Patent and Trademark Office, NIST,
Wendy H. Schacht
Technology Administration
Telecommunications, NTIA
Glenn McLoughlin
Daniel Morgan
Christine Matthews
Jeffrey Seifert
Patty Figliola
Wayne Morrissey
Eugene Boyd
Eric Weiss
Bureau of the Census
Jennifer D. Williams
Trade agencies: ITA, ITC, USTR,
M. Angeles Villarreal
Ian Fergusson
Equal Employment Opportunity
Linda Levine
Legal Services Corporation
Carmen Solomon-
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mark Jickling
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Garrine Laney
State Justice Institute
Steve Rutkus
Division abbreviations: ALD = American Law Division; DSP = Domestic Social Policy Division;
FDT = Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division; G&F = Government and Finance Division; RSI
= Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

Most Recent Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Synopsis of FY2006 Appropriations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Departmental Funding Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Survey of High-Profile Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Department of Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Government Performance and Results Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
FY2007 Budget Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
U.S. Parole Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Legal Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Interagency Law Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Federal Bureau of Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Drug Enforcement Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Federal Prison System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Office of Justice Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Related CRS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Commerce and Related Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Departmental Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
International Trade Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Manufacturing and Services Unit (MSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Market Access and Compliance Unit (MAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Import Administration Unit (IA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Trade Promotion/U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (TP/FCS) . . . . . 19
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Bureau of Industry and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Economic Development Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Minority Business Development Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
National Telecommunications and Information Administration . . . . . . . . . 22
National Technical Information Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Bureau of the Census . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Technology Administration/Office of the Under Secretary of Technology . 26
National Institute of Standards and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) . . . . . . . . . . 28
The President’s Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Supplemental Appropriations for FY2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Related Budget Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Related Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Related CRS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Science Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
National Aeronautics and Space Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
National Science Foundation (NSF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Agency Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Key Budget Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Related CRS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Department of State and International Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
FY2007 Funding Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Administration of Foreign Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
International Organizations and Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
International Commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Related Appropriations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
International Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Related Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Related CRS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Independent Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Small Business Administration (SBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
State Justice Institute (SJI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
U.S. Institute of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Related CRS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Related Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
List of Tables
Table 1. Legislative Status of SSJC/CJS Appropriations, FY2007 . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Table 2. Funding for Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State,
and Science Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Table 3. Funding for the Department of Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 4. NOAA FY2007 Budget Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Table 5. Funding for the Department of Commerce and Related Agencies . . . . 32
Table 6. Funding for NASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Table 7. Funding for the National Science Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Table 8. Funding for the Title III Science Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Table 9. Funding for the Department of State and International Broadcasting . 47
Table 10. Funding for SSJC/CJS Related Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Table 11. SSJC/CJS Appropriations by Department, FY2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Science, State, Justice, Commerce and
Related Agencies (House)/ Commerce,
Justice, Science and Related Agencies
(Senate): Appropriations for FY2007
Most Recent Developments
The Administration submitted its FY2007 budget to Congress on February 6,
2006. The Administration requested $62.5 billion for the agencies under the
jurisdiction of the Science, State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations (SSJC)
subcommittee of the House and $52.3 billion for the Agencies under the Commerce,
Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations subcommittee in the Senate. The
Administration requests for the major departments and their related agencies are
Department of Justice, $21.3 billion; Department of Commerce, $6.3 billion;
Department of State, $10.2 billion; Science, $22.8 billion; and Related Agencies,
$2.3 billion.
The President signed the FY2006 Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and
Related Agencies (SSJC) appropriations bill into law on November 22, 2005 (P.L.
109-108). The law provides $62.1 billion for the agencies under the jurisdiction of
the Science, State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations subcommittee of the House.
The estimated appropriations of the major departments and their related agencies
(after rescissions and supplementals) were: Department of Justice, $21.6 billion;
Department of Commerce, $6.6 billion; Department of State, $9.6 billion; Science,
$22.2 billion; and Related Agencies, $2.5 billion.
Appropriations bills reflect the jurisdiction of the subcommittees of the House
and Senate Appropriations Committees in which they are considered. Jurisdictions
for the subcommittees of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees were
changed at the beginning of the 109th Congress. In the 108th Congress, both the
House and Senate subcommittees had identical jurisdiction and produced the
Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies appropriations bills.
In the 109th Congress, jurisdiction for the Judiciary appropriation was removed to the
Treasury, Transportation, HUD Subcommittees in the House and the Senate. Science
appropriations, namely the National Aeronautical and Space Administration and the
National Science Foundation were transferred to the former CJS subcommittees in
both chambers. In the Senate, appropriations for the Department of State were
transferred to the Foreign Operations subcommittee, however, they remain under the
jurisdiction of SSJC in the House. Additionally, the Senate Appropriations
Committee has placed the National Institute of Science and Technology and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under its Title III Science

Agencies. For the purposes of comparison, this report will retain reference to these
agencies in Title II Commerce agencies.
Table 1. Legislative Status of SSJC/CJS Appropriations,
Conf. Report
Passage Report Passage Report
Background Information
Synopsis of FY2006 Appropriations
The Administration requested $64.2 billion/$54.2 billion for SSJC/CJS
appropriations in its FY2006 budget request sent to Congress on February 7, 2005.
The House Appropriations Committee reported its SSJC bill (H.R. 2862, H.Rept.
109-118) on June 7, 2005 and the House passed the bill on June 16 after three days
of debate and 43 amendments. The Senate Appropriations Committee reported its bill
(H.R. 2862, S.Rept. 109-88) on June 23, 2005. The Senate Appropriations
Committee reported its State, Foreign Operations Appropriation bill (H.R.
3057/S.Rept. 109-96) June 30. It contains the Senate figures of $9,709.2 for the
Department of State, International Broadcasting, and related agencies. The full
Senate passed the bill on July 20. The Senate passed the CJS bill on September 15,
2005 after consideration of 122 amendments by a vote of 91-4. The Conference
Report (H.Rept. 109-272) was filed on November 7, 2005. The House approved the
measure by a vote of 397-19 on November 9; the Senate approved it on November
11 by a vote of 94-5. It was signed into law by President Bush on November 22, 2005
(P.L. 109-108). The FY2006 appropriations were subject to a 1.28% across-the-
board rescission, reflecting Sec. 638, P.L. 109-108 and P.L. 109-148.
Departmental Funding Trends
The table below shows funding trends for the major agencies in CJS
appropriations over the five-year period FY2002-FY2006, including supplemental
appropriations. Over the five-year period, funding decreased for the Department of
Justice by $2.082 billion (-8.8%). Funding increased for the Department of
Commerce by $0.735 billion (12.8%); for the Title III Science Agencies by $2.473
billion (12.5%); and for the Department of State by $1.559 billion (21.2%).
The Justice Department’s budget declined from FY2002 to FY2003 by 17%
when it was reduced by more than $4 billion due to the relocation of some activities
to the Department of Homeland Security. The Justice Department total has continued
to be below the FY2002. The Commerce Department budget has generally increased
with a slight decrease in FY2006 over the previous year due primarily to the

rescissions applied to FY2006 enacted appropriations. The Science Agencies’
funding has shown a gradual increase each of the five years; and the State
Department’s increases each year through FY2005 reflect funding for the U.S.
embassy in Iraq, embassy security, and international peacekeeping, largely through
emergency supplemental appropriations.
Table 2. Funding for Departments of Commerce, Justice,
and State, and Science Agencies
(in billions of current dollars)
Department/Agency FY2002
Sources: Funding totals provided by the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on
a. Before FY2006, Title III Science Agencies were contained in the VA/HUD
appropriations bill.
Survey of High-Profile Issues
Department of Justice
! The President’s FY2007 budget request proposes the consolidation
of the state, local and tribal law enforcement grant programs, the
Weed and Seed program, and juvenile justice programs, into (Office
of Justice Programs) OJP’s Justice Assistance account. The FY2007
President’s request would eliminate funding for a number of OJP
programs, such as the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grants (JAG) program ($327.2 million in FY2006 after earmarks for
Boys and Girls Clubs and National Institute of Justice); the Edward
Byrne Discretionary Grants ($189.3 million in FY2006); Indian
Country Prison Grants ($8.9 million in FY2006); and Tribal Court
Grants ($7.9 million in FY2006).
! The Administration’s budget request proposes an increase in funding
for the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative, a program
administered by ATF that is designed to combat firearms-related
crime, to reach a level of $395 million. Under the President’s
budget proposal, the restructured PSN program would include
Project ChildSafe; State and Local Gun Crime Prosecution
Assistance/Project Sentry; Gang Technical Assistance Program;
Weed and Seed Program/Community Capacity Development Office
(CCDO); National Stalker and Domestic Violence Database; and
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP).

! The FY2007 President’s budget proposes funding for expanding and
improving Drug Courts, providing $69 million for the program, an
increase of $60 million over the FY2006 enacted appropriations.
! The FY2007 budget proposal includes funding of $40 million for the
Meth Hot Spots program, a program designed to provide state and
local law enforcement assistance in cleaning up toxic waste sites
created through the illicit production of methamphetamine. The
proposed funding level represents an increase of $20 million over
funding enacted in FY2006.
! The President’s FY2007 request for DEA includes a proposal to
transfer the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program
from the Office of National Drug Control Policy to DOJ and to
coordinate the program with the efforts of the Organized Crime and
Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) and other anti-drug
efforts that are part of DEA’s comprehensive drug enforcement
strategy. The budget request proposes $208 million for HIDTA
funding in FY2007.
Department of Commerce and Related Agencies
Key issues include the following:
! Appropriations measures that limit the use by the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office (PTO) of the full amount of fees collected in the
current fiscal year.
! A proposed shift from funding to support industrial technology
development programs at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, particularly the Advanced Technology Program and the
Manufacturing Extension Partnership and congressionally directed
projects, to a greater concentration on funding basic research in the
physical sciences as part of the President’s “American
Competitiveness Initiative.”
! For FY2007, the Bush Administration has requested that $45 million
be added to the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) budget to fund the Digital Television
Transition and Public Safety Fund, as mandated by the Deficit
Reduction Act of 2005. There is a 2008 deadline for the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) to auction unused analog
spectrum and a February 17, 2009 deadline for converting all U.S.
analog television transmissions to digital. Policymakers will likely
consider this budget request with regard to whether it will achieve
this goal, and how NTIA will assist in the conversion process.
! Termination of the Census Bureau’s longitudinal Survey of Income
and Program Participation, and its proposed replacement with a new
data collection system focusing on income and wealth dynamics.
! Consolidation of 18 federal economic and community development
programs in the Administration’s proposed “Strengthening
America’s Communities Initiative,” reduction of their aggregate
funding levels, and creating a new Regional Development Account
within the Economic Development Administration.

! The ability of U.S. trade agencies and PTO to fight intellectual
property infringement abroad.
! The efficacy of U.S. trade agency enforcement of U.S. trade remedy
laws against unfair foreign competition.
! The possible consolidation of all of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) budget authority under a
single Organic Act.
! Proposed terminations of several ocean-related programs, provoking
criticism from the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative.
Science Agencies
Key issues are as follows:
! President Bush’s “Vision for Space Exploration” and its consequent
reprioritization of NASA programs, and potential personnel cuts
(especially in aeronautics research).
! Whether to use the space shuttle to service the Hubble Space
Department of State and International Broadcasting
Key issues include the following:
! Secretary Rice’s newly-announced vision for diplomacy referred to
as Transformational Diplomacy which will involve reorganizing
parts of USAID and State.
! Moving of diplomats away from Washington and Europe to
countries where the Administration deems more critical need.
! Increased emphasis on critical need language capabilities within the
! Greater emphasis on public diplomacy activities conducted by all
State Department personnel overseas.

Department of Justice1
Title I of the SSJC/CJS bill typically covers appropriations for the Department
of Justice (DOJ). Established by an act of 1870 (28 U.S.C. 501) with the Attorney
General at its head, DOJ provides counsel for citizens and protects them through law
enforcement. It represents the federal government in all proceedings, civil and
criminal, before the Supreme Court. In legal matters, generally, the Department
provides legal advice and opinions, upon request, to the President and executive
branch department heads. The major functions of DOJ agencies and offices are
described below:
! United States Attorneys prosecute criminal offenses against the
United States, represent the federal government in civil actions, and
initiate proceedings for the collection of fines, penalties, and
forfeitures owed to the United States.
! United States Marshals Service provides security for the federal
judiciary, protects witnesses, executes warrants and court orders,
manages seized assets, detains and transports unsentenced prisoners,
and apprehends fugitives.
! Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates violations of
federal criminal law; helps protect the United States against
terrorism and hostile intelligence efforts; provides assistance to other
federal, state and local law enforcement agencies; and shares
jurisdiction with Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) over
federal drug violations.
! Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) investigates federal drug
law violations; coordinates its efforts with state, local, and other
federal law enforcement agencies; develops and maintains drug
intelligence systems; regulates legitimate controlled substances
activities; and conducts joint intelligence-gathering activities with
foreign governments.
! Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
enforces federal law related to the manufacture, importation, and
distribution of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. It was
transferred from the Department of the Treasury to the Department
of Justice by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-296).
! Federal Prison System provides for the custody and care of the
federal prison population, the maintenance of prison-related
facilities, and the boarding of sentenced federal prisoners
incarcerated in state and local institutions.
! Office of Justice Programs (OJP) manages and coordinates the
activities of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and
1 This title is written by Celinda Franco, Specialist in Social Legislation, Domestic Social
Policy Division.

Delinquency Prevention, Community Oriented Policing Services
(COPS), and the Office of Victims of Crime.
Most crime control has traditionally been a state and local responsibility. With
the passage of the Crime Control Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-351), however, the federal
role in the administration of criminal justice has increased incrementally. Since
1984, Congress has approved five major omnibus crime control bills, designating
new federal crimes, penalties, and additional law enforcement assistance programs
for state and local governments. Crime control is one of the few areas of the federal
budget where discretionary spending has increased over the past two decades.
For FY2006, the Congress appropriated $19.5 billion2 for discretionary DOJ
programs, a slight decrease of $311 million less than the net amount of FY2005
appropriations, after rescissions and supplemental appropriations.
Government Performance and Results Act
The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) required the
Department of Justice, along with other federal agencies, to prepare a five-year
strategic plan, including a mission statement, long-range goals, and program
assessment measures. The Department’s Strategic Plan for FY2003-2008 sets forth
four goals:
! prevent terrorism and promote national security;
! enforce federal criminal laws and represent the rights and interests
of the American people;
! prevent and reduce crime and violence by assisting state, local, and
tribal efforts;
! ensure the fair and efficient operation of the Federal justice system.
FY2007 Budget Request
The Department of Justice FY2007 budget request includes $21.325 billion in
spending. The FY2007 budget request represents a decrease of $299.7 million over
what Congress approved for FY2006 (see Table 3).
According to DOJ budget justifications, the President’s FY2007 budget request
includes increased funding for preventing terrorism and ensuring domestic security
of $386 million over FY2006 enacted levels. For reducing violent crime, gun crime,
illegal drug trafficking, and white collar crime, the FY2007 budget request includes
$9 billion, an increase of $489 million over FY2006 enacted levels. Support for
state, local, and tribal crime and violence prevention would be reduced to $2.9 billion
by the President’s budget request, a decrease of $1 billion from FY2006 enacted
levels. Funding for the federal justice system under the President’s request totals
$7.8 billion, an increase of $404 million over FY2006 appropriations.
2 Amount reflects total appropriations for direct discretionary programs and does not include
mandatory DOJ programs that are not subject to congressional appropriations.

General Administration. The General Administration account for DOJ
includes salaries and expenses, as well as other programs designed to ensure that the
collaborative functions of the DOJ agencies are coordinated to help fight crime as
efficiently as possible. Examples include the Joint Automated Booking System and
the Automated Biometric Identification System. For FY2007, the President’s budget
proposal includes just over $2.0 billion for General Administration, an increase of
$233.9 million over FY2006 funding levels. The General Administration account
funds the Attorney General’s office, senior departmental management, the Inspector
General’s office, efforts to integrate fingerprint identification systems (e.g., IAFIS
and IDENT), and narrowband communications, among other things. For FY2007,
the budget request proposes funding of $175 million for the Justice Information
Sharing Technology (JIST) initiative; $89.2 million for Narrowband
Communications, and $1.332 billion for the Office of the Detention Trustee.
For salaries and expenses, the President’s FY2007 budget proposes $115.5
million, an increase of $7.4 million over FY2006 funding levels. These proposed
funds would support the Attorney General and DOJ senior policy level offices
responsible for managing Department resources and developing policies for legal,
law enforcement, and criminal justice activities. The FY2007 budget requested does
not include funding for the Office of Intelligence and Policy Review, which Congress
funded at $36.6 million in FY2006. The Administration’s request for FY2007
proposes funding of $15.9 million for a National Drug Intelligence Center.
For the Federal Office of Detention Trustee (OFDT), the FY2007 request
includes $1.332 billion in funding, a $170.4 million increase over the $1.162 billion
appropriated by Congress for FY2006. The OFDT provides overall management and
oversight for federal detention services relating to the detention of federal prisoners
in non-federal institutions or otherwise in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service.
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for detecting and
deterring waste, fraud, and abuse involving DOJ programs and personnel and
promoting economy and efficiency in DOJ operations. The OIG also investigates
allegations of departmental misconduct. The Administration’s FY2007 budget
proposal requests $70.6 million for the OIG, which represents a $2.7 million increase
compared to the FY2006 appropriation of $67.9 million.
U.S. Parole Commission. The U.S. Parole Commission adjudicates parole
requests for prisoners who are serving felony sentences under federal and District of
Columbia Code violations. For FY2007, the Administration’s budget request
proposes $11.9 million for the parole commission, an increase of $1.0 million over
the Commission’s FY2006 appropriation of $10.9 million.
Legal Activities. The Legal Activities account includes several subaccounts:
(1) general legal activities, (2) U.S. Attorneys, (3) U.S. Marshals Service, (4) prisoner
detention, and (5) other legal activities. For FY2007, the Administration’s budget
request includes $3.446 billion for legal activities, an increase of $168.7 million over
the FY2006 enacted appropriations of $3.277 billion.
The General Legal Activities account funds the Solicitor General’s supervision
of the department’s conduct in proceedings before the Supreme Court. It also funds

several departmental divisions (tax, criminal, civil, environment and natural
resources, legal counsel, civil rights, and antitrust). For these purposes, the
Administration’s FY2007 budget request includes $684.3 million, an increase of
almost $30.8 million over FY2006 enacted appropriation of $653.5 million.
The U.S. Attorneys and the U.S. Marshals Service are present in all of the 94
federal judicial districts. The U.S. Attorneys prosecute criminal cases and represent
the federal government in civil actions. For the U.S. Attorneys Office, the
Administration’s FY2007 request includes $1.637 billion, an increase of nearly $48.8
million over the enacted FY2006 amount of $1.589 billion for this office.

The U.S. Marshals are responsible for the protection of the Federal Judiciary,
protection of witnesses, execution of warrants and court orders, custody and
transportation of unsentenced federal prisoners, and fugitive apprehension. The
FY2007 request includes $825.9 million for the Marshals Service, an increase of
$25.3 million over the Service’s FY2006 enacted appropriation of $801.0 million.
For other legal activities, e.g. the Community Relations Service, the
Independent Counsel, the U.S. Trustee Fund (which is responsible for maintaining
the integrity of the U.S. bankruptcy system by, among other things, prosecuting
criminal bankruptcy violations), and the Asset Forfeiture program, the FY2007
request includes $298.2 million, $64 million more than appropriated in FY2006 of
$234 million.
Interagency Law Enforcement. The Interagency Law Enforcement account
reimburses departmental agencies for their participation in the Organized Crime
Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)
program. Organized into nine regional
task forces, this program combines the expertise of federal agencies with the efforts
of state and local law enforcement to disrupt and dismantle major narcotics
trafficking and money laundering organizations. From DOJ, the federal agencies that
participate in OCDETF are the Drug Enforcement Administration; Federal Bureau
of Investigation; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S.
Marshals Service; the Justice, Tax and Criminal Divisions of DOJ; and the U.S.
Attorneys. From the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Bureau of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Coast Guard participate in
OCDETF. Additionally, the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Office of
Enforcement also participate from the Department of the Treasury. State and local
law enforcement agencies participate in approximately 87% of all OCDETF
investigations. The FY2007 President’s budget request includes $706.1 million for
OCDETF, which includes $208 million for relocating the High Intensity Drug
Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs)3 at DOJ, for a net OCDETF funding level of $498.1
million. For FY2006, $483.2 million was appropriated for OCDETF, $14.9 million
less than the net FY2007 amount requested by the Administration.
3 The HIDTA program is currently administered by the Office of National Drug Policy
(ONDCP), and a similar request to relocate the HIDTA program was proposed in the
Administration’s FY2006 request.

Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), as the lead federal investigative agency, continues to reorganize to focus more
sharply on preventing terrorism and other criminal activities. The Administration’s
FY2007 request proposes funding of $6.04 billion for the FBI. This funding level
represents an increase of $302.4 million over the FY2006 enacted appropriations of
$5.738 billion. Of the President’s requested amount, $51.4 million would fund
The FY2007 budget request includes funding for the FBI to improve its ability
to prevent terrorist attacks, disrupt terrorist and their financing, and investigate and
prosecute those responsible for committing terrorist acts against the United States.
The President’s FY2007 budget would provide funding of $2.308 billion for
counterintelligence and national security, compared to appropriations of $2.260
billion in FY2006, a proposed increase of $48 million.
Drug Enforcement Administration. The Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) is the lead federal agency tasked with reducing the illicit supply and abuse of
dangerous narcotics and drugs. DEA, along with OCDETF, dismantled 119 drug
trafficking organizations operating in the United States and significantly disrupted
the activities of 208 others in FY2005. The Administration’s FY2007 request
includes $1.736 billion for DEA, almost $61.6 million more than the amount
appropriated by Congress in FY2006, of $1.675 billion.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) enforces federal law related to
the manufacture, importation, and distribution of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and
explosives. The FY2007 request proposes $860.1 million for ATF, a decrease of
almost $71.7 million from FY2006 appropriations of $931.84 million. According
to the FY2007 budget request, the Administration is proposing additional funding for
ATF of $120 million to be collected from user fees related to explosives.
The President’s budget would restructure and centralize a large portion of ATF’s
programmatic resources into the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative. The
PSN initiative brings together federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to
identify the most pressing gun crime problems in their communities and develop
strategies to attack those problems through prevention, deterrence, and aggressive
prosecution. Under the PSN, a number of programs of several agencies, including
OJP, ATF, the U.S. Attorneys, and the DOJ Criminal Division, would be
coordinated to address the crime and violence in hard-hit neighborhoods across the
country. For example, from OJP the following programs would be brought into PSN:
Project Childsafe, which distributes free gun safety kits; State and Local Gun Crime
Prosecution Assistance (Project Sentry) program, which provides support for
prosecution of crimes involving misuse of firearms; Gang Technical Assistance
, a new program to assist states and localities in their efforts to disrupt
criminal gang activity and enhance the sharing of criminal intelligence; Weed and
program which promotes multi-disciplinary community-based crime control
4 This amount reflects rescissions of $11.79 million and 2006 Hurricane Katrina
Supplemental appropriations of $20.0 million.

strategies, including gang-related violence; National Stalker and Domestic Violence
, supporting law enforcement and prosecution efforts against stalking and
domestic violence; and National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP),
which sponsors efforts to improve the quality, timeliness and immediate availability
of criminal history and related records used to support criminal investigations, and
background checks for employment and eligibility to purchase a firearms. The
Administration’s FY2007 budget request proposes funding of $395 million for the
PSN program.
ATF also launched a companion initiative, the Violent Crime Impact Teams
(VCIT), which combine the efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement to
target gun crime “hot spots.” VCIT is currently active in 10 cities and the FY2007
budget request includes an expansion of the initiative to 15 additional cities. This
expansion would increase VCIT funding by $16 million, for a total request of $35.7
Federal Prison System. The Federal Prison System is administered by the
Bureau of Prisons (BOP), which maintains penal institutions nationwide, and
contracts with state, local, and private concerns for additional detention space. The
Administration requests $4.965 billion in FY2007 funding for the Federal Prison
System, almost $32 million more than Congress appropriated for FY2006.
The Administration estimates that, as of January 26, 2006, there were nearly
188,463 federal inmates in 113 institutions, of which 11% represent immigration-
related arrests and over 53% represent drug-related offenses. Of the total number of
federal inmates, 159,872 are in facilities operated by the BOP. The BOP projects that
the total federal prison population will increase to 195,972 in 2006, and increase to
203,880 by 2007. As required by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act (VCCLEA) of 1994, the BOP provides substance abuse treatment for certain
“eligible” inmates. According to BOP, over the past seven years, the percentage of
all federal inmates with a substance abuse disorder has increased from 34% to 40%.

Office of Justice Programs. The Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
manages and coordinates the National Institute of Justice, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Victims
of Crimes, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and related grant programs. For the Office
of Justice Programs and related offices, bureaus and programs, the Administration’s
request includes $1.201 billion for FY2007, a reduction of more than $1.2 billion
from FY2006 appropriated levels of $2.416 billion.
The President’s FY2007 request proposes to eliminate funding for a number of
OJP programs, similar to the President’s FY2006 budget request, and consolidate the
remaining programs under the Justice Assistance account. The following are selected
examples of the President’s budget cutting proposals. The Administration’s budget
proposal would eliminate funding for, among other programs, the Byrne Justice
Assistance Grants (JAG) program ($411.2 million in FY2006), the Byrne
Discretionary Grants ($189.3 million in FY2006), Indian Country Prison Grants ($8.9
million in FY2006), and Tribal Court Grants ($7.9 million in FY2006). The
President’s proposal also would eliminate funding for most Juvenile Justice
programs, which received appropriations of $338.4 million, including the Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG), funded for FY2006 at $49.4 million. Funding
for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), would be eliminated by
the President’s budget proposal, compared to FY2006 funding of $399.8 million for
the program, and the Secure Our Schools (SOS) program funding would be
eliminated, resulting in a $14.8 million reduction from FY2006 funding levels. The
President’s FY2007 budget would reduce funding for the Bulletproof Vests program
from $29.6 million in FY2006, to $9.8 million in FY2007; and the Prison Rape
Prevention and Prosecution Program, funded at just under $16 million in FY2006,
would be reduced to slightly under $2 million in FY2007.
The President’s FY2007 budget proposal would increase funding for the
Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative, from $29.617 million in FY2006, to
$29.757 million in FY2007. The Weed and Seed Program/Community Capacity
Development Office (CCDO) budget request would decrease slightly from $49.361
million in FY2006, to $49.348 million in FY2007. The National Stalker and
Domestic Violence Database funding would increase from $2.934 million in
FY2006, to $2.938 in FY2007. The FY2007 budget request would fund the Boys and
Girls Clubs of America but at a reduced funding level from $83.9 million in FY2006,
to $59.5 million in FY2007.
Community Oriented Policing Services. The Administration’s FY2007
request proposes $102.1 million for the Community Oriented Policing Services
(COPS) program along with a rescission of $127.5 million for a negative budget
authority of — $25.4 million. However, some COPS programs would be combined
with other OJP programs into the Justice Assistance account (described below) and
provide grants on a competitive basis. Funding for COPS Interoperability and
Technology Grants would be eliminated ($138.1 million in FY2006); the Meth Hot
Spots program would be funded at $40.1 million in FY2007, down from $62.7
million in FY2006; and the COPS Training and Technical Assistance program would
be funded at a slightly higher level of $3.997 million in FY2007, compared to $3.949
in FY2006. In addition, beginning in FY2007, the Administration proposes that

Indian Country activities be jointly administered by OJP and COPS, and includes
proposed funding of $31.1 million for tribal law enforcement.
Justice Assistance. The Justice Assistance account funds the operations of
OJP bureaus and offices. Besides funding OJP management and administration, this
account also funds the National Institute of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Statistics,
cooperative efforts that address missing children, and regional criminal intelligence.
For FY2007, the Administration’s budget requests just under $1.034 billion, which
under the proposed realignment of selected OJP programs would be used for the
following purposes.
Improving the Criminal Justice System. For Improving the Criminal Justice
System, the Administration’s request includes $377.2 million along with a proposed
$127.5 million rescission.5 The balance of the funds requested would include, among
other programs, the following: $9.8 million for the Bulletproof Vest Partnership
(formerly funded under COPS); $59.5 million for Boys and Girls Clubs; $165.8
million for the PSN program; $39.7 million for the Regional Information Sharing
System; $29.8 million for the Southwest Border Project; $14.9 million for Faith-
Based Prisoner Re-entry Initiative; and $1.9 million for Prison Rape Prevention &
Prosecution. In addition, the Administration’s FY2007 request proposes to eliminate
funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance program (SCAAP).
Research, Development, Evaluation, and Statistics. For Research,
Development, Evaluation and Statistics, the Administration’s FY2007 budget
requests $116 million: $59.8 million for criminal justice statistics, and $56.2 million
for research, evaluation, and demonstration projects.
Technology for Crime Identification. The Administration’s FY2007 budget
request for the Technology for Crime Identification program, proposes $238.2
million in funding, of which, $175.6 million for the DNA analysis and capacity
enhancement program. Of that amount, not less than $151 million could be for
reducing and eliminating the backlog of DNA samples and for increasing state and
local DNA laboratory capacity.
Juvenile Delinquency and Crime. For strengthening the juvenile justice
system, the Administration’s FY2007 request includes $175.9 million, including
$93.2 for state and local programs under the Juvenile Justice Formula Grant program;
$33.5 million for the Juvenile Delinquency Block Grants; $6.5 million for
demonstration projects; and $10 million for research, evaluation, training and
technical assistance. The President’s FY2007 budget does not request funding for the
Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant.
Substance Abuse Demand Reduction. The Administration’s FY2007
budget request for Substance Abuse Demand Reduction, request provides for funding
of $79.9 million, including $69.2 million for Drug Courts, and $10.7 million for the
5 Rescissions under the President’s budget request for DOJ typically are monies that have
not been spent in the previous year or are recovered from grantees for whom funds were
obligated but not spent or were mis-spent in previous years.

Cannabis Eradication Grant program. The President’s FY2007 budget request does
not include funding for the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT), the drug
treatment program for state prisoners.
Victims of Crime. The Administration’s budget request for services for
Victims of Crime (VOC) within the Justice Assistance account includes $109.4
million. Among other things, this amount would fund programs and initiatives
authorized under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Victims of Child
Abuse Act , including $50.9 million for the Missing Child program; just under $10
million for the Victim Notification System and for legal counsel and support services
for victims; $11.7 million for improving the investigation and prosecution of child
abuse; $1.9 million for the National Sex Offender Public Registry; and $1.5 million
for victims of trafficking.
In addition, the President’s FY2007 budget request proposes $625 million cap
for the Crime Victims Fund. The budget request also includes a proposal to rescind,
or cancel, $1.255 billion from balances in the Crime Victims Fund, also frequently
referred to as the “Rainy Day” fund.
The Administration’s FY2007 also includes funding provided under the Public
Safety Officers Benefit (PSOB) program, which provides death benefits to survivors
of public safety officers who die in the line of duty, and disability benefits to those
officers injured and disabled in the line of duty. Benefits provided by this program
were increased by the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-56). The
Administration’s FY2007 request includes $49.7 million in funding for death benefits
under the PSOB program and $4 million for disability and educational assistance.
Office on Violence Against Women. The Office on Violence Against
Women (OVW) was created in 1995 as a component of the Department of Justice,
and the OVW is administratively separate from OJP. The Administration’s FY2007
budget request for OVW provides funding of $347 million. Of that amount, $11.9
million would be for the Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program, $2.3
million for Child Abuse Training programs for judicial personnel and practitioners,
and $986,000 for grants for televised testimony.

Table 3. Funding for the Department of Justice
($ millions in budget authority) a
General Administration
U.S. Parole Commission
Legal Activities
General legal activities
United States Attorneys
United States Marshals
Federal Bureau of
Salaries and expenses
Counterintelligence and
National Security
Drug Enforcement
Interagency Law Enforcement
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives
Federal Prison System
Office of Violence Against
Office of Justice Programs
Justice assistance
State and local law
enforcement assistance


Weed and seed program

Community oriented
policing services

Juvenile justice programs

Public safety officers
benefits program

Additional Fundingc
Total: Department of Justice
Source: U.S. House Appropriations Committee.
a. Amounts may not total due to rounding.
b. Amounts include rescissions and Hurricane Katrina Supplemental Appropriations (P.L. 109-148).
c. For amounts not specified in the table.
d. Amount includes $208 million for proposed relocation of High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
e. Amount does not include the President’s budget proposal to collect $120 million in fees from explosives users.

Related CRS Products
CRS Report RL33308, Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS): Background,
Legislation, and Issues Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
, by Nathan James.
CRS Report RS22416, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program:
Legislative and Funding History, by Nathan James
CRS Report RL32824, Federal Crime Control: Background, Legislation and Issues,
coordinated by Lisa Seghetti.
CRS Report RL32842, Gun Legislation in the 109th Congress, by William J. Krouse.
CRS Report RL32249, Gun Control Proposals to Regulate Gun Shows, by William
J. Krouse.
CRS Report RL33403, Hate Crime Legislation in the 109th Congress, by William J.
Krouse and Janice Cheryl Beaver.
CRS Report RL33033, Intelligence Reform at the Federal Bureau of Investigation:
Issues and Options for Congress, by Alfred Cummings and Todd Masse.
CRS Report RS22070, Juvenile Justice: Overview of Legislative History and
Funding Trends, by Blas Nunez-Neto.
CRS Report RL32800, Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Law:
Enforcement and Other Issues, by Garrine P. Laney.
CRS Report RL32579, Victims of Crime Compensation and Assistance: Background
and Funding, by Celinda Franco.
CRS Report RL30871, Violence Against Women Act: History and Federal Funding,
by Garrine Laney.

Commerce and Related Agencies6
Title II includes the appropriations for the Department of Commerce and related
agencies. The origins of the department date to 1903 with the establishment of the
Department of Commerce and Labor (32 Stat. 825). The separate Department of
Commerce was established on March 4, 1913 (37 Stat. 7365; 15 U.S.C. 1501).
The department’s responsibilities are numerous and quite varied, but its
activities center on five basic missions: (1) promoting the development of U.S.
business and increasing foreign trade; (2) improving the nation’s technological
competitiveness; (3) encouraging economic development; (4) fostering
environmental stewardship and assessment; and (5) compiling, analyzing and
disseminating statistical information on the U.S. economy and population.
The following agencies within the Commerce Department carry out these
! Economic Development Administration (EDA) provides grants for
economic development projects in economically distressed
communities and regions.
! Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) seeks to promote
private and public sector investment in minority businesses.
! Bureau of the Census collects, compiles, and publishes a broad range
of economic, demographic, and social data.
! Economic and Statistical Analysis Programs provide (1) timely
information on the state of the economy through preparation,
development, and interpretation of economic data; and (2) analytical
support to department officials in meeting their policy
responsibilities. Much of the analysis is conducted by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA).
! International Trade Administration (ITA) seeks to develop the
export potential of U.S. firms and to improve the trade performance
of U.S. industry.
! Bureau of Industry and Security enforces U.S. export laws consistent
with national security, foreign policy, and short-supply objectives
(formerly the Bureau of Export Administration).
! National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides
scientific, technical, and management expertise to (1) promote safe
and efficient marine and air navigation; (2) assess the health of
coastal and marine resources; (3) monitor and predict the coastal,
ocean, and global environments (including weather forecasting); and
(4) protect and manage the nation’s coastal resources.
! Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) examines and approves
applications for patents for claimed inventions and registration of
6 This title is coordinated by Nye Stevens, Specialist in American National Government,
Government and Finance Division.

! Technology Administration, through the Office of Technology
Policy, advocates integrated policies that seek to maximize the
impact of technology on economic growth, conducts technology
development and deployment programs, and disseminates
technological information.
! National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) assists
industry in developing technology to improve product quality,
modernize manufacturing processes, ensure product reliability, and
facilitate rapid commercialization of products based on new
scientific discoveries.
! National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA) advises the President on domestic and international
communications policy, manages the federal government’s use of
the radio frequency spectrum, and performs research in
telecommunications sciences.
The President’s FY2007 budget request calls for $6.18 billion for the Commerce
Department. This represents a decrease of $293.8 million, or about 4.5%, from the
FY2006 appropriation for the department of $6.47 billion (after the FY2006
Departmental Management
The President’s FY2007 budget requested $98.5 million in new discretionary
budget authority for Departmental Management: $57.0 million for salaries and
expenses, $22.53 million for the Office of Inspector General (IG), and $18 million
for renovation of the Department’s headquarters, the Herbert C. Hoover Building.
(The budget also proposed a rescission of $49 million in emergency guaranteed loan
program accounts, but this is not included in the Committee’s figures.) The $57
million for salaries and expenses would be approximately $9.5 million above the
FY2006 appropriation, a 20% increase. The $22.53 million for the IG would be a
slight increase from the FY2006 appropriation of $22.47 million. In FY2006
Congress added $3.9 million to this account for promotion of travel and tourism, but
the budget does not include a request for that function in FY2007. The
Administration had requested $30 million for the Department’s expenses associated
with upgrading the Hoover Building in FY2006, but the money was not then
appropriated. It is part of a $700 million renovation scheduled to be completed in
International Trade Administration7
The International Trade Administration (ITA) provides export promotion
services, works to assure compliance with trade agreements, administers trade
remedies such as antidumping and countervailing duties, and provides analytical
support for ongoing trade negotiations. The President’s FY2007 request for ITA is
$408.8 million, a $14.9 million (3.6%) increase over the FY2006 appropriation of
7 The sections on ITA, USTR, and ITC were written by M. Angeles Villarreal, Analyst in
International Trade and Finance, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division.

$393.8 million (after rescissions). The request anticipates the collection of $33
million in fees and other reimbursable obligations, raising available funds to $441.8
million. The agency is divided into four policy units and an Executive and
Administrative Directorate, with an estimated total full time staff of 2,217 in
Manufacturing and Services Unit (MSU). The MSU carries out certain
industry analysis functions of the former Trade Development Unit (TD), but it is also
tasked with promoting the competitiveness and expansion of the U.S. manufacturing
sector under the President’s Manufacturing Initiative of March 2003. Congress
transferred the trade promotion activities of TD — the Advocacy Center, the Trade
Information Center, and Office of Export Assistance — to the new Trade Promotion
Unit. The President requested $47.3 million in direct obligations for FY2007. The
FY2006 appropriation provided $47 million for the MSU (before rescissions).

Market Access and Compliance Unit (MAC). The MAC monitors foreign
country compliance with trade agreements, identifies compliance problems and
market access obstacles, and informs U.S. firms of foreign business practices and
opportunities. The President requested $39.3 million in FY2007. The FY2006
appropriation provided $43 million for MAC (before rescissions).
Import Administration Unit (IA). IA administers the trade remedy laws of
the United States, including antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard actions.
The Administration has requested $59.4 million for IA in FY2007. In FY2006, IA
received an appropriation of $59 million (before rescissions).
Trade Promotion/U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (TP/FCS). The
TP/FCS program conducts trade promotion programs intended to broaden and deepen
the base of U.S. exports; provides U.S. companies with export assistance services;
and leads interagency advocacy efforts for major overseas projects. For FY2007, the
Administration requested $237.3 million for this unit. In FY2006, the TP/FCS
received an appropriation of $227 million (before rescissions).
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
USTR, located in the Executive Office of the President (EOP), is responsible
for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade and direct investment
policies. The President’s FY2007 request is $42.2 million, about $2 million less than
the FY2006 amount of $44.2 million appropriated by Congress (including
rescissions). The USTR is responsible for advancing U.S. interests at the WTO and
negotiating bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs). In 2006, the
Administration concluded FTAs with Peru, Colombia, and Oman. The
Administration has ongoing negotiations with Ecuador, the Southern African
Customs Union (SACU), Panama, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates. In 2006,
Congress approved FTAs with Bahrain, the Dominican Republic and Central
American countries. The Office had 229 full time employees in FY2006.

U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)
ITC is an independent, quasi-judicial agency that advises the President and
Congress on the impact of U.S. foreign economic policies on U.S. industries and,
along with the Import Administration Unit of ITA, is charged with administering
various U.S. trade remedy laws. Its six commissioners are appointed by the President
and confirmed by the Senate for nine-year terms. As a matter of policy, its budget
request is submitted to Congress by the President without revision. In FY2007, ITC
requested $64.2 million, about a $2 million increase over the $62 million
appropriated by Congress in FY2006 (after rescissions). In FY2006, ITC had 365
Bureau of Industry and Security8
The President’s FY2007 request for the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
is $78.6 million, a 3.4% increase from the funding level of $75 million (after
rescissions) adopted by the Conference Report (H.Rept. 109-272). BIS administers
export controls on dual-use goods and technology through its licensing and
enforcement functions. It cooperates with other nations on export control policy, and
provides assistance to the U.S. business community to comply with U.S. and
multilateral export controls. It also administers U.S. anti-boycott statutes, and it is
charged with monitoring the U.S. defense industrial base. The agency had 415 full-
time employees in FY2006. Authorization for the activities of BIS, the Export
Administration Act (50 U.S.C. 2401, et seq), expired in August 2001. On August 17,
2001, President Bush invoked the authorities granted by the International Economic
Emergency Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1703(b)) to continue in effect the system of
controls contained in the act and by the Export Administration Regulations (15
C.F.R., Parts 730-799). This authority was most recently extended on August 2,
2005 (69 Fed. Reg. 45273).
BIS divides its FY2007 funding request between licensing activity ($38.9
million), enforcement activities ($33.2 million), and management and policy
coordination ($6.5 million). In FY2006, BIS requested $37.8 million for licensing
activity, $32.5 million for enforcement activities, and $6.7 million for management
and policy coordination. Congress appropriated $36.8 million, $33.5 million, and
$6.65 million for these activities, respectively. On national security related
inspections the Senate provided $7.2 million and the House provided $14.8 million;
the Conference Report adopted the House figure.
Economic Development Administration9
For the second consecutive year, the Administration has included in its budget
request, a proposal that would eliminate a number of federal economic and
community development programs, and dramatically reshape programs administered
8 This section was written by Ian F. Fergusson, Analyst in International Trade and Finance;
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division.
9 This section was written by Eugene Boyd, Analyst, Government and Finance Division.

by the Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA). The
Administration is requesting a total of $327.2 million for EDA activities for FY2007,
including $257 million for the new Regional Development Account (RDA) program,
$27 million for planning grants awarded to Economic Development Districts, $13
million for trade adjustment assistance, and $29 million for salaries and expenses.
This is approximately $47 million more than the $280.4 million appropriated in
FY2006, which included $29 million for salaries and expenses, $158 million for
public works, $44 million for economic adjustment, $27 million for planning, $13
million for trade adjustment, $8 million for technical assistance, and $483,000 for
The Administration’s FY2006 budget recommendations included a proposal that
would have consolidated the activities of at least 18 existing community and
economic development programs, including those of the EDA into a two-part grant
proposal called the “Strengthening America’s Communities Initiative” (SACI).10
Responsibility for the18 programs now being carried out by five federal agencies (the
Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Treasury, Health and
Human Services, and Agriculture) would have been transferred to the Commerce
Department. Congress eventually rejected the proposal and funded all 18 programs
for FY2006.
The Administration’s FY2007 budget request outlines a revamped SACI
proposal. Under the FY2007 version, two of the 18 programs would be funded — the
Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) program and a new Regional Development Account (RDA)
within EDA. The FY2007 budget proposes a SACI funding level of $3.360 billion
— nearly $2 billion less than the aggregate appropriation for the 18 programs in
FY2006. The Administration’s FY2007 budget also identifies some general elements
of the new SACI proposal including development of a common set of goals and
performance measures for the CDBG and RDA programs. In addition, the
Administration plan calls for a new CDBG allocation formula targeted to the neediest
communities, a bonus fund component, and reforms that address the CDBG
program’s shortcomings outlined in the Program Assessment Rating Tool. The
FY2007 version of the President’s SACI proposal recommends consolidating four
existing EDA programs (public works, economic adjustment assistance, research and
evaluation, and technical assistance) into a single account, the RDA. RDA funds
would be awarded on a competitive basis to entities that support multi-jurisdictional
regional development activities.
Under the FY2006 version of the Administration’s SACI proposal, the
Department of Commerce would have administered a core program and a bonus
program. The bonus program would have awarded additional funds to communities
that demonstrated efforts to improve economic conditions. The FY2006 SACI
proposal would have reduced total funding attributable to the 18 programs from $5.6
billion in FY2005 to $3.7 billion in FY2006. Congress rejected the Administration’s
10 For a detail review of the Administration’s SACI proposals see CRS Report RL32823, An
Overview of the Administration’s Strengthening America’s Communities Initiative (SACI),
by Eugene Boyd.

budget proposal and funded all 18 programs at a total level of $5.3 billion. Although
an outline of the proposal was included in the Administration’s FY2006 budget
documents, the Administration did not submit a legislative proposal during the first
session of the 109th Congress. Instead, after facing significant opposition, an advisory
group was established within the Department of Commerce to assist the Secretary of
Commerce in developing a detailed legislative proposal.
Minority Business Development Agency11
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is charged with the lead
role in coordinating all the federal government’s minority business programs. For
FY2007 the President’s budget requests $29.6 million for the MBDA, which is
unchanged from the enacted FY2006 appropriation. For FY2006 the Administration
requested $30.7 million for the agency, and Congress approved $30.0 million. The
FY2006 rescission reduced this by approximately $380,000 to $29.6 million.
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration12

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is
the executive branch’s principal advisory office on domestic and international
telecommunications and information technology issues and policies. Its mandate is
to provide greater access for all Americans to telecommunications services; to
support U.S. attempts to open foreign markets; to advise on international
telecommunications negotiations; to fund research grants for new technologies and
their applications; and to assist non-profit organizations converting to digital
transmission in the 21st century. The NTIA also manages federal use of radio
frequency spectrum domestically and internationally.
For FY2007, the Bush Administration has requested an overall funding figure
of $17.8 million for NTIA, excluding funding for analog to digital conversion
funding (for FY2006, the appropriated amount is $39.6 million13).There are two
major components to the current NTIA budget (the Bush Administration also has
requested funding for a third program, created out of the Deficit Reduction Act of
2005, and discussed below). The first program is Salaries and Expenses. For
FY2007, the Administration has requested that NTIA’s Salaries and Expenses
account should be funded at $17.8 million (in FY2006, it was also funded at $17.8
million). In the past, a large part of this program ($7 million in FY2006) has been
for management of the federal government’s use of radio spectrum. For the second
11 This section was written by Eric Weiss, Analyst in Financial Institutions, Government
and Finance Division.
12 This section was written by Glenn McLoughlin, Specialist in Technology and
Telecommunications Policy, Resources, Science, and Industry Division.
13 FY2006 funding numbers for NTIA are taken from the April 19, 2006, “crosswalk” table
from the House Committee on Appropriations. It is important to also note that the
Committee also shows the FY2007 request for the overall NTIA budget at $17.8 million, for
salaries and expenses only.

component, the Public Telecommunications Facilities, Planning and Construction
(PTFPC) program, the Bush Administration has requested termination of this
program, with all remaining federal expenditures from FY2006 spent (for FY2006
Congress provided $21.7 million for this program).
For the PTFPC program, a similar request was made last year by the Bush
Administration to end this program; the House approved this request, while the
Senate approved its current level of funding. The House noted that as of March
2005, 307 of 356 (93.9%) public television stations are now transmitting a digital
signals, indicating that the program has successfully achieved its goals. However,
others contend that this issue is part of a larger concern about public broadcasting in
general, and support for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting specifically; and
until all stations are broadcasting with digital technology, the program should be
supported and funded.
The third NTIA program that the Bush Administration has requested funding
for comes out of the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act. That law — and new NTIA
program — called for the creation of a Digital Transition and Safety Public Fund,
which offset receipts from the auction of licenses to use electromagnetic spectrum
recovered from discontinued analog television signals. The Bush Administration sets
these reimbursable funds at $45 million in FY2007. These receipts would fund the
following programmatic functions at NTIA: a digital-analog converter box program
to assist consumers in meeting the 2009 deadline for receiving television broadcasts
in digital format; public safety interoperable communications grants, which will be
made to ensure that public safety agencies have a standardized format for sharing
voice and data signals on the radio spectrum; New York City 9/11 digital transition
funding, until the planned Freedom Tower is built; assistance to low-power television
stations, for conversion from analog to digital transition, a national alert and tsunami
warning program; and funding to enhance a national alert system as stated in the
ENHANCE 911 Act of 2004.
National Technical Information Service14
In accordance with the National Technical Information Act (P.L. 100-519), as
amended in 1992 by the American Technology Preeminence Act (P.L. 102-245), the
President’s budget submission does not request any funding for the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS) for FY2007. Instead, funding for NTIS will
continue to be drawn from NTIS’ Revolving Fund, established by the Commerce,
Justice, State Appropriations Act for FY1993 (P.L. 102-395). In part, due to NTIS’
efforts to develop new products and limit spending, NTIS achieved a positive net
income of $508,000 for FY2004. This compares with a positive net income of
$10,000 for FY2003, $1.346 million for FY2002, and $2.290 million for FY2001.

The NTIS is part of the Technology Administration at the Department of
Commerce. The NTIS was established within the Department of Commerce in 1970,
although its origins can be traced back to World War II with the creation of the
14 This section was written by Jeffrey W. Seifert, Specialist in Information Science and
Technology Policy, Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

Publications Board in 1945. The Publications Board collected classified scientific
and technical information related to the war effort to be considered for release to the
general public. These functions were formalized in 1950 with the establishment of
the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information within the Bureau
of Standards, which were later transferred to the newly created NTIS in 1970.
According to its website [http://www.ntis.gov/], NTIS serves as “the federal
government’s central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering, and
related business information by or for the U.S. government and complementary
materials from international sources.” Its mission is to support “the nation’s
economic growth and job creation by providing access to information that stimulates
innovation and discovery.” The NTIS claims to hold approximately 3 million
government information products, with 600,000 of these documents available
through its online searchable database. In addition, NTIS offers a variety of fee-
based services to federal agencies. These services include, but are not limited to,
distribution of information products, support services, web development, multimedia
production, and custom research services.
The advent and rapid growth of electronic and multimedia publishing both
challenges and affirms the role of NTIS. On the one hand, the growth of the Internet
and electronic documents contributed, in part, to a decline in NTIS sales as more
documents become available online at no charge from other sources. In addition, the
emergence of a range of new information brokers raises the question of whether or
not the services NTIS provides are redundant and/or directly compete with those
provided by private sector companies. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of
online content means that websites and their content can move location or disappear
without notice. Moreover, even in the case of websites that are well established and
relatively consistent in maintaining content, there is no guarantee that online
materials will be archived or remain available indefinitely. In contrast, part of NTIS’
responsibilities include maintaining a “permanent repository” of information.
Bureau of the Census15
For discretionary domestic spending by the Bureau of the Census in FY2007,
the Administration has requested budget authority totaling $878.2 million: $184.1
million for salaries and expenses, and $694.1 million for periodic programs,
including the decennial census. The total request is $66 million greater than the
FY2006 enacted amount of $812.2 million (and exceeds by $76.3 million the
FY2006 level of $801.9 million, after rescissions). Much of the increase is due to
preparations for the 2010 census, the Bureau’s highest-priority program, which will
involve a mail-out, mail-back short-form questionnaire to be answered by all U.S.
households. The Bureau will replace the census long form with the American
Community Survey (ACS), which provides yearly tabulations of data from monthly
household samples. For the 2010 census, the FY2007 request of $511.8 million will
go toward planning, testing, and developing the re-engineered census; improved
mapping; and maintaining the full, nationwide ACS implementation level.
15 This section was written by Jennifer D. Williams, Government and Finance Division.

To help fund the 2010 census, the Bureau has proposed eliminating the Vehicle
Inventory and Use Survey from the economic census. Also, the Bureau has
proposed phasing out and replacing the Survey of Income and Program Participation
(SIPP), with the following explanation:
For the past two decades, the SIPP has been the leading source of [data on] the
economic well-being of Americans. Its longitudinal household design provides
many advantages; however, it also makes data processing and analysis difficult,
leading to long delays before the data can be analyzed and understood. While the
American Community Survey ... and a growing body of administrative records
now provide important sources of information, they cannot by themselves meet
all the information needs of policy makers.
The FY2007 request includes $9.2 million to design a new data collection system
on income and wealth dynamics to meet the policy and operational needs of the
country, which will replace the SIPP.16
Out of the $9.2 million, the Bureau would use $5.6 million to design the new data
collection system and would use the remaining $3.6 million “to facilitate the
collection of another wave (i.e., a ninth wave) of 2004 SIPP panel data during
FY2007,” thus providing a full 2006 calendar year of SIPP data. The ninth wave,
though, would depend on the Bureau’s “success in getting partner agencies (such as
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Social Security
Administration) that rely on SIPP data to also make combined investments of roughly
another $6.4 [million], allowing for a ninth wave investment of $10 [million].”17
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office18
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) examines and approves
applications for patents on claimed inventions and administers the registration of
trademarks. It also assists other federal departments and agencies protect American
intellectual property in the international marketplace. The USPTO is funded by user
fees paid by customers that are designated as “offsetting collections” and subject to
spending limits established by the Appropriations Committee.
The President’s FY2007 budget requests $1.843 billion in budget authority for
the USPTO, an increase of 9.5% over the FY2006 figure. In addition, the budget
document states that the Office is to have “full access” to all fees collected in
FY2007. The Administration also requests an extension of current law that
temporarily increased patent fees for FY2005 and FY2006 and indicates that it will
propose additional legislation to permanently extend this fee increase past FY2007.
16 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Budget Estimates, Fiscal Year
2007, Congressional Submission
, Exhibit 13 (no page number), received via e-mail from the
Census Bureau, Mar. 7, 2006.
17 Ibid.
18 This section was written by Wendy Schacht, Specialist in Science and Technology,
Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

The Administration’s FY2006 budget proposal included $1.703 billion in
budget authority for the USPTO. H.R. 2862, as originally passed by both the House
and the Senate, also provided $1.703 billion for the Office. The final FY2006
appropriations, P.L. 109-108, gave the USPTO the budget authority to spend $1.683
billion; a lesser amount due to a revision of estimated fee collections by the USPTO
Beginning in 1990, appropriation measures have limited the ability of the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office to utilize the full amount of fees collected in each fiscal
year. This is an area of controversy. Opponents of this approach argue that agency
operations are supported by payments for services that must be financed in the year
the expenses are incurred. Proponents of methods to limit USPTO fee usage
maintain that the fees are necessary to help balance the budget and the fees
appropriated back to the Office are sufficient to cover operating costs.
Technology Administration/Office of the
Under Secretary of Technology19

The Technology Administration and the Office of the Under Secretary of
Technology in the Department of Commerce advocate national policies that foster
technology development to stimulate economic growth, conduct technology
development and deployment programs, and disseminate technological information.
The Office of the Under Secretary for Technology also manages and supervises the
activities of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National
Technical Information Service.
For FY2007, the President’s budget proposes spending $1.5 million for the
Technology Administration, a decrease of 75% over the previous fiscal year.
The Administration’s FY2006 budget included $4.2 million for the Office of the
Under Secretary for Technology. H.R. 2862, as originally passed by the House,
would have provided $6.5 million. The initial Senate-passed version of the bill
included funding (but no specific amount) under the Departmental Management
account. The final FY2006 appropriations, P.L. 109-108, financed the Office at $5.9
million (after mandated rescissions).
National Institute of Standards and Technology20
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a laboratory of
the Department of Commerce. The organization’s mandate is to increase the
competitiveness of U.S. companies through appropriate support for industrial
development of pre-competitive generic technologies and the diffusion of
government-developed technological advances to users in all segments of the
19 This section was written by Wendy Schacht, Specialist in Science and Technology,
Resources, Science, and Industry Division.
20 This section was written by Wendy Schacht, Specialist in Science and Technology,
Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

American economy. NIST research also provides the measurement, calibration, and
quality assurance techniques that underpin U.S. commerce, technological progress,
improved product reliability, manufacturing processes, and public safety.
The Administration’s FY2007 budget includes $581.3 million for NIST, a
decrease of almost 22% from the current fiscal year. Support for the laboratory’s
internal R&D activities under the Scientific and Technology Research and Services
(STRS) account would increase 18.3% to $467 million (including $8 million for the
Baldrige National Quality Program). No funding is requested for the Advanced
Technology Program (ATP), and support for the Manufacturing Extension
Partnership (MEP) would decline 52.6% to $46.3 million. Construction financing
would total $68 million, a 60.8% decrease from FY2006.
The President’s FY2006 budget requested $532 million in funding for NIST.
Included in this figure was $426.3 million for the STRS account (with $5.7 million
for the Quality Program). No support was provided for ATP, while MEP would have
been funded at $46.8 million. The construction budget was to be $58.9 million. H.R.
2862, as originally passed by the House, would have provided $548.7 million for
NIST. The STRS account was to receive $397.7 million. Financing for MEP would
total $106 million; no funding was provided for ATP. Construction activities would
have received $45 million. The version of H.R. 2862 initially passed by the Senate
funded NIST at $844.5 million. Included in this amount was $399.9 million for the
STRS account (incorporating $7.2 million for the Quality Program), $106 million for
MEP, and $140 million for ATP. The construction budget would total $198.6
Subsequently, the final FY2006 appropriations, P.L. 109-108, provided $745
million for NIST (after the mandated rescissions). Support for the STRS account
totaled $394.8 million and included $7.3 million for the Quality Program. The
Manufacturing Extension Partnership received $97.6 million (including an additional
$7 million rescission from unobligated balances) and the Advanced Technology
Program was financed at $79 million. The construction budget totaled $173.6
Continued support for the Advanced Technology Program has been a major
funding issue. ATP provides “seed financing,” matched by private sector investment,
to businesses or consortia (including universities and government laboratories) for
development of generic technologies that have broad applications across industries.
Opponents of the program cite it as a prime example of “corporate welfare,”
whereby the federal government invests in applied research activities that, they
emphasize, should be conducted by the private sector. Others defend ATP, arguing
that it assists businesses (and small manufacturers) in developing technologies that,
while crucial to industrial competitiveness, would not or could not be developed by
the private sector alone. While Congress has maintained (often decreasing) funding
for the Advanced Technology Program, the initial appropriation bills passed by the
House since FY2002 failed to include financing for ATP. For FY2006, support again
was provided for the program, but the amount is 41% below that included in the
FY2005 appropriations.

The budget for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, another extramural
program administered by NIST, was an issue during the FY2004 appropriations
deliberations. While in the recent past, congressional support for MEP remained
constant, the Administration’s FY2004 budget request, the initial House-passed bill,
and the FY2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act substantially decreased federal
funding for this initiative reflecting the President’s recommendation that
manufacturing extension centers “...with more than six years experience operate
without federal contribution.” However, P.L. 108-447 restored financing for MEP
in FY2005 to the level that existed prior to the 63% reduction taken in FY2004.
While the level of support decreased in FY2006, it remained significantly above the
FY2004 figure.
As part of the “American Competitiveness Initiative,” announced by the
President in the 2006 State of the Union, the Administration has indicated that it
intends to double over 10 years funding for “innovation-enabling research”
performed at NIST. This is to be accomplished through increased support of NIST’s
“core” programs defined as internal research in the STRS account and the
construction budget. To this end, the President’s FY2007 budget requests an 18.3%
increase in funding for intramural R&D at the laboratory.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 21
President Bush requested a total of $3.68 billion for NOAA for FY2007. This
amount includes $2.59 billion for the Operations, Research, and Facilities (ORF)
account; $1.02 billion for Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction (PAC)
account; and a net of $60.8 million for NOAA’s Other Accounts, including the
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF), the Coastal Zone Management
Fund (CZMF), and NOAA’s fisheries financing programs. (See Table 4, below.)
NOAA is the largest agency of the Department of Commerce (DOC) in terms of
funding and for FY2007 would account for about 60% of DOC’s total budget
request. On February 8, 2006, at a public briefing in Washington, DC on the
agency’s FY2007 budget, NOAA’s Administrator, VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher,
Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) discussed the President’s request for discretionary funding
increases for some NOAA programs and funding cuts for others.
Congress appropriated $3.95 billion for NOAA for FY2006 in P.L. 109-108, the
FY2006 SSJC Appropriations Act. Section 638 of that act had imposed on the
Department of Commerce an across-the-board rescission of 0.28%. Then, on
February 8, 2006, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reported to
Congress a 1% across-the-board cut in discretionary spending for most federal
agencies. Sect. 3801 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY2006
(P.L. 109-148) eventually implemented that rescission, leaving NOAA with almost
$3.91 billion in appropriations for FY2006. However, NOAA had also received $54
million in FY2006 emergency appropriations for Hurricane Katrina recovery in P.L.
109-148 (H.Rept. 109-359, pp. 97-98, December 18, 2005). This resulted in the
grand total of $3.95 billion for NOAA reported in Table 4 for FY2006. On February
21 This section was prepared by Wayne A. Morrisey, Science and Technology Information
Analyst, Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

16, 2006 the President requested further emergency supplemental appropriations of
$33 million for NOAA operations and facilities recovery in the Gulf. (See
“Supplemental Appropriations for FY2006,” below.)

The President’s Budget. President Bush’s FY2007 request of $3.68 for
NOAA is nearly $230 million, or 6.8% less than the $3.950 billion appropriated for
FY2006 (after rescission and emergency appropriations). It is 5.1% less than the
FY2005 appropriation of $3.91 billion (after rescission of 0.80% (P.L 108-477) and
$17.2 million in emergency appropriations (P.L. 109-148).
For FY2007, the President proposed an increase for the National Weather
Service (NWS) and a decrease for NOAA Satellite programs (NESDIS). This
includes an increase of $104.0 million for NOAA’s Global Orbiting Environmental
Satellite (GOES) program to procure and deploy the new GOES-R generation of
hardware. Also, a $20.3 million increase (matched by the Department of Defense)
was proposed for the National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System
(NPOESS) to address scheduling and deployment slippages. Further, the President
requested $12.4 million for NWS to complete the final phase of procurement of a
“strengthened” National Tsunami Warning Program (NTWP) that includes an
upgraded and expanded early warning system. NOAA’s Administrator noted the
FY2007 request would culminate a commitment of $40 million for that effort.22
Other presidential funding priorities for FY2007 included an increase of $10.5
million to reduce a backlog of coastal waters surveys and for updating nautical
charts; $6.1 million for deployment of the global ocean observing system; $22.5
million for protected marine species; and $6.7 million for the Alaska Composite
Research and Development Program (ACR&DP) to assess, manage, and conserve
Alaska fisheries. NOAA Research supercomputing funding would double for
FY2007 to $13 million with $2.5 million of that for hurricane research modeling.
President Bush also requested that $25 million of NOAA’s unobligated funds that
were rescinded by Congress in FY2006 be restored in FY2007. Also, he requested
almost $590 million in saving from NOAA program terminations, including $573
million added by Congress in FY2006, and $16.3 million from projects funded for
one year only.23
Some of the programs proposed for termination or funding cuts were criticized
by Joint Oceans Commission Initiative (JOCI) leaders who particularly objected to
the ocean and coastal research-related budget request for FY2007. They were
concerned that associated funding would be about $280 million less than that
22 For additional information about tsunami warning systems and funding, see CRS Report
RL32739, Tsunamis: Monitoring, Detection, and Early Warning Systems, by Wayne
23 For further information on NOAA’s FY2007 budget request see CRS Report RS22410,
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Budget for FY2007:
President’s Request, Congressional Appropriations, and Related Issues
, by Wayne A.

appropriated by Congress in FY2006, and about $15 million less than the
Administration’s FY2006 request.24
Supplemental Appropriations for FY2006. On December 18, 2005, P.L.
109-148, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY2006 allocated $17.2
million to ORF for repair of weather service-related facilities and to improve
hurricane forecasting; and $37.4 million to PAC for restoring weather equipment,
procuring a replacement aircraft for hurricane reconnaissance, and providing
temporary space for the Pascagoula, MS, fish lab operations. (See H.Rept. 109-359.)
On February 16, 2006, President Bush requested almost $33 million for further relief
from Hurricane Katrina, including $21 million for ORF to assess and recover Gulf
fisheries and $11.8 million for PAC to reconstruct a fisheries management science
center in the Gulf of Mexico. On March 29, 2006 the House passed H.R. 4039,
which provided additional emergency appropriations for the PAC request but not the
ORF request (H.Rept. 109-388). On April 4, 2006 the Senate Appropriations
Committee recommended $1.1 billion for ORF and $32 million for PAC (S. Rept.
109-230) mostly for Gulf fisheries recovery. On April 27, a perfecting amendment
to H.R. 4939 reduced Senate Committee’s recommended funding by $15 million.
Table 4. NOAA FY2007 Budget Request
NOAA (5) Line Offices,
Program, Support, and OPPI
National Ocean Service (NOS)
NOAA Fisheries (NMFS)
NOAA Research (OAR)
National Weather Service (NWS)e
NOAA Satellites (NESDIS)
Program Support
Office of Planning & Pgm. Integrat.f
Offsets (transfers/deobligations)

Total Ops, Res., & Fac. (ORF)
Total Proc., Acq. & Constr. (PAC)
Other Accounts/PCSRF/CZMF
24 Joint Ocean Commission (JOC), “Statement of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative on
President Bush’s FY2007 Budget Proposal,” Feb. 13, 2006, [http://www.jointocean
commission.org/] accessed Feb. 21, 2006.

Source: FY2005 and FY2006 congressional appropriations figures from House Appropriations
Committee tables included in Congressional Record, November 15, 2005: E2350-2351. FY2007
President’s request figures (details) are from the NOAA FY2007 Budget Summary (Blue Book),
February 6, 2006, [http://www.corporateservices.noaa.gov/%7Enbo/07bluebook_highlights.html].
FY2006 appropriation and FY2007 request totals are estimates of the House Appropriations
Committee (April 19, 2006).
a. FY2005 figures reflect a 0.80% across the board rescission leveled on CJS appropriations for
b. NOAA received emergency supplemental appropriations for FY2005 of $38 million for the NWS,
including $24 million for ORF, and $14 million for PAC (P.L. 109-62). FY2005 authorized
amounts are included in FY2005 appropriation total and out-year funding is included in the
FY2006 appropriation.
c. FY2006 totals for FY2006 include a $25 million rescission from unobligated balances required by
Title V of H.R. 2862, “Rescissions.” Title VI of H.R. 2862 §638, “General Provisions,”
required a rescission of budget authority of 0.28% for all accounts under the act.
d. A total of $54 million in emergency appropriations in P.L. 109-148 were provided for NOAA for
FY2006, including $17.2 million for ORF and $37.4 million for PAC for Hurricane Katrina
recovery and are included in FY2006 appropriation totals.
e. P.L. 109-108 total also reflects OMB 1% cut for NOAA of $40.1 million, including $28.3 million
for ORF; $0.6 million for PCSRF; $11.2 million for PAC; and $300,000 for fisheries finance
programs. The President has requested additional emergency supplemental funding of $33
million for NOAA. Total rescissions for NOAA for FY2006 are roughly 1.28% for NOAA.
f. OPPI appropriations are included under Program Support (CS) for FY2006 and in the FY2007
g. Adjustments include $2 million for Medicare and $3 million for Coastal Zone Management.
Related Budget Issues. The following factors may affect NOAA’s FY2007
budget outcome:
! Request for further funding for NOAA/NWS in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina.
! Criticism of NOAA by the Joint Oceans Commission Initiative
leaders of Administration proposed budget cuts for ocean-related
programs in FY2007.
! NOAA (and partners NASA and DOD) possible delays in launch
and deployment of the National Polar Orbiting Environmental
Satellite System (NPOESS) associated ground-based systems
architecture and general operations and maintenance.
! Proposed legislation (H.R. 50, 109th Cong., 1st sess.) that would
authorize funding for all of NOAA’s programs and activities under
a single legal authority, otherwise known as an organic act.

Table 5. Funding for the Department of Commerce
and Related Agencies
($ millions in discretionary budget authority)
Bureau or Agency
International Trade
Bureau of Industry and
Economic Development
Minority Business
Development Agency
Economic and Statistical
Bureau of the Census
National Telecommuni-
cations and Information
Patent and Trademark
National Institute of
Standards and
National Oceanic and
Department of Commerce
U.S. Trade
International Trade
National Intellectual
Property Law
Coordination Council
Related Agencies
Title II Total:
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, FY2007 Budget In Brief, p. 6; House Committee on Appropriations,
Science, State, Justice, Commerce Subcommittee, April 19, 2006 Crosswalk Table.
a. Does not include $45 million in mandatory spending from the Digital Transition and Safety Public Fund.
b. The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) is fully funded by user fees. The fees collected, but not obligated
during the current year, are available for obligation in the following fiscal year, and do not count toward
the appropriation totals. Only newly appropriated funds count toward the annual appropriation totals.

Related Legislation
H.R. 50 (Ehlers)
Would amend present law to re-establish the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in the Department of Commerce, reorganize the administration of
NOAA, and place within NOAA: (1) the National Weather Service; (2) programs to
support operations of ongoing data collection and direct services and products
regarding satellite, observations, and coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes information; (3)
programs to conduct and support research and education and the development of
technologies relating to weather, climate, and the coasts, oceans, and Great Lakes;
and (4) a Science Advisory Board. Introduced January 4, 2005, referred to House
Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards on February 10, 2005.
The bill was marked up on March 13, 2005 by the subcommittee, passed the House
Science Committee on May 17, 2005, and was reported. H.R. 50 was also referred
to the House Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and
Oceans on February 3, 2005. Subcommittee hearings were held on May 19, 2005.
There has been no further legislative action.
H.R. 337 (Maloney)
Would amend present law to make the term of office of the Director of the
Census five years and require that he or she report directly to the Secretary of
Commerce. Introduced January 25, 2005, and referred to the House Committee on
Government Reform.
H.J.Res. 53 (Miller-MI)
Proposes to amend the U.S. Constitution to provide for apportioning the House
of Representatives on the basis of the number of U.S. citizens, not persons, in each
state. If the amendment went into effect, the decennial census short form would have
to include a question about citizenship. Introduced June 9, 2005, and referred to the
House Committee on the Judiciary.
Related CRS Products
CRS Report 95-36, The Advanced Technology Program, by Wendy H. Schacht.
CRS Report RL31293, E-Commerce Statistics: Explanation and Sources, by Rita
CRS Report RL31832, The Export Administration Act: Evolution, Provisions, and
Debate, by Ian F. Fergusson.
CRS Issue Brief IB91132, Industrial Competitiveness and Technological
Advancement: Debate Over Government Policy, by Wendy H. Schacht.
CRS Report 97-104, Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program: An Overview,
by Wendy H. Schacht.
CRS Report 95-30, The National Institute of Standards and Technology: An
Overview, by Wendy H. Schacht.

CRS Report RS22410, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) Budget for FY2007: President’s Request, Congressional
Appropriations, and Related Issues
, by Wayne A. Morrissey.
CRS Report RS21469: The National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA): Budget, Programs, and Issues, by Glenn McLoughlin.
CRS Issue Brief IB10132, Ocean Commissions: Ocean Policy Review and Outlook,
coordinated by Eugene Buck, et al.
CRS Report RL32823, An Overview of the Administration’s Strengthening
America’s Communities Initiative, coordinated by Eugene Boyd.
CRS Report RL32739, Tsunamis: Monitoring, Detection, and Early Warning
Systems, by Wayne Morrissey.
CRS Report RS20906, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Appropriations Process:
A Brief Explanation, by Wendy H. Schacht.

Science Agencies
National Aeronautics and Space Administration25
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created by the
1958 National Aeronautics and Space Act (P.L. 85-568) to conduct civilian space and
aeronautics activities. The agency is managed from headquarters in Washington,
D.C. It has nine major field centers around the country, plus the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, which is operated under contract by the California Institute of
Technology. Dr. Michael Griffin became NASA Administrator in April 2005.
NASA has requested $16.792 billion for FY2007, a 1% increase over its
FY2006 appropriation of $16.596 billion. If $350 million in supplemental funding
for Hurricane Katrina response and recovery is excluded from the FY2006 figure, the
requested increase for FY2007 is 3%.
Table 6. Funding for NASA
($ in millions)
Science, Aeronautics, & Exploration
Exploration Capabilities
Inspector General
Source: House Appropriations Committee. FY2006 figures include supplemental appropriations and
rescissions, but not $27 million transferred from NOAA.
Budget priorities throughout NASA are being driven by the Vision for Space
Exploration, announced by President Bush in January 2004 and endorsed by
Congress in the NASA Authorization Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-155). The Vision
includes returning the space shuttle to flight status, then retiring it by 2010;
completing the space station, but discontinuing its use by the United States by 2017;
returning humans to the moon by 2020; and then sending humans to Mars and
“worlds beyond”. The President did not propose significantly increased funding for
NASA to accomplish the Vision. Instead, most of the funding was to come from
redirecting funds from other NASA activities. (Dr. Griffin has described this
approach as “go as you can afford to pay.”) The funding requirements of the Vision
thus constrain other NASA priorities.
In the Science, Aeronautics, and Exploration (SA&E) account, funding for
Constellation Systems, the program responsible for developing vehicles to return
25 This section was prepared by Daniel Morgan, Analyst in Science and Technology Policy,
Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

humans to the moon, would increase from $1.7 billion in FY2006 to $3.1 billion in
the FY2007 request.
Meanwhile, also in SA&E, reduced growth in Science funding would add up to
a reduction of $3.1 billion through FY2010 relative to projections in last year’s
request. Most of that reduction would be to offset higher than expected costs for
returning the space shuttle to flight status following the February 2003 Columbia
accident. The request for Science includes full funding for a Hubble Space
Telescope servicing mission, but funding for several robotic missions to Mars is
cancelled or deferred. No funding is requested for the SOFIA airborne infrared
telescope or the Europa mission to one of Jupiter’s moons. The request for Research
and Analysis, which provides grant funding to individual researchers, is down 15%
from FY2006 in most programs.
The request for Aeronautics Research in SA&E is about the same as was
projected last year, but its content has changed significantly. The largest program,
Vehicle Systems, has been renamed Fundamental Aeronautics and will now focus on
“core competencies” in subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flight regimes,
including work on rotorcraft. In the FY2006 budget cycle, proposals to eliminate
several of these areas met with strong congressional opposition. An amendment to
the Senate FY2007 budget resolution (S.Amdt. 3033 to S.Con.Res. 83) increased the
recommended funding for NASA aeronautics by $179 million.
In the Exploration Capabilities account, NASA’s current human space flight
programs, the space shuttle and the International Space Station (ISS), are also being
significantly affected by the Vision. The President’s speech directed that the space
shuttle be retired in 2010 after ISS construction is completed. The Crew Exploration
Vehicle (CEV) being developed by the Constellation Systems program, whose
primary purpose is to take astronauts to the moon, would also be able to visit the ISS.
However, because it is planned for “no later than 2014” there is likely to be a multi-
year gap when the United States will be unable to launch its own astronauts into
space. As for the ISS, the President’s speech directed NASA to restructure the
broad-based research program it had planned to conduct aboard ISS to support only
research needed to accomplish the Vision. (Congress responded in the NASA
Authorization Act of 2005 by directing that at least 15% of ISS research funding be
used for research not related to the Vision.) It is unclear what will happen to the ISS
after its use by NASA is completed in 2017.
For more on NASA’s FY2007 budget request, see CRS Report RS22381,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Overview, FY2007 Budget in Brief,
and Key Issues for Congress
, by Marcia S. Smith and Daniel Morgan.

National Science Foundation (NSF)26
Agency Mission. The National Science Foundation (NSF) was created by the
National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (P.L. 81-507). The NSF has
the broad mission of supporting science and engineering in general and funding basic
research across many disciplines. The majority of the research supported by the NSF
is conducted at U.S. colleges and universities. In addition to helping to ensure the
nation’s supply of scientific and engineering personnel, the NSF promotes academic
basic research and science and engineering education across many disciplines. Other
federal agencies, in contrast, support mission-specific research. The NSF provides
support for investigator-initiated, merit-reviewed, competitively selected awards,
state-of-the-art tools, instrumentation and facilities. Also, NSF provides almost 30%
of the total federal support for science and mathematics education. Support is
provided to academic institutions, industrial laboratories, private research firms, and
major research facilities and centers. While the NSF does not operate any
laboratories, it does support Antarctic research stations, selected oceanographic
vessels, and national research centers. Additionally, the NSF supports university-
industry relationships and U.S. participation in international scientific ventures.
The NSF is an independent agency in the executive branch and under the
leadership of a presidentially appointed Director and a National Science Board (NSB)
composed of 24 scientists, engineers, and university and industry officials involved
in research and education. The NSB and the Director make policy for the NSF. The
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the NSF has the responsibility of, among
other things, conducting audits and investigations of NSF programs, and promoting
efficiency and effectiveness in NSF programs and operations. The OIG reports
directly to the NSB and Congress.
Key Budget Issues.
Overview of the FY2007 Request. The FY2007 request for the National
Science Foundation (NSF) is $6.02 billion, a 7.9% increase ($439 million) over the
FY2006 level of $5.58 billion. The President’s American Competitiveness Initiative
proposes to double the NSF budget over the next 10 years. The FY2007 request is
to be the first installment toward that doubling effort. The FY2007 request for NSF
provides support for several interdependent priority areas: broadening participation
in the science and engineering enterprise, providing world-class facilities and
infrastructure, advancing research at the frontier, and bolstering K-12 education.
NSF will invest approximately $640 million in programs targeted at those groups
underrepresented in the science and engineering workforce. Total support for
providing world-class facilities will approach $1.7 billion. And, across the agency,
activities at advancing research at the frontiers of science would be $4.7 billion.
26 This section was prepared by Christine M. Matthews, Specialist in Science and
Technology Policy, Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

Table 7. Funding for the National Science Foundation
($ in millions)
House Senate
Research and Related
Education and Human
Major Research
Equipment and
Facilities Construction
Salaries and Expenses
National Science
Office of Inspector
Total, NSF
Source: House Appropriations Committee.
NSF asserts that international research partnerships are critical to the nation in
maintaining a competitive edge, addressing global issues, and capitalizing on global
economic opportunities. To address these particular needs, the FY2007 request
proposes $40.6 million for the Office of International Science and Engineering. Also,
in FY2007, NSF will continue in its leadership role in planning U.S. participation in
observance of the International Polar Year which spans 2007 and 2008. A first-year
investment of $62 million is provided to address major challenges in polar research.
Other FY2007 highlights include funding for the National Nanotechnology Initiative
($373.2 million), investments in Climate Change Science Program ($205.3 million),
continued support for homeland security ($384.2 million), and funding for
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development ($903.7
million). Also, a new effort in the FY2007 request will be a $20 million program of
fundamental research on new technologies for sensor systems that detect explosives.
Included in the FY2007 request is $4.67 billion for Research and Related
Activities (R&RA), a 7.7% increase ($334.5million) over the FY2006 level of $4.33
billion. R&RA funds research projects, research facilities, and education and training
activities. Partly in response to concerns in the scientific community about the
imbalance between support for the life sciences and the physical sciences, the
FY2007 request provides increased funding for the physical sciences — $248.5
million, a 6.6% increase ($15.4 million) over the FY2006 estimate. Research in the
physical sciences often leads to advances in other disciplines. R&RA includes
Integrative Activities (IA), and is a source of funding for the acquisition and
development of research instrumentation at U.S. colleges and universities. It funds
also Partnerships for Innovation, disaster research teams, and the Science and
Technology Policy Institute. The FY2007 request for IA is $131.4 million, a 4.2%

decrease ($5.8 million) from the FY2006 estimate. The Office of Polar Programs
(OPP) is funded in the R&RA. In FY2006, responsibility for funding the costs of
icebreakers that support scientific research in polar regions was transferred from the
U.S. Coast Guard to NSF.27 The NSF will continue to operate and maintain the three
icebreakers.28 The OPP is funded at $438.1 million in the FY2007 request, 12.5%
above the FY2006 level. Significant increases in OPP for FY2007 have been
directed at the programs for Arctic and Antarctic sciences.
Research project support in the FY2007 request totals $2.41 billion. Support is
provided to individuals and small groups conducting disciplinary and cross-
disciplinary research. Included in the total for research projects is support for centers,
proposed at $259.8 million. NSF supports a variety of individual centers and center
programs. The FY2007 request provides $67.5 million for Science and Technology
Centers, $55.7 million for Materials Centers, $62.8 million for Engineering Research
Centers, $37.4 million for Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers, and $6.5
million for Centers for Analysis and Synthesis.
The Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) account
is funded at $240.5 million in the FY2007 request, a 26% increase ($49.6 million)
over the FY2006 level. The MREFC supports the acquisition and construction of
major research facilities and equipment that extend the boundaries of science,
engineering, and technology. Of all federal agencies, NSF is the primary supporter
of “forefront instrumentation and facilities for the academic research and education
communities.” First priority for funding is directed at ongoing projects. Second
priority is given to projects that have been approved by the National Science Board
(NSB) for new starts.29 NSF requires that in order for a project to receive support,
it must have “the potential to shift the paradigm in scientific understanding and/or
infrastructure technology.” NSF states that the projects receiving support in the
FY2007 request meet that qualification. Five ongoing projects and two new starts
are funded in the FY2007 request. Those projects receiving support are the Atacama
Large Millimeter Array Construction ($47.9 million), EarthScope ($27.4 million),
IceCube Neutrino Observatory ($28.7 million), National Ecological Observatory
Network ($12 million), Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel ($42.9 million), Alaskan
27 Although the NSF does not own the ships, it is responsible for the operation, maintenance,
and staffing of the vessels.
28 The United States has maintained a presence in the Antarctic for almost 40 years, and
90% of the icebreakers duties are devoted to polar research. Language was included in the
FY2006 conference report directing the NSF to pursue alternative sources of funding for the
icebreaking fleet beyond 2006. One option that is being proposed is for the NSF to enter
into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coast Guard for reimbursement for the
maintenance and operation of U.S. Polar research activities. Currently, several studies are
being conducted to review the long-term icebreaking needs in support of research in the
29 The FY2006 request included support for the Rare Symmetry Violating Processes
(RSVP). Language was included in the FY2006 appropriations stating that conferees were
concerned with the “unacceptable increases” in the project cost and suggested that the RSVP
proposal be altered or descoped. If the necessary changes can be made, then the restructured
RSVP could be considered for inclusion for project support within the R&RA.

Region Research Vessel ($56 million), and Ocean Observatories Initiative ($13.5
The FY2007 request provides support for several NSF-wide investments:
biocomplexity in the environment ($42.6 million), human and social dynamics ($41.5
million), and mathematical sciences ($78.5 million). Additional priority areas include
those of strengthening core disciplinary research, continuing as lead federal agency
in networking and information technology R&D, and sustaining organizational
excellence in NSF management practices. The NSF maintains that researchers need
not only access to cutting-edge tools to pursue the increasing complexity of research,
but funding to develop and design the tools critical to 21st century research and
education. An investment of $596.8 million in cyberinfrastructure will allow for
funding of modeling, simulation, visualization and data storage, and other
communications breakthroughs. NSF anticipates that this level of funding will make
cyberinfrastructure more powerful, stable, and accessible to researchers and educators
through widely shared research facilities. Increasing grant size and duration has been
a long-term priority for NSF. The funding rate for research grants applications has
declined from approximately 30% in the late 1990s to an estimated 23% in FY2006.
The FY2007 request for the Education and Human Resources Directorate (EHR)
is $816.2 million, a 2.4% increase ($19.5 million) over FY2006. The EHR portfolio
is focused on, among other things, increasing the technological literacy of all citizens,
preparing the next generation of science, engineering, and mathematics professionals,
and closing the achievement gap in all scientific fields. Support at the various
educational levels in the FY2007 request is as follows: precollege, $215 million;
undergraduate, $196.8 million; and graduate, $160.6 million. Priorities at the
precollege level include research and evaluation on education in science and
engineering ($41.2 million), informal science education ($65.6 million), and a new
program, Discovery Research K-12 ($104.1 million). Discovery Research will
combine the strengths of three existing programs and encourage innovative thinking
in K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
At the undergraduate level, approximately 72% of the funding is in support of
new awards and activities. Priorities at the undergraduate level include the Robert
Noyce Scholarship Program ($9.8 million), Course, Curriculum and Laboratory
Improvement ($86.5 million), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Talent Expansion Program ($26.1 million), the National STEM Education
Digital Library ($16 million), the Federal Cyber Service ($11 million), and Advanced
Technological Education ($45.9 million). The Math and Science Partnership
Program (MSP) has been transferred to the undergraduate level in FY2007. MSP is
supported at $46 million, a 27.2% decrease from the FY2006 estimate. Funding in
the FY2007 request will provide support for ongoing awards, in addition to data
collection, evaluation, knowledge management, and dissemination.
No new partnership awards are proposed in this budget request. The MSP has
made approximately 80 awards, with an overall funding rate of about 9%. At the
graduate level, priorities are those of Integrative Graduate Education and Research
Traineeship ($24.6 million), Graduate Research Fellowships ($88 million), and the
Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education ($46.8 million). Added support is
given to several programs directed at increasing the number of underrepresented

minorities in science, mathematics, and engineering. Among these targeted
programs in the FY2007 request are the Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Programs ($29.7 million), Tribal Colleges and Universities Program ($12.4 million),
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation ($39.7 million), and Centers of
Research Excellence in Science and Technology ($24.9 million). Funding for the
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is $100 million
in the FY2007 request, a slight increase of $1.3 million over the FY2006 estimate.
Approximately 55% of the FY2007 request for EPSCoR would be available for new
awards and activities, with the balance supporting awards made in previous years.
Table 8. Funding for the Title III Science Agencies
($ millions in budget authority)
Bureau or Agency
National Science
Office of
Source: U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, Committees on Appropriations, CRS
Policy Issues. There has been considerable debate in the academic and
scientific community and in Congress about the management and oversight of major
projects selected for construction and the need for prioritization of potential projects
funded in the MREFC account. The NSF was directed to improve its oversight of
large projects by developing an implementation plan that included comprehensive
guidelines and project oversight review. One continuing question focused on the
selection process for including major projects in the upcoming budget cycle. In
February 2004, the National Academies released the congressionally mandated study
of the process for prioritization and oversight of projects in the MREFC account.
The report recommended a more open process for project selection, broadened
participation from various disciplines, and well-defined criteria for the selection
In September 2005, the NSB released its management report on the new
guidelines for the development, review, and approval of major projects — Setting
Priorities for Large Research Facility Projects Supported by the National Science
.30 The report describes facilities under construction and those being
considered for future funding. Because of the changing nature of science and
30 National Science Board, Setting Priorities for Large Research Projects Supported by the
National Science Foundation
, NSB05-77, Arlington, VA, September 2005, 31 pp. NOTE:
Large research facility projects are defined as those costing 10% or more of a directorate or
program’s annual budget.

technology, NSF deems it essential that it have the flexibility to reconsider facilities
at the various stages in their development. Also, the NSF states that it must be able
to respond, effectively, to possible changes in interagency participation, international
and cooperative agreements, or co-funding for major research facilities. The NSF
encourages project planning from disciplines and fields in which scientists and
engineers have not traditionally partnered or collaborated. The report notes that
while some “concepts” may evolve into MREFC candidates, others may prove
infeasible for major project support. The NSF has stated that the facility plan will be
updated as needed.
Related CRS Products
CRS Report RS21767, Hubble Space Telescope: Should NASA Proceed with a
Servicing Mission?, by Daniel Morgan.
CRS Report RS22381, National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Overview,
FY2007 Budget in Brief, and Key Issues for Congress, by Marcia S. Smith and
Daniel Morgan.
CRS Report RS21267, National Science Foundation: Major Research Equipment
and Facility Construction, by Christine Matthews.
CRS Report 95-307, U.S. National Science Foundation: An Overview, by Christine
CRS Report RL30930, U.S. National Science Foundation: Experimental Program
to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), by Christine Matthews.
Department of State and
International Broadcasting31
The State Department, established on July 27, 1789 (1 Stat.28; 22 U.S.C. 2651),
has a mission to advance and protect the worldwide interests of the United States and
its citizens. The State Department supports the activities of more than 50 U.S.
agencies and organizations operating at 260 posts in 180 countries. Currently, the
State Department employs approximately 30,000 people, about 60% of whom work
overseas. As covered in Title IV, the State Department funding categories include
administration of foreign affairs, international operations, international commissions,
and related appropriations, such as international broadcasting. The enacted FY2006
appropriation for Title IV was $9.56 billion (reflecting the two rescissions in the
law), 9.4% higher than the previous year’s regular appropriation, but 11% lower than
the previous appropriations when including the FY2005 supplemental funds within
31 This section was written by Susan B. Epstein, Specialist in Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division.

P.L. 109-13 for Title IV. Typically, about three-fourths of State’s budget is for
Administration of Foreign Affairs (about 69% in FY2006), which consists of salaries
and expenses, diplomatic security, diplomatic and consular programs, technology,
and security/maintenance of overseas buildings.
FY2007 Funding Issues
Administration of Foreign Affairs. The Administration’s FY2007 request
for State’s Administration of Foreign Affairs is $6.93 billion, 5.5% above the
FY2006 estimated level of $6.57 billion (including rescissions). The President
submitted an FY2006 supplemental request the week after submitting his FY2007
budget request. The supplemental request includes $997.5 million for U.S. Mission
in Iraq’s FY2006 ongoing operations and security, $100 million for overhead
protection of personnel costs in non-embassy facilities, and $400 million for security
of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). On March 13, the House Committee
on Appropriations reported H.R. 4939 (H.Rept. 109-388) which includes $1.38
billion within State’s Diplomatic and Consular Programs account for expenses
related to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran; $25.3 million for the Department of State’s
Office of Inspector General; $5 million for exchange programs with Iran; $129.8
million for U.S. Peacekeeping; and $36.1 million for broadcasting into Iran. The
House passed the measure on March 16 by a vote of 348 to 71.
Diplomatic & Consular Programs (D&CP). D&CP primarily covers
salaries and expenses, hiring, diplomatic expenditures, cost of living and foreign
inflation, as well as exchange rate changes. The FY2007 request of $4.65 billion
represents an increase of 7.7% as compared to the $4.32 billion funding level enacted
for FY2006. The FY2007 funding level request includes $795.2 million for
worldwide security upgrades, as compared to $680.7 million in the FY2006
appropriation. The D&CP funding request also includes $351 million, as compared
to $329.7 million in the FY2006 budget, designated only for public diplomacy. In
addition, the President’s FY2006 supplemental request includes $1.56 billion for
D&CP to pay for operational and security costs for U.S. Missions in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and public diplomacy in Iran. A House-passed bill (H.R. 4939) would
provide $1.38 billion for D&CP supplemental funding in FY2006.
Embassy, Security, Construction, and Maintenance (ESCM). ESCM
provides funding for embassy construction, repairs, leasing of property for embassies
and housing facilities at overseas posts. The FY2007 request of $640.1 million is
12.1% above the FY2006 enacted level of $571.1 million (including rescissions).
Worldwide Security Upgrades. Ever since the bombings of two U.S.
embassies in eastern Africa in August 1998, Congress has appropriated additional
money within both D&CP and ESCM for increasing security. The funds in D&CP
for worldwide security upgrades are primarily for ongoing expenses due to the
upgrades that took place after 1998, such as maintaining computer security,
maintaining bullet-proof vehicles, ongoing salaries for perimeter guards, etc.
Worldwide security upgrades in ESCM are more on the order of bricks-and-mortar-
type expenses. The FY2007 request for upgrades within D&CP total $795.2 million
— $114.5 million (16.8%) above the enacted level of $680.7 million (reflecting
rescissions) for FY2006. The FY2007 request for worldwide security funding within

ESCM totals $899.4 million, virtually the same as the FY2006 level (after
rescissions). The combined total FY2007 request for State’s worldwide security
upgrades is $1.69 billion.
Educational and Cultural Exchanges. This line item includes programs
such as the Fulbright, Muskie, and Humphrey academic exchanges, as well as the
international visitor exchanges and some Freedom Support Act and SEED programs.
The Administration’s FY2007 request is for $474.3 million, 11.3% more than the
FY2006 estimated level of $426.3 million. The Administration request includes
$200.3 million for the Fulbright program and $351 million within the D&CP account
for public diplomacy expenses. The emergency supplemental appropriation bill
(H.R. 4939) includes $5 million for public diplomacy activities related to Iran.
Capital Investment Fund (CIF). CIF was established by the Foreign
Relations Authorization Act of FY1994/95 (P.L. 103-236) to provide for purchasing
information technology and capital equipment which would ensure the efficient
management, coordination, operation, and utilization of State’s resources. The
FY2007 request is for $68.3 million, a 17.6% increase over the $58.1 million enacted
for FY2006 (after rescissions). In addition, the FY2006 appropriation included $68.5
million for the Centralized Information Technology Modernization Program. The
Administration did not request any funding for that account for either FY2006 or
International Organizations and Conferences. The International
Organizations and Conferences account consists of two line items: U.S.
Contributions to International Organizations (CIO) and U.S. Contributions for
International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA). The FY2007 request totals $2.40
billion for the overall account, up nearly 11% over the FY2006 level of $2.17 billion,
including rescissions.

Contributions to International Organizations (CIO). The CIO supports
U.S. membership in numerous international and multilateral organizations that
transcends bilateral relationships and covers issues such as human rights,
environment, trade, and security. The FY2007 request level for this line item is
$1.27 billion, 10.2% above the $1.15 billion enacted level for FY2006. The request
represents full funding of U.S. assessed contributions to the U.N. and other
international organizations. It does not include funding for prior-year funding
Contributions to International Peacekeeping (CIPA). The United
States supports multilateral peacekeeping efforts around the world through payment
of its share of the U.N. assessed peacekeeping budget. The President’s FY2007
request of $1.14 billion represents an increase of 11.1% over the FY2006 estimated
level of $1.02 billion (including rescissions). In addition, the Administration is
requesting an additional $69.8 million for this account to support U.N. peacekeeping
efforts in the southern Sudan.
International Commissions. The International Commissions account
includes the U.S.-Mexico Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), the
International Fisheries Commissions (IFC), the International Joint Commission (IJC),

the International Boundary Commission (IBC), and the Border Environment
Cooperation Commission (BECC). The IBWC’s mission is to apply rights and
obligations assumed by the United States and Mexico under numerous treaties and
agreements, improve water quality of border rivers, and resolve border sanitation
problems. The mission of the IFC is to recommend to member governments
conservation and management measures for protecting marine resources. The IJC’s
mission is to develop and administer programs to help the United States and Canada
with water quality and air pollution issues along their common border. The IBC is
obligated by the Treaty of 1925 to maintain an effective boundary line between the
United States and Canada. And, established by the North American Free Trade
Agreement, the BECC’s main purpose is to help local states and communities to
develop solutions to environmental problems along the U.S.-Mexico border. The
FY2007 funding request of $63.9 million represents a decrease of 3.9% over the
$66.5 million enacted in FY2006. The FY2007 requested decrease is due largely to
a decrease in funds for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
Related Appropriations. Related appropriations include those for the Asia
Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and the East-West and
North-South Centers. The Administration’s FY2007 request for related
appropriations totals $103.6 million — 8.7% less than the FY2006 enacted level of
$113.6 million, after rescissions.
The Asia Foundation. The Asia Foundation (TAF) is a private, nonprofit
organization that supports efforts to strengthen democratic processes and institutions
in Asia, open markets, and improve U.S.-Asian cooperation. It receives both
government and private sector contributions. Government funds for the Foundation
are appropriated and pass through the Department of State. The FY2007 request of
$10 million reflected a 27.5% reduction over the FY2006 enacted funding level of
$13.8 million. The organization states that the $10 million will support programs
that promote tolerance within Muslim minority/majority countries such as Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Nepal, and Cambodia; promote free and fair elections in Asia; and
develop democratic institutions for legal reform in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and
Thailand. The Asia Foundation says it will continue to seek private funds and
expects to raise $4 million in private funds for FY2007.
National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The National Endowment
for Democracy is a private, nonprofit organization established during the Reagan
Administration that supports programs to strengthen democratic institutions in more
than 80 countries around the world. NED proponents assert that many of its
accomplishments are possible because it is not a U.S. government agency. NED’s
critics claim that it duplicates government democracy promotion programs and could
be eliminated, or could be operated entirely through private sector funding. The
FY2007 request is for $80 million, the same level as was requested for FY2005 and
FY2006, and 8% higher than the final enacted level for FY2006 of $74.1 million,
including rescissions.
East-West and North-South Centers. The Center for Cultural and
Technical Interchange between East and West (East-West Center), located in
Honolulu, Hawaii, was established in 1960 by Congress to promote understanding
and cooperation among the governments and peoples of the Asia/Pacific region and

the United States. The FY2007 request for the East-West Center is $12 million, a
36.8% decline from the FY2006 enacted level of $19 million, after rescissions.
The Center for Cultural and Technical interchange between North and South
(North-South Center) is a national educational institution in Miami, Florida, closely
affiliated with the University of Miami. It promotes better relations, commerce, and
understanding among the nations of North America, South America and the
Caribbean. The North-South Center began receiving a direct subsidy from the
federal government in 1991; however, it has not received a direct appropriation since
The International Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust
Fund. The conferees added language in the FY2004 conference agreement for the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY2004 to establish a permanent trust fund for the
International Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue. The act provided $6.9
million for perpetual operations of the Center which is to be located in Istanbul,
Turkey. Despite the fact that the Administration did not request any FY2005 funding
for this Center, Congress provided $7.3 million for it in FY2005. The
Administration requested spending $.8 million of interest and earnings from the Trust
Fund for program funding in FY2006. Congress appropriated $4.9 million for this
account in FY2006 and $.9 million for the Trust. The Administration is requesting
$.7 million of interest and earnings from the Trust Fund program for FY2007.
International Broadcasting. International Broadcasting, which had been
a primary function of the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) prior to 1999, now falls
under an independent agency referred to as the Broadcasting Board of Governors
(BBG). The BBG includes the Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty (RFE/RL), Cuba Broadcasting, Radio Sawa, Radio Farda, and Radio Free
Asia (RFA). In addition to the ongoing international broadcasting activities, the
Administration initiated a new U.S. Middle East Television Network — Alhurra.
The BBG’s FY2007 funding request totals $671.9 million, 4.3% above the
FY2006 level of $644 million, after rescissions. The FY2007 broadcasting request
includes $653.6 million for broadcasting operations, $18.3 million for capital
improvements, and $36.3 million for Broadcasting to Cuba. In addition, the
Administration is requesting $50 million within the emergency supplemental for
broadcasting into Iran. House-passed H.R. 4939 would provide that amount.
Related Legislation
S. 600 (Lugar)/H.R. 2601 (Smith, C.). A bill to authorize appropriations for
the Department of State and international broadcasting activities. In addition, the
Senate bill contains provisions on the Peace Corps, and foreign assistance programs
for fiscal years 2006 and 2007. The Senate bill was introduced March 10, 2005,
referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and reported by the Committee
the same day. (S.Rept. 109-35). The Senate bill received floor action April 6, 2005.
The House bill was introduced May 24, 2005; committee markup was held June 8,
9, 2005. House floor action occurred on July 19 and 20. The measure was passed by
the House July 20, 2005 (351-78). No further action has occurred.

Related CRS Products
CRS Report RL32919, Foreign Operations (House)/State, Foreign Operations, and
Related Programs (Senate): FY2006 Appropriations, by Larry Nowels and
Susan B. Epstein.
CRS Report RL33000, Foreign Relations Authorization, FY2006 and FY2007: An
Overview, by Susan B. Epstein.
CRS Report RL31370, State Department and Related Agencies: FY2006
Appropriations and FY2007 Request, by Susan B. Epstein.
CRS Issue Brief IB86116, U.N. System Funding: Congressional Issues, by Vita Bite.
Table 9. Funding for the Department of State
and International Broadcasting
($ millions in budget authority)
Bureau or Agency
Enacted b
Administration of Foreign
International Organizations
and Conferences
International Commissions
Related Appropriations
Subtotal: State Department a
International Broadcasting
Title IV Total
$9,564.5 $10,174.3
Source: House Appropriations Committee.
a. In addition to appropriations, State has authority to spend certain collected fees from
machine readable visas, expedited export fees, etc. The estimate of such fees for
FY2006 is $734.0 million and the FY2007 request is for $683 million.
b. FY2006 numbers reflect two rescissions: in the SSJC appropriation (sec. 638, P.L. 109-
108) and in the FY2006 emergency supplemental (P.L. 109-148).

Independent Agencies
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)32
The EEOC enforces laws banning employment discrimination based on race,
color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Most recently, appropriators have been
particularly concerned about the agency’s implementation of a restructuring plan.
The three-phase restructuring plan is comprised of the National Contact Center, a
two-year pilot project, that began in March 2005; the January 2006 commencement
of field structure and staff realignment that the Commission approved in mid-2005;
and the examination of headquarters’ structure and operations to streamline functions
as well as clarify roles and responsibilities.
For FY2007, the Administration has proposed a budget of $322.8 million for the
EEOC, or $4.2 million less than the FY2006 appropriation of $327.0 million. (The
FY2006 figure includes rescissions of $0.9 million and $3.3 million from the $331.2
million contained in the Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act, 2006 (P.L. 109-108)). The budget request would reduce staffing
by 19 full-time equivalents and provide up to $28 million for payments to state and
local entities with which the agency has work-sharing agreements to address
workplace discrimination within their jurisdictions (i.e., Fair Employment Practices
Agencies, FEPAs, and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations, TERMS). Last
year the Administration requested up to $33 million for FEPAs and TERMS; this is
the amount to which Congress had, in prior years, raised the EEOC’s request. (The
agency estimates that it will spend $30.5 million on these work-sharing arrangements
in FY2006.) In addition to the proposed reduction in the state and local contract
maximum, the Commission would offset its request for an additional $4.4 million to
cover the staff’s total compensation with cutbacks of $4.1 million in general
operating expenses (e.g., rent and security, printing and copying, and travel and
training) and by $2.0 million in information technology (IT) expenditures.
The Administration had requested an FY2006 appropriation of $331.2 million
for the EEOC, an increase of $4.4 million from the $326.8 million (including
rescissions) provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (P.L. 108-447).
Following the Appropriations Committees’ recommendations, the House and Senate
endorsed the Administration’s budget proposal for the Commission. In November
2005, President Bush signed the FY2006 appropriations bill (H.R. 2862), which
included a rescission of 0.28%. In December 2005, the President signed the
Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address
Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006 (H.R. 2863,
P.L. 109-148), which contained an additional rescission of 1.0%.
The conference agreement adopted, by reference, language in H.Rept. 109-118
that requires the Commission to continue submitting quarterly reports on projected
and actual spending levels by function and to highlight any changes due to
repositioning activities. The conference agreement also adopted, by reference,
32 This section was prepared by Linda Levine, Specialist in Labor Economics, Domestic
Social Policy Division.

language in S.Rept. 109-88 that (a) prohibits the agency from implementing a
repositioning plan which reduces the salary of EEOC employees, or reduces the
number of officers or employees serving as mediators, investigators or attorneys at
any Commission office, and that (b) directs the Commission to submit to Congress,
before implementation of any repositioning, restructuring or reorganization plan, a
comprehensive analysis (conducted for each district, field, area, and local office) of
current investigations and enforcement levels, and the full impact of such plan on all
core services. The conference agreement further provided that the EEOC should not
undertake any workforce repositioning, restructuring or reorganizing without advance
notification of the Committees on Appropriations. In addition, the conferees directed
the Commission to continue working toward resolution of concerns regarding the
pending repositioning plan.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)33
The Federal Communications Commission, created in 1934, is an independent
agency charged with regulation of interstate and foreign communication of radio,
television, wire, cable, and satellite. The FCC performs four major functions:
spectrum allocation, creating rules to promote fair competition and protect consumers
where required by market conditions, authorization of service, and enforcement.
Among its responsibilities are licensing of communications operators; interpretation
and enforcement of rules, regulations, and authorizations regarding competition;
publication and dissemination of consumer information services; and management
and allocation of the use of the electromagnetic spectrum. The FCC obtains the
majority of its funding through the collection of regulatory fees pursuant to Title I,
section 9 of the Communications Act of 1934; therefore, its direct appropriation is
considerably less than its overall budget.
For FY2007, the Bush Administration requested an overall appropriation of
$327.54 million, up from the FY2006 enacted appropriation of $289.76 million. Of
the FY2007 figure, $301.50 million is to be collected through regulatory fees, with
a direct appropriation of $26.042 million; of the FY2006 figure, $288.77 was
collected through regulatory fees, with a direct appropriation of $0.987 million. The
requested FY2007 funding level will cover efforts to promote the deployment of
broadband services; deregulate where competition exists; enhance public safety and
homeland security; ensure the viability of the Universal Service Fund; promote the
efficient use of spectrum, and review media regulation to foster competition and
33 This section was written by Patty Figliola, Specialist in Telecommunications and Internet
Policy, Resources, Science, and Industry Division.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)34
The Federal Trade Commission (Commission or FTC) is an independent
agency. It seeks to protect consumers and enhance competition by eliminating unfair
or deceptive acts or practices in the marketing of goods and services and by ensuring
that consumer markets function competitively. For FY2007, the Administration is
requesting a program level for the FTC of $223 million, an increase of $12 million,
or 5.7% over the agency’s present level of funding. Of the total amount provided,
$120 million is to be derived from pre-merger filing fees, $18 million from Do-Not-
Call fees, and the remaining amount — $76 million — would be provided by a direct
For FY2006, the Administration requested a program level of $211 million for
the FTC, an increase of slightly more than $5.5 million or 2.7% over FY2005
funding. The House-passed bill provided the FTC with $211 million for FY2006,
which was $6.7 million above the previous year funding and the same as the
Administration’s request. For its part, the Senate followed the recommendation of
the Appropriations Committee, which set funding for the agency for FY2006 at the
$211 million level. Of the amounts provided, $116 was to be derived from Hart-
Scott-Rodino pre-merger filing fees and $23 million from so-called Do-Not-Call fees
(more formally known as the Telemarketing Sales Rule, promulgated under the
Telephone Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act). The total amount of direct
appropriations for FY2006 was, therefore, $71.1 million (after rescissions). The
conference agreement (H.R. 2862/P.L. 109-108) provided the FTC with $211 million
for FY2006, employing the previously noted funding formula.
In recent years the FTC has mostly funded its operations by means of its pre-
merger filing fees collections and, to a lesser extent, from Do-Not-Call fees. By way
of an historical footnote, for FY2000 through FY2002, zero ($0) direct
appropriations were required since the entire program level was covered by a
combination of fees and prior year collections.
Legal Services Corporation (LSC)35
The LSC is a private, non-profit, federally-funded corporation that provides
grants to local offices which, in turn, provide legal assistance to low-income people
in civil (non-criminal) cases. The LSC has been controversial since its incorporation
in the early 1970s, and has been operating without authorizing legislation since 1980.
There have been ongoing debates over the adequacy of funding for the agency, and
the extent to which certain types of activities are appropriate for federally funded
legal aid attorneys to undertake. In annual appropriations laws, Congress
traditionally has included legislative provisions restricting the activities of
34 This section was written by Bruce Mulock, Specialist in Government and Business,
Government and Finance Division.
35 This section was prepared by Carmen Solomon-Fears, Specialist in Social Legislation,
Domestic Social Policy Division.

LSC-funded grantees, such as prohibiting any lobbying activities or prohibiting
representation in certain types of cases.
P.L. 109-108 (enacted on November 22, 2005) included $330.8 million for the
LSC for FY2006, the same amount that was originally passed by the House, instead
of $358.5 million as passed by the Senate. The LSC FY2006 appropriation includes
$312.4 million for basic field programs and required independent audits; $12.8
million for management and administration; $1.3 million for client self-help and
information technology; $2.5 million for the Office of the Inspector General; and
$1.8 million in grants to offset losses stemming from the 2000 census-based
reallocations. In addition, P.L. 109-108 included language that advises the LSC to
reduce its rent for its office space (by eliminating some office space and negotiating
a more competitive cost per square foot) and included existing provisions restricting
the activities of LSC grantees. P.L. 109-108 also included a general rescission equal
to 0.28% of funding for the Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies
appropriation (which includes the LSC). Moreover, P.L. 109-148 (enacted on
December 30, 2005) included a 1% government-wide rescission on discretionary
programs. Thus, the LSC appropriation for FY2006 was lowered to $326.6 million.
For FY2007, the Bush Administration requested $310.9 million for the LSC.
This amount is almost $16 million below the FY2006 funding level. The budget
request includes existing provisions restricting the activities of LSC grantees. The
LSC would receive $288.6 million for basic field programs and required independent
audits; $14.4 million for management and administration; $3.0 million for client self-
help and information technology; $3.0 million for the Office of the Inspector
General; and $2.0 million in grants to offset losses stemming from the 2000 census-
based reallocations.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)36
The SEC administers and enforces federal securities laws to protect investors
from fraud and to maintain fair and orderly markets. The SEC’s budget is set through
the normal appropriations process, but funds for the agency come from fees on sales
of stock, new issues of stocks and bonds, corporate mergers, and other securities
market transactions. The SEC is required to adjust the fee rates periodically so that
the amount collected is approximately equal to the agency’s budget. When the fees
are collected, they go to a special offsetting account available to appropriators, not
to the Treasury’s general fund.
The Administration’s request for FY2006 was $888.1 million, a decrease of
2.7% from FY2005. Of that total, $25.0 million was to be from prior-year
unobligated balances, and the remaining $863.1 would be from offsetting fee
collections. The House, the Senate, and the Conference all approved an amount
equal to the request: $888.1 million, of which $25.0 million came from prior-year
unobligated balances, and the remainder ($863.1 million) from current year fee
collections. There was no direct appropriation from the general fund.
36 This section was prepared by Mark Jickling, Specialist in Public Finance, Government and
Finance Division.

For FY2007, the Administration has requested $890.8 million, an increase of
0.3% over FY2006. Of this sum, the total amount is to come from prior-year
balances and current year fee collections. Thus, no appropriation from the general
fund will be needed.
Small Business Administration (SBA)37
The SBA is an independent federal agency created by the Small Business Act
of 1953. Although the agency administers a number of programs intended to assist
small firms, arguably its three most important functions are to guarantee —
principally through the agency’s Section 7(a) general business loan program —
business loans made by banks and other financial institutions; to make long-term,
low-interest loans to small businesses that are victims of hurricanes, earthquakes,
other physical disasters, and acts of terrorism; and to serve as an advocate for small
business within the federal government.
The Administration proposes new budget authority for the SBA of $440.0
million for FY2007 excluding $199.0 million for disaster loans. This would be a
decrease of $15.6 million from the FY2006 new budget authority, also excluding
disaster loans. Including disaster loans, the Administration is requesting $639.0
million, a decrease of $257.6 million from FY2006’s $896.6 million enacted.
Lending authority would stay the same or increase for all loan programs except for
microloans, which the Administration would zero out.
The budget proposal would increase the fees on loans of more than $1 million
in the SBA’s flagship 7(a) business loan guarantee program to cover the
administrative costs of these larger loans. The SBA’s main business loan programs
(7(a) and Section 504) presently have no government credit subsidy.
The budget proposal would reduce the interest rate subsidy on disaster loans
made in 2007 and later years. The interest rate would remain subsidized for most
borrowers during the first five years of a disaster loan, and in later years would
increase to equal the government’s cost of borrowing the money.
The Administration is making no request for congressional initiatives. In
FY2006, there were $90 million in FY2007 congressional initiatives. The
Administration budget request proposes reducing spending on non-credit programs
to $106.4 million from $126.9 million in FY2006. It is asking for $2.0 million for
the 7(j) Technical Assistance Program ($1.5 million in FY2006), $1.0 million ($1.0
million in FY2006) for Drug-Free Workplace, $2.6 million ($2.0 million in FY2006)
for HUBZones, nothing ($12.8 million in FY2006) for Microloan Technical
Assistance, $743,000 ($741,000 in FY2006) for National Women’s Business
Council, $1.1 million ($1.0 million in FY2006) for Native American Outreach,
nothing ($2.0 million in FY2006) for PRIME technical assistance, $5.0 million ($4.9
million in FY2006) for the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), $87.1
37 This section was written by Eric Weiss, Analyst in Financial Institutions, Government
and Finance Division.

million ($87.9 in FY2006) for Small Business Development Center grants, and $11.9
million ($12.3 million in FY2006) for Women’s Business Center Grants.
State Justice Institute (SJI)38
The State Justice Institute (SJI) is a private, nonprofit corporation that makes
grants to state courts and funds research, technical assistance, and informational
projects aimed at improving the quality of judicial administration in state courts
across the United States. Under the terms of its enabling legislation, SJI is authorized
to present its budget request directly to Congress, apart from the President’s budget.
For FY2007, SJI has requested an appropriation of $4.5 million, compared with
$3.46 million appropriated in FY2006,39 a 30.2% increase. The Bush Administration,
as in its budgets for the previous four years, has not requested any appropriated funds
for the institute in FY2007.
For the past five years, appropriations conferees in Congress have encouraged
SJI to obtain funds, at least in part, from sources other than Congress. In response
to a directive from House-Senate conferees for the FY2006 appropriations act, SJI,
in its FY2007 request, noted that it has adopted a 50% “cash match requirement”
from its grantees.40 Also in its request, the institute stated that it continues to pursue
grant-making partnerships with the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice
Programs (OJP), the Legal Services Corporation(L.C.), and other public and private
entities, looking to “pool its resources with OJP, L.C., and others to fund innovations
in areas of mutual concern.”
In the FY2006 appropriations process, the House Appropriations Committee
endorsed an approach of providing some directly appropriated funds to SJI, but with
the institute as well seeking additional funding from Department of Justice grant
programs. The House committee (in H.Rept. 109-118, p. 154) stated that it
understood that SJI had “been unable to generate stable sources of non-Federal
funding” and that the SJI had contacted bar associations and court organizations as
possible alternative sources of funding. However, the committee noted, these groups
were “not inclined to contribute to operations of the SJI beyond providing matching
grant funds for individual projects.” For this reason, the committee said, it continued
to recommend funding for SJI even though the President’s FY2006 request did not.
The committee commended SJI for beginning to work with OJP on issues involving
state courts and encouraged SJI to continue seeking funds from OJP grant programs.
38 This title was written by D. Steven Rutkus, Specialist in American National Government,
Government and Finance Division.
39 The Science, State, Justice, Commerce appropriations act for FY2006 (P.L. 109-108)
provided $3.5 million for SJI, which, however, a .28% general rescission in Title VI reduced
to $3.49 million. The funding amount was further reduced to $3.46 million by a 1.0%
across-the-broad rescission provided for in the FY2006 Department of Defense
Appropriations act (P.L. 109-148, at 119 Stat. 2791).
40 Conferees for the FY2006 appropriations act (in H.Rept. 109-272, p. 206) had stated that
they expected that “successful applicants for new and continuing SJI grants will provide a
cash match of not less than 50 percent of the total cost of the project.”

The $3.5 million approved by Congress for SJI in FY2006 marked the second
fiscal year in a row in which funding for the institute had been increased — following
a number of years during which appropriators in Congress considered whether to
provide any funding for SJI.41
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights42
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Commission), established by the Civil
Rights Act of 1957, investigates allegations of citizens that they were denied the right
to vote based on color, race, religion, or national origin; studies and gathers
information on legal developments constituting a denial of the equal protection of the
laws; assesses federal laws and policies in the area of civil rights; and submits reports
on its findings to the President and Congress when the Commission or the President
deem it appropriate.
For FY2007, President Bush requests $9.31 million for the Commission,
compared to FY2006 funding of $8.9 million (including rescissions) for the
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom43
The Commission on International Religious Freedom was created by the
International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-292) as a federal government
commission to monitor religious freedom abroad and to advise the President, the
Secretary of State, and Congress on promoting religious freedom and combating
intolerance in other countries. For FY2007, the Administration is requesting $3
million a 6.3% decline from the estimated FY2006 appropriation of $3.2 million,
after rescissions.
For FY2006, the Administration requested $3.0 million for the commission (the
same as the FY2005 request). Sec. 808 of S. 600, the Foreign Relations
Authorizations for FY2006 and 2007, as introduced, included $3.0 million for the
commission for FY2006 and such sums as may be necessary for FY2007. The House
measure, H.R. 2601, as agreed to by the House Committee on International Relations,
authorized $3.3 million for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011. H.R. 2862, as
passed by the House, appropriated $3.2 million for the commission for FY2006. In
its report (H.Rept. 109-118), the Appropriations Committee urged the commission
and the State Department to continue to work on developing an Index on Religious
Freedom. The Senate recommended $1 million for this account in FY2006.
41 For FY1999, 2000, and 2001, SJI received an annual appropriation of $6.85 million, after
which the level of funding dropped significantly — to $3.0 million in both FY2002 and
FY2003 and to $2.2 million in FY2004. In FY2005, the downward trend was reversed,
with $2.6 million approved for the institute.
42 This section was written by Garrine P. Laney, Analyst in Social Legislation, Domestic
Social Policy Division.
43 This section was written by Vita Bite, Specialist in International Relations, Foreign
Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division.

U.S. Institute of Peace44
The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) was established in 1984 by the U.S. Institute
of Peace Act, Title XVII of the Defense Authorization Act of 1985 (P.L. 98-525).
USIP’s mission is to promote international peace through such activities as
educational programs, conferences and workshops, professional training, applied
research, and facilitating dialogue in the United States and abroad. Prior to the
FY2005 budget, USIP funding came from the Labor, HHS appropriation. In the
FY2005 budget process, it was transferred to the Commerce, Justice, State and
related agencies appropriation primarily for relevancy reasons.
For the FY2007 request, the Administration request is $26.98 million, up nearly
$5 million from the FY2006 estimated level of $22.07 million, after rescissions.
Related CRS Products
CRS Report RL32589, The Federal Communications Commission: Current
Structure and its Role in the Changing Telecommunications Landscape, by
Patricia Moloney Figliola.
CRS Report 95-178, Legal Services Corporation: Basic Facts and Current Status,
by Carmen Solomon-Fears.
CRS Report RS20204, Securities Fees and SEC Pay Parity, by Mark Jickling.
CRS Report RL33243, Small Business Administration: A Primer on Programs, by
Eric Weiss.
Related Legislation
H.R. 230 (Sweeney)
To amend the Small Business Act to direct the Administrator of the Small
Business Administration to establish a program to provide regulatory compliance
assistance to small business concerns, and for other purposes. Reported by Small
Business Committee (H.Rept. 109-208).
H.R. 527 (Brady) S. 139 (Kerry)
Vocational and Technical Entrepreneurship Development Act of 2005 - Amends
the Small Business Act to direct the Administrator of the Small Business
Administration to establish a program under which the Administrator shall make
grants to, or enter into cooperative agreements with, State small business
development centers to provide, on a statewide basis, technical assistance to
secondary schools, or to post-secondary vocational or technical schools, for the
development and implementation of curricula designed to promote vocational and
technical entrepreneurship. H.R. 527 reported by the Small Business Committee on
July 28, 2005 (H.Rept. 108-207).
44 This section was written by Susan B. Epstein, Specialist in Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division.

H.R. 2982 (Wynn)
To require the Federal Communications Commission to reorganize the bureaus
of the Commission in order to better carry out their regulatory functions. Introduced
and referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce on June 17, 2005.
Table 10. Funding for SSJC/CJS Related Agencies
($ millions in budget authority)
FY2006 FY2007
Bureau or Agency
Enacted Request
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Commission on International
Religious Freedom a
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) b
$1.0 $26.0
Federal Trade Commission
Legal Services Corporation
Securities and Exchange
Small Business Administrationd
State Justice Institutee
U.S. Institute of Peacea
Total Title V
$2,536.0 $2,317.0
Source: House Appropriations Committee.
a. Senate funding for these agencies are through the State/Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.
b. The FCC is partially funded by offsetting fee collections.
c. The SEC is fully funded by transaction fees and securities registration fees.
d. In addition, there were disaster loan appropriations of $446 million in FY2006 and $199.9 million
proposed for FY2007.
e. Under the terms of its enabling legislation, the State Justice Institute (SJI) is authorized to present
its budget request directly to Congress. While the President’s FY2007 budget proposes nothing
for SJI, the Institute has requested $4.5 million for itself.

Table 11. SSJC/CJS Appropriations by Department, FY2007
($ millions in budget authority)
Bureau or Agency
Title I: Department of Justice
General Administration
U.S. Parole Commission
Legal Activities
Interagency Law Enforcement
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Drug Enforcement Administration
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Federal Prison System
Office of Justice Programs
Title I Total:
Title II: Department of Commerce and Related Agencies
International Trade Administration
Bureau of Industry and Security
Economic Development
Minority Business Development
Economic and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of the Census
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
Patent and Trademark Officea
Technology Administration
National Institute of Standards and
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Departmental Management

Department of Commerce Subtotal:
U.S. Trade Representative
International Trade Commission
National Intellectual Property Law

Enforcement Coordinating Council
Related Agencies Subtotal:
Title II Total:
Title III: Science

Bureau or Agency
National Science Foundation
Exec Office of the President
Title III Total:
Title IV: Department of State
Administration of Foreign Affairs
$7,688.4 $6,566.8
International Organizations and
$2,329.7 $2,173.6
International Commissions
$63.3 $66.5
Related Appropriations
$100.0 $113.6
Subtotal: State Departmentb
International Broadcasting
Title IV Total
Title V: Related Agencies
Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Commission on International
Religious Freedom c
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)d
Federal Trade Commission
Legal Services Corporation
Securities and Exchange
Small Business Administrationf
State Justice Instituteg
U.S. Institute of Peace c
Total Title V
Title VII: Rescissions
Total Title VII Rescissions
Grand Total (in Bills)i
Source: House Appropriations Committee.
a. The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) is fully funded by user fees. The fees collected, but not
obligated during the current year, are available for obligation in the following fiscal year, and
do not count toward the appropriation totals. Only newly appropriated funds count toward the
annual appropriation totals.
b. In addition to appropriations, State has authority to spend certain collected fees from machine
readable visas, expedited export fees, etc. The amount for such fees for the FY2005 appropriation

was $668.1 million, the FY2006 estimate is $734.0 million, and the FY2007 request is for $683.0
million in fee collections.
c. Senate funding for these agencies are through the State/Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.
d. The FCC is partially funded by fee collections.
e. The SEC is fully funded by transaction fees and securities registration fees.
f. In addition, there were disaster loan appropriations of $1,042.2 million in FY2005, $446 million
in FY2006, and $199.9 million proposed in FY2007.
g. Under the terms of its enabling legislation, the State Justice Institute (SJI) is authorized to present
its budget request directly to Congress. Although the President’s FY2007 budget proposed
nothing for SJI, the Institute requested $4.5 million for itself.
h. “Other” includes agencies receiving appropriations of $3.0 million or less in FY2005. These
agencies include the Commission for the Preservation of American Heritage Abroad;
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Antitrust Modernization Commission; the
Marine Mammal Commission; the Congressional/Executive Commission on China; the National
Veterans Business Development Corp; the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review
Commission; U.S. Senate-China Interparliamentary Group, and the HELP Commission are
funded by the House SSJC bill. Of these, only the Antitrust Modernization Commission; the
National Veterans Business Development Corp; and the Marine Mammal Commission are funded
through the Senate CJS bill and reflected in the Senate total. The others are funded by the
State/Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.
i. Totals in table may not add up due to rounding.