Order Code RL32597
CRS Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web
Information Sharing for Homeland Security:
A Brief Overview
Updated September 30, 2004
Harold C. Relyea
Specialist in American National Government
Government and Finance Division
Jeffrey W. Seifert
Analyst in Information Science and Technology Policy
Resources, Science, and Industry Division
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Information Sharing for Homeland Security:
A Brief Overview
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, various recommendations and efforts have been made with the intention
of improving information sharing among government entities at all levels within the
United States, the private sector, and certain foreign governments, with a view to
countering terrorists and strengthening homeland security. The National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) is among those to
have most recently offered recommendations in this regard in its July 22, 2004,
report. The types of information potentially within the scope of such sharing include
raw data, which has undergone little or no assessment regarding its accuracy or
implications; knowledge, which has been determined to have a high degree of
reliability or validity; and intelligence, which has been carefully evaluated concerning
its accuracy and significance, and may sometimes be credited in terms of its source.
This report reviews some of the principal existing homeland security information
sharing arrangements, as well as some projected arrangements in this regard, and
discusses related policy, evaluations, and proposed legislation (H.R. 10, H.R. 5024,
S. 2774/H.R. 5040, S. 2845/H.R. 5140). It will be updated as events warrant.

9/11 Commission Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Existing Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) and the
Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX)
Pilot Information Sharing Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Projected Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Related Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Presidential Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Protections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
GAO Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Legislative Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Authority and Functions of the OMB Director [or, Alternatively
, the Secretary of Homeland Security] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Federal Agency Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Other Participants’ Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Annual Inventory and Assessment of Information Sharing
Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Related Proposed Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Appendix 1: Selected Online Information Sharing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Information Sharing for Homeland Security:
A Brief Overview
Among the responses prompted by the terrorists attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon were various recommendations for, and subsequent efforts
at, improving information sharing among government entities at all levels within the
United States, the private sector, and certain foreign governments, with a view to
countering terrorists and strengthening homeland security. The National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) is among those to
have most recently offered recommendations in this regard in its July 22, 2004,
report. Because the commission’s report arrived at a time when information sharing
improvements were well underway, its recommendations are multifaceted.
9/11 Commission Recommendations
In Chapter 12, titled “What to Do? A Global Strategy,” the commission’s report
provided two sets of recommendations pertaining to the exchanging or sharing of
information. With respect to border screening, the panel proffered the following
! The U.S. government cannot meet its own obligations to the
American people to prevent the entry of terrorists without a
major effort to collaborate with other governments. We should
do more to exchange terrorist information with trusted allies,
and raise U.S. and global border security standards for travel
and border crossing over the medium and long term through
extensive international cooperation.
While the commission’s recommendation was not specific as to how such
collaborations could be carried out, the report suggested the need for global standards
for identity authentication (such as biometrically enhanced passports), and stated that
the U.S. should take a leading role in establishing these standards. One potential
longer term implication of carrying out this recommendation is a global network of
country-based screening systems that could verify the departure/arrival of an
individual and authenticate that person’s identity in real time.
While advocating greater information sharing, the report also recognized how
consolidating and transferring large amounts of information about individuals could
be susceptible to abuse. Regarding the protection of civil liberties, the report called
for an “enhanced system of checks and balances” to be built into the policy
framework used to oversee and regulate information sharing. To that end, three
1 U.S. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, The 9/11
Commission Report
(Washington: GPO, 2004), p. 390.

recommendations were included regarding what information would be shared, why
the information would be shared, and who would be overseeing these activities.
! As the President determines the guidelines for information
sharing among government agencies and by those agencies with
the private sector, he should safeguard the privacy of
individuals about whom information is shared.

! The burden of proof for retaining a particular governmental
power should be on the executive, to explain (a) that the power
actually materially enhances security and (b) that there is
adequate supervision of the executive’s use of the powers to
ensure protection of civil liberties. If the power is granted, there
must be adequate guidelines and oversight to properly confine
its use.

! At this time of increased and consolidated government
authority, there should be a board within the executive branch
to oversee adherence to the guidelines we recommend and the
commitment the government makes to defend our civil liberties.
In Chapter 13, titled “How To Do It? A Different Way of Organizing
Government,” the commission’s report included two recommendations that explicitly
address the need to facilitate the development of a policy and technical environment
that encourages and supports information sharing. With respect to developing
policies that foster a culture of information sharing, the commission recommended:
! Information procedures should provide incentives for sharing,
to restore a better balance between security and shared
This commission recommendation highlighted what it considered to be a
significant impediment to comprehensive intelligence analysis — the “‘need-to-
know’ culture of information protection.”4 The commission suggested that, while the
federal government has access to huge volumes of information, procedural and
organizational cultural barriers undermine the government’s ability to capitalize on
these resources. The commission also cited two specific factors that have helped to
perpetuate “need-to-know” information practices. One is the lack of robust internal
information sharing procedures, which, in turn, has contributed to the
compartmentalization of information as a standard practice, rather than the regular
dissemination of information to the external community of users. According to the
commission, current procedures allowed information to be shared if someone
specifically requested the information, and then only according to classification and
other security protocols. The purpose of such an approach is to guard against the
2 Ibid., pp. 394-395.
3 Ibid., p. 417.
4 Ibid.

disclosure of information that could create security risks. However, the commission
suggested that, if taken too far, such security procedures can outweigh the benefits
that could be gleaned from information sharing.5
A second factor cited by the commission as perpetuating “need-to-know”
information practices is an organizational culture, prevalent across agencies, that
supports disincentives to information sharing. As the report states: “There are no
punishments for not sharing information.”6 However, depending upon the situation,
criminal, civil, and/or administrative penalties can be imposed if information is
shared or disclosed in violation of procedure. The commission suggested that the
emphasis on security had led to the “overclassification and excessive
compartmentalization of information among agencies.”7 Obstructed access to
information can also have both analytical and financial costs, by contributing to
incomplete analysis and the duplication of effort by various agencies.
To address these concerns, the commission advocated replacing the “need-to-
know” information culture with a “need-to-share” information culture. In order to
transition to an intelligence information environment that emphasizes the “need-to-
share,” development of new procedures must also be matched with the development
of a technical infrastructure that enables actual information sharing. To that end,
with respect to developing the technical infrastructure for information sharing, the
commission offered the following recommendation:
! The president should lead the government-wide effort to bring
the major national security institutions into the information
revolution. He should coordinate the resolution of the legal,
policy, and technical issues across agencies to create a ‘trusted
information network.’
The report did not specify exactly how a trusted information network would be
constructed, who would use it, or what information would be shared through it.
However, it did highlight some of key features that would characterize the trusted
information network, and cited an example described in a recent Markle Foundation
report as “an outstanding conceptual framework for the kind of ‘trusted information
network.’”9 According to the commission’s report, the trusted information network
would be based on a decentralized network model that would facilitate information
sharing not only within agencies (vertically), but also, more critically, across agencies
(horizontally). The report also recommended using a digital rights management
framework, so that a trusted information network could allow agencies to maintain
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid., p. 418.
9 Ibid.; the Markle Foundation report, produced in December 2002 by its Task Force on
National Security in the Information Age, is titled Creating a Trusted Information Network
for Homeland Security: Second Report of the Markle Foundation Task Force
, and is
available at [http://www.markle.org/downloadable_assets/nstf_report2_full_report.pdf].

and populate their own databases, as well as establish access controls to govern the
use of the data by authorized individuals within the network. The commission also
suggested that presidential leadership would be required to address the policy and
legal issues associated with establishing a trusted information network. This
leadership, in turn, could develop standards for common information use, and could
be applied across the participant community.
Another recommendation would have the President, when determining “the
guidelines for information sharing among government agencies and by those agencies
with the private sector,” also “safeguard the privacy of individuals about whom
information is shared.” Seeking to reinforce compliance with these guidelines, and
otherwise finding “that there is no office within the government whose job it is to
look across the government at the action we are taking to protect ourselves to ensure
that liberty concerns are appropriately considered” the report recommended the
creation of the civil liberties oversight board proposed in Chapter 12.10
On August 27, 2004, President George W. Bush issued two executive orders
responding to some of these recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. One of
them, E.O. 13356, prescribed duties for the heads of agencies possessing or acquiring
terrorist information concerning the accessibility, sharing, and analysis of such
information; set requirements for the collection of terrorism information within the
United States; and, among other considerations, established an Information Systems
Council, chaired by a representative of the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) with at least 10 other members representing specified senior officials,
“to plan for and oversee the establishment of an interoperable terrorism information
sharing environment to facilitate automated sharing of terrorism information among
appropriate agencies.”11
The other directive, E.O. 13353, established the President’s Board on
Safeguarding Americans’ Civil Liberties within the Department of Justice.12 Chaired
by the Deputy Attorney General and composed of 19 other senior counsels and
leaders largely from within the intelligence and homeland security communities, the
board may advise the President regarding civil liberties policy, gather information
and make assessments regarding such policy and its implementation, make
recommendations to the President, refer information about possible violations of such
policy by a federal official or employee for prompt action, enhance cooperation and
coordination among federal departments and agencies in implementing such policy,
and undertake other efforts to protect the civil liberties of the citizenry as the
President may direct.
In the paragraphs below, some of the principal existing homeland security
information sharing arrangements are reviewed, as well as some projected
arrangements in this regard; and related policy, Government Accountability Office
(GAO, formerly known as the General Accounting Office) evaluations, and
10 Ibid., p. 394-395.
11 Federal Register, vol. 69, Sept. 1, 2004, pp. 53599-53602.
12 Ibid., pp. 53585-53587.

legislation are discussed. The types of information potentially within the scope of
such sharing include raw data, which has undergone little or no assessment regarding
its accuracy or implications; knowledge, which has been determined to have a high
degree of reliability or validity; and intelligence, which has been carefully evaluated
concerning its accuracy and significance, and may sometimes be credited in terms of
its source.
Existing Arrangements
While discussions of information sharing frequently focus on how technology
can be used to break down the so-called “stove pipes” that purportedly inhibit
collaboration among government agencies, it is important to recognize that these
initiatives are more than simply information technology projects. Instead, they
represent a specific component of ongoing efforts to improve the management,
efficiency, and efficacy of government information resources, often associated with
electronic government (e-government). As such, information sharing initiatives are
characterized by their programmatic elements as well as their technology elements.
Some of the most common categories or types of information being shared through
these initiatives include intelligence, homeland security, law enforcement, and
critical infrastructure information.
Information shared and technology used by these initiatives can vary widely.
However, an overarching purpose of most of these initiatives is to facilitate better
collaboration and information analysis through the use of improved information
technology and the development of common information standards. Concerns about
coordination and duplication of these initiatives have been raised since there
currently appears to be no centralized inventory of all the information sharing
initiatives being carried out within and between the federal, state, and/or local
levels.13 GAO has reported, however, that efforts to fight terrorism have spurred the
growth of the number of initiatives at all levels of government since the September
11, 2001, attacks.14 Three existing information sharing initiatives are discussed
below to provide general examples of how information sharing is sometimes carried
Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) and the
Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN). In December 2002, JRIES
began as a pilot project for the sharing of counterterrorism information between local
and state law enforcement and the Department of Defense (DOD). JRIES was
initiated by the Joint Intelligence Task Force - Combating Terrorism (JITF-CT), led
by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The initial participants included the New
York Police Department Counterterrorism Bureau (NYPD-CTB) and the California
Department of Justice Anti-Terrorism Information Center (CATIC). After
assessment of the pilot phase, JRIES became operational in February 2003. The
13 See U.S. General Accounting Office, Homeland Security: Efforts to Improve Information
Sharing Need to Be Strengthened
, GAO Report GAO-03-760 (Washington: August 2003).
14 Ibid.

number of participants has also grown to include other municipalities, states, and
federal agencies.15
In February 2004, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the
launch of its Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) initiative, designed to
connect all 50 states, five U.S. territories, and 50 major urban areas with the
Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC) at the department. To accomplish
this goal, DHS adopted the JRIES infrastructure, expanding both its capabilities and
its community of users beyond its original “law enforcement and intelligence
counterterrorism mission” while leaving the original JRIES system in place.16 In July
2004, DHS announced that it achieved connectivity to all 50 states.17 JRIES/HSIN
is anticipated to include eventually users such as state homeland security advisers,
state adjutant generals (National Guard), state emergency operations centers, local
emergency services (fire, police, and other first responders), and possibly private
sector actors as well. A significant focus of the expanded JRIES/HSIN network will
be to prevent terrorist attacks by capitalizing on the existing human and information
resources at the federal, state, and local levels, and enabling the real time
collaboration and exchange of information for improved awareness and quicker
response to threats.18 Some civil liberties organizations have raised concerns
regarding the exchange of information by state and local law enforcement agencies
with DIA, an intelligence agency barred from collecting information domestically.
Concerns also have been raised about the potential collection information regarding
the activities of legitimate political or social organizations, such as anti-war groups.19
JRIES functions as a secure virtual private network (VPN), connecting various
participant data sources using encrypted communications via the Internet. JRIES
relies upon commercial, off-the-shelf technology and Web-based software that
enables users to access database and analysis applications, send secure e-mail, send
and receive maps and other graphics, and collaborate in real time online.20
JRIES/HSIN is currently used to exchange so-called sensitive but unclassified (SBU)
15 U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, The National Criminal
Intelligence Sharing Plan
(Washington: October 2003), pp. 45-56, available at [http://
16 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Homeland Security Information Network to
Expand Collaboration, Connectivity for States and Major Cities,” press release, Feb. 24,
2004, available at [http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/display?content=3350].
17 Dibya Sarkar, “HSIN Starts Five Months Early,” Federal Computer Week, July 8, 2004,
available at [http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2004/0705/web-hsin-07-08-04.asp].
18 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Homeland Security Information Network to
Expand Collaboration, Connectivity for States and Major Cities,” available at [http://www.
19 Justin Rood, “Pentagon Has Access to Local Police Intelligence Through Office in
Homeland Security Department,” CQ Homeland Security, July 6, 2004, available at
20 Brian Robinson, “DHS Unfolds New Safety Net,” Federal Computer Week, June 21,
2004, available at [http://www.fcw.com/supplements/homeland/2004/sup2/hom-safety-

information, although DHS plans to upgrade the security of the network to allow for
the exchange of security classified information at the “Secret” level by fall 2004.
These information protections are discussed later in this report. In the future, DHS
also plans to develop an interface between JRIES and RISSNET (see below), a long-
established nationwide network of criminal databases used by law enforcement
Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) Program. The RISS
Program is an established system of six regional centers that are used to “share
intelligence and coordinate efforts against criminal networks that operate in many
locations across jurisdictional lines.”22 The RISS Program was created to combat
traditional law enforcement targets, such as drug trafficking and violent crime, but
has been expanded to include other activities, such as terrorism and cybercrime.
According to its website, RISS has “member agencies in all 50 states, the District of
Columbia, U.S. territories, Australia, Canada, and England.”23 The RISS program
uses a regional approach, so that each center can tailor/focus its resources on the
specific needs of its area, while still coordinating and sharing information as one
body for national-scope issues.24
The origins of the RISS Program date to 1974, when the Department of Justice
awarded its first grant to allow police departments in the southern U.S. to
share/exchange information with each other via computers.25 This support helped
create the first of the six regional centers, the Regional Organized Crime Information
Center (ROCIC).26 The other regional centers include the Rocky Mountain
Information Network (RMIN),27 the New England State Police Information Network
(NESPIN),28 the Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center (MOCIC),29 the
21 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Homeland Security Information Network to
Expand Collaboration, Connectivity for States and Major Cities,” available at [http://www.
22 For a detailed description of RISS, see [http://www.iir.com/riss/] and [http://www.
23 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/overview2.htm].
24 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/].
25 Wilson P. Dizard III, “IT Security Calls for Collaboration,” Government Computer News,
Mar. 4, 2002, available at [http://www.gcn.com/21_5/news/18099-1.html]; U.S. Department
of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “Regional Information Sharing Program,” Bureau
of Justice Assistance Program Brief
(Washington: April 2002), available at [http://www.
26 Regional member states include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
Virginia, and West Virginia. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are also members of
27 Regional member states include Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. RMIN also includes member agencies from Canada.
28 Regional member states include Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,

Western States Information Network (WSIN),30 and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes
Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN).31 Membership in
each of the centers includes federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, for an
estimated total of “nearly 7,000 law enforcement and criminal justice agencies
representing over 700,000 sworn officers.”32 The RISS Program continues to be
federally funded through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) at the Department
of Justice (DOJ), which also has program management oversight responsibilities. In
addition, RISS centers are required to be in compliance with Criminal Intelligence
Systems Operating Policies regarding the confidentiality of information collected and
shared.33 Each RISS center provides its member agencies with a range of services,
! Information sharing — primarily through the operation of the
RISS secure intranet (RISSNET) (see below), providing secure
databases and investigative tools.
! Analysis — including the preparation of analytical products,
compilation and analysis of data, and computer forensics analysis.
! Equipment loans — inventories of specialized investigative and
surveillance equipment, including photographic, communications,
and surveillance equipment, for member agencies to borrow for
multijurisdictional investigations.
! Confidential funds — following federal and center guidelines,
money that can be used to purchase information, contraband, stolen
property, and other evidentiary items, as well as to pay investigative
expenses for multijurisdictional investigations.
! Training — meetings and conferences for training on information
sharing techniques, anti-terrorism training; and training in
28 (...continued)
Rhode Island, and Vermont. NESPIN also includes member agencies from Canada.
29 Regional member states include Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. MOCIC also includes member agencies from
30 Regional members states include Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.
WSIN also includes member agencies from Canada, Australia, and Guam.
31 Regional members states include Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, as well as the District of Columbia. MAGLOCLEN
also includes member agencies from England, the Canadian provinces of Ontario and
Quebec, and Australia.
32 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/overview2.htm].
33 See 28 C.F.R. Part 23; U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The
RISS Program: 2002, Membership and Service Activity”(Washington: June 2003), available
at [http://www.iir.com/Publications/RissProgram2002.pdf].

surveillance techniques, equipment use, safety, and analysis
! Technical assistance — training and assistance for activities such
as requesting analytical services, and RISSNET installation and
The centerpiece of the RISS Program’s information sharing activities is its
secure intranet, RISSNET, which is capable of sharing electronically what is termed
“sensitive but unclassified information.” RISSNET participants can either connect
a single computer to the intranet, or establish a node connection, enabling wider
access through their agency’s network. RISSNET participants use a virtual private
network (VPN) connection over the Internet to access the RISSNET gateway
firewall, whereupon the user’s identity is authenticated and access is granted to the
secure intranet. The secure intranet is a dedicated network carried over frame relay
circuits (a guaranteed amount of bandwidth carried over public telephone lines)
connecting the RISS centers to the database resources. Security is maintained
through the use of encryption, smart cards, and other Internet security protocols.35
This system enables participants to send and receive secure e-mail transmissions with
other RISSNET participants, as well as use secure Web browser sessions to access
data. RISSNET also provides access to a number of other resources, including:
! RISS center websites — each of the six RISS centers has a website
that provides information on its services and resources, and provides
access to criminal intelligence databases.
! RISSIntel/RISSNET II — electronically linked collection of web-
based criminal intelligence databases with information provided by
member agencies.
! RISSGang — the RISS National Gang Database, a crime-specific
database related to gangs and gang members, including both text
information and images, such as photographs, gang tattoos, and gang
! RISSLeads — the RISS Investigative Leads Bulletin Board, a
newsgroup server where participants can post case-related
information for the purpose of generating investigative leads and can
exchange information with other participants.
34 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/services.htm].
35 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The RISS Program: 2002,
Membership and Service Activity,” available at [http://www.iir.com/Publications/
RissProgram2002.pdf]; Office of Information Technology, Regional Information Sharing
Systems, “Regional Information Sharing — What’s Working? Is It Helping?,” July 21,
2003, National Criminal Justice Association National Forum 2003 Conference, available at

! RISSSearch — a search engine that identifies and retrieves data
from multiple databases and information sources, including
restricted information sites, sensitive but unclassified sites, and
public Internet sites.
! RISSTraining — electronic resources for anti-terrorism training.
! RISSLinks — a data visualization tool for analyzing and showing
associations among the results from multiple databases.
! RISSLive — an online, real-time communications medium to
facilitate real-time information sharing among participants.36
Another recently developed resource is the RISS Anti-Terrorism Information
Exchange (ATIX). Initiated in late 2002, RISS ATIX represents an expansion of the
efforts to facilitate communication and information sharing among personnel
responsible for planning and implementing actions to prevent, mitigate, and recover
from terrorist incidents and disasters. RISS ATIX participants include constituencies
that have not traditionally participated in RISS. RISS ATIX participants include both
government and private sector actors, who are divided into ATIX communities, based
on their functions.37 According to the RISS ATIX website, some of the ATIX
communities include “state, county, local, tribal, and federal government; law
enforcement; emergency management; disaster relief; utilities; and, among others,
the chemical, transportation, and telecommunication industries.”38 Since becoming
operational, RISS ATIX has been used to facilitate communications for events such
as Hurricane Isabel in September 2003, the G8 Summit at Sea Island, Georgia, in
June 2004, and both the Republican and Democratic national conventions in summer
RISS ATIX utilizes four primary components to facilitate communication and
information sharing. These include:
36 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The RISS Program: 2002,
Membership and Service Activity,” available at [http://www.iir.com/Publications/
RissProgram2002.pdf]; National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition, “Regional
Information Sharing Systems Program,” NNOAC Insight, n.d., available at [http://www.
natlnarc.org/papers/RISS_Position.pdf]; Gerard P. Lynch, “Facilitating an Enhanced
Information Sharing Network That Links Law Enforcement and Homeland Security for
Federal, State, and Local Governments,” hearing statement before U.S. Congress, House
Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy,
Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Census (Washington: July 13, 2004).
37 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The RISS Program: 2002,
Membership and Service Activity,” available at [http://www.iir.com/Publications/
38 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/rissatix.htm].
39 Lynch, “Facilitating an Enhanced Information Sharing Network that Links Law
Enforcement and Homeland Security for Federal, State, and Local Governments,” hearing

! RISS ATIX Web page — news articles, online resources, and
contact information tailored to the various ATIX communities.
! RISS ATIX bulletin board — a newsgroup server where
participants can post information related to terrorism, disasters, and
homeland security, as well as “page” online participants and send
secure e-mail messages.
! ATIXLive — an online, real-time communications medium to
facilitate real-time information sharing among participants,
including the “paging” function and the ability to send secure e-mail
messages from within the ATIXLive application.
! ATIX secure e-mail — a secure e-mail application to send and
receive homeland security alerts and exchange information with
other participants.40
On September 1, 2002, RISSNET interconnected with the FBI Law
Enforcement Online (LEO) system to create a so-called “virtual single system” for
the purpose of exchanging sensitive but unclassified homeland security information.
Both RISSNET and LEO participants can access these resources combined using a
single logon identifier. Participants can also exchange secure e-mail messages.
RISSNET has established, or is in the process of establishing, interconnections with
other information sharing networks as well, including the National Law Enforcement
Telecommunications System (NLETS), the Criminal Information Sharing Alliance
(CISAnet), and the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX)
Pilot Project.41 As with other information sharing initiatives, civil liberties
organizations have raised concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of personal
data as more information sources become interconnected and available to a larger
number of users.
Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX) Pilot
Information Sharing Project. The MATRIX project was initially developed in
the days following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks by Seisint, a Florida-
based information products company, in an effort to facilitate collaborative
information sharing and factual data analysis. At the outset of the project, MATRIX
included a component Seisint called the High Terrorist Factor (HTF), which was
designed to identify individuals with high HTF scores, or so-called terrorism
quotients, based on an analysis of demographic and behavioral data. Although the
HTF scoring system appeared to attract the interest of officials, this feature was
40 See [http://www.rissinfo.com/rissatix.htm].
41 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The RISS Program: 2002,
Membership and Service Activity,” available at [http://www.iir.com/Publications/
RissProgram2002.pdf]; National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition, “Regional
Information Sharing Systems Program,” available at [http://www.natlnarc.org/papers/
RISS_Position.pdf]; Lynch, “Facilitating an Enhanced Information Sharing Network That
Links Law Enforcement and Homeland Security for Federal, State, and Local
Governments,” hearing statement.

reportedly dropped from MATRIX because it relied on intelligence data not normally
available to the law enforcement community and because of concerns about privacy
In its current form, the MATRIX pilot project is administered through a
collaborative effort between Seisint, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
(FDLE),43 and the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), a “Florida-based
nonprofit research and training organization, [that] specializes in law enforcement,
juvenile justice, and criminal justice issues.”44 FDLE serves as the “security agent”
for MATRIX, administering control over which agencies and individuals have access
to the system. FDLE is also a participant state in MATRIX. IIR is responsible for
administrative support, and is the grantee for federal funds received for MATRIX.45
Thus far, it has been reported that the MATRIX pilot project has received a total of
$12 million in federal funding — $8 million from the Office of Domestic
Preparedness (ODP) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and $4 million
from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) at the Department of Justice (DOJ).46
The analytical core of the MATRIX pilot project is an application called Factual
Analysis Criminal Threat Solution (FACTS), described as a “technological,
investigative tool allowing query-based searches of available state and public records
in the data reference repository.”47 The FACTS application allows an authorized user
to search “dynamically combined records from disparate datasets” based on partial
information, and will “assemble” the results.48 The data reference repository used
with FACTS represents the amalgamation of over 3.9 billion public records collected
from thousands of sources.49 The data contained in FACTS include FAA pilot
license and aircraft ownership records, property ownership records, information on
vessels registered with the Coast Guard, state sexual offender lists, federal terrorist
watch lists, corporation filings, Uniform Commercial Code filings, bankruptcy
filings, state-issued professional license records, criminal history information,
department of corrections information and photo images, driver’s license information
and photo images, motor vehicle registration information, and information from
42 Brian Bergstein, “Database Firm Tagged 120,000 Terrorism ‘Suspects’ for Feds,” (Biloxi,
MS) SunHerald, May 20, 2004, available at [http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/
43 The FDLE website is available at [http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/].
44 The IIR website is available at [http://www.iir.com/].
45 See [http://www.matrix-at.org/roles.htm].
46 John Schwartz, “Privacy Fears Erode Support for a Network to Fight Crime,” New York
, Mar. 15, 2004, available at [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/15/technology/
15matrix.html]; see also [http://www.matrix-at.org/faq.htm].
47 For a more detailed description of FACTS, see [http://www.matrix-at.org/FACTS_
48 Ibid.
49 See [http://www.matrix-at.org/newsletter.pdf].

commercial sources that “are generally available to the public or legally permissible
under federal law.”50
The data reference repository is said to exclude data such as telemarketing call
lists; direct mail mailing lists; airline reservations or travel records, frequent
flyer/hotel stay program membership information or activity; magazine subscription
records; information about purchases made at retailers or over the Internet; telephone
calling logs or records; credit or debit card numbers; mortgage or car payment
information; bank account numbers or balance information; records of birth
certificates, marriage licenses, and divorce decrees; and utility bill payment
information. Participating law enforcement agencies utilize this information sharing
and data mining resource over the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS)
secure intranet (RISSNET), described above.
Some civil liberties organizations have raised concerns about law enforcement
actions being taken based on algorithms and analytical criteria developed by a private
corporation — in this case, Seisint — without any public or legislative input.51
Questions have also been raised about the level of involvement of the federal
government, particularly the Department of Homeland Security and the Department
of Justice, in a project that is ostensibly focused on supporting state-based
information sharing.52
The MATRIX pilot project has suffered some setbacks in recruiting states to
participate. The lack of participation can be especially troubling for a networked
information sharing project such as MATRIX because, as Metcalfe’s Law suggests,
“the power of the network increases exponentially by the number of computers
connected to it.”53 While as many as 16 states have been reported to have either
participated or seriously considered participating in MATRIX at its outset, several
have chosen to withdraw, leaving a current total of five states, including Florida,
Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, actively participating. State
officials have cited a variety of reasons for not participating in MATRIX, including
costs, concerns about violating state privacy laws, and duplication of existing
50 For more information about data included in and excluded from the data reference
repository, see [http://www.matrix-at.org/data_sources.htm].
51 William Welsh, “Feds Offer to Mend Matrix,” Washington Technology, May 24, 2004,
available at [http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/19_4/egov/23597-1.html].
52 Robert O’Harrow, Jr., “Anti-Terror Database Got Show at White House,” Washington
, May 21, 2004, p. A12.
53 For a more detailed discussion of Metcalfe’s Law, see [http://searchnetworking.techtarget.
54 The states that have reportedly decided to withdraw from the pilot project include
Alabama, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Oregon, South Carolina,
Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. Larry Greenemeier, “Two More States Withdraw from
Database,” InformationWeek, Mar. 12, 2004, available at [http://www.informationweek.
com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18312112]; Diane Frank, “Utah No Longer Part of

To help address the privacy concerns associated with a centralized data
repository, some officials have suggested switching to a distributed approach
whereby each state would maintain possession of its data and control access
according to its individual laws. As a pilot project, MATRIX is expected to continue
through November 2004. At that time, IIR will submit a final report to officials
evaluating the long-term viability of the project.55
Projected Arrangements
At this time it is unclear if and how the 9/11 Commission report
recommendations regarding information sharing might be implemented. One option
would be to use and/or modify existing information sharing initiatives, including the
possibility of combining features from existing initiatives. Another option might be
to build a new information sharing infrastructure from the ground up. However, in
light of the level of resources already invested in existing information sharing
initiatives, the cost and time involved to build a new infrastructure, and the urgency
that some place on implementing some of the recommendations quickly, it appears
that a comprehensive information sharing initiative would most likely involve
capitalizing on existing resources and working to improve the interoperability of
these resources.
As described above, some information sharing networks already exist, although
they each have their own specific purposes and goals. One option might be to
construct a network of networks that incorporates existing information sharing
networks and other databases and resources that could create the trusted information
network called for in the 9/11 Commission report. In keeping with the
recommendation of the second report of the Markle Foundation’s Task Force on
National Security in the Information Age, which was cited by the 9/11 Commission
report, such a network would not utilize either a mainframe or a hub-and-spoke
model of information dissemination, both of which feature centralized points for
information flows.56 Instead, the trusted information network could operate as a
decentralized peer-to-peer network. This approach would allow participants to retain
control over their respective data, while also reducing the vulnerability of the
information sharing network to attack or failure by not having a single control point
or hub upon which the rest of the system would be dependent. Through the use of
middleware — software used to connect or integrate two or more separate
54 (...continued)
MATRIX,” Federal Computer Week, Apr. 5, 2004, p. 14; Associated Press. “Two More
States Withdraw from Controversial Database Program,” (Fort Worth-Dallas, TX) Star-
, Mar. 12, 2004, available at [http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/business/8170978.
htm?1c]; Associated Press “Matrix Plan Fuels Privacy Fears,” Wired News, Feb. 2, 2004,
available at [http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,62141,00.html].
55 Welsh, “Feds Offer to Mend Matrix,” available at [http://www.washingtontechnology.
56 See the “Overview” in Markle Foundation, Task Force on National Security in the
Information Age, Creating a Trusted Information Network for Homeland Security: Second
Report of the Markle Foundation Task Force
(New York: December 2003), n.p., available
at [http://www.markle.org/downloadable_assets/nstf_report2_full_report.pdf].

applications — the challenges of making diverse databases interoperable, or
compatible, might be addressed. Middleware could also be designed to support a
rule-based system that could govern which data could be accessed, who could access
the data, and how the data could be used. A rule-based system could incorporate the
overarching policy framework recommended by the 9/11 Commission report, as well
as jurisdiction-specific privacy and security requirements.
In light of the emphasis being placed on information sharing, and the complexity
of the issue, it is likely that the creation of a trusted information network is likely to
require the dedicated attention of key individuals over an extended period of time.
From a technology management perspective, a chief information sharing officer
could be designated within OMB, as well as at each of the relevant agencies. These
individuals could serve as the primary points of contact for information sharing
initiatives, and could be responsible for working with their respective chief
information officers and agency managers to facilitate compliance with standard
setting and information sharing requirements. The institutionalization of a chief
information sharing position to champion information sharing might also help ensure
that agencies do not eventually revert to their previous practices.
Related Policy
The development of information sharing for homeland security purposes, as the
above discussion of some of the existing arrangements suggests, occurs within an
existing policy context, which may prove to be in need of clarification, adjustment,
and supplement. For example, state privacy laws, as noted, apparently have limited
participation in the MATRIX pilot project. Some federal policy considerations that
bear on information sharing are discussed in this section relative to anticipated
presidential procedures mandated by the Homeland Security Act.
Presidential Procedures. Signed into law on November 25, 2002, the
Homeland Security Act, establishing the principal homeland security institutions of
the federal government, contains various provisions facilitating or mandating
homeland security information sharing. Primary among these is Section 892 of the
statute, which defines “homeland security information” as “any information
possessed by a Federal, State, or local agency that (A) relates to the threat of terrorist
activity; (B) relates to the ability to prevent, interdict, or disrupt terrorist activity; (C)
would improve the identification or investigation of a suspected terrorist or terrorist
organization; and (D) would improve the response to a terrorist act.”57
Prior to this definition of homeland security information, five subsections
establish procedures and conditions regarding such information. The first of these
requires the President to
prescribe and implement procedures under which relevant Federal agencies (A)
share relevant and appropriate homeland security information with other Federal
agencies, including the Department [of Homeland Security] and appropriate State
and local personnel; (B) identify and safeguard homeland security information
57 116 Stat. 2255.

that is sensitive but unclassified; and (C) to the extent such information is in
classified form, determine whether, how, and to what extent to remove classified
information [from its protected status], as appropriate, and with which such
personnel it may be shared after such information is removed.58
Neither this section nor the other provisions of the Homeland Security Act
define what constitutes “sensitive but unclassified” homeland security information.
The remaining portions of the subsection require the President to “ensure that such
procedures [as he prescribes] apply to all agencies of the Federal Government”;
stipulate that these new procedures “shall not change the substantive requirements
for the classification and safeguarding of classified information”; and specify that the
new procedures “shall not change the requirements and authorities to protect
[intelligence] sources and methods.”
The second subsection prescribes refinements to the procedures established by
the President pursuant to the first subsection. “Under [the] procedures prescribed by
the President,” it is stated, “all appropriate agencies, including the intelligence
community, shall, through information sharing systems, share homeland security
information with Federal agencies and appropriate State and local personnel to the
extent such information may be shared, as determined in accordance with” the
President’s procedures, “together with assessments of the credibility of such
information.” Each of these information sharing systems must
(A) have the capability to transmit unclassified or classified information, though
the procedures and recipients for each capability may differ; (B) have the
capacity to restrict delivery of information to specified subgroups by geographic
location, type of organization, position of a recipient within an organization, or
a recipient’s need to know such information; (C) be configured to allow the
efficient and effective sharing of information; and (D) be accessible to
appropriate State and local personnel.
Other provisions require the establishment of conditions on the use of shared
information “(A) to limit the redissemination of such information to ensure that such
information is not used for an unauthorized purpose; (B) to ensure the security and
confidentiality of such information; (C) to protect the constitutional and statutory
right of any individuals who are subjects of such information; and (D) to provide data
integrity through the timely removal and destruction of obsolete or erroneous names
and information.” The information sharing systems are to “include existing
information sharing systems, including, but not limited to, the National Law
Enforcement Telecommunications System, the Regional Information Sharing
System, and the Terrorist Threat Warning System of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation .” Federal agencies having access to information sharing systems have
access to all of the information shared in those systems. The prescribed procedures
are to “ensure that appropriate State and local personnel are authorized to use such
information sharing systems (A) to access information shared with such personnel;
and (B) to share, with others who have access to such information sharing systems,
the homeland security information of their own jurisdictions, which shall be marked
appropriately as pertaining to potential terrorist activity.” Regarding this shared state
58 116 Stat. 2253 (emphasis added).

and local information, it is to be reviewed and assessed, under procedures prescribed
jointly by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Attorney General, by
each appropriate federal agency, as determined by the President, and integrated with
existing intelligence.59
The third subsection authorizes the President to “prescribe procedures under
which Federal agencies may, to the extent the President considers necessary, share
with appropriate State and local personnel homeland security information that
remains classified or otherwise protected” after being reviewed for removal from its
protected status. To facilitate such sharing, a sense of Congress provision recognizes
the use of background investigations and security clearances, non-disclosure
agreements regarding sensitive but unclassified information, and “information-
sharing partnerships that include appropriate State and local personnel, such as the
Joint Terrorism Task Forces of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Anti-
Terrorism Task Forces of the Department of Justice, and regional Terrorism Early
Warning Groups.”
The fourth subsection specifies that the head of each affected agency shall
designate an official having administrative responsibility for that agency’s
compliance with the information sharing requirements of Sections 891-899.60
Finally, the fifth subsection states: “Under procedures prescribed under this
section, information obtained by a State or local government from a Federal agency
under this section shall remain under the control of the Federal agency, and a State
or local law authorizing or requiring such a government to disclose information shall
not apply to such information.” Presumably, it is the President who prescribes the
referred to procedures; information shared with a subnational jurisdiction pursuant
to these procedures remains under the “control” of the providing federal agency; and,
because the information is under federal “control,” it is beyond the scope of state
information access or freedom of information laws.
On July 29, 2003, President Bush issued E.O. 13311, assigning responsibility
for preparing the Section 892 homeland security information sharing procedures to
the Secretary of Homeland Security.61 Others, in accordance with the provisions of
the order, will make input, as well, including the Attorney General, the DCI, and
specified officials with whom Homeland Security Secretary Ridge is to coordinate.
How that set of procedures will be formulated has not been made publicly known by
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). While many observers expected that
these procedures would be issued during the summer of 2004, they have not appeared
to date.
Control. Arising with the formulation of the President’s procedures is the
important consideration of the “ownership” or control of shared information. For the
59 116 Stat. 2254.
60 These provisions constitute Subtitle I of Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act and may
be cited, as specified in the statute, as the Homeland Security Information Sharing Act.
61 Federal Register, vol. 68, July 31, 2003, pp. 45149-45150.

information sharing procedures mandated by Section 892 of the Homeland Security
Act, Congress has determined in Subsection 892(e) that “information obtained by a
State or local government from a Federal agency under this section shall remain
under the control of the Federal agency.” The subsection further specifies that such
shared federal agency information is not subject to “a State or local law authorizing
or requiring such a government to disclose information.”
The statute is silent regarding any reciprocal “controls” which state or local
governments may exercise regarding information they provide through the sharing
system. Whether such information as state or local governments do provide would
constitute, as a threshold question, a federal “agency record” accessible under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is not immediately clear. The Supreme Court,
because the FOIA provides no definition of an “agency record,” established, several
years ago, in DOJ v. Tax Analysts, a two-prong test for determining whether
materials so qualify. First, a federal agency must “either create or obtain” the
materials, and, second, “must be in control of the requested materials at the time the
FOIA request is made,” control meaning “that the materials have come into the
agency’s possession in the legitimate conduct of its official duties.”62 Would federal
agencies be considered to have “obtained” state or local government information
voluntarily provided through the sharing system? Does the voluntary provision of
such information through the sharing system result in its coming under federal
agency “control,” that is “the agency’s possession in the legitimate conduct of its
official duties?”
It seems likely that, if a court is asked to determine whether state or local
government information voluntarily provided through the sharing system falls within
the scope of the FOIA, it would examine the extent to which a federal agency or
agencies had control over the materials at issue. Beyond this threshold question,
should a court consider whether such information is subject to FOIA, it is a matter
of the applicability of the statute’s nine exemptions to the rule of disclosure and other
provisions protecting law enforcement information.63
Protections. The President’s procedures for sharing homeland security
information must accommodate various kinds of protected information. Section
892(a) of the Homeland Security Act requires the President to “identify and
safeguard homeland security information that is sensitive but unclassified; and ... to
the extent such information is in classified form, determine whether, how, and to
what extent to remove classified information, as appropriate, and with which such
personnel it may be shared after such information is removed.” Moreover, the new
procedures “shall not change the substantive requirements for the classification and
safeguarding of classified information” and “shall not change the requirements and
authorities to protect [intelligence] sources and methods.” Following Subsection
892(a), the President is directed, when prescribing the mandated information sharing
procedures, “to protect the constitutional and statutory rights of any individuals who
62 DOJ v. Tax Analysts, 492 U.S. 136, 144-145 (1989).
63 See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)-(c).

are subjects of such information.”64 Among the types of protected information so
identified are those which are “sensitive but unclassified,” those which are classified,
and those which may enjoy privacy protection, as well as intelligence sources and
There is a degree of uncertainty about the meaning and scope of some of these
terms, however, and management requirements for a couple of types of protected
information proffer compliance difficulties for subnational governments. As
mentioned earlier, neither Section 892 nor the other provisions of the Homeland
Security Act define what constitutes “sensitive but unclassified” homeland security
information. Some have noted that the Computer Security Act of 1987 refers to, and
defines, “sensitive information,” but neither this statute nor its definition of “sensitive
information” is referenced by the Homeland Security Act regarding “sensitive but
unclassified” information.65 Furthermore, the Computer Security Act, as originally
enacted, specified that it was not to be construed to constitute authority to withhold
information sought pursuant to the FOIA or to authorize any federal agency to limit,
restrict, regulate, or control, among other actions, the disclosure, use, transfer, or sale
of any information disclosable under the FOIA or public domain information.66
Elsewhere, in Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002, allowance is made
for the modification or waiver of a required privacy impact assessment “for security
reasons, or to protect classified, sensitive, or private information contained in an
assessment.”67 What constitutes “sensitive” information for this section is not
evident, because the term is neither defined in the statute nor is its relationship, if
any, to the “sensitive but unclassified” information of Section 892 of the Homeland
Security Act explained.
An internal DHS management directive on “Safeguarding Sensitive But
Unclassified (For Official Use Only) Information,” issued on May 11, 2004, indicates
that the “For Official Use Only” (FOUO) marking “will be used to identify sensitive
but unclassified information within the DHS community that is not otherwise
specifically described and governed by statute or regulation.” Examples of several
types of information treated as FOUO information are provided, such as information
that may be protectable under the FOIA’s exemptions to the rule of disclosure;
international and domestic information protected by statute, treaty, or other
agreements; “[i]nformation that could be sold for profit”; “[i]nformation that could
result in physical risk to personnel”; and information revealing security
vulnerabilities or breaching operations security. Access to FOUO information is on
a need-to-know basis, and persons having such access must sign a nondisclosure
agreement. Secure storage of FOUO information is required, and secure
communication of it by encrypted telephone or fax is encouraged.68
64 116 Stat. 2253-2254.
65 See 101 Stat. 1724; 15 U.S.C. § 278g-3.
66 101 Stat. 1730; 40 U.S.C. § 759 note, subsequently repealed 1996, 110 Stat. 680.
67 116 Stat. 2922.
68 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Management Directive System, “Safeguarding

While statutorily undefined, the “sensitive but unclassified” homeland security
information concept perhaps may be discerned in a practice disclosed in regard to the
operations of a new facility, a $4 million expansion of the Upstate New York
Regional Intelligence Center, jointly operated by New York State and the FBI.
Managers explained that security classified information, including data about
individuals, would be “filtered” through screeners and intelligence analysts at the
center so that no classified information would be provided to local authorities. Thus,
it appeared that details which merited security classification would be eliminated or
obscured, resulting in unclassified information which would still not be available to
the public.69 This unclassified information will probably be regarded as having been
compiled for law enforcement purposes and, as such, protected from disclosure under
the FOIA or comparable New York law. It seems unlikely, however, that “sensitive
but unclassified” homeland security information, per se, could be protected from
disclosure pursuant to the FOIA because it does not appear to fall clearly within any
of that statute’s exemptions.
Classified information is understood to be information “specifically authorized
under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of
national defense or foreign policy,” and which is “in fact properly classified pursuant
to such Executive order.”70 The operative executive order prescribing security
classification (and declassification) policy and practice is E.O. 12958 of April 17,
1995, as amended by E.O. 13292 of March 25, 2003.71 The latter directive added two
new concerns to the former’s rather traditional, but specific, military, intelligence,
foreign affairs, and national security classification categories: defense against
transnational terrorism and the vulnerabilities of infrastructures, both of which are
probably regarded generally to be homeland security interests. Security classification
is used to protect Restricted Data, as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and
intelligence sources and methods, the sanctity of which is a statutorily specified
responsibility of the DCI.72 Other types of information protected by security
classification include National Security Agency signals intelligence and
communications security information, and so-called foreign government information,
which is information provided by a foreign government or international organization
of governments, with the expectation that the information, its source, or both, are to
be held in confidence.
Two types of privileged homeland security information not regarded to be
security classified information, but which may be considered to be “sensitive but
unclassified,” although the DHS management directive on FOUO information
suggests otherwise, are “critical infrastructure information,” as understood within the
68 (...continued)
Sensitive But Unclassified (For Official Use Only) Information,” MD No. 11042, May 11,
69 David Johnston, “Terror Data to Be Shared at New Center Near Albany,” New York
, May 25, 2004, p. A20.
70 5 U.S.C. § 551(b)(1).
71 3 C.F.R., 1995 Comp., pp. 333-356; 3 C.F.R., 2003 Comp., pp. 196-218.
72 See 42 U.S.C. § 2014(y); 50 U.S.C. § 403-3(c)(6).

context of Subtitle B of Title II of the Homeland Security Act, and “Sensitive
Security Information” (SSI), as that term is defined by the Transportation Security
Administration. In defining “critical infrastructure information” in Subtitle B of Title
II of the Homeland Security Act, the statute recognizes that this information is “not
customarily in the public domain.” When voluntarily shared with DHS by the private
sector, it becomes subject to certain protections, including exemption from disclosure
under the FOIA and specified use limitations (sharing with state or local governments
is anticipated). Federal officers or employees improperly disclosing such critical
infrastructure information may be criminally punished.73 Operative security
classification policy does not authorize the classification of this information, which
remains the private property of the submitter.74
Relying upon information protection provisions of the Air Transportation
Security Act of 1974 and the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001, the
Transportation Security Administration, now a component of DHS, has issued
transportation security regulations making reference to “Sensitive Security
Information” (SSI), defined as “information about security programs, vulnerability
assessments, technical specifications of certain screening equipment and objects used
to test screening equipment, and other information.”75 A more detailed explanation
of SSI may be found in the regulations.76 While SSI is a type of protected
information, it is not security classified, but may constitute “sensitive but
unclassified” homeland security information. A federal appellate court ruled in 1993
that 1990 amendments did not by implication repeal the authority of the Air
Transportation Security Act of 1974 to promulgate and withhold from the public
security-sensitive rules and other related information now within the scope of SSI.77
Speaking at the summer meeting of the National Governors Association in 2003,
Secretary Ridge indicated that, in addition to the governors, five senior officials in
each state would be given a Top Secret security clearance in order that security
classified information might be shared with them for homeland security purposes.78
Presumably, the states paid for the background investigations for these clearances,
73 See 116 Stat. 2150-2155.
74 The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, among other prohibitions, specifies that no
person shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Pursuant
to the Invention Secrecy Act, however, the federal government may deny, for one year,
subject to renewal, the issuance of a patent to an applicant where the publication of the
application or granting of the patent would be “detrimental to the national security.” An
inventor who violates the imposed requirement to keep his invention secret may be
criminally punished and regarded to have forfeited patenting his invention. See 35 U.S.C.
§ 181-188; see, also, 50 U.S.C. App. 10((i).
75 See 49 U.S.C. § 114(s), 40119; this general definition of SSI appears in Federal Register,
vol. 67, Feb. 22, 2002, p. 8342.
76 See 49 C.F.R. 1520.7.
77 See Public Citizen, Inc. v. FAA, 988 F.2d 186 (D.C. Cir. 1993).
78 Michael Janofsky, “Intelligence to Be Shared, Ridge Tells Governors,” New York Times,
Aug. 19, 2003, p. A17; the prepared text of Secretary Ridge’s remarks is available at

each costing upwards of $2,500, and perhaps used discretionary federal homeland
security grant funds for this expense. Whether this number of clearances is adequate
for each state, given population, geography, and other differences, is uncertain. How
these state officials will be able to use classified information to direct the actions of
other uncleared state personnel is somewhat problematic, as are integrity
considerations of detecting and addressing security breaches involving classified
Quality. Finally, for policymakers, Section 892 seems to require some
attention to data quality in the homeland security information sharing procedures to
be prescribed by the President. Shared information is to be provided “together with
assessments of the credibility of such information.” Presumably, these assessments
would be made by the information provider. Potentially more controversial is the
requirement that shared state and local information “be reviewed and assessed, under
procedures prescribed jointly by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Attorney
General, by each appropriate Federal agency, as determined by the President, and
integrated with existing intelligence.” The nature of this assessment is left to
determination by the named principals. The section would also have the President’s
information sharing procedures “provide data integrity through the timely removal
and destruction of obsolete or erroneous names and information,” a rather broad and
highly discretionary standard. Who would function as the shared information system
manager regarding this data integrity responsibility is not clear, nor is the extent to
which other federal records management law, such as Chapters 31 and 33 of Title 44,
United States Code, is applicable.
GAO Evaluations
In September 2003 testimony before two subcommittees of the House Select
Committee on Homeland Security, Robert F. Dacey, Director of Information Security
Issues for GAO, discussed, among other information sharing matters, the federal
government’s critical information protection (CIP) effort, “which is focused on the
sharing of information on incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities, and the providing of
warnings related to critical infrastructures both within the federal government and
between the federal government and state and local governments and the private
sector.” Acknowledging that “improvements have been made,” further efforts were
thought to be needed to address the following critical CIP challenges:
developing a comprehensive and coordinated national plan to
facilitate CIP information sharing that clearly delineates the roles
and responsibilities of federal and nonfederal CIP entities, defines
interim objectives and milestones, sets timeframes for achieving
objectives, and establishes performance measures;
developing fully productive information sharing relationships
within the federal government and between the federal government
and state and local governments and the private sector;
improving the federal government’s capabilities to analyze incident,
threat, and vulnerability information obtained from numerous
sources and share appropriate, timely, useful warnings and other

information concerning both cyber and physical threats to federal
entities, state and local governments, and the private sector; and
providing appropriate incentives for nonfederal entities to increase
information sharing with the federal government and enhance other
CIP efforts.79
Recounting various recent CIP developments, Dacey noted the 1998 issuance
of Presidential Decision Directive 63, which “established CIP as a national goal and
described a strategy for cooperative efforts by government and the private sector to
protect the physical and cyber-based systems essential to the minimum operations of
the economy and the government,” as well as “organizations to provide central
coordination and support.” Critical infrastructure sectors essential to national
security, national economic security, and/or national public health and safety were
identified. “For these sectors, which now total 14, federal government leads (sector
liaisons) and private-sector leads (sector coordinators) were to work with each other
to address problems related to CIP for their sector” through the development and
implementation of vulnerability and education programs and a sectoral preparation
plan assessing sector vulnerabilities to cyber or physical attack, as well as ways to
eliminate significant vulnerabilities, and identify, prevent, respond to, and recover
from attacks. The “voluntary creation of information sharing and analysis centers
(ISACs) to serve as mechanisms for gathering, analyzing, and appropriately
sanitizing and disseminating information to and from infrastructure sectors and the
federal government” was encouraged. Dacey identified 15 established ISACs and a
prospective center in the maritime transportation sector.80
“An underlying issue in the implementation of CIP,” according to the GAO
testimony, “is that no national plan to facilitate information sharing yet exists that
clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities of federal and nonfederal CIP entities,
defines interim objectives and milestones, sets time frames for achieving objectives,
and establishes performance measures.” Such a plan, which GAO, since 1998, has
called for and “made numerous related recommendations regarding,” would appear
to be outside of the scope of the homeland security information sharing procedures
mandated by Section 892 of the Homeland Security Act (although the creation of the
procedures seemingly would benefit from having such a plan). The plan is, however,
anticipated in the National Strategy for Homeland Security, which indicates that its
creation will build on “baseline physical and cyber infrastructure protection plans”
then under development and subsequently produced in February 2003 as the National
Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets
the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.81 The President’s November 2002 DHS
reorganization plan tasks the department’s Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure
Protection with developing “a national plan for securing the key resources and critical
79 U.S. General Accounting Office, Homeland Security: Information Sharing
Responsibilities, Challenges, and Key Management Issues
, GAO Testimony GAO-03-1165T
(Washington: Sept. 17, 2003), pp. 2-3.
80 Ibid., pp. 12-15.
81 See U.S. Office of Homeland Security, National Strategy for Homeland Security
(Washington: July 2002), p. 33.

infrastructure of the United States,” and specifies certain systems to be included in
such a plan.82
Six months later, in a reprise, Dacey appeared before the same subcommittees
of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security to discuss the status of ISACs.
Operative CIP policy “left the actual design and function of the ISACs to the entities
that formed them,” he explained. “As a result, although their overall missions are
similar, the current ISACs were established and developed based on the unique
characteristics and needs of their individual sectors. They operate under different
management and operational structures,” he continued, “and, among other things,
have different business models and funding mechanisms.” While “most are managed
or operated as private entities,” some “are part of associations that represent their
sectors” and others “have partnered with government agencies.” The “funding
mechanisms used by the ISACs include fee-for-service, association sponsorship,
federal grants, and/or voluntary or in-kind operations by ISAC participants.”83
Dacey proffered examples of the various methods being used by ISACs to share
information with their members, other ISACs, and the federal government. These
methods include:
! Member access to electronic information via email and websites;
! Secure members-only access to information on the ISAC website;
! Conference calls for members; and
! Other IT such as pagers, telephone calls, and faxes to disseminate
Eleven of the 15 existing ISACs have “created an ISAC Council to work on
various operational, process, and other common issues to effectively analyze and
disseminate information and, where possible, to leverage the work of the entire ISAC
community,” Dacey reported. He also provided examples of actions taken by DHS
and other agencies to promote and support ISACs, organize critical infrastructure
sectors, and foster information sharing through the ISACs.85
In a July 2004 followup report to the leaders of the two subcommittees of the
House Select Committee on Homeland Security to whom testimony had been given
82 U.S. White House Office, Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan
(Washington: Nov. 25, 2002), p. 9.
83 U.S. General Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Establishing
Effective Information Sharing with Infrastructure Sectors
, GAO Testimony GAO-04-699T
(Washington: Apr. 21, 2004), p. 2.
84 Ibid., p. 16; Dacey noted that “the Telecommunications ISAC uses the Critical
Infrastructure Warning Information Network,” which provides continuous, around-the-clock
alert and notification capability to government and industry participants.
85 Ibid., pp. 23, 24-26.

earlier, GAO identified actions the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the
ISACs could take to improve the effectiveness of CIP information sharing efforts.
Among the more significant challenges identified were the following.
Government agencies and the ISACs need to build trusted
relationships between them to facilitate information sharing. In
some cases, establishing such relationships may be difficult because
sector-specific agencies may also have a regulatory role.
The federal government and the private sector should share
information on incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities. Most ISACs
reported that they believed they were providing appropriate
information to the government but, while noting improvements,
they still had concerns with the information being provided to them
by DHS and/or their sector-specific agencies. These concerns
included the limited quantity of information and the need for more
specific, timely, and actionable information. In its recent white
papers, the ISAC Council also has identified a number of potential
barriers to information sharing between the private sector and the
government. These included the sensitivity of the information
(such as law enforcement information), legal limits on disclosure
(such as Privacy Act limitations on disclosure of personally
identifiable information), and contractual and business limits on
how and when information is disclosed (e.g., the Financial Services
ISAC does not allow any governmental or law enforcement access
to its database). The Council also emphasized that perhaps the
greatest barriers to information sharing stem from practical and
business considerations in that, although important, the benefits of
sharing information are often difficult to discern, while the risks
and costs of sharing are direct and foreseeable.
The roles of the various government and private-sector entities
involved in protecting critical infrastructures must continue to be
identified and defined. In particular, officials for several ISACs
wanted a better definition of DHS’s role with respect to them. The
ISAC Council also identified the need for DHS to establish the
goals of its directorates and the relationship of these directorates
with the private sector. The Council also wants clarification of the
roles of the other federal agencies, state agencies, and other entities
— such as the National Infrastructure Advisory Council.
Government funding is needed. Ten of the ISACs we contacted
emphasized the importance of government funding for purposes
including creating the ISAC, supporting operations, increasing
membership, developing metrics, and providing for additional
Private-sector analytical efforts should not be overlooked and must
be integrated into the federal processes for a more complete
understanding. The private sector understands its processes, assets,

and operations best and can be relied upon to provide the required
private-sector subject matter expertise.86
Acknowledging that “DHS has taken a number of actions to implement the
public/private partnership called for by federal CIP policy,” GAO, nonetheless,
DHS has not yet developed a plan for how it will carry out its information
sharing responsibilities, including efforts to address the challenges identified by
the ISACs and the ISAC Council. In addition, DHS has not developed internal
policies and procedures to help ensure effective information sharing by the many
entities within the department that collect and analyze information that may
impact the security of our nation’s critical infrastructure. It is essential for DHS
to develop this plan, along with internal policies and procedures, to establish
effective information-sharing relationships both within DHS and with other
federal agencies and infrastructure sectors.87
Legislative Considerations
It appears that there are at least two possible legislative approaches to create a
policy framework for a trusted information network for sharing counterterrorism and
related information among federal, state, and local governments, as well as selected
portions of the private sector. One strategy might be to amend the Homeland
Security Act with such a framework. Another strategy might be to amend Chapter
35 of Title 44, United States Code, captioned “Coordination of Federal Information
Policy.” Located in this chapter are such information life cycle management laws as
the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Federal Information Security Management Act,
which was enacted as Title III of the E-Government Act of 2002.88
Each strategy has implications for the designation of a principal manager of the
resulting policy framework for a trusted information sharing network. Amending the
Homeland Security Act in this regard suggests that the Secretary of Homeland
Security or his designee from within the Department of Homeland Security, such as
the Chief Information Officer, would be the principal network manager, while
amending Chapter 35 of Title 44, United States Code, suggests the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or his designee would be the principal
manager. In the latter case, however, it might be possible that the OMB director
would designate the Secretary of Homeland Security or another official within the
Department of Homeland Security, with the Secretary’s concurrence, as his agent for
managing the network. Whether the OMB director or the Secretary of Homeland
Security is made the principal manager of the network, it would probably be useful,
in terms of accountability, to specify that a “principal officer” shall be designated by
either the OMB director or the Secretary, as the case may be, whose primary
86 U.S. General Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Improving
Information Sharing with Infrastructure Sectors
, GAO Report GAO-04-780 (Washington:
July 2004), pp. 9-10.
87 Ibid., p. 10.
88 116 Stat. 2899 at 2946.

responsibility shall be to carry out the duties of whichever official is tasked as the
principal manager.
Identified below are some possible components for legislation establishing a
policy framework for a trusted information network for information sharing:
purposes, definitions, authority and functions of a principal manager, federal agency
responsibilities, other participants’ responsibilities (which, at this basic stage of
development, are the same as those set out for federal agencies), and annual
inventory and assessment of information sharing initiatives.89 Options regarding the
primary manager are provided, and some other considerations are offered for each of
the proffered components.
While some of the key recommendations of the National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) report emphasized the
need to improve information sharing practices, the report was, for the most part,
silent regarding how these recommendations might be carried out statutorily. To that
end, legislation to implement the “trusted information network” called for in the 9/11
Commission report would need to address concerns such as standard-setting
authority, agency responsibilities, and congressional oversight. The concepts set out
below are possible components of potential information sharing legislation.
The purposes of this act are the following:
! To facilitate the creation of a “trusted information network.”
! To promote better informed decisionmaking by policy makers.
! To improve the ability of the government to share information
within and among agencies, and among federal, state, and local
government agencies and selected portions of the private sector.
! To promote interoperable information standards.
! To facilitate a shift from a “need to know” culture of information
protection to a “need to share” culture of integration.
! Director — the term “Director” means the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) [alternatively, the Secretary of
Homeland Security may be inserted].
! Trusted information network — the term “trusted information
network” means a secure, decentralized, scalable, interoperable,
89 The Federal Information Security Management Act provides a legislative model at 116
Stat. 2946.

permission-based network, accessible to the appropriate federal,
state, local, and private sector entities, designed to facilitate the
sharing and analysis of information.
! Enterprise architecture — the term “enterprise architecture” means
(A) (i) a strategic information asset base, which defines the mission;
(ii) the information necessary to perform the mission; (iii) the
technologies necessary to perform the mission; and (iv) the
transitional processes for implementing new technologies in
response to changing mission needs; and (B) includes (i) a baseline
architecture; (ii) a target architecture; and (iii) a sequencing plan.
! Relevant agency — the term “relevant agency” means any agency
with responsibility for intelligence and/or homeland security.
Authority and Functions of the OMB Director [or, Alternatively, the
Secretary of Homeland Security].
The Director [or Secretary of Homeland Security], in coordination with the
Secretary of Homeland Security [or omit in alternative case], the Chief Information
Officer and the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Homeland Security,
and the designated representatives of the relevant agencies, and in accordance with
the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 and the E-Government Act of 2002, shall:
! Endeavor to make the information technology systems of the federal
government, including communications systems, effective, efficient,
secure, and appropriately interoperable.
! Oversee and ensure the development and implementation of a
trusted information network for government-wide information
! Develop, in conjunction with ongoing federal enterprise architecture
efforts, a comprehensive enterprise architecture for information
systems, including communications systems, to achieve
interoperability between and among information systems of agencies
with responsibility for homeland security.
! Develop a plan to achieve interoperability between and among
information systems, including communications systems, of
agencies with responsibility for homeland security and those of state
and local agencies with responsibility for homeland security.
! Establish timetables for the development and implementation of the
trusted information network and associated enterprise architecture.
! Consult with information systems management experts in the public
and private sectors, in the development and implementation of the
trusted information network and associated enterprise architecture.

! Submit, not later than 120 days after the enactment of this act, a
report on efforts to develop and implement the trusted information
network to the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate
and the Committee on Government Reform of the House of
Representatives, with semi-annual reports submitted thereafter.
! Designate, with the approval of the President, a principal officer in
the Office of Management and Budget [or Department of Homeland
Security], whose primary responsibility shall be to carry out the
duties of the Director [or Secretary of Homeland Security] assigned
in this act.
Federal Agency Responsibilities.
The head of each relevant agency shall:
! Cooperate fully with the Director [or Secretary of Homeland
Security] in the development of the trusted information network and
associated enterprise architecture to implement government-wide
information sharing, and in the management and acquisition of
information technology consistent with applicable law.
! Develop, document, and implement an agency-wide plan to
participate in the trusted information network in accordance with any
policies or procedures promulgated by the Director [or Secretary of
Homeland Security].
! Report semi-annually to the Director [or Secretary of Homeland
Security] on the progress and effectiveness of efforts to develop and
adopt interoperable information standards, and a scalable enterprise
architecture, and the scope and substance of the information being
shared with other federal, state, and local agencies and selected
portions of the private sector.
! Designate a chief information sharing officer whose primary
responsibility shall be to carry out the agency’s responsibilities
related to this act in coordination with the Director [or Secretary of
Homeland Security].
Other Participants’ Responsibilities.
The head of each relevant state and local government agency, other
governmental entity, or private sector organization shall:
! Cooperate fully with the Director [or Secretary of Homeland
Security] in the development of the trusted information network and
associated enterprise architecture to implement government-wide
information sharing, and in the management and acquisition of
information technology consistent with applicable law.

! Develop, document, and implement an agency-wide plan to
participate in the trusted information network in accordance with any
policies or procedures promulgated by the Director [or Secretary of
Homeland Security].
! Report semi-annually to the Director [or Secretary of Homeland
Security] on the progress and effectiveness of efforts to develop and
adopt interoperable information standards, and a scalable enterprise
architecture, and the scope and substance of the information being
shared with other federal, state and local agencies and selected
portions of the private sector.
! Designate a chief information sharing officer whose primary
responsibility shall be to carry out the agency’s responsibilities
related to this act in coordination with the Director [or Secretary of
Homeland Security].
Annual Inventory and Assessment of Information Sharing
! Each year the Director [or Secretary of Homeland Security] shall
perform an inventory of existing information sharing initiatives
being carried out at the federal, state, and local levels to assess what
information is being shared, with whom it is being shared, resources
being used, the effectiveness of the initiative, and to identify any
overlap or duplication of efforts.

! For each initiative documented in the inventory, the inventory shall
include information regarding: the lead agency/organization in
charge of the initiative, the participant agencies involved in each
initiative, the type(s) of information being shared, the technology
used to facilitate sharing, the capabilities of the sharing system, and
security procedures.

! To the extent an information sharing initiative includes classified
activities, details about this initiative will be made available to
Congress only through the appropriate oversight committees of
Congress, in accordance with applicable laws.
! Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this act, an
initial inventory of information sharing initiatives shall be prepared
by the Director [or Secretary of Homeland Security] and submitted
to the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the
Committee on Government Reform of the House of Representatives,
with annual reports submitted thereafter.
Related Proposed Legislation
Among the information sharing proposals offered during the 108th Congress, S.
2701, the Homeland Security Interagency and Interjurisdictional Information Sharing

Act of 2004, was introduced by Senator Joseph Lieberman with bipartisan support
on July 21, 2004.90 Referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs, the
legislation would establish a Homeland Security Information Sharing Network to
facilitate information flow within and among federal, state, local, and tribal
government agencies; establish a Homeland Security Information Coordinating
Council to develop and oversee protocols and procedures for sharing homeland
security information; direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to create a
performance management plan and an incentive program to assess and promote
information sharing objectives; and establish an Office of Information Sharing (OIS)
within the Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness at
DHS. OIS, among other responsibilities, would be tasked with facilitating
information sharing among federal, state, and local government agencies through the
creation of regional task forces and the establishment of 24-hour operations centers
in each state; fostering the development of interoperable communications systems for
state and local agencies; providing technical assistance to state and local agencies in
the development of regional information sharing networks; and administering a
preparedness grant program to support state and local agency information sharing
Senator Lieberman also introduced S. 2708, the National Strategy for Homeland
Security Act of 2004, on July 21, 2004.91 Referred to the Committee on
Governmental Affairs as well, the measure directs the Secretary of Homeland
Security, “in collaboration with the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security
and the Homeland Security Council,” to “develop the National Strategy for
Homeland Security for the detection, prevention, protection, response, and recovery
with regard to terrorist threats to the United States.” This mandated national strategy
would be an updated version of the one issued in July 2002, and would itself be
rewritten every fours years, with updates every two years and annual progress reports
to be submitted with the President’s annual budget request. With respect to
information sharing, Section 3(c)(2)(a) of S. 2708 would have the National Strategy
for Homeland Security include “policies and procedures to maximize the collection,
translation, analysis, exploitation, and dissemination of information relating to
combating terrorism and the homeland security response throughout the Federal
government, and with State and local authorities, and, as appropriate, the private
On September 7, 2004, Senator John McCain, with bipartisan support,
introduced S. 2774, the 9/11 Commission Report Implementation Act of 2004.92
Read the first time and placed on the Senate legislative calendar, the measure
includes provisions designed to implement most of the 41 recommendations offered
in the 9/11 Commission report. Title II of the bill specifically addresses issues
related to information sharing. Various provisions direct the President to establish
an information sharing network to facilitate collaboration and information sharing
among federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies; establish an Advisory
90 Congressional Record, daily edition, vol. 150, July 21, 2004, pp. S8550-S855.
91 Ibid., pp. S8558-S8559.
92 Ibid., Sept. 7, 2004, pp. S8864-S8915.

Council on Information Sharing to advise the President and relevant agency officials
on issues related to the establishment and ongoing operation of the information
sharing network; require the President to submit semiannual reports to Congress
regarding the state of the information sharing network; require participant agencies
to submit annual reports to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regarding
their use and expenditures related to the information sharing network; and require the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) to assess periodically the implementation
and operation of the information sharing network. A companion bill, H.R. 5040, was
introduced in the House on September 9 by Representative Christopher Shays for
himself and 32 cosponsors, and was referred to 10 committees.
A somewhat similar bill, H.R. 5024, was introduced in the House on September
8 by Representative Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader, with 109 initial cosponsors,
and was referred to 11 committees. Title V of the proposal directs the President to
determine guidelines for acquiring, accessing, using, and sharing information about
individuals among federal, state, and local governments, as well as the private sector,
and establishes “within the executive branch a board to oversee adherence to” the
President’s afore-mandated guidelines and “the commitment the Government makes
to defend civil liberties.”
Another comprehensive reform bill, S. 2811, introduced on September 15 by
Senator Arlen Specter, establishes a Department of Intelligence headed by a Director
of Intelligence.93 Among other responsibilities, the director is to develop, in
consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and
the heads of other appropriate departments and agencies, an integrated
communications network that provides interoperable communications capabilities
among all elements of the intelligence community and such other entities and persons
as the director considers appropriate; set forth, after consultation with the Attorney
General, common standards, through written requirements, procedures, and
guidelines, for the collection and sharing of information collected abroad and in the
U.S. by the elements of the intelligence community, and with state and local
governments in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, while to the
maximum extent practicable, protecting the privacy and civil liberties of U.S. persons
and ensuring the relevant officers of the federal government are provided with clear,
understandable, consistent, effective, and lawful procedures and guidelines for the
collection, handling, distribution, and retention of information; and require
information to be shared free of originator controls, including controls requiring the
consent of the originating agency prior to the dissemination of the information
outside any other agency to which it has been made available, and otherwise
minimizing the applicability of information compartmentalization systems to
information while holding personnel accountable for increased sharing of intelligence
related to the national security. The bill was referred to the Committee on
Governmental Affairs.
On September 16, the Bush Administration sent to Congress draft legislation to
strengthen the intelligence capabilities of the federal government. Based upon
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, the proposal establishes a National
93 Congressional Record, daily edition, vol. 150, Sept. 15, 2004, p. S9288.

Intelligence Director (NID), who, among other responsibilities, is to establish
common security and access standards for managing and handling intelligence
systems, information, and products, including access to collected data and analytic
products generated by or within the intelligence community, focusing particularly on
facilitating among the agencies and organizations within the intelligence community
and networks available across the other federal agencies involved in national security
and homeland security activities, state and local governments, and, as appropriate,
other entities, the fullest and most prompt sharing of and access to information and
products practicable, including access to collected data and analytic products, with
special emphasis on detecting, preventing, preempting, and disrupting terrorist threats
and attacks against the U.S., its people, property, and interest. In doing so, the
director is also tasked with the establishment of interface standards for an
interoperable information-sharing enterprise that facilitates automated access to
national intelligence by agencies and organizations within the intelligence
Selected by the Senate majority and minority leaders to lead the effort to
legislatively implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, Senator
Susan Collins, the chair of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, and Senator
Joseph Lieberman, the ranking minority member on the panel, initially discussed the
general terms of their reform bill at a September 15 press conference.94 The text of
the legislation was made public in draft form on September 20. The Committee on
Governmental Affairs began a markup of the Collins proposal on September 21, and
completed their action the following day when the committee ordered the amended
measure favorably reported as an original bill. Introduced by Senator Collins as an
original bill on September 23, the legislation was designated S. 2840, the National
Intelligence Reform Act.95 The proposal was also introduced a second time that day,
with Senator Lieberman as a cosponsor, and was designated S. 2545. At the end of
the day, unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that, on September 27,
the Senate would begin consideration of S. 2845. As introduced, S. 2845 makes the
NID responsible for intelligence dissemination and sharing, including using an
integrated communications network that provides interoperable communications
capabilities among all elements of the intelligence community and other appropriate
entities; directs the President to establish a trusted information network to facilitate
collaboration and information sharing among federal, state, local, and tribal
government agencies; establishes an Advisory Council on Information Sharing to
advise the President and relevant agency officials on issues related to the
establishment and ongoing operation of the information sharing network; requires the
President to submit semiannual reports to Congress regarding the state of the
information sharing network; requires participant agencies to submit annual reports
to OMB regarding their use and expenditures related to the information sharing
network; and requires GAO to assess periodically the implementation and operation
of the information sharing network. A bill very similar to S. 2845 was introduced in
94 Amy Klamper and John Stanton, “Intelligence: ... As Collins, Lieberman Unveil a
Rtesponse to 9/11 Panel,” CongressDailyPM, Sept. 15, 2004, available at
[http://nationaljournal.com/pubs/congressdaily/dj040915.htm]; Philip Shenon, “Intelligence
Proposals Gain in Congress,” New York Times, Sept. 16, 2004, p. A15.
95 See Congressional Record, daily edition, vol. 150, Sept. 23, 2004, pp. S9615-S9638.

the House on September 24 by Representative Christopher Shays with bipartisan
support and was designated H.R. 5150, the National Intelligence Reform Act. It was
referred to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
In the House, the vehicle for implementing the recommendations of the 9/11
Commission was introduced by Representative Dennis Hastert on September 24 and
was designated H.R. 10, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act. The bill
drew upon the President’s September 16 draft proposal, with additional input from
committee chairs who had held hearings on the findings and recommendations of the
9/11 Commission during August and the early weeks of September. As a result, the
bill contains various provisions not found in S. 2845, as introduced. Provisions of
H.R. 10, as introduced, vest the NID with authority to ensure maximum availability
of, and access to, intelligence information within the intelligence community,
consistent with national security requirements; authorize additional appropriations
for information systems for sharing data concerning money laundering and terrorist
financing;; foster improved information sharing and dissemination by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation; direct the NID to establish an interim, interoperable
intelligence data exchange system that will connect the data systems operated
independently by the entities in the intelligence community and by the National
Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to permit automated data exchange among these
entities, and also to establish a fully functional, interoperable law enforcement and
intelligence electronic data system — to be known as the “Chimera system”— within
the NCTC to provide immediate access to information in databases of federal law
enforcement agencies and the intelligence community that is necessary to identify
terrorists, and organizations and individuals that support terrorism; and mandate the
Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a mechanism to ensure the coordination
and dissemination of terrorist travel intelligence and operational information among
appropriate agencies. The House bill was referred to the Committees on Armed
Services, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services,
Government Reform, International Relations, the Judiciary, Rules, Science,
Transportation and Infrastructure, and Ways and Means, as well as the Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence and the Select Committee on Homeland Security.
Committee markups were scheduled to begin on September 29.
The perceived sense of urgency concerning legislation related to the
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission appears to be strong. There are, however,
relatively few legislative days remaining in the second session of the 108th Congress.
In addition, the complexity of the issues involved, and other competing legislative
priorities, such as appropriations, suggests that activity on information sharing
legislation might be carried over to the 109th Congress. This could take the form of
brief bills designed to amend or augment specific aspects of existing law, or attempts
at early passage of a more comprehensive bill, which might have been discussed or
debated in the closing days of the 108th Congress.

Appendix 1: Selected Online Information Sharing
Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS.gov)
Information Sharing and Analysis Center Council (ISAC Council)
Multi-State Information Sharing Analysis Center (MS-ISAC)
Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC)
Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC)
Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC)
Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ENERGY-ISAC)
Electricity Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ESISAC)
Chemical Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center
Healthcare Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (HCISAC)
Highway Information Sharing and Analysis Center
Surface Transportation and Public Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis
Center (ST-ISAC)
National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications Information Sharing and
Analysis Center (NCC-ISAC)