Order Code RS21026
Updated May 21, 2003
CRS Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web
Terrorism and Security Issues Facing the
Water Infrastructure Sector
Claudia Copeland and Betsy Cody
Resources, Science, and Industry Division
Damage to or destruction of the nation’s water supply and water quality
infrastructure by terrorist attack could disrupt the delivery of vital human services in this
country, threatening public health and the environment, or possibly causing loss of life.
Interest in such problems has increased since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Across the country, water infrastructure systems extend over vast areas, and ownership
and operation responsibility are both public and private but are overwhelmingly non-
federal. Since the attacks, federal dam operators and water and wastewater utilities have
been under heightened security conditions and are evaluating security plans and
measures. Policymakers are considering a number of options, including enhanced
physical security, better communication and coordination, and research. A key issue is
how additional protections and resources directed at public and private sector priorities
will be funded. In response, Congress has approved $410 million in funds for security
at water infrastructure facilities (P.L. 107-117, P.L. 108-7, and P.L. 108-11) and passed
a bill requiring drinking water utilities to conduct security vulnerability assessments
(P.L. 107-188). Congress also created a Department of Homeland Security with
responsibilities to coordinate information to secure the nation’s critical infrastructure,
including the water sector (P.L. 107-297). Continuing attention to these issues in the
108th Congress is anticipated. Current interest is focusing on bills concerning security
of wastewater utilities (H.R. 866, S. 1039). This report will be updated as warranted.
The September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have
drawn attention to the security of many institutions, facilities, and systems in the United
States, including the nation’s water supply and water quality infrastructure.1 These
systems have long been recognized as being potentially vulnerable to terrorist attacks of
various types, including physical disruption, bioterrorism/chemical contamination, and
cyber attack. Damage or destruction by terrorist attack could disrupt the delivery of vital
human services in this country, threatening public health and the environment, or possibly
1 For additional information, see the CRS Electronic Briefing Book on Terrorism
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

causing loss of life. The potential for terrorism is not new. In 1941, Federal Bureau of
Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote, “It has long been recognized that among
public utilities, water supply facilities offer a particularly vulnerable point of attack to the
foreign agent, due to the strategic position they occupy in keeping the wheels of industry
turning and in preserving the health and morale of the American populace.” Water
infrastructure systems also are highly linked with other infrastructures, especially electric
power and transportation, as well as the chemical industry which supplies treatment
chemicals, making security of all of them an issue of concern.
Broadly speaking, water infrastructure systems include surface and ground water
sources of untreated water for municipal, industrial, agricultural, and household needs;
dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, and pipes that contain and transport raw water; treatment
facilities that remove raw water contaminants; finished water reservoirs; systems that
distribute water to users; and wastewater collection and treatment facilities. Across the
country, these systems comprise more than 75,000 dams and reservoirs; thousands of
miles of pipes, aqueducts, water distribution, and sewer lines; 168,000 public drinking
water facilities (many serving as few as 25 customers); and about 16,000 publicly owned
wastewater treatment facilities. Ownership and management are both public and private;
the federal government has ownership responsibility for hundreds of dams and diversion
structures, but the vast majority of the nation’s water infrastructure is either privately
owned or owned by non-federal units of government.
The federal government has built hundreds of water projects, primarily dams and
reservoirs for irrigation development and flood control, with municipal and industrial
water use (M&I) as an incidental, self-financed, project purpose. Many of these facilities
are critically entwined with the nation’s overall water supply, transportation, and
electricity infrastructure. The largest federal facilities were built and are managed by the
Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau) of the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (Corps) of the Department of Defense.
Bureau reservoirs, particularly those along the Colorado River, supply water to
millions of people in southern California, Arizona, and Nevada via Bureau and non-
Bureau aqueducts. Bureau projects also supply water to 9 million acres of farmland and
other municipal and industrial water users in the 17 western states. The Corps supplies
water to thousands of cities, towns, and industries from the 9.5 million acre-feet of water
stored in its 116 lakes and reservoirs throughout the country, including service to
approximately one million residents of the District of Columbia, Arlington County, and
the City of Falls Church. The largest federal facilities also produce enormous amounts
of power. For example, Hoover and Glen Canyon dams on the Colorado River represent
23% of the installed electrical capacity of the Bureau of Reclamation’s 58 power plants
in the West and 7% of the total installed capacity in the Western United States. Similarly,
Corps facilities and the Bureau’s Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River provide 43%
of the total installed capacity in the West (25% nationwide).
A fairly small number of large drinking water and wastewater utilities located
primarily in urban areas(about 15% of the systems) provide water services to more than
75% of the U.S. population. Arguably, these systems represent the greatest targets of
opportunity for terrorist attacks, while the large number of small systems that each serve

fewer than 10,000 persons are less likely to be perceived as key targets by terrorists who
might seek to disrupt water infrastructure systems. However, the more numerous smaller
systems also tend to be less protected and, thus, are potentially more vulnerable to attack,
whether by vandals or terrorists. A successful attack could cause widespread panic,
economic impacts, and a loss of public confidence in water supply systems.
Threats resulting in physical destruction to any of these systems could include
disruption of operating or distribution system components, power or telecommunications
systems, electronic control systems, and actual damage to reservoirs and pumping
stations. A loss of flow and pressure would cause problems for customers and would
hinder firefighting efforts. Further, destruction of a large dam could result in catastrophic
flooding and loss of life. Bioterrorism or chemical threats could deliver massive
contamination by small amounts of microbiological agents or toxic chemicals, and could
endanger the public health of thousands. While some experts believe that risks to water
systems actually are small, because it would be difficult to introduce sufficient quantities
of agents to cause widespread harm, concern and heightened awareness of potential
problems are apparent. Characteristics that are relevant to a biological agent’s potential
as a weapon include its stability in a drinking water system, virulence, culturability in the
quantity required, and resistance to detection and treatment. Cyber attacks on computer
operations can affect an entire infrastructure network, and hacking in water utility systems
could result in theft or corruption of information or denial and disruption of service.
Responses to Security Concerns
Federal dam operators went on “high-alert” immediately following the September
11 terrorist attacks. The Bureau closed its visitor facilities at Grand Coulee, Hoover, and
Glen Canyon dams.2 Because of potential loss of life and property downstream if
breached, security threats are under constant review, and coordination efforts with both
the National Guard and local law enforcement officials are ongoing. The Corps also
operates under continued high defense alert and temporarily closed all its facilities to
visitors after September 11, although locks and dams remained operational.
Although officials believe that risks to water and wastewater utilities are small,
operators have been under heightened security conditions since September 11. Local
utilities have primary responsibility to assess their vulnerabilities and prioritize them for
necessary security improvements. Most (especially in urban areas) have emergency
preparedness plans that address issues such as redundancy of operations, public
notification, and coordination with law enforcement and emergency response officials.
However, many plans were developed to respond to natural disasters, domestic threats
such as vandalism, and, in some cases, cyber attacks. Drinking water and wastewater
utilities coordinated efforts to prepare for possible Y2K impacts on their computer
systems, but these efforts focused more on cyber security than physical terrorism
concerns. Thus, it is unclear whether previously existing plans incorporate sufficient
procedures to address other types of terrorist threats. Utility officials are reluctant to
disclose details of their systems or these confidential plans, since doing so might alert
terrorists to vulnerabilities.
2 Together, these three facilities make up roughly 70% of the total installed electrical capacity
(14,092 megawatts) at Bureau projects throughout the West (28% of hydropower capacity in the
West and 16% nationwide).

Water supply was one of eight critical infrastructure systems identified in President
Clinton’s 1998 Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63)3 as part of a coordinated
national effort to achieve the capability to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure from
intentional acts that would diminish them. These efforts focused primarily on the 340
large community water supply systems which each serve more than 100,000 persons. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was identified as the lead federal agency for
liaison with the water supply sector. In response, in 2000, EPA established a partnership
with the American Metropolitan Water Association (AMWA) and American Water
Works Association (AWWA) to jointly undertake measures to safeguard water supplies
from terrorist acts. AWWA’s Research Foundation has contracted with the Department
of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratory to develop a vulnerability assessment tool for
water systems (as an extension of methodology for assessing federal dams). EPA is
supporting an ongoing project with the Sandia Lab to pilot test the physical vulnerability
assessment tool and develop a cyber vulnerability assessment tool. An Information
Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) supported by an EPA grant became operational
under AMWA’s leadership in December 2002. It will allow for dissemination of alerts
to drinking water and wastewater utilities about threats or vulnerabilities to the integrity
of their operations that have been detected and viable resolutions to problems.
Some research on water sector infrastructure protection is underway. The
Department of the Army is conducting research in the area of detection and treatment to
remove various chemical agents. FEMA is leading an effort to produce databases of
water distribution systems and to develop assessment tools for evaluating threats posed
by the introduction of a biological or chemical agent into a water system. The Centers for
Disease Control is developing guidance on potential biological agents and the effects of
standard water treatment practices on their persistence. However, in the January 2001
report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, ongoing water
sector research was characterized as a small effort that leaves a number of gaps and
shortfalls relative to U.S. water supplies, including development of threat/vulnerability
risk assessments and identification of biological and chemical agents of concern.4
Less attention has been focused on protecting wastewater treatment facilities than
drinking water systems, perhaps because destruction of them probably represents more
of an environmental threat (i.e., by release of untreated sewage) than direct threat to life
or public welfare. Vulnerabilities do exist, however. Large underground collector sewers
could be accessed by terrorist groups for purposes of placing destructive devices beneath
buildings or city streets. Damage to a wastewater facility prevents water from being
treated and can impact downriver water intakes. Destruction of containers that hold large
amounts of chemicals at treatment plants could result in release of toxic chemical agents,
such as chlorine gas. To prepare for potential accidental releases of hazardous chemicals
from their facilities, 3,460 wastewater and drinking water utilities already are subject to
risk management planning requirements under the Clean Air Act. Wastewater and
drinking water utility organizations are implementing computer software and training
3 “The Clinton Administration’s Policy on Critical Infrastructure Protection: Presidential
Decision Directive 63.” See [http://www.ciao.gov/resource/paper598.html].
4 Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office. Report of the President of the United States on the
Status of Federal Critical Infrastructure Protection Activities
. January 2001. See

materials to evaluate vulnerabilities at large, medium, and small utility systems, and EPA
has provided some grant assistance for vulnerability assessments (discussed below).
Federal officials have been reassessing federal infrastructure vulnerabilities for
several years. The Bureau of Reclamation’s site security program is aimed at ensuring
protection of the Bureau’s 362 high- and significant-hazard dams and facilities and 58
hydroelectric plants. The Corps implements a facility protection program to detect,
protect, and respond to threats to Corps facilities and a dam security program to
coordinate security systems for Corps infrastructure.
A February 2003 White House report (The National Strategy for the Physical
Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets) presents a strategy for protecting
the nation’s critical infrastructures and identifies four water sector initiatives: identify
high-priority vulnerabilities and improve site security; improve monitoring and analytic
capabilities; improve information exchange and coordinate contingency planning; and
work with other sectors to manage unique risks resulting from interdependencies. It also
proposes establishing an ISAC for information sharing among dam operators. The
strategy is intended to focus national protection priorities, inform resource allocation
processes, and be the basis for cooperative public and private protection actions.
Department of Homeland Security. In November, Congress approved a major
government reorganization to create a Department of Homeland Security, consolidating
all or parts of 22 federal agencies (P.L. 107-297). The new department includes
coordination to secure the nation’s critical infrastructure, including water infrastructure,
through partnerships with the public and private sectors. It is responsible for detailed
implementation of core elements of the national strategy for protection of critical
infrastructures. One of its tasks is to assess infrastructure vulnerabilities, an activity that
wastewater and drinking water utilities have been doing since September 11, under their
own initiatives and congressional mandates (P.L. 107-188, discussed below). The
legislation did not transfer Corps or Bureau responsibilities for security protection of
dams or EPA’s responsibilities to assist drinking water and wastewater utilities.
Appropriations. In September 2001, Congress appropriated $40 billion for
recovery from and response to terrorist attacks (P.L. 107-38). The President allocated $20
billion of this total (about $30 million went to water infrastructure), and in October 2001,
he requested allocation of the remaining $20 billion to be distributed by Congress. The
request included $245 million for federal water infrastructure programs: $30 million for
security at Bureau facilities; $139 million for security at Corps facilities; and $45.5
million to EPA for drinking water vulnerability assessments. P.L. 107-117, the DOD and
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for FY2002, provided the full amounts
requested for the Bureau and the Corps and increased funding for EPA, including $91
million to strengthen security at large drinking water systems through vulnerability
assessments and other non-structural security efforts. EPA awarded $51 million for
vulnerability assessment grants to 449 utilities in 2002, averaging $115,000 per utility.
The President’s FY2003 budget requested $115 million for security at water
infrastructure facilities, consisting of $28.4 million for the Bureau; $65 million for the
Corps; and $22 million for EPA, including $15 million for vulnerability assessments at
small and medium-size drinking water systems. Final action on appropriations for these
agencies was delayed until February 2003. In P.L. 108-7, Congress appropriated $85
million for water infrastructure security programs, approving the amounts requested for

EPA and the Bureau, but $30 million less than was requested for the Corps’ facility
security program. In P.L. 108-11, the FY2003 supplemental appropriations bill signed
on April 16 (H.R. 1559), Congress provided an additional $39 million for the Corps and
$25 million for the Bureau, for increased security measures at their facilities. The
President’s FY2004 budget request seeks $74 million for water infrastructure security,
including $32.4 million for EPA to support utility vulnerability assessments and the Water
ISAC, $13 million for the Corps, and $28.6 million for the Bureau.
Policy Options and Congressional Responses
Congress and other policymakers are considering a number of options in this area,
including enhanced physical security, communication and coordination, and research.
Regarding physical security, a key question is whether protective measures should be
focused on the largest water systems and facilities, where risks to the public are greatest,
or on all, since small facilities may be more vulnerable. Another option is review of
existing preparedness plans to ensure that they address newer security concerns.
Policymakers also are examining measures that could improve coordination and
exchange of information on vulnerabilities, risks, threats, and responses. This is a key
objective of the Water ISAC and also of the new Department of Homeland Security,
which includes, for example, functions of the National Infrastructure Protection Center
(NIPC) of the FBI that brings together the private sector and government agencies at all
levels to protect critical infrastructure, especially on cyber issues. One issue of interest
is how the new Department will coordinate its activities with ongoing security efforts by
other federal agencies and non-federal entities that operate water infrastructure systems.
Among the research needs being addressed are tools for vulnerability and risk
analysis, identification and response to biological/chemical agents, real-time monitoring
of water supplies, and development of information technology. The cost of additional
protections and how to pay for them are issues of interest, and policymakers continue to
consider resource needs and how to direct them at public and private sector priorities.
The 107th and 108th Congresses have considered legislation to address various policy
options, including government reorganization, and additional appropriations (discussed
above). In May 2002, Congress approved the Bioterrorism Preparedness Act (P.L. 107-
288) requiring drinking water systems serving more than 3,300 persons to conduct
vulnerability analyses and authorizing grant funding to assist utilities. (For information,
see CRS Report RL31294, Safeguarding the Nation’s Drinking Water: EPA and
Congressional Actions.)
In 2001, the House and Senate considered but did not enact
legislation authorizing a 6-year grant program for research and development on security
of water supply and wastewater treatment systems (H.R. 3178, S. 1593). In October
2002, the House approved a bill authorizing $220 million in grants and other assistance
for vulnerability assessments by wastewater treatment utilities (H.R. 5169), but the Senate
did not act on a related bill (S. 3037). Legislation authorizing the Bureau to contract with
local law enforcement to protect its facilities was enacted (P.L. 107-69). In the 108th
Congress, legislation authorizing vulnerability assessment grants to wastewater utilities
(H.R. 866, identical to H.R. 5169 in the 107th Congress) was approved by the House on
May 7, by a 413-7 vote. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved
related legislation on May 15 (S. 1039).