Order Code RS21396
January 23, 2003
CRS Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web
Iraq: Map Sources
Marilyn L. Nelson
Senior Research Librarian
Information Research Division
This report identifies selected Web sites for maps of Iraq. Selected government,
library, and organizational Web site addresses are provided. Maps of the Middle East,
Iraq, and the No-Fly Zone are also provided. This report will be updated as needed.
Map Sources
Basic static maps of Iraq and the Middle East region are provided below. The maps
from the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), Cable News Network (CNN), and Relief
Web are subject to change.

The Geography Network [http://www.geographynetwork.com/maps/gateway.html]
is a geographic information system (GIS), which provides free static maps and dynamic
map files that can be downloaded. The commercial component of this site requires GIS
software and allows for direct interaction with content. Additional maps covering social
and economic conditions can be found at the World Bank Group Maps Web site at
[http://nebula.worldbank.org/Website/index.htm]. Other map sources include the
Conflict with Iraq: Key Maps
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/02/iraq_key_maps/html/iraq.stm] This
Web site is a product of the British Broadcasting System. Key maps are presented on
“Military build up,” “UK forces,” “Iraqi bases,” “Iraqi missile range,” “Dissident areas,”
“Iraqi oilfields,” “Baghdad,” “Weapons sites,” and “Presidential palaces.”
Special Report Showdown: Iraq
This CNN Web site offers maps on suspected Iraq biological, chemical, and nuclear
facilities, potential bases for coalition operations, and general maps on Iraq. Maps
include the following.
“U.S. Military Deployment”
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

“Potential bases for coalition operations”

“Suspected Iraq Biological Facilities”
“Suspected Iraq Chemical Facilities”
“Suspected Iraq Nuclear Facilities”
This Web site is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and offers information and maps on areas of the world
requiring humanitarian relief. Maps of Iraq located on this site,
[http://www.reliefweb.int/w/map.nsf/Country?OpenForm&Query=SA_Iraq], include
“Iraq Airfields,” “Oil-for-Food in Iraq,” “General Map of Iraq,” “ICRC Water and
Sanitation Programme—Iraq 1999-2000,” and other maps of general interest.
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection: Iraq Maps
The University of Texas Web site offers a variety of maps, including many maps from
the Central Intelligence Agency. It also has many historical maps and provides links to
Iraq maps on other web sites.
National Geographic Map Machine
This Web site offers “printer friendly maps” of many countries and provides a wide
variety of geographic information on the nations of the world.
Library of Congress Geography and Map Reading Room Online Map Collections
A limited selection of CIA maps are found at the Geography and Map collections Web
site. These are historical collections covering the years 1500-1999. The division’s
Places in the News [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/plnews.html] site features
a limited number of Iraq maps.
Central Intelligence Agency Maps
The CIA creates maps of various parts of the world but does not make them available for
viewing on the Internet. Purchase information is provided at this site. For the best
selection of CIA maps, visit the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection site above.

Map of Iraq

Map of Middle East

No-Fly Zone